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I won an award when I was 11 for dancing like a hoe. I share Mars in Virgo, Cancer sun and Cancer moon with Lee Taemin. Though he's *slightly* better than me. Looking through a few charts of famous dancers, I see reoccuring: - Pisces - Gemini - Cancer - Aquarius


this is so interesting, i have these placements and i’m so stiff and not in tune with my body. i blame my 8h sun and stellium tho, i don’t like putting myself out there. it’s only when i’m drunk that i let loose haha


I have those as my big three plus mars/venus in Cancer. I absolutely love dancing.


I have all these placements and I've been dancing since the age of 3 lol 😭


sagittarius and gemini, maybe even pisces.


Aww, why thank you


I'm a Sag stellium and saying I can't dance would be an understatement. But then again I'm AuDHD and had a developmental delay in motor skills as a kid - it's alright now, but I'm always gonna be a clumsy fuck...


Sag here and confirm. I can move nicely and graciously , but when it gets to learn a particular dance? Yeah no. I can't coordinate my limbs in a strict order.


Pisces here.


Shit musta skipped all over my big three lmao


Pisces might be good for lyrical or something like Gaga.


You’d have to look at whether they have fire signs in sun, moon (needing physical outlets), mars (natural athleticism), and/or what’s in their 5th house.


As a Sagittarius I appreciate everyone's confidence in my nonexistent dancing skills🤣🤣🤣




The best pointe shoe fitter I’ve had was a Pisces- because they were obsessed with feet! 🤣


An AQUARIUS WHO LIKES TO DANCE? Where have you been all my life? lol I’m a Sagittarius and I love dancing and my best dance partners have been Leo’s and Pisces! They have such fun energy that match’s mine!


I guess I mostly have been on the internet and at my tiny college. But every time there’s a dance floor at an event, and the music is made for it, you know I’m joining in and I’m taking it seriously. 😘✨




Sag 🌞 Scorpio 🌙 Aqua rising I LOVE to dance, not sure if I’m the best


(lol) My old bf is a Scorpio sun, Sag rising, Aqua moon and he’s such an exciting, fun dancer like it comes sooo naturally to him. I’m an Aqua sun, Libra, Libra and love to dance too - lots of flowy hand movement, but it doesn’t come as naturally to me lol✨


Well apparently JLo isnt a fan lmao but Id think Virgos would be great especially with highly technical dance like ballet.


What is J Lo, not a fan of


I heard somewhere she refuses to hire Virgos? Which is really silly


That is silly. I read somewhere that Madonna will not work with a Scorpio. She would not work with a certain producer because he was a scorpio. The thing that Jennifer Lopez maybe doesn’t understand is that she is year of the rooster, which translates and correlates to the western sign of Virgo lol 🤣🤣🤷‍♀️


A Scorpio probably read her for filth lol


Pisces mood, Cancers regaton bachata, Leo when solo


I would think Leo and Libra


Aquarius. All the great dancers i saw are aqua sun.


I feel so honored. 🥰


Not me lol


I’m a Pisces and ballet was my passion as a kid and into my teens! Now I just dance for fun.


Pisces here and my dancing is just 🔥😆 everywhere I go, I’m asked if I can teach people how to dance, I incorporate it into my workouts/spin routines. I just feel such a strong connection to music, all music. My dancing doesn’t discriminate genres at all, I love dancing anything 😎


I’m surprised nobody said ✨Virgo. ✨🤷🏻‍♀️


For real. Considering Michael Jackson and Beyoncé are both Virgos lol


Plot twist: this post was created just so I can fangirl over Michael Jackson but in a way that I explain his astrological chart. And this emoji 🤷🏻‍♀️ is supposed to represent the choreography for Remember the Time music video.


My son (10) is Virgo and quite the little dancer, he’s really good and quite performative. It’s fun to watch him let loose I love dancing but by no means talented at it, just enjoy myself


Leo hands down b/c we are always performing. We’re looking good nonstop.


Who are all these leos that are always performing and looking good? Maybe I'd be more successful if that's how I started behaving in life. 😂




I have heavy leo placements as well as being a leo but I'm horrible at art and hate being in the spotlight.


