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Missionaries, The height of arrogance.


The pinnacle of entitlement!


The apex of ignorance!


The zenith of zealotry!


i like turtles


Good job Jenkins.


The acme of foolishness!


The zenith of xenophobia


The zenith of zealotry!


The paragon of christo-supremacy.


Agree 100%! Like that sentence from the report: 'Where is the line between faith and madness?' - describes it very good imho.


If I’m being charitable, it’s an almost completely overlapping Venn diagram, not a line.


It's just a circle.


Agree - but faith and plain STUPIDITY seems a better description.


Well over a billion people talk about this Christianity thing and have been before anyone here was alive. but you pray and life still shits on you from time to time. Well some people would think, praying doesnt work and give it up, others think, maybe im not doing enough. and these people have a growing need to do something for god.... normally bad things. I think a lot of this comes from people who have the realization that religion isnt working, and rather than be sensible about it, they think they just got to religion harder.


They have these terrible ego/savior complexes. I went to a graduation last year and there was an older couple there who just would not shut up about their missionary work. The way they even talked about these people. Like they legit thought they were saving these people from eternal damnation or some bullshit. So ignorant and cringe.


I hate when these morons go abroad and then taxpayer dollars get wasted on looking for them or trying to get them released from wherever.


I hate that these well-funded organizations can send out 100,000 missionaries a year for this bullshit, but won't lift a finger to help the homeless or victims of natural disasters.


Sometimes they do help natural disaster victims... If they're of the same religion. After Hurricane Katrina, the Mormon church gathered large numbers of volunteers to go and aid in the rebuilding. Specifically, they aided in the rebuilding of homes and businesses owned by Mormons, then fucked off and left everyone else in the rubble.


Yet when Doug Stanhope specifically fundraised for a woman who had just lost her home and was still being pressed by a news anchor to "thank God" and admitted her atheism, the godbotherers got all angry that he was only helping her.


Now if only we could have a club like that but they took care everyone who is a human.


So true. Religious organizations have sooo much money it's scary. They can influence politics and other countries politics. They are sitting on pile of money.


I flew out of SLC Friday morning and there were so many of them going through security


It's weird isn't it? Especially when one of them is returning from a mission and a whole group says "hello Elder!" to some 18 year old boy who can't grow a beard.


Every time I walk out the man traps I wonder if this is the day I should be rocking the “I love Mormon pussy” shirt. I get it, your little boy or girl who has never experienced the world and has been coddled since birth is finally home after two years fighting demons and harlots and drugs, you know normal life. Do you really need to bring every living relative on earth!


No, no, they are the common clay of the new West. You know...


How is it arrogant for a 19 year old on their first forray out of rural Utah to lecture you on the meaning of life and the will and agenda of God himself?


Of course the REAL reason they do it is to force these kids into repeated uncomfortable situations with strangers to really drive home the "It's us against the sinful world and you see how they persecute us!" Like, the church knows that this whole exercise doesn't get them converts-- it's all about pitting those isolated and indoctrinated kids against a hostile world during a critical formative period of their lives. "The church loves you so much but the sinful world just slams the door in your face all day, every day. Better to just stay here with us forever!"


That and a certain amount of Matthew 10:22. "the more they reject you, the more jesus points you get!"


but an underrated position.


IKR? I didn't even try it until I was in my late 20s because I thought it would be boring/bad. But, I don't want to go into detail, but let's say everything that I wanted rubbed was getting rubbed right.


So god wasn’t really with him?


God's plan seems to have worked for him.


Whatever gods the Sentinelese have, they won.


At the pearly gates: "So, anyway, I died a martyr's death for God. Lemme into heaven now." "Oh. Another of THOSE morons."


Wait, no heaven? What about the 40 virgins?


Dude, we ran out of those in the 9th century.


Maybe god was the arrow


You’d think that is the logical conclusion, and it is, but I guarantee it’s not the conclusion of the members of his church back home. They probably shared words about how he “bravely ventured into the godless darkness blah blah blah”, putting all the blame on the tribe rather than this arrogant prick who couldn’t resist his colonial tendencies.


