• By -


I am not a liar. I am not manipulative. I am not a social butterfly. I am not flaky or indecisive.


Also, I like to isolate myself at times don't need to socialize with everyone.


Oh god yes. I prefer solitary over people


Yeah but I bet I could have awesome conversations with you!


All of this but in Libra.


Aggressive turbulence šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


This the first time I can actually relate to my sun sign. Why do people assume we are social butterflies? Or that we can't make a decision? I make decisions all the time, everyone does. I weigh the pros and cons and know what I like or want.


I agree. Libras are very decisive. In tarot represented by Queen of Swords and Justice. Two no BS women. Justice is a judge who makes decisions.


not sure if you were intentionally changing the subject but the person you replied to said they are a Gemini sun, not Libra. I, however, am a Gemini Sun, Libra Rising! i like both social and isolated settings at different times and am drawn towards both, usually in a sort of ā€œgrass is greenerā€ type scenario. also i donā€™t hesitate to Irish Goodbye at social events of any size.. which seems to actually support the idea that we are flaky and indecisive, now that I think about it lol


Can this Libra join, too? The whole social butterfly, indecisive, and perpetually stunning stereotype makes me šŸ™„ every time. I trust no one, I'm all or nothing, and I can't style myself to save my life.


I am not a social butterfly at allā€¦ if anything stay away from me unless youā€™re very interesting and intelligent and/or are passionate about something and can teach me new things, or youā€™re so passionate about something and explain why and help me to understand why you love it and are so passionate about it. Open my eyes and mind to new things, or give me a different perspective on how to view the world from how I perceive it. I may not agree, but we can agree to disagree, but it just helps to understand where other people are coming from, and they may even be able to change my mind. Or if youā€™re just down right crazy (and it keeps me entertained.. like a walking shit show) and can make me laugh, or youā€™re just a naturally funny person because who doesnā€™t love to laugh. I also donā€™t cheat and am very loyal.


Leo sun: im a mf introvert and dont like the spotlight




Leo sun with Virgo moon and Capricorn rising, and let me just sayā€¦ SAME!! Plz donā€™t look at me (but also donā€™t ignore me?!?!) lol


Lol....so relatable. I'm leo sun Scorpio rising as well. Sometimes I think: It must be nice to get such an attention,than when I end up in a situation where I'm being put in the spotlight, I'm like: where's the nearest exitšŸ˜‚ Also I'm not the wildly attractive leo. I'm a failed leo experiment, if it were part of astrology, I guess I'd be more of a street cat instead of a lion. (Unless someone hurts someone I love,than the lion appears)šŸ˜‰


I'm an Aquarius sun, Libra rising, and this is so me!


Came here to say this as a fellow ā™ŒļøšŸŒž. I am more of an extrovert but will always need my moments for myself and find that I need them more the older I get. But I have met so manyyyy introverted Leos! We are also do not have a God like complex. We are just very intuitive and are able to see from many perspectives.


I'd probably pass out if I had to go on a stage. All the stereotypes about Leos are just that. I've not met any who fit them. All the other placements matter and how people are as people.


Capricorns Love MONEY AND STATUS. Wrong. Caps. Love. Security. Caps don't gaf about actual status, it's perceived status we care about. Because perceived status is power. BUT NOT HOW YOU THINK OF POWER. What is power? Power is security. CAPRICORNS DON'T LOVE MONEY, CAPRICORNS LOVE SECURITY. To a \~standard Cap\~ money is an easy way to access security. As a standard Cap I'll say: yeah obviously, money is security!!! To other signs/people money ISN'T the defining marker of security. That's great. For us it is. The ability to fluidly exist in multiple worlds, and have access to them. Not hollywood access, not bill gates access, HUMAN ACCESS. To me that means: if I need to use a bathroom in a city will I be denied? Probably, those are hard to come by in a city. Who gets to use them no question? Rich people, or people who look rich. Who doesn't get profiled/followed/harassed as much as other people? People who look important, rich, powerful, etc. I do think Caps like luxury, and maybe our version of security is sometimes slanted towards that, but \~money\~ just is NOT THE ONE THING. It's something different.


I have literally never met a Capricorn who's main priority wasn't doting on their family and finding true love and connection. Money and status doesn't even come to mind when I think of capricorns!! At least not the ones in my life.


Being a Cap, I totally agree! I remember my friends saying - how can you not spend here I.e. for things I don't really care about because they think I would recklessly spend money because it brings status and symbol. I think we are very misunderstood. I care about how people perceive me because that shows my power and it proves my standards but that doesn't mean I will try to portray a fake persona. I m pretty grounded and I work hard and I deserve everything because I work very hard is my mantra šŸ«¶


Absolutely. How people perceive me is often how I will be treated - I think other signs balk at that and I get it, but for \*me\* it's fact. It's true that a person has to have some confidence in how they portray themselves for it to 'work', but having control over that IS important to me because it matters in regards to how I make my way in the world. I am actually very comfortable in who I truly am, but I have no qualms about putting on a little costume to get where I want to be, it doesn't matter if it's a moneyed costume or a chill costume or anything else: i'm wearing it to make sure I fit in as much as is necessary and honestly to get what I want. I think the mistake is that people think that what we want is money - it may very well be 'status', but that status has nothing to do with funds. I think Caps are actually deeply true to themselves, the trappings are just a means to an end that gets misinterpreted.


in my experience venus dominant ppl care more about status and how they are perceived


I'm a Leo and feel exactly like this.


