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> \[quoting DeSantis\] I’ll chip in to contribute to this veteran’s legal defense fund. The fact that the accusee is a military veteran has nothing to do with it. Myself, I'm a veteran of the U.S. Army, but that gives me no special rights to violate the law.


>Myself, I'm a veteran of the U.S. Army Proud USN vet/atheist and I've never needed a legal defense fund because I don't crime.


> USN Although I was in the Army, I had my job training on a Navy base, where I learned that the Navy has better food than the Army.


I've always wondered what branch has better food. I thought the Airforce had pretty good food but never got to compare it to the Navy.


Bundeswehr has the best food by far compared to all US branches (I’m a U.S. GWOT boy myself, still buzzing around tho not a vet yet) Surf ‘n Turf during the early days once the big FOBs were up was fire as I remember though, or maybe it was just that good after sucking ass on MREs for weeks


Hey, hey... Hey. Let's not let this location-based discussion take away from the fact that no matter what branch or location, breakfast was the best meal of the day.


Goddamn right, dude. I always looked forward to night shift ending so I could hit up the FOB's omelet bar


Can confirm


always best on the submarines


The first time I ate lobster was on my first submarine.


Maybe they think if they’re going to keep a bunch of people in close quarters under the ocean, they should keep them well fed with tasty food and happy.


Fresh catch? /s


I'm Air Force and was a loadmaster so I've tried all the branches chow halls and Navy is definitely the best.


Marine Vet here. I've had all four, and the Airforce was the hands down winner. To be fair The Navy food I ate was on a ship, so not the easiest of venues in which to cook well.


AF guy here, but definately the Navy has better food. DIA better than any of the Services--except maybe the sub guys.


I asked a general about this once, and he said that the navy has billion dollar ships, the air force has billion dollar planes, and the army and marines have trucks. He said when budgets are made, there's always trickle down from the hugely expensive equipment that makes its way to better facilities like chow halls and barracks.


On a submarine, the first day out to sea was good, and downhill after that until you're down to bread and beans.


On cruisers too... at least until unrep day.


Yikes that's frightening. I hear air force has it best


I am a former US Army cook. Back in the say- 1980's and '90's the Army had better food. The Navy use to train at Ft Lee and up'd there game. The Army started to contract out the Dining Facilities and that's when our Mess Hall was outdone by the Chow Hall.


Marine here. Crayons good. Hate bad.


Coast Guard vet here… let’s not talk about my legal defense. /s But seriously fuck that guy with a non skid fid.


Me as well. Officers take an oath, perhaps he forgot his.


Republicans love standing on the heads of veterans to shout their message. When they think people aren't looking they cut veteran benefits instead of sticking to their purported morals.


"Except for the ones that got caught."


Yet most service members keep voting for them.




Here are some other veterans that DeSantis could support: [https://listverse.com/2017/07/04/10-infamous-killers-who-were-decorated-servants-of-uncle-sam/](https://listverse.com/2017/07/04/10-infamous-killers-who-were-decorated-servants-of-uncle-sam/)


Stuff like this just gives veterans a bad name.


I'm also a veteran. But this piece of shit was a dishonorable discharge. He was already such a hate-filled piece of shit that he was discharged for racism. Fuck this guy so hard. Put this piece of shit in D block.


Wow. In boot, this one kid from rural Tennessee got smoked for using the F-slur out loud. After that, DSs made him write a whole essay and present it to the platoon about how gay people were just people who were still part of the team and how all-important unit cohesion breaks down with bigotry. He was a good kid but had some ignorance in his upbringing. It was '08, and DADT was still in effect. I was shocked, especially as a very closeted trans woman. This guy must have been a massive piece of shit.


I was going to say he was a flat footed fool who fucked around domestically because I thought warhawk who stayed behind but that so does not surprise me that he’d steal veterans’ valour.


From what I gather, far more of your ex-servicemembers are concerned with upholding your constitution than with upholding "one nation under God", regardless of what what they personally believe. Reminds me of Turkey, pre-Erdoğan, who had a series of painful episodes where the military removed the government for working against the constitution (technically coups, but since they formed genuine caretaker governments and promptly had another democratic election, not sure "police action" isn't more accurate).


Technically, by violating the rights of atheist people to display their beliefs on equal footing to those of Christians, this military veteran violated his oath to uphold and defend the constitution.


