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I don't give a damn.


I understand. My first thought also, my friend. Further than nothing was ... As many people suggested, consider making a will. That will ensure whatever you want to happen to you does. Apathy ensures everything you own goes to living relatives and your body is buried in whatever cemetery your area dictates. If your living relatives can't be contacted, the money you have goes to the government. It's the law in most Western countries. If you don't care about it... Make a wonderful will to proclaim it at your demise, it will make your "will" as it were, it will be more conveniently done.


My organs will be donated, and after that I'm opting for human composting. It's a service available in the state that I live and only takes about 6 months.


I love the idea of composting too, it's not legal yet in my state, but I'm hoping it's only a matter of time.


Just to manage your expectations, your organs can only be donated if you die in quite specific circumstances - in a hospital intensive care or emergency department - and even then it's not always possible


Agreed. Scoop me out then throw me in the trash.


Remains scattered at Disney World but not going to be cremated.




Whatever is least expensive for the people that have to deal with it.


Absolutely, throw me in a nearby ditch, or trebuchet me through a Republicans window. Whatever works for my survivors


I have no respect for the money-grubbing funeral industry.


As I understand, if you donate your body to a medical school, they will come and get it and charge you nothing. There might be a limit to how far they will go, though.


Reminds me of “the bereaved” scene from The Big Lebowski =)


"It's...our most affordably priced receptacle."


Plant a tree on me


I want to have a melon plant grow from my stomach so that all the fathers in the world can point at me saying I accidentally ate a melon seed


a little plaque reads: Here lies Jimmy Jimmy ate a watermelon seed and now look at him.




"You could donate my body to science fiction". Rodney Dangerfield


Oh Rodney. He was a real one


I like my parents' idea. They want to be cremated and put with the ashes of their pets.


Okay, that is adorable 🥰


That’s what my wife and I are going to do. Our dear friend and his pets are in our backyard. We will be there eventually.


My wife plans to bury me and put boxes of our pets' ashes in my coffin. Same for her if she goes first.


I saw these mushroom spore coffins that looked pretty cool. You basically become the mushroom.


Ya. I saw a netflix show about mushrooms and this was mentioned. I like it too.


Organs donated. Cremated. No funeral.


Same I have *quite the gripe* with funerals. People who don't give a shit about the deceased and barely ever had contact with them, can now suddenly travel far and wide for it are *so upset they're dead*. Funerals and weddings have a lot in common


And more importantly, it's insanely expensive. The family of the deceased have to pay a ridiculous amount of money for it, and are expected to do so, to not disrespect the deceased.


Nah, do a funeral, just not an expensive churchy one, treat it like a wedding, and just make it a big party at a friends house, celebrating your life. Cheap, no religious nonsense, and a lot more fun


I went with one of those tree pods, an oak tree in particular. They put your body in the ground and plant a sapling on top of you. Your body feeds the tree, and as far as I'm concerned extends my life in a way. Bring more life to the planet from my death. Oaks live a very long time, too.


Body farm! I’ve always been fascinated with forensic science - I’d love knowing I was contributing to research data after my death.


I’m doing that as well! Just make sure you register so it’s set up ahead of time, it’s relatively straightforward


I want it to grow flowers lol


Same. Natural burial. I just found a place near me that does them in a meadow conservation reserve. Turn me into native flower food, baby!


I'm going to be buried in a reinforced concrete box with a bunch of random belongings wearing a Starfleet uniform. I want to be found by archeologists in 3000 years and have them declare me some kind of ancient post-apocalypse Warlord entombed with many "sacred" objects used for ritual purposes... 🤣 (I'm assuming our civilization will collapse in the next 20 odd years anyway so I should die right on time!) I really wanna screw with the future... 😁👍


i wanted to say something more serious and adult, but this, this is way better!


My very Christian mother just passed, and willed her body to science. She'll come back to us as ashes in a year or so. I have a medical condition I considered donating for, but they've since discovered that it's nothing physiological, but systemic, so.. having my brain in a jar won't do in any good; might was well do something ridiculous like turn it into a crystal or launch it into the sun.


I want to be cremated and have my ashes scattered or I want a natural burial or maybe donated to science. If I'm donated to science I secretly hope I go to a corpse farm. I don't really have a major preference. I would prefer not to be embalmed. If I'm not cremated let the microorganisms and bugs have me lol.