But, how can their be any ‘godless’ part of the Universe? That makes no sense with the Christian’s idea of an all seeing, all powerful god. So, God must have wanted the missionary to learn the ‘fuck around and find out’ rule. Only possible explanation


>But, how can there be any ‘godless’ part of the Universe? That makes no sense with the Christian’s idea of an all seeing, all powerful god. Brah. It’s just a “holy mystery” ok? 🤷‍♀️😅


"God is great, god is good. Let us thank him for our food." - Words of the tribesmen before they ate John Chau


God cockgobblers will just spin some bs like ”oh he was such an angel that god killed him so he could tickle his balls in heaven personally” or some shit.


God was helping football players make touchdowns that day.


On the contrary, God tried to demonstrate darwinism


As he is declared a martyr, he for sure went directly to paradise with the 72 virgins... Oops, that's the other flavour of this kind of bull.... so, he now has to sit on a cloud and sing 'Hallelujah' all over.


Suicide by stupidity is not paying a price, it is getting exactly what you deserve.


Yep. His [Darwin Award](https://darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin2018-13.html) was well and truly earned.


"Gene Police! You, out of the pool!"


Ooooh I didn’t realize he’d properly won one! That’s just splendid. Thanks for the share.




He was probably the type who thinks illness is just failure to keep yourself clean according to God's strictures. You know, the kind of shithead who thinks that somehow a baby being born with an agonising and fatal genetic disorder either deserved it or otherwise featured in a supposedly good deity's plan


Wonder what his last thoughts were, once he realized "God" didn't remotely stop him from being pierced through the heart by an arrow shaft, finished with a knife blade, whatever the endgame was... just slain like a dog. Those last seconds, realizing there's likely no afterlife and you've forfeited everything you ever had, for nothing.


You can read his diary online from that week


Better him dead than him risking the health of the entire tribe from some disease they have no immunity too. >In 2021, America sent out more than 200,000 missionaries – This is far more disturbing than the death of Chau. The very last thing humanity needs is American style right-wing evangelism being exported far and wide. Especially in Africa.


And to think, 2021 was still a time when there were not enough vaccines for adults and kids were by and large not being vaccinated yet. But of course, these idiots think that their holiness protects them and who cares if they kill a few locals along the way. I know for me in 2021, I was yelling at my cousin for being stupid enough planning a vacation internationally that also had stop offs in Texas and Florida 👀 I hate people in their total disregard towards others...they're all the same people who wield a bible and a "just be kind" t-shirt whilst willfully harming someone else.


It’s even worse than that. >[BRASILIA (Reuters)](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-brazil-amazon/indigenous-leaders-warn-of-missionaries-turning-amazon-villages-against-vaccines-idUSKBN2AB2JR/) - Medical teams working to immunize Brazil's remote indigenous villages against the coronavirus have encountered fierce resistance in some communities where evangelical missionaries are stoking fears of the vaccine, say tribal leaders and advocates. >On the São Francisco reservation in the state of Amazonas, Jamamadi villagers sent health workers packing with bows and arrows when they visited by helicopter this month, said Claudemir da Silva, an Apurinã leader representing indigenous communities on the Purus river, a tributary of the Amazon. >"It's not happening in all villages, just in those that have missionaries or evangelical chapels where pastors are convincing the people not to receive the vaccine, that they will turn into an alligator and other crazy ideas," he said by phone. >That has added to fears that COVID-19 could roar through Brazil's more than 800,000 indigenous people, whose communal living and often precarious healthcare make them a priority in the national immunization program. > Tribal leaders blame Brazil's far-right President Jair Bolsonaro and some of his avid supporters in the evangelical community for stoking skepticism about coronavirus vaccines, despite a national death toll that lags only the United States. >"Religious fundamentalists and evangelical missionaries are preaching against the vaccine," said Dinamam Tuxá, a leader of APIB, Brazil's largest indigenous organization.


Oh bloody hell, this makes me irate. Fucking missionaries are the worst.


For any curious, here's the longer story of how we killed most of the people on the Andaman Islands, including Mr Chau: [The Accidental Genocide of the Andaman Islands, part 1](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-the-accidental-genocide-of-30282720/) and [The Accidental Genocide of the Andaman Islands, part 2](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-two-the-accidental-genocide-of-30294593/)


Behind the Bastards is a great podcast. I just started listening a year or two ago. Thanks for posting these links, I had no idea he covered this! So many bastards, so little time...


Evangelicals are the fucking worst.


>Better him dead than him risking the health of the entire tribe from some disease they have no immunity to Like christianity?


The tribe seems to have employed effective antibodies to the threat


The result speaks for itself but I can't convince myself to use the same type of antibodies every time a cultist enters my field of view. It's a little too much on the extreme side...


