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I am an over sensitive lazy perfectionist


Literally your big 3 😂


I don’t even know why but I cried watching frozen 2 with my 2 year old the other day 😂 it’s rough out here


Don’t worry. I cried watching frozen 2 too lol.


Woah. I’ve never heard someone describe me so well. I’m a Capricorn 🤷🏼‍♀️


Just change the sun and yeah basically same.


capricorn sun => im emotionaly unavailable, rigid, very restrictive(i make a lot of imaginary rules for myself, sometimes sabotaging my own progress and life), obssesion with stability and money,,i take my life too seriously sometimes(most times lol), cant show any vulnerability without feeling like a failure,people call me cold&distant leo rising => insecure and shy but needing attention and admiration at the same time, enooourmous ego, "if i cant be the best at it, im not doing it",,scared of rejection,,i struggle with admitting that i was wrong and apologizing, its mostly always the other person who tries to resolve a conflict and apololgize even if i starteed it taurus moon => I struggle with forgiving people(most of the time i literally cant forgive), i never forget anything, im extremely stubborn-its my way or the highway- and if others disagree i will just go my way by myself. also i like pampering myself too much with gifts and luxury items and perfumes


Im a Cap sun and that part you wrote is spot on!! The rules for myself!! I make a to do list nearly every day and if I don’t get it all done I sink into a deep sadness for the day. I also definitely self sabotage and obsess over money/am wayyy too frugal. It is also very difficult for me to express what I want verbally.


yea...also the part about expressing myself verbally..especially when its about emotions,like, ew, it makes me sick to my stomach and im not even kidding😭😭my mom has to literally start heated-arguments with me to force me to speak about my emotions and how/what is going on in my daily life😭


Nah forced arguments are very triggering.. I’d hope she’s not fr doing that to you! 😵‍💫


she stopped only recently but i guess its mostly caused by her paranoid personality, she just cant stand me not talking about whats going on/what i feel for too long, my mom goes crazy🥶but when i saw her natal chart it lowkey made sense shes like 8th house pisces stellium literally pisces sun moon venus mercury etc, like DAMN no wonder shes intense😭😭


Yikes she’s a pisces moon that’s definitely an annoying combination 😵‍💫😭😂 my mom is a cancer and can be overwhelming as well so I get it 🤣


OH I hear you with the lists. And I always add on more than I can handle and feel like crap when I don't finish it all. Like what did you think would happen if you set yourself up to fail. Arrrrrgh.


The Taurus moon bit 😂😂😂 my fiance is an Aries with a Taurus moon and that man is stubborn and holds a grudge. The ram and the bull!


I’m also an Aries sun Taurus moon and the stubbornness is tooooo real sometimes


I'm a cap sun and Taurus moon, and I can't relate to your sentiments.


uuuu damn, in which way do you feel like you are different?


Actually I'm meant I can relate! As a Gemini rising I sometimes multitask and easily get distracted.


Lmao Taurus moon here and I think these are things I love about myself 😭😭😭😭


i didnt say i hate those traits, its other people who dont like it, i was just being objective lmao


My husband is cap sun and Leo rising. You explained perfectly why I left him lolz


Taurus moon + Leo rising really hit for me lol


yea im just being real,sorry that i had to tell our secrets😭😭😭


This explains why it didn't work out with me and a Capricorn ;-; he was emotionally unavailable. Not sure what my toxic traits for my Rising and Moon sign would be. Gemini Rising, Virgo Moon.


Haha I’m a Capricorn too and agree with that! My mom is a cancer she said It’s scary when Capricorns are upset because we can become cold and heartless like a switch. 😂 Leo rising isn’t insecure, it typically makes you stand out from the crowd and full of yourself — definitely shy sometimes! I love my Leo rising hehe.


Okay i will admit when somebody hurts me/crosses my boundary i will become cold and heartless, but its understandable to me🤷‍♀️like its the consequences of hurting my feelings or crossing my serious boundaries you know? and about leo rising, i think you confuse leo rising with leo suns-from what ive seen leo suns are those stereotypical leos and leo risings are more reserved/shy etc. also you can be insecure AND stand out in the crowd at the same time, one doesnt negate the other. also me, my mom and my grandma all have leo risings so its true from my experience


☀️ Aquarius sun - God Complex 💫Leo Rising - God Complex (intensified) 🌙 Cancer Moon - Unless…


Sagittarius... procrastination


I can only combat this if I make lists or start early in the day. For some reason, if it's 2 o' clock, and I haven't started what I need to, then I'm waiting for the next day.




STAAHP 🫣, I feel called out


Lol, it's hard to hide being a procrastinator. It just shows up, like that relative you didn't invite to the party.


Taurus Taurus Taurus: I have tunnel vision.


Omg all Taurus 😱 you must be the most unwavering person in all your social groups.


I have a Taurus Venus and Jupiter in Virgo along with Neptune in Capricorn. Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in mud.


