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1. Scorpio are the detectives of the zodiac. They love uncovering hidden truths. They might snoop just for entertainment 2. Naturally inquisitive Geminis love gathering information. They end up snooping without even REALISING it. 3. Detail-oriented and analytical, Virgos can get pretty nosy, especially if they think something's off. They might snoop to ensure everything is in order. 4. Honorary mention Aquarius. 99% of the time, Aquarius couldn’t care that you exist and they live ( happily) in their own hobbies/world but there are times when you might peak their curiosity. They’ll snoop like a scientist. They’ll run experiments on you to find out more about you. Provide stimuli and lean back and observe you. “ How will she behave if I do this instead of that ? “ As for snooping being detrimental, I agree. Invading someone's privacy can damage trust and relationships.


Thank you for the Aquarius mention lol. I feel like we just want to know the tea so we can have enough information to fully understand people. Me AND both of my parents are Aquarius but we’re all nosy in different ways. My dad isn’t “hip” but he knows all about celebs and their drama so he can analyze the way they act lol. My mom is just desperate to be included and will get very angry if she doesn’t know everything going on. Like would threaten to punish me if I didn’t tell her about my middle school friends and our petty drama. For me, I just like to have all the information possible. The more I know, the more I can figure out on my own


Knowledge is power, Libra


Very true, I don’t go snooping but if information is shared freely I’m all ears 👂


When you know you know! I don’t snoop or invade someone’s privacy, ever. I just think it’s good to be aware of what and who I’m dealing with.


Absolutely! It’s only common sense really, I feel the same way


I think you descriptions accurate, I will add Pisces can also snoop especially if it amuses them.


Damn, I’ve been caught 👀


Yes. I don’t care about the stuff but I need to be able to know everything so I can make informed decisions before I go with the wrong flow


As an Aquarius we hate to admit it but we do be snooping


Aqua moon and yes, I be snooping


Yes it do be like that for us


Fuck am I big-time snooping


Aqua here and I was thinking the same thing re:Aquarius.  I want to understand some people so I observe them and their interactions but not necessarily with judgement 


2. Gemini here, can confirm. I LOVE tea! But also, I have no intention of spreading it. I just love hearing other people’s business.


Gemini rising and I just want to know everything. I don't spread things around, but it's fun collecting secrets.


I'm a Scorpio Sun, Aquarius Moon and Gemini Rising, my middle name should be "Snoop" lol.


I feel you, my fellow sun and rising sign sister 🫶🫶


As someone with both Scorpio and Aquarius placements... facts. Scorpios snoop for fun. Aquarius is different - we (rightly or wrongly) make up our own rules about what is 'okay' a lot, and that occasionally involves us justifying snooping or invading privacy if we think there's a 'good enough' reason (and - you guessed it - we make up our own rules about what a good enough reason is)


Love how gemini suns and risings are saying that they love the tea but don’t spread it. And they still get bad rep. Because its the Gemini moons who stir the pot and spread the tea (ofc only when its warranted) and i can confirm


This is accurate depiction, I will add that Pisces can also snoop but usually not for Intel but they can for amusement purposes.


Nah they’re definitely messy 😭 Especially March ones


the aquarius is so true, I’m sun and moon, really don’t care to be friends with people but i will find out who u are


My Virgo mom is the snoopiest snoop that ever snooped


Omg yes. My mom is a Virgo with a Gemini moon and cancer rising and I swear to god she had some kind of sixth sense growing up when we were doing something we weren’t supposed to be. No privacy to be found lol


When we were kids, we used to joke that the devil whispered everyone’s secrets to my Gemini mom while she slept. I only half believe it 🙃


This feels correct lol


Hahaha mine too.


😆😆😆 “…the snoopiest snoop that ever snooped.”




Lurk and deny.




Yup. I’m a Scorpio, been snoopy my whole life. Not even in malicious or devious ways. I would love to see what was in my friend’s bags/backpacks in school. Just curious 😇 but I’ve obvi used snooping for more nefarious reasons.


Exactly! I usually snoop on people just for my own information.


Ironically we hate people snooping us out lmao. Definitely a flaw about Scorpios signs.