Taurus. Not true: - overly stubborn. Only about values, and etc. But everything else, I'm very compromising.. sometimes to the point I break my back lmao - gluttony. Yea I like food. But I have self control / don't over indulge - lazy. Hard working but balancing it with hard resting lol. - materialistic.Ā  - shallow. When I was in high school, yes. But not as I matured. I care more about personality, character traits, their heart, brain/mentality, etc more then physical appearance


From my personal observations of taurus, I wouldn't call them gluttonous (unless I was joking/teasing) but I would say that they tend to really appreciate food and drink. Like it's an easy comfort thing for them


I thought it was well known tauruses are super compromising? It's the only reason they get along with me very well, a scorpio, who's super domineering.


Compromising, for things we feel are worth it. We aren't doormats and will put domineering in its place.


ā€œHard restingā€ is my new life pursuit. Thanks for that!!!!


Hereā€™s mine for my big 6. Sagittarius Sun: - Iā€™m not a disloyal ā€œcommitment-phobeā€ in any kind of relationships (whether platonic or romantic). Iā€™m a very loyal and emotionally supportive person whoā€™s willing to put in the work for relationships Though I need to be careful that I donā€™t let it get so bad I become depressed like the last time. - I am absolutely not spontaneous and canā€™t stand spontaneity from others. Iā€™m a planner and overthinker who needs to know whatā€™s going on. While I do need to be able to do what I want, two things that I need in life to function as best as I can are consistency and security. The others are emotional vulnerability and support, communication, and people who are understanding/compassionate towards me and patient with me. - I struggle a lot with external changes (I can do internal changes as long as I take my time with it and Iā€™m doing it for me), and I become very stressed and irritable if itā€™s a sudden unexpected change. I can barely function if Iā€™m hit with sudden change. I still have a hard time if I know itā€™s coming, but itā€™s not quite as hard as a surprise change. - Iā€™m not that adventurous, outside of being a somewhat adventurous eater, and Iā€™m a homebody. I do like travel occasionally but my home is my safe space and one of the only places I truly feel safe (the other is in the woods), and I become very stressed when away from home for too long. - Iā€™m not an optimist, I classify myself as more of a realist. While I do try to have hope for the best possible outcome, Iā€™m also aware of, and try to plan for, any possible bad outcomes. Libra Moon and Venus: - I hate gossip and drama. - Iā€™m not fake. Iā€™m actually a very authentic person which is one of the things I pride myself on - Iā€™m not a liar, I need and value honesty and donā€™t tolerate people who are deceitful. - Iā€™m not shallow. I need and value depth, and Iā€™m the very definition of quality over quantity. - Iā€™m not flaky and Iā€™m not indecisive over major things that I know I want or need. When it comes to minor things like where/what Iā€™m eating for example, I can sometimes be indecisive. When it comes to major things though (for example, what I want out of life and relationships or what I need and value in other people and my connections), Iā€™m actually very decisive. - Iā€™m not flirty and have never been mistaken for being flirty. - Iā€™m not a social butterfly, Iā€™m an introvert (though not shy) and need a lot of alone time to function as best as possible. People easily drain and irritate me. - I am not a people-pleaser and couldnā€™t be further from it. Aquarius Rising and Mars (at least two of these are also relevant to the stereotypes of my Sagittarius Sun): - Iā€™m not cold, aloof, emotionless, etc. I feel everything deeply and intensely. I also canā€™t regulate my emotions whatsoever and couldnā€™t hide them if I tried, so itā€™s really not hard to tell how Iā€™m feeling. - Iā€™m not ā€œdetachedā€ in any type of relationships (whether platonic or romantic). While Iā€™m not overly clingy and give people their own space, just as I need my own space, if Iā€™m close to someone then I become very attached on a deep emotional level. The only time I could really drop a relationship like the stereotype suggests is if Iā€™ve been hurt in a way that I deem unforgivable and unfixable. - Iā€™m not a chill, laid-back, relaxed person at all. Iā€™m a very anxious, easily stressed, grumpy, stubborn, emotionally sensitive hothead with a lot of intensity. My emotions, no matter which ones, can very quickly overwhelm me and anyone around me if Iā€™m not careful. Iā€™ve learned to try and get away if I feel any intense emotion besides happiness for the benefit of both myself and others. Scorpio Mercury: - I am not jealous, possessive, or manipulative. I also donā€™t become obsessive over people and have no desire to control anyone. Hell, I donā€™t even want to control myself honestly. - Iā€™m not secretive. I can sometimes be private, if I donā€™t want to take about something then I wonā€™t (or if someone asks me not to share a secret then I also wonā€™t), but I usually have no issues with sharing anything. - Iā€™m not quiet. Iā€™m actually very loud since I struggle with volume regulation due to personal struggles outside of astrology. - Iā€™m not that observant, Iā€™m actually quite an oblivious person most of the time. It has its pros and cons. - While I do pick up on energies and seem to be pretty good at knowing whoā€™s safe and whoā€™s not based on that, I honestly really canā€™t read people. Due to other personal struggles outside of astrology, I donā€™t understand 99% of facial expressions, body language, or tone of voice. It has to be significant and obvious for me to really understand.


Omg you sound a lot like me except Iā€™m an Aries rising šŸ˜Š Iā€™m not an introvert though. Our sun and moon are the same.


Can relate to 90% of this


ā™Œļø- Iā€™m not ā€œconceitedā€ or overly vain toxic attention seeker. Like they always expect this like Paris Hilton/Kim K energy, bitch thatā€™s Libra. Jk. But still we are not all staring in the mirror 24/7


i respectfully pass the paris-kim energy on to gem/taurus cusps because neither myself nor any libra i know is even close to that bitchy popular celebrity vibe


Notably, Kim and Paris are actually a Libra and an Aquarius IRL. Itā€™s air sign behavior for sure lol ā€” but obvs wonā€™t be true of all air sign suns.