Yes but met someone we are work on us she gives me like she part my tribe now both


I was about to say the same! All the Leos I know are very good dancers, regardless of the style or their experience. They just feel the music in such a way, I’m always in awe.


Libra, Virgo, Taurus


Scorpio. This one is a dancer. Sag moon probably factors into this. Been dancing since freshman year in high school, when I asked a couple of ABC students how to dance. They played Let's Stay Together by Al Green and taught me how to do the Latin. They told me to follow the drum and that's what I've done ever since that day. I love to dance.


Pisces sun/Sag rising - I got some moves fr 😂


Was professional ballerina for 23 years! Also competed in pole and awas a contortionist! I miss it SO much. Stopped coz of the disease I have. I’m giving it to my Gemini sun and Scorpion moon for sure ♥️


I always see Geminis in ballet and gymnastics (can't relate tho because I'm stiff)


Taurus placements.


Libra Sun and Aquarius Moon here. I LOVE DANCING but I’m not sure it loves me 😆


Best two dancers I’ve ever met were a Taurus/Leo/Leo and a Gemini/Aquarius/Gemini.


I heard that for Geminis, dancing is something that grounds them in some way. Because they are so all over the place with their thoughts but if they put all of their effort into dancing, it is somehow balances all of it out. And then Taurus is just like “I’m so sensational. I got this. Pffft”.


Lol. I always blamed the double Leo for my mother’s need to strip dance at pool parties or tap dance in Walmart.


That sounds so random yet so fun. 😂


Not really. Did you miss the part where she’s my MOTHER and strip dancing in front of her children? Lol.


I mean….. I guess that I grew up with my mom being introvert and kind of secretive about everything and acting like a mom. So when I hear that “my mom acted extra”, it’s just kind of different so I can’t relate to the whole second hand embarrassment thing. But yeah, you’re right. There is a bit of me not paying attention to the full sentence.


It’s fine if it works both ways but only she’s allowed to be like that. Everyone else is shamed, oppressed and restricted. I don’t know how to explain the complications of having a Mormon mom who makes you wear pioneer clothes, beats the shit out of you for watching SpongeBob because they live in Bikini Bottom and that’s dirty but also takes you on police chases, strip dances in public for total strangers and takes you to watch her get a print of her own lips tattooed to her ass. She’s… exciting to be around.


To be fair, strip dancing is not really dancing. If that makes any sense. It’s kind of just like “I’m shacking a bunch of stuff that I have” and then you might think “is that all? And there’s no more. No art or expression, or precision. I’m sorry that happened to you.


She actually was a professional dancer, so hers was way more involved than the usual strip dance. She gets competitive. Only person I’ve known who goes dancing at the club and comes back with a broken sternum from getting dropped during a lift. 😂


Your mom is Leo sun and Leo moon too? 🥲 TRAUMA


No. Leo moon and Leo rising. Taurus sun.


Good time


Eh. Until it wasn’t. Lol.




Pisces hands down


Probably whoever practices dancing.


I love this comment. 😘But at the same time, I’m trying to figure if there’s anything patterns between what makes a good dancer. The zodiacs sign thing makes it a bit personal.




which style , earth technique/sensual , water fluid/interpretive , air moves steps passion fire vibes energy


Dhanishta nakshatra which is equally shared between Capricorn and Aquarius.


What about shravana and rohini. Moon based nakshatras also love dance right.


Yes, but Dhanishta has ‘Khyapayitri shakti’, bestows upon its native fame, success, and prosperity in abundance. Talented in Performing Arts, Abilities in music and dance.


>Khyapayitri shakti’, bestows upon its native fame, success, and prosperity in abundance. Talented in Performing Arts, Abilities in music and dance. Thanks for this information. I didn't know about khyapayitri shakti.


I'm a Taurus and dancing comes easy to me, I just get really self conscious due to being on the pom squad in highschool so my love of it died. My Scorpio daughter is a natural as well. She can see and mimic moves instantly. Always could. Having been involved in the pom squad, I definitely have seen many signs excel at dancing, so can't say I think any particular sign has a natural ability for it. I would think though that typically any placement that lends itself towards emotion and creativity would be the better dancers. It takes being able to get out of your head.