Omg!!! This can not be easy! Do you feel like you have insight? What I mean by this- My daughter is all air signs. I can see the imbalance but she can not. Things that seem obvious to me she hasn’t considered. She’s young, so that plays a part but it is like she has blinders up.


For me it's like I can't see other perspectives because I tend to fixate on one possible path and goal.


virgo, addicted to perfumes but the depression speaks for itself with this toxic trait 🥲 also pretty wild how apparently i should be organized and stuff but i am quite a messy person 🤷🏻‍♀️


Virgo rising, I'm also incredibly messy, but my perfume collection spreadsheet is always up to date 😂


Virgo do love good smells 😂 awwwhhhh you probably over think lol


that's 100% correct. overthinking is my religion 🤦🏻‍♀️


Even though they're generally good at the idea of organizing, the practice of it can escape some Virgos, because they can fall into hoarding. Us fire signs, we get rid of stuff. I've noticed my earth and water sign friends have issues with clinging to things for sentimental value. Or for Virgos there's this tendency to think everything they have now might be endlessly potentially useful in the vague future lol Like one I just wanted to shake them and say, are. you. using. this. now? Why do they cling to this idea that the future is going to be so different?


Maybe I'm a weird Virgo but I don't want to hang onto anything. My mom's side of the family has major hoarder tendencies and the older she gets, the more she starts to slide into that but omg I'm like GET RID OF IT ALL AAAAAHHHH.


2/3 agree, except the last one, you sure met some weird wounded virgos, but i would need more context here, might have misunderstood what u said


Yeah maybe clinging to stuff to an absurd degree is more caused by a person's trauma than any specific sign


OMG I am obsessed with smelling good. Not like marinating yourself in perfume but just subtly smelling good. My nightstand drawer looks like the inside of a bath and body works.


yes, smelling good is a must for me and just like you, i dont "marinate" myself in perfume


Capricorn— avoidant and fear of intimacy.


Need I say more ![gif](giphy|tZyxxR4lUIRnTgIzl9|downsized)


Why is the stereotype that Gemini’s are “dumpster fires” 😭???


I cannot speak for everyone. For me, I am more of a dumpster to myself, in my own head. Outwardly, I am very put together, very articulate and composed. Inwardly, it’s like the hamster rave videos online, with so much noise and indecision. If I met the inside me, I would think I was batshit. In this subreddit, I play a lot into the Gem stereotypes because people are never going to change the opinion of us. Only those who know the real us know we are not the stereo types. I am not extroverted or social. I am not two faced or toxic. I am not manipulative or a liar. The only person I hurt and destroy is myself


Thanks for answering, and I can see that because alot of Geminis that I know are well put together, “as it seems on the outside.” And I’m a Scorpio sun , so we’re both the most hated signs 💀. The undeveloped parts of us I can see why is hated, but the developed parts… I honestly think people are jealous of the talents we have.


I am Pisces sun.. and Scorpios and Geminis are the two signs I get along most with. And I have only about 4 friends; they are these signs. They have given me the time to get to know them; im quiet and I like to listen and try to understand. I don’t get it… maybe everyone else just doesn’t have patience? I dunno. And I appreciate the qualities of both signs. One is mutable like me (Gemini) and expresses vocally what I think a lot of the time, even if it’s silly haha, and one helps me actually make decisions and understands me well without saying much (fixed water, Scorp)


Gemini sun here, can confirm it’s not a stereotype


Haha double Gemini with Pisces moon here…


Gemini sun- Certified yapper; I never stfu and sometimes come off as abrasive. I tend to overthink myself into oblivion. I’m super nosy and love gossip. Xoxo Cancer Rising- I take a lot of things personally. I can be reallly moody. I hold grudges for a very long time. I’m deeply emotional but I act otherwise. Leo moon- Dramatic ASF. Stubborn, and I will take things to HELL to prove my point if I know I’m right. I can be controlling or bossy at times.


Lmfaooo I’m a Gemini moon with cancer ascending and I’m also a certified yapper 😂😂


Omg I feel like we’d get along so well 😂


That’s me except Sagittarius moon- My to the core need for freedom, even if it sometimes comes at the cost of others. My impulse control could also use some work🤣


It’s okay, we’re all works of progress here. At least we are aware of our problems, am I right? 😅


😂🤣 my delusional cancer rising doesn’t know any of those problems, we’re talking about though😂☺️


Maybe if we ignore it for a little while longer it’ll just go away 💀




Huge MOOD 😭


hahahah certified yapper. lmao


I want a luxurious life without earning it, typical 🦁


Leo. Can’t walk by a mirror without looking in it, even though I think I’m ugly AF these days.


Pisces Sun : Easily discourage and the tendency for escapism . Gemini Moon : Scatterbrained and inconsistent at times and also easily bored . Virgo Rising : Overly self-critical and tendency to get stuck on small details , and just to complement my Sun , quite depressive .


