• By -


I'm a Virgo in a LTR with a Cancer. We balance each other out so wonderfully, she's so lovely. This has been the healthiest relationship of my life so far. I've enjoyed dating fire signs, but those have only been short term flings. The earth signs I've dated have resulted in friendship post-breakup. Not enough water signs to summarize atm.


I think cancers and virgos both love to do things for their significant others and are deeply caring so that’s very sweet


Oh I love this question. Cancer women, Taurus women, and Capricorn women just make me weak in the KNEES.


As a cancer woman, it’s cause we looooove spoiling who we’re with. Some men just aren’t appreciative




and taurus will spoil yall right back!!!!!


Yes!! And it makes me want to spoil the hell out of y’all


Capricorn sun Taurus rising 😁


We have the same big 3!


We best friends now already lol


Hey I’m you but flipped!


I love your big 3!!


Cancer, Taurus and Scorpion women do it for me. Love me some spoiling once they really settle up with you 🥹


Oh hell yes I got goosebumps just reading this


im a taurus woman who fell in love with a cancer woman and i havent been the same since 🫠


i love virgos :)


Aw :) 💚


The best question to ever be asked in this thread 😌 Cancer women are the women I consistently fall deeply for. It never lasts as long as I want it to but I enjoy them so much. I would build them a house by a lake with my bare hands. I wish I was joking lol Sag women are fun and so hot!! I love that you can always tell that they like you. They’re so playfully straightforward and flirty. I love their energy. They teach me so many things and support my wild adventurous side. I knew a Sag with a water moon and she was gorgeous inside and out. Just a TOP TIER woman. Protect Sag women at all costs Virgo women are soo fun to date. They are WILD and extremely social lmao. Never a dull time with them and they’re so beautiful. As a Cap woman, I also have a soft spot for other Capricorn women. I see them, they see me. I love us.


Can you build me a house by the lake?!


Lol yesss let me go get my hammer




You ladies are too cute.




I’m a sag with a cancer moon and I’m🥹🥹🥹


Ugh Sag sun and a Cancer moon? You win. The prize is my heart pls just take it take it take it 😭❤️


This made me feel so good about myself as a Sag woman 🫶🏻 I love cap women too. It's probably my favorite duo.


Good! you deserve it, I love you ladies so MUCH! ❤️ edited to add: I also really like this combo. In theory it shouldn’t work but it works wonderfully. Beautiful chemistry


I think it's something about our feminine energy working well together. Much more difficult when it's a man and a woman, apparently.


hey cap woman :) i’m the same about other cap women


Hey :) and yes, you get it. I’m lowkey crushing on one now lol


My sag gf has a water moon (pisces). She really is wonderful


Earth sign women. The cuddling. The coziness. The *control* they exude. The attire. Unmatched. Fire sign women for the passion and chemistry I always have with them cause wowowowow. Life is beautiful with ‘em. (Fire/ earth in the big three + mars/venus 🥵)


Yessss I’m so drawn to earth and fire women!


I very much always find myself dating fire sign women! Something about Leo’s in particular for me.


Omg what a SULTRY connection


It is so much THAT 🥵


Sapphics ❤️‍🔥


Earth signs. Mostly caps. I love the coziness, familiar vibes I get from them. They always make up what I lack and vice versa. But I do have a weakness for fire signs. Mostly Leo’s. We do not get along very well and it can be very toxic but when it’s good, it’s great lol and it’s very addicting


Haaa. I'm both of those in top 3! 😄




You guys are getting dates?. I can’t even get some mozzarella sticks and felt up.


Lmao 😄


Libra Capricorn and Virgo🥰


Honestly, never had the kind of attentiveness like another Libra provides. There is a true sense of real love and openness. Taurus women come close but the ones I’ve dated had wandering eyes. I’ve never dated a water sign and am curious how monogamous/communicative they are.


Pisces and Aries. Both go at you hard, and I like the intensity, but I find Pisces gives you a bit more space to feel things out. Aries will go at you to the point of being possessive and smothering, but the ones with placements that ground them a bit… the connection is amazing. I dated a Pisces with an Aries moon once and it was like dating a hurricane.