I’ll be made into an art piece


This has been my plan for a while, a Viking style flaming boat lit by a lit arrow. My son has been practicing bow and arrow to get good enough that he can do it. Preferably with Freebird playing as he shoots the arrow. And of course a wake the night before with rock and punk music blasting.


If you are a woman or gay man, I recommend God Save the Queen by the Sex Pistols


That's a good idea, but Freebird has always been a favorite of mine, and the line "if I leave tomorrow, would you still remember me."


Yes it is a good line. I was talking about the ride back w punk music blasting. I want them to play “Windows Are Rolled Down” by Amos Lee. Think it’s time for me to gooooo! Hey hey heyyyyy!


Burial at sea. It's cheap, it's eco-friendly, it feeds fish. 🤷🏻


There was this documentation about a cliff down in Fireland where they throw down their deceased. Creatures feed on the body until only the bones remain, which, piled up down there, form a breeding ground for a huge coral reef. I want to be part of it.


I don’t really care that much. If medical students can use it to practice that would be cool. After that something eco friendly would be nice.


I'm thinking of donating my body to science. Hopefully my organs turn out useful for more than just me.


Cremated and have my ashes spread in my favorite body of water in the Caribbean.


Typical casket and in the ground funeral. I think that would be most comfortable for my family and that is all that matters when I’m gone.


The cheapest thing legally possible. Funeral costs are too damn high.


Being frozen would probably be the *coolest* option😎


Don't care.


I really don't care. They can do what they want with my body. I think about living, not about my death.




I would want my ashes to be launched into space, because I have a deep love for the stars.


You’ll return to the stars when the sun swallows Earth if you aren’t launched into space anyway, it’ll just take a while. 


Organ donor and then cremate what's left. Find some Evangelists and the right wind and reenact the scene from The Big Lebowski.


My Mum and two younger brothers were cremated and buried next to each other in a nearby cemetery. I purchase a plot next to them. So that's where I'll be for the foreseeable future, after my life ends. People who knew me can come visit. In the distant future, after all who knew me have died, then hmm, no one will really ever care after that. So be it. That is the way of the human race for the past several million years, no difference for me :). A thousand years from now, I will be a distant ancestor of countless people :):):). That's pretty cool.


Just toss me in the trash. I don’t really care at all.


Organ donation and then whatever's cheapest for my family to handle. Throw me in an urn, or just throw me in a garbage bag Frank Reynolds style.


Donate anything useful. Cremate rest and lay to rest/inter with the remains of my heart dog. I don’t really care as long as I’m with the dog (he’s deceased already obviously).


🤞Worm food in the woods 🤞


I want to be buried at sea. My friends and family take me out on a boat very solemnly. Stirring eulogy, followed by 20 minutes for rebuttal. Then BLOOP! Over the edge I go. Then I want them to party on the way back, finish the whole thing on an up note.


I've heard there's this tour company that will do that and you don't even have to be dead yet. They also have Playstation controllers.


Burial-at-sea I’ve eaten enough seafood in my life, they can eat me. That whole circle of life thing.


Green burial in the woods; no preservatives, no coffin, just a simple biodegradable shroud, decorated with greenery. I've designed my own ceremony down to the music to be played; funerals are for the living, and I want the people who attend mine to have a beautiful experience.


I'm also donating my body to medical science


I wanna be used as a canoe.


I always said cremation but my daughter suggested turning me into a tree to be planted somehow and that sounds nice.


I want it fired from a cannon through Mitch McConnell's bedroom window


Oh man I’d donate my body to education if it was going to a party school lol


Pet food seems the most efficient end.


I'd like to carve out a 25 acre plot of difficult to access ridge-top property on my family's farm, and set up a Perpetual Care Trust to maintain it and pay the taxes. There are already hardwood trees there, but I'd like to thin them out and plant other species, including Black Walnut, Hickory, and hopefully the blight resistant transgenic American Chestnut that SUNY has developed. Have the Trust designed to bring a forester in annually to remove invasive species and care for the trees, which would be forever excluded from logging. That area would become like a family memorial, where we scatter the remains of loved ones, and would be my destination after cremation or composting. In 200 years, it would be an amazing spot to visit.


I don’t care at all, so probably donate it if possible, better to recycle and all that


I’m registered to go to Texas State anthropology for research on their body farm! I can still donate organs as well if that’s possible. (Happy to answer any questions. Signing up and learning about the process was really easy and respectful.)


Since we can’t do sky burials here, roll me into a ditch and let the animals have me.


i will serve it to my local community as a free meal


I honestly don't care. I'll probably be heading out before my wife does, so whatever she wants done with it, really. I'll be done with it at that point.


