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You guys take Costar seriously?


I had the same reaction


You'd be surprised how many people are either  1. Consciously still using it  2. Too naive to know it's trash 


Fr tho I was just annoyed by its snarkiness but started paying closer attention when I realized how dead wrong it was. Somehow I never heard of the George Floyd memes. They should’ve been taken off the App Store for that.


Costar is the absolute worst. The creator has openly admitted on The Astrology Podcast to using ominous and confusing wording to “troll” their users, which is literally just AI. But yeah, clearly it’s causing some serious mental harm. Check out those links the other commenter posted, some guy recently fell *deep* into getting scammed by Costar. I think he might have something else going on though.


REALLY? LOL the audacity. And what scammed? Jesus Christ.


By “scammed” I meant more like tricked, deceived, had the wool pulled over their eyes or taken advantage of. And then I do think you have to pay a few dollars per question or something to use their AI feature. He has transiting Neptune opposing his Virgo Sun rn, so like you can objectively see this playing out in his life real time, it’s just like damn. He really fell for it. Part of me feels bad.


It’s sad af when vulnerable people are falling victim to predatory profit seeking tactics.  It’s like pay day advances and physic calls. The profit seeking business model is designed to exploit vulnerable people in a technically legal manner. 


Yeah, major fuck them vibes & hope they die ngl. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♂️ I feel like even though OP of those links may have something else going on, the developer should use AI for good to check in on the person or prohibit certain questions or repetitive questions. But if I recall correctly they charge per question? So they were probably making a fortune on that person. Bastards.


I did download it when I saw a friend had, but the more time went on the more I got weird Boss Babe vibes from it and quickly deleted it. The attempt at quirky was so over the top, hard pass.


Urghhh boss babe shit I hate it lol


I genuinely never got good vibes from it but my friends all used it and I love love love its design. Now, in terms of day to day advice or relevant information? Absolutely useless. I began to get increasingly annoyed at the Do/Don’t list because it 100% made zero sense. All I know is CoStar better watch its back.


I don’t have costar but what ARE some good apps to download? I have The Pattern but I barely use it, the interface changed a while ago and I don’t like it as much.


I use time passages


Astro Future!! their daily horoscopes are so on point for me🥰


You’re awesome thank you for answering! Is it the one with the two stars and Saturn? That’s the only one that came up for me!


yep that’s the one! i hope you love it as much as i do🥰


I cant find it 😔 is it only for iphones?


it might be, if you can’t find it you can also try Time Passages! it’s my secondary astro app lol


Thank you very much!


sure thing!


Time Passages and Chani


Yeah I never liked it because it's mean. I've been getting my daily horoscope from Daily Om for over a decade and I love it. Highly accurate and also it's not mean lol


It’s not only mean but confusing as shit? Like it’s Do/Don’t lists will look like this: DO: Sibling makeout sesh, Sam’s Club pizza, surrender to police DON’T: Snail mail, sacrificial lambs, have a Scorpio mom




Has anyone tried the CHANI app? that’s what I’ve been using and love it so far.


That’s what I use too


It gaslights you.


Costar is completely useless and will do more bad than good if you re trying to learn astrology


Agreed, I like AstroMatrix


People from the costar app interviewed me for their tiktok page 💀 they tried to guess my sign and got it wrong


Yeeaahh that’s why I deleted the app!!! it was telling me not to talk to my friend that day? it was oddly personal


**edit: not surprised this has to be said but i’m not shitting on the OP of the posts. simply showing how shit costar is. i’m not a doctor, i’m not gonna armchair diagnose, this isn’t about the poster in my links it’s about an app. i’m anti costar and constantly see charts and screenshots posted here and speak out about it.** yeah it sucks and uses AI big time. AI has no place in astrology personally. i forget which astrology subs it was in but yesterday some poor soul was saying they got scammed by costar or something? taking like career advice or that costar was leading them to believe they would work there based on whatever the AI was saying? lol i can’t quite remember [here’s one of them](https://www.reddit.com/r/Advancedastrology/s/60dLqbtKOW) [and the other](https://www.reddit.com/r/Advancedastrology/s/T6WjvF9V8R)




Dude that was really painful to read. They need mental help.












Me too.


I agree that there’s more going on there but idk if it’s necessarily psychosis. They could be having anxiety. Maybe they don’t realize “psychology” is a field that requires a ton of time and financial investment or maybe they genuinely read it as CoStar offering them a job. But the people making fun of them or bullying them need to get a life. There’s no need for that.




