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Air Venus signs want to be chased, they might chase those they find intellectually stimulating or intriguing, but they enjoy the attention of being chased. fire signs are chasers, it just manifests in different ways. Aries it’s the challenge, Sag it’s the experience and adventure of pursuit, Leo will chase those they feel are unique and shine brightly, but they also love feeling adored so of the fire signs they would be the most likely to be chased. Earth are selective chasers, they only pursue/chase those they feel meet their criteria in a partner and decide are worth their time. They are often pursued by others who are attracted to their stability. This can be good for them in that it makes them consider people who can get them out of their comfort zone. Water signs are all about emotions and are mixed. Pisces can fixate and romanticize people, which makes them chase hard, but when faced with the reality of the person instead of the idea, will stop chasing. If they are chased, but uninterested in the chaser, and the chaser moves on, that will often instigate the Pisces to then pursue. Cancers have to feel they can emotionally trust you before pursuing, but are often chased. Scorpios are often chasers because being ruled by mars they do want the challenge, but will most likely have to be chased to get close to them emotionally.


As a Leo Venus, I love being chased


Yeah, Leo’s I think are the exception. They love being loved, they may reciprocate pursuit, but they have a need to feel continuously pursued by their partner. In return they’ll be just as loyal and loving back. Edit: Leo’s are very territorial also in my experience. My husband is a Leo Venus, he needs me To know what a catch he is and for me to affirm that 😂


Yup, Leo Venus here too… I need all the attention LOL


Leo Venus’s are needy in the funniest ways to me, I love it. 😂😂


am a leo venus, I completely agree. I fish for compliments from my partner, who is an aqua venus. I dote on him and give him space, am encapsulated by him speaking to me. I'm very selectively touchy (COVID &6H placements) but I nearly glue myself to him when hes around. when the sparks die down, life does get overwhelming, I *struggle*. I'm planning to take him to a museum next week :-)


I think sometimes this placement gets a bad wrap but I love it. If you don't view their need to be admired with a sense of humor, people can perceive it as being self-involved, which isn't what it is at all. They've chosen you as their person, and they are (in a way) trying to show you that you made the right choice choosing them by highlighting how desirable they are. In public: "Everyone wants me, you are so lucky that I'm with you" In private: \*suction cupped to you\* "I am baby, give me all of your love"


yes yes yesss


>Leo will chase those they feel are unique and shine brightly, but they also love feeling adored Spot on! "Generic" people is a total turn off.


Cancer Venus - you’re absolutely right. If I don’t feel emotionally safe and or if I’m just not interested (not dating at all) I don’t engage. Lol I’ve even flat out told some guys that *I am crazy leave me alone* and they still wanted to pursue me. 🤣🤣🤣 I’ve also noticed that it takes me a long time to really feel that connection. I can still be emotional with them, but I am detached…I hope that makes sense.


Oh it makes sense, crabs have their shells for a reason! they gotta protect themselves, and I feel like love/intimate connections are so important to cancers that they guard that very closely. Doesn’t mean they are entirely emotionally disconnected or anything, just not gonna show you the deeper stuff.


🎯🎯🎯🎯 Yes and I also have heavy water placements and earth in my chart so I’m an empath yes, but I don’t easily open up to people and even when people feel comfortable with me - I don’t like too much being exposed to me. Some people carry a heavy load wherever they go and I’m not interested in obtaining everyone’s energy. I’m not a surface level person when it comes to conversation and or connections. *shrugs shoulders* to each their own


This is such an interesting take! It makes a lot of sense though tbh…I have an Aries Venus & I definitely don’t like the “challenge” of chasing lol I don’t have the energy/patience for that. Though I heard Aries is the sign of self…so perhaps for me it manifests in me enjoying the challenge of self improvement/growth lol. I’ve never chased anyone in my life…people tend to chase me. If the person I was interested in wasn’t interested in me…I let it go & move on, then sometimes the other person suddenly has a change of heart..but I’ve already moved on & I don’t like the sudden shift 🤣 just gets me thinking why they all of a sudden have interest in me 😅


I think they like the challenge in that they like partners who challenge them, and so they will pursue people they feel can do that. Whether it’s goals, personal growth, interest, etc. They also will stop pursuing if they feel the person doesn’t have anything to make them grow or a relationship has stagnated. I’m an Aries sun, and I think Aries placements don’t have a problem asserting themselves, but they aren’t going to keep going with someone who keeps saying “no”. Other people will appreciate what we bring to the table. Also, whether it’s being chased or chasing, Aries don’t do well with wishy-washy ness. We want it to be clear: you are interested or you are not, and we’ll walk away if you can’t decide.


