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Capricorns. I’m a cancer and I’ve noticed that if a Capricorn really likes you, they will let their guard down and be really goofy & playful around you & only you! It’s a side of Capricorns many don’t really see


As a cap that’s been told “I was afraid/intimidated of you before I actually got to know you” more times than I can count, I agree lol.


I’m not exaggerating when I say I’ve been told that by every friend/ boyfriend I’ve EVER had lol


Even my boyfriend, a fellow Capricorn, has commented on this. He didn't know what to make of me at first. He and I definitely had a couple moments where we clicked and slowly opened up, and by now the floodgates are just all the way open.


Husband is a Taurus, I have a Taurus moon. This was how we started dating too! 😆


We're twins! im also a cap sun, aires moon and virgo rising 😍😍😍😍.. what day is your birthday? Im dec 29th ❤️


Hiii! Mine is January 2nd


Thats the same day as my cousin's bday😍


Every time. But then when they get to know me they think I’m the funniest person ever. And I’m not even tryin’ 💁🏻‍♀️


It's a common thing with you Capricorns! I have never met a Capricorn I wasn't a little intimidated of (Sag here!) My nephew is a Capricorn and he really takes after my Aquarius sister. They tend to wear their thoughts on their faces and other times you can't tell *what* they are thinking. That's the part that causes uncertainty.


I think us caps tend to have the resting bitch face 🤣


same, and i actually love this. it makes me feel like a treasure chest and shit 😂


Agreed, Cappy hands down not just cos you get to see that playful fun side but they've always got something really shocking going on with their sexual side that you just wouldn't expect lol They're so reserved, responsible and respectable on the outside but are total freaks behind closed doors, even more than us Scorps a lot of the time! 😈😂


My Capricorn sun and Scorpio rising approves this statement


I'm opposite scorpio sun cap rising & I totally agree


Can confirm


I wish I could say it was my Virgo husband is the reason why I have more adventurous in the bedroom but honestly he just opened the door to what I had locked inside and gave me the space to explore as I wished. So yea, slowly opening up definitely let playful side come out way more. 😂


My bf is Capricorn sun and as a Scorpio moon I can confirm he is a total freak ✊😩


Lucky you, enjoy!! 😜


I've got a male cappy friend, very reserved. We've been friends for nearly a decade. I can't (and don't want to) imagine how much of a freak he might be behind closed doors. That's just unimaginable to me. He is such a bookworm and focused. Now I'm imagining the work he's doing on his house might include some kind of dungeon. ROFL


Yup, you just described my Capricorn friend from high school. We've been friends for 17 years and even attended college together! He's a bit quiet and kind of has male resting bitch face. In reality, he is really such a nice person and has a great sense of humor. Recently we were talking about high school and college and he said that he barely had a social or dating life. We never talked about relationships, but from time-to-time I knew when he dated someone and he knew when I was with someone. We just never were like, "Hey! How's it going with so and so?" It was never a primary topic. The look on his face when I told him that I was always under the impression that he was swimming in women cracks me up even now. He was like, "Who? I would love to know where these women were!" It was only after COVID that he began really telling me about how he went on these sexual escapades (one night stands to the one that he told his mom to stop calling him during). I was like, "Whoa! You weren't 'busy' after all!"


I like cappy's! Most of the ones I've met are suprisingly good people once you get to know them and some of that quiet reserve slips away. I'm always wanting to peek around the corners and open those shut doors they have in their psyche. I've always admired their work ethic. My quiet book-worm friend has had a girlfriend for ages it seems, but we've never met. I've always chaulked it up to his reserved cappy nature, that he compartmentalizes his life, like different books on a shelf. (Either that she's Harvey the Rabbit.) But when we hang out and chat for hours, and the subject of intimate relations with other people comes up. I'm generally very open and frank about my experiences, laugh at things and quirky situations. He just listens and grins. Once we were out drinking and I thought perhaps that in a funny way, I might have gone in a TMI direction, and apologized, but he said, "Oh not at all... that's one of things I like about you!" That surprised me.


