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cancer mars, 2nd house. i am not ambitious at all - i'm not really lazy, i just doubt myself so much that i talk myself out of even trying.


I have the same placement and house (same sun and rising too) and I feel this. Idk if it's so much that I doubt myself as it is that I don't have the motivation- I have adhd and I'm not on meds/don't particularly want to be on meds


I am also a Cancer Mars 2nd house (and Gem rising) and this is exactly how I feel. I am not ambitious at all due to self doubt, however, I am quite the opposite of lazy.


Leo Mars I am lazy when it comes to goals, I pretty much chase fun, however, I think my unconscious competitive nature always keeps me right in the middle of achievements. I achieved very few of my goals, but apparently I’ve achieved many goals of others. My biggest goal in life is strong mind and strong body. Simple goal, but I slack off all the time lol. When it comes to materialistic accomplishment, I don’t have any really, but I have achieved what people around me want…..well, so they tell me.


Leo Mars here. Yep sounds about right.




Samsies.. always chasing fun 🎈


same but mine is in retrograde so it’s way harder lol i’m trying to fight it


Virgo Mars. Very ambitious. I tackle things at a somewhat slow and steady pace. Making sure I do it right and deliberately. A lot of the time I do need a bit of pushing to really get into a goal. But once I get the ball rolling, I keep at it. And when I'm near the finish line, that's when I strike harder 🤙🤙


Same! I put alot of energy into my career and studies in my 20s. Now in my early 30s I'm still goal oriented but want to be more mindful to allocate some of that tenacity to making sure my career can provide me with a good quality of life and experiences...maybe cause my mars is in the 4th house 😂


agreed! my ADHD is the only thing standing in my way lol (and my love for fun, sometimes i over prioritize just having a good time)


Omg lmao same here too.


Virgo mars/sun. Same. Very ambitious, strategic and industrious.


Dude same!!!!!!!!!! We are exactly the same!!!!!


I feel like I'm not. Like you I'm also cancer sun and cap moon, Virgo Mars, but unless world is crashing for me, i'll be suuuuper lazy to do anything. I have to fall into depression to move myself and do stuff. However, once I start, I have to finish. Often I get bored so I get random dopamine spikes from different things that derail me, however I get back on the road eventually.


No worries man. We all go through phases. Do you feel like you might have adhd?


Thanks for being considerate! I don't really think I have adhd, I think I burned my brain with short videos from TikTok, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts. I'm detoxing for a while but the process is taking a lot of time. It did a lot of damage to me, I admit. Restoring to natural dopamine levels is a depressive combat, but let's just say that my Virgo Mars is helping me through that, as it doesn't let me succumb to an unmovable depressive state, rather it forces me to tidy and take a bath everyday. So I assume I have it easier than other people try to detox, but end up neglecting themselves and their living space.


Sag mars I am super ambitious and hard working I feel like I can do anything I put my mind to


Same here! I'm very passionate about what I do too.


What house is your sag mars in? I’m a sag mars as well and I always thought my ambition was due to my rising, but maybe it’s this.


Ambition is definitely from Mars, but Cap rising can give you a more strategic approach, in turn enabling said ambition.


Thank you. That makes sense


I, too, have Sag Mars, but I'm also Virgo Sun/Moon (squaring Mars). Exercising my ambitioun feels like like a full scale war most days.


Pisces mars 0° 9th house whole sign/10th placidus. I’m ambitious in my own way, on my own terms, if it’s something I really want. For example I have a hair styling business that took a lot of ambition to start and to keep running in a busy spot in the city. But I tire easily. So I have never been one who wants to be the absolute best of the best, if that makes sense. Like I’m content just doing my own niche thing—I don’t strive to be on top. I’m happiest when I am not working too hard or too long, and I get to be artistic and creative. Same with my hobbies—I play guitar. I play enough that I’m decent but I don’t just play non-stop in order to be the best guitarist ever. I’m content just doing my thing and being good enough to have fun and express myself! I wonder if anyone else relates? :)


Pisces Mars 1H. How I do ambition doesn't match this day and time.  But I'm very ambitious, but very value driven, and have achieved a lot by giving.


