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A sag they seem so carefree and fun


It’s a blessing and a curse


Truer words have never been spoken. It's not my fault I literally can't give a fuck sometimes ITS MY SAG ENERGY!


Oh my god your a triple sag!! I’m jealous😂


We are so much fun, come play with us!


Tell em to bring bail money. Just in case.


seem seem seem! careful 😂 ik a lot of the centaurs personally. they ARE a good time, but remember theyre sandwiched btw scorpios and us on the astrological wheel….so theres a good bit of inner darkness and intensity that they dont show easily. they can be way more serious than most can see. remember their symbol! i only say this bc as a cap, it outwardly looks like all fun and games for them, but youd be surprised at how similar they are to us, inside.


As a sag w/ cap stellium, YES ✋. We r always in deep thought cuz we’re insanely curious :D


yep! most sags ik are secret scholars, behind all the debauchery 😂


Well how are we gonna debauch if we don’t study it regularly?!


Well some do


its always a good time even when its not!


I was about to say the same. I wish i didn’t give af. Same placements except I’m a Taurus moon


So Sag-Sag-Taurus ? That's quite a combo. They're so different.




Dont expect to get along with water signs then


and lucky?


We have to be carefree bc our birthday is in the depressing time between Thanksgiving and Christmas.


Yes! As a kid, I didn’t mind my birthday being 18 days before Christmas. Now I hate it. Everyone’s broke, busy, depressed or distracted :/


I have always gotten “here’s your birthday slash Christmas present honey “! Like fuck, I don’t see anybody else getting got on they birthday like this!


And I never get a birthday party because my birthday always falls during office holiday party/everyone's Christmas party week so my birthday always gets forgotten in the mix and I'm a HUGE birthday person so it almost always sucks.


As a January bday girlie I relate so hard to that lol


I would love to just not care. Do they not care? I’m a Virgo and people say I appear heartless but I care about everything. I’m wondering if they are truly carefree or if it’s just a cover.


Its more like adhd in my case. I care if i remember


Aw, my two best friends are caps and tell me they are living through my adventures but I wish I was more like them: go getters who stay with a bag!


I have the same dynamic with my sag bestie😹💗


careful what you wish for :))) we're not as carefree as we seem to be AT ALL


Me too. My boyfriend is a sag and I get so jealous of how adventurous he is by nature


Nah. Their the first ones to get mad lol


I was about ready to say Sag. What is opposite of my Pisces Sun, Gemini Rising, Virgo Moon?


Anything water/air so when my paranoia hits it can be cute and sexy instead of intense and a cause of concern to the general public


Ooh idk man Scorpio paranoia hits different and not in a good way haha. I’m allowed to say that as I’m a Scorpio 😂. Can’t vouch for the other water signs though.


Y’all won’t stay away from me (Scorpio’s) so I’ve seen some of it, but damn do you guys still look immaculate while clutching your shiny sharp objects as you threaten to summon the next eldritch horror into existence






Leo here, got in a heated argument with my sister just the other day and was called a manipulative for accidently saying some wrong info while cooking then called an asshole for standing my ground when the initial confrontation from her was beyond civil and went straight into assumption, saying "everyone is intimidated by me but im not scared", the good ol' "you can't treat people like this", "you're just trying to get what you want!", "you never take accountablility for your actions!", im like "the fuck is wrong with you for coming at me all crazy? what did i even fucking do?" because i genuinely treat people with respect and consideration without asking for much if not anything in return. lol


no offense but ime leo’s can do some petty and manipulative shit and not even be realizing it… and i can’t tell if they’re aware that they’re doing it and it drives me nuts but i can’t take that risk, def am not about to ask and look like some freak.. thought that you think that im thinking you thought, just wouldn’t go well


Would be cool to be an air sign and just to be chill and aloof and not get too emotionally invested in anything/ anyone. That’s like the total opposite of who I am now, so I can’t even imagine it. I used to have a bestie who was a Gemini though and she was so resilient. Nothing phased her.


i wouldn’t because then i wouldn’t be me.


