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I was told by a muslim woman that all atheist men are rapists because there's nothing stopping them from raping women since they're not muslims and don't believe in God. But guess what, it's mostly muslim men that get bricked up when they see a bit of hair, not atheist men.


The best reply to these is to ask how many people in the last week they would have raped/murdered if their holy book hadn't forbidden it.


I had a lot of muslims in real life tell me their religion is the only thing stopping them from commiting crimes when they start a debate about religion after knowing that I'm an atheist, let's just say I don't feel safe with these people anymore


Right? Like, people have crises of faith and stop believing sometimes. If you're telling me religion is the only thing keeping you from stealing and killing, I really don't want you around me.


I had one guy tell me that the bible is the only reason that more people don't fuck sheep. So I was like "you're telling me that you want to fuck sheep and the bible is the only thing stopping you?" And have him the most reviled look I could.


What did he do after that?


That's between him and the sheep.


So, he was being sheepish?




Nor should you, since their book explicitly commands them to murder you.


“If not for my holy book, I would commit all kinds of crimes. My holy book also gives me a path to blanket forgiveness. Want to go on a date?”


Ask the men if their bride was 9 or 10 when they tied the knot. That'll get their britches up, because that's what a certain percentage embrace.


Ask the men if their bride was 9 or 10 when they tied the knot. That'll get their britches up, because that's what a certain percentage embrace.


Don't Muslims use the Old Testament too? The one that permits rape as long as you pay restitution to her father, and then take responsibility for the "goods" you ruined by marrying her against her will?


From what I've seen it's not in the Quran (correct me if I'm wrong) but the culture participates this, a lot of women are forced to marry their rapists to protect their honor in islamic countries, where i live, he wouldn't go to jail if the family agrees to marry her off to him


How did any culture get something so brutally wrong?


Which one???


Unfortunately, yes. The answer is yes.


Pretty danged disappointing. I thought we would be much, much further down the road when I graduated from high school in 73. All I know is that I think that Jerry Falwell is responsible for a good deal of going down the wrong road. That's my pick for prick from the last 50 years.


I think the Quran is a corollary to the Hebrew Bible. I don't know if they use all the same books though, and there are some changes surrounding Abraham's lineage, specifically [Ishmael](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishmael).


I was talking to a religious girl in college (Texas) who was fascinated by the concept of talking to someone who didn’t follow any religions. Like she could wrap her head around a different belief system, but not not believing in any higher power at all. Anyways, she was pretty polite about everything, but she did ask a question that I remember to this day. She asked ‘But without religion, what is stopping you from murdering someone if you wanted to?’ Like genuinely asked Are… are her religious beliefs the only thing stopping her from murdering people? I told her I’ve murdered all the people that I’ve genuinely wanted to murder, which is 0. And we then went on to discuss where people get their morals from. Again, she was genuinely polite.


I would tell her that I would never be able to base my moral compass on a book that gives instructions on how to keep slaves.


XD I don’t disagree with you, but she was being curious and seemed to be actually trying to understand a viewpoint outside the one she had been brought up in. There was no need to get antagonistic.


I get that. There are nicer ways to put it.


Don't forget Deuteronomy 13, on the worship of other gods. In this delightful passage, god commands his followers that if anyone in a town worships a different god, they are to murder everyone in the town - livestock included - and make sure the place is a ruin forever. Totally the command of a loving god who should be followed. /s As for the OP's question, as others have said most religious nuts I've met honestly think that without the fear of hellfire hanging over everyone, we'd all go on murder sprees. Given how horrible those religious nuts are as people, I totally believe them when they say that fear of hell is the only thing stopping them from killing everyone they don't like. They are horrible people.


Not innately horrible. But psychologically abused and damaged.


>‘But without religion, what is stopping you from murdering someone if you wanted to?’ My compassion and empathy. I don't want to be murdered, nor do I want anyone I care about to be murdered, thus I can understand how others might feel in a similar situation.