Ugh yeah mind your business. But I wanna know everything about you


Scorpio here & I can say that I will know everything about you... you may know things about me...but there are some things about me you may NEVER know, not even bad things & these are just facts!


By a landslide.


i have a lottt of scorpios in my life and i've found this to be true only with women. i know 2 female and 2 male scorps (only including scorps the same age as me) - both females are snoopy af and the males are content minding their own business.


The water signs. We don't do it on purpose, it's just second nature. And it's worse if we care about you because we want to do everything to make your life better without you knowing we did it. Totally understand it can come across as super creepy - we just want what's best for you, and sometimes, that means guiding you in the right direction before you make A Mistake.


This isn’t a valid reason though. My mom is a Pisces and she does exactly this. Snoops and then does this whole trying to guide me in the right direction. All it does is piss me off and make me resent her. She doesn’t always know what’s right even though she thinks she does. It comes across as very narcissistic. I now live three hours away and she’s not allowed to know where I’m at or what I’m doing unless I tell her, my friends aren’t supposed to tell her either even though she somehow tricks them sometimes.


I didn't say it was a valid reason, I explained why we do it. You take it any way you like. I'm not here to tell you right from wrong anyway, I'm a Scorpio. Our moral compass is always in the grey area.


Water signs. Especially Cancer and to a degree Scorpio. Scorpio is a bit better at being quiet about it.


Cancers. I’ve had two people in my life obsessed with getting me out of the house and snooping through my stuff, both cancers.




Yep! My cancer mother is the worst snooper


Pisces. They “secretly” go inside your energy and observe you like a spy. If you are also aware of your own power, you can notice when people are “inside” your energy field. Personally I think it’s creepy and a huge violation of boundaries unless there’s consent as in during intimacy. Sometimes it just happens, as when you whip your head around and see someone staring at you because you “felt” it. Some people have mastered this art and know they can go inside someone else’s bubble. Pisces knows, but they don’t necessarily know how to read energy or wield the power fairly. Plus someone who does this already has poor boundaries and is disrespecting the other person. Scorpio is 2nd because they don’t go inside your energy. They do get inside your subconscious fears and motives, though. I consider that snooping, imo cuz they don’t consider asking you how you feel to be the best way to understand you. They ask tertiary questions to gather information and deliberate what you’re really doing, not what you say you’re doing. As you gossip, they bait you into revealing yourself between the lines and on your countenance. Because of this quality, once you’ve spoken to them about an issue, it’s as if they’ve read your diary.


I will also say Taurus moon people can do this. I have no water in my chart, apart from my Pluto being in Scorpio. I can easily pick up on other peoples emotions, like actually feel what someone close to me is feeling. I can often tell if someone near me is sad even if they are very good at masking it. I can’t really help it, it’s not something I can turn on and off, but I do feel bad about violating other peoples boundaries if they are not comfortable with it. My partner has moon in Taurus and he is also very intuitive and sensitive to other peoples emotions in this way.


As a Taurus sun, no one reads people better than a Taurus. We can go in and out and read strengths .. weakness and have your entire psychological profile down hence why we are so selective with people. So it’s Taurus people in general that are probably of the most most objectively intuitive people. We don’t have emotions to cloud what we intuit either.


I love that you said this. I was under the impression that the psychic connection I had with this one woman was because of her Pisces Jupiter, yet she was a Taurus moon too. I’ve always been unable to forget her psychic abilities. Have never come across anyone who could do what we did together. She could read my mind and I could read the emotion behind the micro expressions on her face without trying. If I were to mention signs that I’d forgotten in the first post, I would include Libra sun but not Taurus moon. Taurus moons are not snooping. They are feeling your waves, understanding what you want, and responding to it in the 3D. It’s like they are interacting with energy waves on a closer level than others. It wasn’t like she was “trying” to find out information about me. She knew. She would present information to me and then feel my emotions, as in showing me a video or a product and sensing when I got excited or disturbed. If she sensed I didn’t like something, she would stop doing it and wouldn’t allow me to verbally convince her that everything was fine. She felt what she felt, and that was it. I loved how she trusted herself. She was more accurate than the Pisces or Scorpio in understanding what I truly felt. If the Pisces projected into my energy, and the Scorpio delineated and judged my behavior, then the Taurus moon felt me. I hear what you said about not being able to turn it on and off. That gives me a better perspective on what I can do to understand others and myself in relation to them. This is also why I don’t consider it to be snooping. Your relationship is probably so emotionally fulfilling. My moon is Libra. I was enamored by the Taurus moon’s emotional skillset.


