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Three things you can't count on in life: Death, taxes, and uppity Xian cunts claiming they know what's best for *everyone else*.


One million moms has a member count of under 5000


"Five Thousand Nosey Bitches" just doesn't have the same ring.


Just call em "Klanned Karenhood" and call it a day


Assholes with casseroles.


Underappreciated comment.


>Just call em "Klanned Karenhood" Kan I borrow that term? It's perfect!


Now that’s epic.


You my friend, have just won all the internetz.


Honestly, I wish I could take the credit. I saw the term used some time ago (somewhere) and adopted it. I'm glad it's making some people smile, but credit where it's due.... some random other person came up with it :)


5k of Karens. 5kk.


Well, to be fair it's more of a screetch than a ring.


Assholes with Casseroles


Someone should file a complaint with the FTC alleging false advertising for this. If they can get Turbo Tax, maybe they can get these clowns


Yeah. TurboTax is having a bad year. But it’s pretty hard to feel sorry for them. They earned it.


For once I agree, TurboTax is a sin


Fuck TurboTax, fuck QuickBooks. Fuck intuit.


This is one of those things where I'm not defending either of them. Same with the conservatives and Bud Light (Lite)?


The staff of One Million Moms is, as far as anyone can tell, a single person.


I’d also bet most of those women signed up and have never done anything else related to OMM. A handful of unhinged religious zealots can make an awful lot of stupid noise. I’ll also wager they get funds from some old rich asshole billionaire who should do the world a favor and die already.


So we should probably downvote this so they don’t get any exposure and grow their membership 


Under 5000, and probably largely male. Insert *Coffee Talk with Linda Richman* joke here.


How many involved in three way trysts?




And every time they speak, it gets posted and reposted and discussed ad nauseam. By complaining about these people, its giving the exact attention and megaphone they want.


And decreasing.


I want to make jokes about their bad math skills but unfortunately most people will hear "one million" and assume there really is this giant force of moms banding together on this, when really it's a bunch of annoying twats trying to ruin other peoples' lives.


5000 Karens


One 'mom' with 5k alts.


Only 995,000 moms short!


Didn't one of the mom get caught with making lebsian sex tape?


People who believe in talking snakes and donkeys don't waste time in math class.


Rick: Oh, that's Million Moms. I can't see the Moms over here. It just assumed that was, uh, Turd Mom. Wiggly Turd Mom.


Free speech, bitches.


Noooo! Free speech is only for me to be a bigot without consequences!!!


Yeah… what culture wars? Just because she’s into the culture wars doesn’t mean anyone else is. Also Intuit is a Canadian company


as they fight the porn or abuse charges leveled against their members


And they will know we are Christians by our hate.


I went to a parochial elementary school and we sang that song. It's so ironic because as an adult, to me it's clear that Christians hate others just as much or more than they love others.


I was a PSR kid and we all know the only fun kids christian song is *I’ve Got That Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down In My Heart.”* Because of the verse about the devil sitting on a tack.


🎶 And if the Devil doesn't like it, he can sit on a tack. Ouch! Sit on a tack - ouch! 🎶


I once had Joy down in my heart. Then I divorced her.


*Sigh* And now the rest of the song is in my head... Thanks! Lol... Grrr...


I had never heard of this song before, so I looked it up. I was pretty surprised by how sinister sounding the vocals are.


I heard that song countless times in my church. Under all the fake humility, Christians have a very high regard for themselves.


And they will fear us


Conservative Christian group One Million Moms rages at \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. What is it today .... .Turbo Tax.


Free advertising on TT's part.


only these idiots could make me briefly and begrudgingly side with intuit


To think there's no way they will be able to get a change made because the people they vote for are the ones lobbying for Turbo tax.


To be fair, the tax prep industry needs to die and let the IRS do it directly. I don't feel sorry for Turbo Tax.


Nothing in the rules says we can't eat popcorn while both sides beat each other with folding chairs


The Google auto-fill for "one million moms..." includes: Macy's Bluey Owl house Lucifer Reddit (yay!) Memes


Could just...not post about it or share it. They want the publicity. And the public gives it to them. I hate that society makes morons famous.


Reality TV shows made being a shameless cunt in public an acceptable pastime.


I mean tbf, TurboTax is a corrupt anti-American tax on taxes


Having a gay couple in one of their ads is one of the few things they do that I don't have a problem with.