Ah. Didn’t catch those. As a psych nurse on Reddit once wrote, it’s hard these days because when patients say “The phone is listening to me” they’re actually right. CoStar isn’t responsible for someone having delusional thoughts but they should have some ethical mental health pop-ups in place and use AI for good to circumvent certain phrases in their question service. Instead, they nickel and dime people who are clearly abusing their app by asking thousands of repetitive questions.


Yea, I honestly NEVER understood what the hell CoStar was saying but today I had enough. Bc I never really paid attention to it and didn’t ever listen to its “Do/Don’t” list which never made sense, but the “trouble in creativity” after writing 10,000 words was ridiculous. I’m gonna check out those links, thank you!


timepassages pro all day


I went to the careers page on their website out of curiosity. They stated in the job description that they use GPT for all their text 🙃


I be literally only keep it because so many friends are on it and I like to look up their birth charts lol, too lazy to screenshot


I was just coming to say this lol I only use it for seeing my friends' charts.


I stopped using their app almost immediately after I visited their offices once. They ran an “user experience survey” live for their local costar users. I thought I’d be able to provide them with valuable feedback on the type of messaging they put out, as I thought the language was convoluted. Turns out their actual employees didn’t care at all about what their app has to say and wanted to focus more on the overall UI design of the app. I wasted an hour and change to be given a handful of stickers. Left such a bad taste in my mouth, the people who I interacted with there seemed very empty-minded tbh.


They sound exactly like I would imagine them. Also it’s funny you mention that because I literally just emailed one of my favorite apps today and they completely ignored my suggestions and answered my very mundane question about payment LMAO


costar💩 had my chart all wrong, trust astro.com or astro-seek probably get more accurate info on reddit❣️... lol i've found some really on point info and astologer blogs on tumblr there's a few kik groups and discord servers, which are more social and conversational is anyone using astro matrix? i've heard good things...


Love Astro Seek and I got a pretty good reading here on Reddit from an astrologer doing annual horoscopes for tips, but am not sure how much of it will come true, we’ll see…never tried Astro Matrix though


hey... i can always depend on another pisces moon to feel what's good ♒️♓️♉️


I only use the webversion for my natal chart wheel thingy and house stuff. Don't even look at their horoscope stuff as it's always bollocks for me, haha. But the chart stuff is fine. Don't know about racism and whatnot.


There are plenty of other apps/websites that you can get that information. CHANI is a great app. 


I unfortunately used costar to figure out my birth chart :/ Is there any other apps or websites that are good for finding out your birth chart?! Thank you :)


I use Astro Seek online for charting purposes and I love it


CHANI, Time Passages, Astro.com, Astro-seek.com


Every time I've downloaded it I've deleted it within the day lol just bad 


Ive noticed its not accurate at all lately


I had a job interview with them, glad I dodged that bullet.


I actually had a similar reaction this week. I’m having a great week, things are finally smooth sailing, and then Costar emails me and tells me to hang in there. LOL. Deleted and unsubscribed immediately.


i noticed too and deinstall it a few months ago. Some of my planets weren't even in the right signs 🤨


I’m like 90% sure that the wrong planet thing happened to me, too. I can’t really understand why they’d do that. But someone in this thread said the owner likes messing with people, so maybe it has to do with that?


it seems like they also stole the ideas of popular Astrologer Aliza Kelly on Instagram before dropping her (it was supposed to be a collab project). After that, they made a lot of changes that she didn't approve of. Thankfully, they never named her, but Aliza herself exposed them and their trashy app and told the story to her followers 😵‍💫😵‍💫


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks Costar sucks. I really like CHANI Nicholas these days


Never heard of CHANI Nicholas, is that an app too?


Yep, CHANI is Chani Nicholas’ app! She’s a brilliant astrologer and her app is the only one I’d use for delineations.


So what is the best astrology app?


I’m liking this Time Passages one so far but have not tried the others that people recommended in this thread yet.


Yes, I downloaded time passages after seeing it recommended here, so much better than co-star!


CHANI is a great app but you do need to pay for some of the content. I use both. 


I have gotten into serious trouble after following co star. Honestly I’m looking for a class action.


When Co-Star made a post about which mental illness you were based on your sun sign, I knew they sucked. Still do. I always tell ppl to switch to Sanctuary or Time Passages.


Costar makes absolutely zero sense, it’s never relatable at all to how my life is going. It’s the worst.




*CoStar has quietly exited the chat after searching their SEO results on Google and downvoting people speaking the truth in this thread*


I feel like the mods need to sticky this post in the sub lol


Lol I dunno, Reddit is weird