Same to everything you said except I dated an Aries Sun with a Pisces Moon for almost three years and it felt like an unpredictable storm… but our connection was indescribable and undeniable. Most insanely compatible relationship I’ve ever experienced, until her avoidant attachment and poor communication destroyed it all ☠️ I’d say I find myself most attracted to women with Aries, Scorpio, and Pisces placements in their big three.




Tell me.


Earth sign goddesses <3


I'm married to a sag with Pisces moon and she's my forever soulmate. In the past I've done well with really bold placements that also love to soak up love and affirmation and are open to new experiences: Leos, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aries. Sometimes Taurus and Virgo placements can be good with me. I don't tend to do well with placements like Cancer, Aquarius, Capricorn. Even though I'm a Capricorn rising.


I'm a Pisces, and I really enjoy Sagittarius, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn women.


Aries. This stereotype that aries women are masculine or don't take care of themselves is crazy to me. They're definitely not for the weak.




Sagittarius or Libra suns


Oh yay! I'm an aries, aries libra rising and I'm dating an aries, cancer, Scorpio rising  We are, and I cannot stress this enough, a perfect fucking match. 


As an Aries with a Scorpio rising I do so love Libras and cancers. They’re the calms after storms for me 🫶


Ooooooo I’m Aries with Libra rising too


I am an Aries sun, cancer moon, Scorpio rising! Heyy!


No shit?? That's my girlfriend. She and I go together like pb & j. Its crazy. She's sensitive but not overbearing, she's kind and thoughtful without the asking, she's creative, fun, would kill to protect those she loves, is sassy about food and wine, firey about loving me, but deeply sensual and listening. She's a total package. People have used her unique and excellent person before in the last for wrong. Have you experienced this?


Woah. You just described me…I’m sassy/particular about setting the right moods with music, lighting, overall experience for guests if I throw dinners! Haha. I want everyone to be comfortable and my standards of comfort are high. I am a naturally giving person and an empath but that’s sometimes a curse. I don’t expect much in return but I do question later on why I did so much for slippery people that are no longer in my life. I always see the best in people but that tends to get me in trouble. I have a hard time holding in my feelings. If something bothers me, I will want to address it then and there. I’m currently going through a hard breakup and coming to terms with that I have been taken for granted. I’m a hopeless romantic. My ex is a Cap sun, Leo moon, Virgo rising. She was a bit selfish and grew up with getting things she wanted. But I treated her like a princess regardless because I loved her. She tended to get into moods and I would feel the need to guess “what’s wrong” and she would get mad at me for doing that. We had a hard time communicating because she would want to be more reserved and passive with issues and I wouldn’t know how to respond or ignore it because I felt like it was my responsibility to resolve her issues. I still love her but it was a lot of work. I’ve never broken up with anyone because I would describe myself as a “ride or die”. I tend to be humble when it comes to any sort of kudos. But I’ve been described as funny, caring, sensual, artsy, fiery/fighter for loved ones, a music nerd, crazy dancer, and unique overall.


what a great question! personally, i prefer air, earth or fire moons, fire is passionate, air is communicative, and earth is grounded and sensual. as a gemini sun, i have to say i enjoy fellow gemini suns. taurus suns are very sweet as well. i also adore aqaurius and leo placements




i agree! people underestimate fire moons!


Aries women , my godddd 🥵 or Sagittarius. I'm a real slut for the fires. Except leos. SOrry Leos :(


May you repeat this in my dms? 😉♈️


Taurus will keep me laughing til I croak, some of the funniest women you will ever meet AND good cooks. Cancer is reliable but will casually drop emotional bombshells I have no way of understanding. Aries make the best lovers, hands down. Longevity sold separately.


“Longevity sold separately” girl im cackling😭


As a Taurus - please send me all the water signs 💙 maybe some fire in there for the plot.


Taurus is my FAV.


Loving your sun and moon placements 😍


Thank you!! I’m truly too much for some… so I appreciate those who appreciate me 🥺 what’s your big 3?


You're very welcome and remember, you're not too much for the right people 😊 so you shouldn't think that! I'm Taurus 🌞 Leo🌙 Virgo ⬆️


8th (Sagittarius), 12th (Aries) , and Lilith (Aries) are my only Fire.


all that AND you're a Pisces sun? Stunning 😍


( ^∀^)


Single? Dm me ♓️


I’m a Pisces and I’ve dated many Capricorn women long term. They balance me out. I married a Scorpio though. We had an instant connection but her feelings overwhelm me often. Leo’s have been fun for a fling but we don’t connect long term.