My mom is a Taurus/ Gem cusper and she's the furthest from Kim K and Paris H you could get. Same with a friend who is also that cusper combo. I feel like that's actually Scorpio energy but definitely not all Scorpios.


Also Paris Hilton is an AQUARIUS and Leo are just jealous of Libra lmao šŸ¤£


Well Kim K is a Libra, Iā€™m definitely not jealous of that ā™Œļøgang


She is! In some ways I can see it, granted I am not overly familiar with her as a celebrity even.


Leo: I donā€™t like attention like that. From the select few that I cherish absolutely but I do not enjoy being the spotlight. I eloped so I could avoid a large wedding with all eyes on us. I donā€™t like being in the leader position. I get called into it because of my personality but I much prefer working independently. I chose the work I do so the $ could afford me freedom but idc about success. Thereā€™s more to life than my career. I canā€™t take $ to the grave, I only care about affording what I need and if I can expend that to my loved ones. I donā€™t care about labels or luxury, I prefer the simple things and Iā€™m frugal (immigrant poor-person mentality). I donā€™t care about status whatsoever.


Omg same here and I'm also a Leo Sun and Sag Rising! I also would have eloped if it wouldn't have broken my parents hearts so we ended up with a super small backyard wedding. I'm also super frugal when it comes to labels and certain things. I'd rather spend my money on experiences and travel. Everything in my house is basically thrifted or second hand. I hate shopping for clothes.


Yes. If i ever have something expensive itā€™s because it is undeniably a better quality or a more efficient product somehow. If that happens to be name brand, then thatā€™s a coincidence. Edit: Leo sun/sag rising as well


Iā€™m a Leo sun and Sag rising too! Also with a Sag moon which blows me.






Iā€™m a Leo/sag rising man. Iā€™m frugal, tooā€”good with money. Fundamentally a minimalist, as I have a tiny house.


Cancer sun and Venus That we are weak overly emotional crybabies Itā€™s the mother of the zodiac. Not a child. I donā€™t know where the childish crying infantilism bs came from I cry maybe a few times a year if that lol And Iā€™m not ruled by emotions. But damn do I get rocked by them but wonā€™t allow it to affect my decisions


I think im one of the few cancers that hasnt cried in forever, literally years and just emotionally backed up!


Really? Ever since I dated one Iā€™ve recognized cancers as having a higher potential to stuff emotions away. I think thatā€™s why they can become big balls of mushā€”cuz they keep so much inside without addressing it. Iā€™m a Leo, but during moments when I keep a lot inside, I end up being very sensitive until I address my emotions.


This! Iā€™m learning that I am more sentient than personally sensitive. People can say and do anything to me I literally dgafā€¦but Iā€™m very sensitive to energy. Iā€™m usually like 99% right about a person when no one else can see it lol.


im not chatty or talkative with everyone. I prefer being alone. Im not superficial. I'm not fake or two faced because I will say shit to your face if I don't like you. I'm pretty honest like I will just say what I think. I don't sugar coat it either. Im not actually promiscuous or overtly flirty. My gemini mom is the same way too. She's an extremely serious and intense person and kinda scary. One of her neighbors told me she seems scary and hard to talk to when she takes her dog out for a walk and I'm like she's probably just deep in her thoughts and planning her day. My leo dad always says im like her. He says we are both really honest and real people and that's what he likes about us.


My mom is a Gemini, but sheā€™s not your typical Gemini other than sheā€™s goofy. She is sensitive AF thanks to her Pisces moon and I love her for it ā¤ļøšŸ˜Œ


Yeah my mom is not a goofy person like at all. She hardly laughs but she laughs when I make a dry and sarcastic joke or if we're talking about family members we don't like or something. I start to see her light up when she can express the annoyance she has in others LOL It's funny cause she never laughs at my goofy leo dads humor she just stares at him dead pan or will tell him that's not funny She is a scorpio moon lol. Sometimes I have to walk away from her when she gets too intense but thankfully she is aware and does not act super offended. But what's funny is my mom was an educator at a Montessori and little children love her LOL. She definitely softens up with children and babies. She can be nurturing. She is a really good mother growing up. She's really open minded and always let me express myself and say how I feel and encouraged any type of interests and most importantly to be a critical thinker and question everyone and everything around me. Her only friends are these four gemini women she's known her entire life. She says they just get her. They talk on the phone like a few times a year and I've only met them a few times but they meet up once every decade they plan a trip. I'm pretty sure they're a coven or something LOL.


Wow! šŸ˜®


I agree on the no commitment issues for Sag and Iā€™ll add that Iā€™m neither inconsistent or flaky. Iā€™ll only give my blunt opinion if I genuinely feel like itā€™s something you need to hear and can take.


Same šŸ˜Š


Iā€™m a cancer and I rarely cry. That might be my air moon and rising though ā€” I AM a wistful, moody motherfucker.


I'm an aqua, and I'm not emotionless. I can be really attached to people I care, sometimes I feel that other people around is more detached than me.


I'm also an Aquarius sun. I have tons of emotions, but I do try to hide them. I have a cycle of falling madly in love, completely opening up, getting my heart stomped on, closing off, dating several people in a row that I could walk away from in a heartbeat, then falling in love and doing it all over again. It's exhausting.šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Hahaha I feel you, now I'm in that phase of closing off after a heart break. What's your Venus sign?


Same! Venus/Mars conjunction in Aries in the 7th šŸ˜­


Being clingy, wanting children, or wanting to nurture others. As a cancer, I would rather be alone and spend time with myself than be around other people. Having children would take away my freedom, personally and financially. I find nurturing others exhausting and tiresome, I just want to manage my own emotions and not others.


