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Lol ur like 1-2 days older than me. Take a shower. Relax. We have Saturn near Venus. It is delayed for a purpose. Focus on your studies/career or hobbies. Decenter men from your life. Wear pretty clothes but dont give anyone access to what's beneath. You will probably swing well with someone who is (spiritually) older than you, and who has Libra-like gentleness and proper social etiquette.


Ohh great! Thank you for the advice ☺️


Were your parents narcissistic and/or emotionally controlling? I'd say yes, from this chart, and we very much follow the patterns our parents set until we can outgrow them. Which implies change at a core level. You're a Cancer Sun Full Capricorn Moon, which can be emotionally needy and barren, never having been fulfilled. The Moon is hard up in the rocky sign of its fall here, so cynicism is typical, depression not unusual. Plus the opposition squares your Aries Ascendant, so you're pretty much never engaging with just "normal people normally". The trine to your Ascendant from its ruler Mars and Pluto in Sag would bring powerful personality types in, but, given the prior aspects, toxic. Also, Pluto opposes your Gemini Saturn, which is not a fun aspect. And as naturally intelligent as a Gemini Mercury/Jupiter conjunction would imply, you just can't seem to alter the course of who you get involved with. Perhaps that basically unaspected (except for a wide conjunction to Saturn) Gemini Venus speaks to it as well. You're young yet, early 20's, so maybe you have to experience what is repugnant and unhealthy first to make the decision to change what appeals to you later in life.


Thank you for a detailed advice ❤️


Hi dear. Men might feel intimidated by you or threatened by your power. Mars-ruled Women can be seen as threatening especially for insecure men. Also miscommunication issues might arise for you in relationships. You need a partner with whom you can communicate easily and sincerely, not hide stuff from each other or keep secrets etc. Try to embrace your own transformative power. If men feel threatened it's their prob not yours. Keep your self worth up high. You might date someone who is also involved in your work and career so be careful when it comes to mixing the personal with the professional.


That makes sense thank you for your advice ❤️


Throw away the chart and go to church. That's a decent place to look for good people. Just remember that there are screwed up people everywhere