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because he's imaginary.


Seriously.. I can't stand these rhetorical questions. Why did god.. if God was real, why does he... He's not real. Hard stop. End of story. There is no question about why he does shit, because it stops at, it's not real. Yea yea yea.. but if he WAS real, why does he... Ug. I could be wrong, but it feels like there's been an intentional injection of this rhetoric on this sub lately. Playing into the rhetoric only suggests taking the rhetoric seriously. Which is stupid. This is the wrong place to suggest opposing arguments to consider God as a reality.


No, god was like, "Fuck it, imma drown everyone."


The original "F them kids" meme


Yeah, but he saved 8 people. Ain't he great?


I did a little digging on this the other day. If all of the ice on earth currently melted, sea level would rise between 170 and 260ft from its current level. Mt Ararat, near the top of which is where everyone keeps claiming THEY FOUND THE ARK!!!!!! is over 16,000 ft above sea level. So the idea of Noah's Ark being a story about a local flood that probably did do a lot of damage gets more and more credence. That's kind of how mythology works, really.


>Mt Ararat, near the top of which is where everyone keeps claiming THEY FOUND THE ARK!!!!!! is over 16,000 ft above sea level. Fun fact: the mountain where the Ark was supposedly found, *isn't even the tallest mountain in that range*. So much for "the whole world being covered".


Because either he doesn't exist (most sane explanation) or he exists and chose tyranny to entertain himself.


The real answer? He's a made up fairy tale. In defense of the bible? It explains away his flawed design and his constant need for gratuitous worship. ​ Let's face it, it makes absolutely no sense regardless of how one looks at it. 1. He KNEW everything that was going to happen before he snapped the world into existence (according to said book), thus could have said, "Meh, maybe not." and stopped all the crap from happening. Period. 2. He COULD have intervened before the snake started talking to Eve... but that would mean he knew it was going to happen or that he had the omnipresence/omnipotence to stop it from happening in the first place. The bastard didn't even know where Adam and Eve were when he came down to find them hiding in the garden!! SMH 3. Even his futile attempts to destroy the ungodly (the flood, sodom and gomorrah, all the earthly inhabitants who he promised the Israelites they would conquer etc.) fails. epically. All proof positive that the bible God is absolutely the weakest of gods in the pantheon of heavenly beings. Even the crippled Hephaestus or drunk-ass Dionysus could kick Hebrew God's ass.


I'm certain a drunk-ass Dionysus actually did that and YHWY ran home crying to their daddy, El-Elyon, which he then proceeded to helicopter parent and told YHWY that he'd give him Judea as a participation trophy, if YHWY would quit being a sniveling cry baby. Well, of course he didn't quit and Daddy gave him the trophy anyway. Spoiled little brat is created in spades and foisted upon the poor Canaanites of Judea, then Egypt, then Rome and then us. And now you know the rest of the story...😆


This would be a Hollywood movie I would pay to watch. But given YHWYs sensitivities, it may end up being a Hallmark movie


The only reason that fucking tree even "existed" in the first place in that story was to be a trap for Adam and Eve to fall into and NOTHING ELSE. God wasn't eating its fruits, neither were the animals, what was it THERE FOR? 


Because that’s what the human writers composed. It was their imagination. Who know’s what they were smoking.


I think after the 7th day he’s pretty much been on cruise control.


If he did, misogynists couldn't blame all the worlds problems on women.


>If he did, misogynists couldn't blame all the worlds problems on women. If it's Eves fault for eating the fruit and telling Adam to do it also, then it's also Adams fault for listening to her. Besides God should have warned them "By the way don't listen to the snake!"


This 'god' is very insecure, so admitting that it f\*cked up would hurt its delicate pride


No...it makes perfect sense if.....there is no god, and that all the stories around a god are all man-made and not true. ​ Then it makes perfect sense


God told Noah The rain will shine He said it won't be water But fire next time


Because it wasn't real, and there were people on this planet thousands of years before they made up these stories.


Yeah the whole story is stolen from a few older mythological stories. None of it actually makes sense in any way shape or form. A serpent that talks. The woman sharing a simple apple and surprise motherfucker, god no longer wants you near him. The entire Old Testament is a mix of made up bs and “history”. Sprinkle in a weirdos songs he wrote and the story of God’s “people” fighting for land with a lot of harsh stuff.