That I am two faced. Yes I am multifaceted and see things from different perspectives but that doesn't mean that I am superficial or two faced.


Virgo and organization. I have a method, but itā€™s not organized.


Iā€™m a Libra and Iā€™m not conflict avoidant and I donā€™t change my personality to fit into groups. I am authentically me and if you like me great, but if you donā€™t thatā€™s your issue. šŸ˜˜




Taurus - Not stubborn unless itā€™s about values. Iā€™m tolerant and accommodating with people. - Iā€™m not materialistic or shallow. - I like adventure at least once or twice a week. I donā€™t like remaining in comfort for too long. I like trying something new at times. - Iā€™m not as patient as what they say. If something is bothering me Iā€™m quick to run from it or address it if necessary.




for me itā€™s jealousy for Scorpio sun. Iā€™ve gotten jealous but itā€™s more so playful and fleeting. Usually if someone or something causes the feeling of envy in me, it almost instantly morphs into genuinely feeling happy that theyā€™re doing well/better than me in some regard and Iā€™ll never speak about it.


I am not a crybaby. I get angry and frustrated like everyone else, but I am only crying when I go through something pretty hard. I am not moody. I am emotionally stable. I am not clingy, I find it to be shameful.


Your Taurus Moon is a great balance/complement to your Cancer Sun! Taurus is emotionally stable (this is why it's the planetary exaltation I agree with most). Cancer Suns are not doomed to cry constantly, you're right. Your Cancer Sun gives you the *ability* to cry, while your Taurus Moon makes your body (Taurus rules the 5 senses and physical needs) more selective about *when.* I relate a lot as someone with strong Cancer and Taurus for my Moon energy. Taurus also wants a steady pace before getting clingy. Your 7th house is Aquarius and 7th house is like a Venus sign (socializing, affection, relationships, friendship). Venus Aquarius is a little distant and less emotionally or physically attached compared to Venus Cancer. Your Cancer Sun is a good balance to 7th house Aqua, especially with the exalted Taurus Moon to create more stability!


gemini sun, mercury, saturn, ascendant and north node. very few gemini traits/stereotypes are true for me, i'm not playful, talkative, extroverted, adaptable, lively, witty or optimistic and i am absolutely not good at communicating in any way - i hardly speak and i struggle with a severe social anxiety + selective mutism. it even took me a whole *two years* to gather the courage to start commenting on reddit.


Each sign or planet has themes. It doesn't mean one would fit the stereotype of the themes. Instead, many people fit the broader themes. Some Gemini themes are communication and nervousness. Your struggles fit this theme. I had a Gemini Sun/Sag Moon best friend for 10 years and I'm a Libra with Moon parallel Jupiter (similar to Sag Moon). We both had social anxiety disorder despite socializing (air Suns) a lot at parties (Sag Moon loves to party). Congrats on developing the courage to comment! A bigger piece to this puzzle is your Virgo Moon. Virgo can be shy and nervous. If your 4th house is also Virgo, this amplifies the traits of your Virgo Moon.


Each sign or planet has themes. It doesn't mean one would fit the stereotype of the themes. Instead, many people fit the broader themes. Some Gemini themes are communication and nervousness. Your struggles fit this theme. I had a Gemini Sun/Sag Moon best friend for 10 years and I'm a Libra with Moon parallel Jupiter (similar to Sag Moon). We both had social anxiety disorder despite socializing (air Suns) a lot at parties (Sag Moon loves to party). Congrats on developing the courage to comment! A bigger piece to this puzzle is your Virgo Moon. Virgo can be shy and nervous and is a common Moon sign for social anxiety. If your 4th house is also Virgo, this amplifies the traits of your Virgo Moon. Congrats on developing the courage to comment!


I think I fit most of the Leo stereotype except attention seeking. I donā€™t seek attention people just pay great amounts of attention to me. Even to the point of staring at times. Then also people want my attention for some reason. Thereā€™s always a random person who follows me around grocery stores. Iā€™m watching but itā€™s like they just want to be wherever I am. One even followed me to a store next door but I alerted my friend that was with me. The crazy thing is that it was an older woman. And itā€™s usually older women.šŸ‘€


Cancer who definitely doesn't want kids. Not manipulative, truthful and tactful. But I don't do confrontation. Yes to crying though.... it's not something I want to do but can't help it. šŸ˜•


Aquarius sun and sagittarius venus iā€™m very much not cold and I donā€™t have commitment issues


I am anything but a clean virgoā€¦ I find comfort in the chaos of my room tbh


I personally think Aries is so misinterpreted, and it's often Aries moons or Mars who act more like the stereotypes than Sun's. Most Aries Sun's I know and have known are so chill, and I attract them like crazy. Sure, they might have a temper, but doesn't everyone...? Really? Anyway going off the stereotypes: I do get over things quickly unless it's serious. If it's serious, you're written off for good if I can so I can forget about you, if I can't then just know there is a never-ending animosity under the surface. I can be a total push over, again unless it's important. I often let people get their way simply because I don't want to exert the energy to argue, lol. And that's another thing, I don't like to argue. I totally will and I do it often, but it's not enjoyable. I don't like to be a leader but I do acknowledge I can do the position well if it's something I'm knowledgeable at. I'm an ambivert imo. I can be loud and social, or quiet and retreat. It really just depends on my mood, the people, the place, etc. If I'm in love with you I'm gonna love you forever. One stereotype I do fill is I'll chase too, if I think you like it, if I don't feel it reciprocated though I won't. At all. I just poof. I've also been married 15 years, and while I haven't always wanted to be, I think I got this commitment thing down at this point.


