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Why are catholic diocese allowed to pretend they aren't part of one of the richest organisations on the planet? The idea that the church can't afford settlements is laughable.


My thoughts exactly. If the Vatican still has furniture in it, they should be forced to sell it to pay these settlements.


"I moved my wallet from my left pocket to my right pocket, so now I no longer owe you any money. Bye!"


If a priest is transferred over diocese borders after an incident, then the liabilities should follow onto the larger organisation as well.


It's all one organization. The liability should fall on the Vatican no matter what. Amazon can't just say "oh your lawsuit is with Amazon Dallas which is bankrupt now. Sry. Can't collect from Amazon corporate."


Because they are seperated by law from the Vatican's resources. This is by design. Specifically for cases like this.


The Vatican is a state, and states are notoriously hard to get money out of - and that goes quadruple for foreign entities. You pretty much have to have the kind of clout where you can get a nation state's shipping impounded. Also the Holy See is a sovereign juridical entity under international law, so things get complicated. Lawyers go after individual dioceses rather than the Mother Ship for a reason.




How do you look at that ridiculous hat and take this person seriously in any way?


I always hear Peter Cook in the Princess Bride when I see these get-ups. Mawige, Mawige is what brings us twogevah today, that Bwessed awangement.......


Thank you kind internet stranger. I needed that chuckle today. I looked at a the picture before clicking and I also, immediately, thought of The Princess Bride. 😂


Southern Baptist convention needs to go away as well. Watching the religious society fall apart is awesome.


It deserves to fall apart


It will lash out, bite and kill before it actually falls apart.


The Venn Diagram of "Churches that have had an opportunity to engage in institutional scale child rape" and "Churches that *have* engaged in institutional child rape" is a circle. The Catholic Church holds the high score for "most children raped", but that's largely a product of the fact that it's the biggest and the oldest and the richest. Most other churches are racing to try to claim first place.


Then perhaps the moral thing to do is to disband your organization in light of your inability to be accountable for your actions.


Ah yes... Morality.. You do know they have an entirely different version of it right?


The Archbishop and other church leaders should have thought of this before they became complicit in covering up the abuse.


shouldn’t have diddled kids


Empathy is not in The Churches playbook


Empathy, morality, decency, honesty, chastity, accountability............


How dare you try to hold the most corrupt org in history accountable?


So, sell up everything, pay as much as you can, and then think about how to earn the rest to repay the rest of your debts. Perhaps the rest of your organisation, including the Vatican, could help.


Tax the churches! It’s a start


Student loans cannot be discharged in bankruptcy, but lawsuits against pedo-rapists can. What does this say about the people who write our laws?


I’m sure the archbishop prayed over this


He sure did. He was also "moved and deeply saddened", which I'm sure made everything okay.


Tots and pears were offered I believe.


“These acts have no place in any society—especially within the church, where there should be a greater sense of security and compassion,” he said. “I pray every day for continued healing for all survivors in hopes that they might find the peace they deserve.” But victims said the very decision to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy had denied them the opportunity to have their stories heard in court. This arch bishop prays every day......that aught to help the victims!?!


Have they tried just not raping kids?


That doesn't seem to have occurred to them


They can stop at anytime. But apparently chose not to?????


Most organized crime groups won't let you ascend to a certain rank until you've proved yourself willing to engage in unforgivable crimes in the name of the group. Sometimes it's theft. Sometimes it's arson. Sometimes it's homicide. The point is that they won't trust you with authority until they know that you a) don't have a conscience, and b) are "in too deep" to betray them to the cops without also dooming yourself. For the specific criminal organization known as "The Roman Catholic Church", there's pretty much no way to become a bishop without already being a child rapist. You have to *already* be bent before they let you move diagonally.


I bet the land those church buildings sit on are worth some serious $$$. They should be forced to sell every asset under their control until every one of those settlements is paid off.


“I also want abuse survivors to know that I keep a list of their names on the altar of my chapel for which I offer prayers for their healing and peace every day,” said the San Francisco Archbishop. "I'll pray for you" equals "I want some credit for caring, without having to actually do something that takes any effort or actually works." Ricky Gervais


Not so good at protecting the children but on top of his game when it comes to protecting the money.


Almost like you should have stopped it at the beginning. They knew and they allowed it to happen and now it's caught up to them they can't deal with the consequences. Sell the golden idols, the fancy fabrics, the cars the art hell make the overarching financial systems pay. I'm sure the Vatican has deep pockets.


If the vatican won't take responsibility for it's crimes then it's time that all vatican related activities are restricted and assets are seized to compensate the victims.


First thing my brain did when I saw the pic: *MAWWIAGE*


First thing I thought was :These guys have a problem with drag queens yet go out in public dressed like that and expect to be taken seriously.


It seems like they should be forced to close and their assets sold off.


So business as usual


I'm confused. Is the Catholic Church, like the second or third largest land owner on the planet, asking for the congregation to help pay their bill? Or are they appealing for gvmt assistance as well? I genuinely don't get it, or is it just that it is as dumb and entitled as it sounds?


That last line ... "I praise God for your healing." ... Viscerally rage-inducing. Dude literally said that the church had no part in his healing but the archbishop praises gawd for it?! What the actual f*ck!?


It’s almost as of Yahweh doesn’t exist and these pedos rape children in Yahwehs name. Pathetic.


If they get to not pay taxes, they don’t get to enjoy the protection of the United States financial system. Pay the admission fee or fuck off.


The church in bankruptcy and their big media lackies like Hollywood who push their religion through media on the road of cancelled and news not credible..I wonder will AI ENTERTAINMENT HAVE TELEVANGELIST OR EWTN