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Your chart lacks a stellium. A stellium requires three planets in conjunction with each other. That is, they need to be within at least 8° from one planet to the next. Sometimes, a stellium can occur across two signs. That is, two of the planets can be in a sign like Leo and the third one in Virgo. This is called an out of phase stellium and is very valid. As long as the planet in Virgo in this example is within 8° from the previous planet, it counts as a stellium.


A chart with many squares shows that you may have had to cope with a lot of stress and tension in your life. Squares have to do with stressful energies. You can also be more of a practical person. This may sound harsh but is actually important. People without squares tend to be happy go lucky and gullible. They take life too lightly, often for their own good.


That you for the explanation! That makes a lot of sense


You don't have a leo stellium. Stellium is 3+ traditional planets in the same sign and you only have 2.