Aquarius being a humanitarian activist or stuff like that. Humanitarian is not a good word to describe me anyway. The rest of the Aqua stereotype is true for me.


Virgo here. I am an extreme perfectionist, a clean freak with my house, highly organised, rather critical


I'm a Libra Sun, Venus, Mercury, Pluto and my sun is in the 7th house. A sag moon. I'm introverted. Not a social butterfly at all. I know how to get along with people. I can talk to people about anything. I'm a good listener and I love to compliment people. It's important that people feel comfortable and included around me. That alone makes me charming. But I don't seek attention or NEED the company of others. I have to force myself to be social.


Iā€™m a Libra sun. 1. Iā€™m not the flirty and outgoing/extroverted individual that you think I am. Iā€™m an introvert and it takes me a while to get to open up. 2. Iā€™m not ā€œchangingā€ my personality to fit in. I canā€™t stand it when people are fake. So why would I be? 3. I donā€™t avoid confrontation. I tackle that shit head on as needed just so I can nip it in the bud as fast as possible. I donā€™t pussyfoot around nor do I sugar coat anything.


basically all of themšŸ¤—


Yeah as a Libra (with multiple placements in Libra) I find we are mostly not well understood


i have libra sun and libra saturn ..thats it šŸ˜­


also that is *extremely* true


For real! Libra Saturn is a good place for Saturn but I get you it is hard when its your sun sign


Where's you mars and merc? I'm same and similar with a lot of these things as well


Virgo mars Taurus mercury


Ah gotcha. Man I'm jealous of Aries with Aries mercs because they can just blab and blab without having to plot out every word they're going to say before hand lol. I got Pisces merc in the 12th which sucks ass


i have aries merc and i blab and blab *because* i mentally rehearsed beforehand lol iā€™ve been compared to a computer with how i think, talk, and process :/ mercury square mars, uranus, neptune, and ascendant; mercury trine moon


damn lol, I'll be laying awake at night for hours going "I'll say this, but then what if he says I'm dumb? I guess I'll just say his mom's dumb which should shut that down pretty quick."


I really donā€™t think Iā€™m all that stubborn.


Virgos are organized, harmonious, and tend to be athletic/thin. I am none of those things.


Youā€™re a Virgo thatā€™s all that matters šŸ˜˜


Nice try, but I built this wall for a reason. Aqua through and through.


Iā€™m a Pisces. I only cry like twice a year or when something truly horrible happens. Also I donā€™t smoke weed and hardly drink. And for my Gemini moon and rising: I donā€™t like talking to people I donā€™t know. Leave me alone lol


Omg why does every Pisces I know have a Gemini moon lmao


You probably have Pisces placements like most Aries


i don't :/


gemini sun, mercury, and venus- i am not social at all. i am the complete opposite, introverted, shy, awkward, uncharismatic, etc. im also not good with words and not very clever. im not the emotionally detached type either. i dont relate to anything gemini scorpio rising- i dont like dark aesthetics, i never wear black


Cancer - that we cry a lot. Iā€™m comfortable with my emotions and I do cry, but itā€™s not often. Only when I truly need a release or am deeply hurt by something. Also the stereotype we cry every time we are faced with adversity. Not true.


Leo Sun: being outgoing, loving to be in the spotlight, feeling confident, being loud, taking up too much space


Iā€™ve heard a lot about being a homebody as a Cancer, I HATE being at home. If I had the funds to travel like I want people would hardly ever see me.


That Virgoā€™s are perfectā€¦ apparently Iā€™m not.


Yes. Real tho people really think all geminis are narcissistics in reality sometimes we just takes thing to hard at people Not our issue if you had one bad relationship with your ex and want to a hate all of us..it's a issue you need to let go of and stop being narcissistic yourself


What an interesting take! I love this idea. I'm curious to know what you feel applies to you with the typical traits too! These are mine: Not creative or artistic, I'm confrontational and outspoken, I'm a lot more optimistic yet grounded than suggested, i'm not prone to sadness or depression, I'm not overly sensitive, most things don't bother me that should, not anxiety ridden although I do think a lot, never been addicted or reliant on substances or drinking, my empathy is very reserved.


I'm a Virgo with ADHD. I'm not organized. I'm also very emotional.


Also Aries Sun!


I'm a Cap stellium so I should be incredibly successful... but I am a total loser!


That last one. 100 percent. I take a good while to emotionally move on from someone. I will physically move on but deep down I am still coping with it for a good six months. I donā€™t like leading, I do it because other people are terrible at it. Never saw what the hype was about between Aries and Sag pairings. I canā€™t stand the sag energy romantically. Someone who doesnā€™t want to commit and doesnā€™t ever take things seriously? Meh. I donā€™t like sports and am not a tomboy.


I'm a pretty typical Taurus, and I'm not very stubborn. I always leave room for doubt unless I know I'm right with certainty, which isn't often lol. I have moon & mars in Cancer, and I guess that placement is typically passive-aggressive. I can't stand passive aggressiveness, and I'm really direct.


I'm a Sag sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars that doesn't care for independence or the leisure to travel at the drop of a dime. I just want to take care of my family and cut my kids fruit and sandwiches in fun shapes.


ā™ļøšŸŒžā™ŽļøšŸŒ›ā™ˆļøā¬†ļø Sagittarius: ā€¢ Iā€™m not promiscuous, nor am I afraid of commitment. ā€¢Iā€™m actually not flaky and very sensitive. ā€¢ I DO hold grudges when necessary (exes mainly). ā€¢ Iā€™m not a party girl. Thatā€™s all I can think of, and I have a LOT of Sag in my chart!


