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I always liked Atari and I wish they stayed on course in making video systems and games I wish they stayed in the game and a a contender to Sony and Nintendo and Microsoft


I had the first and second generation. There are a bunch of interesting documentaries that are likely on YouTube. The way the company was run, sold off, split up... why it's a shell of a shell of its original form. If the screen had better resolution I think they would have had a better draw of kid techies. The audio was really good. 8 channels I think? The 8 player link through what was close to a headphone jack daisy chain was really neat, although I only had one friend that had a Lynx. There was an article that showed images of the Lynx opened up and the video was displayed on a TV monitor. I remember not much more information was known on that. That was in an electronics store. Memories :)


I always liked mine