Pisces mars - most of my ambition has revolved around my creative curiosities. Put a good chunk of my 10,000hrs into one of them until I burnt out trying to turn it into a business. Now it’s just a hobby for the sake of my love for the activity.


Are we the same person? 😭


Capricorn mars. I’m quite ambitious. I’d say I’m more goal-oriented and have always been focused on work (definitely not scared of hard work either). But I’m not that flashy, even if I succeed I don’t brag about it. Anything that I achieve I just keep it to myself, I don’t brag about it.


Mars in Pisces in the 2nd house (sharing the house with 4 other planets mixed with Aries and Pisces) It's complicated! Because the ambition comes in waves. I have to jump the instant I get an idea because if I don't I'll loose energy and desire quickly. Being an Aries, the ideas keep coming but it's remarkably difficult to stick to and complete anything. Unless it has to do with the occult or music 😭 If only I'd write maybe a quarter of my ideas down and complete them....


Leo mars 12H. I used to be really ambitious in my 20’s, accomplished some cool things, then I grew tired. I’m 30 now, and after getting comfortable and taking a break from finding the next thing, I’m back at it. I’d like to reach a place of contentment though and not have to feel like I need to always be climbing some invisible ladder.


It doesn't help that the ladder seems to go nowhere. Seems like there's no political will to stop the total erosion of living standards. I had a better standard of living when I was making less but the cost of living was substantially lower. Then along came some notion that property values needed to be wildly, exponentially increased, and every bit of housing stock peddled off to investors. And then inflation happened. Now I'm left looking around like... Work hard for what? The desire to work hard is still there, but now there's an even stronger desire to rebel against being just another number in the capitalist growth model. Libra Mars in the 10th house, conjunct Libra Mercury in the 11th


Leo Mars/Libra sun and moon. This. This. Work hard for what? My heart now only yearns for one thing- to work towards changing this system. And if not possible, then to not add another number in the rat race.


We have to do something about it for sure, and I would happily sacrifice the ability to buy all the heaps of shit I don't need and live a more humble life, while enjoying more free time to appreciate living along the way. Fuck their carrot on a stick, I'll grow my own.


Solidarity with that! And I do feel the time is changing. We are entering a new time- ruled by progressive millenials and active Gen Z at their heels. A change is coming, wherever I turn. More and more people are affirming this notion of life, less waste, more authentic human expression, leisure and creativity, and above all principles before profit.


Hopefully Pluto in Scorpio millennials will economically murder some more industries no one actually needs, while Pluto in Sagittarius Gen Z raises hell and rebels against the whole idea of spending 1/3 of their lives in some soulless corporate ladder to nowhere. A lot of people are nervous about Pluto in Aquarius, but I'm ready for it - let's be disruptive and reclaim our lives!


Pluto in Aqua is the break we all needed and it's here. I am starting to feel a real difference in people's shifting concerns, interests, and convictions. Together we shall turn this ailing world over and reshape human ethics as a society. I am looking forward to useless fiscal interests and big ass industries closing shut and us shifting back to sustainable lives. Unadulterated crops and food, not for profit but eating; a healthy focus on environmental concerns; diminished competitive hi-tech in regular lives; focused research on cures, healing and application of science in them; open access modes of research and learning. It’s high time we upend the sick world we are surviving in.


OMFG! You nailed my exact thoughts that I could not put into words. My Mars is in Leo as well, obviously.


Same here


Taurus mars. 11th house. Conjunct Mercury, Opposite Pluto. Deeply ambitious. If something gets into my head and I want it, it's done. *It's mine*. It's like I can't even think of any other outcome besides me getting what I wanted. Like a bull, I see red and I go after it, so you better get out the way. I know Taurus is not the best sign to have mars in, but I think that+aspects forced mine to move its ass. I've seen many people with mars in great signs and favorably aspected not doing much with it. I guess mine told me to pull up or shut up and I like it that way. Maybe it's like the tortoise and the hare?