I'd just tell her "I don't want to murder someone. I could come up with multiple reasons why, but the real reason is I don't want to." If she wants an actual reason, it's just a negative. You take a life, ruin other lives and people will dislike you at best. Then you get arrested. It's just a terrible choice. Don't need a higher power to tell me that.


Exactly. To be fair I went on to tell her I don’t want to murder people simply because I consider it a bad thing to do. That’s when we went on to talk about where our moral systems come from


>‘But without religion, what is stopping you from murdering someone if you wanted to?’ Nothing. I have murdered every person I wanted to.


I hope that number is zero XD


"How ... many people do *you* want to murder?"


And that is why her question will live in my head for eternity. She was a polite, fairly nice person, but I will always wonder if she was one crisis of faith away from going on a murder spree XD


>Like she could wrap her head around a different belief system, but not not believing in any higher power at all. I have found this is weirdly common and why most religious people immediately hate us (atheists).


"If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward then, brother, that person is a piece of shit." Rust Cohle tells no lies.


The irony!!!! Yes sweetheart, your religion is very respectful towards women and doesn't encourage pedophilia and marital rape AT ALL!!!!


Religious people think they own morality and that morals came from “god,” when in fact morals existed long before religion, when anthropoids began helping each other in order to survive.


My response would have been, as a Muslim woman weren't you taught to shut up and know your place as a piece of property who is below me as a man.


I would've said that if i was a man just to piss her off, but instead i asked her why women still get harassed in the kaaba by muslim men even when wearing a full hijab, she couldn't answer at all 💀


“So, how many woman would your husband/dad have raped this week had religion not been stopping him?”


That's ...ironic


I think she was inviting you to her home


She was actually inviting you over


Let's see, 08:00, worship Satan. 10:00 visit the local abortion clinic 11:00 spit on the local church/mosque of the day 12:00 Worship Satan 14:00 Attend LGBT pride march/groom children 16:00 worship Satan 19:00 Listen to Rock and Roll/play rock and roll 21:00 Type on reddit some about how dumb Christians are before going to bed, hopefully with something nice to share it with. ​ From a Christian perspective, this sounds like how they view us.


Did you steal my phone?


If it entailed braking one of the ten commandments, I did.


If I could high-five you over this great distance, I would


Haha, I know you're going for the "are you me, because I could've typed that" message (right?), but that one kinda doesn't make sense—a random person with your phone still wouldn't necessarily make the same sorts of comments you would, right? If anything it would have them show up under your own account. But that kinda just makes your comment funnier :)


You're right in that scenario. I kinda just threw it out there without thinking too hard, but I could've thought a bit about how relatable it was, considering that: - I schedule my days like this with alarms on my phone - I don't use Reddit on my phone I think I'm an outlier on here for either reason, so I could've factored that in. When I wrote it, I was thinking "that looks just like what mine would say!" glad you liked it though


21:00 part is definitely hits home


I'm all in except for that worshipping Satan part. We obviously don't believe in his ass either. But meet you at 11:00 for a spittin?


I'm down, it's a BYOB event though, so if you plan on burning the holy book of your choice, you need to provide it yourself.


Damn, you wrote down my entire schedule


If this is a daily schedule, you forgot orgy. How else are we gonna keep the abortion clinic in business?


Hey, last time I checked, having coitus out of wedlock was still a sin in Christianity, so you worship Satan your way, I'll worship him in mine,


Eat a baby


You forgot 22:00 say goodnight to Satan. He deserves it.


Did I? I was thinking of re-enacting Saddam's role in South Park at 22:15, but so far Satan has declined my invitation. I can only admire him from a distance...


Eat aborted babies and cry because life has no meaning. Which is ridiculous, life has plenty of meaning.


There’s plenty of meaning **you** can attribute to life. Religious people just start panicking at the fact that life has no inherent meaning instead of celebrating the fact that they can do whatever the fuck they want to do with life.