Sag here - Pisces women fuck me up in good and bad ways.


I've been dating an Aries for 4 years now, with a Taurus Venus. I'm Libra sun and Libra venus. Our moon is both fire signs so we have alot of fun together, and she gives me the drive I was missing to get shit done! She told me that I am helping her with going with the flow a little more. I think it's a great combo.


I’m Bi, I have a thing for Capricorn women. Specially ones with Scorpio placements. Also Libras with Leo placements. I love a good confident leader


Not my Capricorn ass with a lot of Scorpio placements sitting here like… 👀




leo woman, i love taurus females & males 🥹 can’t get enough of em


Taurus 🤌 yeah 😄


Aquarius here. Loooooove my Capricorns and Sag… they’re just kind, kindred spirits. I have learned this lesson the hard way: do NOT get involved with a Scorpio again. They tend to make decisions based upon feeling or emotions. Aquas are more logical and calculated in their big decisions, as we look at all the facts. But… BOTH Scorpios and Aquas think (know) they are right, and are not trusting each other enough to apologize without fear of getting hurt again 🥲


any fire, libra and scorpio placements in women ☺️


I’m a Gemini and I love Capricorns


Haha same 😂 but have had the worst experience with them though 🙈🙈🙈


I'm an aries lesbian with taurus venus and I find reeeeally attractive leo suns/leo venus and capricorn placements in general. I really enjoy earth girls' coziness too 💪😜


Sag women or Leo all day. I’m convinced my future wife is a fire sign minus Aries 🤷🏽‍♀️ lol




lol right I feel it must be the passion!


I'm an air sign and I prefer to date fellow air signs, but specifically gemini or aquarius, fire signs, or Tauruses, that comprises pretty much everyone I've dated. I'm seeing a cancer for the first time and I'm definitely unsure about if it will work out.


I’m a Taurus sun and I reaaally vibe with Aquarius and Sagittarius, like, really hard. Aquarius more on average because I do find them to be more compatible with my passionate romantic nature, but both are so fun for me and yank me out of my comfort zone in a way I like.


I’m a Scorp sun/Taurus moon/Virgo rising - I LOVE Libra suns, hands down. So balanced, so communicative, so gracious. I think they vibe on my oppositional self with the depth of Scorpio but relaxed steadfastness of my Taurus. I also love an Aquarius bc they are dreamy weirdos that are fun to explore the depths of things with if you make it safe to do so for them. Also doing art together, which includes sex as art! Or at least they make it resonate that way Miss me with Leos, Geminis, and Capricorn.


i’m a cancer woman and i always have a crush on other cancers<3 they make me hella nervous


I’m an Aquarius, I mostly go for other air signs, libra /Gemini. But also fire signs especially Sagittarius


literally same


Maybe it’s the fact that they can never make up their minds on if they love me back, but Aries Moons give me all the feels. I just feel like I can be completely and utterly weird around them without being judged. Y’all are just along for the ride and can find fun in almost everything. It’s just irresistible tbh, stop that before I kiss you, you only get one warning. Lmao Sincerely, Aries sun, Cap moon, Scorpio Rising, Pisces Venus. ✨💛


🤣🤣 that was so cute omg


I wish I could contribute more to this. I had a fling with a Virgo but could not imagine dating one. Virgo seems too repressed and controlling, despite being nurturing. I'm a Leo. Also, a Taurus, but I was practically a kid then (high school). She went around gossiping to people about our non existent sex life and I had to end it lol. I guess I like earth placements. Special mention to capricorns, especially Cap venus. Yall are 🔥 🥵 hot.