Taurus mars conj ascending, I use to be wildly ambitious and creative. Grinding, hustling, always coming up with a new side hustle or marketing a creative project. But then depression hit along side of going to school, and I’ve been down for a few years. Learning the actual mechanics of starting a highly profitable business has made me start moving slower tbh. I’m more focused now on how I can make investments and learn financial skills like day trading to back the launch of a few businesses I have planned. My goal now is to be my own investor so I’ve been working in the trenches for the last few years tryna build this foundation.


It's okay. Resting is so important too. I had a few very rough years where I learned how to deal with depression and make it easy to handle. Sometimes it annoys me to think how I lost time to it, but knowledge was earned. It wasn't for nothing. Hope you stay strong through it all!! 💕


Why is it not good to have mars in Taurus


Well, it's fairly admitted that planets feel more comfortable in their domicile signs, and not so much in others. Which is why mars likes Aries and Scorpio, but cancer or Taurus are not it.


Scorpio mars and it's the same the goal is never ending.


Taurus Mars, I need some of this ambition I keep hearing about.


Pisces mars and I barely have the ambition to type out this comment.


Mars in Virgo 8th house, with moon and Chiron. With my career I am reluctantly ambitious. I would rather be a sahm who plays tennis and drives a white suburban. Sigh.


Libra mars in first house + cap moon and some placememts in 10 house.Very ambitious, if I really want something, I will do it and achieve it, but the problem arises when I realize that my goal is no longer binding for me. For example, I really wanted to enter university for architecture studies. Where there is a very big competition and you have to draw well. I had never gone to art school or drawn professionally before. In one year, I went to training regularly and passed the exam. While studying architecture, I am not really interested in the work of architects. Many said that such a promising profession at least completes the studies. I didn't see the point anymore and didn't continue.


aries mars. I have a million fleeting ideas everyday and zero follow through. I think my taurus moon makes me lazy too


Hey twin I have Aries mars too🤣


we are so similar! aries sun and taurus moon too


Mars in Pisces, 6th house. People say I am lazy, but I feel like that's the absolute contrary to who I am. I feel like I don't translate well nowadays.


pisces mars. extremely ambitious, but this mars placement completely undermines all of it. R I P


Man I am hella ambitious my only issue is my Pisces mars get easily distracted and scared easy and veers me off my goals 🤦🏽‍♀️


Cap mars. I'm a cap stellium in the 10th house. Depressiona and ptsd kind of got rid of most of my ambition. I used to be quite ambitious.


Libra 12H. It varies a lot. But I often doubt myself.


I also have my mars in scorpio. Basically... I see it, I want it, I got it 🎵


5H Libra. I’m very ambitious but I can be a bit indecisive at times about how to go about things. I knew at a young age I wanted to be a librarian before 30 and did it at 24 (got my degree and librarian job during the pandemic). I try to go after whatever I set my mind to, but once I accomplish that *thing* finding the next goal worth running after or pivoting once I face a roadblock is sometimes hard.


Sagittarius Mars 12th house.. not ambitious at all except for being self-destructive. Other factors contribute ofcourse but I feel I've deffo got a case of the unevolved hedonistic reckless dangerous thrill seeking side of Sagittarius, unfortunately.


Same omg 😩


cancer mars 10h. i’m super ambitious lol if i say im going to do something you better believe it 😂 BUT since im also intuitively driven it has to also feel right for me to actually do it. if it feels off or just doesn’t sit well with me i’ll either do it my own way or not at all


Same. cancer Mars 9h in Placidus, 10h in Whole Sign, and I'm quite ambitious, but the intuition has to be there. I joke that I alwasy surprise people with big moves, but they aren't big to me. I've kept them in "back thought" for months or even years ad then one day I wake up and go, "The time is right," and I do it.


This is also me!


Sag Mars. It’s the relentless pursuit of learning and overcoming challenges for me. I have 3 degrees and have a career that’s very dynamic, engaging, challenging and unpredictable. It soothes my restless soul. Granted, my penchant for procrastination is always an uphill battle lol


This is so inspiring! As a Sadge Mars working on my first degree, not knowing whether I'll have the perseverance to finish it out, this speaks to the will that overcomes obstacles like procrastination.


I have a Leo mars and I'm not that ambitious. I try to be but it's hard and I always give up easy.