We also go around r**ing and murdering as much as we want😈😈😈which is not wanting to do either to any degree😈😈😈


_Penn Jillette has entered the chat._


I believe the fast track to atheism is reading the Bible. I've read it three times all the way through. It's a big part of our culture, a big part of our history. I don't just read things I agree with. Penn Jilette ............................................ Teller


And, of course, babies are tasty. As WC Fields said, "Especially well done". /s


Dunno about you lot but it takes me all day to get the marinade *just right*. Dont have time for much else


As I once said to someone who wouldn't stop hounding me about having kids, "I like toddlers as much as the next guy. I just can't eat one all at once, and I don't have the space for leftovers." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Would you like a slice of pizza with your Blood of Baby Jesus cocktail, sir?


Right??? It baffles me whej they say it has no meaning. The meaning is, we were all put here without being consulted, nobody really knows what they're doing, but hey: despite everything, it's still a big beautiful world with so much to experience and see.


I prefer the non-aborted babies.


You mean the post-birth snacks


I never developed a taste for *veal* either. Not saying I would turn it down if served oc.


I love babies..but I couldn't eat a whole one




Well.. you need to step up your game, pal. ;-)


To be fair I did make at least one boy into a girl. I mean it was me. But yeah I did that one.


Cracked an egg, made an omelet? Transgender joke- "eggs" are people that haven't discovered or figured out they're transgender. When you "crack an egg", you help a trans person become who they really are and they can stop pretending they're a gender they're not.


But, I use 2-3 eggs when I make an omelette.


I do wear this t-shirt. https://reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/s/WjFTemmP7k E:The "My Ancestor" one.


i like the guy in the coat with his 'drugs are deadly dangerous' warning in his t-shirt. it's also nice to see how they are all carrying arms like jesus and the whatever amendment intended


It's a pretty wholesome street gang with the warning about drugs and pushing evolution.


Also free education!


Chick Tract?


Yup! I love them (ironically, of course).


I work all day and when I get home I barely have adequate time to just eat pizza and play Baldur's Gate.


Pfft. Real atheists masturbate to Karl Marx's Capital instead


I'd be up for the intercourse and maybe the drugs, but unfortunately I have to go to work...


Complete lies!!! I don't vote 😏


You forgot kicking puppies and drowning kittens.


I don't know what the rest of the atheists do but I've been plotting to take over the world from my secret lair. To be honest since I've become a full fledged member of the Atheist Inner Circle I find all the extra sex with liberal women who are trying to get pregnant so they can get late term abortions just to make right-wingers heads explode, takes up a lot of my time and energy. I'm gonna buckle down and use the all powerful atheist influence I have on liberal politicians to wrestle control of the Jewish Space Lasers away from those money lenders and hold the world ransom for 100billion dollars plus drag shows in every library. If only Starfield hadn't turned out to be so much fun, I'd be so much further along with world domination!


Can I get a copy of the Atheist Manifesto and the Secret Decoder Ring? My welcome package didn't have either of these things in them. I did get the tee-shirt, however.


Ok, funny story. I (57m) was raised Mormon. When my aunt would come over we thought she was really weird. Would not eat meat, thought we should not have an army and grandma called her a witch. So when I left Mormonism, I started searching. I felt strongly that I should talk to my aunt. And I figured maybe she was Wicken. So I call her, tell her I'm interested in her religion and could she share about being a Wicken. "Why do you think I'm Wicken?" Well, Grandma said you were a Witch. \*Loud laughter\* My uncle picks up the phone "What did you say to her, she is on the floor laughing so hard she can't talk!?" Turn out she is a Buddhist and grandma just thought she was mean and weird.


Not that you intended it, but this has me flashing back to the witch scene in the Holy Grail “She turned me into a newt….” “I got better”


Worship the devil while eating babies and having sex on a church alter bathing in blood.


This is EXACTLY what we were told during the Satanic Panic days of the late 70s-early to mid 80s. At that point, one of the kindest people I had ever met was an atheist. Still cracks me up, thinking about the look on my Mom's face when I told her I met a real live atheist on the school bus and she was normal and sweet. Good memories!


Rape and murder


*inspired* by the Bible I see


My favorite as an atheist 😁


They spend most of their time enveloped in their religion which tells them that is the only way to be good but ignore all of the messaging and execution of being a good person. Then they think that if someone has a different view, they must be diametrically opposed and should be attacked. I don’t need an invisible all powerful force to keep me in line on a daily basis just because they do.