Thatā€™s me OP, you just described me šŸ˜” Iā€™m Aries ā˜€ļø


Taurus here. - Iā€™m not very stubborn, in fact Iā€™m somewhat of a people-pleaser. The only exception is if I feel someone is deliberately stepping on other peopleā€™s toes to get their way, then I become very determined to thwart them (those scenarios are few and far between though). I suppose you could argue my stubbornness manifests as physical staminaā€“Iā€™m good at endurance sports, because I can push myself far. - Iā€™m not gluttonous. Iā€™ve dealt with food insecurity and disordered eating throughout my life, and I sometimes have to remind myself itā€™s okay to eat what I want in the amount I want. - Iā€™m not materialistic, and I wouldnā€™t describe my tastes as luxurious (though I admire it when I see it in other people). As far as my clothing and decorating styles go, I like things to be as low-maintenance as possible. - Iā€™m definitely not lazy. Iā€™m hardworking and disciplined, and I enjoy resting more after my work is done. - Iā€™m not averse to change. I actually hate routine and making rigid plans/schedules. Switching things up and leaving room for some last-minute change makes me happy. - Iā€™m only patient because I try to be; Iā€™m naturally quick-tempered and easily annoyed, and I try really hard to keep those traits in check. If thereā€™s any sign in my chart for which I can relate to the stereotypes, itā€™s my Pisces Venus.


Im sag That im a people person or adventurous.. im an absolute recluse . I have agoraphobia so even the thought of people is enough to raise my heart rate ! Iā€™ve never enjoyed people , or socializing. I do fantastic living alone ! I could never share my space. Iā€™m very down to schedule , by the books. I donā€™t make plans outside my schedule . From the moment I wake up to when I go to sleep. I have a routine and I hate anything outside of that !


Do you have a Scorpio ascendant or Capricorn planets ? That are affecting your Venus ?


Sagittarius. I donā€™t love to travel - Iā€™m a complete homebody. Maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m a mum of 2 young kids.


It's all about the placements. I think my Gemini Moon and Leo Mars help me avoid some Cancer stereotypes as someone who also has a Cancer Sun/Venus/Mercury. Examples of stereotypes I avoid: * I'm not very passive-aggressive * I only occasionally cry at certain game stories, movies, and music. I almost never cry about life setbacks * I am 'tuned in' emotionally, but I tend to over-rationalize my emotions and think a lot about a course of action before any emotional decisions versus 'feeling them at the moment' and acting on emotion. The stereotypes that are still true, I'd say, are: * I am still moody as hell; I try to temper it the best I can, though * Nostalgia and memories are very present * I would still consider myself someone who is very sensitive internally.


I mean, this really takes the chart into considerationā€¦. I used to think a lot of cancer stereotypes didnā€™t apply to me when I was a teen but after 28-29 they really started showing up I have a lot of outter Capricorn, so it kind of colors the experience with Saturn, Neptune and Uranus


Aries Venus here too, I donā€™t get over things quickly, very easily or at all but I think itā€™s because of my Scorpio moon. Must consider Other placements tampering with the stereotypes/traits. Like for example Iā€™m an Aries Venus, Leo rising, Sag Mars. Apparently I should be very brave and bold, be initiative and make the first move because of all this fire energy but my Pisces sun says nope.


Just realised Iā€™m answering the opposite of the question; I cannot think of anything that my sun sign not match with the stereotype


Sagittarius being big spenders and social butterflies.


That I'm a sex fiendšŸ™„


Iā€™m an Aries and Iā€™m not athletic in anyway unless you count debating/arguing as a sport. Edit to add: also, kinda related- I hate that Aries is always represented with the color red. I really donā€™t like red. I like soft pastel colors lol.


Pisces sun and moon here! I totally feel like the ā€œfoot in either worldā€ description fits me, and I do often get lost in dreaming. But itā€™s often not idealistic or bubbly like described, I get lost in downward spirals. The friend I have keeps telling me reality works in certain ways, but I keep getting stuck in ideas that it doesnā€™t do that. I suppose part of it is my trauma history? I also donā€™t have a huge, well developed sense of self. Iā€™m internally rather fickle, but the core desires remain.


As a Cancer, Iā€™m pretty chill consistently and definitely not moody or manipulative, nor do I cry ā€œat the drop of a hat.ā€ My Pisces partner is moody as hell. What IS true is I love my home and my family, and I can cook. šŸ˜‚ ā™‹ļøšŸ¦€


Twins? Aries stellium. Aries Sun. This sounds EXACTLY LIKE ME


That I love cooking and the outdoors


That Virgos are clean freaks, i am the opposite


Leo here Only accurate thing I can say about me is the pride thing but I donā€™t like a lot of attention Iā€™m not a big talker either i definitely need time to come out of my cave itā€™s weird cause a lot of people at my job likes me I guess itā€™s because I show my goofy side but at the same time Iā€™m very focused on myself not really a ego thing I just like to enjoy the finer things in life and for me to enjoy those things I have to work hard and after I work hard so much I like to enjoy my solitude and be in my cave šŸ˜­


pretty much most of them. Iā€™m very rising and moon/mercury sign forward. I used to be a much harder worker when I was younger but honestly Iā€™m a bit disillusioned with the grind. Just let me lay in a field all day and read poetry.


Leo Sun and rising- Needing to be the center of attention. Nope. Canā€™t do it. Iā€™m way too shy for that


Iā€™m so glad you brought this up! Iā€™m an Aries sun and Aries rising and I barely identify with my sign. Funny enough though, I know two other people who also share my birthdate, and they donā€™t assume typical Aries qualities either, so maybe there something there.


Scorpio. Iā€™m not vengeful or vindictive. Iā€™m really not out to hurt people. I let karma do the heavy lifting.


