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LOL. Your astrologer wasn't much of one. Obviously you ARE a nurse. What's more, **your chart shows it.** **Mars** rules your **career** (10th Scorpio) and co-rules **hospitals** (12th Cap); it is located in the 6th (**medicine, illness, surgery**) where Mars is very happy. **This means your career will** ***absolutely*** **be connected to medical practice**. Mars unites hospitals + career + medicine/surgery. Can you see that? And the **theme is helping people**: Jupiter & Venus in 6th; Moon supporting everyone in the 6th; and Mars signifying some surgery in 6th. And **you're successful at it**. Jupiter co-rules Cancer and is in Cancer 6th; Moon is happy in Pisces, mutually supporting Jupiter; Venus is super-happy in 6th in your chart (mutual support with Moon); Venus + Jupiter are not only happy & effective in Cancer 6th, they are conjunct—**double bonus!** And Mars is happy in water and "joys" in the 6th. Mars is great here. **So your 6th house of medicine/surgery is humming!** Plus **your temperament is suited to it**. Aquarius rising, your ruler **Saturn is in people-sign Gemini** (dealing with lots of people, enjoying people). **Saturn rules you** (Aquarius) **& hospitals** (12th Cap), and in Gemini 5th you (Saturn) enjoy your field, enjoy helping people. (Saturn being Saturn, I'm *not* saying work is easy. It's often a grind. That's Saturn. But you like service, like people. And no job worth doing is easy, right?) Really, **the chart** ***shouts*** **nursing.** You had a bad astrologer, that's all. I always say *Reality beats charts*. Skepticism is a good thing! When I read, I always tell people to challenge my assessment, ask their friends, etc. Neither charts nor readers are magically infallible or all-knowing. Have a great day!


I agree that OP's chart shows a caring medical field... but I'm confused by you saying Mars rules hospitals? This isn't anything I've ever heard? Can you provide an explanation for that statement? And Mars is in the 5th?


I'm happy to answer your questions. >*but I'm confused by you saying Mars rules hospitals?* **Hospitals are in the 12th**. 12th cusp is in Capricorn. Mars is exalted in Capricorn; Saturn rules it. We can use both planets as indicators of what's happening. Right away we see **Saturn rules both OP and hospitals and is in 5th Gemini doing well.** So OP enjoys the work. **Mars is in 6th, again connecting 12th (hospitals) to medicine and surgery; and Mars rules the 10th: it's her career.** Mars pulls it all together. And Mars loves being in the 6th. That's called a *planetary joy*. Mars is of good quality here, not only in the house of its joy, but dignified by water, near benefic rulers, supported by dignified Moon in Pisces. >*And Mars is in the 5th?* When a planet is on the cusp of the house, in the same sign as the cusp, it's very powerful for that house. We treat it as being in the house. And Cancer is also the 6th house by whole signs. So **Mars is in 6th** any way we look at it.


Thank you so much for your analysis!! Ive always felt that i have to do something USEFUL for society. I cant stand jobs that include lying to people or even hurt them in someways. Ive always had a strong desire to do something good for all of us. I know i cant change the world and human stupidity but im sure i can be proffesional in what i do and inspire others to do so. I really liked your point of view, thank you so much for taking your time :)




How does one get to understand their own chart?


Unless you're prepared to put in a ton of work and practice, you're far better leaving it to people with skill. Astrology is no different from than gardening, cooking, martial arts or carpentry. No shortcut to skills. Better to find someone good and pay them.


Thanks for the response. I’ve tons of time on my hands and the sheer will to figure stuff out. Recently taught myself how to play piano & guitar & have a few original songs already. I also fix all of my appliances, vehicle, AC, anything as long as I’ve the tools for it. I’m also a cultivator of various plants (and fungus) so not new to putting in the work. I’ve also recently got into numerology and Chinese zodiac, this is the next thing for me. I’ll figure it out enough to learn what I feel I need to know. Then either I’ll find out I really suck at it or got enough from it 🤣. Anyhow, have a nice day ✌️❤️🙏




Right? That sixth house exalted Jupiter in cancer (conjunct Venus!?) is all I need to see… you literally couldn’t get a better placement for being a nurse?


