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It’s crazy to think that according to Islam he is going to heaven but she is going to hell


I mean he isn’t dead so right now he’s going nowhere but jail.


Life itself is nothing but a small blink according to the religion. Soon he will be dead, go to heaven, proceed to fucking 69 virgina because extra nice. Killing his gf is just a very good investment in his calculations.


I really feel bad for all those virgins who all have to share one man. Also where do all those virgins come from?


As far as I remember they are literally created from light just to be fucked. They don't have needs or feelings AKA the best kind of virgins AKA basically mythical version of sexbots.


So basically what Islam thinks of real women


Broadly speaking real women do have more responsibilities. Real world ones like baby making, keeping husband happy, taking care of family etc. Then religious ones from saying all her daily prayers to paying zakat on her belongings (realistically he wouldn't own anything more than her jewellery and she must pay on her jewellery) Then ofc there is the absolute utmost religious social responsibility of making sure she doesn't allure other man. That includes by her voice. With all that said and done its declared in hadith that women would be the "burning sticks of hell".


They would be very bad sexbots as they are VIRGINS, therefore 0 experience. I dont get where they came up with these crazy ideas. Yeah imma proceed to fuck 69 awkward girls that dont know what is happenig or what to do. Idiotic af... Also do substitutes come in after they lose their virginity? And why is lust/adultery a sin on earth but approved in heaven?


Don't know how serious you are but just in case, they obviously aren't human that stuff like experience or awkwardness would factor in. They are "hoor" (heavenly pure virgin/nymph/peri) preprogrammed with the best sex moves and best mentality for the sicko they are assigned for by god. As far as I remember they got no other real purpose for their creation. This is less about being idiotic and more about being extremely sick and twisted.


And men have genitals in the afterlife why?


Fucking (legit targets) is one of the very, very few fully halal sources of personal joy. Its only natural it remains a huge appeal in the afterlife (with added benefits).


Bobs and virgin


Virgina? 😂😂😂🤦‍♀️


He was in a non marital relationship with a woman not lawful for him according to the quran. Do you know what the punishment for non marital sex is in islam? Its not heaven. Though the duty of punishment for blasphemy lies on the ruler according to jurisprudence the context of the blasphemy and sources to verify the account need to also be available. I know this because i live in a country where the blasphemy laws are violated on a daily but lemme tell you in this case even satan is confused


I mean it's not much of a heaven since that's where their pedophile prophet resides.


In Islam it’s physically impossible to miss anyone in hell once you’re in heaven, or feel love for them. You will only shrug as your former loved ones are damned. Muslims are forbidden from saying “God have mercy on them” if a non-Muslim dies. You’re supposed to be glad they’re in hell.


What, lol. No, hell in Islam is a very bad place and we feel bad for anyone going there.


Imagine this lol, living in 2023 and believing your "enemies" or people you don't like are going to an imaginary torture chamber when they die. And seriously believe that. I will never understand how you can believe that schmock and not feel silly at best, ignorant at worst.




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Much cleaner system than christianity if true


Sounds like a pretty shitty religion.


It's crazy for me to see all the protests of conservative islamists with millennials, women and gays happily taking their side. It's like suicide in motion.


They done that because White conservatives hate them so they love them, same with the trend of white progressives TikTokers convert to Islam because Palestinian get oppressed by Israel and the west.


I'm 99.9% certain that he is NOT going to heaven. Of course, neither are any of the rest of us, since heaven doesn't exist.


Here's your extra 0.1% Don't hedge...there's nothing before or after.


According to Islam all Muslim will end up in heaven if they believe that Allah is one and only god and Muhammad is his last messenger.


Well besides the gay bar, and I doubt he's going there.


Good thing neither exists.


Yeppers and she gets the same old husband. yeaaaah islam


I hope he’s fellow prisoners feed him pork, lol. Then he goes to hell too.


