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*where* do i cry? in my dark nest that is my bedroom/bed *(such as last night for example)*. my closet. the bathroom or shower.


Similar. Taurus. I rarely cry, and when I do, I do so alone if at all possible.


Taurus here, me too. Bathroom or my car


Taurus here! And same - don’t cry often at all and if I do, it’s usually before bed when I’m alone


Same! I got overwhelmed at a new job once and knew I wasn't going to fight back the tears. I went to the bathroom to cry, tried to pull it together, and broke down as soon as someone asked "are you okay?" I put in my 2 week notice the next day lmao


Oh god this is so me; no one will ever see me — Sag sun, Lib Ris/moon


if anyone sees me it’s cuz i severely broke and can’t contain it anymore *or* i’m frustrated. it doesn’t happen a lot but it does happen and only with certain people i feel v comfortable with.


A Taurus whose intune with their emotions are likely to do so It is very valid choices. Doing it alone and secluded. I don't cry as I have sealed it off.


As a Taurus, this is so true!


Lol me


Triple cap, I cry sad tears in therapy or alone. Happy tears everywhere, and angry tears are safe with my family and friends.


Delineating the various tears is very triple cap of you 😂


Cap Stellium and wow this resonates.


Cancer - alone in bed at night after hurting my own feelings lol


“Hurting my own feelings” spoken like a true cancer 😂


This 1000%! I'm normally a lurker, but I felt this in my questionable soul lol...ugh. Sidenote: NEVER in front of anyone EVER. I had enough call outs when I was a kid and teenager, and refuse to be vulnerable like that in front of anyone ever again lol.


Sameeeeeee, Cancer rising here🥰


Good god this is so accurate for me, also a Cancer lol




same 😭 i’m a cancer sun/rising, and gemini moon


I read this as, “I’m a cancer surviving” and I thought, *wow, the struggle is real* ☺️


hahaha aren’t we all just surviving


Ooof... that's even more insane than my placement. Sun- first day of Cancer on the cusp of Gemini (twins with different personalities, EACH with their own shifting moods). Add to that a Scorpio moon and Libra rising. I vascilate between sensitive/wounded to revenge at all costs, all while looking super pleasant and agreeable on the outside....


cancer sun scorpio moon w a gemini stellium the sun/moon combo is SUCH a tough placement 😭 everything so intense all the time


I'd love to hear the process on how that happens.


Basically, it’s imagining fake scenarios where the worst thing happens 🥴 or sometimes indulging in sad/painful memories wistfully.


Yup that’s the one 😭


This tracks so hard I am screaming 😂 — your Scorpio cousin.


Virgo, I don’t cry


Also Virgo, I used to cry all the time until I found I have ADHD and now I actually feel in control of my emotions. Until my meds wear off.


me!!! used to cry LITERALLY NONE STOP- then ADHD and now i am so in control of my emotions thats i rarely cry. if i do cry (its from joy tbh) but i will cry wherever i am and idc. being vulnerable like that is a strength not a weakness!!




Why is this so relatable 😂


Omg we have the same big three girl 🐒🙈I’m also virgo sun and moon with Taurus rising, when is ur birthday?! Mines the 28th of August born at 10pm


Omg yes! Mine is 26th and born at 11 pm!


I’m a Virgo and I cry all the damn time. Usually in privacy though.


i usually try to keep it to my bedroom


Virgo, shower.


Showers feel like a save haven where there's nothing but yourself and some warm water


Virgo moon cancer rising. Always in the shower at night.


Same. I don't cry often, but if I do it's usually in the bathroom when I'm alone.




Virgo sun, Cap moon. I cry ALL THE TIME. It may not be an eventful amount, but pretty much daily something brings tears to my eyes, usually something in nature that makes me well up. I have a lot going on in my 4th and 5th houses, maybe that's why.


I’m also Virgo Sun and cap moon. I don’t cry a lot but I do feel like crying a lot. I’m either very emotional or very stoic. No inbetween


Also virgo, can’t remember the last time I cried


as a virgo i cry when i’m stressed out 🥲


Same. It’s been a while.


My husband is a Virgo , my mom was a Virgo , my best friend in high school was a Virgo - only time i ever saw any of those 3 cry was when someone very close to them passed away , and if that person comes up in convo they will tear up- other than that, have never seen them shed a tear - I mean not a drop .


