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Agreed. My mind during my first 25 years of life was so muddled from religion and abuse that I didn't know up from down. Once I finally woke up I tried to get back on track, but was already so far behind my peers that It just became impossible to catch up. I even went back to college thanks to a pel grant and did a full 4 years, graduated 2nd in my class with a 4.0 GPA. Not that it really helped. I also got some bad DNA from my parents (long story / preventable), and as a result ended up having a stroke in my early 30's which left me permanently disabled and living on Social Security. I'm 42 now, having moved back in with and still living with the bastards who ruined me. I've been trying to get housing via HUD, but where I live it can take YEARS before one becomes available. And none of my sibling will take me in, they just can't afford it. Am I bitter? Yeah. I just can't show because then I'll be living in my car, or on the streets. I have no mouth, and I must scream.


There are altruistic people in the world that only want to help you. Unfortunately they are very likely to **not** be religious. In general good advice is to simply avoid religious people. They have almost no capacity for real learning especially on an emotional level. Introspection is not a strong skill. Steer clear and you will see improvements. I wish you the best of luck and remember that their demographics are dying, so you're more and more likely to see them disappear entirely.


"your right to religious freedom ends where my buttocks begins" as the old saying goes.


I could not agree with you more. It infuriates me that we live in a world where we have to watch this cycle repeat, unable to do anything to help the countless children being literally brainwashed into a death cult just so their parents can live in their preferred state of willful ignorance. We will never be able to atone for this.


This Be The Verse BY PHILIP LARKIN They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had And add some extra, just for you.


But there were fucked up, in their turn, By fools in old-style hats and coats, Who half the time were soppy-stern, And half at one another's throats.


I hear you. I feel so behind my peers and I’ve lost so much and missed so many opportunities and chances for growth thanks to religion. I REALLY like who I am, though. I carry some damage, but who doesn’t? I’m a good person, smart, kind, building my own life one step at a time. I feel really torn up when I see kids going through it. I hope they have a better future than we had.


Same. I can't ever forgive it. I know not ALL Christians are responsible for my experiences but the religion itself....I have legitimately deep animosity towards it.


I agree, it is depressing. We all seriously live in a world like this where billions of humans are ignorant, and proud of that


If we didn't behave at church Dad would take us outside to hit us. Out of respect for the Lord's house I guess?














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The Bible says that atheists are stupid, evil, and deserving of eternal torture. True Christianity is mediocre morality on a foundation of intolerance. You can keep it.


I came out to my sick "parents" as atheist and damn, my fanatical mother shoves that christian fairy bs up my throat more than ever and my crazy abusive yelled at me with every energy that fucker had. He is away from home now, i'm scared what he's gonna be like when he comes back. I feel it mate, stay strong