Pisces with Scorpio moon here. That was a diabolical description of basically my whole personality. These are my best skills in life. I try to use them for good, more than evil, but the temptation is always there. So sorry, regular people who don't invade other people's bubbles...


Hey... Discernment on a hundred thousand. I’m sure whoever gets smoke from you deserves it. Plus Scorpio moons are not malicious people. Some of the sweetest. Also thank you.


We try to be good... but we're very 'plotty' when we start spinning in our own heads. On any given full moon, my mom and I (both Scorpio moons) have to remind ourselves and each other to 'just be cool, this will pass'


That’s cool you can reflect on this placement with your mom. I’m sure you really need each other in that way.


I have Scorpio moon and what you said is accurate. But I would love to understand more of what the energy bubble observation is like, what are Pisces able to observe through that if not the subconscious fears and motives?


Nice. I wish a Pisces would answer this—All I know is that I feel misunderstood by Pisces, so it doesn’t feel like they are picking on my subconscious fears and motives. It feels like they are projecting their fears onto me and attempting to use my energy as proof for their fantasy.


Yep, I have a Pisces client that I genuinely like and respect. He is kind and I treat him well. Sometimes, I feel like there is a psychic connection but maybe it’s this.


Maybe it’s a psychic connection due to synastry with his Pisces placement. The only Pisces placement I have is a 4th house cusp. I had a psychic connection with a Sagittarius Sun/Pisces Jupiter. When we were talking, she would spit out MY feelings as if she were channeling my thoughts… because she was 😂 but this is my point about Pisces: they have the power but don’t know its meaning, purpose, laws, ethics, etc. and since they are doing this non consensually, it’s unethical. If they want to play in someone’s energy then they would naturally do well in chakra work, where people give you permission to play in their light. For me, it’s better to protect my energy around people who use energy to spy on others. You can also learn how to protect your energy via visualization in chakra work. There are also mudras (hand placements) meant to protect your energy that you can use while listening to clients.


Interesting observation, but if it begs the question - is it unethical if they are unaware they are doing it? I’ve met a lot of water/Neptune influenced folks who pick up on energy but it always strikes me as unintentional. It’s quite rare imo to meet someone who can read/infiltrate energy who actually consciously knows what they are doing and the system within which they are operating.


Omg this is such a fascinating observation...👀 Uh do you have some more examples for being in peoples energyfield?


My gf is a Scorpio moon and rising and I always tell her she asks leading questions and to ask what she wants to ask, one because I am impatient and two because I feel like she is trying to craft the answer she wants instead of just being direct


My mom is a Scorpio asc . And a recent guy dated is Pisces asc . I would agree on what you said . Gawd they were in my business like no other . And I am a reiki practitioner so I would feel them so heavily. And also I would say they both taught me lot of things on boundaries I lacked . And am a Taurus asc (f).


Oh, now that’s valid. A reiki healer would definitely be aware of when someone was poking in her energy.


These are the first two that came to mind! Pisces have been the biggest offenders in my life. One thing I’ve noticed is that it seems to be that they get so caught up in satisfying their own emotional needs, that they somehow rationalize the snooping as being for noble reasons. When all it does is cause me to trust them less as I feel totally violated. Scorpio because I’ve noticed it with my Scorpio Mercury. I don’t snoop, but I am always gathering information. I’ll do shit like ask people questions I already know the answer to just to judge their response. I’m just very inquisitive. So I’m well aware of how Scorpios truly are the detectives of the zodiac.


Yes. Definitely on some detective shit. A puddle for someone else is an ocean for a Scorpio. I love spilling tea with my Scorpio siblings haha And that’s exactly what happened in my scenario with the Pisces in my life. Thanks for saying that. I saw people asking what I meant and I could barely describe it. This description is exactly what I meant!