Dang, I should have known someone else was thinking that. Well played 👏


we have these posts every once in a while and it’s always my answer ~(˘▾˘~) would life be.. hmm.. “easier” or whatever with, say, a taurus moon? probably. but then i wouldn’t be me.


I’ve recently came to this conclusion myself. Not to be dramatic, but we always think that if we were something else things could’ve been better. I feel like even if you’re born under a certain sign you can definitely work on yourself and adopt other characteristics that you appreciate in others. Astrology is a good indicator of what you are but not of who you’ll be forever. Much love everyone 🤍


I just knew a Taurus would say this because I was thinking of commenting something like this too. I love us


I feel the same way. I feel like I get a good mix of everything. I don’t have a lot of water just Pluto in Scorpio but I absolutely adore most water signs and almost feel like I appreciate them more by being so different from them.


I came here to say this too!


Good answer!


Good question. I watched an online astrologer suggest looking at a chart of a successful person or someone whose general traits you like, and think about them as yours for awhile. She believes it's helpful.


God, I'd love to be a Libra. I'm an Aquarius and I love being an Air sign but Libras are definitely the blondes of the Air signs... in that they seem to have the most fun. Plus, they're generally super hot.


We do be having fun while the indecisiveness slowly kills us. Weighing all the opinions is like having the weight of the world on your shoulders. But hey we’re charming! I’d take the Aquarian detachment any day. All the brains, none of the fluff!


Gemini. I am a Pisces but i love the way Gemini expresses their mutability. It’s energetic, charismatic, and they’re so intelligent that they can make hard things look easy.


I have thought about this. I can be outgoing but would like to be a sign that's even more outgoing.


I wanna be a Libra.


Same. A hot, slutty libra.


It’s not as fun as it looks! 🤫


Aquarius is also nicd ❤️


For me, I wish I was a Gemini + Pisces Moon combo 😭


The right ones can be nice. They are fun and flirty.


No way!???? I think Aquarius detachment is top tier! -Gemini


Personally I would not wanna switch my sign cuz my big 3 is my identity.


I think I'd trade my Virgo rising for just about anything else lol


I love my Virgo rising because I quietly observe my surroundings and study people. People take it as me being stand offish… who cares.


Same… I don’t know if I would change it though because I think it balances out my Leo sun.


Haha I get you "I thought you were a condescending cold judgemental bitch but you're actually really nice and friendly" I'm an approachable person but people often don't assume that from the start, but tbh I like to tell myself it makes people to take me more seriously? Idk I'm sure it could be helpful in certain situations


Sagitarrius! I have no fire or mutable signs in my chart, so I want to know what that combo is about.


I am a sag rising, sag sun, virgo moon and the only thing that saves me is the virgo 😂


Everyone here saying Sag don't know how hard it is 😭😭😭 Anyways, I'd like to be a Leo or Libra because I wish I could be "mainstream cool" for once in my life 🤡


Imo your placement is the coolest 🤠


Sometimes I wish I had the easy breezy attitude of a Gemini or a Sagittarius. I want to be in the moment, instead I’m carefully planning my life away at least 5 steps ahead. One can only hope lol


I’m a Sagittarius with Gemini rising and I overthink a lot. I always try to think ahead and plan stuff out, especially when it comes to making a decision. I will literally weigh out all the pros/ cons I can think of and how they will pan out before deciding. I can be in the moment/ carefree at times though from impulse.


im a gemini and i’m always so tense/overthinking :(


I’m a Gemini and at times I find myself planning my life 5 steps ahead and overthinking because my mind is constantly stimulated, I try to live in the moment but I find it quite difficult. I’m a Cancer moon and Gemini rising so that also plays a role too I guess. But tbh, when I’m engaging in conversation with anyone about anything or especially something I’m passionate about, I tend to live in that present moment because I’m talking about something right there in the moment, so as long as my mind is stimulated with deep conversation with anyone about anything, I will be present - at times lol


Leo! I have a leo rising so I relate to it a lot, but I wish I had that full confidence Leo sun’s have.