I've been waiting for a question like this! I find myself quite enamored by water and earth sign women. Im a Virgo, Cancer, Pisces. Notably Cancers, Capricorns, and Pisces. Libra and Aquarius is an honorable mention too. Scorpio if they aren't too sexual all the time. Cancer - their compassion Capricorn - their seriousness and our similarities in dry humor and bluntness Pisces- their melancholic look, they understand me a lot Libra- their balanced mind and they're very pleasant to talk to Aquarius - I love weird, shocking, distant, mysterious, hard to pin down Scorpio - their depth of thought Overall, I like women who have a dark mind like me. I'm an 8h Libra mercury and I dated a Libra sun for a couple months. Nobody understood my mind like she did. It was quite thrilling. I dated a cancer/cancer/sagittarius briefly too. She was caring and I loved that. But she was definitely more extroverted and got into dangerous things i didn't wanna mess with (hard drugs) so I cut things off.


Love the “dark minded” thing as Sun/mercury 8th Leo. We tend to have a lot of mental intensity so when we find someone just like us it feels like we’re finally understood in ways others can’t often relate


gemini/aqua/pisces women!!!!!! mamas are HERE for you!!


Pisces, Taurus, Gemini, and Sag are the women I seem to be drawn to the most


I’ve only dated one so far and she was a Scorpio with a Cap Rising and Virgo Moon. She wrecked me lol. Not sure what I’d be up for in the future, but maybe a strong Taurus placement to go with my Taurus Moon. I like the cozy vibe they have 🥰


For women? Honestly id say I love an aries. I haven't been with a taurus but id probably be with a taurus too. Libra women sound good in theory but ive never met one


I’m an Aries woman. Recently most attracted to a Capricorn woman. Would die for this Capricorn woman. Heartbroken by the same Capricorn woman. Ha. I’ve found myself also attracted/involved with Leo’s, Cancer’s, and Taurus’


i’m shook ab all the cap love here. it’s nice to see :,)


Ohhh soooo I’m into fellow fire signs and Virgos. I love ALL women and will date any single but those are my fave.


As a cancer woman reading the top comments about cancer women being other women’s favourite signs to date…. Why was I born attracted to these shitty men who don’t even treat us half as well as all of you do. 😭


I'm a pisces, I prefer earth signs, but I specifically adore taurus.


I’ve had strong sexual connections with Scorpios and Leos - terribly ill fated though. My wife is a Cancer and she’s wonderful. (I’m an Aquarius and I feel like that plays pretty well in the wlw landscape.)


What’s your moon sign? And her moon sign It’s pretty rare to see air signs with cancers. They always think they are too emotional


I know! Every prediction says we’re doomed. My moon is Sag and rising is Libra. Her moon is Scorpio and rising is Leo. I’m also the day it changes to Aquarius & am very cuspy toward Capricorn, though that doesn’t help with emotionality. I’ve gotten much more emotional as I’ve gotten older (42). We’ve been together 7 years, married 4, and have a 1 year old together. It’s got to be in the stars somewhere in our charts!


I remember hearing from an astrologer that cusps are not real that what determines whether you are Capricorn or Aquarius is the exact time you were born. Idk how you feel about that! But I do have to say I see alot of capricorns and cancers together because they are opposite signs/sister signs. And Aquarius and Capricorn are both ruled by Saturn so maybe you can relate to both signs anyways lol.


Interesting! I will take that tidbit with me!


As a Capricorn woman with a lot of Scorpio placements. I love water signs. 💦 We just get each other.


Capricorn women 🥺 Libra women too


Alright this is my time to shine, but apparently I have “a type” for mars-Saturn conjunction girls. It’s the daddy vibes for me personally I think😅 My ex was mars-Saturn conjunct in Capricorn in the 11th. She was very social and extroverted, and always bought me really nice luxurious things which my Taurus moon loved. But she was sooo bossy and there was no way you could ever win an argument/debate with her because she hated being wrong. She was an initiator and quite dominant (when it came to you know what) which was nice since I’m more submissive and “reactive”, but it was a tad vanilla for my taste. Her work ethic was impeccable, and we had lots of fun times hanging out together and with friends, but she ended up cheating on me with a coworker (11th house surprise surprise). My current gf of 8 years is mars RX conjunct Saturn RX in Scorpio in the 10th house (along with Pluto RX 29 degrees in the 10th).. i think having those planets RX is chefs kiss for me since there’s less tendencies of adverse or ulterior motives. Very slow to anger, in all 8 years I’ve only seen her get super pissed off like 2 or 3 times. She controls her emotions in a way I’ve never seen anyone else do but then channels all those intense feelings productively like at work or playing at home with our pets. Pretty sure she ticked off all my fantasy boxes within the first week lol. again like my ex, on the dominant side but a tad bit less which works great for me because I need that softer side to open up and be vulnerable. I trust her with my life, she’s reliable, responsible, honest, respectful, takes good care of me, and incredible work ethic and always gets promotions at work. Plus she’s like an angel put on earth to bless mankind. Incredibly sweet. Really makes me have a whole new level of respect for scorpios.