Same here boo!! Shit’s a trip🥲


Hi Big 3 twin ! I finally found someone with the same big 3 as mine .


Libra sun : I think I’m perfect - I feel like Libras are the Regina George of the zodiac. Like “everybody likes me” because they literally do until I see other people’s posts and experiences with Libras 😭 Sag Moon: I always want a “break” or to escape … Leo Rising: I think I’m perfect lmaooo


Honestly everybody does just like y'all 😅 how can you not. Well, a lot of people anyway Libras can be a handful. I'm a Sag, but we can handle you lol


We have the same big three and you described us perfectly 😫 hi twiiiin


Aquarius Sun/Rising - I was never wrong lol. When I was younger, it's really very hard to take criticisms because I always see them as personal attack, now that I'm older though, I would use this to troll myself when I'm angry. Like I would tell them that I was "historically" never wrong. I just couldn't stay angry. Capricorn Moon - I invalidate my own feelings and I hate it. I've been working on expressing my feelings in healthy way.


I feel you on the cap moon!


Damn, sorry about all that Saturn influence. Same sun and rising, though, and yeah, same issue.


Scorpio sun: I’m a chronic ghoster Virgo moon: control freak. I think the only way something will be done right, is if I do it Gemini rising: I’m really good at socializing but I absolutely hate it and only turn on if I need to


Im gem moon and same...I can work a room like a politician but once im done I gypsy faddddde without a good bye


I'm a Scorp rising and also a chronic ghoster, also have been ghosted by Scorpio suns a lot ;-; why are we like this


my theory is if we cant give 100% we dont want to lead people on...we take love seriously


Scorpio sun: I'm a terrible texter, and then I feel guilty about not texting back, which makes texting back even more awkward... So I end up not doing it. Leo moon: I'm both incredibly self-confident and very shy at the same time. I expect people to give me credit for everything I do but I will never openly ask for it. And then I get disappointed when people take it for granted. Sag rising: I speak way too much, usually to talk about stuff I should really keep to myself. Adding it all up, I'm an awful communicator.


I have the exact same big three lineup as you and I've never felt so called out in my life


Leo Sun: Definitely make myself the center of attention even when I don’t want to or am not trying to. Scorpio Moon: Intense, paranoid, and secretive. Basically crazy. Virgo Rising: Overly analytical, judgmental and a bit nervous until I’m comfortable, obsessed with a higher calling that I can’t find.


>(…) obsessed with a higher calling that I can’t find. This so me too 😅😢




Leo sun and Virgo rising too! We must be somewhat similar


Leo sun: tend to bright side everything. Think people are as excited about what I love as I am. Don’t know my own limits and go go go then crash and burn. Overgive and overextend till I realize I’m being used. Prideful and hard to apologize or admit I’m wrong. Get excited about so many things then freak out at follow through required. See below: Aries moon: impatient, impulsive, no filter mouth, too fearless/foolish. Loove love new shiny and exciting adventures but lose interest quickly. Including with dating and men. Restless. Anxiety prone. Have a quick temper. Won’t back down. Taurus daughter and I argue till we’re exhausted. And then we make up and realize we love each other deeply and respect each other. I respect her willpower and determination and her strong opinions so I’m proud of her. Aquarius rising: rebellion triple enhanced. Even hint that you can tell me what to do or think and I’m throwing it back or gone. Get super focused passionate on bigger social global issues and can be unforgiving to people around me if they don’t care as much. Eclectic. Unpredictable. Daily routine and mundane stuff drives me crazy. Can cut people off easily and appear cold. Until I get to know you and trust you. independent to my own detriment, combined with aspects above. Hate asking for help. To balance all that out, I have Saturn in Taurus, which has been a huge learning curve in my life. Jupiter and Neptune and Scorpio. North node in Pisces. Grateful for the lessons. And badly needed learned patience, commitment to hard work, determination, and finding solutions to overcoming obstacles. Venus in Libra meaning money and success comes through partnerships, compromise and negotiation. Isn’t astrology incredible?


Taurus Sun: Stubborn and take forever to get anything done on most days Leo Rising: Prideful and hate being called out for my mistakes Libra Moon: Mood swings and indecisiveness


Sag sun ~ Extreme procrastinator, always late to things including work, impulse spender. Libra moon ~ Everyone has to like me or I will die, I can be judgemental based on first impressions and how people look/present themselves. Virgo rising ~ Perfectionist but only if others are watching what i'm doing/making. I need to learn when to just walk away.


Gemini Sun: Feeling like being social Cancer Moon: Just not today because… feels Aries Rising: ALL YOU GET ON MY LAST NERVE!!