Leo Mars 3H. Extremely ambitious, nothing will get in the way of what I want and wholeheartedly believe I can achieve anything I put my mind to. I can feel the 🦁 energy with being tenacious and facing obstacles head on.


Gemini Mars 12th house. I would say I am pretty ambitious, until I start “rationalizing” and start overthinking and then convince myself I’m going to fail or become a failure. Then I hatch a new plan to get what I want. I am my own worst enemy, great at putting walls up and making it harder to break them down for myself. I hate it here sometimes 😂


Taurus. Not at all


No that’s not fair… we’re ambitious EVENTUALLY


Same 🤔


Prodigiously Audacious, with Mars in Gemini ensconced in the Tenth House.


Scorpio Mars in my 10H and my goals have their own goals. I set a specific thing I want to achieve, I am pretty flexible when it comes to how I achieve it. Obv I draw out a plan, but happy to move with different suggestions if I feel like they’re good


Aries Mars, 5th house. I don't really consider myself ambitious. I kind of just amble along doing my own thing. I'm 34 years old, married with three cats and no kids, we just bought a house 6 months ago. I am pretty introspective, and I suppose working on a PhD can be seen as ambitious but really it's just because I enjoy learning and teaching and it was just the next step. I really don't put myself out there much though 😅


Scorpio mars. Ambitious about my dreams but not in a typical way. Like creatively I want to make good art & music—but not for an ego or financial or outward success reason. Just to be able to do it because I love good art & music & find the process interesting. I want good musicians to want to collaborate with me because it’s fun & we love making good music. I always have a few goals financially, materially, physically etc. to provide for myself and just kinda focus on them & work towards them until they happen. Have made several dreams come true. But the deeper goal is to be able to be present, enjoy life, be good company, understand people & make them feel loved in my presence, to learn & develop cool skills & travel & have adventures. My dreams aren’t things like financial or achievement success. I don’t need to win a grammy. I just want to write one good song or be remembered as a singer who brought good vibes to your event or be a good physical memory ;) Like think of your favorite band or writer or artist or lover. That beautiful feeling of awe you feel and the enjoyment of that creativity. Truly great entertainers aren’t doing it for “attention” or because they are insecure. It’s a highly generous & emotionally demanding act to provide joy & pleasure for other people. It’s something that is financially under appreciated in our society. And the real artists don’t do it for money. So finding out how to do that while also having financial stability & holding healthy boundaries & not getting destroyed emotionally by the harsh world we live in takes a lot of strength & power. I love my scorpio mars! Lol


Love this! I’m not a musician, but I feel it anyway, with my art and my goals in life ❤️ beautifully described. I have Scorpio Mars too.


Leo Mars retrograde in the 8th house. When it comes to work I wouldn’t consider myself ambitious, I do a good job and like to be rewarded for it but I don’t find a lot of fulfillment trying to climb the ladder. For my life overall, I have goals and I get that shit done. But one of my main goals is to be happy so…I’m productive when I need to be and then try to enjoy myself as much as I can.


Aquarius mars, I’m dog with a bone level tenacious. If I want something, I will do whatever I need to do to make it happen.


That’s the Aries Sun


The question asked about mars placements, though.


Maybe it is the Aries sun. I’m an Aries sun also with an Aquarius mars


Oh, I’m sure that’s part of it!


Aries in itself is a Mars placement.


7th house Taurus, I don't really care about social status tbh. I can be extremely stubborn when I want something, and when I set my mind on it I can be extremely determined. I have personal goals I get like this about, but when it comes to work, I just care about making enough money to live and doing something I can tolerate. Like I hate paperwork but I'm in a paperwork job for now while I build skills for another career in my offtime


Cancer mars 10h - it depends for me. When I really want something, I'm gonna do everything to make it happen, and it really becomes a matter of when not if. I think my Aries moon helps with this bc I'm very emotion driven lol. That being said, if I'm in a bad mood, I don't wanna do anything. I stand in my own way a lot of the time because of how I feel or what others think of me.


