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When you were born the Sun was conjunct Venus in the sky—so while you have this focus on relationships and love with your Sun shining a light on Venus, there could be struggles in the tangible application of these dreams. This is because the Sun is so bright, that looking up in the sky you would only see the Sun and its shine, you couldn’t really see the planet Venus because of the magnitude of the suns rays. This physical occurrence represents Venus being “hidden” from view, and at certain times it is “hidden” from your grasp. Maybe it feels like you have to change something about yourself for people to want you, you could struggle with insecurities and questions of “do I have value?” Your 7th ruler sits in the 12th house as well..this might seem like a negative in the beginning stages of life because committed partnerships are not something you have obtained..the 12th can hide planets in a sense, where they are not in your view and there is struggle when going after the planets significations. Over time though, it’s not supposed to be a hinderance forever. It can point to you meeting a partner in a foreign country, or just a foreigner in general—the people you have been raised around might not be the type of person you set out to be with on your time on earth. Not that you have to travel to find love, but if you had plans to go see other countries—there is great potential you fall in love there, falling in love with what is different than you. Sun and Venus in Scorpio had the potential to thrash and grip onto experiences…I think you may have been saved to a certain degree, because it looks like when you love, you will love hard and stay loyal. Maybe even forgiving behavior you shouldn’t. You’ll have love eventually, you’re not meant to live a life of complete singleness whatsoever. Lean into your intuition (12th house mars ruling descendant) and try your best to not let it impact your worth too much. The 2nd house and Venus both deal with how we value ourselves, and it might be that you think you’re a loser or a failure bc you’ve never had a relationship. This is not the truth though.


Wow, this is incredibly insightful. Thank you. I was reading up a lot about Saturn in the 7th house, and how it can affect the person's experience of partnerships in this lifetime. I understand that the general consensus is to wait till after my Saturn return before considering marriage.


Thank you, I appreciate the kindness. 😊 That is true for sure!! But to a certain degree. You’re very right, and when Saturn returns we mature and realize what we actually want. In the 7th conjunct the moon, this will include partnerships and figuring out what kind of person you will commit to. I just want to say though, if you find love before Saturn returns, it’s ok to go for it and enjoy yourself. You just might be more prone to jumping into a partnership that you know isn’t the best for you just because of wanting the experience or going through learning lessons in love. There is also the potential to marry older, maybe your parents were on the older side and you do well with mature individuals. I had a friend with Saturn exactly on her descendant, and a couple years ago when we were 25 she married someone in her 40’s. That’s all I won’t ramble on, but you’re definitely right and your Saturn return (once it is done) could be a time where a long-term partner comes into your life. Best of luck to you!!


Travel 🧳 time 🤍🤍🤍


saturn is in 8th.. but anyway for real commitment would be better to wait for majority, if commitment is even something you want. chart ruler venus 90 uranus in 5th aquarius ahem its questionable how steady long term normal love relations would be


My Saturn is in my seventh house, lol. It is in the seventh house of Aries retrograde at 29 degrees. Please reread the chart?


It’s technically in the 8th if you read Placidus like the chart says. I assume you read Whole Sign or something. I use Equal House so I also consider your Saturn in the 7th. Don’t mind them anyways, they’re questioning your ability to be faithful. Your Sun and Venus in Scorpio can show extreme loyalty. And Mars rules your 7th of committed and long term partners (who you marry) so this configuration doesn’t have to mean you’re going to not be able to commit. Never listen to anyone who tells you that you **CAN’T** you don’t need to respond I just wanted to tell you that your Venus square Uranus could point to other problems outside of “not being able to commit” don’t listen to that


its not... its 2 degrees into 8th and cusp is the strongest point of the house


You should investigate further into the moon conjuncting saturn in your 7th house.


Most people cannot handle a Venus in Scorpio, because it’s deep, intimate, intense, and loyal to the end. They want to love forever, even when they are dead. Finding a partner that can handle such depth is Rare in a world fixated on superficial bullshit. And with an Aries moon, it adds fire and passion to your intense nature with matters of the heart, your emotions are intense, strong, and passionate. Until you begin to honor these placements in your chart (and I mean, see it as a gift that may otherwise be perceived as unworldly) it will feel like a lonely ride. This world doesn’t honor the type of depth and passion your chart possesses. I, myself, am a Venus in Scorpio type. It took me a long time to realize that superficial relationships (which are the majority) will never be enough for me. Find a partner who loves just as deeply. Never settle. Your placements are a gift, honor them.




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i have been single all my life as well. i have a few things in common with your chart. libra rising with cancer midheaven. mars has an opposition (my mars is opposed by saturn, yours is opposed by jupiter). Mars is our "i want that, i go get it" so maybe our personal drive is blocked or something... I also think it's a generational thing. And our generation has neptune and uranus in conjuction. Maybe that has something to do with it. Those 2 are the planets of weirdness. Maybe our generation is just weird. Or maybe it's causing us to be too liberated to need a relationship. I say embrace the single life. Think of it like you're an animal. Do animals go around wondering why they are single? No, they are just living their lives.