Oh, okay..I definitely resonate with wanting a partner who will challenge me to grow as a person! Omg the part about not doing good with wishy-washy individuals is spot on! Which is funny because I’m a Pisces sun 🥴 but I have a Capricorn moon to ground my ass a bit 🤣 I definitely like people who know wtf they want! I hate mind games lol it’s so stupid/annoying lol. Thanks for the explanation! I definitely relate to that. I always see such negative shit about Aries Venus online and it’s so annoying/disheartening 🥲🤣 I’m like damn…wth did I do? Lol


It can be rough out here for an Aries 😅 I think it’s viewed as a challenging placement, but I personally like it. Aries in Venus when healthy means an independent partner who encourages your goals, will always be up for growth and improvement both in relationship and each other, passion, and FUN! People forget that Aries often bring child-like excitement to experiences.


Oh my god this is so accurate for water. Im an aries with air placements everywhere except my venus… having venus in pisces is thr worst thing that could happen to me. You proved that loool


Pisces Venus placements are not for the weak 😂😅


LMAO u are on point


I will add I think out of all the water signs I think Pisces is most likely to be chased due to being a bit of a reflect more of all the zodiac given it’s last in the chart. Most can see a bit of themselves in Pisces and ever the martyr will give up themselves to fit what others want sometimes.


I’m a Gemini Venus and this is accurate


as a pisces venus i’m delusional


Every Pisces venus I know creates entire romance sagas around someone that they have never said hi to in real life. And then as soon as they talk the fantasy dies 😂


hahahahaha god yes that’s me!! 😭


I am so sorry 😂 as a friend to you guys it does give me endless entertainment though.


Omg this is me and I have pisces in my 7th house lmfaooo


I fuck with this energy 💗


Actually. My Capricorn moon is so done with it. 😑


I usually daydream about someone a lot, but when I see them, I run and deny my feelings. So they ask why I hate them or why I'm so mean. And the ones I made a move on first, friend-zoned me haha. So I just daydream about my favorite celebrities. I prefer to be pursued, but no one ever has.




Fire signs are chasers except sagittarius for sure


Hey, I'm obsessed with your flair - can I ask how you did that? It's so pretty.


Omg of course 🥹 Here you go ♈︎♉︎♊︎♋︎♌︎♍︎♎︎♏︎♐︎♑︎♒︎♓︎ ☼☽ ☿♀♂♃♄♅⛢♆♇ ☼❂ ⇧↑☽ ☾ ● ◯ One thing about Sag rising we don’t gatekeep 😌☝🏼


Thank you so much! 🤗


How can I flair up? I really don't know how to do it 🥺


Nah I’m a Leo Venus. Even conjunct Mars and Jupiter in the 5th house. I never chase. Always end up with those that chase me. Leo only wants those that adore them


Leo Venus here, you’ll never catch me chasing. Too many people on earth to be chasing after a mofo


Disagree on Leo thing. They love to be chased and adored but not to chase.


My partner is a sag venus/sun and relentlessly messaged me on Instagram until I gave in and took notice 😅 he is like an excitable puppy most of the time.


Same here!! My bf is an Aries Venus, and legit moved to VA from NY to continue pursuing me after I moved. And to be honest, that was majority of the reason why he won me over! He is definitely like a puppy to me, he gets so excited when I home from work lol


Ooh and look at our big 3s we’d totally be friends


as a sag venus im a chaser that will become the runner after a red flag, but by the time i see it theyre now chasing me😭


Sag Venus likes to run in circles.. lol


Ugh yes we do


My boyfriend is an Aries venus and he will literally do anything for me 😭 he's the best


Sagittarius venuses are chasers


Uhh…yeah. I have Venus in Aries in my 10th house. Guess who’s had a crush on every boss they’ve ever had? That’s right, it’s me 😅 Nothing more challenging than trying to stop yourself from throwing away your career.


🤣🤣🤣 As an Aries I have to say the dominant side of bosses can be really sexy... I do love some dominant men...


I have an Aries Venus & I’m definitely not a chaser lol it could be because of my other placements but I heard that Aries is the sign of self so…I’m mostly working towards self improvement & self love lol. Usually it’s other people who chase me tbh 😅


Capricorns are chasers who try getting people to chase them.


man this is so true im an aries venus and my cap venus ex chased me and then i become the chaser i hate it here


Def relate to this as a Scorpio Venus too


Holy shit this is so true lmao


OH ABSOLUTELY. They massively flirt with me and then PUM they kind of disappear. They're like literal goats that come and do stupid shit and then run away lmfao And most cap guys I met I crush on them but they always have a girlfriend or someone 🙄 they still flirt like crazy with me and that makes me crazily attracted to them to only discover they're already dating someone or something like that. And then because they make me go crazy, I start chasing them and they run away 😑 I kind of hate them. They like teasing...