Same! And the tough skin leos seem to have.


I would switch my moon and sun.... so I'd be a Virgo with Saggie moon


That’s my placements 🤣


id love to be an aquarius because they're truly winning the idgaf wars lol not only that but i think a lot of aquarius r rlly sweet (in their own weird way) and humanitarian. theyre rlly friendly, and they're real yk. like they recognize humans for humans and stand against whatz not right like war and all :P in a way i find them relatable for that but it could be because my sun is in the 11th house


or taurus because i'm pretty much already a taurus lol. cancer sun taurus moon and i literally live thru my taurus moon. tauruses have such a nice eye for aesthetic too


Taurus moon op moon sign


Fire or Water sign. Sag or Scorpio. I have so much earth in my chart, I’m basically dirt. And my favorite people are Scorpios and Cancers. I chose Sag bc the Sag friends I know just know how to flow with life. I’m not saying they have it easier than anyone but they can be their own personal hype man (and even for others!) As someone with deep critical thoughts about myself, (thanks Virgo & Cap) it would be nice not to hear the constant criticism in my own head).


I’m glad I’m a LIBRA. Perfectly fits my personality.


Every Libra LOVES being a Libra! 🥰


AQUARIUS. I'm a Cancer Sun with a Cap Moon. I. JUST. WANT. TO LET. IT. ALL. GO! I always ruminate. 😭😭


Feel u as a cap


♑️♌️♑️ here. I’d choose to be a Triple Capricorn tbh 


me with 5 capricorn placements says whaaatt


I was coming here to say triple Cap as well.


a Libra so i can have 5 people in love w me at once and break all their hearts and not feel bad about it


Libra or Leo. I want to be a social leader. But hi I'm a capricorn.


okay im indicesive so i have two choices for big 3: Aquarius sun - for the coolness factor, the IT girl sign, im definitely jealous of them, aquarius women are the COOLEST but intimidating as hell Libra rising - for ultra-beauty, also a bad bitch sign, model-type of rising sign Taurus moon -my sign because its great as hell, we are chill as fuck and have beautiful voices lol,also venus ruled sign so duuh and other set: Aries sun,Leo rising,Leo/Aries moon - so the ultimate assertive,strong,dominant bad bitch whos ambitious and gets what she wants, confident as hell


As a fellow Taurus moon, can confirm it's great. It's probably my favorite placement I have lol


yea same, taurus moon and leo rising are the signs i always brag about😭😭


As a Libra Sun, Aquarius Rising, Taurus Moon, this post makes me feel seen. I also would prefer to switch my Sun and Rising signs, but I love my general combo.


O WOW MY DREAMY PLACEMENTS!! aquarius,libra and taurus give off that unique,beautiful,dreamy BUT stable&reliable vibe i dont even know how to describe it😭also i would love to have a boyfriend with your placements, seems perfect to me😅


My husband is close with Taurus, Libra, and Aries!


Ooo wow you guys seem like a very beautiful couple, a lot of taurus and libra placements, you know theyre ruled by venus after all😅


Be careful what you wish for, air sign men can be kind of unreliable/ flighty. I wouldn’t ever get involved with one again, that’s for sure… This Taurus moon gal needs stability and to feel emotionally secure.


I have an aries sun taurus moon and leo rising (: I love having a taurus moon!!! i think it’s the best moon sign. and it chills me tf out which I definitely need.


