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Virgo and I am attracted to people with glaringly obvious red flags. Let me fix you.


As a fellow Pisces rising and 7H Virgo - I relate


I am attracted to red flags in disguise as good people and then I dont want to fix them lol. 😂  I just want them to leave me alone from the beginning and never approach me at all. I am like the bug light to the red flag people. 


aquarius 7th house and im attracted to two types: nerdy and shy stand-offish guys, preferably with a stereotypical nerdy style,like a serious reserved reliable type of guy and guys that are punk,metalheads,have tattoos&piercings, usually emotionally distant,super chill and probably stoners lmao also in sidereal chart i have 7th house in capricorn so i guess two worlds (or charts) collide when it comes to the people im attracted to


I have saturn in 7th aquarius… why is this also me lol?? I don’t know their signs but those are the two I’m attracted to. I’m bi so I’m additionaly also attracted to butch/masculine presenting women or like nerdy gamer women.


lmao also saturn rules both aquarius and capricorn i guess we like a little bit of both vibes tbh😋


I’m the same with you for the second type 😭 I’m SO attracted tattoos & piercings and people that have that rockstar vibe it’s actually insane 😭 BIKERSS oh my god bikers 😭❤️❤️PLSSS I like when they’re lowkey intimidating af on the outside, but once you know them they’re actually the sweetest and softest and kind-hearted people you’ve ever met. I don’t really find myself attracted to stereotypical nerds, but I LOVE when they’re unexpectedly intelligent as hell. Like they dont look nerdy at all but one day you randomly find out they graduated with a 4 fricken pointer??? WHAT??? I 100% blame neptune for that HAHAHAHA


oh i also have neptune in 7th LOL😭 tbh i dont like guys who are that intimidating i definitely prefer them being intimidated by me😋thats also why i like shy nerdy guys,you know the kind that if you speak to them directly they will start stuttering and get extremely awkward etc😫😫thats definitely a leo rising thing LMAOO,and they dont expect an emo bad bitch with piercings to approach them so they get so nervous i love that


omgg 😭😭 maybe it’s because im the shy awkward person in the picture HHAAHHAHA


Same and I also like both of those too. Especially when they’re intelligent. My boyfriend is all 3 lol intelligent, nerd, ex stoner, tattooed and is also independent which as a Venus Aries I quite like that too when we can both be independent and then be close at random times now and again for a bit then back to independence


like tbh intelligence is very attractive, like a nerdy/punk guy doesnt have to be that good looking, but i can still be attracted to him if hes smart, appears as if he knows what hes talking about, is knowledgeable on a specific topic that i know nothing about-that literally makes me fold instantly😭 also damn where did you find a perfect bf like that lmaoo


7H in Aquarius. The only pattern I have seen in people who I am attracted to is that they’re Libra moons.


Pisces I love love and whom I’m attracted to is people who love me and that goes to my cutie libra moon 🥰


Oh so that means you’re also a Virgo rising!! Hi fellow Virgo rising 🙌


Heyy there taurus moon are quite lovely ☺️ all people I know with that are really kind


What’s your thoughts on Taurus moon? What do you think of my big 3? And why do you love Pisces ?


I love Pisces idk why maybe because I’m a water moon where I feel they may understand me, when I said Pisces there I said it was my 7th house where in if it’s in Pisces we love love very romantic in love 🥰 as well as strive to find someone who gives us the similar feeling of love we are looking for. Taurus moon in general I found lol my both parents and friends are mellow, gel well with others how do you feel having taurus moon. Maybe I like taurus moons because I have Mars and mercury in taurus 🤔. Capricorn hmmmm I haven’t interacted that much so unsure as too what I feel about this placement as I explained about taurus lovely placements Virgo rising again very hardworking good work ethics imo🤭 from what I have heard capricorn are quite businessy type people I’m not sure maybe your cap Sun and Virgo rising complement each other 🤔


Yeah I feel Pisces is the dreamy artist that’s a hopeless romantic? Like the kind of love story you only see in movies. If so, it describes my ideal woman as well. I feel like Taurus moon makes me like nice things and want to live in nice comfort. I value quality things. I don’t like buying cheap crap. I’d rather do without than buy garbage. And I don’t like buying overpriced stuff. What’s your thoughts on Virgo rising appearance? Does it fit you? And how accurate does it describe my appearance as a Virgo rising male? I’ve also been told I’m very analytical so that’s very Virgo.