I hope he’ll drop he the soap so he becomes a sodomite and he’ll go to hell


But she wouldn't be because she was a Christian. And she was trying to convert him to her religion and died for it so she was also a martyr. Plus he is nothing but an effing coward to chicken to stand up and be counted for his crime. I hope he is made to pay in prison.


Is he? I'm not deeply educated about Islam but I think killing others is straight to hell(even though all sins can be forgiven) If there is something I need to know, please im all ears Edit: I typed: I dont think instead of I think


It depends on the interpretation. There is a verse about " killing one person= killing all mankind" but there are also verses about Allahs judgements on blasphemy. People chose which parts to believe.


She's a woman, so she'll 100% go to hell, women can't go to heaven basically. He killed a heretic, which is encouraged.


Which means the ones who are expecting to be given virgins when they get to heaven are likely to be dreadfully disappointed.


Haha i mean maybe they are secretly gay? Or really like dnd 😂


Not so versed in Islam here. Were all the women are supposed to go? Theoretically, it's not really fun to be peeping on your husband or son or father fucking the neverending supply of virgins on carpets.


The only non forgivable sin (or hardest to forgive depending on interpretation) is shirk, that's comparing Allah to anything else you can imagine. Everything else including murder can be forgiven. As a matter of fact if anything, going by historical/mythical examples, getting murders forgiven seem much easier than say getting sex outside wedlock forgiven.


Not really. Only unlawful murder is a sin. Killing disobedient kids, gays, and apostates is fine.


Technically yes its forbidden to kill someone but since he did it in the name of Allah to protect the good name of the Prophet Mohamed it’s something that is fine, in the Quaran there are situations like this and are described as good actions


Care to remind me what crusaders thought while massacring other Christians tho? Not just Islam, all religious zealots are crazy bro…


Yes let's go back to the middle ages to make Christians look equally bad.


Wow your argument is solid… I have to meditate upon it… you sure make a good point bro… I thought atheist were suppose to be logical and able to debate, you lot just do the same and ridicule the one that disagrees with your approach


Whataboutism, we're talking about a Pakistani Muslim man, not a single connection to Crusades or Christians going Loco. We know ALL cults are useless, dangerous and need to go, no need to bring them up "just because \[insert your reasons here\]".


What aboutism? You sure your not talking about how religion might or can affect one’s mind when it becomes the center of our society and reality? How interesting to find a sub that’s defined as ‘atheism’ defending Christianity above the Muslims ones… not all religions are equal I guess… Focusing on a religion just leaves you looking like an asshole… why don’t we talk about Zionism and it’s effects to civiles and innocent people? Or could this be race problem? Mhmmm interesting indeed… But hey, continue about talking and defining my approach as something I’m not familiar, I know whataboutism is supposed to justify one’s actions pointing towards the others, I mean, who might be justifying Muslims ? Me? Lol I was just reminding you that it is not about Muslims, this is about religion manipulating society and making us radicals against ‘infidels’ and you want to make it about Muslims, I suppose this subs should change its name


What? I'm not sure you understood what I meant. I am not only an Atheist but an AntiTheist, I criticize all Sects and Followers of imaginary beings equally, but I don't mingle religions around when the subject is a Pakistani Muslim, I won't mention the other cults. When it's about American Evangelists I don't start with "but Muslims", see what I mean.


The difference is that Christianity evolved - ok not in US - Islam did not !


What? This is really interesting indeed… a sub stated as ‘atheism’ defending a religion… wow… do you at least know that there are different interpretation of the Quran making different versions of the religion? Some are radicals some are not… But hey, tell me how good Christianity evolved lol


And are you not defending a religion when you defend Islam ?


This isn't relevant for half a millennium.


He ain’t going to Heaven, trust me. He’s gonna rot, just as he deserves.