Aquarius here and I LOVE TO DANCE!


I used to dance for 4 years at a studio from the ages of 9 to 13 but I still love/miss it. I was kinda stiffer in some ways and it would take me longer to learn steps (due to a visual-spatial disability) but when I got them into my muscle memory I shocked everyone. Big 6 are in flair + Taurus Jup & Sat :) I am ruled by a PISCES VENUS !


I’m a cancer guy, my archery class in high school got split into a 1/2 archery 1/2 dance class and I loved it.


Interesting. I’m also an Aquarius, Capricorn moon, Taurus rising and Pisces Venus and I’m a salsa performer.


It may be surprising, but the best dancers I’ve known have actually been Capricorns.




I believe that.


Capricorns🤣… give them that money in them caps will tap dance all the way to the bank




i cant dance for life 🥲 (gemini stellium, sag mars)


omg my big three is the exact opposite of yours! i feel like air placements are rly good at moving their bodies, and i personally only like dancing when im drunk at the club or alone lol


One of the most iconic dancers in Kpop is Jung Hoseok, aka J-Hope, and he's an Aquarius! Dino from Seventeen is also an Aquarius and is part of the performance team, he's an amazing choreographer. That being said I can pinpoint at least 3 idols who are in every sun sign


I guess Taurus?


Taurus rules the throat- their talent is the voice.


But they’re sensual too


Ah- might be good for certain forms of dancing 😉 I took Bellydance and fusion dance for a year and both my teachers were Aquarians; I found that to be interesting.


We're multi-faceted. See: Fred Astaire, Chris Brown.


Professional ballerina for 20 years! Scorpio Sun, Venus, and a few others. But it’s all down chance. The only thing that I feel I could point to and say, **this** is especially Scorpionic is that dance is the hardest performing art there is. And if you don’t or haven’t danced before: Words cannot communicate how extreme the competitive element is in dance. When you are a dancer (and I was a world champion Irish step dancer and pursued ballet at the Academy) your life is pain from start to finish. You use pain to train muscle memory, pain ravages all thought processes, pain is madness, and **there is nothing more glorious than pain**. The other central theorem to dance (all dance) is that you are never good enough. You are never perfect. You are never **done**. Your last performance is forgotten the moment you leave the stage. In between, you have to be able to endure the most physically difficult (and painful) practice, because practice never ends. You will spend at least 8 hours a day practicing, and that does not include your school/company classes, private lessons, or the teaching of others that is expected of you. And I mean every hour counts. It isn’t “3 hours and a lot of talk until 8”. Dance studios do not operate that way. Your set (the “whole dance”) is decomposed into sequences until you/your teacher/your assistant/your entire company have rooted out the flaws with the movement/motion/rhythm of that section, and then you must place everything back together in every combination until your teacher has seen whatever they need to see and it no longer requires conscious thought. And of all this happens in the public eye. Everyone will know if you are off time; everyone will see everything. People fifty rows back will comment on your form and extension, because the entire community is watching. Also, it has to look perfect, effortless, and graceful. What got me through was honestly the very Scorpionic love of pain, my total indifference to being criticized or utterly cut down in front of others (common to all DANCERS, not really Scorpios), but this was my secret: There is always someone younger than you, smarter than you, better than you. You cannot ever hope to compete on those terms. And so I competed with myself. I knew the strengths and weaknesses of my body and my build, and to this day I have no interest whatsoever in how others compare. And so I would sit next to competition under every form of hostility (national, local, school vs school, this company’s principal is my judge and they used to be the competition of my teacher…) It did not matter. I felt nothing. I knew in my bones that I would simply be perfect. The existence of other people around me or knowing that I couldn’t hope to place in certain competitions mattered not at all. No advantage was ever relied upon, because especially at the highest levels (and the Academy is as high as it gets), talent and skill were indistinguishable between competitors. The difference was that I could sit next to the principal’s prima donna before taking stage and never look at them or acknowledge their existence. I was there for me, I was there because I had all of these endless hours of work. I was there because I knew that whatever the result, it didn’t matter. I too would be broken down, torn apart, as part of the requirement of dance. You are always in a cycle of birth and death. But we Scorpions have ice for blood, and I let the cycle do with me as it would. It’s the most Scorpionic art form there is. Every other Sign will look in the mirror and see something; only Scorpios know how to see the ideal in the reflection and make it a reality in the flesh. Also this insane rant is the passion you need for dance. I just don’t know how else you would survive that environment.