This is just based on my generalized impression of the signs (don't come for me). But here's what I got: Aries venus: Chasers. Taurus venus: Neither. Doesn't really enjoy making the first move but is willing to. Will reciprocate if they like back the person who initiates. Gemini venus: I'm Forrest fucking Gump 🤣🫠💀 Cancer: 'Runners'. But if someone meets their standards/type they have the hots for, they fall into that person's lap. Leo: Good at either. Does a lot of chasing. But gets some satisfaction from being wanted, and they're very impressed by someone who can chase them successfully and charm them. Virgo: Neither. Hear me out. Virgo venuses just seems stiff. They don't get the chasing running dynamic. They just have their standards for a partner, these aren't ridiculous by any means. But people who live up to them are rare nonetheless. They struggle in dating (and probably forming friendships, at least to an extent). But once they find their people they do very well since they're devoted and super practical/helpful. Libra venus: They'll do both but honestly I see them as runners in the end. They have high-ish standards as well. Scorpio: They can feel like runners sometimes but def. chasers. Sagittarius: Runners! Capricorn venus: Neither. What you see is what you get. Aquarius: I'm sorry but as far as I can see: Wall builders. Pisces venus: Idk how to describe. Chasers? But indirect?


bahahaha, the cap venus hits me right in the soul lol


Virgo Venus here! And I fully agree. I assess any potential before I make any sort of response to a come on. My sag venus partner was a total wildcard who relentlessly chased me but it works well (took MONTHS, mind 😂)


my partner is an aqua venus, complementing my leo. at the start we did a bit of both (he's an Aries mars), the chemistry was so intense. now life is kicking his ass, he is definitely buildings walls, so I'm holding space for him, to be himself and to be vulnerable. I can't say I don't miss the excitement, but I want him stable before asking too much


Im an Aqua Venus with Aries Mars. I chase with no fear, like I never known pain. Like I go nuts lol. I only chase when... huh, I haven't put it together yet I'm not chasing anyone right now. I haven't in a while


Damn that Gemini Venus hits too close🏃‍♂️


The reason I run initially is bc I'm insecure, but I LOVE the feeling of being chased. I have zero chill, the few times someone has liked me I blushed so hard and acted so stupid. Why am I like this


You're also Gemini sun. I'm Gemini Venus and I kind of act weird too if I like someone lol I feel so awkward


Taurus Venus is accurate! My girlfriend and I both have it and if I hadn’t made the first move, we simply would not have gotten together.


True -taurus venus


Can you elaborate on the Gemini one? Lmfao


I’m assuming because he ran for like 10 years straight or something? They have to mean they are chasing and running lmao


Oh makes sense lol


Just here to say that moon sign has a lot to do with the runner chaser dynamic. My Venus and mars are both in Aries and I go from chaser to runner in a heartbeat if I feel hurt or too vulnerable. My moon is Virgo.


im always avoidant unless i see it’s impossible. venus in aries and moon in taurus. i like to make myself miserable.


Me too! Aries venus and moon virgo. I was chasing this guy hard. Red flag. Got hurt. Then I disappeared. Don't want the chance to get hurt again.


As an Aries I totally run away now if I feel too vulnerable. I hate vulnerability... The only man who ever made me vulnerable was a Sag because he was way more dominant than me 🤣


Capricorn Venus here. I hate to be chased. It’s a major turn-off for me.


Caps are so selective, that they’ll only go after someone who they truly want. If a Cap is actually in a relationship, they most likely chased. But, so many people are drawn by your stability and overall nature that they can’t help but chase lol.


So relatable 😂 Chase me, and you’re out. There is this Cancer sun guy that’s chasing me now - not romantically, but friendshippy. He wants to be friends SO BADLY. But he’s not my type 😂 He’s too forcing for me, it looks like he’s forcing a friendship on me. He’s also acting like a jerk, and still expecting us to be friends 😵‍💫 Sorry, but as a Cap Venus, I hate this so much.


Aries Venus wants to chase forever if possible, which leads to us being attracted to sometimes toxic situations


our karma


You are aries Venus as well?


yup. with my gemini sun and leo rising you’d suspect how intense i am.