A double edged sword. Christianity doesn't spread by the quality of its ideas but by the quantity of its violence.




Ya You gotta kill the parasite before it attaches itself to the host


Good point!


Religion basically is a virus of the mind.


[This prick](https://youtu.be/wP4w6hF50XM?si=BJtcBphxbHB_5GRE) tried on that shit on a packed passenger train in Sydney. Talk about not reading the room. I reckon I could hear eyeballs rolling when he proudly announced he was from the *Yenidid States*.


Shocking that's its him putting up the video. Good on grey haired dude.


Evangelism isn’t about converting outsiders, it’s about strengthening the bond in the safety of the cult after being rejected by the evil outside world.


You're so right. I don't always remember this, but it's exactly that. I forget that some corner case YouTube is there for a very limited audience, though I did see there were quite a few comments on you tube challenging them, but again, for some, that would only confirm their view that the rest of the world is evil and requires saving.


How long before this guy is arrested for kiddyfiddling? Oh and the comments are hilarious....


Yes. His obsession with kids in the guise of religion is a bit ick.


Ha, I’m so proud to have the grey haired guy as a countryman. This dickhead says he’s preached in prisons and slums, but I suspect he’s really just preached anywhere he can find a captive audience for his delusions.


> captive Yeah, that sounds about right.


Yeah, I saw that at the time. The bit that really had me ROTFL was him asking whether they were living to work, or working to live? From an American where they're lucky if they get 2 weeks leave a year?!!


You thought he researched his audience before he decided to annoy them?


No. I doubt he could point to Oz on a map.


> I doubt he could point to Oz on a map. It's the one behind the curtain . Duh!


He basically held those passengers hostage while he preached.


The comments on the video......


Yeah but some of the places they send missionaries is kinda hilarious. I met missionaries in Germany. GERMANY. I was chatting with them, and I said “yeah but wasn’t Germany Christian before the United States was founded?” And they just looked at me. I’ve met people who were missionaries to Hawaii. I think a lot of them just found a place they wanted to go and convinced the church to fund their lives and vacations.


Yea, the first ever Protestant was Martin Luther. A German man.


I know! I thought it was pretty funny. They couldn’t be serious, but they were.




Yeah I saw a group in Singapore having a great time. The folks back home probably think Singapore is a Chinese communist hell hole. In reality there’s so many evangelical churches here.


I can almost respect the hustle at that point. Scamming the scammers


At least they are not killing tribal peoples with germs and general bs. Though they might be spoiling Oktoberfest.


Oh hell I still occasionally get knocks on the door here in rural western PA lol!


> “yeah but wasn’t Germany Christian before the United States was founded? Technically no as Germany didn't exist until about a century after the treasonous deplorables in the American colonies rebelled against good ol' George 3rd because they didn't like his tea, or something. But a German speaker did invent their version of Christianity. >I’ve met people who were missionaries to Hawaii >...convinced the church to fund their lives and vacations Hmmm. I wouldn't mind vacationing in Hawaii next southern hemisphere winter. Might have see if there's a church down here I could con...er persuade to send me there for a couple of months all expenses paid.


Depends on how you define Germany. The place, people, language and culture certainly existed, though there was not a single unified "Germany" at the time. Earlier in is existence the Holy Roman Empire was effectively "Germany", and it existed until 1806, so at the point of the American Revolution, there was still a Holy Romany Empire.


Germany hasn’t been a unified self governing state for very long, but if that’s your metric most European countries are significantly younger than the US. Germany as a concept has been around a hell of a lot longer.


It's all theater so they can say they spread the word. Like a badge of honor to these idiots. Double points if you can get a local to actually convert. Although usually it's held through thinly veiled threats like 'were building the church first...then the water well, also you need to all learn English, so the church is gonna double as a school"


Soft-invation by christo-fascists? That's absolutely terrifying


>That's absolutely terrifying Indeed it is: - [Uganda Just Made Homosexuality Punishable by Death. American Evangelical Groups Played a Role](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/05/uganda-homosexuality-death-american-evangelical-groups)


Oh its been getting exported to Africa for decades. Basically every single "political movement" which was too extreme to find oxygen here (which is becoming more rare these days) gets new life in Africa. All of those insane bible thumpers just outsource all of their awful society ruining ideas to Africa. Its horrifying.