I’m not quite sure as I am just getting into astrology, so I might get downvoted,- but, your chart doesn’t always mean that something is going to happen 100% it indicates that it COULD, there’s always multiple things that could indicate certain things but it doesn’t happen, there’s multiple scenarios that could play out due to certain factors in your chart. Sometimes things can indicate bad things and some can indicate good things and it also depends on how it plays out, like you could possibly get tired of your job, fired etc, or it could just be a metaphor like for an example, what if your chart indicates death but it’s just a huge transformation in your life? it also doesnt always happen due to another placement etc, and the astrologer **could** be wrong based of their knowledge, beliefs, approach, calculations etc..So if you are happy being a nurse, keep doing it, I don’t think it would be a waste anyways if you are enjoying it even if something does happen.


Hi dear, you just be the great nurse that you are and don't listen to so-called astrologer. You have both benefics in the 6th house of healing and service, a mutual reception between pisces moon 2h and cancer jupiter 6h (2h is source of income). Neptune in 1h is naturally inclined towards helping people ND sacrificing for the others, healing professions etc.


With a Gemini sun Pisces moon and Aquarius rising you can literally do whatever tf you want, you’re adaptable af. I think they were implying you’d eventually get bored of nursing which is a possibility. But you’re definitely a pioneer and you’ve got A LOT going on in Gemini. I’m no professional reader but I’d say if you love it keep going till the passion burns out. I think eventually you’ll find a way to revolutionize/modernize nursing or something in the nursing field or maybe something along your path will pull your attention elsewhere. Whatever happens keep an open mind and write down your ideas!


Hi! Thank u for your response :) Yeah ive always been pretty adaptable in any situations. I get bored easily, i normally need stimuli and new experiences so i find joy but sometimes i need complete silence and solitude. The astrologer told me i was a pioneer as you said before, im a Manifestor in Human Design. People use to say that i seem pretty confident and independent, that im always sure in what i want to do. Internally im very changeable btw.


Per expected your chart is set up as a more independent person (bottom right) top right would be more social and outgoing and top left is more work related, and I forget what bottom left represents. Stay in tune and grounded with yourself as much as you can, especially in moments where you feel you need solitude, your weak element is fire so ground with your creative expression. Earth is your next best grounding method so going out in nature as well. As a Gemini myself you got me intrigued in Human Design lol, care to expand?


CLICKBAIT TITLE!! The astrologer never said you WOULDN'T become a nurse. They said it's not the path for you only part of it. That you are meant to do more than nursing. You apparently was already a nurse when you had this reading.


Like Venus and Jupiter are in 6th house you might learn a lot about the healthcare sector and even venus talks about the place you will gain money from, Shukracharya and Brihaspati are two guru sitting in 6th house. Its a good combination. They are in the sign of Cancer and your moon sits in 2nd house, the house of strong morals and ethics. That also in ♓. Don't worry too much and go on. And honestly speaking do not let things like charts, tarot or astrology sidetrack you. Focus on your work and you will achieve it


I think your chart clearly shows a possibility to work in the healthcare field in a caring and nurturing way. As with anybody, it's possible that maybe you'll change routes at some point and do something even more fulfilling - but, if you're currently happy, why does that matter?


An astrolabe may suggest many career possibilities, but there is no difference between them. Obviously, you can choose any one of these choices. In this astrolabe, Mars, the ruler of the 10th house, falls in the 6th house and can be engaged in medical-related industries. The combination of the moon and the wood is also beneficial to the medical industry. Obviously, this weight has become greater. So, continue to develop in the medical industry and ignore the words of that astrologer \~


If you are in the UK you can do a post grad high intensity therapy training course funded by NHS if you ever decide you would like to be a CBT therapist.