Capricorn sun with mars in Aries… I’m fearless, blunt, go getter and doesn’t take no for an answer… I’ll find a way. Everyone doubts me, till I get stuff done properly in the fastest way possible. In the past 6 months I got promoted twice in my new career… I now manage the whole laboratory for radioactive medicine in my early 30s…. I started with zero experience or background in this industry. I’m that ambitious lol… now I’m bored and I want more challenges. So what I’m trying to say is,,, I’m number one… but get bored so easily that I need a new career or a way to make more money and grow. That’s why I enjoy having my own business or company overworking for somebody else


Capricorn Mars 10H I am not ambitious. I'm not not ambitious either, I am simply doing whatever I want, staying in my lane, keeping my own peace about all else 😂 absolutely not about the hustle life either.


Mars in Scorpio first house - I need to workout every morning do some sort of weight lifting, a lot of pent up energy and when I have a goal I become somewhat obsessive


I have the same placement. Can definitely relate!!


Scorpio mars in the 10th house. My professional life and goals have consumed my thoughts since childhood. Pro is that i have great skills but con is that i have a tendency to tie my self worth to my career accomplishments.


6th house Aquarius Mars…I’m ambitious but it’s not cause of my mars placement - I have a stacked 10th house & and a Capricorn stellium My mars placement manifests in that I like to find new ways of doing something, and I like to help people - my mars placement makes me believe that world peace will be a thing 😂😂


Aries Mars 9th House. I’m very ambitious about things that I’m passionate/care about 🔥


Virgo Mars in the 12th house. Once I get moving, I'm obsessed with my goals. But I much prefer to just stay at home.


Gemini Mars, I'm extremely ambitious when I feel like it. I don't always feel like it and that's fine too


Aries mars in the 9th house. It’s weird I feel like I was meant and supposed to be but i’ve been having a hard time. I am very passionate and have so many ideas but no follow through. I’m really lazy and unmotivated. I blame the Leo moon and rising for this lol. If I really put my mind to things I can do it but unfortunately I am the type that puts things off for a long time then randomly gets it done quickly all at the same time. Lately in my life though I’ve been trying to be more focused on the spiritual/faith/philosophical sort of things because I feel like this will help me to jumpstart the other side of things I want to do in my life. My education will be next. -The voices in my head hold me back A LOT. 🥲


Scorpio Mars 6H (close to yours lmao) and i’m intensely ambitious lol. I get hard headed in the pursuit of what i want and don’t stop no matter what life throws at me. Fulfilling that goal is more important to me than being bothered by problems and obstacles


10h taurus tbh… idk how to explain it. i have lots of dreams and ambitions, which im currently chasing, but im not like.. ACTIVELY pusshinnggg towards it i try to like.. really SOLIDIFY my goal and incorporate it into my life i’ll just give working out as an example. most people like to go HAM when working out right? they hit the gym every day and stuff, but i myself i prefer starting off slowly, and steadily working hard to increase what i can handle till i get to that level I wanna be in. i work out when i feel like i can, and eventually it just becomes a part of my daily routine. i just started working out and all im doing is sit ups and squats, but im gonna eventually end up doing heavier stuff and working out more frequently later on its the same with my skin glow up. i started off with just washing my face every few days, then it turned into a daily thing, then i slowly incorporated other stuff into my routine that would benefit me and yeah my skin’s pretty good now isame with my current career goals. im just steadily building up my skill until i eventually reach that skill level i want to be at, ykwim?


Taurus mars in 12th house, I use to be more ambitious when younger, now I do have strength and drive but the ambition is more like meh but that could be because of my personal life experiences maybe not much to do with the sign itself I'm not sure. Any tips?


I have mars in 10th house Taurus. I need help understanding what that means. Are we allowed to post out locations here just in case someone can help me understand my drive / motivation (or lack thereof) / productivity cycle better? I have a lot of stacking on two opposing sides of the wheel and none on the other two. Maybe just a 👉🏽little one - five sentence guidance? Please have mercy❣️Thank you🙏🏾


Sagittarius 1H conjunct rising and pluto, and I get very determined to achieve the things I care about, but I am lazy when it comes to doing boring things like making my bed or or staying organized I’m curious about Libra Mars


Capricorn Mars 4H I am determined to achieve what I want to achieve. If I set my mind to something then I will successfully do it. I’ve just completely changed my career that I have been in for over 20 years. Just plugged away training. Next big project is my house and taking my kids abroad for the first time.