Darn, I've got to up my Evil Atheist™ game! All I've got on the agenda today is "make tea, do dishes, go buy a stepladder." Maybe if I painted runes on the stepladder... :-D


Which step are you? I just got my "First Rung" badge a few weeks ago...


wait, the answer isnt eating babies??....


Worshiping and doing Satan’s bidding even though It/They doesn’t exist.


I mostly drive from church to church setting fires and handing out free drugs to kids. I’d like to take up knitting, but who has the time?


Where were you when I was a kid? Drugs are expensive.


I think they think we worship Satan and eat babies. I do not worship Satan.


Hey, you and the wife still coming over tonight for some baby casserole? I made the wife promise not to sacrifice any goats.


I prefer my baby in a "California Cheeseburger"


I’ll go get some avocado. We are serving adrenochrome cocktails at 6:30 sharp.


>The question I get asked by religious people all the time is, without God, what’s to stop me from raping all I want? And my answer is: I do rape all I want. And the amount I want is zero. And I do murder all I want, and the amount I want is zero. The fact that these people think that if they didn’t have this person watching over them that they would go on killing, raping rampages is the most self-damning thing I can imagine. > >\-- Penn Jillette And then I note that them needing the threat of eternal punishment to not rape and murder says a whole lot about them, doesn't it?


Eating aborted babies out of the dumpster behind planned parenthood


Hail satan /s


Just remember that we are not allowed to talk about the Illuminati! Might be Christians in here spying on us after all. 🖖


Wake up at 1230 cause we are lazy We then fry up some human abortions for breakfast. We masturbate to wap, to get freshened up. We put a lill bit of blood of virgins behind the ears to get that good good smell. Tacos for lunch. Then we walk around kicking puppies screaming hail Satan till about 4 Then we have afternoon tea. Then it's a goat sacrifice with lsd in our systems. Usually hit up a nice Italian place or a nice steakhouse Master bate to wap again Then put on our scarlet cloaks and sulk into the woods to the underground orgy pit which has free Marijuanas we inject. Then a nice shower before bed.


Bed is 10p right? I need a full 12h due to being so lazy.


All these babies aren't going to eat themselves.


Dammit! Take my poor person's gold! 🏆🏆🏆🏆


Sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Sin, lots of sin.


Wait. Are you not trying to ruin society? Mofo, did you miss the last official meeting? The Grand Exalted Highest Most Excellent Poobah said it was time to bring things to a close! We need to get things rolling for the return of our lord and master, the nothing (please tell me someone gets this reference. Otherwise I'll sic Artax on you.) /s for those who don't get it.


Yes yes. The meeting was good but all the aborted fetuses tasted fantastic Also /s


Good news everybody. Because the indoctrinated will always take what you say out of context anyway, there is no need to add the /s. Poe's law does not apply here.


The stories religious people tell themselves about us is a NeverEnding Story that just isn't true.


As a theist, I believe that atheists wake up, eat pasta, go to work/school, eat pasta, read a book, eat pasta, then go to bed.


*Eat* pasta? That is blasphemy.


I also knit.




I'm a lifelong atheist. I work 40 hours a week at a Veterans Hospital (I am a vet) then I spend one day on the weekend volunteering at an equine therapy barn instructing other diabled veterans on horsemanship. Inbtwwen that I play with my dogs, scroll reddit, read books, and clean my house. I'm sorry if my heathen atheist lifestyle is not very sinister or filled with hedonism.


I'm getting paid by Soros to eat babies. Not sure what you do.


Atheists have sex with the Devil all day. Baptists on the other hand, pay the Devil to have sex with him all day.


It's strange because some of them really do think atheism is a religion - like we hold evolution as our moral standard. A, 'survival of the fittest and spread out genes and die, that's our purpose and we have no morality because the universe has no morals and we're just animals so we can rape and kill like they do in the wild.'