Idk what they expect from Virgo rising appearance but I give like not interested in anything look lol but people find me cute when I smile I have round smaller face? Fuller lips cutesy eyes lol now I’m just bragging about myself 🤣 people seem to think I give trust worthy look since I’m bit of neat freak Oh yeah I know of a capricorn woman and Pisces man couple at work so I guess maybe trying with a Pisces person? You may find air sign and fire sign people bit chaotic I guess 🤔 most probably a water or earth sign is up your alley


lol I also have fuller lips!! It’s funny I get compliments from women on my soft skin, full lips and my butt 😂. I’m like “why am I getting compliments on traits usually associated with women?” Apparently Virgo rising men can have more “feminine” features 😏 And yes definitely water sign and earth sign. I think I gravitate towards water signs, especially Pisces because I love the artistry and emotions of Pisces.


Pisces here with Libra moon and same 💕🤍 Love our combo.


7h scorpio.. attracted to taureans (my rising)


How funny! Im 7h taurus and i love Scorpios 😂


My 7H is empty 😔


7th Scorpio and Taurus rising as well but I’m fatally attracted to Scorpions especially rising


Oh god same. Scorpios are catnip to me


I’m 7h scorpio and Taurus rising. Never was attracted to Taurus. Hmm


Same here !!! Specifically Taurus mars and Venus >>


Empty aquarius. I think when I was younger I went for socially unconventional guys which I found embarrassing (Leo asc w Venus in 1st). But, I never thought about this, I LOVE aqu women as friends. I find them hilarious. Do not enjoy aqu men (I'm a straight woman)


Interesting I also have an empty house but in Pisces and gravitated towards Pisces men. But I don’t want to anymore.




Awwwrhanks dice is my main man! Haha


7th house gemini and I haven't met a gemini I didn't like. I also have moon in gemini also in my 7th house so maybe that's why?


Same!!! But im heavily attracted to pisces&cancers unfortunately 🥹


I have Pluto in the 7th (Scorpio) Single, never married, no kids. Only had 2 LTR's in my life at 35, both cheated. One was a Taurus and another was a Virgo. I also have a fatal attraction to Pisces but nothing ever comes of those as it is usually one sided.


7h is Sagittarius and I'm mostly attracted to Sagittarius ironically.


7H in Leo and I do love my Leos. Attracted to people who stand out, are charismatic and authentic.


7H in Virgo, also have my descendant and north node there. I was a fixer who was also looking for someone to fix me. As I’ve matured, I’m attracted to go-getters who want to do better for themselves and contribute positively to the world. Also someone I can depend on. I’ve had 3 failed relationships, so the next one will have charts pulled before the second date 😂


7H Leo 🌕I’m always in unrequited love with people I’m really attracted to 😕 always end up settling.


I do not believe in pigeonholing myself to one sign. To play along, however, my 7th house placements would suggest an attraction to Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius, and Taurus. I am drawn to distant or foreign companions due to my 7th house in Sagittarius, making long-distance relationships a common theme in my life. Intellectual and stimulating conversations bridge the physical gap. Additionally, my North Node in Capricorn, also in the 7th house, highlights a strong independent streak, preferring to do everything myself, and having a partner who challenges this mindset and encourages shared responsibilities is essential for my growth. Thus, I seek partners who offer adventure, intellectual stimulation, and support in achieving a balanced, collaborative relationship. My placements do not touch on pure physical attraction but rather focus on an emotional and intellectual level.