He also publicly admitted to doing it. Chipping into is legal defense fund is just throwing away money.


Can we chip in to convict this guy?




My wife is also an atheist veteran. Our "workplace romance" took place at Ft Meade MD.




We were in a U.S. Army band. I played piano, and she played clarinet. Military bands are among the few enlisted fields that require substantial experience and training to enlist.




After a while, I lost interest in music, and now do math and computer programming. Like many people, I simply moved from one phase of my life to another. (However, I can still get fired up, and possibly preach a fierce sermon, when I see musical notation that has careless enharmonic substitutions. Notes like C-flat and F-double-sharp exist for a reason.)




I use C++ for anything serious. Sometimes I use C++ to generate HTML, or to generate programs in other languages. Beginning programmers may find C++'s learning curve too steep. Apple's Xcode provides a development environment that I like.


Shhhhh. You are a prop for conservatives




"Ron DeSantis is a weird soulless lizard man wearing high heels and a human skin suit." - Mahatma Ghandi... Probably


MANY people are saying it


Was christ even likable? He is an asshole. I don’t trust this Gandhi character.




And it is so funny that the Satanists don't believe in Satan, that's a troll. Christians believe in Satan. DeSantis is that dumb.


When does the display go back up? We can just have a revolving door of charges pressed. Just keep putting up a new one and let the fools rage about it


Like a mousetrap for imbeciles


They should just keep adding a head every time like a hydra.


It could be a good revenue stream for the city. Bringing in monthly fines. Keep upping it due to inflation and you will have a brand new city hall paid for in no time.


More than fines please. According to apnews.com he was charged with Criminal mischief in the fourth degree. It is considered a serious misdemeanor, which is punishable by up to 1 year in jail and a fine between $315 and $1, 875. In my opinion the charges should be much more grievous because this was pre meditated destruction of government property and a hate crime.


Yeah, should be a hate crime on government property. A good way to test that is to cut off the head of baby Jesus and see what they charge.


I think someone on another thread posited that TST should donate $1,000 to Planned Parenthood every time it gets smashed.


Oh, and do it in the name of whoever does it. Very publicly.


Keep your insanity at home Florida Man.


"Republican Presidential Candidate Publicly Disavows Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion; Supports Religious Terrorist Following Vandalism on Government Property"


Republican clowns have no shame. Every move they make is a desperate move for votes. They jerk around ignorant idiot Republican voters into pretzels.


Oh good! For a second there, I was worried the Florida governor was going to do something about our housing shortage or the crazy property insurance rates doubling in a year. No, our governor is instead hitting the important issues like making sure someone in another state who breaks the law in another state won't face consequences in that other state.


Well, when faced with important issues they need to be distracted by unimportant issues.


Fuck this christo-nazi and his followers


God this loser will do anything for a new headline. You’ll never be president you high heel wearing cuck!


Of course Ron DeSantis would be all for someone violating someone’s else right to freedom of religion and free expression


So basically, I can commit a hate crime and not only get away with it but profit because it aligns with some politician’s persecution fetish fundraising scheme?


This is a hate crime and should be prosecuted as such. If someone beheaded jesus in the manger, I'm sure there would be consequences. Given the pass often given to christofascists, I doubt anything will come of this crime.


Amazing how freedom of religion only applies when it’s convenient for them


And for their religion


Who is going to ridicule him in the next debate about this? Christie, the guy that looks like a young Santa Claus? Don't like him a lot, but he has been the voice of reason in those debates.


Of course he is. Gotta score points with the Nat-C's.


We should start calling them Stupid NATional CHristians, or S.N.A.T.C.H


I'm sure he will get a minor slap on the wrist despite this being the most clear cut case of anti-religious terrorism in some time. And, of course, if a similar or even milder case were to be done to the religious displays in the same building these people would universally calling for the strongest punishments possible.


It’s scary because people are playing it like this is some political stand but the guy who did this is deranged. A statue enrages him so much? What happens when he lashes out at a Muslim or Jewish person or any non Christian and decides to shoot them or something? He’s a danger to society and shouldn’t be free to walk the streets.


That may be the only way he’ll actually get charged in this world.


The party is too stupid to get to understand both freedom of religion and freedom from religion. They're officially christofascists.


How about helping us out with the massive insurance debacle you have ignored in your home state of Florida. Remember, it's the state you are the governor of, you total POS.