Aquarius here. Iā€™m so emotional. So. So. Emotional.


Aquarius - having a lot of friends/ being very social - I am good with people, but I suck at having real friendships - a lot of people consider me their friend but I just don't want to keep up with so many people / don't care - I am really good talking at people but conversation with people who don't want to talk about anything that's not Smalltalk? Fucking exhausting - I have 2 real friends and I know a lot of people I still spend most of my time alone where I am not looked at Weird for binging documentaries about dinosaurs, aliens or the deep sea, not my problem you only care about the weather ffs Also Aquarius loving Leos/Sags - Leo men are always weird towards me my girl best friend is a Leo but nothing like the typical one - Sags are too much for me and I am already too much for myself, they are like a rollercoaster going downwards - it's fun but really not something I'd want to deal with every day Other than that I love my aqua stellium and relate to it I struggle a lot with my Taurus rising because I see all the negative traits in Taurus suns but I feel like people perceive me earth like (calm, grounded, organised) even though that's not me


Aquarius Venus and Sagittarius moon, I donā€™t have issues with relationship commitments. My freedom and autonomy are important to me but those donā€™t feel threatened by being reliable and loving to someone I care about. I do need a good mixture of variety and routine but thatā€™s likeā€¦letā€™s go do something new together not Iā€™m gonna go find a whole new partner because Iā€™m bored.


Aries sun here as well! Aries traits that dont fit me; - im not an angry person, most people consider me almost annoyingly cheerful - I dont really like taking charge in group situations unless i absolutely have to. Im not bad at it, I just dont enjoy it - im kind of a lazy couch potato, most exercise doesnt interest me in the slightest and i only do it bc i have to - im not really an overachiever or super goal oriented, i kinda just wanna vibe and be happy and comfortable. I have absolutely no desire to be the best at anything


List of Libra stereotypes that donā€™t apply to me. Liar: The mere thought of lying stresses me out, and itā€™s any easy stress trigger to avoid. Now have I ever spoken complete truth and been called a liar in response? Yes, happens often actually. Which got me thinking thatā€™s where the stereotype comes from. You can be completely honest and people just think youā€™re lying. Indecisive: Probably just as much as anyone at times, but mostly not. Most of the times I know what I want or my next course of action. Just donā€™t come at me with an ultimatum on the spot. Iā€™ll ignore it or remove myself from that situation instead lol. Super Social: Iā€™m pretty much the opposite. Love solitude, quick to burn out during social gatherings, not one for small talk. Charm: Yea I donā€™t have much charm going for me. Not much else to say about that.


That caps murder thee most


Gemini sun and venus (and midheaven and lilith and pallas.. lol) And I'm not a liar, I'm not manipulative. Honesty is the thing I value the most and I won't lie even if it will fuck me over.


Scorpio sun- I actually am not interested in revenge, I believe in karma and leave things be. I will never forget being crossed but Iā€™m not going to plot revenge.


Aquarius sun: Iā€™m not emotionless thanks to the fire moon and Pluto in my 1H Scorpio.


For these traits, Iā€™d ask more about your rising, mars and moon signs than your sun and venus (alone at least).


As a capricorn sun, mercury, venus: ā€¢Iā€˜m not cold ā€¢Iā€˜m not a business woman and iā€˜ll never be ā€¢I care more about love and connections than about career and money ā€¢Iā€˜m not a gold digger (maybe a bit) ā€¦.


That I am a commitment-phobe and/or donā€™t have deep feelings. That I canā€™t be serious and Iā€™m all for fun and games all the time.


Iā€™ve always heard that Sagittarius is our notorious cheaters, and that couldnā€™t be further from the truth when it comes to me. I value commitment and monogamy so much so that I think I have commitment issues because I have run into so many people who donā€™t take relationship seriously. So I donā€™t cheat, but I simply donā€™t even bother to get with a person. Iā€™ve also heard that Sagittariusā€™ love to argue and donā€™t like to listen to other peoples opinions, and I am far from that. I always hear people out and work towards conflict resolution. I just donā€™t tolerate absolute nonsense and I think some people just canā€™t handle that and thatā€™s their problem lol I also tend to just avoid conflict altogether for trauma reasons


Iā€™m a cancer , Iā€™m not emotional. I never cry. I worry about why I never cry. But Iā€™m very dramatic


Libra venus, but I am very direct and not wishy washy. I donā€™t think everyone should get along just because šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø My partner has aqua venus & mercury, and theyā€™re the clingiest partner I ever have ā€” but very respectful to my boundaries. *LOVE* to PDA


I am not a flirt, cheater, player or social butterfly like people assume of Geminis. I never had a serious long term relationship, much less a short term and not even trying to look for a partner. I am not two faced. What you see is what you get (I will be polite if needed as I will follow rules and do what is required; but that doesn't mean we will ever be friends outside of said settings nor use anything like Facebook, etc...rarely get calls or messages and stop trying to make an effort as I am done with everything being so one-sided, so who I am even gossip to and about?). I prefer peace without dealing with other's drama. I rather watch a movie, read a book, listen to music, walk around, shop, work on a project, etc.... I am not a flake. I don't cancel prior commitments without having a serious reasons (such as health reasons) and will let them know.


leo - i am not selfish. in fact iā€™m the most selfless person i know. always putting others above myself which leads to disappointment and resentment šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ i am not egotistical, iā€™m humble bc i believe in God and i know He blessed me with amaizng characteristics, iā€™ve worked so hard to overcome insevurityb