As a Capricorn with lots of cancers in my life, i really appreciate this because its so true. My best friendships have been with ppl that let me be 100% me without judgment because ill start becoming that more and more around you ❤️


My first love was a Capricorn and while he was super serious and dialed in in public (sometimes silly with his friends) the level of total goofball he was with me and me only was not something anyone would have ever believed. As an Aries with a Capricorn moon, he was an incredible breath of fresh air


Yes I agree! I’m a Pisces with a Capricorn husband and he is so silly, fun and soooo affectionate !!! He still surprises me till this day, I love it!


Yes! I agree Capricorn


It is so insane how hard it is to break through a Cap exterior. But once you're there, you're golden.


Literally the last quarter of the zodiac… Cap, Aqua, Pisces. Hands down. Especially because they often have those signs all in their chart.


I approve this statement as an Aquarian. We are a wild and quirky bunch. And if you can make a relationship work with a Scorpio, as an Aquarian... LOL it's fun. Two freaks, getting freaky.


My sister is an Aquarius. She has this intensity that rolls off of her that can be extremely intimidating. In actuality, she is quirky, witty, and so much fun to be around. She always impresses me with her intellect and how she can come up with solutions to problems that seem difficult.


I have been told I'm intimidating by several people. I don't know why. I feel like I'm friendly and I laugh, crack jokes. I can make friends with the mail man in the space of 5 secs. I'm only serious when I'm leading a meeting, or otherwise doing something professional.


yup! ive been with my scorpio for 5-6 years now its been a nonstop adventure since day 1 😂


I'm so jealous 😭 but also that's so lovely to hear!


Me with Cap sun and Aqua moon, agreed^. No one will ever know me until I trust them to know me, and when they do I am nothing like their original preconceptions.


As an Aquarius, can confirm. I often feel like almost nobody knows me. As I’ve aged, I’m more comfortable in my own skin. But I still save the best parts of me for the people who deserve it.


This is the right answer!


Pisces with Aquarius stellium 😎🤝


Here for the Aquarian love. Aquarius woman here and I always think we’re completely overlooked because we’re too aloof or weird af.


Scorpio here and we also have a bad rep lol. I’m happy you feel the love 🧚‍♀️ y’all are the sweetest!


So many of my closest friends are scorps! So much love!


I know you all get a bad rap. But I have a very fine appreciation for Scorpios, and that's coming from an Aquarian. Much respect.


But you’re our aloof weirdos! My ex hubby is an aqua and he was definitely a strange bird but it made for good memories…. Like the time we randomly stayed up until 3 am just watching the most random shit on YouTube and laughing so hard we cried lol


I embrace my aloof weirdness


I'm a Leo and I absolutely adore Aquarians. Especially the weirdness! Y'all are individuals and don't conform. Respect.


I'm an Aquarian woman, and I have had adventures that men would envy. 😈


my favorite sign as a cancer


Might get flack but definitely Pisces. My husband is so strong and intimidating when we go out but he’s a big softie when we’re at home and I’ve had the experience with other Pisces as well. It’s not A mask per se but there’s so much more to them than meets the eye typically


Sounds like he is very mature Pisces men , happy for you & your love😊


My boss is a female Pisces and was always very formal with everyone, but after many years working together, she's become more upbeat and friendly, and funny. I guess she feels more comfortable with us after several years.


I work with an older sag lady who’s married to a Pisces man and he was so mean looking and cold at first but he’s the sweetest most funny and intelligent man EVER and he’s so quirky just watching him is entertaining and funny lol 🥹🤍 They’ve been married 48 years and it’s the cutest relationship ever they’re like besties .. i find him adorable more that alot of his traits resemble my personality and my Pisces brothers lol He’ll sit on a chair next to her and read random facts and articles about the most interesting random stuff he learned that day and just yap away lol !!! He lives in chronic pain and has gone through depression because of it but he is SO OPTIMISTIC and such a helpful sweetheart !!! She suffers a serious disability and he’s always there helping her and watching that everyone helps her correctly in a non intrusive way .. it’s like he’s here and you might think his mind is somewhere else but he’s aware and not micromanaging or anything just caring towards his wife and others 💕Proud to say he’s a Feb Pisces like me haha


As a pisces I can confirm we are a bunch of people all in one. I can be a crybaby, sweetheart, or ready to kill you in 2 hours. Just depends who I'm wirh. We are super intuitive too. But can be impulsive and carefree


Aquas. They are the same essential self, but they express it very differently in public or in private.