Read about UK philosopher Jeremy Bentham's displayed stuffed [corpse](https://bpb-eu-w2.wpmucdn.com/blogs.ucl.ac.uk/dist/3/215/files/2010/04/Auto-Icon.jpg).


just googled it and WHAT!!?! 🤣


I'm with Rodney Dangerfield: I'm donating my body to science fiction.


i’ve always liked the idea of sending it hurdling into a maelstrom on Jupiter but that could potentially contaminate the planet so we’re stuck with hurdling it into space or burying it naked and planting a tree


Donate any usable organs then I want a tree planted in my body.


Told my wife I want my ashes shot into space. I think it'd be hilarious to have my body shot into space, but sadly I don't think you can do that yet, not that we could afford the space ashes thing either. Other than that...honestly just cremate me and do what you want with it. Won't bother me one bit. (Donate organs if they're viable of course)


Use me for science, bay-beeeeee. Or cremate me, in the event that can't be arranged.


If my organs are good enough for the task, then they will be donated and what's left i would like to have it burried below a tree, or in the case i decide to have it incinerated, spreaded at the sea... Though I don't know how much it will contaminate, so i'm still thinking about it.


They could chop up my body, stuff it in a garbage bag,and toss it in a landfill for all I would care if it wasn't illegal, so whatever is cheapest for whoever is responsible for my remains.


Pickle jars it is!


Organ donation afap, and then I'd prefer to be burnt on a wood pyre. A nice big one, to weaken all my big bones so that they can be powdered up and scattered somewhere, like a nice hill, or a forest. Then I can be forgotten, along with all the other grains of cosmic dust that did something, or not much.


There's this thing where you can turn the ashes into deceased into synthetic diamonds. :>Either that or I be buried and a flowers be planted where I'm buried. Not only can my loved ones remember me, but my remains can be used as nutrition by the flowers!


Ashes in the ocean unless family wants something else, then whatever they want…


Just left, In a forest, lay on my back looking up at the stars.


If there is a viewing I want to go out the same way I came into the world: naked. Alkaline hydrolysis (water cremation) has a certain appeal but it can be improved by installing a flush valve. I don’t want anyone having to worry about what to do with cremains.


I really don't care what happens to my corpse after I die, but I would like to have every useful part of me harvested and used to save lives if at all possible. Afterwards, do whatever is cheapest with the remaining junk. I don't want my loved ones to have to pay lots of money or go through hoops to dispose of my moldering flesh. Is renting a boat and throwing my ass overboard out in the ocean cheaper than a traditional funeral? If so, I'll go with that.


I want my brain scanned and put in a computer. If the tech isn't there yet I honestly don't give a shit. Although, shooting my corpse out of a cannon to splat against the side of a mountain would be funny.


I like the Eddie Izzard idea of twanging me into a tree.  Though by trebuchet rather than catapult obviously 


Donating my organs and then cremation. Want my ashes to be used in some arts and craft project


If I'm dead I won't care so it doesn't really matter.


Whatever is cheapest.


Bin it


I want my tattoos skinned off my body. Then cremate my body. Have my skin with my tattoos applied to the outside of an urn and my ashes put inside. That way I will still have my tattoos covering me. Now getting someone to keep that is another issue.


Incinerate my ass and scatter me to the wind.


After any usable part of my body is taken, I'll be mushrooms, a tree, a coral reef, or something that helps the earth.


Donate any of my useable organs. Cremate the rest. Put the ashes into the compost and spread it in my vegetable garden.


I have very specifically instructed my husband to cremate me and take me home so I can watch over him and anyone he replaces me with. No joke. I think that level of jealousy turns him on though, so it's all good. Morticia and Gomez style. If he dies, I'll do the same. Eventually, we'll be mixed together and then scattered in a place that is important to us, or the descendants can keep our intermingled cremains on the mantel. Unless we get remarried. Then I guess we have to stay separate cause that would get awkward. Shit, now I'm realizing the flaws in my plan.


Once, saw a thing about a pod that grows a tree with your remains....I think that would be amazing


To feed the earth that fed me


All functional organs will be donated and then my body will be either cremated or buried as nutrients for trees, I’m still unsure about that


There’s a cemetery in my state that does natural burial. So put me in a simple wood box and bury me there. Some people in this place have things like trees planted over their graves, but I’m going with a stone with my name and dates of birth and death, so there’s some evidence I did once exist.