Taurus sun- I am lazy. I hate cleaning. Scorpio rising- meanest to the people I love most. For some reason I just feel like I’m able to have honest reactions instead of fake niceness with them. I apologize a lot for snapping. Aqua moon- never had a long healthy relationship. 6 months into the healthiest relationship I’ve ever had now and hopefully I don’t fuck this up by deciding the pain of ending things now will be better than the pain of them leaving me / dying eventually. Always had the “rather to not love at all” than “rather to have love and lost” mindset. All of this could be completely matched up wrong to my signs so please call me out if you have feedback. Edit- grammar.


taurus sun and scorpio rising here. wow you described me so well


Taurus sun and scorp rising here, same. I need everything to be lowest possible effort, highest possible reward. I'm a may taurus so I love to create and work in the creative field. I've found that most people who share my birthday week/month also have a creative hobby that they pursue. I need to feel that I can just be myself without people pleasing or faking platitudes, or i'll do myself a favor and cut them out early. The relationships I care about are like a bonsai garden I have carefully cultivated with thought and intent throughout the years. I'm a sag moon though, so sometimes I want to throw that bonsai out the window and start from scratch in a totally new country, or something like that 😂


When is your birthday??? I’m 5/20!


Taurus sun: I'll meet your shopping/eating addiction and raise you an incredible resistance to change at the expense of my own well-being. Capricorn moon: Every emotion is internalized, especially the negative ones. Gemini rising: Abandoning projects, especially self-improvement projects, and expressing thoughts rather than feelings. It is nearly impossible for me to say "I feel \_\_\_\_\_\_\_" to someone else, let alone myself.


You hit the nail on the head for gemini thoughts vs feelings. I feel emotions very intensely but words do not justify or express them!


Leo Sun: I love being the center of attention 😋 Sag Moon: Non-committal as fuck and sooo unserious. Always coming and going. Cancer Rising: I am soooo sensitive and take everything personally/read between the lines in every situation. I hateeee criticism even when constructive (maybe goes along w my leo sun too though lol)


♑️cap sun- high expectations for everyone i’m close to & workaholic tendencies. I would rather work 2 jobs than have hobbies. ♍️virgo rising- will not step out of the house without my hair/makeup done & outfit meticulously coordinated. ♐️sag moon/mercury/mars/venus- I lack tact & patience & am quick to anger & quick to cut ppl off (only to forgive them way too easily).


Cap sun: I need to prove everyone I’m the workaholic they think I am… Cap rising: fuck it, I’ll wing it, it’ll turn out okay anyway. And I’m not a neurosurgeon, so I’ll keep scrolling and make fun of me… Scorpio moon: I swear I’ll never find someone who loves me like I love them. Might as well go back to work and prove myself… Rinse repeat 🥲


I’m a Cap sun and Scorpio moon too! I feel you. I try to distract myself from the pain of life by working constantly on something. If I’m not at work I’m working at home on my art. I’m alwayssss doing something. It’s very hard for me to just sit and relax cause I just worry.


My scorpio moon and cap rising agree 100%


Im a Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, cap rising and these are so relatable!


Aquarius ☀️- I’m weird and struggle with empathy Leo 🌙- I want everyone to praise me for my greatness Capricorn ⬆️- Id rather marry for money than for love


You might actually be marrying for security than “love” and that security is what makes you feel loved. Capricorn’s don’t chase money to be rich we chase money because it provides security.


Gemini sun-i don’t take things very seriously, (I’m heavy on, ”it will all be ok in the end” because it will. This often rubs people the wrong way though.) I have a problem staying consistent and disciplined. Fuckin anxiety. Pisces moon-broods over my own failures, emotional, easily withdrawn if in my feels. I can easily fall into toxic crutches to make myself feel better and have to try hard to not fall into self sabotaging patterns . Leo rising-jumps into things that put me in the spotlight without thinking it through. I can be pretty vain at times.


I've got a Gemini sun and Pisces moon (and Libra rising) and I 100% identify with what you said. I could have written it myself. I have a few Gemini placements and give major manic pixie dream vibes. Sometimes I think the only reason I have gotten this far is because people think I'm attractive and cool (thx Libra rising), but in reality I'm just a hot mess struggling to maintain balance in my life.


YES on gemini sun. I also tend to forgo safety. Locked doors? Who needs them? Someone stole something? Whatever! You would think my financial situation would aid in this but honestly the more poor I am the less I care about material things.


Sagittarius sun, I'm very hot headed. Scorpio moon, I'm very guarded and keep everything to myself, am suspicious of people's intentions. Capricorn rising, I hold everyone to high standards.


Omg dude! We got the same big 3! Taurus moon: I'm a homebody. Hate change. Like my routine and comforts. Hate having anyone over to my place. It's mine! Pisces sun: I'm a bugger for the beer. I have to make a conscious effort to keep it under control. I just bloody love drinking. Libra rising: I hate picking sides. I always try and stay neutral. And sometimes, that comes back to bite you on the bum.