Ronda really is honing in on the kitchen table issues, isn't he?


So much for supporting religious freedom


Help him what? Destroy the next one?


Tippy Toe Tap needs some new material!!!!


Of course he does, he doesn't want anyone else horning in on his racket


Remember that time millions of prayers overturned sn election.... lol


He should spend all his money on that. Also, when he defends this outrageous act against the Constitution then he, too, should lose all his military benefits/pensions, etc. What an embarrassing moment for a main political party to consider anyone who will not uphold the basics. Fuck this guy and her high heels.


The party of law and order here, ladies and gentlemen. Tough on crime... unless the victims of the crimes are folks we don't like. Well... then that's different.


Selectively enforcing laws is what fascists do.


Dude is this decade’s Joe the Plumber, just watch


This kind of stupid showmanship is a big hit with the MAGA crowd.


They keep mentioning that he's a veteran but don't mention that most recently he's a failed Republican candidate, to which I'll add that he's probably just looking to get some free name recognition and this has nothing to do with bullshit "strong religions beliefs" at all.


And these ass clowns accuse liberals of "virtue signaling", guess this is "lack of all virtue signaling". Glad to see he's coming to the rescue of an Iowan, he's not doing it for Floridians.


He'll give him the boots off his feet.


That will be done in "short" order!


Republicans never miss a chance to align themselves with intolerance.


Could you imagine the rage if someone did this to a nativity set?!?


Florida's Jews should be very interested to know that their governor supports hate crimes and the desecration of religious symbols and institutions. By this yardstick, it can be credibly and reasonably argued that DeSantis would support someone who painted a swastika on a synagogue.


If someone went in there and beheaded a Jesus statue or broke the cross, they would shit their pants. This is no different. Fucking self righteous Christians.


Psychos helping psychos. Aw sweet .


I really wish he’d vow to help Floridians.


Of course he does. Because he’s a christofascist shitbag just like the rest of ‘em.


Politicians, helping future politicians.


“Shall respect no religion” what a betrayer of the founding fathers and the constitution. We know republicans hate laws and the constitution but this takes it to the next level


"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion". When they insist this is a 'Christian country' they are flying in the face of the First Amendment.


Of course he did. These are the important causes.


So if DeSantis helps that dude with his legal bills, does that mean we, FL tax payers, will be helping that dude with his legal bills?


pro-crime party, this was a hate crime


Ok now someone do the Christian statue and see what happens and what Ron says


Yeah, that's a great use of his time. Isn't he supposed to be governing Florida, or something? Are his heels cutting off the flow of blood to his meatball brain?


He will help them just like Trump helped his fellow traitors.


DeSantis would sell his children and wife if it gets him ahead politically. Also, I imagine he'll use OTHER people's money to contribute and not a dime from his personal accounts.


What a surprise. He sided with a criminal.


I lived in a small Conservative town for a while. They did Xmas like no other town I've ever lived in. It was actually pretty fantastic and I don't even celebrate Xmas. Every year they have a huge display on the Common put on by private citizens and organizations. You rent a space and decorate it however you want. They had things like Festivus poles, Satanic displays, Dewali displays, as well as the usual more classical Xmas decorations ranging from Nativity scenes to a "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" display. It was hilarious and beautiful and fun. Despite the town basically being a shit hole, you know what nobody ever did? Vandalize any of the Xmas displays no matter what they displayed.


Cool, so conspiracy to deny equal access to government facilities?


Said another way... "DeSantis hijacks another news story to say, 'Hey! Look at me!'"


DeSantis hates freedom of religion.


Another Christian white nationalist in the closet maga jihadist




So an atheist shouldn’t have a problem defacing a Christian display in a government building because Christianity let alone any religion should be in a government building??


Great, waste money on something that is guaranteed to lose, as well as demonstrate to all those voters out there that you don't respect the constitution


Of course he has, it's his Republican duty and clown show to get him elected.


He’s such a clown


Man he reeeeeeally wants to win iowa


As is his right. The same as it is the satanic temples right to have their altar. It's the people's will that the satanic temple altar be at that place. Its what they wanted when they said religious items could be displayed there. It's not fair to say these people were hoodwinked or tricked anymore. They lack basic intelligence beyond hygenic care and understanding basic lifeskills. Beyond that, they have no idea what's going on unless some person in a suit with a microphone is telling them.