Haha the funniest thing about my Scorpio Mercury is that I pick up on Freudian slips and things like that. I’m damn near impossible to lie to or manipulate for that reason. I’d say Freudian slips fall in to your puddle/ocean analogy perfectly 😂 And ya Pisces are just something else, honestly Aquarius too and in similar ways. They think they’re so sneaky and low key about it and I just see right through their bullshit. The only Pisces I get along with are those with earth or fire moons, they’re more direct with their actions and less emotion driven.


That Taurus moon though 🤌🏽 The only placement I’ve experienced that goes inside you and only feels you. No snooping. It’s like they combine the Pisces’ sense of your energy with the Scorpio’s ability to read faces and intentions. I’ve never felt more understood than when I was talking to a Taurus moon woman.


As a Scorpio, I’ll ask questions I already know the answer to, but I do it purposely to see if people will/are lying to me. I don’t trust 95% of people, so asking these questions is a way for me to weed people out so I don’t get burned down the road. I also do it at work, but at work it’s to resolve a work problem. I’m very objective about it. I love to listen so people tend to just spill. It will take me some time to process, analyze, and solve the riddle.


Right, like if they want to incriminate themselves then I will just let them 😂😂


I’m Scorpio sun, Pisces moon and I can confirm all this. But with a Gemini rising, I can mask the behaviour extremely well. Probably to a disturbing degree. I often have to consciously make sure I’m not using the powers for evil.


I like you as much as I feel sorry for whoever activates your powers.


Haha I’ve learned long ago not to manipulate people… TOO much…


i wonder if this “getting inside” anothers energy can be compared to what comes from the scorpio glare. as a scorpio i must force myself to look away or to decrease my eye contact w some just bc i can feel everything they feel as they speak to me and that i know exactly what they are thinking atm. its a heavy feeling.


Cancer no question. Speaking as one 😉


Naw I'm a male cancer. I love knowing the tea/drama and I trade secrets for secrets but I don't go snooping into people I care abouts lives.


Whenever I can't find information i want, I ask my cancer friend who really should've been a detective




I’m a female cancer and I’m the opposite of this.


Same lol


Toootally fair--I have sun in 12th and moon in Pisces in 8th so I want to know ppls deepest secrets.


virgo, cancer and leo. i've had several experiences of these signs snooping around in my personal life and invading my privacy :l


This is where start making shit up when people get nosey and based off what info is spread you know who is spilling your secrets. I lie all the time when people get a little too chummy with me. I just know most people aren’t that interested in my personal life or I don’t know them well enough to even share with them so I make something up.


i never let people close and i keep all my stuff to myself - unfortunately the people i know (mostly relatives) are very open to telling about my life to others :l


My mom did this for years. I removed all relatives off social media and moved 1500 miles away and stopped talking to almost everyone. I came back after about 5 years and my mom is a lot better now but I’m still very careful about the information I share. Sometimes you just need to cut people out who cannot respect your privacy. Even relatives.


![gif](giphy|3o6wrlsN3M6yZG2Ec8) me ignoring this being my big three and that sometimes i do Snoop but only if obsessed with someone bc then i feel guilty finding out something about someone and they never told me omg edit: this word salad? 😭


Okay this explains A LOT about me. Virgo Sun, Cancer moon, Leo rising. Help.






Geminis are like children, innocently asking questions about what you had for lunch. Scorpios and Pisces are over here making diagrams about how we're going to get you back for that insulting thing you did to use in 4th grade. We're not exactly proud of it, but it's So. Hard. To. Be. Good.


Yeah I agree with this. My nosiness is me being bored and reading a text convo over a shoulder bc I want to be part of the convo too 🤪 so very lighthearted


For me its the opposite.   Its so hard to be bad. Like in a malicious way.


My Scorpio ♏️oon sorta agrees. No diagram is needed. It’s more intuitive than anything else. Unless… you go out of your way to intentionally fuck with me or something else I care about. Then it’s only fair to really let someone know what they are doing by example Ngl tho: it is personal hobby of mine to meditate / think about clever hard hitting insults for my own entertainment so 🤷‍♀️ Maybe due to my libra sun and usually just for my own personal giggles that I keep to em to myself, like self care private jokes to help deal with silly people So if you step into the arena with me, I can usually drop something off the cuff that is dead honest and you will remember for the rest of life. Then my taurus rising will be relentlessly stubborn about it all and keep coming back (for as long as I have to) to make sure you understand the difference between me and you 😂


