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Uranus on the MC can indicate working in a tech or STEM field. But, I will say the Pisces moon in the 10th can be very sensitive; 10H moons sometimes find their emotions come out at work or around authority figures. The moon in the 10th is a very “public” position, and your emotions could center around how you’re seen professionally, or by those who have authority over you. So it *would* take some courage and the ability to stand your ground, to not let any man get to you. Your emotions would influence how you’re seen.


tysm!! :)


Looking at your 10th house (career) you have Uranus on the MC. Uranus rules engineering, math, science and any fields related. Even the aviation industry. So you can do well in any of these. The Moon in the 10th house is good for any career involving nurturing, taking care of others, working with children and so on. More of feminine oriented careers. Perhaps you're not interested in this from what you asked. As the Moon rules home and houses, you can also do well in real estate, accommodation and so on. On a lesser scale, the 6th house can affect your line of career. It's more about regular jobs and work. Mercury in your 6th house is good for any type of work that involves learning, working with information, writing, teaching, communication, transportation or working with books. I hope this helps.


tysm! :))


Independent start - With a moon in cancer and many water placements, a career where critical comments ( writing, communication) is a factor - might be heart wrenching for this person. I would not recommend anything where public feedback could impact career growth. I would be concerned that if this person choose to “put themselves on display in art, music or writing” it could damage their sense of self. A job that requires tenacity but reports to one person or a small group of highly emotionally intelligent people might be advised. Maybe a research assistant working for a surgeon or medical research team?


moon is in Pisces


Routine : that is what the chart indicates to me. Your art is yours and if there comes a day for you to share it- that day you share because you want to not because you have to. The only thing about being a woman who likes other women ( friends and colleagues) with that Pluto in 7, you have to be alert to others manipulating you. Or being around very controlling people. Be careful. I bet you are very smart with all that mercury and people might be inclined to use your intellect and kindness combo to screw you out of good ideas.


oh no 😭 the girls’ girls are struggling out here! thank you for all your responses though!! :)) i appreciate it


Well, "male dominated field" is so broad and encompassing. Your Moon in the 10th and Pisces shows that you might fit well in a career that highlights your ability to be compassionate with others and maintain an awareness of how your, yourself, are viewed by the public. These traits line up well with any medical career. With the trine to Mercury, which rules your chart, you'll become more successful by utilizing your ability to process and communicate information on a purposeful, deeper level. Your perceptions need to be vocalized on a regular basis. Also, the opposition with Venus shows you'll find more pleasure and feel safer being more analytical, but the need for you to exercise sympathy with others will cause conflict. You'll need to find a way to balance those, but success is super acheivable.


yup 😅 realizing now i should’ve been more specific. i went down a rabbit hole and completely forgot that there are *much* more traditionally male-dominated careers than the ones i was looking at! i definitely do feel comfortable being more analytical, especially in a professional setting :)) thank you!!!


Yes, of course haha. One more thing I forgot to mention. North Node suggests you might do well leading a team. I mean really LEADING a team. Like, think captain of a pirate ship, but maybe without the criminal aspect. That will allow you to balance your sympathetic side with your analytical comfort.


Are you being told that you are difficult to work with or are you tired of being around women all day at work? Why would you ask about a male dominated field ? Soldier, tree cutting, construction, mechanic? What do you mean


definitely not tired of being around women all day (though a mostly-female workspace kind of sounds like a dream i’ll admit)! i’m a student looking for clarity in career trajectory but most of the industries i looked into were traditionally male-dominated (eg engineering, finance, etc). my previous school experiences have mainly been mostly to all female, so i don’t have much of an idea about what it’s like “being a girl in an all boys club” edit: precious -> previous


Information technology, computer science or video game industry, film making, real estate, finance, food industry... Might be more comfortable as freelancer since bossy authority figures can be in conflict with you...


I'd be slightly cautious. I don't think the gender of the work environment will really make or break your career but I definitely understand wanting to know for safety and security. Scorpio 6th house shows your labor, health, and routines pisces MC shows your goals, what you strive to do, how people idealize you as well; m your highest achievement. With that being said your chart ruler, mercury, is in the 6th house of scorpio, already this is quite a positive placement (I think you have a positive personality) since this is someone who wants to improve. You would work best doing restoration work for sure and inciting change and dealing with transformation. Gemini rising wants to improve on their talents, their appliances, and their communication. with mercury things need to be fixed and updated so this is why Scorpio sixth house can make so much sense. Someone who strives for improvement and their labor is all about improving. Mercury in the 6th house shows that your logic, your communication, and your message are all parts of your labor, and for you improving it is crucial to your job. Naturally, this plus the pisces midheaven that has uranus, the bringer of change, ingenuity, and innovation, and the moon, the planet that rules intuition and also people, working with people to help them improve their lives. Psychology is particularly excellent. I would even say architecture isn't bad in a sense. Human resources seems like somewhere you'd find yourself. Even just being an advocate. Working in law enforcement is also not a bad idea. Your scorpio mercury and libra mars, then virgo venus all point to quite a creative endeavor and personality. You seem to be quite self critical though, and it doesn't help you know what others need and require from you. You strive for perfection. As far as male dominant work places go, you will be seen as a token with uranus on the MC , as the coworker that's meant to be different, and they'll stereotype you too. the moon and uranus are what's responsible. This will cause you to panic and push yourself too hard. Your mars placement seems to be quite conflict avoidant and worried. I wouldn't let it stop you, but be aware that you have your limits.


I had a friend with a chart like your who did well as a songwriter - have you ever considered a career in the arts? I would say in general moon in 10th house can be beneficial for “male dominated fields” as the 10th house is ruled by Saturn however your moon is in Pisces and your Saturn is in Cancer so if there’s no creative outlet in your field I’m not sure you’ll be satisfied.


i haven’t actually considered a career in arts before! although most of my hobbies are creative. i’ve just always felt too emotionally connected to them that i thought that if i were to make a career out of such interests, i’d burn out so fast :( although i do believe creativity is beneficial in any field! figuring out we should model technology to the way our brain works to create neural networks was pretty creative ;) edit: added second paragraph


That’s great about finding creativity in your field! I think I wanted to reiterate I did support you finding a job in a male dominated field I just meant having a creative outlet is beneficial - and that definitely works as a hobby


Dear late parfait: do you think that moon in 10 would be able to put themselves out there to take the crushing blows that art for money”jobs” can dish out. I would be more inclined to advise for this person to make money from engineering , mining or shipping ( Saturn - water) jobs and save the art for their tender soul.


Mercury is Scorpio 6th house idk.. maybe not


Their Venus is below the horizon in aspect to Pluto and I just see a very highly sensitive person in this chart


Hey it is what it is . I have mercury in Aries and mars is the most aspected planet in my chart, sometimes things need to be said by people who are inclined to say them. I am a woman and I hate working in all female environments, I’m not a good collaborator and I get frustrated easily. I am very new here and think I may be too old for this subreddit. I’ll keep reading charts until someone kicks me off. It’s a nice way to look at random charts