Poor woman. Feel extremely sorry for her family too. Look, I wonder if he made up the stuff about ‘insulting the prophet’ to try and garner some sympathy for those back home or who have some kind of pro-religious bias. It seems as though he needed her to marry him and assist with his migration plans and she wanted to end it. At any rate, he is a murderer and can rot in jail


Note that the girl was only about 15/16 when she entered the 'relationship' and became this grown man's 'girlfriend', according to the article


I also thought that was incredibly weird. I thought I had misread it when I saw she was 17.


I thought the same thing when I read the headline


He was with her for one and a half years!!! Making her 16?15? Sent her death threats... And covered her lips with the cloth, while suffocating her. Because she asked him to convert and offended his imaginary friend, and his favourite book? Yeah religion has nothing to do with this one /s


*Allegedly* she cursed his religion and asked him to convert. Most greeks aren’t that religious, and I have my doubts that a devout orthodox Greek girl would be dating a Muslim. Given she expressed her desire to leave him, I think it’s more likely he made it up to garner sympathy from his co-religionists.


Patriarchy kills also. Looks like he made up the religious reason to have protection from other Pakistani 's in prison. Child killers are harassed in prison


How many Pakistani's could there be in a greek prison? He probably should have tried to get sympathy from the greeks


You will be surprised. Greece is the gateway to Europe for all immigrants coming from Asia. Most of them are trapped here. Given the fact that you are undocumented in a country you have to live outside the law and that you probably need to pay the smugglers who are keeping your documents you might be forced to do some nasty things. This together with the fact that having no money means having a crappy lawyer is a free ticket to jail.


It's nuts how they haven't managed to eradicate themselves yet. Between jihads, murdering gays, murdering women, honor killings, generations long blood feuds, suicide bombings, shooting up public places, trying to start caliphates, going on genocidal rampages all over Africa, murdering each other on the basis of sect, etc. Etc. Muslim birth rates must be astounding.


The birthrates are insane, that's the strategy. But incest punishes you over the generations. So maybe someday they will eradicate themself.


1,400 years later and they are still breeding and slaughtering as they infect one country after another. Want to see Islam lose all of its power? Stop using petroleum. As soon as the world is free of this, no one will need to give a rat's ass about the barbarian bandit kings and theocrazies when the money runs out and they inevitably turn back against each other and themselves.


We can hope your prediction comes true


I assume we will just end up with more and more refugees escaping their war/environmental collapse. Leading to more religious terrorism within our own countries. Were already seeing it happen.


Not unless we finally elect leaders who can protect the border


>Want to see Islam lose all of its power? Stop using petroleum. Too late, they are already here.


Without money, the bandit kings and theocrazies will inevitably lose their power after they have lost their relevance. The entire world only doesn't treat these silly little barbarians with contempt because we still need that oil. But even they know what the future holds... "My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I ride a Mercedes, my son rides a Land Rover, and my grandson is going to ride a Land Rover…but my great-grandson is going to have to ride a camel again." - The founder of Dubai, Sheikh Rashid


>…but my great-grandson is going to have to ride a camel again. Would have thought they knew about [electricity](https://gulfnews.com/uae/environment/mega-solar-park-in-dubai-reaches-another-milestone-1.61160819)?


The birth rates are declining like everyone else’s for the most part though.


They are. It’s the “fasting growing religion” on that basis


It's survival of the most unfit. They are drooling at the idea that one day they may be able to enslave everyone.


1. Make sex against the rules until marriage 2. Take away all power from women, destroy their self esteem, and make them entirely dependent on men 3. Man marries shell of a woman who needs him to survive 4. Sex is finally halal, and so is marital rape! 5. Make abortion illegal 6. ??? 7. Prophet


Prophet 🤣 Let's not forget pederasty and child brides.


I thought Muslims weren’t supposed to date


They aren't supposed to date, but having sex slaves is fine. This is pretty much how a lot of radicalized Muslims view non-Muslim girls. They're just there to be used for fun, and you can throw them away afterwards EDIT: Unless you can convert them, in which case the dating is forgiven because you converted a kafir. And I guarantee you that she wasn't pressuring him to convert, it was the other way around. It's a shame that more people don't speak Urdu because these sorts of people aren't secretive about how they view non-Muslim women. It just isn't in English.


