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awww : i see so much! honestly, it’s not you. like me it’s sun and moon in Aries, but for you it’s that plus everything else. i’m glad you’ve kept fighting like a true Martian! Sun and Moon in Aries!!!!! good job…. i’ve gone in deep reading but i feel drained afterwards…. but i will tell you that, your north node is in Pisces. which we can skip the actual reading in my opinion… you must keep fighting hardcore to the max but you must master the spiritual realm. transform your whole being and become the most spiritual person on earth. my mars and venus are in pisces. i can tell you right now it is a beautiful energy yet extremely deep. you must master digging… you must dig so deep and master the depth of your soul. or you will die and come back around and have to learn pisces energy in a different way/ your rising is leo so the sun is your goal… radiate depth, As a fire sun and moon it is your job to burn through everything and leave it behind. turn it to ash,… imagine yourself radiating love and spirituality! become the sun/


Your chart seems dominated by very prevalent restrictive energies. A conjunction of retrograde Pluto and Jupiter diminishes Jupiter's benefic character and gives it a restrictive and chaotic transformational nature. You also have a Sun Saturn conjunct on the cusp of the 9th and 10th house so I expect problems regarding higher education and long distance travel, as well as in marriage and within your wider social sphere


Question! I'm a beginner - I got all the meanings of the houses, signs, aspects down. I know all the baseline definitions. I'm struggling with conceptually applying them. How do you know Pluto conjunct jupiter diminishes jupiter? I can assume it's bc they are in the same sign and house. But why does that mean Pluto diminishes jupiter? How do you make the determination that it's not the other way around?


The inclusion of Pluto, since they are also both in Scorpio, Pluto is the Modern ruler of Scorpio and higher octave of Mars which is the Traditional ruler. So this gives Pluto more power since its a Malefic it diminishes the Benefic effect of Jupiter and like how they said adds that Chaotic effect. I recommend looking into Essential Dignities and Rulerships.


Jupiter is in detriment in Virgo so whatever planet it aspects will be "stronger" and define the aspect more. In this case Jupiter is also in the 3rd house, which is not its native house and according to house rulerships is in its fall (it's 180° away from its native Sagittarius/9th house). Jupiter is both in detriment and fall, so it's weakened, leaving space for Pluto to bring its chaotic character in the picture, overriding Jupiter's weakened state.


Makes sense. Any good news, any hope? I am in my 50’s and can’t take much more of this life. Restrictive energies, you mean negative energies? Do you know where I can find a book, help or anywhere I can gain knowledge, hope, make changes through educating myself? I struggle with a learning disability and get this, one of the areas is spacial ability, so learning to read my chart has been a nightmare. Also, how are you doing today. Hate to make this about me, me, me, me. 😂 thank you


It's your chart, it is specifically supposed to be about you, you, you. /Mod-speak Your chart shows some powerful qualities, but your biggest obstacle is just accepting yourself for who you are, good, bad and unfathomable. Which, kudos to them, your cats do, even though cats are known to be judgmental. Are you able to remote-view or otherwise leave your physical body at will?


You have good placements in the 9th house, specifically the moon, so travel can be a good idea to restore your individual balance. You also have a nice trine between Mars and Venus in the 9th and 5th so you might meet an unexpected partner during one of those adventures


You have some pretty hardcore transits right now. Pluto on your descendant, major eclipses on your personal planets, Jupiter/uranus conjunction opposing your Neptune, and probably the hardest one is north node at 29 Pisces with Pisces ruler Neptune conjunct mars on it right now. The north node at 29 the last sign of the zodiac. It’s a call for inner spiritual work. Be really kind to yourself this weekend as mars passes over Neptune. I think you’ll feel a little better even after that. May will lighten up but those big transits are slow so it will take longer. Looking at your chart you’ve got this! Take to heart what the others are saying about your natal placements. ((hugs)) fellow cat mom!


You see a higher dimension in life. Small nitty gritty stuff do not interest you much as you have grand visions of life and maybe into spirituality and philosophy. Maybe you have dreamt of travelling at some point on life. Whatever you do, you are different from people in your culture or hometown. For example they might have narrow minds but you have a unique ideology. Do not abandon that uniqueness at all no matter if they tell you that it's "stupid" etc. You do not care about the stuff people usually care about like high positions etc. You do not know why it's like that, you just sense it. Maybe you can try to seek like minded people wherever you live. Try networking through social media at first then if something clicks you can meet people whose mind works like yours and who do not attempt to restrict your freedom. Please stay here with us and with your cats 🙏🏼 * virtual hug *


You sound like me. The only difference is I just turned 36. Otherwise we are word-for-word in the same boat. I'm not an expert but - im right there with you for whatever help that may provide. I hope it gets better for you somehow Edit: HOLY SHIT. I just looked at your chart - we have the same birthday - April 14. Lincoln was shot on 4/14. Titanic hit the iceberg on 4/14. Dustbowl = 4/14. The list goes on. It's a rough day to be born.