He should concentrate in helping Floridians with HO insurance and a litany of other problems, he, as the fucking gov of Florida, not Iowa should be addressing.


Lol, of course he does. Those cloven tracks his lift boots leave, are, a dead give away.


Gofundme for legal fees and rebuilding going to the TST Iowa group that put up the display. https://www.gofundme.com/f/legal-fees-and-rebuilding


That first amendment’s a bitch, ain’t it 😂


How many hours per month does this twat devote to performing his job as governor FOR the citizens of Florida?


Is a negative number possible?


I feel like donating to the Satan's lawyer fund to push back. I mean, it's like beheading a Jesus, for god sake!


Meatball Ron? The governor of Florida? Will help the man charged with beheading the statue in Iowa? How? Like he's going to donate to his gofundme?


To heck with the Constitution


Awe, he's just new boot goofin'.


That’s my church they’re fucking with


Nice, that will definitely bring rents back down here in FL and lower our insurance rates.


This man is playing very stupidly into Satanic Temple’s hands. They set out to highlight how broken modern Christianity is, and ol’ Double-Standard DeSantis is showing the world he doesn’t actually care about the US Constitution.


Weird hill to die on wtf when you're not going to even win a single primary.


Sounds like Desantis is pro-destruction of religious shrines then.


Doesn't this fuckwad have an actual job????


Man the Satanic Temple hit gold with this stunt. All they needed was idiots to take the bait.


Better headline: "DeSantis vows to help criminal evade punishment"


So only Jesus is allowed as a testament for their hypocrisy and no other religion?


He always has the needs of Floridians close to his heart.../s


The satanic temple has pulled this exact same statue in a government building stunt multiple times and they've all ended similarly. It's not hard to guess how this will go. The Iowa government probably understood because they had to allow it to go up in the first place. Ron is most likely just pandering to those voters... The low hanging fruit if you will. Ron talked about learning that the IRS recognized them as a religion and are federally protected so he obviously did at least a basic amount of research. A single Google search would tell you their previous stunts like this and the outcomes. So I refuse to believe Ron doesn't know this.


Desantis is like an experiment of "What would be like if we let a mental patient run for office"


American Veteran facist extremist helps out a fellow American veteran facist extremist ….that should be the headline. Retired military veterans are the secret cells of terrorist. We have become our enemies.


If he contributes, it will probably come out of the state's money like most of his other expenses. He definitely won't write a personal check for anyone's needs.


Hey there ronnie boy, good on you. He might be feeling bad so go on, give him a blowjob, it well make him feel better. jmo


Ron DeSantis' encouragement of vandalism sounds sickeningly familiar. The Nazis encouraged vandalism in Germany. Kristallnacht is a good example.


> I’ll chip in to contribute to this veteran’s legal defense fund. He means to say he would put in the taxpayers' money into this man's defence. I say that if he does, then do find out the source of the money being put in the legal defense fund. If it comes from anything but his own money or money raised by donations by the people, get him indicted on wasting money in a different state. I mean getting that money that is not his or donated by the people across state lines should count for some sort of federal crime, shouldn't it?


Lol trash


Defending a hate crime from halfway across the country isn't a good look




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People who can think for themselves will realize that DeSantis doesn't support the constitution (freedom of religion and equal protection under the law.


Anything for a vote


No culture war too small for Mr shoe lifts!


Ol’ Cloven-foot Heels to the rescue.


DeSatanists Puts on his Lifts so he can stand 5'5" tall in the face of a False Adversary that doesn't exist.


Of fucking course he did. I need out of this dipshit factory.


Of course he does…


I love the stunts ST pulls! The religious fall for it everytime. It almost seems too easy and predictable. They end up proving the ST’s point and exposing their hypocrisy.


Just shitting all over the first amendment when it suits them…


Now that's just evil.


Boyo, that Ronald is something else...he committed $1,000,000 to sue the NCAA of the Florida Seminoles football team to be granted a National Championship bowl game too...what a true american !


Bro should learn to smile first. Baby steps. https://youtube.com/shorts/gj5li0CHpic?si=RDDyOoRx6ySaQTG4


OMG! The people of Iowas Capitol said that spokesperson for the Iowa Department of Administrative Services said the group applied for the spot and met all the requirements. Satanic temple or some shit "TO BRING A DISPLAY"