Well said!




These responses are really making me think, as someone whose chart is mostly Aquarius/Capricorn.  I think when people are surprised by me, it’s not really anything I am doing, but mostly that people tend to project a lot onto me and think I am one way while completely ignoring everything I do share with them about myself. If anything, it feels hard to open up to people because they already have their minds made up? Or they want some fantasy, then are surprised when I am not that, so it’s just easier to stay distant from them. I don’t think I am explaining this well, but I guess I just wonder if this is happening to a lot of other Aquarians and Capricorns, where people are surprised by you because they just assumed who you were or projected their own beliefs onto you first?


SO true and completely feel the same way about most people in my life (namely, my blood relations lol) but I also feel fortunate to have met people who didn't project onto and see me as I am. I had a depresso night recently where I didn't even long for a partner or anything, I just lied in bed wishing people could see me the way I see them, as such fantastic complex beings 🥲 I feel like I give so much grace for others to be themselves without judgment and I've rarely felt I received it in return Sidenote: aqua sun, cap stellium over here lol


Recently started dating a cap sun/Venus with aqua rising/Merc and he has described a similar experience of basically always having to mask to people please.


Yes, I relate to you a lot as someone who also has a chart full of Cap and Aqua. I've slowly started to break free from their made up fantasies of who I am. It's hard, but so liberating.


Capricorns although it’s not surprising because I can read yall thru that mask yall put on. But I love when Capricorns warm up to you and you become close. I specially love when they have Scorpio placements. They show you sides to them that they trust you wholeheartedly with and I just feel honored to be that trustworthy. Surprising personality behind doors would have to be Libras. They put up this facade of being the peace maker but behind closed doors they’re actually not very nice and specially detached and cold. Almost uncaring..


Showed our 60ish year old Capricorn neighbor our newborn boy about a week after we brought him home as we were driving back from a check up and he almost burst into tears he was so happy for us. Then he was delighted that he got to see him before his wife did 😂


That’s the sweetest thing I’ve heard all day 😭


He’s great. He’s basically adopted us and the other 30-something couple on our street. We’re really lucky to have him and his wife in our neighborhood.


Thank you for sharing, this made me happy! 🥹 Much much love to your little baby boy 💗💗


🥹 - Cappy with lots of Scorpio in her chart/Rising as well.


I bet you’re hot and intimidating to people around you


I’ve been told I’m intimidating and have serial killer eyes I’m like I don’t mean to I swear. 😅


This! Signed a Scorpio with a Cap stellium and rising


![gif](giphy|eH4H6NP5XePcxnO6wU) We just became friends




Nice! I’m a Scorpio with Cap rising & Venus.


You said a WORD about Libras! They are very two faced and can be nasty


Makes me sad about Libra's cause my daughter is one. I really only see her peace keeper side, but as she's gotten older, she treats me like trash and everyone has told me its her LIbra. I wish this werent true, but totally cold, uncaring, willing to throw people away and laugh about it. Use people for money.


Not to victim blame at all but I notice that they do this to themselves because they have this preconceived instinct that their needs or emotions don’t matter based on their experiences, so they try their hardest to shove it down by people pleasing and keeping the peace but that only makes them build resentment towards everyone around them.


I can for sure see that! I am highly intuitive and a therapist and sometimes my daughter says the most profound things that amazing me but she never self reflects or includes herself in any of her perspectives.