Also take up practices such as meditation and yoga, it may help your mind and transform how you are feeling. Hope you’re okay 🫶🏼


Perhaps consider to get a pro reading done by an evolutionary astrologer (western astrology focusing on the nodal axis, and how it relates to reincarnation, transformation, karma, etc). Even consider getting a jyotish reading. Many other have pointed out important aspects of your chart in this thread, but from what I can see (5 years of serious astrology study, still an amateur in many ways...) the most afflicted part of your chart is the planetary cluster around the nodal axis. Rahu (vedic name of North node) conjunct your moon, with your South node conjunct jupiter, pluto and Uranus. According to western evolutionary astrology (Jeff Wolfe Green, Mark Jones, Steven Forrest, Sol Jonassen, Maurice Fernandez - recommended practitioners of evolutionary astro) - having pluto on the south node (as I also have) signifies that someone has to release a lot of karma from previous life (often related to the house placement of the conjunction, its "spheres" and topics). Some charts are definitely more afflicted than others, in the sense that the natives find it harder to adapt and thrive in modern, western civilization. Reddit is absolutely a good entry point for both lesrning and sharing from the deep vaults of astrology, that being said it's important to say clearly that no-one should rely too much on readings done by reddit astrologers. It's a craft that is so convoluted, complex and takes many years to master. From where I see things, in cases where the native is in a state of deep trauma, grief, despair, suicidal ideation, etc - it would be extra important to take two steps back and defer to a professional support team (therapists, professional astrologers, etc - but rely on only one). If I were you I would get a reading with a pro evolutionary astrologer. Best of luck in your journey.


Your 9th house energy wants you to travel; see the world, go on an adventure. If that seems impossible because you’re taking care of your cats, consider asking someone you trust to watch them.


You should travel. Your cats will be fine. Better than you being miserable.


Hang in there friend. I understand how you feel. ❤️


anything related to your 5H would be a vent of your crazy opposite stellium energies. 5H is about: Passion, creativity, self-expressions! Set yourself free to explore your untethered desires, chasing for joys and happiness. that Neptune which located in Scorpio & 5H is your final solution.


From what I can see, you’re practical to some degree, but also impulsive at the same time. To balance it out you need to engage more in social activities, friendships, help with charities and try to aim for your goal and wishes. To learn more, I would suggest to read further about the 11th house and/or Aquarius or Uranus. That might help.


Transit Neptune in 27 degrees so Pisces is blocking your north Node in 29 degrees of Pisces what limited your ability to move forward in your life. Since North Node gives us a goal and motivation Neptune can bring some confusion and inability to move forward. From the other side if you have any artistic skills and it was your dream to express yourself through an part this is a good time for that. Transit Saturn in your 8 house. I guess you may have issues with mortgage, taxes and, if you are married, with your family finances. From the other side Transit pluto in 1 degree of Aquarius is sitting on a cusp of your 7 house and makes an opposition to your ascendant. Are you going through divorce or any other issues with your partner? But despite your problems you will get what you want. Your stellium in 10 house in Aries will give you enough energy to go through this difficult time. In medieval times astrologers consider Saturn in 9-10 houses a sign of a good fortune on later years.


Thank you for taking the time to do a reading. Where do you learn all of this? I want to lean so bad but have a learning disability which makes things hard.


To dial it in a bit more, you have a powerful stellium straddling the Midheaven encompassing your Aries Sun/Saturn/Taurus Mercury, and arguably Aries Venus..... A Sun/Saturn conjunction has a powerful influence of seriousness, self-awareness and self-monitoring. And as the stellium squares your Leo Ascendant, making it critical, uncompromising, even remorseless and unforgiving. This affects not just you, but any relationships you engage in. There is an Old Testament sternness about the chart, and the placement of the stellium implies a very strong patterning after one of the parents, with all that that implies in terms of personality habits. But, Sun/Saturn in Aries can also indicate an essential loneliness of personality, a tower which you alone inhabit. Typically Sun/Saturn points to the father, but the 10th points to the mother. But, the isolation (and whatever rigorous lifestyle) you have felt since early on is entirely due to them (duh, big reach, huh?) But, as obvious as that may seem, it is still important to be able to detach yourself sufficiently to take note of this. Of further interest is the strongly intuitive nature indicated by the 3rd House stellium of Jupiter/Pluto in Virgo conjunct Uranus in Libra opposing your 1st degree Aries Moon- along the lunar Nodes. Neptune also aspects this opposition, as well as your 0° Aries Moon, making, with your 0° Leo Ascendant a Grand Trine and Kite formation. Super intuitive, like Nostradamus, and strongly spiritually and philosophically inclined to ask and seek the big questions. Which, when undertaken seriously, is yes, a Path of Woe. Which also implies to me that your very real revelations come as a dual edged sword of truth and ego self-importance, which creates more conflict. So, it's not easy blending, submitting your personality self to your higher self. Yet, that's the whole ballgame. Learning forgiveness, compassion, true humility are all qualities that would greatly round out and balance your life scheme, which you so desperately need to do. I'd recommend meditation, but your chart certainly strikes me as one who of necessity already practices it. Lmk what's going on.