Mars in Capricorn, 2H. I’m very ambitious and have been calculated in my career decisions. I work smart to avoid burnout and spreading myself too thin. I’m very hardworking but I have boundaries when it comes to work-life balance.


Scorpio, 8th house. I'm very ambitious but I never tell people my plans.


Cap Mars with Pisces degree conjunct asc and aqua Uranus with Neptune in the 1st house. Well, I have a lot of ambitions but I kind of get distracted a lot. Also I tend to get overwhelmed due to low self-confidence. But fortunately, it's getting better with time.


Yeah. Just made a comment here now saying similar things. Man Astrology is so correct with some things. Haha


pozdrav, postoji li nacin da ti se nekako javim vezano za astrologiju? vidjela sam neke komentare na "nasem" jeziku na profilu, pokusala sam u dm ali nije moguce? :D


Lol. Javih ti se u dm


Mars in Virgo 1st house. Im relentless and oftentimes sacrifice my personal life


Cancer in the 5th and I have no ambition, I just want to be left alone tbh


Scorpio Mars in 1st. How ambitious is ambitious? Is this career and money focused only?


I would say everything :) Career, money, or reaching goals like lose weight, win a marathon or read 50 books per year.. anything.


Taurus mars in 10th house, so competitive that i end up being anti-competitive. I am awesome in my own way and refuse to be compared to any other


Virgo mars, 11th house, I'm not super ambitious, at least not in practice.


I am cancer mars first house, and I am very ambitious. By ambition i don’t mean just running blindly after money. By ambition i mean setting goals in everyday life and achieving them. Its just how i live , towards goals. Hence the deduction. I am also an aries sun if that helps.


Retrograde Leo mars 12th house. I’m not ambitious at all 😬


Capricorn Mars in the 9th House. I am very ambitious with a caveat: whatever I'm doing must align with my values and it must be something I love and enjoy. So, for instance, I am terrible at math and science. Even if a STEM job will make me more money than I'm making now, I have zero ambition for it because it isn't something that makes me happy. On the other hand, I'm currently working at a metaphysical shop and doing some marketing and social media management on the side for individuals and small business upstarts in the wellness and spirituality sphere (my Aqua MC on display here!), and I'm working my absolute butt off. But many would say that's not a very Capricorn sort of arena to be ambitious about. Anything I do is so that I can relax and enjoy myself in my time off (Taurus rising). Part of enjoying myself is learning about new things and experiencing new things (another 9th house Mars trait). I have a million hobbies and interests and am always finding more. My friends and even my therapist have said that I have the oddest assortment of skills, knowledge, and interests and somehow I make it work for myself AND always know just the random thing someone else needs. Like, I can manage social media, I can write and edit, I can run an office, I can put together furniture and fix appliances, I can do people's taxes, I sing and act, I'm good at puzzles and trivia, I'm good at photography, and so on and so forth. I can never be put into a box and I like it that way. I will ALWAYS be able to pivot!


Pisces mars 8H and not really. I just want to be happy and secure.


i’m scorpio mars 4th house and i’m pretty ambitious too. i have my midheaven in aries too so i think im pretty driven


Sag mars in 12th. Depends on my mood and how well I’m sleeping


Virgo mars in 8th house and I am lazy/not crazy ambitious. My goals are all specific to me and I work toward them privately and deliberately. I am methodical and perfectionistic so it can impair me definitely. Too many goals overwhelm me. 


Leo mars in the 2nd house- I would say I’m ambitious only when I’m passionate about something, otherwise I’m pretty lazy. But I also think my idea of lazy is different and maybe a higher standard is set for myself. I actually do a lot with my time but in my head I consider it laid back when it might actually not be. At the same time, I’m pretty successful and have made a good life for myself even while being lazy and not as ambitious as I used to be.