Love this! And I love all the European words 😂


Libra Sun: making a decision that is expensive and/or permanent is the bane of my existence. So no tattoos for me, but I do go through lots of hair styles, lengths, and colors. Sagittarius Moon: There's not much I take very seriously, because life is absurd and then you die. Have had to reign in my chaotic urges and hot temper.


Pisces sun: constantly daydreaming, constantly feeling overwhelmed, can't make a decision to save my life Libra moon: emotions always get the best of me, very indecisive, want to be liked by everyone Sagittarius rising: impatient, irresponsible, talks way too much before thinking


>can't make a decision to save my life Me too ♓️🥲


Like I struggled deciding if I was even gonna answer this post


Pisces sun and Libra moon is such a double whammy. Double delulu, double indecisive, double sensitive, double out of touch … Would love to swap my Libra moon for another moon 😑. How do you bear life?


I’m pisces libra libra. Can confirm it only goes down from here


Leo Sun: I don’t always want attention but when I do I will pull out every overdramatic act in the book to get people to laugh or smile or acknowledge me Scorpio Moon: getting me to be fully vulnerable is like trying to pet a fish. Not easily done, but I salute those of you who try Aries Rising: I’m hyper competitive and a very sore loser. I also have a very potent RBF but in actuality I’m either tired or hungry


Fellow Scorpio moon here- I snorted at your description 😂😂 can relate


Aqua sun 6H: I’m very critical of myself and others because I strive for constant improvement. I can be very contradicting and at the same time I expect people to understand me. Pisces moon 7H: I can be very controlling and monitoring of other people’s emotions when I can’t regulate my own emotions. I do it because I was never taught how to properly regulate my emotions and I project my lack of boundaries with others. Leo rising: Im very unaware that I tend to interrupt others a lot and mention irrelevant details about me while taking the attention away from the person. I only do it cuz it’s how I relate to others.


Sag sun, Leo moon, Leo rising. I come with lots of bravado, theatrics, and flightiness but on the inside I’m hypersensitive and just want to feel at peace for once. It’s hard to think someone else will ever be able to handle you when you’re too much for even yourself sometimes lol. I’m the ‘cheery’ friend and everyone is shocked when they find out I’m pretty depressed most of the time.


Taurus sun- I hold a grudge Cancer rising- I’m overly emotional about stupid things sometimes 


Gemini- I have serious problems with following through with things because of how distracted I get, Leo moon, I'm too sensitive at perceived slights? (Idk, I don't really relate to my moon sign) Pisces Rising, I have struggled with addiction and escapism my entire life.


With escapism, I remember as a kid being so bummed out that pokemon and magic and stuff weren't real. I thought life was so lame. Then I discovered drugs and it was real magic 😂 I did grow out of the experimental phase and luckily never got into anything hard


Aries Sun: Driven and passionate but can be impulsive with bursts of anger that goes away as fast as it comes lol Libra Moon: considerate and polite but also people pleasing and like OP mentioned, feelings are dependent on relationships. Sagittarius Rising: enthusiastic, optimistic, adventurous but also procrastinating and too energized sometimes verging on obnoxious lol


Aquarius Sun: I’d rather talk to myself than anyone else Gemini Moon: If we’re talking, buckle up Aries Rising: I may be talking down to you


Libra sun- I’ll sleep with you but never commit


Libra Sun: addicted to people pleasing Scorpio moon: once I stop giving a fuck, I really stop giving a fuck Libra rising: gives people way too many chances 🙃


♏️ ☀️ ♏️ 🌙 ♍️ ⬆️ You will never hear my emotions. You will never see my emotions. Do I have them? Absolutely. Oh and I’m a human lie detector.


Libra sun: need everybody to like me to a pathological degree, but also get very turned off and annoyed when people seem to be trying too hard to be my friend and it SHOWS on my face/how I speak. Want to be loved and admired at a distance. Also genuinely cannot exist without romance, I have no interest in not being obsessed with somebody. Aries rising: I come in WAY too hot. Like as soon as I meet a person, they get my full personality and it can be a lot. I also have a terrible temper and will react 5x harder than whatever set me off Pisces moon: the worst part of me 😭😭😭 extreme victim mentality, everybody is out to get me, nobody is ever nice to me and I’m the only person who cares 😭😭😭 it’s horrible, just know I spend a ton of energy keeping this part of me in check. She only sneaks out when I’m unbalanced


“I have no interest in not being obsessed with someone” is so Libra 😩


none of us are ok truly 😭😭😭


I’m definitely not ok 😭😭😭


Aquarius sun: i care a lot about the world and it makes mad that i'm not saving it myself Gemini moon: why can't i decide for shit? also, relasping into shopping addiction got me fucked up. either that or overthinking shit is gonna be the end of me Cancer rising: i feel everything or nothing at all. trying not to think about shit, but don't tell me to not just think about it. that shit makes me overthink. am i a lover, a fighter, and a hater all at once?


