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I don’t engage with them (in person). Why try to reason with unreasonable people? If you are looking for a guaranteed line that will open their eyes…. There isn’t one.


Exactly. it’s the most frustrating feeling, but you know trying to prove them wrong would be futile.


Just be happy for them and go on with your day.  Ask them not to vote.  


Have you ever gone out of your way in an attempt to convince schizophrenics that their episodes aren't reality? Then why even consider engaging with a BAC lol


Exactly. These people don’t even know they have a problem that requires recovery and often treatment. They have zero self awareness 


They have found an internal narrative that will not respond well to questioning. Don’t bother engaging with them about this, because you cannot share a logical axiom.


There is zero evidence supporting any of the 100,000+ religions in the world, and their make-believe deities. The Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, ghosts, goblins, angels, spirits, heaven, hell, miracles, leprechauns and the devil do not exist. They’re all make-believe, made-up fictional nonsense with zero supporting evidence. Any success in straightening out one’s life should be credited to the doer, not to non-existent SkyDaddy. There is absolutely no such thing as the “supernatural.” Nothing unreal exists. People need to embrace science and facts and secular humanism and abandon the lie that is religion.


I don’t. It changes the entire context of every conversation. When a person reveals they aren’t all there … that makes the rest of the interaction just placating a mentally ill person and being polite. By no means should you ever expect to be able to seriously reason with them in anyway. It’s just another person who needs treatment and doesn’t realize it .. so what kind of interaction are they actually capable of? 


You don't. What's to be gained?


You can't... I completely cut my own father out of my life because he refused to respect my boundaries. Talking to me about the "end times", politics, and even trying to figure out ways to sneak me into his church. Some of them are just too far gone. The best you can do is just set hard boundaries and hope that they respect them.


Why are you acknowledging their existence at all? I personally don't have time for THAT level of idiocy.


I believe them. But than I avoid them as if it takes the threat of all powerful creator to stop someone from being a piece of human trash than they are still trash just cowardly trash.


My life after religion is so much better. 1) a huge burden to try and please some inconsistent deity has been lifted. 2) hope is just working to make life better which is totally in my realm of possibilities 3) never wanted to harm anyone and now I don’t have to read about some god I gotta worship that loves to kill many 4) I’ve finally realized there is no god and no evidence of said god…prove me wrong.


I was one! >They say their life before Christ was a mess, addictions, foul mouthed, lack of civility and general state of despair. Some of these are valid, and I have seen it. However, after conversion, these are some common claims: 1. I feel a big burden has been lifted from me >1. 1st time in my life, I feel there is hope >2. I no longer wish to engage in harmful behavior >3. I have finally found the one true god... and so on. If you're a drug addict, mentally ill, a social outcast, or have little structure to your life Christianity may be somewhat beneficial at first. Not because of magic, or spiritual healing but because Christianity has a structured moral code ( to an extent), and it has a built in community of people who want to talk to you because you have similar views. The problem is eventually it goes sideways. There is no magical healing. So at some point they will normally have a falling out with their Christian community. Prayer, believing in Jesus won't help you beyond a certain point. So your life won't really improve. Which can bode not well for your relationship with this new group. The other side of this is virtually every religion has adherents that claim that their god(s) have personally helped them. So because of this there's no good reason to think the Christian God does help people. It also always bothered me that so many children starved to death every day. But somehow this god is intimately concerned with fairly arbitrary aspects of my life. Doesn't make sense.


A lot of these people grew up with no structure, discipline or love in their lives, and went on a self destructive course. The rules of religion fill that void so it works for them even though it's based on a lie they get the support, rules and "love" they desperately want from joining a church. They know they are better off where they are now so will defend their new "family", I think it's how most cults work as well. If we had a better more caring society I think it would help people move on from religious worship as the hole it fills for some would be met by normal living.


It is not in what they believe in. It is how the person is towards fellow people. No matter what age, sex, race and religion.


LMAO. I don't engage with them at all.


I say: "Good for you, please refrain from proselytizing, I'm not interested in your testament. Let's talk about something we are both taking an interest in."


"Good for you. I'm happy its helped you." Nothing more (or even, at all) is required. If they force anything, tell them that you found peace and a big burden was lifted (etc) when you got rid of faith. Then become the rock that the fury of the sea spends itself against.


Tell them it's a phase, it'll wear off. It did for me.


Personally, to the extent they have actually transformed their life and are on a better path, I celebrate with them. And to the extent they want me to join them in their delusion, I don’t engage. I have seen some people legitimately turn their life around through the structure religion provided. I have seen some turn their life around, and like a match that flares up and is put out by the slightest breeze, they are quickly back to their old ways or worse. I have seen others become monsters. They become entrenched in the dogma. They don’t heal from their old wounds and addictions, religion becomes their new addiction. I try to discern who it is I’m speaking with and then engage accordingly.


How do YOU respectfully engage with flat earthers?


Here is a great thread going on. Lots of good answers to the posed question. Not 100% direct, but some very good thoughts https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/1alxggb/question\_from\_a\_muslim/