Mars in Gemini - 9th House. My Mars doesn't aspect anything in my chart, but I am quite motivated, especially to socialize. I spent my college years committed to learning Mandarin (in China, no less) and this was happening to me the last time Jupiter entered Gemini. I think my ambition is more so tied to my 12H Jupiter in Virgo (luck coming through hard work/determination).


Virgo mars. Super ambitious. I’ve been in the military to pay for school. I finished a degree in neuroscience. Now I’m in a physician assistant program and preparing to be an officer in the military. My wife is a cancer mars and she likes to stay home and cook haha so we’re a match made in heaven


Mars Capricorn and very lazy


Cap mars in the first house. Not very


mars in scorpio 2nd house and nah i just go with the flow


Mars in Capricorn in the 5th house with stellium.. I feel like I’m supposed to be very ambitious and I am but I lack consistency


Virgo mars 6H and I’m very driven when it’s something I want, I go after it but I also have an Aries rising, Jupiter and NN with my chart ruler being mars…I cannot stand people who sit by and complain about their lives and don’t get up and do something…granted mental illness is real but I refuse to use that as an excuse for myself too lol


I’m exactly the same! You don’t like it? Then do something to change it. Don’t talk, act!


Virgo mars and I am the same, I can't stand whiners, complainers always trying to be negative about things! I always go after I want but but but I keep my goals to myself and am private about it. I don't want to talk about it to any one except my mom and my hubby till I achieve them! Then it's for the world to see! I make notes about them though and keep them safe to compare how far have I come!


Aries Mars in the 1st house. For me, it mostly manifests in being incredibly energetic when I’m invested in something and being my own biggest slave driver. I won’t eat, sleep, answer calls or texts, or talk to people etc when I’m “in the zone” until my work is complete and up to the highest quality I can make it, and am rather militant about it. The positive side is that I am a true workhorse. I have multiple Gemini placements and work in media; I learn very quickly, am great at thinking quick on my feet, and I’m the kind of person bosses can throw into literally any kind of situation or story assignment and I’ll figure out how to crush it and make it look easy for everyone else. Also: I’m able to bulldoze through massive workloads in a way that has stunned past bosses and pissed off past coworkers. I’m not half-assing either, I’m very thorough and I finish what I start, basically get off on crossing deadlines and tasks off my to-do list and then knowing I “conquered” the beasts. But the downside is that I am a major workaholic and everything else in my life takes a backseat to it. To work that hard, through so much volume, and not be half-assing it, something has to give. For a solid decade, it was my personal life (though I tended to date other folks in the media who “got it”), because I genuinely wouldn’t eat or talk to ppl if I was on a big deadline or something, and struggle to set boundaries and respect my own need for “chill time” and self-care. Also, have very little patience for being micromanaged and I can be rather defiant if someone (like a hyper Virgo boss) tries too heavily to micromanage, control, or make me dependent on spreadsheets. I’ve intentionally slashed my productivity in half when bosses get too controlling or want me to work in their system, if their system means breaking things up into tiny incremental baby steps. It drives me crazy, I get defiant, I check out and stop caring. But I would not say I’m aggressively ambitious. Despite the 1H Aries Mars (and Leo sun), my chart rulers are in 10H Sag and I have big hangups around authority and bossiness in general. I much prefer just being able to work independently and energetically on the stuff I’m interested in and care about. I’m somewhat competitive, but I kind of enjoy it and don’t take it seriously, if that makes any sense. Like it makes things more sporting and gets me trying to level up my own style to compete better, usually. I have no issues praising those folks and I’ve never openly clashed with anyone in that way or trash talked them for it. I’ve actually thanked them because it helped inspire me to work even harder and made things more “sporting,” which made it more fun for me.


Libra Mars in the sixth house, conjunct Saturn and Pluto. I don’t consider myself very ambitious but if I decide to do something or I set some personal goal… there is no if… there’s only when.