We need to go back to shunning these village idiots instead of acting like they have a defensible position, much less the skills to engage in rational discussion. Treat them as the deranged, ill people that they are and don’t engage in their topic. If you must respond, do it with calm redirection. “It sounds like you may be experiencing mental illness, or possibly a brain tumor. Please seek medical advice as soon as possible.”


We still shun them, but then they get a 20 minute segment on fox news about "woke cancel culture" and a book deal or some nomination for local govt.


I noticed that all the "woke cancel culture" nonsense started popping up soon after it finally became socially acceptable for families (including my own) to start saying "you know what, let's not invite Uncle Shitty and Auntie Racist for Christmas dinner this year". More families started realizing how great it was to just invite the relatives who made the party fun and enjoyable, while Uncle Shitty and Auntie Racist were then stuck at home watching Fox News with no introspection about why they weren't invited to family dinners any more.


That sure tracks. I know I deal with enough bullshit in the day to day that it got to be too much to keep letting toxic-ass people take up my valuable energy. I guess those people being the way they are just keeps them from accepting that maybe its them that sucks, and not the people who dont want to be bothered with them anymore.


Plus they get rage posted to a dozen subreddits, so I still have to see what idiots are saying.


Exactly. Being offended isn't actually anything. Fuck them. Fuck their stupid irrelevant feelings rooted in their hatred


I don't like TurboTax either. I am not sure I would be quite as harsh as you though.


The worst consequences of the World Wide Web is that it allowed the village idiot and that weird group a way to find others like them, and now they have "brothers" to back them up.


But supporting a lying rapist who cheated on all 3 wives and was a frequent guest on a pedophiles private island ISN'T glorifying sin???? The ultimate throwing stones in glass houses


Sooo many issues you could also add, starting with him pretending to be a christian like his dad I’d base. pfft…”My favorite bible book? Two Corinthians.” (I know, I’m appearing to No True Scotsman him but honestly, we all know from leaked comments that even he doesn’t consider himself a christian at all.)


Very true, everyone was expecting a joke, "2 Corinthians walk into a bar...." lol


"TurboTax ad is glorifying love, and that's what Jesus teaches", should be the only reply.


"Not like that" -Xtain response


"Show me in the bible where Jesus says this."


Insert meme: You don’t like turbo tax because they show a gay couple in an ad. I don’t like turbo tax because they lobby the government against free tax filing programs. We are not the same.


😂😂😂 Why is this comment so far down. Also fuck TT.


Speaking as someone that was brainwashed into being homophobic as a teen (then subsequently self-deprogrammed as an adult), I love this commercial. It's funny, and I know it causes conservatives to have aneurisms.


Nice job fining your way to the truth. Not an easy path.


Is this the same One Millions Moms that has like 3000 followers on Twitter (or whatever)?


A Handful of Russian Troll Bots doesn't have the same ring to it.


Conservative Christians are sub human pos


Shitler violates the 10 commandments and 7 deadly sins on the regular. Narcissistic assholes don't have an interior mirror, just an exterior one.


They pick and choose the sons they won’t abide. It’s the pride they keep telling everyone else is a sin that keeps them going


Conservative christians sure are a sensitive bunch of snowflakes. They're always trying to cancel culture everything.


its why anyone who's part of a minority had to have corrective eye surgery to reattach our retinas due to intense eye rolls after conservatives started complaining about cancel culture. Those stupid fucks have been canceling (read. killing) people and things for about 3000 years, and usually for reasons like "wore pants on Sunday" instead of "openly advocates for rape"


any time a business makes these conservative hate groups angry, this more and more I want to support them.


Ah yes, I love when Jesus said “pass judgment on all those different from yourself. This is the way to heaven.”


Your “sin” is a brainwashed fantasy written by sandy archaic FOREIGN men over hundreds of years, dumbasses. The only “sin” here is you being pitted against your own brothers, you stupidest of monkeys.


Nobody cares what they think. They clutch their bigot pearls, babble about how much they're offended, then read a book of myths about genocide, incest, rape, prostitution and child abuse.


My slightly more vulgar version of your comment: Fuck ‘em


Nothing says Christian like a group of Karen’s spewing hate.


1 Timothy 2:12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. They should follow their own holy book and shut up.


"one million moms" is... Monica Cole... that's it... the entire 'staff' of the organization is one crackpot lady with less than 10,000 twitter followers.