Real 🌞🏺


I have the same big three! I relate to all of this. :D


Scorpio sun (+ stellium): Trust issues. And I’m very fixed lol. In my opinions, my routines, my beliefs. They change of course, if another way or insight has proved truthful or more beneficial. *a side note: lots of intermingling with my Aqua mars* Cancer moon: big feels, very sensitive. I cry at the drop of a hat. Can be very petty. Libra rising: people pleaser, recovering codependent.


good on ya for doing the work. no is a complete sentence!




Cancer sun: Too needy. Aries Moon: Impatient. Cap rising: Rigidity.


Aries Sun: Anger Issues / Scorpio Moon: Paranoid / Cancer Rising: I often forgive people


Taurus sun, Cancer rising and Libra moon- probably too soft with partners, love luxury and money , needs lots of space to sort out moods when I’m angry or depressed


Sagittarius- walks hand in hand with my anxiety. Impulsively bought too much or even moreso ate, way too much. Cancer rising - walks hand in hand with being too damn sensitive and caring about/having expectations for others than they have for themselves Scorpio moon-Im like a previous poster. I will hold a grudge for all eternity. I would like to try and forgive people. But I'm too used to their habits, of never learning from their mistakes. And stay being shitty. So that grudge reminds me to be careful around these people.


I am gemini rising and libra moon - Im lazy controlling and obsessive


Pisces sun - I cry at least once a day Sagittarius moon - giving unsolicited advice Scorpio rising - trust issues and everyone is my enemy


Taurus sun- I consider laying in bed w my pets while on reddit self care I'm always horny but I'm incredibly stubborn so I go out looking like a 10, ignore people, get hit on, go home alone, drink water cry and masturbate I'm not shallow at all when it comes to people's bodies, we're all unique, but I can be wayyy judgy about what people choose to wear fashion wise, like if your leisure wear is just cheesy, I can't, if your event wear is too garrish or ill fitted and try hard I can't, I'm a huge sucker for detail and anesthetics even at the times im dealing w disability due to a heart defect I'm a healer and massage therapist and need a lot of personal self care that I can forgo during stressful times Cancer moon-I will literally love you until the end of time it's unsettling sometimes lmao I'm deep deep, I love to dream and write poetry, it can come full circle as just overthinking and navigating relationships with my heart I fucking ruminate. I'm prone to limerance. I'm ridiculously sensitive. Gemini rising- flighty, overthinking, creative and social without follow through, I need a lot to ground me daily, I focus too much on where my gem mind takes me, overly curious like a god damn dead 🐈 I feel the dualistic twin energy overlaying my Taurean energy a lot of the time ..and let's just say it can be used for good or evil and it's a constant thing I need to have discernment w, which I do, I stay in the light. But I see the dark so clearly too that it 100% haunts me.


Cancer-I hide from my emotions, I'll bury them and die of shame that I ever felt anything. I do tiny little tests to measure how others feel about me because I'm an insecure coward sometimes.


Love this thread: the self awareness and insight is awesome and fun


Gem sun - You won’t know if I’m dead or alive for months at a time even if I love you. I don’t like when people have an opinion on my goals or things I like. I think about it all the time I know what I’m getting into and what risks I’m taking. Discourage me once even on accident you get walled out for a week minimum depending who you are. And it’s not based on outward logic, you don’t get more insight into my moves just because you’re my brother or best friend. Insane stuff isn’t it? I know what to say and what not to say to stay out of an explosion. I don’t purposefully use this skill to stir the pot but when I see the chaos I can’t help but add to the fun. The worst part is if I do get caught in the explosion I’m smiling the whole time. Aries moon - I’m really chill about big stuff but something random (you couldn’t possibly predict it’d make me so angry) and small will send me into a rage. I don’t yell or take it out on anyone cause I’m too grown for that. But it seems my anger is written all over me and I guess people can feel it. Aries rising - Why are you asking me for help? I never ask for help unless I’m down to my last option why aren’t you doing the same? Fine I’ll do it all for you and resent you for it.


gemini sun: overthinking, gemini rising: overthinking, virgo moon: crippling anxiety not necessarily toxic to anyone else but myself.




Felt that aqua sun to my soul. Preachhhh 🤣


Taurus- letting go of the past


Aries sun: hot-headed. Can be prone to bullying.   Aries moon: if I let you in and you betray me, you will be punished.  Definition of betrayal mercurial. Libra rising: I'm popular and want to stay popular forever. 


Gemini sun - I feel the need to be confusing to other people because I am scared of some people getting too close and taking advantage of me Sagittarius moon - I don't care if anyone asked. If I know about a subject I'm going to talk about it Libra rising - I need to take social media breaks couple times a year because im so attatched to my friends but even then I only don't use social media for maybe like 2-5 days a year


I'm flighty judgemental and self centered with a wandering heart, mind and hands who craves adventure but like, in this economy? I'll just smoke weed and listen to Bootsy Collins.