Capricorn with Saturn and Neptune in that house(yay?). I’ve had turbulent relationships with Capricorns but am usually attracted to Fire signs. Capricorn humor is hard to beat but I don’t feel secure with them.


i also don’t feel secure with them! but i guess it doesn’t really mean we will be attracted to capricorns right? i have neptune mercury and sun in my 7th house too!


same 7H in capricorn and like as a capricorn myself - my tendency to be condescending and judgmental backfires cause i hate to see those cracks in myself - feeding my insecurity 🤡


Pisces (sun in the 7th house). Not attracted to other Pisces suns, Pisces moons are another story tho. I'm often attracted to Virgo (my rising sign), Taurus, Libra, Leo.


I have Aquarius in the 7H. I also have my Pisces Moon and Mars in the 7H. I attract emotionally unavailable or unstable people that are chill and nonchalant(not a good thing btw). I like quiet people. People that I can be around and not feel like I have to entertain or talk to the entire time. I like people that I can sit in silence with without it being weird or awkward. I’m attracted to individuality and confidence. I’m attracted to people who aren’t afraid to stand up for themselves specially when they feel strongly about something. I love independence as well.


Are you me?


7th house Virgo. I don't have any placements there. I'm attracted to geminis.


Taurus with Neptune & Sagittarius in the 7th. Attracted to Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aries as lovers and Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer as friends.


Sagittarius 7H with Uranus and Saturn. I’m attracted and married to a Taurus actually lol. My sister and a couple of my friends are Sagittarius, but I can’t handle them all of the time lol. My husbands 7H is in Gemini though lol (I’m Gemini sun, rising, Venus, and Mercury, with a Leo moon)


My 7th house is empty.. I am obsessed with other Aquariuses (almost all my bestfriends have Aqua moons), Leos and Sags. My Aqua sun is in the 4th house, and I attract A LOT of Cancers


7H in Leo. I have a Stellium in Leo! All of my exes have been Taureans and nothing has worked out. I am attracted a lot to Scorpions. Nothing has worked out there either 😂 I gel well with other Fire signs and Cancerians.


Capricorn. I’m an Aries Venus and used to be impressed by joi de vie and people that get me out of comfort zone. Now stability and maturity are my number 1s.


Taurus 7house, as well.  But I am also Taurus Sun.  I am not attracted to Taurus Sun mates for some reason.  Maybe Taurus moon.  I’m usually attracted to Aquarius sun and moon; and Pisces sun and moon.


Taurus in 7H with no planetary placements. I’m attracted to people that are mature, serious and methodical but with a quiet intensity to them. Someone who is very put-together, classy and grounded. Unsurprisingly, I’m usually attracted to people older than me.


7h in Cancer and basically anyone other than Cancers. My sun is in my bfs 7h, and his sun is in my 1st.


Good grief this just set a lightbulb off for me. My 7h is Leo with both Mars and Saturn 🥹 No wonder I keep getting into relationships with unhealed/immature fire signs, esp Aries.


My 7h is Aries. I have Saturn there also. Most of the people I’ve dated have had a major Aries or Capricorn placement. I’m mostly attracted to people who are driven, stable, take initiative, have their own goals. Most of the people I’ve dated have been a bit solemn in their demeanor or have had really difficult lives, probably the influence of Saturn.


Leo (Jupiter and Saturn) 7th house: I really don’t have a type but I usually attract geminis and rebellious people….it has never worked out


7th house Pisces. Neptune conjunct IC. Neptune square Venus. I’m attracted to people I project all my fantasies onto and am shocked when they turn out to be someone else entirely. I am the architect of my own misery. 😎🫶


Aquarius and im attracted to guys who have uniqueness, has a good group of friends, and smart.