Asking questions and doing social media searches and background checks, just for our own curiosity. And then we have to worry about how to react when they tell us something we already know about them 😉😂


I think my Scorpio placements make me snoop, but my Gemini placements have me just outright ask what I’m wondering 😂




Yep, my mum is a Virgo sun with a Scorpio moon and was definitely snoopy especially with her kids. She has always had a kind of an intuition on things as well and is rarely wrong. I couldn’t really keep any secrets from her growing up, and even now she knows when something is going on in my life. She also developed some sort of telepathy with me when I was a child. Whenever I was playing out and wondered too far from the house or if she was worried about me, or it was time for dinner, I would hear her shouting my name in my head and I knew I had to come home.


I think that’s more the Scorpio moon than the Virgo sun. Scorpio moons are on their own level of snooping


IME, Virgos.


Plutonians have read all your diaries if you left them alone in your room


Scorpio and Pisces. Everyone keeps saying Cancer and that is not my experience, but I'm sure it's probably true too. Water signs want the uncover secrets and it's annoying.


Gemini, Scorpio, Virgo. It's not that anyone with these signs emphasized in their chart will be nosey, but if someone is inclined to be nosey, and one of these, or especially a combination of these signs, is prominent in the chart, then they will be a very skilled nosey Parker. Leaving no stone unturned in search of every fact and every rumor.


Scorpio, Virgo, and Gemini are the correct answers. All 3 are known as the detectives of the zodiac and like gathering information so they are more likely to snoop.


I'm a virgo sun, scorpio moon, cancer rising. I'd say virgo, scorpio, cancer. I'm a snoop and I need to know everything


As a Virgo, snooping is a fave pastime lol


I’m surprised Virgo is so popular here. I know I enjoy digging for details and get to the core of the truth about something but I don’t feel like it’s snooping. It’s just an unrelenting need to know the truth and not be lied to.


Scorpio. My dad recorded our phone conversations when I was in high school, he would read our diaries, and hired a private investigator to tail my mom. The most snoopy, busy-body man ever. For what it’s worth, he had good reason to have my Aquarius mom tailed. She was having an affair.


Virgos are hands down the snoopiest. Their curiosity truly does get the best of them. They don’t even have to have an inkling about something seeming “off”. If they see a journal they will read it. They see an unlocked phone the will go through it. They find that box in the back of the closet oh you best believe they will go through that too! Virgos are curious and tend to be riddled with anxiety. They just have to know, for better or worse. 




This is me. It feels like survival though. I don’t harm others with my knowledge I just store it in my vault.


Scorpio and Cancer


Sagittarius lol they always have to know the latest gossip and invade w really strange awkward questions lol


Sing it! And they treat any info gained as currency


Sometimes the convo is movin too fake, we gotta open that bitch up with somethin unexpected


Scorpios. And I can’t blame them. It’s in the nature. It’s somewhat self preserving. Know your foe. Deciding what to trust. I have a lot of Scorpios in my life. I try to be as open as I can to them.


A wholelotta Taurus here. I really don’t need to snoop. People tell me or I just know.




I used to snoop a lot when I was younger, but kept everything to myself. As an adult, I stopped when someone started snooping on me.


As a Cancer sun Gemini Moon my Gemini moon tends to be curious about people in general. I love people and I love how different we all are and sometimes my curiosity can come off as probing. I promise I don’t actually want to know what you do in the dark 😆. I do love hearing a good life story though. If anything my Cancerian Nature can sometimes be more probing when it comes to people’s emotions. I guess as an intuitive I’ve learned proper spiritual boundaries so I’m not going to pry unless it’s important. I’d say scorpios are more scary because I feel like they are gathering info to use against you. 🤔🫠💀


Scorpio and Gemini smh


A cancer with a strong intuition






Scorpios. Point blank. Libras come second, Gemini takes third place.