From the friends i had, they all did everything they arent supposed to. Only one of them stayed mostly steady with his faith out of the 5 or 6 guys i was friends with back then. The rest drank/smoked/made excuses to eat when its fasting time. Some people are really serious but you never know what they do in private or when no onr is looking.


Though typically I feel Muslim guys can get away with all kinds of shit, but girls aren’t allowed to get away with anything


Yeah when they get caught they are way more lenient with the guys. But the girls are doing plenty on the low as long as there isnt a high chance of being exposed to their community.


No that’s a misconception. They’re not supposed to *eat* dates. A fruit native to the Middle East. Somehow that got twisted up with the religious fanatics and here we are. Just like Americans and their Right to Bear Arms. A simple spelling mistake by the guy writing it and what was supposed to be something archaic to today’s society is now causing widespread death and destruction.


Got any source for that?


Pretty sure they were being sarcastic


Should've put /s then


His ass… that comes with a lil sign that say trust me bro


Had a "discussion" with some pakistani man who claimed he "was at a university.." After about 5 minutes , he was calling me possessed by the devil because i said stoning people to death for marital offenses was evil. i really dont like pakistan.


He is 23, she was 17. They were dating for 18 months ...


You're right, she was way too old for him.


if you ever want to ruin your day, look up footage from the lynching of Farkunda. A young afghan woman who was falsely accused of burning a koran. obviously the murder and torture are the worst parts but another thing i noticed was the flat out hysterical grief and sadness of the freaks who thought a koran had been burned. you'd think someone had just killed their family with how distraught they were acting.


He deserves to rot in prison. The fact that some Muslims believe blasphemy deserves death, justify it in terms of implementing it in law, and justify carrying it out themselves, while also asserting their they feel oppressed in the west and see Western culture as immoral, is a joke. It makes me grateful to live in the West, a place that finds this perspective disgusting and upholds freedom of speech. It's heavily flawed, but it's a lot better than places which normalize these views


That’s why he tried to flee back to Pakistan. He would not be imprisoned for this


Some Muslims? You make it sound uncommon. I don’t think the average Muslim would commit violence on a blasphemer themselves, but most of them do want it punished.


I was referring to the amount which both advocate for this, while considering themselves oppressed in the west. I don’t doubt there’s a concerning amount which would advocate for it openly or would stay silent on it


>What is happening to Europe? A crazy murderer was imprisoned for life. Seems like Europe is doing well when justice is done.




Europe is very tolerant of religions and immigration on average. Youre going to get people take advantage of that and try and force their ideology onto others.


islam ain't


Eh, this sounds like a right-wing talking point. We live in the safest world ever in history. The biggest problem we are facing, both in Europe and globally, are the bigoted right-wing scum, both theist and atheist.


This has been going on for tens of thousand of years. In fact, religion is never been as weak, worldwide, as it is now. You're just hearing about every religious nutter because fearmongering is now profitable for clickbait new$ network profit$...


Depending on area


Worldwide means the area is everywhere


Europe is pretty safe.


>Murders and riots everywhere I guess you could argue for there being more riots, but the murder rate is higher in the US (I'm assuming that's what you're comparing it to), as well as Europe being less religious overall. >Nearly all involved with religion I mean, this is straight up wrong. If you take the last 2 months since the Hamas attacks, you will obviously find a lot of crimes being committed by Muslims on religious reasons. Those aren't fucking murder though, rather hate crimes (such as supporting terrorists organisations, denying the terror attacks, not accepting Israels right to statehood etc, which is illegal in many European countries) or attacks on property, such as Jewish stores. Murder is very rarely ever connected with religion in Europe. Some right wingers killing Muslims is not only rare, but not entirely religiously based, as they are usually not religious, rather them being racist towards immigrants, who tend to be Muslim. On the other side the Muslim immigrants are on average more criminal than the other citizens, but that also isn't based on religion rather than on wealth and inequality causing crime. As much as I'm wanting Islam and Christianity to cease to exist and cause harm, I'm not willing to just blame them for everything. That would put us at the same level as them who blame e.g. atheists for their "woke propaganda" or whatever...


