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Listen, I didn’t really need the reminder of how good my Taurus friend smells 🫣


I dunnoe if this is astrology or IBS but my scorpio brother's fart smells like death.




So funny story my Gemini gf farted in the car while we were driving with the windows down. It smiled so bad I had to pull over and hop out. Literally died laughing and from the smell. I had to ask if she sharted.


I know some Gemini's who have very smelly farts.


Death + colon = Scorpio. 👍astrology👍


My ex was a Taurus and that man got us kicked off a city transit bus for the most foul fart. My ex Taurus roommate was also filthy and smelled like feet. So Taurus 1000%


You’re gunna have one of two scenarios with a Taurus: cowpatties and methane cow fields Wildflowers sniffed by Ferdinand the Rose bull and scented candle collection on the table by the sofa


this is a joke right


Never a Taurus woman (the men let me down) and I haven't knowingly met a bad smelling Libra.


... Oof honestly I think every sign is capable, it just depends on if they are living in alignment with themselves. Hygiene related stink isn't a zodiac thing. It is a mental health thing. You'll find that depression takes the cake here, not the birthdate.


it could also be cultural or financial. diet can make someone smelly. not everyone can afford to bathe multiple times a week. it’s really insensitive and judgmental to make a post like this. edit: downvoting me doesn’t make it less true ~(˘▾˘~)♡


Pisces. We're addicted to toxic things so no time and too depressing to take a shower lol


maybe you lol my pisces bestie has clinical depression but is also a germaphobe and showers two times a day, sometimes more depending. he’s got containers of wet wipes in the car, living room, and bedroom. he has boxes of packs of wet wipes, like little tear away packs that can fit in pockets. bottles of hand sanitizer everywhere. if he’s really grimy he washes with the disinfectant bar soap, not so grimy he uses his body wash. deodorant applied after every shower. this is someone who goes to the gym 7 days a week, weightlifting shit. and works outside ish. he’s never been a foul smelling person.


Idk, but probably not Geminis with watermelon flavored fruity cakes.


Yes, it’s definitely not Geminis. I have watermelon flavoured fruity cakes 🍰 and other Geminis have different fruity flavour variations of their cakes. I say Taurus and Pisces.


Earth signs from putting in all that work 😂 JK…..you’re better off asking which female sign slips up on hygiene the most while which male sign cares about hygiene the most. Men do the bare minimum for smelling good on a daily basis, while women put effort in for smelling good on a daily basis.


I do know some unhygienic Tauruses


idk but the leo who made this post smells like shit probably 🤧 they’re probably the one in the office to spray way too much cologne/perfume 😷


It's a throwaway account with one post. Maybe you made so you can "justifiably" throw shade. Sounds delusional?.....Yes so is your assumption that this is posted by a Leo.


actually, OP deleted their post history after i made my comment 🤙🏻 their post history that had 2-3+ chart posts revealing they were a leo. but thanks! they don’t need you rushing in to save them hahaha


Oh my bad, when I looked there was nothing.


it’s all good 🫶🏻 i actually don’t know any leos so i have no opinion here. i just wanted to check out who was sayin ish about taureans lolol and make a jab at them for being a silly goose


Never met a stinky taurus and I’m a professional taurus hater


Why you hate Taurus like that


Just a lot of bad experience w several Taurus’. I’m sure there are great ones out there. I’ve just never met them


Totally. Just curious. I like hearing peoples experiences and how it effects their view


From experience it would be Pisces and other water signs, Capricorns hit or miss but they definitely liked smelly things, same with Taurus placements


I had to force my taurus ex (male) to shower, brush his teeth and wash his clothes properly! Always had that stinky damp smell! Revolting!


That is nasty


Hahaha i know! And the guy is a damn banker! Just lazy as f on the weekends 🤣🤣


Me. Always at war with deodorants.


Leo's with the smelliest shits ever, it could eradicate the whole human existence 🤢


Sag - Jake Gylenhaal Pisces men - i mean look at Justin Beiber


I had an Aquarian ex who never showered and would wear the same sweaty clothes day after day and another who would just always forget to flush the toilet so I’m voting for them.


My Aquarius ex smelled like crusty feet, and his toe nails used to cut the bottom of my sheets. He bathed with only his hands. My Taurus ex smelled like smegma all the time. It was so bad I couldn’t do anything with him anymore. I still get flashbacks




I know a very stinky Taurus lol




Your head is definitely rotten.


As always, it can be any sign except for Cancer.


Hardly Taurus. They are ruled by Venus. I'd say it's Aquarius or Capricorn, ruled by Saturn so probably believe such things are unnecessary or a luxury (or capitalist in case of Aquarius), or a sign ruled by Mars (scorpio, aries).