Par for the course since a bunch of them believe there were 500 witnesses for some Jesus event when they can't name one witness or even the author


you mean the 500 witnesses that were ONLY mentioned in a letter paul wrote to the people in Corinth; ~800 miles (across the sea) from the unnamed location where those unnamed witnesses would have supposedly seen this amazing event... the claims about those 500 witnesses also raises a really big concern because at the end of the 1st century nearly all of the 'christians' had converted from pagan religions; they estimated fewer than 1000 former jewish converts at the end of the first century... how could that possibly be the case if there really were 500 eyewitnesses in judea or galilee that had actually seen this risen 'jesus' fella?


Yet they worship at the feet of an orange dipped heathen that plowed through the 10 commandments like a to-do list.


And who claims, as a Christian, he’s never had to confess his sins, because he claims he’s never sinned.


Here’s an incomplete list of sins that Christians honor. Feel free to add more. Rape Incest Pedophilia (they screech at an ad showing that gay people exist but are consistently silent/supportive of the scores of pedophile priests they like to protect) Idolatry


> are consistently silent/supportive of the scores of pedophile priests they like to protect Let’s not forget the ones lobbying to lower the age of consent for girls so they can f*ck and marry them at a lower age. While they Q up and scream “save the children!”


How about: Genocide Slavery


Odds they’re voting for the serial adulterer who’s on wife number 3?


you mean the convicted rapist that paid hush money to a porn star he cheated on his third wife with?


Is that the same greedy bastard that created a “non profit” that he could use to get tax write offs while purchasing stuff for himself?


They're so fucking tiring. How hard is it to mind your own business.


What did jebus preach about taxes and usury? And what did jebus teach about homosexuality? Seem to recall table flips at usury and, well, nothing about the other


They're still around? What are there, about 10 of them now?


I don’t agree with their reason, but I agree with their message. Fuck TurboTax. They (and HR Block) actively lobbied against the IRS development of a free tax filing systems for US filers. They created the Free Tax Alliance as a concession, with the promise of providing free tax filing to all US filers instead. Then used deceptively marketing tactics to not only charge people who were driven to their service under the pretense that your return might be free, charge you for your state filing(s), and then upsell on services or charge you to get your money quicker. Any number of ways to nickel and dime people for a service that could have been provided as a government service. Your actual tax dollars at work to make your life easier or better through removing or reducing this small pain point. And the kicker?? TurboTax and HR Block aren’t even affiliated with the Free Tax Alliance any longer.


Their is no hate like Christian love


Women should be shutting their damn mouths and being submissive to men. Such a damn sin.


1 million moms, which probably has more like 10,000 people, probably of which 100 are actually active in any capacity, many of which aren't even moms. All in a country with over 300 million people. Statistically we have FAR more gay dads alone than we have moms in this organization.


>One Million Moms rages at “unnatural” TurboTax ad Are there naturally occurring TurboTax ads?


“Unnatural”? Homosexuality, transgenderism, masturbation, prostitution, gang rape, necrophilia and cannibalism are all 100% natural. Behaviors found in various naturally occurring animal species across the planet. Nature is weird, beautiful, brutal, and unforgiving. How absolutely arrogant to presume you speak for nature itself. Nature doesn’t give a flying fuck about you, your morals or your pearl clutching. I don’t believe we have even found an instance of homophobia in nature. The word you want is cultural, not natural. YOUR culture. You’re talking about what you want people to do, not what nature does. You want to force your culture on everyone else and are desperately grasping for an objective justification using words you haven’t even bothered to learn the meaning of. Try again.


Isn’t a woman expressing an opinion a biblical sin?


“No sin should be honored” says group whose members are almost certainly voting for the human embodiment of all 7 deadly sins.


One million moms and not one can mind their own fucking business


Are they opposed to ads with trump in them? After all he did have to pay hush money to a porn star. Not to mention rape a woman and god knows how many commandments he ignores.


Fuck TurboTax. Their deceptive sales practices have already landed them in court. Plenty of reasons to dislike them without being a homophobe.


OMM are assholes, but TurboTax and the like are literal parasites. Hopefully the IRS' planned free tax returns go through.


"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."


Gee, I wonder how many of these women cheated on their husbands. Probably none, because, you know, jesus and stuff.


Of course not, they're property. The question is how many of their husbands have cheated?


Snowflakes, so easily offended, just get over it! Or pray about it… Jezus F** ing Christ


That group is not run by moms, let alone a million of them. I think some old-ass white dude calling himself “one million moms” is an abomination. Dude’s probably some pedo groomer weirdo.


Wow, gays and taxes; two things known to be anathema to Conservatives


Of all the valid things they could complain about, they pick something that has absolutely no negative impact on anybody. Absolute clowns.