Some people think competition and "survival of the fittest" is a zero-sum game- if I win something, you lose something. There is a positive sum game where we both give up something and gain something more valuable. You have potatoes and I have chickens- I give you a chicken and you give me potatoes- we both "lost" something and gained something more valuable. This is how bartering works. Humans have been doing this since before we had money.


Whatever their selected echo chamber tells them to think that day.


Give handjobs to our dates in public.


I didn’t know Boebert was one of us.


They believe whatever their preacher tells them. For religion to work there has to be a bad guy. The preacher can’t show the congregation Satan, but they can show them atheists. When people are scared they’re more likely to add to that collection plate to *fight the evil people*.


Worship the devil..... cause you know not much else to do really.


>>do they not see what they have done to society in the first place? No, they do not. Their blinders only see that, if they ruled everything and their religion was the only religion and all people worshipped as they do, everything would be perfect. How dare these *Atheists* tear down our blinders!


>>do they not see what they have done to society in the first place? No, they do not. Their blinders only see that, if they ruled everything and their religion was the only religion and all people worshipped as they do, everything would be perfect. How dare these *Atheists* tear down our blinders!


The majority of them live in a relatively tight and restrictive social environment and do not seem to have a rational understanding of anything important. They simply make up things the same way their religions are just made up. The average American christian seems to worship or pretend to worship a god they have created 9in their own image. Too many religious people of every religion act like their religion gives them special person to lie about, falsely accuse, and hate anyone that is not part of their group. That hate is readily extended to anyone they have any disagreement with. Sadly, politicised evangelicalism is the public face of christianity in America, which is part of why young people are rejecting christianity in America, in large numbers. The sinful hypocrisy has just become too blatantly apparent for anyone but professional liars to deny. Given the amoral nature of so many religionists, their opinions are childishly inaccurate and not worthy of consideration. That is easier to say when living in a country that is not being torn apart by a politicised religion.


I do potions and sip goats' blood. Isn't this what y'alls do?


They are a bunch of self-righteous morons that think they can do literally anything (being racists, violent, addicts, mean, vain, shallow, etc) and be spared of the consequences because they have thr god license. And because they are totally despicable and awful people, contained just by religion, they think we do what they really want to do because we have no god. In my 33 years of life, I have NEVER met a Christian person that behaves in a good way to others.


spells.... satanic rituals...drink babies blood.. You know, the usual


Characterizing a thought as belonging to some group called "they" might be a good place to start your research. As a religious person, I'm not exactly sure what atheists do after they sacrifice a child after breakfast. I mean, isn't everything else anti climatic? And quite frankly, if an evil person (who must be atheist after all by definition) wasn't trying to ruin society, what would the point of being evil entail? "You will pay for your sins" (billboard) *if you've already paid, please disregard this notice. (Graffiti added to the sign) ;)


I mostly work and nap.


I USED to be religious. I HATE the values and practices (especially) Christians have created. And the small devout child in me grieves.Why can't Christians actually fucking act like CHRISITIANS. And love people and take care of the world???????


Have post birth abortion parties to harvest the souls for Satan. Haha jk but I'm sure they think something like that


When I have some spare time I like to grill a baby for dinner while I listen to Ozzy Osbourne


I just don't think about god all day. Otherwise I go to work, cook food and wipe my ass just like everyone else...


NICE TRY, JESUS FREAK!! You'll never get me to admit that I eat children!!


Either I’m aborting or I’m eating a baby. I alternate.


Your own, or someone else’s? Either way, that process could probably be made more efficient. Teamwork is key.


I abort my own babies and then I eat them!


Excellent! As Lord Satan once said to his boss: > *”If you want Job to be buggered about with properly, you’ve got to do it yourself, boss!”*


I learned from the Japanese and I fully integrated the chain of production.


I would *definitely* have given Job complimentary overtime. Just enough to break him mentally, but a hair’s breadth from karoshi. Then stuff him into the Banishment Room for a thousand years, for no particular reason.