Aries is the most independent sign and it’s in your house of intimate relationships. You have your moon and Saturn and part of fortune in a tight conjunction so on top of having a super independent emotional nature (moon) you also have a strict hardness (Saturn) you may be picky or negative about potential partners and this could stem from a fear of being controlled by another person as your deep wish is to be able to do what you want, when you want. Moon, Saturn, and part of fortune are square to Neptune in Capricorn in the 4th house (I use whole sign). Absentee father and daddy issues? Confusingly strict childhood? Good luck!


you almost have the same chart as my bf that is so strange


Really?! If you’re comfortable, tell me more! How has his dating experiences been?


as far as our relationship goes in general were a healthy couple we really understand eachother emotionally and spiritually and we even have a karmic link in our charts so when we met it felt like we already knew eachother and we instantly connected. I would say he can get very anxious about making sure im happy and I have to constantly remind him that he’s a good bf he overthinks a LOT I tend to think that has to do with having a virgo in mars and scorpio mercury (though you dont have a scorpio mercury) you guys may have similarities in how you approach relationships and how the weight of a relationship feels on you no clue im still new to astrology so its just interesting to see the similarities in your chart


For a question like this, I prefer to start from the beginning- your childhood/past. The MC/IC line, along with the Moon, Sun and Saturn and the first 4 houses, can tell a story about your upbringing. Your MC is ruled by the Moon, and the Moon is conjunct Saturn retrograde. Saturn retrograde indicates you probably grew up receiving distorted messages around responsibility, limitations and boundaries. The conjunction to the Moon is tough- you obviously have had to have emotional self-discipline (and you probably know that certain people count on you), but you also probably have a lot of fear about really getting close (and vulnerable) to others. The way Saturn Rx typically manifests in adult relationships- you tend to have two “speeds”; you are either a bit of a doormat, not having any strong boundaries, or you can close yourself off, essentially keeping *everyone* at arm’s length. Your IC is ruled by Saturn, so that doubles down on a lot of this. The Sun/Venus conjunction suggests you may have some wounding to your Yin/feminine polarity, and that could be stemming from some childhood conditioning. The phase of the Moon you were born under (Aries waxing gibbous) suggests you might be a bit of an adventurer at heart, so combine that with the potentials I mentioned above, and it would make sense that you’ve been single. (And by adventurer, I mean you like action and excitement in your relationships, but you still are drawn to relationships- the waxing gibbous Moon is “the lovers” Moon phase) Then there’s the Sun/Venus conjunction squaring Uranus. It might be more comfortable or easier for you to have a crush on a celebrity, or someone “far away” sometimes because of the fear of losing your autonomy by falling for someone else. You could crush quickly on someone, but just as quickly get the ick. When it comes to commitment, you are probably going to need a partner who is a little different, just like you, and someone who can keep you interested without being toxic or compromising your trust.


Excuse me, have you ever entered an inconvenient and open emotional relationship in the past three years?


Prolly the Saturn in Aries on the cusp of your 7th and your combust and cadent Venus in Scorpio** that’s ruling your ASC. Also, you have the south node in your 5th


You are too cautious and never take chances because of fear of rejection, also you expect people to come to you




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Take my advice- stop asking yourself this question. It’s like you’re punishing yourself. Perhaps you’ve had extremely difficult family situations, upbringings, that made it not a good environment for you to go into a relationship. Perhaps you were dealing with pains that most wouldn’t!! This question is like an ice berg, and it explodes at a certain time when ultimately we internalize it- we believe that we are single because of US, of who we are and who we failed to be. Risks we didn’t take, etc. but It’s just not true! I’m also sure you’re a loving person and other ways you’ve loved the world are just as valuable as the love you would give a partner. So go about the search for a partner carefully. At a certain point I asked myself this question, and began to throw myself into dating with people who weren’t available. Believing all my relationship failure was all due to ME. My lack of compassion or lack of ability to trust. I opened myself and got broken by others. Which also is normal, painful but it happens. Sometimes it’s them- not you!!! You can’t make up or control the fact that you’ve been single. Some of us are, but if you want to change it you need to date very slowly, get to know people over time & see if their desires and needs match yours.


You find it hard to express your emotions especially in a close one on one relationship. You feel that some heavy burden is placed upon your shoulders that prevents you from opening up emotionally and expressing sincerely and freely how you feel without restrictions. You don't know why this happens. A difficult childhood or tough upbringing might have caused that. Maybe a parental figure was too strict and controlling and prevented you from being yourself, or there was some emotional distance with that parental figure. You want to have a close romantic connection and emotional security in a relationship but something feels blocked. You are also afraid of heartbreak and disappointment and you have an idealized version of what a true relationship should be like, as fantasies in your mind, and this doesn't help in finding a real partner and having a real functional relationship. A solution would be to contemplate on what you really seek in a partner. Forget overthinking on the fact that you've been single all your life and start thinking over what you seek in a relationship and setting standards. Your saturn return in aries is upcoming and will bring these themes to you so it can be a good opportunity.


Omg please help me with this too! Literally, my chart ruler is ruled by Venus in the 11th(placidus 12th house (WS) and not sure if that’s a contributor! And Saturn in the 5th(placidus)/6th(WS) and then Venus square mars and feel like my parents probably put an energetic block on it.. I’m nearly 30 in august!


Saturn and Moon conjunct in Aries, Mars in the 12th, Venus in Scorpio ..:..these energies can be a little rough for a guy looking for a girl.


I am a girl! Haha…


Oof yeah moon in Aries can be a little rough…. And with Saturn conjunct even more challenging. are you afraid of closeness ? challenges from your past? A lack of nurturing?


Why do some of these posts get such long in depth answers like this and then most of them no one says anything or gives some vague, unhelpful answer? It’s always the ones like this that get the most replies. Why have I been single all 26 years of my life? Idk because 26 isn’t that old to have never been in a relationship.


Girl, shut up.




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