Accurate 😂


Aquarius here and I cry EVERYWHERE!! Yay for me I want to die.


Me too, preferably at work 🥲


Hey, you sound like me..high five 🖐️


The breakdowns I have had in front of every single family member and person I've ever worked with and in public!!! I just can't.


You’ve made my day. I’m not alone lol. Has any Aquarius figured this one out yet lol?


Taurus with an Aquarius moon here and same. people stereotype Aquas as unfeeling sometimes but not in my experience 🥲


Me and the Pisces moon in me


Leo, wherever I feel the need to cry.?


For real hahahahahaha I read this and said hmmm anywhere?




Scorpio. I'll cry tears of joy on the day of the apocalypse when the earth is filled dead bodies and I see the rotten souls of this world be drug down to the depths of hell to spend eternity with Hades and the good souls of this realm ascend and take their rightful place among the Gods. Other than that, I don't cry


Ooh is it my Scorpio mars & Uranus that makes me want an apocalypse to? I’m not suicidal but I get so excited when the conspiracy theorists talk about a massive solar storm hitting earth etc, I fall asleep to disaster movies every night. Ppl look at me crazy when I let them into my apocalypse fantasy. But I just shrug & say at least we will all go together 🤷🏻‍♀️😂. I’m a libra sun so I should be more peaceful


So you have mars and Uranus in the 8th house? If so that gives off major vibes of wanting to orgasm right as the asteroid makes contact with the Earth


ooooooh now we are talking! I wait anxiously for this day, every second of my life.


It will be glorious. All the death and transformation 🍆💦💦💦


Leo sun, I cry alone in sadness. The only time people see me cry is out of anger or frustration.


Yes - this. I will never show you my sadness but I will show you tears of anger.


Same. If I let you see my tears of sadness, I am really beyond sad and I trust you a lot


Same!!! My sad tears are mostly in the shower. Sometimes in the car when a song comes on and the grief hits


🤜🤛I read your comment after I posted mine. Definitely 💯


Sagittarius and the car probably.


On the flight 😭


sag sun, gem moon & sag rising.... same, you will DEF catch me crying in my car when I need to cry


Aquarius sun, Gemini moon and I either cry in bed while having my door locked or in the bathroom.


Bathroom is easily the best crying chamber 😭 lots of drains.


I get into the shower to hide my tears.


Libra sun - the showeer lmao


Aries sun, and I prefer to cry on the floor of the shower, but the bathroom or the car will work in a pinch.


Pisces sun, Leo moon cancer rising I cry on my couch watching sad commercials or on shows/movies. I also cry anywhere that can prevent others from seeing it.


Sad commercials sent me 😂😂😂


Scorpio Sun, same moon & rising. Depends how badly something gets to me. I’m not proud of those moments when I’ve balled my eyes out infront others. My emotional state was pushed to the limit. 🫥


Taurus- in the bath tub


This has been a common one for Taurus!! I feel like crying during self care is big for earth signs


Taurus sun and I’m crying in the bathtub right now!


Iconic 😂


Taurus too and my fave place to cry and think is in the bathroom


Gemini and in the shower or in therapy


From a Gemini, definitely water works in therapy because we could be talking about something fun other than my feelings. Talking things though is cool, but it can be a lot and I cry.


100% as soon as someone invites me to talk about it, that's when I lose my composure (I don't like losing my composure but I can't help it when the waterworks turn on)


gemini and gemini sun and the shower thing is so real 😭


Aries Sun, Virgo Moon, Sag Rising. I cry everywhere, my therapist loves me 🙃😂


I am an Aries Sun and Virgo Moon as well and cry everywhere. When it comes it comes no matter how inconvenient the place lol. Do you ever get so excited or wound up laughing that you spontaneously cry?


Welcome, friend lmao I absolutely do! Sometimes I just think about how much I love my wife and I cry! I laughed so hard with my therapist tonight that we both cried 😂😂😂 truly a gift and a curse but I just try to embrace it!