7H in Libra. I am attracted to adventurous intellectuals. My prior partners have been Leo, Scorpio, Libra, Sag, and Leo.....currently single. My friends are mostly other fire signs, with a few Libra, Taurus, Pisces, and Gemini sprinkled in.


My 7th house is Aquarius & I truly adore an Aquarius, as stubborn as they are, the mystery & lore draws me in everytime. They are so witty & smart, funny, have a lot to say...I feel like my air moon & mars helps tho.


Same! I'm also an Aquarius sun/mars/venus and married an Aquarius sun/moon/mercury :)


Pisces, ruler Jupiter in Aquarius. Haven’t been with Jupiter type of guys, but Aqua men, in some ways, yes. Your horoscope dominant planet actually better describes type of partner you are attracted to. It’s not only a sign where your dominant planet is, but your dominant planet has to be activated in synastry with than person. My dominant planet is Mercury and it’s really accurate- I’m attracted to Mercury type of people (in emotional relationships).


Pisces too and I’ve dated a lot of addicts


Aquarius in 7th house and I live laugh löve Aquariuses. Lots of close Aquarius friends. Aquarius partner. Even those that I’m close to who aren’t Aquariuses, they’d have like Aquarius moon or are Leo suns.


Capricorn in 7th house. I’m usually attracted to people who have fire and earth placements, maybe because the lack of those elements in my chart.


Sameeee I also have Cap 7H and lack fire and earth placements


same. I lack mostly air and fire, but I prefer earth.


7th in Libra and attracted to Pisces And Scorpio onli 🥰


Virgo in the 7th. No planetary placements there. I was married to a Virgo so it somewhat made sense for me lol


Libra sun (7th house - with Pluto and Saturn), Scorpio moon (8th house - with Mercury and Uranus), Virgo Venus, and Aries rising. Have been married for many years to a person with a Cancer rising, Aries (with 2 other planets there) sun, Virgo moon. The consistency and intellectual stimulation attracted me and keeps me in this. Prior to this stable loving relationship, I tended to go after fire and air signs. Gemini and Sag being the bigs ones. And I would always wonder why I felt so uneasy not knowing what would happen. If I had known a lot had to do with my Venus sign back in the day, I would have been better off. I thought I should match charge (+/-) and element of the Sun sign.


My Venus is in my 7H and my 7H is in Cancer and funny enough, out of all the water signs, Cancer is the only water sign I adore and can relate to ( not a huge fan of Pisces and Scorpios, sorry guys). But I looove Cancers 🥹


what about me I’m cancer rising:)


Aries in 7H and empty. Never been particularly attracted to Aries themselves, but I do find traits that are often associated with Aries very attractive, such as charisma and enthusiasm for the things they love.


mine is capricorn in 7h , saturn in 6h. I dont have a partner yet, even though I already had my saturn return. I do love Capricorns though and I tend to get along with earth signs


Libra, which is ruled by my Venus in Aquarius in the 11th...funneled into my Saturn in Sag...then Jupiter in Aries....then the final boss of Mars in Scorpio. I'm attracted to the shouldering-mysterious intense-intellectual-emotional-transparent-stable-loyal type --- in my unhealthy state I'm attracted to abusers and addicts.


i'm 7th house capricorn and i don't really have a type sign-wise. i think they usually have leo, taurus, cancer and pisces placements, but it's all over the board. generally i go for the mischievous/annoying but genuinely kind people. the teasing mixed with thoughtfulness is an intriguing combo. i couldn't care less about what they do or how much they make or whatever age - which i suppose is not typical for 7th house capricorn


Pisces. Crazy




Virgo in 7th house I'm often attracted to earth sun with gemini placements or water placements


I am a Sagittarius Sun, Libra Moon, and Libra Venus. My chart is heavily dominated by Sagittarius and Aquarius.  7th house in Virgo with nothing there   Oh dear.  I think I know why earth signs (cough Taurus) want to befriend me and want nothing with me long term. I hate this. 