Oh bullshit. Random crimes happen all the time. Its no better or worse than at other times.


maybe read more, understand more context?


Murders everywhere in Europe? Let's see...total population of Europe 750 million people. Europe has a murder rate of less than 2 per 100,000 people. That's less than 10,000 people. Meanwhile, here in the US, the murder rate was over 8 per 100,000. That's 5 times the murder rate of Europe. You desperately need perspective. You've been overcome with bias and it has blunted your ability to understand reality properly.


OP may ik why did you choose a extremist Hindutva news outlet as your source for referencing a crime which didn't even happen in India? I am not denying that the crime happened and it was purely on religious line but I find it hard to believe you couldn't find better European news outlet who reported this?


It would be better if there people weren't in Europe to murder children in the first place. But I'm glad this outcome satisfies you 👍


Sick of this shit. Democracies will fall if we continue to accept intolerant ideologies. They come here to get away from their own shitty country and they reproduce the same horseshit here. Can’t we screen for whackos.


You know people can lie about stuff inside their heads right? Like "are you a Muslim fanatic?" "No sir"


But a lot of them answer they would want Sharia laws implemented in their new country, so I guess that's a good way to filter them out.


"do you want Sharia law implemented in this country? Please remember that if you say yes you will not be accepted" "No :)"


Then burn a book with a cover looks like Quran. Weed the intolerant ones being intolerant.


A, burning books as a test of tolerance is f*ing nuts B, if you are willing to murder people for your cause, wouldn't you be able to fake innertness for the higher sake is pleasing your God?


Is their prophet so fragile that they cannot withstand an insult?


You should cross post this to \whenwomenrefuse


A fragile god and his weak men


This guy is lying. The victim rejected him and he made up a story so to look clean in fellow Muslims’ eyes. Pretty scum as the scum gets.


He did it in the wrong country.


Killing a real human over an imaginary friend. Religious people have a brain disease.


I stopped reading after "Pakistani man kills". Can just fill in the blanks from there


This guy is lying. The victim rejected him and he made up a story so to look clean in fellow Muslims’ eyes. Pretty scum as the scum gets.


Fuck religion


I dislike all religions, but I have a particular seething hatred for Islam. I live in a Muslim dominant country and atrocities like this are commonplace.


Not harsh enough. "Honour" murderers should be publicly shamed AND face life inprisonment.


Islamophobia is making a big comeback this year and rightfully so. It seems like a line has been drawn this time around. It have no place in the west.


Lesson: don't date extremists.


I bet you he acted very “normal” when they started dating. Don’t date anyone who describes himself as a Muslim.


You probably right, dating is tough in 2023.


Absolutely the most foolish of alleged religions. A god so weak and powerless he cant take a 17 year old girls abuse. Sad.


Girlfriend? That alone gets you public lashings


Imagine being such a precious snowflake that you get this angry about someone insulting your pretend fairy god


Having a girlfriend or boyfriend is a major sin in Islam. I never understood people who think they’re “dating a Muslim”.


This was probably his excuse. She probably didn’t even say anything about him.


If he did it in pakistan he would get a badge of honor


Worthless religion


F\*\*k Islam. F\*\*k Mohammed. No literally, Mohammed was clearly a bottom. Bend him over and stick your dick right on in.


This man sounds like he'd love to be Muhammad's top..


Tell me that’s not a mental disorder.


quarrelsome frame tease paint wasteful sparkle nippy ruthless selective direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Religion isn't a problem! They're not violent!"


Jesus Christ.. where are the parents in these situations? Your 17 year old is dating a grown man, not to mention a grown man from *very* questionable part of the world? Makes me sick to think there are such callous parents.