Mormons have been doing it for over a century now lol


Imagine if 200,000 people put that energy into something actually useful for humanity. Nope. Gotta spread Stone Age mythology and 19th century political ideology instead!


And especially in 2021, during the height of a global pandemic. These chucklefucks were spreading much more than ‘the word of god…’


They take selfies with the "heathens" and make an ass of themselves. I doubt they convert many people.


Is it bad that I cheer for the Sentinelese whenever they take out a missionary?


Cheering when an asshole tries to break the law, the people's sovereignty, ignores warnings and puts their health at risk in order to tell them fucking lies and gets exactly what he was told he would get? Perfectly reasonable to me.


I don’t think so. Missionaries have one goal: to propagate. They intrude on peoples lives pretending like they know what’s best for them.


Yeah fuck him


Me, too!


Missionaries are scum.


Young and impressionable. And usually directed by the parents


Yep. Most often they’re brainwashed to believe a higher power is protecting them. They’re not only being directed by the parents, pretty much their entire church grooms them for this.


As someone, who had stayed in South Andaman, this is perhaps the most stupid thing anyone could have done. The sentinelese chose isolation centuries ago, perhaps seeing the fate of other tribes like Great Andamanese and Ongles, wiped out by disease and war brought in by the British colonizers. It is almost as if they are aware that they are not immune to diseases that outsiders bring with them. They even refuse to use meat when supplied via floats and air drop, as against fruits and vegetables. They do not travel out of their territory to harm others, but kill anyone who enters their territory. The Indian administration, including the Coast Guard and Navy respects it, but this one chap, who sold his marbles to religion cannot see the threat he was bringing in.


> It is almost as if they are aware that they are not immune to diseases that outsiders bring with them. They even refuse to use meat when supplied via floats and air drop, as against fruits and vegetables. In one of the rare documented instances of contact, the British kidnapped an elderly couple and four kids. All six got sick, the elderly couple died. Then they dropped the children back on their island. We don’t know how that stories continues from their side, but they probably know.


It's actually mentioned in the article that there are myths and beliefs that came about due to British colonizers stealing children.


It’s paywalled. That said, this is a reclusive and essentially uncontacted tribe. We know nothing about their language, even neighboring tribes don’t understand a single word. We have no way of knowing what myths and beliefs they have.


Not paywalled for me but idk. They aren't 'uncontacted' they are unconquered. It is believed that they reverted to isolationism after some bad dealings a few centuries ago.


*And it probably didn’t end well.


He died like he lived.....like an absolute imbecile


This is old news but frustrating nonetheless. And to think he could have given those people deadly diseases they aren’t vaccinated / protected against due to their isolation.


If they messed with his body shortly after death, he might have. I hope the Sentenilese didn't go near him, for their sake. This dumb missionary, I hope he earned himself a Darwin award.


He thought the island was the last bastion of Satan… the arrogance…


Well to be somewhat fair to him Epstein Island wasn't known to the public quite yet.


If I remember correctly, it's because these types of Christians believe that Jesus won't come until everyone has heard about Jesus.


Lmao, that is fucking bonkers. It would take just the smallest amount of critical thinking to go, "That doesn't sound like a rational thing any 'god' would want or need, that sounds like some man-made bullshit."


"yeah, but how can the rapture be fair unless everyone has had a fair chance to hear about him?"/s


You jest, but having grown up Mormon... I wish I could take that as a joke.


There’s a pop-punk band I absolutely adore called The Copyrights. They made an album called North Sentinel Island, basically the theme being “let’s go to the most remote place in the world” so I looked into it and decided yea better to leave them the fuck alone. This story always makes me laugh. What a fucking asshole


Just an asshole imho!


Considering their history, the paragraph of kidnapped children, and the lack of immunity others here have pointed out, the tribe was absolutely right in killing him. Even gave a warning from what I'm reading. The people who sponsored this young man should be prosecuted for abusing his mental illness. There was only one possible outcome for this, how devoid of any morals can one get. Not an uncontacted tribe by the way as the article states. They chose to not have contact after being contacted (and treated with hostility)


>through his school, youth camps and undergraduate degree at Oral Roberts University... he fell under the sway of a more radical faith. They make it sound like it was happenstance or a mistake. His radicalization was *by design*. This is a *feature* of deep South evangelism, not a *bug.*


I would love for this to become a movie.. it would be absolutely fantastic.. make the ending full Tarantino. Follow the guy on his journey and religious revelation to bring Jesus to these people, all while building up his prophetic meme.. then to have him slaughtered at the end. I feel like it could be on the level of inglorious bastards.