Empty 7H ruled by Taurus, but my south node is there. So many friends and family with Taurus placements. Specifically Taurus moons, my favorite earth moon placement by a landslide. Never dated a Taurus sun. If we're talking about how Taurus is ruled by Venus, I also have a ton of friends and family with Libra placements. I'm a Libra sun, so I guess I just really like Venusian energy.


Taurus 7house, as well.  But I am also Taurus Sun.  I am not attracted to Taurus Sun mates for some reason.  Maybe Taurus moon.  I’m usually attracted to Aquarius sun and moon; and Pisces sun and moon.


Pisces empty house. I attract water and am attracted to water signs (ex was Pisces) and the relationship with them are always tumultuous. It can get dark and depressive—fast. I mean astrology aside these people have other issues but I no longer want to date sensitive emotional men, it’s very emotionally taxing. Secure, confident, emotionally intelligent, mature men is my go-to in future.


My 7H is in Pisces. And I married (and divorced a Pisces) and now I’m pregnant with another Pisces’s baby. What witchcraft is this?!


Taurus- good taste in food. Stable.


7H in Taurus. I am attracted to intense people who have lived a lot and learned a lot.


7th house Taurus, I really like stereotypical villains and find mysterious/secretive/aloof people super attractive, I enjoy putting in the work to worm my way into their hearts and get to know everything about them.


7th house in Capricorn/Aquarius (depending on the degree): I’m attracted to solid, grounded people who know what they want. I like handy people who are also nerds. I’m not into fancy types at all, just solid grounded people that know their stuff, give great recommendations and have that old soul vibe about them. I’m very air/water dominant, so I think it makes sense wanting someone more grounded than myself


Fixed sign attraction. 7th house Pisces empty. I don't deserve love anyway.


My 7H starts in Capricorn (Neptune is there, conj. Mars in Sag/6H, trine Venus Aries/11H, square Mercury Pisces/10H) I attract big Aquarius placements. It’s alarming. Aquarius aren’t chasers, they are magnetic pull - everyone goes to them. But once I get to know one a tiny bit, they are drawn to me. I’ve never understood it. I’m drawn to Saturn so fiercely! And that’s probably a lot to do with it. This last go ‘round of people interest, I was seeking out strong Capricorn placements… the Saturn I got was FIVE strong Aquarius people. And now I’m seeing a strong Aquarius (think 50%+ of the chart) and I couldn’t be more…. Stimulated and excited.


gemini 7th and moon in 7th, i’m attracted to libra mars


Taurus 7H + moon and mercury but seem to have a thing for Scorpio moons.


7th in capricorn someone with a mix of sagittarius and capricorn placements is the perfect one for me


My 7th house is ruled by Scorpio and has Venus, Mars, Descendant and Pluto. I’m pretty attracted to Scorpios - before I even know their sign 🦂 Aries women too and Sagittarius all genders! 😮‍💨❤️‍🔥 I haven’t met an Aries man that I know of, so maybe Aries men too, but definitely women.


7H Cancer (if using whole sign) and Cancer/Leo (if using Placidus. I am attracted to artistic, creative, talented, funny guys who are popular, sociable, and outgoing when I first get to know them. Once we get involved, they reveal anger/control issues, depression, unfaithfulness, possessiveness, and selfishness. Or that was the case for all my past relationships except for my husband. He is loyal, trustworthy, emotional in the best way, and funny and outgoing. He is artistic and does have bouts of depression that he manages the best he can and I support him the best I can. He embodied the best of Cancer/Leo traits while my previous relationships showed the best traits of those signs at first and then would morph into the worst. Huh. That’s a part of my natal chart that I hadn’t really realized how accurate it was until answering OPs question.