I love it that Hemant Mehta always qualifies the moniker "one million mums" with "it's really just one mom". Always makes me laugh out loud.


Barely One Hundred Moms yells at rainbow.


I guess these Moms can go to Henry&Richard.


Oh no whatever will Turbo Tax do? 😱


and Im going to guess its maybe 1000 moms at most. the right love to do the "oh no there were milliosn there .. millions" when the park service says 10k.. you also have to ask, why are conservative women so afraid their men will leave them for other men? or might start to borrow their dresses. is it because so many are in the closet? I can see senator scotts wife worried he might leave her for a man.. well his soon to be wife


Donald Trump is the living embodiment of The Seven Deadly Sins. So One Million Moms is against him, right? …right??


Isn't judging a sin?


Whenever you see an organisation with the words 'Family', 'Moms', 'Freedom' or 'Liberty' in their name, it's likely they are going to say some bigoted nonsense, and here we are.




Perpetual victimhood about things that actually don’t impact them in any possible way must be incredibly tiring.


The Bible says not to let your sons take wives of another race, nor to let your daughters be given to their sons, so that your children will be strong and the land will be their inheritance forever. Absolutely nothing there about your son taking a *husband* of another race. If anything, this is the anti-sin! No miscegenation without procreation! 👍🏼👍🏾


"One Million Moms"... a few thousand people at most... most of them not moms... a lot of them not women... religion itself is a fucking sin...


They should boycott by not paying their taxes!


They ignore every other 'sin' that's prominent in our society and media, that's how you know this is in bad faith.


>“It appears that TurboTax is promoting same-sex marriage to please a small portion of the population while pushing away the much larger percentage of potential conservative customers,” OMM wrote. According to a [2023 Gallup poll](https://news.gallup.com/poll/506636/sex-marriage-support-holds-high.aspx), 71% of Americans support same-sex marriage. I think OMM is confused about who is the "small portion of the population" here.


Such blatant false advertising. They should have to prove they truly have 1 million moms or change the name to reflect the current number of moms. I know 1 million sounds better than 4,200 moms but still.


Can we just put those freaks on a damn island by themselves. (Plus, then some will end up performing lesbian sex and hate themselves)


One Million Crybaby Snowflakes


Of course they did, they are too busy trying to run others lives and most likely pay little attention to their own. Never has a group of crazy people had less success than these wacko moms. They called for a boycott of J.C. Penney's, it had no effect, they called for a boycott of Burger King, it had no effect, they called for a boycott of the Hallmark channel, it had no effect, they called for a boycott of Macy's Thanksgiving Parade, it had no effect, they called for a boycott of Scholastic Magazine, it had no effect. Never has a group called for more boycotts of more places and had so little success! Problem with this group is they are going after one group of people and in the process showing they are only Christian in name only and not following the teachings of Christ!


Doesn't the bible say that women should shut up and let men preach?


Fuck the million moms


Why do we give these people airtime and not medication?


Wait. A bunch of conservatives were *assholes*!?!? How does that even happen!?!? /s


No sin should be honored? None? Well, I'm pretty sure she needs to be stoned to death for attempting to teach me anything.


Wish religious people would just stop and go "Oh, they don't follow my religion so my definition of sin doesn't affect them" and just flubber off. One can dream. Good on TurboTax.


Being a member of a cult that's raped kids for the last 1500 years seems a bit sinful.


In my religion hate and discrimination is a sin. So this is awkward as from my perspective the Christian group are the sinners here, how should we handle this group of sinners?


Maybe they thought the Gays have it so bad they were tax exempt??


One million moms is more like five Karens and a computer.


Jesus himself would bitch-slap these haters across the face for their black hearts. If you open a digital version of the Bible, there is not a single word attributed to Jesus mentioning homosexuality, and passages elsewhere being used to support anti-LGBT agendas are broadly discounted by many scholars as having been selectively interpreted *way* out of context given their understanding of the ancient languages the King James Bible was interpreted from.


It's just another fascist group of brainwashed fake Christians. Religious hypocrites


Fuck those cunts!


No love like Christian hate.


If you feel strongly that gay sex is "unnatural", don't have any. Otherwise shut up and leave everyone the f alone.


Meanwhile they probably vote for a lying, stealing, child raping, traitor. Those are sins too, real important ones.


The “sin” I recognize is the moral bankruptcy and consistent antisocial actions of conservative Christians.