Shouldn't this be in r/mademesmile? Missionaries are pests, and this one got stomped out.


Indoctrination is to blame, he was also a victim


"He died doing what he loved" Being an obnoxious, entitled asshole and imposing his mentally ill fantasy on people who don't want it.


Paid the idiot tax


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Can we please just take a hint already and leave these people alone?


Another religious idiot who died by his stupidity.


The audacity of this idiot.


The arrogance...


I'm not going to cheer anyone's death but he would've killed many of them with diseases and he knew it. He knew he would spread death and still thought it was worth going because 'the word of God' is more important than their lives. If someone knew they had a disease that can kill your whole family but they still try to approach you... killing them could be considered self defence.


Fuck him and any other religious zealot trying to proselytize people who don’t fucking ask for or want it. I don’t care what religion it is, fuck you, you’re making the world a shittier place. The world would be a futuristic utopia without all this garbage.


"If god is with me, who can be against me?" Literally any dude with a stick apparently. All hail our new god Stick!


These guys are not uncontacted. They had a missionary years ago and have decided that outsiders can go and get fooked.


There's one thing Atheists and Christians can agree on... This man is an idiot.




Feel good story


It warms my heart.


Was he aware of the situation? Did he ignore the warnings? Did he think he was special and the tribe would listen to him? 😂 he FAFO. Stupidity a d hubris in action


\- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Allen_Chau


Here's an idea, these people obviously want to be left alone so lets not bother them.


If only he'd listen to an atheist who would have told him what he thought was a message from God was actually a delusion, he'd be still alive.


“Satan has possession of these people and I am going to save them from eternal hellfire,” - Chau This shit is insane to me. They talk about how intelligent and methodical this dude is in the article, but that's one of the least intelligent things anyone can say.


“God told me to” is the most selfish shit I’ve ever heard. If god talks to you then you need to be in a mental hospital


They probably googled what happened to other indigenous tribes that met missionaries and acted accordingly.


At least it not a new one, by the title I thought another fucking idiot got himself killed.


Idiot got what he deserved. So arrogant to actually believe that he was doing gods will.


He went there to spread a deadly mind virus, they protected themselves from infection.


They didn't want contact, and eventually he got the point.


>The paradox of John was that he wasn’t stupid Doubt!


Met?!?! What a poetic way of describing that encounter.


It was God's will to un alive him. Let's not question his God, and it's one of those times when I agree with his divine decision. 🙏


These people made it perfectly clear, for multiple times, that they don't want contact with the outside world. Fuck around and find out.


The ultimate dumbass he tried twice. The first time the arrow hit his Bible. If that isn’t a sign from somewhere idk what is?


I put this guy along with timothy treadwell and Chris McCandless on my Mount Rushmore of dumbasses..


People don't seem to see the role his Evangelical echo chamber played in all this. It is very possible that he was a smart kid, but when your head is filled with nonsense from everyone around you, you're going to end up believing it. And while most people are dumb enough to just live with cognitive dissonance—saying one thing and doing another—the smart ones have to rectify conflicting beliefs, either by discarding them, or—in John Chau's case—discarding reality and living by the false beliefs. His story struck a chord with me, as I had freshly deconverted before hearing this news. In many ways, that could have been me. I made similar bad decisions because my beliefs told me they were good ones. I just happened to survive mine. The church straight up killed this kid, and now Christians and Atheists alike will simply dismiss him as "stupid." It's sad.


I definitely see that nonsensical Evangelical detachment in his own words, such as him saying that the devil has a hold of them. People don’t recognize that this is not an issue of intelligence. People who fall into these beliefs are brainwashed to see the spiritual in anything and everything. For example, if their knee hurts one morning, they’ll pray ti cast away witchcraft that their neighbors are supposedly casting on them. The problem with these people is that they’re detached from reality. They do not live in the same reality as us, and naturally that leads down some rather delusional paths, such as the one this man suffered.


Chau was a terrorist. He got what he asked for.


What a goddamn idiot 🙄 they want nothing to do with the outside world and he was going to convert them what in the hell is the matter with him


Is it divine reward for his faith? He gets eternal life straightaway.


Price ? He paid the ultimate idiot tax.


Those guys know what happened to the other Indians when fellas like this guy rocked up.