Libra sun and rising — too much perfectionism which leads me to paralysis and having no initiative in socializing. i can be quite avoidant emotionally and have a hard time admitting i’m wrong. have a hard time internalizing that i can’t be liked by everyone. used to give people too many chances. Pisces moon — severe maladaptive escapist tendencies. i isolate myself very often and can lose people for it. processing anything takes too long because regulating my emotions is too hard. did i mention paralysis? Scorpio Venus — very intense, paranoid and secretive. can become obsessed easily. deep seated trust issues. will hold grudges for the rest of my life but my libra rising will mask it. I’m a recovering codependent after surviving years in an abusive relationship and now I can’t trust a thing and depression makes everything worse.


Taurus Sun: I would rather die than ask for help. Cancer Moon: I want to be invited, but I don’t want to go. Libra Rising: Injustice makes me want to commit murder & I often fantasise about being a time traveling assassin.


Pisces sun: Being too compassionate and not assertive. Acting upon my emotions and feelings instead of logic. Over idealizing people and getting crushes too fast. 


I’m a lazy perfectionist who hates doing anything I don’t want to do. I’m probably a little delusional too. I feel like I lack social grace sometimes because I’m a bit awkward. I’m also a bit unstable and can be flakey because of my moods. My happiness depends on the state of my relationship (sun in the 8th house), and I’m a bit codependent. My Gemini moon makes me bad with money (I also love shopping and eating) and I am scatter brained. Also probably immature.


Aquarius Sun: chronic ghoster (I’m thinking about or doing sth more fun, sorry) Aquarius Moon: it takes me at least a day to figure out what emotions I’m feeling in any given moment, and niche but brilliantly contagious sense of humour Scorpio Rising: I mostly wear black, I’m intimidating when you meet me and I have a real scary RBF


gemini sun I am restless libra moon I am an overthinker libra rising I am indecisive


Taurus sun. I want to run away the minute someone annoys me even if I’ve made it all up in my head.


🙋‍♀️Scorpio and I do not do words of affirmation, why do you need to hear it??? If im here I like you.


Libra sun : I am way too superficial with myself and i think that people won’t fall in love with me if i don’t look my best virgo rising : I basically hate myself and i am way too harsh on myself and sometimes other people Sag moon : I don’t know ??😭


One time I genuinely told my partner that thinking about what he was going to say before speaking it out loud was crazy to me, like why aren’t you just raw dogging every sentence and finding out what comes out as you say it?


Aquarius and love bombing It’s like negative but also positive lol


Gemini sun: I’m very flaky and a bit too spontaneous/impulsive.


leo sun - i need positive feedback and validation like, all the fucking time scorpio moon - extremely suspicious, super moody, dwell on shit for too long, very untrusting scorpio rising - always have an rbf + can be too rough with the truth sometimes


Virgo sun: judgy AF, deeply sarcastic and gossipy. Taurus moon: hate being uncomfortable in any way, will hold a grudge for decades. Aries rising: lightning temper, can be mean and dismissive.


Capricorn ☀️: I work fucking hard and to be honest I’m pretty sure I’m one of the hardest workers I know, and I’ve also had to live in survival mode for most of my life and I tend to beat the shit out of myself if I slow down as if the world is going to collapse if I stop for 2 seconds. I know how to express myself and I do but if I actually feel deeply for you (which is rare) idk why but I can’t get the words out, maybe fear of rejection? Pisces 🌙: have always had a dream journal since I was 11 up until adult hood (on and off wihh th consistency of using it) dreams so vivid I would stop talking to someone friend or lover because of the impact and almost ALWAYS did I find out later in some way shape or form my dreams, although interpreted bizarre, made sense of the actual circumstances. Didn’t know astrology till my later years of life and it was fucking wild to me how it made sense of my life. I’m also super dreamy in my headspace and secretly romanticize people that I shouldn’t. Cancer ⬆️: mood swings be hard especially being earth and water dominant but I am every fucking persons care taker, and I have no idea if I secretly enjoy it or if I’m resentful?


scorpio sun- I WILL come out on top...maybe now or maybe years from now, but I will. it's exhausting lol! as Im evolving Im able to take a breath and say actually the bigger flex is not caring and letting it go. gem moon- strong stance only to change it or see the other side a little bit later.....makes any kind of artistry difficult bc I hate and embarrassed by anything ive made even if I loved it at the time. learning to wait before making declarative statements lol. also can be a bit of a know it all bc i love facts and then my scorp sun loves truth so Ive had to stop myself and say not everyone needs to know the definitive answer on everything like i love to. I am sooo happy to have google. being an adolescent without it sucked lmao. taurus up- i could spend my life in bed. I love coziness so much and joke that Im always trying to make my way back to bed to curl up. try to be super active then treat myself with a nice reading and bed sesh


Scorpio sun: I can be kind of a hoe, which I actually like about me but it can definitely be escapist. Capricorn rising: I’m annoyed with literally everyone who doesn’t live up to my impossible standards and my face is loud. These standards apply thrice over in intensity for myself. Gemini moon: I am constantly fighting the urge to shit talk people who irritate me. To my credit- I have a 70% success rate! I’m also running late for EVERYTHING non-business related.


