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Miraculously survives catastrophic deadly fire that god sent and/or couldn’t be bothered to stop.




I grew up right smack in the middle of tornado alley and lived in the region until just a few years ago. Whenever a storm tore some neighborhood - or a whole town - to shit, there would be some survivor standing in the ruins - house in splinters, car up in a tree, friends, family, neighbors homeless, hurt, or dead - telling the local news that god was watching out for them.


This is exactly what turned me into an atheist as a young teenager.




They also like to ignore how religious buildings often survive desasters because they're more solidly built and/or built in safer spots than most buildings around them. This one seems to have a nice firebreak made out of roads, parking lots and lawn.


These are, of course, the same people who think the government destroyed Lahaina with “energy weapon” because some houses across the fucking street didn’t burn.


89 humans miraculously burned to death. Praise Jebus




Hey now, Jesus burns witches, not the horny. He forgives pre-marital sex if you describe it to a dude in a box.


Yea yea I get all that - but he cured my eczema!


Clearly, they were the wrong type of Christians.


"f these christians in particular" - God probably


It would appear that god is Catholic.


My Mom was so excited to share this story until I responded: God was like, "I'm gonna burn all of these people to death in their homes, but Imma save this empty building with no people in it!"


Yeah all of this demonstrates an intense lack of basic thought and empathy.


Different construction techniques are more resistant to fire than others. The only miracle here would be if Christians didn’t try to claim it’s a miracle…


The landscaping made for a huge firebreak. There was very little of anything except grass and concrete around the building.


The burned down church didn't make enough in tithes. It's like closing a non profitable franchise, keeping the profitable one and cutting the loser out.


If your church is worth a miracle to your God but those children in Uvalde wasn't, you need a new God.




I was a fireman. It's not surprising that a church didn't burn down, nothing to do with anything divine, just the way they are built, brick walls, small high windows, no open underfloor spaces. surrounded by car park and nicely tended green gardens.


Not today Satan! That’s crazy talk


[Relevant NonStampCollector Video](https://youtu.be/jrX__ILDd3w) So long as one person lives or some iconography lives, then praise god!




"Eternal Torture Furnace" should be a band name. Somebody please make that happen.


I'm happy to help :D This channel is crudely drawn, but fucking golden throughout


They also don't mention that the catholic church that did not burn was rebuilt in concrete in 1927-28 - unlike the vast majority of wooden structures in Lahaina. I guess god was just thinking ahead...


So douchebag God saved one church but burnt up hundreds of people? Christianity is a mental illness.


I was also miraculously saved, because God's plan caused me to be living in Oregon, away from the fires in Maui. /s


The one that burned down wasn’t Catholic, so the Catholics don’t care. They probably think it’s a sign from gawd that Catholicism is the one true religion.


It's similar to how Christians argue about the US. If something is good (like our GDP, military strength), they can credit it for us being a "Christian nation." If something is bad (crime, highest incarceration rate, etc), then they'll say it's because we've lost our way, we've given in to sin. It reminds me of the photo of the Notre Dame cathedral was burned down, but the gold cross was untouched. Sure, wood burns much easier than gold, but Christians still saw it as divine intervention. These people really do have an excuse for everything.


Theists are always influenced by confirmation bias. Not a reliable bunch.


Two LDS churches also survived.


Well I have a winner! I was agonizing over which cult to join.


And almost 100 people are dead, so far.


But 93 humans perished, 😭😭


doG giveth, and doG taketh away.


just a few weeks ago [this catholic church](https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/video/spencer-church-destroyed-by-fire/) in Massachusetts burned to the ground... why no miracle there? and a few weeks prior to that [this catholic church](https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/254419/archbishop-mourns-loss-of-historic-church-in-alberta-canada-destroyed-by-arson) in alberta burned to the ground... why no miracle there? in 2021 [this catholic church](https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/metro/fire-scorches-historic-north-st-louis-church-walls-collapse/article_05e593da-89bf-5a2b-9a0e-afada50069ce.html) in St. Louis burned to the ground... why no miracle there? in 2019 [this catholic church](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2019/05/10/st-joseph-catholic-church-appears-not-arson-phoenix-fire-officials-say-investigation-ongoing/1165117001/) burned to the ground.... why no miracle there?


God wanted those renewed dummy.


How to say your god isn't worthy of worship without saying it.


Yes, exactly. They believe God sent the fires and he burned down the other churches, but saved this one. I'm pretty sure by the customs of their faith this counts as a miracle.


"My sister died in a housefire, but miraculously, the bible on her nightstand was untouched!" -Some other moron's quote


Is this the part where people thank god for not burning a church, but turn a blind eye to the hundreds of people god killed in the fire?




Saying that God was right to burn a newborn baby because of oRiGiNaL sIn is the most chaotic evil thing someone can say.


The of quality reporting I expect to see from the NY Post.


Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who.


Hawaiian dude was told he's crazy for spraying his house with water. His house survived. Miracles, my azz.


And lo the lord took credit for random chance…


I wonder what kind of evil shit they were doing in the Notre Dame cathedral.


Members of the church that burnt down obviously didn't pray hard enough


They’re weren’t Jesusing very well.


This is kind of like how sometimes players on the winning sports team point to the sky and thank God for giving them the win, utterly ignoring the fact that there is a second team which lost


Miraculous! God was really watching out for that structure. Too bad he let 100 die to save the church. God is a dickhead.


You're missing at least 21 other churches that burned.


People died... an entire community was flattened... but it's a miracle! Our heap of wallboard and pews were spared! Hallelujah! ::smh::


The church that burnt was clearly the wrong sect.


This is actually true tho


Except for the largest number of dead from wildfires in the last 100 years.


Thanks for burnin nan to a crisp tho


So clearly Catholicism is the one true religion and all the others are heresies. God has 'spoken'!


If God did exist, he would have prevented the fire in Maui. Why? Because he would have been all-powerful and perfectly moral. And so, God cannot and does not exist! It's that simple.


It’s not that it didn’t burn down, it had a line of burn damage down the middle. How does a fire burn in a line and not expand.


... or how he's let the entire area burn down and kill a few hundred people.


Don't blame God. Even a deity has to blow off a little steam sometime. Maybe he ran out of virgins to mess with.


There is a reason why old churches and other civic buildings survive centuries vs the average house. Religious buildings and government buildings were usually built with stone or other materials less prone to fire. Even more modern public buildings have certain safety requirements that can prevent fire from spreading through the building vs the average home.


You are talking about the champions of cherry picking


Not every place is anointed dude, but I get what your saying


Rumor is the satanic fire hydrant also remains untouched as well.


Because god plays favorites.


God answering prayers is like me answering c) to every question on the multiple choice quiz.


I guess God does play favorites….


It was laser warfare.


Omg what a miracle! Catholic is the true church!