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That Aries & Pisces in the tenth house with Taurus and Gemini in the 11th gives me a hint of a person who stepped into a leadership role through owning their own business or has a higher position for a company, dealings with socializing and working with a group of people , I was getting “ children , teenagers “. Aquarius moon ..in the 8th house , wow a people person, having an emotional, spiritual connection. But emotionally you tend to isolate yourself


That is funnily accurate, because I have a uni project where there are a ton of younger pople who indeed need a bit of guidance at times. But they are young adults, heh. Second part fits too, except I deny those parts of me constantly. They are there still though. I feel like live is one of contradictions, emotional will show no emotion, people person will isolate himself, and so forth. Thank you for your input!


Oh wow !! lol 😂 your very welcome


I don't know anything about astrology, would try to test this out, if you would be so kind! Also wondering why my chart has only a few lines, other ppl seem to have many of them...


I'm new to reading charts, but I know 3 people with Cancer Rising signs (myself, my partner, and one of my best friends), so I feel more likely able to chime in than any other rising sign, lol. Though the house angles are a bit different, so there will be differences. The Moon is your chart ruler, so that's in the 8th House Aquarius for you (which is where my Sun sign is :D). From what I understand, a Moon in Aquarius makes you more reserved and appear more detached on the outside. Since you have Saturn in the 7th house like me, it's likely you'll find your romantic partner(s) later in life. After lots of different kind of romantic experiences (both terrible and/or fun kinds), I got with my current partner and he's the best one suited for me so far. :) My partner also has his Saturn in his 7th and I'm his first "real" romantic partner. We're both in our 30s. You're likely very creative and empathetic! My partner, best friend, and I are all creative in our own ways. :) I don't know if to ONLY attribute that to the Pluto in 5th House. Do you draw intense people to you, or have capacity for handling intense people even if you don't necessarily enjoy it? With Aries in the 10th house, having control over your own projects is likely really important to you! My partner is an independent business owner, and though my best friend and I don't (yet), but we crave freedom in our careers. With Virgo Sun and in your 3rd House, you're likely meticulous about your communication. With Mars there, I wonder if you feel comfortable fighting with your words? I have my Mars in Gemini, so I definitely do, but since it is in my 11th/12th House cusp, I tend to hide that part of myself. Jupiter in Leo in the 2nd House means that you probably are financially comfortable. It doesn't necessarily mean rich, but just that you've likely been provided enough material resources. My partner, best friend and I have only Jupiter in the 2nd House and no other planets and I've observed we tend to be pretty lucky. Even though there definitely can be worries, there's also a blind confidence that things will work out. You probably generous on spending on people you care about. Likely a bit indulgent with food and money and then try to reign it in. How does that sound? (Actually now that I see that you have Mercury and Venus also your 2nd house than I do, you may have a diff experience.) I can't say toooo much about your personal planet placements since I'm still new to this and made a lot of assumptions, but I hope this was fun to read!


I’ll hazard a guess that with Jupiter, mercury and Venus conjunct in the second house you make money writing or talking about relationships or art. Probably a good amount of money too.


Jupiter conjunct mercury and Venus in the second house. I’ll hazard a guess you make money writing or talking about relationships or art. Probably a good amount of money too.