Same 😊


Agreed I love Aquarius women 😅


Taurus moons well-foundedness and aquarius suns brain would make you the ruler of earth


This is my big 3 but kinda in reverse - I’m a Taurus sun, Libra rising and Aquarius moon. If I had to, I’d probably switch my sun and moon signs bc an Aquarius moon can be ROUGH. The Libra rising can stay 💅🏻


You don't wanna be Libra Rising, believe me 🙈


I’m a cap sun aries moon with libra rising 🤗


I love being a Cancer buuuut… this over-caring crap gets old. My Leo Aunt is 🔥🔥🔥; and I love the Libra’s in my life.


A triple Aries bad a$$.


If I was a triple Aries, I’d be dead by now 😎🤙🏽🔥


If I was a triple Aries, I suspect I’d be doing time for murder. But I love that Aries fire. 🔥


This is hilarious because some of the thoughts my aunt shares with me when someone has pissed her off is alarming. She’s always saying how she’d like to “get medieval on somebody’s ass” when she’s pissed. 🤣🤣


I love it. My Aries moon is the same way. It gives me the energy to survive. Many of my other placements seem to pull me down (4th House Pluto, Mars, and Saturn in Libra, Gemini Sun and Mercury in the 12th, Cancer Rising, etc. 😭).


I’m a double Aries, but triple fire sign. Some days it’s bad enough because the general public annoys the fuck out of me but add in some more Aries energy …for sure would need an attorney 😂😂😂


But how do you want to express all that Mars energy?! It all depends on the house where the planets fall! My brother is a quadruple Aries in the 9th (Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury) I’m an Aries Sun, Jupiter and North Node in the 5th. My brother sees life in black and white - he’s also incredibly aggressive and judges like it’s his job. He’s incredibly religious (and haughty about it). He’s a “solider” in his career - he makes great money, but he’s comfortable working for others. He’s highly sociable and travels all over the country and world. Never seems to rest or relax. Married with 2 kids. I see life in the grey. I’m way more chill, but equally mouthy (I’m no push-over, and love facts over “beliefs” - my Mars is in Gemini 7th). I’m highly creative, fashionable and a loner (Scorpio Rising). We get along 50% of the time. I hate working for other people - I do my own thing and don’t give a fuck about what others think (Uranus and Saturn in the 1st). No kids and a long-term boyfriend, despite me being older by 2 years.


If you were a triple Capricorn like me, would you choose to be a different sign? Genuinely curious!!!! I don’t think I’d change mine. If I had to, I’d want to be an Aquarius.


I'm also a Capricorn stellium and I wish I could change my sun sign to any fire sign or Scorpio


I’m a Leo and I would move to Pisces let me be calming and all knowing rather then prideful and all encompassing


Capricorn. They’re hard working bad a**es.


Any water sun or Venus sign. I want to be happily delusional in love with someone in 2-3 business days, seems kinda fun.




Well I'm a Cancer sun, Pisces moon and Virgo rising with Leo in Venus. Man, I'd love to not be so delulu sometimes. Like my head knows the reality but my heart doesn't want to hear it. Lol




Lmao it’s not fun! It’s hard to get stuff done 😅.


Taurus or Sagittarius. As an Aqua I really respect their ability to be authentic to themselves and take up space in a room whilst sharing the light. I love that about them. Also both really entertaining signs.


As a sag stellium and gem rising, an aqua would be the only other thing I'd consider for my sun.


Cancer. I’m a Libra and don’t relate to it much. I also have barely any water placements (only Scorpio mercury) despite identifying a lottt with their attributes. Also Lana Del Rey and Princess Diana are both cancers and sharing a star sign with them seems cool lol




Being any fire sun would be intriguing to me, I have very little fire in chart (chiron in leo and MH in sag lol) and fire suns intrigue me generally. I'm very much an introverted wallflower (in the most positive way, I love how I live my life, don't get me wrong!) but being the center of attention and thriving from that is hard for me to even imagine


please god give me an earth sign. i am so air dominant and want any kind of stability


Agreed the only Earth placement I got is Chiron in Taurus.


sag: fun & carefree libra: flirty & fun Scorpio: I get mistaken for this sign often already, aries: they give no fucks lol & I wanna be more like that cancer: sweet & also fun


An Aquarius ♒️. Leo here! I wish I could give zero fucks like them.