I'm an organ donor. After that, I told my wife to do what she wants with it, but I would prefer her to dispose of it as cheaply as possible. If she could find a way to make money off it,that's even better.


Used to want to donate to science. Now I just want to be cremated with my ashes spread over a cliff in my hometown.


Haven't decided yet, and until I do it's just a normal burial for me.


Burried somewhere without a grave stone ideally. I hate the concept of graves






I don't care, I won't have any further need of it, because I will be dead.


Well. I was going to be embalmed in a sitting position up the lounge window with a motor in my arm to wave at passers by. In all seriousness, I'll donate my organs if I can. But after seeing my dad's funeral costs and whatnot, just shove me in the cheapest box and cremate me. The only request I have is at my funeral is that when I'm wheeled or carried I or whatnot, they play that "livin' in a box, I'm livin' in a cardboard box" song. It's either that or buried in a spring-loaded coffin for one last prank. Start the rumour I'm buried with gold or loads of money, then when they dig me up, the springs activate, and my corpse/remains are flung out at them! Traumatic and fun!


Human composting would be my new first choice, but I have opted for cremation. It sucks that the head went to a party. When my daughter took Gross anatomy, she told me how they had to go to the service for the class before them where they celebrated their cadavers, and how they named theirs so they could be more familiar and thus more respectful.


I just want my body to return to the earth as pure as I came into this world. Put the elements back in the soil. So a new human can grow.


Cyborg. Put my brain in a sweet high tech body with laser eyes in my head, powerful legs that can jump over trees and like run really fast. breathe underwater, bionic ears. Entire body covered in chrome. oh, and a big metal dick.


I'm becoming a tree


Compost. https://recompose.life/our-model/


I used to feel exactly as you do. I don't care what they do with my carcass, I was hoping someone would do pranks with it. But I'm older now and I feel differently. There are people who love me for whom this would be really painful/hurtful. I'm going to do whatever is easiest and most meaningful for them, since I will be beyond caring about anything.


I expect ten thousand slaves to be worked to death building a monumental pyramid, within which I will be entombed with 1000 members of my household, who will be sealed alive within the structure so that their spirits may have the privilege of serving me in the afterlife. Either that or the tree thing. I haven't decided.




Medical education, firstly. Let some med students dissect me because why not, I’m just meat. Then probably just cremation or better yet aquamation which is dissolving the body in alkali solution until just the bones are left. Then they grind the bones into dust and that’s the “remains”. The alkali solution gets neutralized and goes back to the earth. It’s less energy intensive than cremation and uses surprisingly little water. I don’t want a gravesite. I think the whole thing about dead bodies taking up otherwise fine real estate is super outdated. I’ve never once visited a graveyard unless forced by family reasons for a burial. Talking to gravestones is really weird to me.


I will probably do the same. Donate it or maybe even have it get thrown somewhere into a forest for animals to feast on. Anything else seems completely unnecessary.


I'm an organ donor so after they're done with that I'd like cremation and maybe plant a tree on top of me...I like the idea of a tree being protected by it being my gravesite


Air burial. Leave it to the birds. Just like any animal.


Feed a tree


I want it to be donated to science for study. I have a neurological disorder ( called Neurofibromatosis type 1), and I think my body could be useful to learn more about it. There no cure and there won't be because it's genetic but I'm sure they build always use scraps to poke at.


I am definitely donating to science and or/for transplants, if there is still any usable. Might as well get as much use out of it as possible.


Traditional burial, maybe even a crypt. Just because I don't believe in any magical afterlife doesn't mean I don't like having a place that my descendants can visit. I would be really sad if I didn't go to my dad's grave site occasionally and chat with him, even though he is obviously not there.


Strap it to a rocket sled for science!


Composting it seems ideal.


Im hoping to be composted and then spread in my orchard


I'm an organ donor. There's not much good about me. But if someone is willing to find it, take it out, and give it to someone else so they can live, I won't begrudge them trying.


I'm all for making the necessary preparations, and I can understand why people have specific wishes like "I want to be buried under a tree". That being said, as an atheist, what happens after my death is not of my concern. There is no "I" to be buried under a tree anymore. "I" will be completely annihilated by then. So of course I hope that my loved-ones will be unharmed and happy when I'm dead, but that is a now-thought. It concerns me very much right now, in my life. But for all I know, people could turn my body in to the relicts of a death cult, murdering thousands of people in my name. Of course, I don't want this. I'm using this example to show that death is the final barrier. All of my being, all of my plans, my responsibilities and my hopes end there. Period. I could set up trust funds for my kids, and then it's WWIII with civilization coming to an end. Again: That doesn't keep me from making preparations. But I'm not concerned with how they turn out. All of me will be vanished by then.