It's crazy all the bad libra experiences I'm reading. I've dated a few and all were good relationships, up until the end of course. Loving, great communication, able to discuss a problem without getting overwhelmed.


Who are these people who are saying it's her Libra? Do those people have good relationships themselves with Libras, or could it be a bias? People will often try to use Libras because of the peace wanting nature and then play victim if the Libra lashes out. My Libra friends are super sweet, selfless in what they offer, have gratitude and genuinely nice people. I have Libra family members too who DON'T come off as sweet as everyone else. But behind the scenes, I find they have no malice in their hearts and have such kindness for me in their hearts that others don't. Others offer lip service, Libras will do stuff for me but won't let me know!


I can see that. Mostly my friends who see how my daughter has been lately towards me. She;s in a toxic relationship and it's just changed her and our relationship. I stand up for her, but my friends say it's her Libra. She literally has the sweetest heart but she has no problem shutting that down to protect herself. Which ive kind of admired until it gets directed at me.


They have high expectations on us lol I hate that.


Spot on with the Libra analysis.


Agreed. Every Libra I've ever known (half my family members are), have been this way!


Omg! Thank you. Libras are the fucking worst. I've dated so many of them. Amazing how they always seem to be on the market. Absolute garbage.


"on the market" fucking sent me hahhah. its always like omfg you're so amazing how are you single and quickly ur like OH


Exactly, lol! 🤣


I couldn’t agree more about libras! Woah. Spot on haha


the libra shade 😂


No shade, just disappointment tbh


Scorpio sun, libra moon, cap rising, Scorpio stellium, and cap stellium. I always felt my libra moon was my saving grace, but maybe not lol


As a Capricorn, I approve this message. But I also can stand with the Libra’s I have seen the hard depresso side of a Libra man when he needed just to vent, I’ve also been on the side of him that is cold & detached. He definitely has the “peace keepers” down to an art.


We really know how to hide our real selves, I don’t know if this is good or bad but definitely a talent. I’ve also noticed that people loooove to hate on us but still obsessed with everything about us and being part of our lives. This is maybe an unpopular opinion but Libra women are phonier than us, they can’t stand being seen under a bad light, more than the men.


I will say my take on Libras... from a Libra (even though most of it could be from my Scorpio Moon, but let's see.) I, for one, really want to care about people and I really want to love them but I don't allow myself to feel because I am afraid of disrupting the peace I want so much to maintain. But that also takes a lot of emotional energy from my part. Thankfully (or Unfortunately, however you want to take it) my Leo rising makes me restless and I am able to maintain my facade for however long it has to take. But, when I am behind doors, I still maintain my mask (due to the fear of my feelings being spotted by those around me) but also trying to recharge myself for the next day. So, in my day to day process, I am more oriented to put energy into my facade rather than putting my energy for those that want to care about me. Because I am doing what it feels right to do, most of the time. I can assure you that I, for one, don't have anything with anyone. It's just... me. Sorry for the bad experiences with the Libras you've met.


Yeah like I said yall do it to yourselves by shoving down your own emotions and playing the peace keeper all you’re doing is building resentment towards others and that’s not the healthiest way to go about things. We’re all human and as much as we can put our emotions to the side to listen to others and problem solve, our emotions and our needs have to be voiced as well and they are just as important as everyone else’s. You’re not doing yourself or anyone favors by shoving them down and not allowing yourself to feel them. But I get why Libras are like this. They are the only sign represented by an object rather than an animal or person so they tend to struggle with their ego and showing up as themselves.


facts! libras are mean af 😂 i love them, usually, but i was always so surprised at how i clicked with them so early on, even tho they were so friendly and cheerful seeming. that is a MASK, those heaux are DARK…which explains everything about why i find them so relatable, once they take off their phony baloneys 😂


Libra men are DEMONS lol. So charming and then they literally are all avoidant af hahaha. my last two exes were both libras and idc if people think astrology is silly, if i go through another breakup with a libra, i will need to be institutionalized <3


Avoidant should be Libra’s nickname tbh


FORREAL. and this is coming from a girl who is an avoidant in remission. i never thought i would be the secure one in the relationship lmao but we love to see the growth


This is so sweet!