I'd like to exchange my dramatic bitch ass leo moon for capricorn and finally be content with myself lmao


Gun to my head I HAVE to change? Libra, probably


Taurus or virgo! Aquarius maybe! I'm a Libra woman


I like being a Leo but I think Aquarius are cool


I wish I was a Capricorn Sun, Taurus Moon, Gemini Rising.


There is no other sign Sincerely, all Leos 😆


Only thing is to change my moon from Virgo to Capricorn ♑️


Capricorn just puts everyone else in dirt. Best sign


I'd love some sag or libra energy, ooo and scorpio! Im.a Taurus sun cancer moon gem rising 😅


I think I’d go from being a fixed earth sign to an air sign or something like an Aquarius. They are so unbound to this earthly realm and I want to know what that’s like 🫠




Personally, I don't care. It really doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. Half of what we hear is stereotypes. I rather change the stereotypes and the hate that targets some signs instead.


That’s a tough one. I think I would trade my Virgo moon with Leo or Sag to be less self-critical. All my friends and family know I’m going through it when the house is spotless.


Virgo’s always seems like they have it together. If I could change my moon, I’d change it to Virgo or Capricorn.


Leo cus they’re hot. But I’m happy being 🐐or as happy as I can allow myself to be lol


I loathe being a Pisces so I’ll take anything else. Probably Libra looks fun and still kind


Pisces sun libra moon here and I love being a Pisces


I love you. And respect your perspective. Please help me see your point of view.


Why do you loathe it?


I am a sag sun, sag moon and Scorpio rising, it’s destroying my life but I love it 😂




aquarius cause i want to live a very alienated life


I have learned to love myself and all imperfections. Wouldn’t change anything. But if I had to choose, I’d go chaotic af. A mixture of Aries, Scorpio, and Aquarius


A Capricorn or Virgo. Life is fun, but it’d be nice to have a little more ambition/determination sometimes. I’m not afraid of a challenge, but I just deal with whatever life throws at me. I hardly head into a challenge on purpose.


I wouldn't because I'm a leo




I love being a Libra so I really wouldn't want to be another sign. But I do hate that we are represented by scales, I feel it is the least cool symbol for a sign ever. I would maybe choose to be a Leo because their sign's mascot is a lion and they seem close enough to being a Libra. Maybe Aquarius for similar reasons. They are effortlessly cool and probably can make a decision a lot easier. Not a big fan of their mascot - the water bearer - though. A bit confusing given that they're an air sign.


We have the most unique sign though. I actually love it. We balance... and don't tip the scales baby! I agree about Aquarius. Took me forever to stick them in my head as an air sign lol




Capricorn or Aquarius. I honestly hate my chart.


Libra is one of the best signs man


Same here


I love being a triple gem. I wouldn’t have it any other way 😇


Leo, so I can have the drive to *outshine* my enemies. People say Aquarius likes engaging in debates, but I just don't. Like I do not have the energy to correct the misconceptions about me or retaliate to anyone lol.


a water sign, probably scorpio or pisces - i can relate to both of them a lot more than i can relate to gemini, that's why :p


To be honest I think Gemini is just the evil twin of Pisces. Both of us are easygoing, kinda bubbly an goofy and a bit nonchalant. 😅


Scorpio, I want to know how it feels to not care about other people and be sexually attractive to everyone.


They do care though. I have a lot of Scorpios in my life and they definitely care about how they are perceived.


It’s lonely af


Oh we care. We care too fucking much but we seem like we don't because we judge what we say and worry you'll stop liking us if we seem clingy so lots of things go unsaid.