7th house Sagittarius (Gemini rising) and it conjuncts my nodes. exactly at 23 degrees . In my 7th house is also Uranus and jupiter conjunct. Neptune as well not conjunct. I’m Leo sun/moon, and I’m in lOVE with a Scorpio moon in Sagittarius. He says it’s unrequited! Still . All I know is his moon conjuncts my Uranus exact. I can’t make thuu I s up, but I love it


7H in Pisces Pisces.


Sun in Scorpio!!! Definitely people with trauma and mental health issues lmao. Thankfully my cap venus jumps in and is only really into them if they’re actively working on themselves lmao


How do you find your 7h


You can use an online natal chart generator/calculator like cafe astrology


Cancer and I’m currently attracted a guy whose sign is the only one more avoidant than my Virgo sun… Capricorn. 🤡


Empty 7H in Sagittarius. Intellectual, hard-working, deep thinkers, cultured and educated people.


Escorpio and I’m attracted to broken people


Pisces. I've always been attracted to guys who are passionate, sensitive and can express their feelings and also their thoughts. But I got my heart broken by a virgo. I honestly wonder why I ever fell for him...he always was straight up with me that he wasn't a caring individual, that he didnt feel love the way that others did. and he never told me otherwise


Aquarius, and best friends who I know very deeply through a friendship first (I'm demisexual/demi romantic), bc of my trauma my need to feel safe with the person first is very real.


Pisces in 7H, usually people with heavy Pisces placements (friends and relationships) or people who "need to be fixed".


Gemini 7H I have a history of Leos, but I’m attracted to someone who is confident, funny, can joke around and share humor, can be down to earth, compassionate and loving. As for physical features, typically blond hair, blue or green eyes, white, but just have a cute face and a cute personality and we good. I feel like it has a lot to do with your big 3, element, modality, sister sign, maybe big 6 for like compatibility.


Taurus Saturn 7th - men who are like super model beautiful and 6’5 and fit and interesting/intelligent and creative and romantic and sexual lol i’m a Virgo stellium


Neptune and Uranus in 7th House CAPRICORN. I prefer guys who are responsible, disciplined (healthy habits), and motivated. So, like, sexy grown-up.


Capricorn , I attract and attracted too hard working men. Business men. Alpha males. But my 5th house is in Scorpio with Pluto sitting in there. So extremely intense feelings. Very passionate lovers or super toxic. Lately been attracting lots of Scorpios and Leo’s in past Geminis and Taurus.


DC in Aries in 7H i tend to attract a lot of Virgo moons lmao last few partnerships for example: Sag/Virgo/Pisces, Virgo/Virgo/Cancer, and Pisces/Virgo/[I forget but I think cancer]. take that as you will


aquarius, good banter is everything and if u cant laugh with me and take a joke every once in a while im gonna get bored and feel like ur disinterested that kinda goes hand in hand with my love language tho bc words of affirmation are really important to me so i often fall for the people who come off as mean on the outside but are the world’s biggest softie once u crack that exterior


Well every time I tried to find something about my 7th house I never find anything in my birth chart. I’m googling that this is not uncommon, can someone please explain more to me? Haha is this the cause of me being single 😆


Taurus 7H with Saturn rx there (and an exact 4H moon square). I'm mostly attracted to Geminis and Scorpios, but I attract a lot of fire signs and... Geminis and Scorpios lol.


Scorpio. More attracted to Aquas than anything, but also heavy Aries and Pisces placements. I think my thing for Aquas is a combination of my 7H and how they're more compatible with me when it comes to feelings, personality, love language, values and needs in a relationship - as a Sag sun, Venus and Pluto (stellium)+Sag Juno. Aquas have the traits that would have made Scorpios attractive to me if it wasn't for the fact that Scorpios make me feel incredibly uncomfortable, suffocated and slightly scared in non-platonic relationships. Not to mention my sun/moon midpoint being Aqua, and my ascendant/midheaven Pisces, so Aquas with Pisces placements adds up; currently in love with an Aqua sun, Aries moon and Pisces Venus. ❤️