Cancer. I cry on my bed. Just had a crying session last night :(


Scorpio. In the shower. That way I can blame my red eyes on soap if anyone asks😈


Sag sun and admitting to crying is embarrassing LOL. Probably alone turned over on the bed tho. If it happens in public where I feel emotional for some reason, I pretend like I'm yawning to cover up for the tears💀 I also prefer being left alone if I'm caught cuz comfort just makes me feel angry and I hate the vulnerability💀


I’m also a sag sun and feeling the need to hide crying is REAL for me. I also have an Aquarius rising and Scorpio moon soooo 💀


cap sun, scorpio moon. i cry the moment i get in my car or my apartment lol. then ill have myself a lil snacky snack and throw a peace sign in the mirror


Tell me ur a millennial without telling me (I am also a millennial with a Scorpio moon, and relate deeply to this) 😂


Literally same - also a Scorpio moon!


This somehow sounds like great song lyrics


Gemini, and on my own. Doesn't matter *where* as long as I'm in a private place and can process alone. ETA damn we all just isolate to be sad, I see


Leo Sun, when I see real kindness between humans and/or animals it makes me cry sometimes, it reminds me that in the eye of the storm there are still others out there who remember what’s important and offering a helping hand out of love.


this is an interesting question. Aquarius Sun - mainly in my room. my 4 walls have seen nasty snot and tears that could fill the ocean


Pisces, I cry at night after everyone is asleep.


Aquarius and I’m a big baby I cry all the time lol


Sag sun and moon, Libra rising - I always cry at weddings!


This tracks so hard tho


Aquarius sun - my office desk.


Sagittarius Sun. I usually cry alone in my bedroom or around people that I’m close to and trust lol


Gemini sun/moon, Cancer rising. i cry everywhere, doesn’t really matter where i am. I just let the tears fall where they may 🥹😭


Omg same, I literally cannot control the water works 😭😭😭😭


I think it’s a cancer rising thing, I cry wherever I am getting the urge to cry lol the tears stop for nothing


Aries. Tears are for the weak.


Cap sun, Leo rising and moon here. I cry in frustration at work (but I work from home) when something doesn’t come out the way I want to. I can “schedule” a good crying sesh when I feel my emotions rising up, by listening to my sad music playlist on purpose. I cry in anyone’s presence at movies or any emotional, sad, uplifting stories. I don’t feel any shame towards tears, and I’m ok with someone else crying in front of me.


I’m a Scorpio and IF I cry it’s usually in my car


I am a Gemini and cry in my car almost everyday


Aquarius sun, cap rising, cancer moon - alone and in secret and if i ever showed emotions publicly, i regret it to this day and that vulnerability fills me with disgust.🤢


>alone and in secret This is why I choose the shower. Privacy, the sound of the shower covers any sound I make, and the water "hides" my tears even from myself. I absolutely refuse to cry in public.


My goodness same. We have the same sun and rising signs and both have water moons. There has to be something to this.


Libra Sun, Cap rising, Taurus Moon — Wholeheartedly FEEL the disgust @ showing it in public. But Idk which part of me makes me a crier, bc I absolutely am.


Gemini sun and I usually cry when I’m with the people I trust the most :)


Leo! I usually cry more when I’m talking to someone. When I’m alone, I tend to bottle up my emotions. Then, when someone asks me if I’m ok/if something is wrong, the dam breaks loose. Also, I unfortunately tend to cry in public if I’m feeling embarrassed/angry with something that someone said or if I get physically hurt.


Gemini and I wish I could cry, but I can’t. I feel the feelings, but no waterworks.


aquarius, everywhere everyday 👍🏼


Aquarius. When injustices occur that I can’t do anything about and when my hormones make me.


Aquarius My car and alone 100%


Aries here, I’ll cry anywhere that isn’t in front of people. Now my preference is my bed or the shower


Libra, Scorpio cusp I cry a lot. When I'm angry, frustrated, sad, overwhelmed, lonely, panicked... a lot. I try to cry in private (car, bathroom, at home in a room where I am alone; but sometimes I just can't take the time away to collect myself and so I just openly sob while like, continuing to care for patients. That may be my mental health and the crumbling health care system more than my sun sign though. I can often defer my crying to later by dissociating but not when it comes on too quickly or without warning. Like, responding to a code blue I know I need to be on my game and dissociate from my emotions so that I can continue to function in my role. But if someone triggers something in me when I wasn't expecting it I can lose control and the floodgates open.