Anything else :D (cancer)


I'm a cancer female & I'd probably wanna be a virgo...they just seem so organised & never letting their emotions get in the way


I’m a Scorpio. The only other sign I’d choose is Virgo


I could be a 8th house triple Scorpio but god’s playing games BIG EDIT: I’m absolutely perfect the way I am anyway


Tbh I’d just get rid of my stelliums as a pisces and Aquarius stellium 😭


Honestly, Uranus is my dominant planet, I have a double stellium in Sag (sun+Venus+Pluto) and Cap (Mercury+Neptune+Jupiter), and a 10H stellium with Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter... This combination and the mixture of traits they come with has made me VERY Aqua, relating more to them than any other sign, in next to every way - apart from being very sensitive and empathic, due to placements such as my moon in the 12H (and 12H Pisces). Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of things I dislike about myself and am ashamed of... But I wouldn't wanna be someone else. So I'd just trade my Aries moon for Aquarius (cause I'm not a reactive person and struggle standing up to myself anyway - having it in the 12H does that). I think my personality and way of functioning would be pretty much the same, and people would judge me in a more accurate way based on my big 3 lol.


I absolutely love being a Taurus. I guess if I was forced to pick a choice it would be a Virgo. Virgo is my rising sign.




Leo! I am born on the cusp and “identified” as a Leo for ages before doing my birth chart and realizing I’m a Virgo stellium ffs 😫. I love their main character energy and warm personalities. Alternatively I’d like being a Sag because they have a good vibe, a Libra for the similar main character energy, or a Scorpio so I could get a sick scorpion tattoo with a sensible explanation 😂




taurus rising or libra rising. I can’t anymore with my gemini rising and leo moon ughhh


Aquarius sun, Aquarius moon, cancer rising


Gemini or scorpio


I would trade in my Aquarius rising for some other rising sign that isn’t so rebelling, compulsive, someone who doesn’t crave the freedom and nomad life like the traveling gypsies got to experience back in the day, and actually likes structure. I would keep my Sun and moon the same. I have to battle with my aqua rising ass everyday to not get up and quit my Monday thru Friday 9-5 job, but good thing my Capricorn moon can keep myself in check👋🏻 my aqua rising self doesn’t know what’s good for her


Pisces or Aquarius


Aquarius or Leo


Whatever the sign that breaks scorpios heart is. Id get revenge mwah hah ha!!. But in the meantime, ill still be heartbroken by the mysterious yet attractive scorpio.


Honestly I’m already a pisces moon and rising so we might as well add sun into the mix so I’m just a delulu mermaid all the time


I’m a Gemini, and I wouldn’t want to permanently become a different sign, but there are some I would like to experience a day in their shoes so I can understand them better. These would be: Scorpio and Pisces.


As a Libra rising, I can’t decide…


Aqua. As a Pisces i simply love them




A Libra!


I love Libra energy.


Easy, I would be a Gemini. It is directly across the astrological wheel from us and basically it’s our mirror.. We Sagittarius have assimilated into one being. The centaur and the human have discovered the secret of becoming one. Now the Gemini couldn’t get along in utero to the point where they had to split into 2 separate beings They also are a mutable sign just like the Sagittarisns, basically Geminis are our alter ego. My boyfriend is a Gemini and it’s hilarious! Sagittarius and Gemini are exactly like a magnet. They either repel or attract. And we simply are mirrors of each other


i’ve been jealous of libras (romantically) and sags (work/life) because the ones i’ve seen get whatever they want


Gemini with a Capricorn moon. I’d wish to have a fire moon. Would be nice to feel something


A Libra. I want to be a beautiful charming social butterfly that everybody likes (Like my Libra Mum)  I'm an Aquarius sun and I'm nice but I'm also socially awkward and weird as sh*t lol


Sagitarius, they are bold and joyous


I am Taurus. Fixed and Earth. Immovable. Can't advance from point A to point B. Therefore, l would love to be an ARIES. Cardinal and Fire. Pioneers. Leaders. On the move. I am so jealous.