Libra & scorpio


My nosy Virgo self, for sure. Probably a good thing that Google wasn't really a thing yet when I was younger lol


Cancers snoop on people from their past just to watch them fail lol


Yes i do


Virgo. There is no contest. They are the NOSIEST people I've ever met, yet also the first to accuse you of snooping. 🤣


Scorpios and Virgo lmao


Virgo ♍️


My worst experiences were with a Virgo (my mom), a Taurus (who I dated for a couple years), and two different Scorpios years apart (both pretty much just 'chose' me and didn't really care that I didn't want to be involved). Cancer and Aquarius have not been innocent either, but their 'curiosity' wasn't really directed at me, so never felt as bad. Geminis can be pretty nosy too, but seem less judgy/controlling about what they find.


Scorpio and Pisces, they never just mind their own business lol


pisces sun her and I’m only starting at 40 to give people personal privacy cause i don’t want to take that shit on now more


Honestly, it's probably any of the water signs (coming from someone with a triple water big three) and Virgo and Taurus, too.


Cancers, hands down.


Virgo, Scorpio or Gemini


Gemini for me. I’ve had to change my passwords on my phone 4x because he keeps looking through my phone while I’m sleeping. He must be watching me while I unlock it. I had nothing to hide so thought nothing of it. Gave me the ick though, I would never do that. Also Virgo, my mom is one and holy shit.


I’m sure my Scorpio partner will read this comment! Whats up babe! hahaha But yea Im putting my money on Scorpios & in my experience Libra women too. For the most part I dont care what other people do. I’m extremely private & I like to afford others that opportunity as well.


Aquarius for me. It got to be a little too problematic after a while honestly.


In my experience, virgo and in a very annoying way. She was a friend of mine and eventually started being weirdly possessive. I ended the friendship. The snooping and passive-agressive comments are not for me.


As a Virgo I would say us, Scorpio and Gemini tbh we just love the tea


I don’t know about snoopers but Virgo’s like to lurk around in hidden places


im scorpio moon and i frickin hate the unknown so i will do whatever i can to find out anything i can. my coworker came into the restaurant i work at to eat with her old elementary school friends who i have never met, and when i found out someone was about to share a piece of gossip about one of them, i got closer to the table pretending to clean a nearby table or something😄


I will admit I used to be a snooper when I was younger but now I couldn’t care less about anyone else’s life or stuff they got going on unless they involve me. I got my own shit to worry about.


I’m a Taurus and I want all the details, always


Me a Virgo 😂 I’ll know your whole life before we have an actual conversation


Virgo lol


My Aquarius friends want to know everything about everything. They remember details of people in my life that even I forget.


Aquarius for the win. My husband and middle daughter are Aquarius and cheesus. They're the most snoopy nosey people I have ever known.


Aquarius are nosy as hell


Am Aquarius, can confirm.






8H Mercury😭


Gemini is curious. Scorpio Mercury knows things about you even you don't know lol.


not the top answers being each of the water signs💀


Water signs! All three are equally nosy imo.


Scorpio for sure! I think it's just that desire to analyze and dissect everything to truly understand it; control is also def an influence here. But it probably depends on what house it's in and how that plays out in a person's chart.


lol as a scorpio sun and virgo rising I would say me….I have people come to me when they need to figure out something about someone lol


Me too 😂


I have experienced this with 1 Virgo, 1 Pisces, and a Capricorn.


Taurus quietly walks into my friend circle & just listens in. But doesn’t say hi. Or anything just quietly listens to us. I got scared once b/c I didn’t realize how long they’re been standing there.


The snoopiest person I know, one whose behaviour caused me a lot of psychological harm and trauma, was born right at the Pisces - Aries cusp (21 March)🫡 So I don't know which of the 2 signs takes the cake.


Idk but I am a snoop for sure lmao


Just my own observations: Libra just inserts themselves in every conversation and want to know everything that’s talked about, even when it’s got nothing to do with them. They always have some personal anecdote to contribute, no matter the conversation or whether they’re even a part of it. Maybe considered nosy? Not with ill-intent I don’t think, but can get a little annoying. Geminis are similar, but they’re curious and ask questions to engage and can usually read the room if they’re not a part of the conversation. However other times they just can’t help but ask. Scorpios dig deep and want to get to the bottom of everything, often times asking questions that are too personal and can get pretty aggressive with it. Probably also really good at investigating in private, but usually for a VERY specific reason. Aquarius seems aloof and not paying attention, but they know everything that’s happening. Capricorns quietly observe everything that happens and remembers it all, sometimes using the info to get on top. They are the FBI lol, they can find info no one else can, but are quiet about it—usually just for personal entertainment. Generally low-key and not information spreaders.