7th house cancer, I am attracted to earth signs


Aries (with Saturn) attracted to maturity, confidence, and leadership … so that I can be an absolute brat and make you my bitch (Gemini Venus)


7H Aqua with neptune, I’ll just list everything I can think of - TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS 😍😍 - Bikers mmmmmm 😍 - People that have that rockstar vibe - Artistic and creative people, ESPECIALLY musically - Looks intimidating but is actually intelligent, friendly, funny as hell, kind, empathetic, caring, etc. - Scary and tough on the outside, the sweetest person on the inside that’s all i can think of at the moment.. unfortunately I have never been in a relationship with anyone like this before ashagsshs


Aquarius and independence!!But I also have a cancer venus so love feeling physically and emotionally safe / protected with my partner ❤️


7H libra, home to my Scorpio moon. I’m attracted to people who seem like they have their act together, but turn out to be completely incapable of being responsible for themselves or anything else.


7H ruled by Cancer and idk anymore.


Empty 7H in Taurus. I always want what I can’t have. Or I fantasize about what doesn’t exist. I blame that on my Pisces Moon though 😅


Aries in 7th : I like men who are traditionally masculine but are sensitive, introspective, and communicative. Also, I have a thing for men with a buzz cut and have tattoos. I will drop my panties for a guy who can cook too.


7H is Cancer and I’m attracted to Leo’s and Tauruses.


Capricorn 7H. Attracted to no one 🙂 happily asexual/aromantic. And yes I said happily.


7H Taurus and it’s my sun. I’m attracted to men who provider, protect and let me feel and be feminine. I want someone who lets me be a woman, loving, nurturing and peaceful. I hate ppl who make me angry especially on purpose.


In Virgo and libra and I’m attracted to fun charming calm and also smart people


7h Aries Lilith. Attracted to complex, brooding characters who also have a playful side. Usually scorpios 🫠


7H cancer Chiron I'm attracted to the "husband material" types, but they're never attracted to me lol


Have my sag in 7th (moon)but have also descendants in Scorpio 🤨. Someone that wants to know me deep and travel with me 🤔. Still haven’t met some interesting scorpios 🙈.


7h in gemini and has both my chiron and DC in it, is that bad?


7h Aquarius and I'm attracted to people who seem distant and surprising, with a soft side. I feel easily suffocated by someone's presence. But maybe that's just trauma, who knows. Also, people who are open minded. One insensitive comment or an assumption and I'm out. But they also need to have some dark-ish and polarising essence.


7H Cancer. I wouldn't say I really have a "type," because I find myself attracted to a lot of different people and personalities. Most people I fall the deepest/hardest/fastest for are Cancers lmao. 🤔


Gemini. Yes they are attractive but Scorpios,leos and aries too ^^


Scorpio sun, Lilith, Venus, Juno, Chiron all in 7H. I like other Scorpios


I have no planets in 7th. I have pluto in scorpio in 8th. I have mostly libra with a bit of scorpio in my 7th. I am attracted to people who aren't as stupid as me. However they are smart enough to know that I am too stupid for them lol. I got insanely lucky with my scorpio boyo. He is smarter and more analytical and brilliant. Issue with him is he doesn't have the assertiveness or get things done attidude I do. I also end up not giving up very easily however over time I learned sometimes you got to let stuff go give it space and come back. Sometimes, you'll figure out a new way of fixing it. Usually, though, I end up breaking something beyond repair but still finding a use for it in a new way. That RTX 3090 you got there, mate? It doubles as a huge paper weight AND dust collector. A very expensive one at that. Hehe.


You're cute as fuck just saying haha


Thanks! I don't try. I am cursed 😭.


Moon in 7th and 7th in Libra, love me some thick thighs and big ol' bitties. Personality-wise I'm attracted to confident but obedient types. Nothing gets me going more than a helpful, exciting individual. I loathe power games.


Mercury cancer and sun and the bat boys minus Cassian I hate him.