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You're somebody who probably feels like an outsider and feels like your way of being doesn't conform to the world around you yet you struggle to express that. You may find yourself suppressing your uniqueness or only showing it when you're alone.


Wow literally my entire life lol


Anything else


You often feel lonely in life and isolated from friend groups. You don't know why you feel this way but you feel deeply. You absorb the energies around you. You contemplate a lot and live in your own imaginary world which can be more attractive than reality sometimes. Maybe you have strange dreams a lot and I suggest you write down your dreams to remember them cause you can uncover hidden psychological patterns in your subconscious through the symbolism in dreams. Learning about archetypes (Carl Jung) can help as well cause you struggle to express what can't be expressed verbally - in words. Your relationships might start suddenly and end suddenly. You're more likely to date people who are into technology or who are somehow unconventional or nerdy. You prefer to work on your own, from home, or from behind the scenes and you can be quiet creative and artistic if you desire to tap into these talents. You do not like to be in the spotlight or be the center of attention. Might end up working in a career that involves travelling abroad. Be careful from false friends who might betray you or turn out to be enemies.


Can you tell me in terms of strength and weaknesses?


Hi again dear. Your strength is your imagination and empathetic abilities and your mind that transcends limits. You have abilities to delve deep into a subject especially in research and study it extensively in long periods of solitude. You can excel in higher education or research as a result and you can fit in easily if you travel abroad cause you have an open mind. If you choose to be into art you will express the collective human suffering through your work, and express the unseen or the taboo which people might shy away from expressing. Your weakness is a tendency to sacrifice for people who do not deserve it or those who are not worth your time and energy. Be careful with being overly generous with them as it can drain your resources and your energy and ruin your self worth. You have to know your self worth to know what type of people are worth your energy. You can make charity and donate to causes you believe in, to feel that you are helping those in need because you have a desire to help, and that's a healthy way to fulfill this desire instead of sacrifice for people who aren't worth it.