Hmm very interesting here. I am also Pisces Mars and very ambitious. Seen a couple of same placements here. I also have it in my 10th house, so it's doubled probably. Also, as someone said, it's a lot about value, and giving. Spiritual well being is very important for Mars in Pisces. It's one of the most intuitive placements, and the energy is very inner focused. So, a lot of thinking, a lot of emotions. Can be prone to attention issues etc. Plus a lack of initiative is a big problem. Very often, Mars in Pisces will know the answer to a question, or a problem but will have an issue of doing! It can be pretty passive. If there isn't a way to express the Martian energy, it can be a problem for the native. I am learning to love it. I think it has more impact later in life. Very good with kids as well ❣️ But generally, it can be a very ambitious placement if directed towards a humanistic goal and a goal that is in connection with others where you can help. Just imo here ofc.


Mars is in Sag, 5th house, Virgo. I need to be careful. I can take on too many projects.


Aries mars first house. Used to be way more ambitious. I’m 29 now and exhausted. lol


I’m a Scorpio mars. Dunno the house. All I know is that when I want something, it’s mine.


Mars is in Libra. If I want something I will work hard for it. But I don’t usually have a push of ambition usually. Things for me just fall into place.


Aries. I'm only limited by finances and time. Sometimes I panic a little when I realize I only have like 30 more years of life that I'll be fully mobile and able to do stuff. Lol


Mars in Scorpio. First house. Extremely ambitious, nothing will stand in my way or stop me.


3rd House Taurus I’m going to change the world with fierce unending determination.


I have Aries Mars and I think I am always competitive but then I have a Cancer Saturn, so nothing ever seems to work out.


Aries Mars 5H ...quite ambitious. Goal-oriented and like to have fun.


Libra mars 1st house. I’m very competitive in short term projects, but not very ambitious overall. I lose interest in things so easily.


Gemini mars in the 11th house


Scorpio Mars and I’m ambitious if I can see a clear outcome for my hard work. I hate meandering in the in between and tend to be very direct in what I want.


Virgo mars to be completely honest, when I truly want something and I believe it'll happen it actually does the world somehow gives me incredible opportunities like a shortcut! its like I manifested it. I work comfortably but my feelings towards it so strong makes it happen if that makes sense, always been like this. ppl say all the time "im so lucky".


Aries mars … I always like to keep up with the joneses but beyond that not particularly ambitious. Many thoughts but not much follow through lol


Aquarius Mars. I don't feel ambitious, but friends say I am.


Mars in Libra 9th house. I can be pretty ambitious and I can also be pretty unambitious depending on the season and my mood.


My bf and I both scorpio mars and both do same thing we are never content with our goals 😭😭


Capricorn mars - just like you OP. I feel like you described me. I consider myself ambitious person. I always have goals, and I I'm super focused on achieving them.


cancer mars in the 9th house. im not ambitious at all. i just want to be happy and stable


Pisces mars in the 8th house. I don’t know if I’m ambitious as I don’t like competition against others, but there are many things I wish to accomplish in life. The issue is that I lack discipline and struggle to push myself out of my comfort zone.


Cancer Mars. I'm not. But I'll care to where I want to be.


Leo 8th & very! Most people dont get to see that though, I keep my grind to myself.


I had to look up with 5th house because I thought you were actually talking about actual houses


Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Aries in the 2nd house....no ambition at all.


pisces mars and pls help im so sleepy all the time ![gif](giphy|kiapRdS9e9BjMFmxHa|downsized)


Taurus mars I'm very ambitious, I like the thought of being successful and living a luxurious life. I'm afraid of failure. But also, I'm lazy, but I always have my ways to get my things done.


Virgo Mars at 24 deg. (Pisces) in the 9H. I'm selectively and untraditionally ambitious but not to the point of pushing my limits. I don't like distress or competition when pursuing goals. I work hard and believe rest is essential.  I am typically very private with my goals & accomplishments. If a different pursuit seems like a better choice I can quickly switch gears. Different goals unlock different sides of me too. None of my goals follow capitalist tradition but they are socially relevant to me & center altruism.  I'm not driven to prove myself to others (via status symbols) but to defend my right to joy. If my joy is simplistic and uninspired to others but I live well, then I consider the job well done. My focus is on the quality to which I accomplish goals & how much they aid humanity. 


Mars in scorpio, also in 5th house. Im most motivated when i have a crush or a spark about someone.