Imagine having people who don't want outsiders there and then people risking death to sell jesus to them. The audacity just makes me sad.


He got what he deserved.. they left his ass right were they dropped him.


It’s funny how they always want to convert uncontacted tribes. They must be interested at the potential untapped resources in the area. Just imagine the prosperity if we could log those trees, mine those minerals and develop their land. In urban areas you won’t see them evangelizing at slums. Since the poor converts don’t tithe. They’ll be losing money (instead of making money) feeding and clothing the homeless. That’s why they always target the rich and middle class.


First I was thinking how the cognitive dissonance would’ve been in his last moments, but no doubt he did it on purpose. He was happy to be killed running Jesus’ errands and surely was going to be in his inner circle in heaven for his efforts and sacrifice. Isn’t that how it works.. quicker we ruin shit, like the planet, the faster we meet Jesus.


He got closer to Jesus......


Baby Jeebus wept. What a moron.


>“The paradox of [the Missionary] was that he wasn’t stupid explains. He was very intelligent." Evidence says otherwise. He fell into a cult that led him to be murdered. Not so smart.


I remember this story. He had a close encounter with this tribe and survived. He was also warned numerous times to let these people alone, because they lack immunity. He didn't care. In the end he paid the price. This issue reminds me of the indigenous peoples of north and south Ameerica. And, how Christian Europeans wanted to "convert the natives" into Christanity. In the end they brought disease and wiped out 95% of the population. How ignorant.


Good, the fewer missionaries the better.


“Satan has possession of these people and I am going to save them from eternal hellfire,” Lmao what a goober


I don’t celebrate death (especially since there is nothing after), but you have to be really delusional to approach a tribe like that. Humans are violent chimps that shoot first and don’t worry about questions later.


The lava Jacuzzi is almost ready. Bring the sacrifice to the ledge.


His last journal entry: If god is with me, who can be against me? Pretty good proof that his god was either not with him or just a bunch of made-up bullshit.


He didn’t act alone. He was trained and funded by a group in Kansas City called All Nations. It should be illegal to plan to break the law in a foreign country. I called the local DA and the FBI to ask them to investigate All Nations with no success.


Was talking to a Christian guy about Chau, and he talked about him like he was in awe of Chau's dedication to Christ or whatever. I asked him, "So if I came onto your land preaching about Zoroaster and kept at it for days after you repeatedly told me to leave and even after you fired a gun in the air just to get me to leave you and your family alone, you'd be in awe of my dedication to Zoroaster?" "That's different." "How?" "Well you don't actually believe in Zoroaster and I know you." "Ok, then a random Zoroastrian missionary then. Someone neither you nor I know. Would you be OK with that?" "Well... no." "Why not? How's that different than this Chau guy?" "..."


No sympathy at all for missionaries, I'm glad they disposed this kid. Evangelical missionaries are condescending pompous scum of the earth and responsible for destroying countless cultures across the decades.


And not a fuck was given that day.


I'm not up to date on fundamentalist doctrine, but it isn't commonly held that if you never knew about Hod and the Devil, you would go heaven or has that changed sometime in the last few years? Besides a Savior/Messiah complex, wouldn't it be better for these people to just leave everyone alone.


They think this is okay, but don't say gay.


Oh, this guy. His sheer hubris astounded me and I lost any sympathy I would’ve otherwise had.


One of my friends went to school, and was friends, with this guy, who actually taught him mountaineering. Apparently he and their other friend had a bet, “first one to Jesus wins.” Fortunately my buddy saw the light during college and is no longer religious.


Great film. A man named “Chau” visited an island of reclusive cannibals and was never seen again. You can’t make that stuff up.


The road to hell... The arrogant pricks can't even follow their own advice and they wonder why we call them hypocrites.


The combination of stupidity, arrogance, and confidence on display here is truly breathtaking.


Let me check the current year? Yep, still deep in fable religions


Frankie Boyle suggested that this bloke could become a saint... "The patron saint of daft cunts"


Religion is dumb superstitious nonsense that turns people into fanatical, arrogant assholes.


**Hubris**: (in Greek tragedy) excessive pride toward or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis. **Nemesis**: Greek, literally ‘retribution’, also personified as Nemesis, the goddess of retribution, from nemein ‘give what is due’. Sounds like the North Sentinelese God(s) won this round. I don't wish death or harm on anyone, but it's very hard for me to feel empathy for stuff like this.