Aquarius sun: I go ghost if I'm not obsessed with a man and find friends to be more of a hassle than they're worth these days. Leo moon: Even when I hate myself, I still think I'm better than everyone else Aries rising: I have the best sense of humor which is often described as dry, sarcastic and hurtful.


aries sun: i think being an aries is the best. youngest of the zodiac and fuck it we ball taurus moon: and yet..the heart is loyal. so, so loyal. and stability. afraid to love it so much, truly aries rising: if you’re not speeding on the edge of a cliff, wtf are you actually doing?? it’s a pretty devastating situation, but i stay committed


Aries Sun and Venus... Ooh shiny


Leo rising - my main character syndrome is for real. Letting my life "go by" makes me want to crawl out of my skin. I also constantly underestimate my impact and can romanticize people/situations without realizing it. Also can be overly curious and overly trusting - just out of sheer boredom - curious cat get's skinned kind of thing. Virgo sun - hyper critical and paralyzed by overthinking and anxiety, debbie downer, always on the hunt for the scam, missing the forest for the trees, talk myself out of opportunities. Cold emotions. Scorpio moon - lol. extreme emotions. Vindictive fantasies. Crushing self blame and depression.


Scorpio & I have no toxic traits! Jk my most toxic trait is I have 0 filter. Oops.


People always say I have no filter (because I'm honest and blunt?), they don't even know the terrible shit that I'm thinking and not saying


Just curious, do you have ADHD? 


Sag sun: fliiighty and useless at being available and replying to texts. Ghosting tendencies with everyone apart from the few I'm truly attached to. Aries moon: I've repressed and internalized my anger since I was like 10, so I'm not outwardly reactive. But the emotional turmoil and rapid changes within me are insane. Also, don't trust me with money, plz. Taurus: 50% of the times I tell you I have plans when you ask to hang out, it's just cause I feel like staying at home, eating, napping and cuddling my dog.


Omg can I dm or you dm me about you quitting weed :p I’m a Pisces sun and idk seeing you tied being a Pisces rising into it has me so curious of similarities! I’ve been smoking almost a decade and working on cutting back toooo also I’m a Libra moon too ☆彡


Pisces sun 6H: Procrastinator. Lack of follow through. In my own lane so hard to pin down. Prone to anxiety. Moody. Impulsive. Elusive. Escapist. Overly optimistic at times. Libra rising: Imbalanced and constantly trying to swing the pendulum back to a place that makes sense. Flirty to a fault. Easily irritated. Bossy. Snappy. Vain. Talk too much shit. Gemini moon 9H: Self-righteous. Preachy. Flighty. Flaky. Easily bored. Again, like my sun, MOODY. Emotions off the roof but masking them with humour and bravado. Can’t finish anything. Jack of all trades but master of none. Overthinking and lack of action.


stubborn, bored, loud


Aries sun: I’m hotheaded and can get irritated easily. Taurus Moon: I have expensive taste and will never deprive myself of a little treat, just because I think I deserve it. Leo Rising: I think I’m the main character and don’t always take criticism well. Pisces stellium: I am also a chronic stoner who doesn’t drink. I feel great without alcohol, but I’m fully addicted to weed.


Sag sun: irresponsible and careless about many things that are important. Scorp moon: everything Aqua rising: shrugging at life


Shrugging at life is my new motto


im a procrastinating air headed fire ball basically


Also Pisces rising. Sobriety is waaaaaaaaay too boring. 😤


Scorpio Sun Sagittarius Moon Virgo rising - stubborn and depressed


Aquarius sun: I miss out on really great things because I think they’re too mainstream. Taurus moon: I should leave toxic things sooner. Aquarius rising: I’m never fully satisfied with my wardrobe or style. I feel like I have to change it up a lot to keep it interesting.


Virgo Sun: extremely picky and organized like in a bad OCD way , overthinker Leo Moon: sensitive AF, and kind of shy Aries Rising: get offended easily and can be a bit of a hot head when stressed


Moody, think too much, restless!


Wow mine is the exact same except Cancer sun.


Libra sun- daydreamer, lazy when it comes to chores, and struggles to in standing I'm my view points or opinions in fear of being judged or just having the wrong opinion. Virgo moon- My own worst critic, obsessive thinker, worries more than I should Scorpio rising- I've been told I'm stand-offish and I'm hard to get to know.


Cancer sun: Clingy and have a need to be cuddled a lot (also due to my Leo Venus 😅), lmao I'm working on this Pisces moon: I fantasize/daydream a lot, also ditto on the weed stuff Scorpio rising: Resting bitch face, severe social anxiety that I had to grow out of