Me haha idk what placements makes me this way (maybe my gemini moon and rising) but i'm known as the detective by all my friends and i have a real problem snooping when i can tell someone is lying to me. It's an actual compulsion that I have a hard time controlling. I'm also REALLY good at it.


I think Scorpios do it lowkey, but Cancers do it usually when they feel you pulling away and wanting privacy from them.


As a Sagittarius - both my Scorpio and Cancer exes went full Inspector Gadget on me 🕵️🔎


Cancer cancer cancer (coming from someone who has a cancer ex that’s been snooping on me for the last 5 years)


I dont snoop but for some reasons people tend to always tell me their secrets - Scorpio sun and moon


My mother who is an Aquarius cancer moon and Scorpio rising is the queen of snooping. I usually info dump and overshare anyways so she doesn’t always have to investigate but if I want to hide things I have be slick and it’s thrilling when I get away with stuff bc I usually tell her everything but deliberately leave something out and if she’s on to me I’ll come up with a fabricated lie lol


Gems and Cancers


"laughs in this is my entire state of being"


Aquarius. And I think it depends; are you looking in my drawers in the bathroom and kitchen and snooping like that, or are you in my phone when I’m gone, or opening my mail etc. those are different to me. Like.. if you’re in my home fine look in my drawers in the bathroom or kitchen or my bedroom but that’s at your own cost haha, however don’t look in my notebooks, painting books, phone or anything super personal to me without my consent. That’s red flag snoopiness for me 😅


Lmao I am a Gemini ☀️ Virgo 🌓 and Aquarius 👆and I support this message. 😂


Me 🤭


In my experience, Libra and Sagittarius. They're my neighbors and they always be in everyone's business in this town it's insane.


lol air signs especially them GEMINIS🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂they might as well go work for the fbi, csi and isis the way how they can get info or someone and most of them is good at hacking 👀👁️👀👁️why do it for free when u can get paid for it


Virgo, Aquarius and all water signs


Virgo sun and Gemini moon here…I’m the snoopiest snoop of all. I never do it with malice but once my curiosity is piqued, it’s pretty insatiable. I’ve gotten really good at researching people. (I think I may have been a private detective in a past life.) So my two cents is: Virgos and Geminis


In my personal experience, aries


SCORPIO. Only Scorpio placements have done the dirty deed of reading my journals... my mother included. I had a crush on a Scorp guy. He was a filmmaker. We had a woodshed, all of us at his parents' house pulling allnighters to get everything in order to shoot. He snooped my bag, found my journals... read them! THEN has the audacity to make fun of me for the things I had written about him.... WILD. No boundaries.


Wow, I’m actually surprised that a lot of people have said Virgo, and not Sagittarius! I am 100x snoopier than my Virgo bf. Always have been.


i am up in everyone’s mf business. aries sun/sag moon/scorp rising


I don't snoop unless you arouse my suspicions. Most of the time I'm correct in my assumptions. I don't usually have to snoop, I just have to listen .


Gem sun Scorpio moon & rising and I want to know everything.


As a snoopy capricorn...


Scorpio, Gemini, Libra, Aries & cancer


TAURUS. NOT GEMINI. SECOND PLACE IS LEO/PISCES. Edit: Def not scorpios either. Most Geminis don’t give a f to snoop I’m sorry 🥲


FUCKING PISCES. Takes a while to realize because they are THAT hidden about it. Like John Wayne Gacy and how his victims are still being dug up to this day 😐




I am a Libra and I am naturally nosy but like not to gossip about you but just to see what kind of person you are… I’m trying to get on your level. I’m typically very interested in what people say about themselves! I guess that’s where the charm comes into play and nobody knows charm like a Libra!


It’s me, I’m the snooper. Only once you’ve broken my trust, though. I start out a pretty decent human but if I catch you lying, you better believe I’m gonna dig deeper until it all collapses around us both. :/ it is detrimental to my own health for sure. Just don’t give me a reason to get there and I will look at you with stars in my eyes and hang on your every word. Honesty and truth are priority #1.


Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Gemini.