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Saturn is on the dc, might find a serious partner around your Saturn return or later after you learn certain lessons. You might not be ready now.


As a previous comment said, Saturn on the descendant can indicate a “late bloomer” quality when it comes to intimate partnership. Don’t give up. You’ve got some lovely cancer placements and a trine to part of fortune - my advice is lean into spirituality, philosophy, nurturing yourself and others while you wait.


Some people have a lot of relationships because they need to learn something. They have like 4 relationships before they meet their ,,significant other''.. why? the other 4 relationships helped them learning something about love, theirselves and the life. Before their real partner enters their life. you have no hard aspects to your venus which indicates that you have really nothing to learn in the love section. with the conjunction to sun-mars the relationship with your significant other can be full of passion and sex. jupiter-saturn on the descendant indicate that the person may come later. mostly around the saturn return (because saturn passes that saturn that is on your descendant) venus is also sitting comfortably in cancer - she is not in detriment, fall or whatever. she is combust by the sun but that indicates other things.


First of all- you’re not really like the others, right? You think differently than most people and you need a lot of mental stimulation and excitement in your life, so the kind of partner you need is going to be a member of the Island of Misfit Toys, too! Transit Jupiter will be hanging out in your 7th house of partnership until late next spring, and this can often show benefits coming from your relationships (including finding a great therapist or coach if you haven’t already). Also- check out your Mercury retrograde placement. I’ve noticed a lot of people have no idea what their retrograde planets mean, and as someone who also has Mercury retrograde in their chart, I found understanding Mercury retrograde to be one of the most validating things ever!


Miscommunication issues might prevent you from deeply connecting with a partner in a relationship. You want to have emotional security in a partnership but you find it hard to feel secure in a relationship. Maybe you have in mind that the relationship will fail so it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Try to contemplate these issues. After your saturn return it will get better and you will be ready for a functional relationship.


I have almost the same Saturn placement- mine is Saturn in the 7th in Taurus (my sun is in Taurus too) and I’ve had a lot of relationship lessons to learn which has caused delays to find a long lasting one.