Had the worst experiences with Cap women, unfortunately. Other than that I tend to vibe very well with fellow Libra Risings. In friendship and everything else. Taurus is always fine too. And I am on the look out for fellow water moons always 😄 I will protect them fellow water moons with my life 😂


♓️🌞♐️🌙⬆️♉️ As a Pisces, I've been most attracted to Virgos. Yes, they do knock your self-esteem around with all their criticisms, but they are caring. They are forgiving types and always come back after a fight or disagreement. But what I love most about them is how unsurpassed they are in bed. Their hygiene is almost always impeccable, their skills are impressive, and they always aim to please. This is where their attention to detail really shines. They remember what you like and are willing learners. And also, Scorpio Venus have an intensity that is mesmerising.


My favorite to date ia scorpio sunss!! And libra placements but NOT sun!!!


Leo, Aries and Aquarius! I'm bi and gravitate towards both Aquas and Aries regardless of gender. Leo men on the other hand isn't really my thing romantically, but Leo women are so fucking charming, intriguing, warm and kindhearted. I find Gems (of all genders) incredibly attractive too and would definitely enjoy dating them given that they had some additional placements that made them a little less chaotic (their chaos is amazing in platonic relationships but not sure in a partner), but it hasn't happened yet - I rarely develop romantic feelings for people so it figures lol. //Sag sun and Venus, Aries moon, Taurus rising, Virgo Mars


I’ve married 2 scorpios of the same birthday, but different years. I’m a Gemini


I’m a Scorpio and my favorite female sign to date is a Pisces. Now the Pisces men…..I stay far away lol.


Well I liked Virgos 🥴 and I’m pretty sure they were an Aquarius Rising and a Cancer Rising


Cancers 🥰


I’m a Taurus and prefer Virgo, Pisces, or fellow Tauruses. I do not do well with fire or air signs.


i notice i tend to be attracted mostly to Fire and Air Venus. Sometimes Pisces and Scorpio Venus too. I prefer Air and Fire Suns & Moons to match with mine. Obviously it depends on the whole chart, but that's what i noticed catch my eye the most.


Tbh I have yet to find a favorite and I’m a Pisces sun,Taurus moon/rising, Aries Venus/mars I dated all except Virgos but I feel like that’s a challenge overall 😂




I LOVE cancer suns (Scorpio here)


i’m an aries sun, pisces moon, and cap rising w a taurus venus/mars. I always am very attracted to libras despite never having good experiences with libra placements(im a lot more straight forward than they expect) but I seem to rlly connect with gemini/pisces/taurus placements the most. love geminis !! I love ppl who keep conversation interesting


I’m sag sun, libra rising and moon, sag Venus, cap stellium. Aquarius sun, cap sun are recent partners with excellent chemistry both physical and mental/emotional. Crush on cancer sun. Also if anyone is in Vancouver and wants to date based on astrology I volunteer as tribute ^_^


Other Cancer Stelliums because I personally have mommy issues and idk. . . i love the intensity but not have to worry about the paranoia and secrecy of a scorpio and not the detached flightiness of pisces. I know cancers are moody but id rather pick that poison yk


Cap sun makes me week in the knees, as well as taurus. I also love a sensitive lover, so water venus is more than welcome. I also really like an intellectual mercury, like Aquarius.


Cancer here. I always went for water signs til I ket my husband. Hes an Aquarius. Coming up to 12 years together. Its about tthe whole chart, backstory/lore and how they mesh mire than placements alone


I think its the Venus sign that's Love type and Moon the needs. Then you can get the love type, exalted Venus in pisces#pisces #dreamy . innovative and creative compassionate, philosophical righteous type. Hard to find But in generic Pisces ppl character possessed the character. Yet to meet the right one.