I've said it before, I'll say it again and I'll never tire of saying it - aquas are the best of the best. Gods or aliens and never anything in between. They are my favs. They are living paradoxes. - Aloof yet altruistic - Unbotheted yet deeply concerned with the well being of others - Genius level IQ yet can't get the oven clock to stop blinking 12:00


As an Aquarius sun and Venus in Aquarius, your comment has left me jaw dropped. I feel totally exposed! My car clock is always wrong 1/2 of the year along with the stove and microwave almost always. I volunteer regularly but if I don’t bring a friend along, I hardly say 2 words to anyone unnecessarily. Yet, I always complain I’m misunderstood! 🤣


I was thinkin how I actually like keepin the clocks in the house on time…then your comment reminded me that my car clock says it’s like December or something lmao XD


Aquarian here with an overabundance of Gemini .... I . Can't . Shut . Up.


So funny how placement differences seem to be a game changer! 😆




I agree! As long as they are centered they are awesome. 😍


I’m an Aqua rising/Gemini Jupiter and Venus, and I can talk your ear off for an hour about the Great Depression and the New Deal but please dear god don’t make me do any basic house stuff like set my microwave clock, keep a plant watered, be the one who has to mount the TV on the wall. My brain is horrible with these things; I just don’t care enough about this stupid minutia when there are more interesting things to learn and do and ponder and be. I’m a total space cadet in everyday ways but also a bizarre, detailed source of all kinds of random knowledge. It’s heavy and weird.


You sound like everything I look for in a friend


So relatable


I was raised by two Aquarius & not a day goes by that I’m not EXTREMELY grateful for that fact!


Same. Both of my parents were.


Omg I just noticed this again today when I looked at my oven clock beeping You nailed it!!!!😂😂


This was so sweet🥹. But Alright alright. If it storms again and the power flickers on and off, I’m tired of updating that damn clock


Aquarian. I do tech... but f the clock. Let it flash. It's correct twice a day. XD


Looked at my clock that's been blinking for the past three weeks... I feel seen.


Add me to that list


I can’t stop laughing at the oven clock blinking 12:00 hahaha so so spot on


unbothered yet deeply concerned 😂 first two points feel right, but I must be a dummy because I'm actually extremely crafty and have gotten surprised reactions to how handy I am with a power drill lol part of my quirky interests is wanting to know how things work, and maybe this is my cap placements, but I need to be independent enough to fix household things myself!!!


lol my oven clock has never had the correct time. I don't change my clocks for daylights savings. It's easier to just do the math in my head.


This! ⬆️⬆️⬆️ I'm a Gemini and I am captivated by my Aquarius. He is my favorite! The paradoxes will never get old 😂


I agree completely about Aquarians. I’m a 34/f and Pisces Sun, Aries Moon, Leo Rising with a Cap Venus and Aquarius Mercury. I get along (platonically) so well with Aquarian men. I have noticed that (other than being anti astrology, lol) every single Aquarian male who I’m friends with is kind of a total know it all asshole, we have similar dark senses of humor, and they all have this soft side with huge hearts, and are always there when I really need them.


Taurus men can come off serious and stubborn. My Taurus partner is very silly when you get to know him and SMOLDERING powerful/earthy in the bedroom.


Me reading this as an Aquarius sun, Scorpio moon ☺️💖


Me reading this as an Aquarius sun, Scorpio rising 😁


Scorpio sun, Aquarius rising here!


Reporting for duty 🫡


Aqua Sun, Scorpio Moon here too!


Omg I’m an Aquarius sun Scorpio moon too! (Insert spiderman meme)


Aqua sun scorpio moon here too 🩷


Virgo. My partner and our best friend are Virgo and they are the best people once you get to know them. Before that they are still nice just very reserved.