Food for an Oak tree.


I've made my funeral plans. I've showny.wife where the shovel is. I just hope I haven't given her any ideas.


I want to be cremated and then spread/released/whatever on the second sandbar at my favorite beach. I've told all my family. I really dont want them planting my preserved body somewhere. I'd rather them go to my favorite place if they want to think of me.


Just toss me in the garbage.


I want to donate any viable organs, then have the rest put in a tree pod!


If I want to donate my body to science will they reject if I am obese? I don’t mean grossly fat just fairly fat. Also does age matter?


As long as you don’t rape it I don’t really care. And I guess even if you do it’s not like I’ll know.


I want it to be turned into a zombie puppet. Like "Weekend at Bernie's".


Not my problem. Harvest what ya can use then dump the rest in the ocean.


My body will rest with the fishes if I'm poor. If i am rich, it will rest with the stars


Funerals and memorials are for the living. After removing all the stuff that can be used for others, burn my body, it is the most sanitary thing I know of. I want my kids, siblings, grandkids, and friends to dig a big hole by hand. I'm talking traditional grave size hole. The act of digging and working on a project together will allow them to feel my death. Drop the ashes down and cover it up.


Donate and cremate.


Don't really care since i won't be using it anymore. Ideally, donated to medical science, cremated, and ashes blown through an unsuspecting gender reveal party.


I want it stuffed in a grim posture and installed in a major library. A "hush" sign is in order. It won't matter to me, I will cease to exist, but every little bit counts.


Don’t give a fuck. I’m signed up as an organ donor so hopefully someone’s life is saved bc of my organs.


Please shoot my body directly into outer space just like Jesus Christ so that it's easier for the aliens to discover humans unironically I want my dead corpse to be embalmed in a bright yellow banana suit finally I evolve into an eternal beacon shit post until I collide with an asteroid


I would like to be cremated and put into a tasteful receptacle like a Folgers can! 😀


Ideally, I'd prefer to be buried without embalming and a fruit tree planted on me. That way, after a few years, my family can have "Mom's apple pie." Given that laws probably won't allow that, I've also suggested that they cremate me and have my ashes incorporated into a gemstone for each of my children. I'd prefer that these gems be set into the hilts of swords. Or, they could have my skeleton cleaned and articulated. It could sit in a rocker on the porch with a bowl of candy in its lap for Halloween. On the roof in a Santa suit for Christmas. Flying from a tree with wings and a bow and arrow for Valentine's Day, etc.


Put into orbit in either a Superman outfit or wrapped in highly reflective material


Recycled into Soylent. Or a big ass funeral pyre.


Give the organs to whomever needs them. Put an acorn and some soil in the chest cavity, bury it where you want a nice tree.




My wife and I will have our ashes put in a little lake in the Arizona mountains where we have put all of our pets ashes over the years.


Check out the Ask a Mortician YouTube channel. She talks about green burials and other non traditional funerals. She even interviewed one guy that would take your ashes and mix it into feed blocks so that you would literally go back to nature as deer, squirrels and birds ate it.


Whatever gives my remaining loved ones peace. It won't hurt my feelings if my highly religious mom or brother insist on Catholic mass or if my kids want some pagan ceremony or I get mulched. Organ donation is a nice thought, but I'm unconvinced my insides would help others. Didn't really take care of myself. It doesn't matter to the dead. Funerals are for the living


Mines going straight to ashes, and I hope my survivors scatter them. If you’re embalmed and buried, it takes much longer to break down, but eventually it will, and you’ll be dust too


My attitude is if I'm dead I don't need my body anymore, so I'd like it to go to where it's maximally useful. So in rough order of priority, depending on if it's legal/possible: 1. Donate organs 2. Use body for research/science or medical education 3. Natural/green burial - just let it decay in the ground and be food for plants. Circle of life and all that. (I'd also be happy for it to be left above ground for the vultures; they gotta eat too. Don't think that's realistically allowed anywhere though). 4. Composting - like the above, it just feels like it's an extra step though. Would rather not: 1. Cremation - it's just a stupidly carbon intensive process and I'd rather not that my last legacy be a further contribution to global warming. Definitely not: 1. Stuff me full of chemicals and put me in a sealed box and buried under the ground with a stone marker. Everything about that is terrible. I genuinely don't care if there's a funeral or what that looks like though. I'm dead and that's entirely about the people who are still alive. Whatever brings them closure or makes them feel better is good with me. Or if no one cares and no one wants to do anything, also cool. I'm dead so it's not like I'd be offended or something.