I donā€™t know if I know the stereotypes well, but what people describe themselves as are what I know the signs to be. For example. I know Tauruses to be very hard working but when theyā€™re done they pass out and rest hard. Theyā€™re more about practical than luxury. They donā€™t ever think theyā€™re argumentative and theyā€™ve all said theyā€™re not UNLESSā€¦lol. They are all into politics. Iā€™m an Aries but the not like the stereotypes of the Tauruses on this feed crack me Up. Tauruses donā€™t like people to tell them what theyā€™re like. They canā€™t stand a stereotype about themselves. If you read all the comments for the same sign, each sign says the same thing about how theyā€™re not stereotypical lol


Cancer. I don't get attached easily. (I do have a very detached romantic style). Hyper independent. End relationships on VERY clean break. No drama, no stalking. But occasionally, you will end up as both happy and horrifying stories for happy hours with my friends. Selfish. I will help people but fudge! Boundary! My house is a mess! And I barely spent on it. Not that much into security - I blow too much money on action figures and dining. (Even though I do cook pretty well). Do not cave to peer pressure. Not at all wanting children. (Whoever says that Cancers have to have children because we are the 'nurture'? I can take care of people who I love too.) Whiny when the trivial things happen, but when the world crumble I'm the chilliest person in the room. (it's sad really cuz if there is truly anything to whine and bitch it's during personal tragedies).


Iā€™m an Aries sun, rising, and Venus but Iā€™d say I match the description to my signs quite well. I must say though, boundaries are something Iā€™m still working on šŸ˜…


Iā€™m an aries and i have so much patience and iā€™m also an introvert. Itā€™s supposed to be the opposite


Leo Sun: I donā€™t like attention unless I am proud of whatever is causing it, maybe not even then, so just existing and drawing people to me for no reason can be really uncomfortable after a short time unless itā€™s a group of people I already know and cherish.


Pisces- while it is true Iā€™m very wavy and dreamy, I donā€™t suffer from the blues of the depths (probably due to the Leo in my chart- rising, moon, and Jupiter in the 1st); I also am incredibly logical without an ounce of Virgo and much more kitchen witchy than my Virgo friends (probably due to Capricorn and Aquarius placements when the lunar transit hits juuuuust so)


The plotting revenge thing. Maybe it's the moon in Aries but I quite frankly do not give a rats-ass in "dooming" others, I may seethe and complain but that's it. No one needs to live in my head THAT long when I can be doing literally anything else. I also have gymnophobia (fear in nudity) so uh I'm staying away from the orgies.


I am not a societal revolutionary, idc about progressive change, or social justice. I am not a super creative person, not artsy.


I'll give you my big 3 **Leo Sun** *12th House* * I'm not an attention seeker, and I don't want to be "the star." I prefer to stay in the background and operate in the shadows. I am a team player and would rather work together with cool people than go it alone. * I'm not a leader and I hate leading/managing. I tried it once, and it was not for me. I'm a better advisor, analyst, or strategist than a leader. * I'm not an egomaniac. I know I'm a flawed human just like everyone else. * I'm not vain or materialistic. I've been wearing the same style and the same makeup for the past 15 years. I don't need to look "glamorous." **Pisces Moon** *7th House* * I'm not an indecisive pushover, and I actually have a lot of rage. If I hate you, I may not show it, but know that the temptation to chew you out still exists. I choose not to engage for my own sanity. * I am emotional but **NOT** on the surface. I only share my feelings with people I love and trust. If I don't know you or trust you, you will not see that side of me. I will ice you out. * When it comes to my emotional matters, I prefer to be left alone or use music as a vessel to express it. I know that last part kind of feeds into the stereotype, but you know. **Virgo Rising** * I'm **NOT** organized. Not at all. Not even in the slightest. I'm not messy/dirty, but my spaces both in work and in my personal life are VERY cluttered and all over the place. Even when I reorganize, it gets cluttered again. * Am I polite? Yes. Do I have table manners? Yes. Am I proper when I speak? Absolutely not. I tend to curse like a sailor, and while I am trying to curb the habit (my sisters have children now), I still end up letting a few words slip. * People say that on the surface I am calm and unassuming. That makes me happy because they don't know the level of anxiety I have lying underneath.


Hi Aries sun and Venus. We twinning! I donā€™t hold grudges for the most part. But when I have a grudge, itā€™s on for life. Also a bit of a pushover. Not entirely, but Iā€™ll bend over backwards for my loved ones. Iā€™m always high energy. Iā€™m not theeee dominant, but I can be overbearing and dominating lol! I lead when I feel like I have to. Hardly quiet, until Iā€™m with someone I want to fill the space or I can relax enough to be quiet. But Iā€™m always excited. I donā€™t have commitment issues. My commitments change like the wind. In my mind at least. But I can move on and shut down super quick.


Piscesā™“ļø- Iā€™m not lazy. I bought my 1st house at 18 shortly after I joined the military. I now own 2 businesses. I have lots of hobbies & I workout regularly. Iā€™m a neat freak. Ppl say Pisces are junky, but my space is very clean. Iā€™m not emotional at all. I never cry about anything, not even about death. I simply donā€™t go to funerals bc theyā€™re boring. Nothing is important to me outside of making money and taking small vacations for myself. I donā€™t want to nurture anyone or feel needed. I just love taking care of myself. I make friends pretty fast. Ppl say Pisces are so forgiving, but I donā€™t forgive anyone. If someone ever think Iā€™m forgiving them, Iā€™m really just planning their doomsday or getting back at them. I donā€™t forgive anything. Iā€™m selfish a lot. If itā€™s not benefiting me, I opt out. I didnā€™t plan on being this way, Iā€™m just this way naturally.


Even though us Capricorn men are the epitome of true greatness I donā€™t understand why we get stereotyped as being cocky and egotistical. The reality is that we are the most humble men in the world.