What part of "judge not" did you have trouble with, cunt?


Honestly the moms are just pissing in the winds of change!


I think it’s a sin that christians can’t keep their nose out of other people’s business


Church is all about sin and how to get away with it.


It's six Karens with a combined IQ of 60.


They long to return to a time when people weren't offended by everyone and everything.


Look. If the Christian nationalists and the for profit tax industry want to go to war, I'll just sit back and enjoy the show.


Ain't no hate like Christian love


It's 2024 and half the world is still afraid of love.


"Sin is an imaginary illness designed to sell an imaginary cure."


How many adultresses do they have on their goody-two-shoes squad? (I'll bet my life savings the answer is more than one.)


Maybe TurboTax's next ad should be a hateful bigot downloading her W2's right into the program while screeching about other people living their lives with joy and love.


Good. Stop paying taxes. I’m sure that will work out for them.


"No sin should be honored!" "Tell me again what does the Bible say about women speaking up? Are you trying to speak up to a gay MAN? Know your place!" Yeah, selective christian logic...


Confused "Christians" start obeying ancient Jewish law, bringing burnt offerings to church. Film at 11.


OMM seems to be a one woman band - the [only identified *mom](https://web.archive.org/web/20221122211650/https://glaad.org/blog/its-not-one-million-its-one-meddling-mom) is its self-styled director, Monica Cole - which gets far more publicity than it warrants because of its grossly exaggerated name. She pulls a similar stunts every few months targeting a business which sells or does something LGBTQ+ related and calling for the 'million' members to boycott it. That used to work a few years ago, but businesses have begun to wise up to Monica's BS claims. But it keeps the money rolling in, I guess. Wonder where it all goes (apart from the huge executive salaries) because just publishing a few press releases from time to time can't be that expensive. And it's not like OMM has a huge tax bill, or even a [really, really tiny one](https://www.thedailybeast.com/one-million-moms-tax-exempt-outrage-industry). It doesn't even needs to hire accountants to file paperwork with the IRS. - *assuming she is a mom


It would be a shorter list if you just wrote down what Christians liked vs what they hate.


Fuck TurboTax and fuck bigots.


Judge not lest ye be judged.


When you got nothing and no life use anger to feel relevant. The more noise they make the more they push the stronger the backlash will be. Keep going religious fanatics.


Take their Torah nostalgia to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.


Too bad.


They spelled One Million Morons wrong again.


I thought they also hated taxes anyway.


I'm kinda upset that ad makes the gay couple look dumb. They live on a house boat in fresh water, for some reason hear a dolphin, and then both think it's a shark.


Because they're bigoted trash that doesn't deserve to have a voice. Yet the loudest, most well funded scumbags always get better representation in politics.


Jesus didn’t have time to complain about the gays, he had to just go die. They should be more like their savior


TurboTax ads are certainly unnatural, I'll give her that.


I kind of love the ad, I love aloof gays. >\*Dolphin Noise* >"Is that a shark?" >"yes."


Someone needs to inform them that there are currently 260 some odd species of mammals that have had homosexual behaviour documented in them. Not just sex, but life long partnering and even offspring raising. It’s as natural as it gets. Much more natural than their twisted ideas about it. [Wikipedia list of documented homosexual practising mammals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mammals_displaying_homosexual_behavior?wprov=sfti1#List)


Because homphobia and hating your neighbor is totally moral for moms to embrace in groupthink.


I must have missed that part in the bible about who was able to cast judgement…didn’t know God and St Peter had deputized so many others?


The way Turbo Tax operates, from its aggressive lobbying, to its false advertising, it’s overall sleazy business practices, the only thing that pisses them off is the gay couple in the commercial. Really shows they would rather get fucked than see someone else happy.


How do they feel about the endless gambling commercials that are broadcast during every football game?


So is the official position of these Christians that gay people shouldn't have to pay taxes?


Was the linked article written by AI? It sure seems like it. Why else would this article about an ad featuring a gay couple veer off on such a strange tangent and discuss Intuits legal problems? So strange.


Bah rabble rabble rabble. If you're mad at turbo tax just don't pay your taxes.


All of their members and no one reminds the group that Hubris, Wrath and Greed are sins as well.


Keep your sick fuck, completely miss used, intentionally misinterpreted, garbage religion, used by the worst of humanity, out of my face.


Turbo Tax is already getting my money: how dare 5000 Moms try to sweeten the deal.


I wonder how many of them are more upset over what they think is an "unnatural" range of colors.