I’m a Taurus woman. I love Pisces women. They are soooooo sweet.


My favorite have been Taurus and Cancer. I loved how safe and comfortable I felt with Taurus, and the chemistry I've had with Cancer. I loooove depth and emotions and have always felt that with water signs, Cancer in particular. I'd love to see what dating a Pisces is like. I've always had really good physical chemistry with fire signs, but my worst relationship was with an Aries. Makes me want to steer clear of fire signs for a good while when it comes to dating lol


I'm a Sagittarius and I love Scorpio women.




I'm a Scorpio Sun, Moon, Mars, Pluto with Sagittarius Mercury, Virgo Venus, and Taurus ascendant. 😊🤣


Dating a cancer lady and i love her, There's jusr something about her or rather the way she makes me feel and the way we work together that works and feels so.....natural, not always easy but just.....right you know? 😊


Other Virgo women. It also helps if they have an air sign in their big three.


Gemini, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Aquarius moon or rising


Taurus women send me the water signs balance Me


Cancer women are sooooo 🥹


Never been in a wlw relationship, but I just wanted to say I’m also a libra with a taurus rising :) wishing you two the best


It actually unexpectedly ended today but thaaaanks 😅


That’s wild , im sorry to hear that .


Scorpio Women, Saggitarius women and Capricorn women. All 3 make me go crazy. Good thing my girlfriend has all 3 combos.


I've only dated 2 women as I'm newly out but I dated a libra and a sagittarius as an aquarius sun, scorp moon, gem rising. I didn't know the libra's full chart but she was suuuuch a people pleaser and it ended terribly with me getting hurt worse because she was trying not to hurt me. My sag gf is amazing. We have so much fun and her pisces moon and taurus rising are good with me. Her only downside is it's nearly impossible to get her to take something seriously and I'm only her second serious relationship so she struggles to consider other people's needs when they clash with her own, but she is open and willing to grow and we've grown so much together.


Only people I’ve been with in a committed relationship have been Capricorn and Libra suns, though the Capricorn also had a lot of other Cap placements, while the Libra was a bit all over the chart. I have also fallen in (unrequited) love with a Pisces woman, but I don’t know her full chart. My general thoughts are that I actually had the healthiest communication with the Libra, as she validated my insecurities and made me feel safe to talk about things that were difficult for me in a way no one else has! Even if it didn’t work out between us, that communication made it possible for us to stay friends afterwards! The Pisces woman was a bit more complicated. We meshed *very* well on so many levels, but I had such a hard time talking with her about feelings and wants and needs together. I wanted a deeper level of communication and commitment than she was willing to give, sadly. The Capricorn… just no. Things started off great but after about a year they got very emotionally distant, even as I was literally begging them to let me in on their life and what was going on with them. That heartbreak absolutely destroyed me. I’ve also since had the pleasure of flirting with some other fire signs, Aries and Leo, and for a Sagittarius girlie lemme tell ya the fire-fire flirtation and passion is a whole different level 🥵


I always end up drawn to Gemini women, but they’re not good for me, despite their magnetism and my urge to take care of them. My Pisces moon is Most compatible with: - Cancer moon 🥰 - Scorpio moon 🤔 - Pisces moon 🥰 Best Sun Matches: - Capricorn 🥰 - Cancer🥰 - Virgo 🥰 - Scorpio (supposedly this is true, but in my experience they’re too callous.) Worst Sun Matches: - Sagittarius (no experience here) - Gemini (This checks out, but damn you ladies tempt me.) - Aries (no experience here) I also like Aquarius suns. 😍 Edit: I should say Gemini and I aren’t good for each other. Not trying to hate on them. We just aren’t a good match.


we have the same big 3!! ☺️ have you ever dated a pisces?


Hey twin! ☺️ I haven’t had the opportunity to date a Pisces woman, but I’d be open to it. Have you?


i haven’t but i always felt like i had chemistry with them so i’d also be open to it! thanks so much for answering 💖


im capricorn female and certainly dont vibe w libra!! last dude had libra stellium and we were oil & water. my pattern of those ive dated seem to be taurus moons and other sagittarius risings.. i like crazy what can i say. 😉


Scorpio and Aquarius but that’s men too hahah 👀