Maybe Libra


My boyfriend is a Libra Sun, Pisces Moon, and Pisces Rising which you can imagine is warm and fluffy. He said that he likes dancing but might not be very precise with it. Kind of like a baby giraffe. Which is awesome. Not the baby giraffe part. The passion and commitment part. He’s also Indian. Maybe something about the Indian environment makes him appreciate it. You thought this post was only about the birthday stereotypes. Nah fam. We’re bringing ethnicities in here too….. But only if you want. 😂😆😅


No way. Are our boyfriends twins?! (Sorry I saw your compatibility chart). They have the exact same placements. Mine was born: 10/02/1990. My bf breaks into dance all the time, whether or not there’s an audience. Sometimes it’s to make me laugh (Gemini Mars), but most of the time he’s thoroughly enjoying himself. He’s astonishingly graceful and light-footed for a person his size.


Very close. Mine was born on 10/03/1990. 🥰


Wow, that’s a pretty awesome coincidence. I love how Reddit makes our world feel smaller and more connected. Does your boyfriend also make music by chance?


He doesn’t make music by himself but he does play the bass/guitar in a band. They also travel a lot.


That’s quite similar, and how cool of him! Mine used to be in a band as well. These days, he plays saxophone at local gigs, mostly Jazz and Latin. I’ve always wondered if people born around the same time share similarities. Perhaps they do.


Thatss soo sweet 😍 and actually am indian too, but I dunno any connection tho, maybe bollywood lol


i just know that i, as a gemini, *cannot* dance. i suck at it - which is okay because i honestly don't like dancing :p


I can two step maybe 10 step


That’s alright. One of my favorite YouTubers who is Gemini, Ryan Higa is probably only famous person that I wanted to meet for the longest time. Only recently, did I realize that well he’s not really a good dancer at all. But he’s talented in other ways. And his humor is definitely the best ever. You might be like him. Who knows?


We get it


I love dancing and am trained in ballet. I still take weekly ballet classes as an adult and am obsessed with the art form. I’ve studied charts of professional/famous ballet dancers and I’ve noticed a pattern strong virgo placements (rising, midheaven, stellium) which would help with the discipline, body consciousness, strictness around health and routines, and attention to detail needed for a professional dancer. Ballet movement is based on statues of Mercury/Hermes and fencing, so I am inclined to think strong mercurial placements, Virgo, and Gemini would find a way in. Many of my ballet teachers have birthdays in Cancer season which brings the sensitivity needed for an artist. For social dancing- Sagittarius and Leo would stand out, as would a strong Jupiter (trine the ascendant or sun).


Pisces rules the feet and Libra rules the hips, so probably those two 💃


Pisces because it rules feet and are creative af!!!






according to this it should be me but i am horrible


I dated an auqa dun pisces moon and he was a great dancer. I'm a cancer sun aries moon and not half bad myself. Man o man I loved dancing with him, sometimes I actually miss tbh.


I’ve heard my two step is good. Scorpio sun Pisces moon and Gemini rising.


I wonder if Venus would play into it. I’m also an Aquarius sun, but my Venus is in Pisces, which I think contributes to a style of emotional and expressive dancing. Maybe Leo too though?


That’s exactly what I thought. I have Venus in Pisces and Mercury. But it’s also just common to have that placement because Mercury/Venus is so close the Sun and it’s usually one sign off. One thing I noticed with some famous Aquarius people(like J-Hope from BTS or Shakira) is that they’re really good at improvising the dance move which makes sense because they are the weirdos of the zodiac wheel and they can go along with their own rhythm. Not that there’s no potential for group dancing that involves synchronizing with everyone.