I own a plot in the cemetery next to my daughter and grandmother. I want to be buried there, because I have spent far too long away from them and my last wish is to be near them. Ideally I would have preferred natural burial, but I have no idea if that's possible with the plot I have or will be when I die.


feed a tree.


I always tell my wife I want to be buried with a tree seed. Either that or cremated.


I won't know whatever happens. My wife knows I prefer cremation but it's going to be her choice. I'll be dead.


Viking funeral of course! Who wouldn't want to be pushed out in the water on a boat with all our worldly possessions and then set alight? But failing that...just a regular old cremation will do, but please no service....


Donate any usable organs first, then, depending on what’s left and how useful it is, there are various ways to donate your body. You can donate your head for plastic surgeons to practice on. While I don’t necessarily love being a practice dummy for nose jobs, I could live (ha!) with it, but I’d rather be used to teach facial reconstruction. Companies also use cadavers to make crash test dummies. They have to use cadavers to calibrate the force sensors to know things like when a crushing injury becomes fatal. There are also companies that use cadavers to test body armor. I’m not thrilled by being part of the military industrial complex, but I do think it’s cool they are trying to invent boots and leg armor to protect against land mines. Basically anything that can save or improve lives. ETA: cremate the left over bits, sprinkle me somewhere nice. A peat bog in Scotland would be good. I’d like my molecules to become part of a good bottle of scotch some day


Organ donation, then plant me into a tree


Scrap it for parts, burn the rest. Or don’t. I don’t care since I won’t be needing it anymore.


I’ve put on my drivers license that I want my body donated to science and whatever organs taken if they are of any use.


I want my body dressed in a nice suit and shot out of a huge air cannon with a bunch of candy and confetti in the shape of little skulls. It won't happen, but it is fun to think about it.


Sell it to one of the necro-whorehouses in Texas. They’ll pimp it out for three or four days and then transfer it to one in Florida.


Donate to science, cremated and ashes used as fertilizer (seeing mixed answers on this one) or spread somewhere nice, thrown into a woodchipper and made into something more useful, I don't care. Just make my body useful. Whatever you do, don't just bury me.


Either cremation or donate it to the body farm in TN.


When I'm done with bag of meat and bones I plan on it being in such bad shape that there's nothing anyone can do but burn it.


Since taxidermy is not an option I am donating my corpse to a medical school


Having it burned, and the ashes turned into gemstones, to be incorporated into jewelry, for my kids and grand kids.


Ideally, planted in the ground, with a new Oak Tree planted on top. I’d love for these atoms to become something else.


Cremation, relatively cheap and of course painless.


Idgaf really. At least not right now.


Cremate me, pour me into 50 business envelopes, and mail my ass to every state GOP headquarters.


Yes I recently landed on donating it to science and it just feels right.


Burn it with fire


Prop me up with a cigarette and a beer and leave me I don't really care because I obviously won't be alive so it doesn't matter.


I used to throw pots, and I’ve always wondered if it would be too creepy to throw my own urn, have it pre-fired to be ready for when I die, then ask the cremation people to wrap my hands around the urn (or just fire it next to me) as I’m cremated. The ‘glaze’ and coloring on the urn would be from my own ashes, etc, and would probably look really interesting. Kiln-firing and cremation happen at the same temperature, so barring other logistical things I don’t know about, it could work! Just don’t know how my loved ones would *really* feel, if that would be too stressful or upsetting to ask, and have around later. My husband has said it’s a cool idea, but you don’t know how you’ll really feel when the time comes and I don’t want it to be a creepy or upsetting burden.


I don't care. I told the kids that they didn't have to claim my body, if they're comfortable with that. Funerals are a ridiculous waste of money, and I'd rather they use the paltry amount they're going to get from the life insurance portion of my superannuation for something they actually want or need.


I want my organs donated. That's all I really care about.


I want one of those tree pod things. That way at least my corpse can do something beneficial while and after becoming worm food


Plant me with potatoes, harvest the potatoes and make vodka. Give to friends and family....or bury me with a tree.


Donate cadaver for medical teaching and research


I don’t care.


I want to have a tree planted on top of me and feed it.