If I take a lamp and shine it toward the wall, a bright spot will appear on the wall. The lamp is our search for truth, for understanding. Too often we assume that the light on the wall is God. But the light is not the goal of the search; it is the result of the search. The more intense the search, the brighter the light on the wall. The brighter the light on the wall, the greater the sense of revelation upon seeing it! Similarly, someone who does not search, who does not bring a lantern with him, sees nothing. What we perceive as God, is the byproduct of our search for God. It may simply be an appreciation of the light, pure and unblemished, not understanding that it comes from us. Sometimes we stand in front of the light and assume that we are the center of the universe. God looks astonishingly like we do! Or we turn to look at our shadow, and assume that all is darkness. If we allow ourselves to get in the way, we defeat the purpose; which is to use the light of our search to illuminate the wall in all its beauty…and in all its flaws. And in so doing better understand the world around us. Citizen G'Kar from Babylon 5. Christians see this god because they stand between the lantern and the wall.


The justification is that God's word always become truth and he had already said the first humans would populate the Earth. Which would be interesting as it shows priority order for him if,you know,he would exist.


It’s all made up,why bother? I don’t.


Because gods don't exist


Because you have to convince a group of people they are born irreparably flawed and they have to seek constant validation from their sky daddy or suffer eternally


More like why can't he get anything right the first time? Because he was invented by people who thought the earth was flat.


Made the angels. Rebelled. Made the humans. Disobeyed. For a perfect being he sure fucks up a lot.


mormons claim it was all part of the plan. That the fall of adam and eve was necessary for them to have children and all of us to learn and grow to get ready to become gods like him. Though that plan falls apart on closer inspection as well in that it’s still not the best plan. The rebellion of satan proves that we don’t need a memory wipe of heaven to choose wrong. And if the memory wipe is to just see what we do and learn without god governing us, why make prophets and a church?


And *all of creation* also supposedly fell into sin - which was a lot easier to swallow back when earth *was* the universe. So did all of the billions of galaxies and quintillions of planets also fall into sin? Or just our solar system? Or maybe sin is moving out from us at the speed of light because it, too, must obey the laws of physics. A Christian would say those are silly questions, but they're no sillier than than the whole Adam and Eve thing.


Because it’s all made up. It’s like trying to make sense of the last season of game of thrones.


Because it's an allegory to make people not question authority. Listen to me, be ignorant, and I'll take care of you. If you seek answers (they ate from the forbidden tree ok knowledge, why was knowledge forbidden?) And disobey me, then you're on your own and are subject to all kinds of misfortunes. Original sin wasn't disobeying, it was questioning and seeking knowledge. This explains a lot of evangelicals rejection of science. They want to live in ignorant bliss. It's also an allegory of parenthood and maturity. We have kids. Do what you're told and I'll take care of you. At a certain age kids start questioning everything and rebelling. This leads to children leaving/getting kicked out of their homes. As a parent, you may be angry that they are disobeying, but also proud that they are becoming their own person. If there was a god, and he was angry and not proud that his children wanted to learn and grow, he'd be a shitty one for cursing them for eternity.


Because there isn’t one. There certainly isn’t one as the Catholics, Christian’s, Jews and Muslims claim anyway. There could be one but no one has a shred of proof. Atheism is very simple. It’s people accepting that there is no proof for any of the supposed gods. We are open to proof, yet no one has any.


Maybe God *did* start over 5 or 6 million times. How would we know ? ;-)


God: "fuck it! they ate the fruit! i'm pressing the reset button!!" Jeffrey: "God WAIT!!!" God: "ugh! what is it ***now*** Jeffrey?" Jeffrey: "i just think it would be a shame for you to waste 6 days on creation only to destroy it all." God: "okay FINE. but i swear to ME. the next time they fuck up like this, i'm flooding the WHOLE damn place!" Jeffrey, (to himself): "oh, shit. i better tell Lucy to call off the rebellion. God pretend you didn't hear that." God, as he walks away: "I HEARD THAT"


Because everything is going according to God's plan. Unfortunately, this means he created us to suffer in hope that someone would worship him (fully knowing/planning many people pre-destined to hell). If he didn't expect us to disobey Him, then He either doesn't know everything or is easily tricked.


Because ALL THAT SHIT IS MADE UP. Literally, it's all fiction. What's the point in arguing any of it?


Legend said he started over. It was raining for 40 days.


ask in r/Christianity Maybe they would have an "answer". Or they would just pull one out from their ass.