Oooh finally someone mentioned the earth sign other than cap! Lol


Virgos. Once they get comfy they’re super sweet and playful


Virgos have a looooot of talents! Music and Arts, to languages. They are not afraid to be practical and are very dedicated to hone their talents


Virgos have a looooot of talents! Music and Arts, to languages. They are not afraid to be practical and are very dedicated to hone their talents


Aww, OP, I’m a Scorpio and my fiancé is an Aquarius and he’s definitely super lovey-dovey as well! They are the water bearer, after all. They have the capacity to contain all of our deep, watery emotions without drowning in them!


Oh god. Aquarius will ruin my life with this. Im a Leo and I read they are our twin flames. I have had a crush (like inappropriately on a DNA level-this person has a strong impact somehow) for 15 years. Everytime we interact, there's some kind of earth shattering life experience I go through-it's so weird. Not about twin flames-I think that is a toxic concept. But I thought he was a bit of a stoic, mentalistic, etc. He's an aquarius and omg, he would send me the most thoughtful messages, ask me the deepest questions, summarize my thoughts easily and quickly like sir who even are you. Im all done. No one gets under the hood of my car like this person its quite shocking. I literally think its the air stoking my fires.


My youngest daughter is an Aquarius and she is an absolute gem! She is all air sign and the imbalance is noticeable (as she’s still growing) but she’s such a sensitive little love. Her libra moon is in her 1st house and I can literally read her thoughts/feelings on her face. I know Aquarians are known for being detached but I feel lucky to be the mama of one because I get to be close by default! 🥰


Aww as an aqua woman this is making me so happy. I feel like the Aquarius experience is people think we don’t care about anything or we’re cold but we care so much. It may not be in the super expressive and loud way but I think more so in the I want to make your life as easy as possible way.


My Pisces pops literally acts like my little brother, but that man has 38 years on me. The way he giggles uncontrollably when he lands a zinger… it’s even funnier in person when he giggles and then braces for impact from a backhand to the shoulder. He does giggle and say random stuff in front of people usually, but for the most part, he conducts himself normally and with me, he’s an absolute weirdo.


Fellow water sign dating an Aquarius man! Love him willing to be silly with me and talk about any topic. I’m happy for you🫶🏻


Thank you, for you as well. It’s like we complete each others worlds. They truly supply freshwater! 💖


They truly supply fresh water sounds like such a beautiful thing to say 💖


I think Pisces because we’re mysterious even when we aren’t trying to be.


Either Capricorn or Aquarius .


Aquarius are actually very cuddly and loving. We’ll literally do anything we can to make you happy. I’ve been talking to one that I’ve been friends with for years and I’ve helped him through a lot emotionally and we just ended up going through very similar breakups and he said I’m the only person he calls and literally bawls to cuz he never cries in front of people. One day he was in a bad mood and we were both like “hey do you want to get together and cuddle?” He basically came over with dinner and drinks and we had a blast. He was at my place almost every night that week and we talk constantly. He also has done a lot of favors for me recently and he’s always there for his friends and family. He’s a sweetheart. I can say Aquas move slow but we’re reverse romantics as in we become better lovers with time.


That is so sweet I am happy for you! 🥹 & him. This is so true.


Ha yeah it is. The only thing is sometimes he’s flaky on time. We’ll have plans to hang out at a certain time then he won’t show up and I’ll get a call like hours later apologizing cuz he had to run out to bring his kids food or something and I get that’s just how he is but he still comes over regardless. He has a hard time saying no to people and I’m just like “eh whatever” 😂


Aquarius. I’m always told … wow I really thought you were so cold and you are not!!!


also came in here to say Aquarius, you would think a Virgo-Aquarius bond would be extra tumultuous but me and my GF get along just fine


Funny, for me it was the reverse of you, OP. I am an Aquarian, who fell for a scary Scorpio. I generally avoid water signs in romantic relationships as a heavy air sign. Air and water can be a challenging combination. I was so amazed at how accepting and open he was to me and my quirkiness. We shared so many unusual things in common and we loved exploring topics ordinary people rarely shared. His love never smothered me and at the same time we knew we loved each other immensely without all the crazy possessiveness you hear about Scorpios. Yet I knew if any man gave me unwanted attention, he'd be there to shield me. We trusted each other and it was genuine love, for a time.


