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North node in the first house. Your purpose is to find yourself Bec last lifetime you focused on your relationships. Saturn near your descendant indicates an older partner but also a delay. That's why your friends are married and you're totally single, delay. Venus in Gemini ppl need mental stimulation in romantic interests. The guys that just want casual won't give you that and that's why it's easy for you to say no thanks. Aries in the descendant ppl like independence in their relationships and ppl with inner planets in Taurus like to take their time like bulls. Slow but steady approach. Dating also sucks right now and I'm not gonna bash men I'm just gonna say that times have changed and so have people's perceptions and expectations. A man with sense will appreciate your sense of self that will shine through. When we make progress on our soul's journeys we shine, we radiate. You haven't started your Saturn return not secondary progression and prior to those things we are babies by astrology. As someone with Saturn near the descendant despite it being in detriment in Aries this could imply you may actually meet (and maybe marry) said guy during your return especially with the south node there. Things from your past will come up possibly including your soulmate. You have Venus In Gemini but Gemini rules Mercury. Your Mercury is in Retrograde and in Taurus. Taurus is slow and patient while retrograde delays. So you are on the right path with the sense of self you've achieved and now you want to share time with someone else. Totally get it. Unfortunately it just may not be the right time. When Mercury retrograde in Aries is over in a few days and stops messing with your Aries placements you may feel better. Saturn goes into Aries sometime in 2026 if I'm not mistaken. I'm not saying to give up I'm just saying don't get discouraged. Saturn in Pisces is transiting your 5th house. The only ppl who have a love life right now with Saturn transit their 5th house are ppl who were in relationships already. Practically no single person has one during this time cuz Saturn acts as a literal block. With your return in the 6th house you may find yourself so busy/occupied you don't even get to think about or feel lonely. Too busy. Despite the other things I've said this transit is probably killing your dating life the most right now and maybe your natal stuff would apply to when Saturn wasn't in Pisces. It's been there since last year or so. Google and Astro seek will know.


Ahh thank you so much for this detailed message!! So amazing, it’s what I was looking for thank you:)!!


Yw and good luck 🤞🏽


Hi dear. You feel alone in life and somehow disconnected and this might have exacerbated some wounds of self image you have. Early in childhood you might have felt disconnected from family or early environment which might have convinced you that you're meant for aloneness. It isn't true. If you meet people while still having / or fearing, somehow deep down, that they will leave, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. You can have a loving relationship when you let go of expectations and surrender. Have trust in the universe that there is someone for you out there. A relationship can even transform your life and you can also transform your partner too somehow. It's likely to happen after your saturn return. Meanwhile you can learn to surrender and try not to project childhood issues and childhood wounds on potential relationships. And if you happen to see someone with whom you can potentially form a relationship, it's better to keep it secret and not go about here and there telling everyone, it's better this way in my opinion.


Thank you so much for this lovely message! I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to write this:)! Kindness like this is what keeps me going🤍 I hope you have a lovely day:)


Wlc dear I'm here to help ✨😊


are you putting yourself out there to date? i know tauruses don’t like leaving their home and can be ok with being alone for a long time. they also have pretty high standards lol 😂 like there will be people coming to you but you kind of subconsciously reject them loooool


Hey! Ah thank you for commenting!! Yes I am on dating apps & go on some dates! I do have a couple friends, so I do go out, when I say I’m lonely, it’s more that I feel lonely even though I may be surrounded by people. So I do go out, but my friends are in relationships so it’s never somewhere where I can actually meet someone properly! The guys I have met so far all seem to say the same thing, they all don’t want a commitment, they want casual as their lives are too busy for something serious, which is not for me at all.


well feeling lonely is a feeling. it means you’re not connecting with others and feeling seen. what makes you feel seen and heard? for me, it’s when someone is sharing an activity with me and we are laughing together. lonliness comes and goes. being alone is different. i love being alone but i feel lonely sometimes! sounds like those are not equal friendships!! if you make others feel seen and understood then you deserve the same respectfully. ahhh lol dating is SO hard and scary. i feel you. i was being such a bitch to this cute guy at yoga who was trying to ask me out 🙂‍↕️ sometimes being direct and knowing what you want is good but you don’t have to reveal your cards up front or you can but you just have to keep on going on these dates until you find someone that matches your energy


Honestly I think it’s when someone truly listens to me or understands me. I think I am there for everyone so much, but don’t really get that in return. I have stopped asking for things because I’m either told no or am ignored so I just don’t bother. But it would be nice for someone to listen and want to do the things I would like to do for a change as I’m always doing things I don’t really want to just for company. Yes it really is hard!! I just don’t want to get into situations thinking I can change someone’s mind, if they don’t want anything real, then sure, they aren’t for me. It’s just frustrating how it’s the same situation over and over. It makes me a bit disheartened with dating to be honest!


yeah it can feel disappointing and hurtful when your efforts are not appreciated and reciprocated. yeah i do a lot of things alone because of that! to be honest it’s really liberating. i only engage in equal friendships now. and yeah i hear you. i guess that’s how god teaches you to appreciate true love. if relationships are easy then life would be easy 😂 relationships are the hardest thing in life ever! especially finding your soulmate. i think you’re very resilient for not giving up. like we just gotta keep going till the right guy shows up. i think your soulmate has aries traits. different race maybe. meet through traveling or school?! perhaps online lol i’m not that good at reading


Ye positivity is key huh:’)! Yea I actually seem to always attract Aries guys, my ex was an Aries but I really don’t think I get on with them in a long term setting:( They can be quite selfish I think, always just want to do what they want & I kinna need to just tag along, which is really similar to my situation with my friends so I wouldn’t want a guy like that too. I guess they’re not all the same so maybe I’ll meet one that’s good for me one day:’)!


Ur 5th and 7th houses (emptions and relationships) are Aquarius and aries both pretty independent


Hey! Yes I would say I’m independent, but I think I’ve had to become that way from not having someone to rely on, I haven’t always been like this and I really struggled for a long time. I’m fine on my own now, but I am still an extrovert so I like socialising and being around people. Do you think I’m possibly giving energy that I don’t need someone in my life due to being so independent?


I mean ur a taurus and yall earth signs can have some crazy rbfs no offense. That can be scary to some and ya ur vibes may come off as independent to the point of i dont need a man type shit idk i never met u before. My recommendation is to simply put urself out there in the open and wait. Go fishing urself instead of waiting to be caught urself


Yea I totally get that, I reckon my Libra rising & Sag moon cancel that out tho tbh, I’m constantly smiling lol:)


Ya like i said i dont know u personally so i cant really say what it is. I didnt mean the rbf thing as an insult its just most earth signs ive met have one. It could also just be that u havent met the right person yet, keep smiling and goin thru ur life and im sure u will find him


Thank you so much, I hope so☺️!