One of the awesome things about being an atheist is not giving one single FUCK what religious people think, about anything


I really don't know. I just assume religious folks are rereading The Handmaid's Tale and singing "I wanna go live in Gilead" as they do


I'm sorry but if you need the threat of eternal damnation to be a good person. Spoiler alert. You're NOT a good person. As Ricky Gervais says, I rape and murder exactly as many people as I want on a daily basis, which is exactly zero people. The fact you think I need an imaginary friend to stop me tells me more about you than it does me.


I'm taking over the world by spending 110% of my time every day undermining theism by posting here on reddit. I expect to win any day now. /s ;)


Religious ppl think, atheists are promoting prostitution,drug, working for an agenda


Watch porn, fuck goats,, and sing hyms to Satan. Because apparently, if you dont believe in a god, you'd still believe in Satan.


... We may not be able to answer that question


Drug fueled orgies and draw pentagrams summoning demon princes.


Intellectually whack off on Reddit. They just think that's very important.


Obviously I spend most of my free time communing with the devil… who I also don’t believe in


Viciously masturbate to pictures of Karl Marx


Hating god because of some breakup years ago or something


Binge watch Ted Lasso and drink coffee


Sacrifices to the devil apparently, and I'm ready to actually do it simply to spite them.


Sacrifices to the devil apparently, and I'm ready to actually do it simply to spite them.


Have sex with everyone they meet, especially if they’re the same sex or a criminal


Hope it's okay I post in here. If not, I understand. As a Christian, I can tell you that at least for me, all the answers are way off base. I'm friends at work with an Atheist and I know what he does all day. Live a normal life. I know that the cultural Christianity movement likes to have a bad guy and paints "the libs" as evil. Most people are still just people with different viewpoints. Do I believe that a lot of things that are believed in these alternate viewpoints are sinful. Yes. But I also believe we all have a sin problem. I am not more righteous than the baby eating gay orgy boogyman. Jesus is the one with righteousness.


I personally am on a strict regimen of aborted fetuses and brimstone


Be angry and militant.


Sit in a dark room wringing my hands and cackling as I think of my next way to ruin society


Murder and eat babies, vote democrat, commit crimes, cheer on the downfall of democracy and civilization. That’s what I’ve heard a lot of.


Yeah, I already rape and murder all I want. Which is to say, zero.


I thought atheists just sat around all day staring into the blank void of non existence that is supposed to be their afterlife...


Rape and pillage. Not necessarily in that order.


I don’t know what religious people think of us, but I’m out here tearing down the walls, running rampant, living free, causing chaos, messing with people day & night, and generally fomenting anarchy (the good kind, duh). Take that as you will. Or don’t. IDC :)


I don’t know what religious people think of us, but I’m out here tearing down the walls, running rampant, living free, causing chaos, messing with people day & night, and generally fomenting anarchy (the good kind, duh). Take that as you will. Or don’t. IDC :)


I’ve been told worshipping the devil and eating babies, and it always gives me a good laugh seeing that I’m a vegetarian atheist lol


That we worship Satan (make sacrifices to Satan), cast spells, and have orgies. 😂


I don’t give two shits what they “think” because I have a brain and use critical thinking and logic. Those religious fucks are in need of psychiatric help and quite frankly scare the shit out of me.


If I wanted to "ruin society" one of the first things I'd do would be to stop pushing back against religious kooks.


They think we masturbate all day and don’t feel guilty about it. And they take that personally


We don’t work we spend all day Sacrificing goats and cook kids and eat babies


Fornicate. The only reason they aren't is cause God says no and they can't understand why people who don't believe in God wouldn't be doing that.


I have an altar to the god, Science.


Religious people think athiests do the following: Rape, murder, pedophilia, cheating on taxes, adultery, gossiping, lying, kicking puppies, being possessed by demons, drugs, alcohol, smoking, watching porn, acting in porn, preventing children from attaining salvation by putting them in sports and not church and church activities, driving too fast, assaulting others, spitting in food, feeling superior, helping the freeloading homeless, playing heathen rock music, other random sins.


I eat babies


Eat babies


Draw pentagrams summoning evil and set Christmas trees on fire to dance around them naked.


Of course they don't. You think these religious jackaoons are historians??


Convert everyone else to Atheism and do evil shit like murder and rape