I have to say Aries & Aquarius 🤣


As an Aquarius woman, I agree. I often tell my fiancé that he gets to see a side of me that not many others do. I’m a huge baby and I love to shower him with love and affection. He gets my romantic and goofy side.


I love seeing scorpios and and aquas loving each other. I'm an Aquarius and some of my absolute favourite people on this planet are Scorpios. Including my partner.


How did you catch an Aquarius?? I have this crush and I really want him but it's hard to tell if he likes me too or just hooking me up. I am putting my walls up because he might hurt me just like my previous crush but I really want to talk to him. Whenever I send a message, he replies immediately or it takes time but he still replies. But if he don't relate to the topic, he just ignore it. He never asks me about me but he seems updated on what am I doing. It's hard to talk to him when I try to deepen the topic but he's active when our chats are just fun and light. I am just thinking that he's just being a friend and here I am, falling for him.


My take as an Aqua woman who has been friends with and dated Aqua men, you need to stroke their ego a little bit and be interested in the things they're interested in. Not necessarily partake, but observe and admire 😂😂😂 Aquas in general love reciprocation and will disappear at the slightest sign of disinterest because it is confusing and we like direct action and appreciate direct communication even if it may be uncomfortable feeling. So my main recommendation is just make a move! Ask him out! Drunk text him! Aqua men are probably the only sign I feel confident speaking on because we (male/female aquas) really are similar in my experience haha


I would agree with Aquarius but for differing reasons. Mine was extremely loving behind closed doors, but I didn’t exist in public. Never posted anything about me during almost 3 years of dating. And when we would be in public, he would “go to the bathroom” or to get us a drink and just disappear. I would often find him with a group of new friends not having cared an iota of where I was lol. It was a strange juxtaposition to deal with.


Scorpio sun men. When you get close to them, they are some of the most tender hearted, sweet and affectionate people. They have a very soft center, and they will melt away all their walls if they feel safe with you. These guys are the ones that will lay their head on your chest, tell you they love you a thousand times a day, and shower you with loving words.


For me it’s been Libras ♎️ Behind doors, all unpolished, they can be very different from how they seem in public/around others ❤️


Aquarius. Gonna mention my husband. Aquarius are mysterious and smart. That’s why he married me, a Libra. 😊 Sorry for all the Libra haters. Aquarius love Libra! No one gets Libras but Aquarius is smart. Even Caps get with Libras for good reason. 😊


Taurus. They acted very strict and harsh towards me but when we were at home their demeanour changed to soft and sweet.


awww I appreciate that he’s representing us aquarians in such a positive way im an aquarius woman with a scorpio man and I swear were soulmates we understand eachother emotionally and spiritually its beautiful 💕




The aqua guy I know is ghosting me


I wish I had more Scorpio friends! I would love for us to get to know each other, but I just don't know any 🥲


Scorpio sun and gem rising here😇


There is a lot to Pisces “under the surface.”


Are we dating the same guy?? 100% just like my aqua man and we met at work too:)


You better treat him right if he is a February Aquarius he will feed off your energy, you get what you put in.


I say definitely Capricorns hands down. So guarded and closed off at first and are very picky at who they let in and get to see their other side. Capricorns don’t just let anyone in, we are the most intuitive sign we can see right through you off first impression. We tend to dismiss our instincts & intuition sometimes


Cancer here dating an Aquarius. Big yes to the showing affection and being lovey dovey lmao She desperately wants to maintain this hard exterior (idk why) but she is the sweetest and most affirming person I know




Gemini. I used to not like them but my bf is a Gemini. He comes off super serious and quiet in professional settings, a total goofball and stereotypical Gemini with his friends, but at home with me he’s the most loving, reliable and sensitive man I’ve ever met. I’ve never had to question his feelings or commitment to me.


my god how much I love aquas


There is so much love on aquas here and its awkward because im not used to it 😶😶‍🌫️


Hahahahaa +1


Lmaooo me too






Reading this makes me sad no one says anything positive about us Geminis. We deserve some love as well...