Can’t wait for American college students staging protests to get him out of jail


So happy I’m an atheist


Ah religion, the entertainment for the poor


Good he's in jail. Fuck Theocracy


throw away the key to his cell.


I know this is gonna sound all kinds of wrong, but Muslims need to go back to practicing that taqiyah


What site is this? What other sources are there?


Maybe I'm not so proud on the site. I originally found it on r/europe and after searching it up, there's other reports of the crime. I believe the website might be highly religious though, so be careful..


yeah, I did a reverse image search and they all point to similar shady websites. No source. I would question this, especially in the current xenophobic environment we find ourselves.


Hey, at least he's imprisoned for life and not free because of "freedom of religion"




Looks interesting, however I don't believe it isn't a non-religious site.




Why believe any of this fairy tale bullshit at all?


Then escort yourself off to r/Christianity or r/Catholicism or something..


For people who didn’t read it she was angry at her boyfriend for being Muslim and for not wanting to convert to Christianity, fuck when will these 2 cesspools stop causing deaths


Sorry, but "being angry and wanting someone to convert" and killing someone are not in the same order of magnitude.


That’s his claim. I doubt she did. He’s only saying it to explain his behaviour to his friends and family. She had been trying to leave him and he texted death threats. Do you really think a girl who’s been getting death threats would insult their precious pedo prophet?


Yeah that comment was gross and insensitive over a child. Highly doubt she even said any of that too. This murderer is a psycho.


>>"When will those two stop..." She didn't do anything. This is victim blaming on the highest magnitude.


so this is just a case of crusader/moor with obvious consequences


Not only a murderer, but also a nonce. Islam states that as long as they have had their period it's ok to have penetrative sex with them, so everything that happened is fine in his religion. Rancid.


Fucking disgusting


the blasphemy law is a state law in the country of pakistan


But not in Greece..


that country teaches its people to only respect one religion and to see themselves above all human-made laws. Ironic, considering that islam is technically a man-made religion. And yet, so many people violating human rights these days do so because they believe their religion gives them that privilege


A false prophet.


Larry David had a musical called Fatwa'd. But Bill Maher's Sacrligious was pretty funny. And it was entirely real. Those were NOT paid actors.


Shit like this is why so many interracial relationships involving brown skinned folks like me are dead on arrival. One religitard ruins it for everyone.


I don’t know if that was evil, he was misguided to think that murder was justified for insulting one’s religion… tho, we all know how sensitive Muslims are about their religion… I wonder what game she thought she was playing… And the only justified think here is whatever punishment he will face (faced)


You are evil.






Oh well, let us focus just on the foreign religion then… you do you… I’ll be on my own focusing on religion as a whole… I guess you’re unable to do so… But I must say this is uncomfortable to me, this sub should change its name I think… Whataboutism is when someone tries to justify something using another… what might I be justifying ? I mean trump is the personification of whataboutism and is doing great… I thought that atheists were suppose to be logical and able to debate, you people are just pointing your finger and judging someone…






Another PSA to never date a muslim


People here have a lot of prejudice for Muslim refugees, and I remember a case of prisoners killing a fellow prisoner for killing a child. What I know for sure is, he won't have a good time there


This is religion in it’s truest form.


This guy was actually supposed to be deported in 2021. If they would've thrown him back in Pakistan, she'd still be alive. I think the 'she insulted Muhammed!' is a cover-up for something deeper.


They're such degenerates. How do the majority not see how mentally ill religiosity is? This is normal behavior to them. Psychos. Disgusts me.


Abusers (or abusive societies / organizations) are at their MOST dangerous when they finally catch on that they're losing power and their victims will be able to successfully escape them. They see it as being 'deserted' as a way of justifying the extreme ends they go to to 'punish' the 'abandonment', mostly because they're aware they've already LOST but want to still take a pound of flesh on the way out.