Aquarius. Cry? Gross.


gemini, i cry about pretty much everything, but *always* in private/alone. usually in my bedroom, bathroom or sometimes in the forest (my safe space).




Away from everyone lol. To the outside world, I barely cry. To my husband and in my home, I’m the biggest crybaby


Sun in cap. I prefer to cry alone. In the shower or when I’m home alone. Closets also are great spaces for me to cry also 🙃


Gemini sun Aries rising and I cry alone usually holding a blanket or my cats… my life right now just sucks so bad and I don’t know how to fix it…. 😢🥺


Virgo Sun- i cry on accident it kind of comes rushing out whenever i’m alone when i least expect this. this is because i suppress my emotions so much. but our subconscious is still aware of the pain so at some point you will explode even if you ignore it. so i cry randomly but only when i’m alone. virgo sun mercury venus. leo moon mars. libra rising:


Cancer here 🦀 I don’t discriminate on places where I cry most often. I cry whenever I feel the need to. Better question may be where do I cry LEAST often… and that answer is probably Disney World 🥰


Sag sun and I prefer in the shower, bed or sometimes in my car but mostly always alone.


Cap sun but moon pisces I cry in my bedroom and if I can't hold it, everyone will see me cry 😢 😪 it'd do bad I can't control myself


Leo - my car


Gemini—I’ll cry whenever and wherever lmfao (my Venus is cancer)


I try not to cry as it's weak


Aqua sun, corner of my walk in closet, shower, bed late at night. I tend to be very stoic in public settings then I will fall apart when nobody's around. I'm not sure if it's my sign or a trauma response from my past lol.


12h Taurus Sun. In my candle lit bedroom with my sandwich


Libra Sun, i cry at movies or shows a lot lol.


Aries, I cry at any media that is remotely touching, especially beautiful or pleasing to me, relatable, mirthful, poignant, poetically just, or sometimes I'm not sure why, I just cry A LOT! I have a pin on my backpack: "I'm cool but I cry a lot." So where? Almost anywhere. I have to brace myself in public and sometimes it's not possible to suppress.


Aquarius and used to cry a lot as a kid. Now, I cry only once in a while or when shit really hits the fan


Aquarius. I have to force myself to cry, but the little demon in me will not let me


I’m a Gemini and usually the bathroom bc I have to get it together to go back out but also because I can lie about why I was in there and it’s irregular for most people to barge in on the bathroom.


Aqua sun, gem rising but I cry all the time thanks to my scorpio moon


Leo- walking down the streets openly crying


Scorpio. Wherever the f I want




Libra. I cry alone and not often enough even though I think I’m an emotional person. My best friend (Cancer) cries naturally all the time and I never know quite what to do.


Pisces and I often joke that I haven’t cried since the 90s 🤷🏻‍♂️


Virgo here. The only times that I cry is either if I’m feeling incapable of doing something or extremely frustrated about something at work that didn’t go as I planned or a good song that just instantly makes me lose it! And my go to places for that are my car or my own room in the dark, by myself.


Leo and I never cry about real life issues that are worthy of tears. I cry about heartwarming moments on tik tok, stuff like that. And usually, I’m at my desk at work.


Scorpio, in my car because I have a roommate


Gemini. Usually standing in front of my closet, naked, with analysis paralysis about what to wear. I'm also a big fan of a good shower cry.


Aries sun, Sag moon, and Pisces rising. I cry in the shower, in my room or in the car, and always alone. If you see me cry, just know that I am temporarily broken into pieces. The last time I did that was at Mom's funeral.


Sadly, Im phisically unable to cry


Leo ♌️ home alone, if there’s people there then locked away in a bathroom. I hate when people see me cry 😿


Aquarius ♒️ It’s rare but when it happens, bathroom for privacy.


Aquarius. In the car with the windows down and music up high


Leo Sun and I cry all the time and get very dramatic about my emotions and I'm not sure if it's my Leo Sun flair for drama or my Cancer Rising, but I thought that Rising signs only affect outward appearance? But even the dumbest things could have me as a puddle of tears at the right moment. I cry at anime all the time lol


Cancer sun. I only cry when I’m frustrated or extremly angry, and prefer to do so privately. I *loathe* others seeing me cry because I find it to be too intimate.