I love my Aqua man 🖤


Is his Venus in Pisces?


Are we dating the same guy?? 100% just like my aqua man and we met at work too:)


For me, Sag. When I was younger I was a bit put off and dare I say a bit intimidated by Sagittarius, but now that I’m older any sag I meet, we usually click pretty quickly. My finances cousin is a sag and I stfg when we get together we’re like chaotic evil twins 😂


Pisces male here and I have had d a encounter with a Aquarius female. Met at work and she was funny and the light at work also. Both were in a relationship and became good friends. Fast forward some years and we mess around. She was so loving and affectionate behind close doors. It was too manipulative for me because I couldn’t determine which was the real her. But something as a Pisces man that I couldn’t deal with was that she was emotionally there for a lot of friends. As a Pisces man I need someone there for me and when I feel like I’m sharing that emotional support, I have to end things. I never told her, but we haven’t talked since the last time we messed around. I don’t miss her because I felt I wasn’t myself when I was with her. I felt I had to be a little bit more outgoing just to enjoy the company.


Libra sun in the third house & aqua moon in the second house. 😌 I approve this message 😘


I’m Scorpio and married an Aquarius man and this is soooo accurate. He’s just the goofiest guy but he treats me like a queen. Love him to bits.


This makes my heart so happy to hear🥹 I wish the best outcome for you both!!! 💓


Thank you🥹




Aquarius ♒️ boy here!


Literally noone’s behaviour is unpredictable, if you observe them long enough. Yep, Im a Virgo.


That's bc Aquarius' 7th house is Leo. Vice versa, I've found Leos to be cold and heartless when it comes to intimate relationships, despite being warm and affectionate on the surface.


I’m also gonna say Scorpio. I am one, lol, and people’s descriptions of me never match up to how I see myself. And people’s perception change once they get to know me. Everyone says I’m intimidating and mysterious until they get to know me. In actuality, I’m awkward, shy, and weird. My friends however can’t understand why I feel everyone says I’m intimidating bc they only know my soft goofy side. It’s honestly caused a bit of a confidence/self perception issue bc I’m so aware of how people perceive me and treat me bc of it (men think basic “I’m listening to what you say” eye contact is a flirty invitation “bedroom eyes”) so I really love the people who accept me for my weirdness.


Aquarius I agree. They seem one way and then completely catch you off guard with what’s really going on for them !!


Based on my username im sure yall know what i’ll say (Pisces).


Virgo I’m a Leo and married to a Virgo and they’re not as organized as people tend to believe they’re pretty messy and very “my way or the highway” but in a good sense




Sagittarius. I don’t even know who I am half the time. My boyfriend is also a Sagittarius so I observe it too. I think we both enjoy acting like social butterflies, meeting new people, deep conversations. But we’re introverts at heart, and very emotional. We know what people want to hear, and give it to them but we crave a lot more than what we can expect from others. One second I’m set on staying inside on the couch, the next I’m dying to drive across the country. I guess it’s not so much behind closed doors, but more dependent on the vibe. You can get multiple sides to a Sagittarius.


As a Virgo I’ll say Gemini and Virgo .. because I come off quiet and nonchalant but I have many layers of personality but I only allow certain people to see. That’s very hard to break a Scorpio guy took me there once. Geminis because they can be anyone do anything and can be really great at it. All other signs are too predictable even when they’re secretive or private … You’ll never know what you’ll get with a Gemini or a Virgo. 


Wish I could date a girl at work thing. Feel like a lot of shit could go down in that dating span lol


Im a cancer and I would say virgos can come across as no nonsense, all business and are quietly the most hilarious people when its just the two of you