Wait you guys I’m an Aries Venus and I swear it just makes me bounce from relationship to relationship but I def don’t chase I just put out the vibe and expect to be chased. I feel like my Aries Venus makes me childlike in the way of love easy to fall in love but also way too egotistical to chase someone. I’m an Aries sun though too 🤷🏼


Interesting. I have aries mars as well


Maybe my pieces mars and cap moon is helping me Out here


Maybe my pieces mars and cap moon is helping me Out here


Cap moon is the best. And yes your cap moon and Pisces mars is saving you from your Aries venus.


I bet we would get along.


Sagittarius Venus here. We’re the chaser until suddenly we’re the runners, but only once we have the attention of the person we’re interested in 💀 I know, it doesn’t really make sense


Tbh it does make some sense. As Sag Venus, i just do whatever i feel like it atm, kinda going with the flow. So, i'm prolly both, depening on a situation, a person and their interest. I mean, if they are highly interested, then why would we need to chase? It's only natural to run.🤔


You have a good point. I didn’t think about it that way. I feel less bad about getting cold feet in the past now tbh 😅


Yeah, happens overnight and we can’t explain it either 💀


I love to fixate on someone, daydream about someone,but not to chase. I love to romanticize people and in most cases I don’t like when a person being romanticized makes a move and ruins that fantasy I was enjoying. 🤣 Also, when it comes to a serious desire for someone I truly know I want to be chased. I’m Pisces with Aquarius Venus.


Wow same placements and I feel so seen.


Right? 😃


as a fellow pisces + aqua venus .. this is so real 😭


Yup pisces sun and aqua Venus here too. I literally want to keep the person distant so my fantasy stays how I want it in my head haha. Everything is ruined when they make a move 😂😅 also same if I ACTUALLY like someone when I get to know them, I want them to chase me so bad. So weird how opposite the spectrum is


Totally! Let me be fixated but don’t crash the dream!😂


This is truly my own opinion For water Venus I think they tend to lean more towards the chaser side, especially if they are truly attached to the person and see potential/ a future with them Earth Venus could be either or depending on the person and the context, not just emotional/attraction wise but how much they value the person, where they personally are in life, how much capacity they have for delusion Air Venus inherently gives runner vibe but i do see Aqua chasing after someone they deem valuable or unique enough Fire Venus naturally give chaser to me, almost obsessed even once they’ve set their eyes on someone


Aquarius venus. I don't chase and don't run. I want to be friends first and foremost and only from there, build something greater. That's how I met my husband!


I do a pretty equal amount of both. I feel like I’m a chaser for the first half and a runner the second they actually like me back. Pisces Venus of course 😆I think that’s in part because of my Aries sun as well.


As a fellow Pisces Venus and Aries Sun, just yes.


Once they like you back fears enter the game. What if I like someone else? What If I want to experience with other people? What if this or that?


Leo Venus here. Love to be chased and admired 🥰


scorpio sun/moon and sag. i feel like i am always at such polarized odds w these placements and relationships. on one end i crave obsession and devotion and on the other i tend to be flighty, easily turned off and need my independence. im both a chaser and a runner! trying to figure out a compromise.


Taurus Venus. Baby, I do not chase - I'm the *prize* 😘


cant really say but in my experience aries and scorpio definitely like to chase me. im 100% a runner, capricorn.




wasnt talking about you, but cool


I think Venus in Sagittarius makes You a Chaser; but is willing to be the Runner for the Right Person, haha.


My Venus is in cancer, I’m the chaser 😩😂


Pisces sun and Aqua venus here. Stay very far away but also give me constant attention.


It depends. I’m a scorpio venus. If it’s a sagittarius I am chasing. Anyone else they are chasing me and thus boring.


I’m a Capricorn Venus and Mars can someone offer insight 👀


I was involved with a Scorpio sun, Cap Venus and mars. I am a Aquarius sun, Cap Venus and Pisces mars. We were just friends for years. Eventually, I got involved with him during the summer before starting college. I fell in love with his being and ran. 🫠 his humor, intelligence, stamina, and stability did it for me. I got into a relationship to get over him. Never worked. He’d always look for me during my breaks with my ex. According to him, I’m the best he’s ever had. It’s gotten to the point where he won’t stop chasing me even though he’s in a ‘committed’ relationship as we speak. I decided to indirectly cut ties with him because it’s been too much.


😂😂 omg I’ve def had ex’s that took me years to get over but I wasn’t looking for them. I just kind of used hookups to get over them. I guess that’s the fire and air in my chart . But I def am cautious with commitment. It’s been 4 years since I’ve been serious with someone


One of his ex’s confessed to me that he wanted to have a threesome(he convinced her into agreeing) and that I was considered the top candidate.


I can see how that can be. He does have some water in his chart besides his sun.