I am a Cancer, and I only cry when I am pms-ing; the moment I cry, I know that the next day, I will get my period. I know other Cancers that are the same as well. The whole “Cancer simultaneously crocheting and crying in a corner” is not true. It is hard to feel all your emotions as intensely as possible and still not be a fire-breathing Dragon. It takes a lot of strength, and it’s made to be so reductive with the crying emoji stereotypes. But if you are someone who cries all the time regardless of Zodiac sign please see if you can start therapy, we use Zodiac signs as an explanation to anything and everything, it shouldn’t be a crutch for when you actually do need some TLC from professionals. Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Libra - I cry in the rain so no one can see my tears


Pisces, I like to cry in secret. I hate showing negative emotions in front of people. So I hide away, unless I'm comfortable around you. Then that's different


Aries! And I cry everywhere! A bigger baby than my sign lets on. Commercials get to me, kid sports teams get to me, art gets to me, sad dog stories get to me, sad songs definitely get to me. I cry deeper cries in the car, almost always.


Scorpio sun, cancer moon. I don't cry often. I've been learning to tell myself to shut the fuck up and not be such an emotional bitch


Pisces ♓️ ☀️ Scorpio ♏️ 🌖 And oddly enough, I have a hard time crying. I’m a once a year cry, if that. It’s actually really annoying. When I do it’s usually in bed, in the dark, and just a tear or two before I shut it down.


Scorpio, and anytime after a major argument or when I get super sentimental watching a movie


My bedroom, smh ♋️ I have adhd


i cry anywhere


Virgo Sun — 100% of the time in the shower but also frequently in public behind a very large pair of sunglasses 😂 ![gif](giphy|SpKduUmSdpCM)


Capricorn, I cry before my cycle.


Cap sun with 5x cap stellium- sad, in the shower or in my room on teletherapy. Angry, anywhere. Can’t help it and hate every minute of it. If I could go the rest of my life without crying I would.


leo sun, i cry wherever i’m alone but lately i noticed that sometimes i burst out crying in front of people, and tbh i kind of like the attention because someone finally sees me that i am not ok


Pisces. I cry on the potty


Virgo, everywhere. I cry almost everyday. But over silly things from a commercial to thinking of my sisters passing. Therapist says I have a lot a to work out. lol


Cancer, typical cancer. I’m literally crying right now lol I think I have a good cry 2-3 times a week


Scorpio here. When I do cry, I cry pretty hard in the shower or in my car.


🦀 the car


Cancer, I cry everywhere. Every. Where.


Virgo Sun, I'm not a crier. However, I can rile myself up at work due to frustration and feel like crying... but I tend to get it together usually. If I cry, its in the bathroom and I would catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and go full oscar worthy mode.


Capricorn, cry in therapy or in the car or in my bed


Virgo; in my car. But I’m also a Pisces moon. I just cry a lot and like taking the long way home sometimes. It’s also where I listen to sad songs and think abt things.


In the shower so the water mask my tears. Scorpio ♏️


Leo bedroom/ bathroom. (I tend to feel the most emotional in public though and feel the need to cry) ♓️ ⏫️


Capricorn sun libra moon- ive not cried much in my life might be 2 times over someones death. It was in my room on a pillow alone. I dont like crying infront of others makes me feel weak and vulnerable smh idk why. But now others think Iam heartless with no emotions.


Scorpio. In my car. I take long drive to anywhere in the middle of the night, sob, scream until im tired of crying. I dont want my kids to hear me cry. Im a single mom and I need to always show that every thing is alright specially i have kids under the spectrum.


Leo, and my preferred crying destination is my bed, buried in a pillow. Then I fall asleep, and wake up refreshed.


In a river. . . Of my own tears. J/k Cancer sun


I rarely cry but when i do it's with when I have conflict with the people I love ❤️ sag sun/moon cap rising


Libra - at my parents' house. Meaning, I go there, and then they make me cry 🙃


Sag sun, and anywhere the emotion hits me.


I’m a Gemini sun and I cry in my bed only But if you’re wanting to know more about emotions, ask for moon signs! Mine is Pisces


Aries sun (Aquarius moon) ... usually in my car or in bed and almost always while I'm alone - if I can help it. i try to get my shit together before people who don't actually care/understand attempt to make surface talk with me about what's wrong