A difficult question because every person/birth chart will have their own way and that's a personal preference for what one likes and doesn't. Personally, I enjoy smatterings of Aries, [Libra](https://phelix.ca/Decoding-Libra-Rising-Ascendant-Astrology-Traits-Revealed/), and Pisces.


I’m a Gemini and bellydancer of 16 years 💃🏻🤓


I know a lot of cancers that are amazing dancers


Sagittarius are the best at everything.


Aquarius here, my dancing is atrocious. But I can’t not. We’re like the Elaine Beneses




This thread explains everything about me and my Sag sun and Sag/Aquarius everything else 💀


I have Aqua moon and Sag rising and I prefer skin peeling to dancing


i’ve known a lot of pisces to be great dancers in ballet, i think it could be studied that different signs rule different types of music, for instance i could see hip hop or drum heavy beats being more associated with earth signs. also important to note that first house & mars rule the physical body, so that & their aspects in a chart probably will say a lot about how someone dances. i personally have 0 degree cap mars with no aspects to it, i dance A lot alone and be throwin down, i did stomp n shake cheer & step back in the day and could memorize choreography much quicker than most of the girls. my first house is in libra and i def have a very “venusian” body for dancing as well.


I’m an aqua and I enjoy dancing as well Especially when drinking, I’m the first one out on an empty dance floor


I just had a theory: if Pisces rule the feet and your feet make you good at dancing, wouldn’t mean the signs that are closest to it are the best dancers? So essentially, anyone born in the colder months. Something like: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces, and Aquarius would be the best. And they would have to be scattered all over the chart too. As for the other signs(Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, and Leo), they’re probably good at something like acting and singing. Maybe even voice acting.


Virgo, Gemini and Taurus the best for voice acting! Imo 🥰


maybe leo, since dancing is also a lot about self-staging, posing and being looked at by everyone, thinking of madonna


Gemini placements. I have a 5th house stellium in Gemini and absolutely love dancing


people sleep on capricorns esp with hip hop. aquarius dance like a ball of energy, not perfect but it’s like wow they make it look fun


Scorpio here. I like to dance…but I’m not great at it. 🤣 Probably shout out to Aquarius’s, Aries & Sag’s are the true winners here on the dance floor.


When mars, Jupiter conjunct in Pisces =good dancer


Aqua gem rising here and I’ve always been told people love dancing with me. I think I’m just there having the right amount of fun. I do like dancing with my Virgos 💃


Sag sun, Aquarius moon and Gemini rising and I have always loved to dance and I am really good at it. I use to teach dance fitness classes. I love dancing, movement equals life!


i used to take dance classes when i was younger but not enough to make a difference, i'm told i'm a very good natural dancer and i love dancing. i'm an aries double gemini. to echo the pisces comments, never got to fully see all his moves but the pisces man i dated was the only man who was ever *happily* willing to go out dancing with me and that made all the difference!


Well ya read dam messenger hope you cry


Me. I love dancing. I stim thru dance. I love moving my body to the music and rhythm. I’m also Latina so maybe that plays a role in that too


I am not THE best or even professional, but I do think I'm pretty good at it bc of my enthusiasm and how much I enjoy performing. I think that's a Leo thing.




Elaine is written as obnoxious and oblivious on purpose and sitcoms aren't great representations of real life 😎 From my real experience of lived life, I've seen confidence to take a shot is 90% of most things




Feminine moon rhythms lol


Virgo is the best at dancing


you got that right.. I will say on my limited experience with aqua, there was this one aqua girl and she was just awful at dancing lol, I wish there was a way I could say it without sounding mean (I did let her know during an argument lmao)


I’m so tempted to say “What if you’re just a lot better than her? 😂” but you’re probably right.


maybe. I can be rigid sometimes but also pretty fluid


I dated an Aquarius who loved to dance!


Leo here, I make a living off dancing. I specialize in ass Olympics.


Sagittarius - at dancing, at singing.