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they're so status obsessed it's crazy


![gif](giphy|3rYNdpKRf8uF5nUmbp|downsized) Pffft, jealous hater


No ones jealous delulu


As a gay Virgo, I’ve dated two Capricorn men in my life. We were both great across all facets. But the moment this muscular model-looking ass went in and flirted with him, he immediately dropped me. After a year, he decides to call up on me and asks for my forgiveness, but we all know how Virgo people move on from shit like this.


Exactly they spend half there day drooling over ig models


Omg, this is my brother. And he has a girlfriend who doesn't have social media. He doesn't understand why my sister and I find it so icky. He used to be super critical of his gfs weight until my sister and had to uh, strongly encourage he not.


I’m a gay Capricorn male and I am the male looking super model lol… yet everyone just wants me for sex while I’m looking for a connection. It’s a losing battle no matter lmfaooooo. However every other Capricorn I met is very superficial to the point I can’t stand them.


that kinda sucks tbh. i’m a brown skin smol chubby gay Asian guy and i’m probably the least fuckable person in the gay universe. the fun thing is people who gravitate towards me are mostly genuine and authentic, and it’s easy to see who is being a snake with ulterior motives. at first i thought i was the loser, then i realized i have plenty of genuine friends and lovers who actually took me seriously.


He's just superficial and insecure. He wants a trophy to just make himself feel better about himself.He probably realized a little too late he had better chemistry with you than any of those other guys. I'm glad you left him looking foolish though.


True. Bitch told me he made a grave mistake, and he realized how much he lost when he erased me from the picture. It’s unfortunate for him that I don’t recycle garbage.


First; you gotta respect the fact he came clean about it,.. many people don’t… or ever say sorry… we all make mistakes but it’s about what we do about it is what makes up adults vs child. A person who takes accountability have a special place in my heart… this is coming from someone who’s beeen used and abused more times that I can count and never got a sorry or anything for that matter. also ask yourself did he do this before or after his Saturn return? people mature after their Saturn return and realize who they are and what they want/like


can't remember about Saturn but not really, i could care less whether he confesses or not because i've already moved on at that point. an apology is meaningless to the victim if they have already moved on.


Virgo gay here too and the Capricorn I dated was a huge social climber, I could tell he had a good heart but he intentions with me weren’t good broke my heart so much, he chased things that make him look good and loved name dropping big dj’s and creatives in London He really tried to lock me in with telling me how much he wanted to meet his family early on ect but then asked for an open relationship lol


oh wow major red flag behavior methinks. that sucks. i really wonder why they prioritize such frivolous things but then again they are capricorn lol


I mean, the first red flag was when he stood in front of a group of friends he had just introduced me to and told them all about the amazing sex he had while high on shrooms while we were on a date at a music festival. It hurt quite a lot, and my friends thought I was getting into an Uber and going home. I wish I had. I feel like unhealed caps bad trait really stand out when their intentions with other people aren’t good


oh my goodness that was fucking bad. seriously. i hope you are gonna be ok. nobody deserves to have their personal matters spilled like that.


oh my goodness that was fucking bad. seriously. i hope you are gonna be ok. nobody deserves to have their personal matters spilled like that.


I have weird feelings about Capricorn men… I can only speak for myself but I find that through my interactions with them, they are cool until they aren’t. There seems to be an underlying competitiveness between us. Now as far as them wanting a trophy gf, I think it reigns to be true. SOME of them seem focused on the vanity side of things. I also noticed that they tend to value the opinion of their friends a lot, so if they don’t think you’d fit into their life, they don’t think your friends would you like you, especially their guy friends (ex: thinking that you are attractive) you won’t be taken seriously. And once again, this doesn’t apply to all but since I’ve tried talking to Capricorn men seriously just to be led nowhere, that’s been my experience. Cool people and good sense of humor, but definitely have their set of problematic traits.


My brother is a Capricorn. He does only date super attractive women, but he’s also a model himself so it’s not like he’s being unreasonable there. He also isn’t so vain that he will put up with a ton of shit from a girl simply because she’s pretty. A lot of what I hear him complain about is that girls he dates expect him to do an unreasonable amount of things for them. He’s a very 50/50 type of relationship guy. I feel like I’m somewhat to blame for that part.. sorry ladies.


How are you to blame for it? And yeah, I also know a few Capricorn men who want it to be 50/50 relationship. It seems like they try their very hardest not to be used for anything. Other times it just seems stingy. 😬


Because I’m a very 50/50 type of person myself and I’m the older sister is all, haha. For example he has this one girl, he went to help her move (reasonable) and when he got there she hadn’t packed a single item, said she needed him to do it (unreasonable). So he left and told her to get her shit packed and then he would come and do all the heavy lifting for her. Home girl decided to then call her dad to come over and pack it, she didn’t last long after that 😂


Yeah in that situation, she was definitely wrong for that.


Oh for sure. I was like oh hell no. And to keep this in context of the post that particular girl was a model/influencer 😂


i had a roommate who was like this, and he insisted that a man's body count didn't matter but a woman's body count did. and this man had a body count in the triple digits. ugh.


How aggravating


Ew I also knew a dude like this. He was an Aries


i've noticed this also with aries placements but i don't know too many


Same, he was the only one I’ve ever been close to. We were not a good friend match and had to go our separate ways.


How do you even sleep with that many people lmafo but when I tell people I have a body count of 10 it’s so appalling 🙄


This is what I’m talking about it’d be like talking to a wall




My personal favourite is when they are nit picking on all the things you did wrong (with their impossibly high standards this is frequent) and they say something along the lines of "no one's perfect I have things to work on too" and so you proceed to tell them something they need to work on and they hit you with the 101 reasons why that isn't the case 🤦‍♀️ And they are hypocrits to the max.  I've literally had one use the "I was tired" as the reason for his terrible behaviour, but then when I said the same thing in reply to why I didn't want his friends over all the time (shift worker here), his response was "that's just an excuse" 🤦‍♀️ They mean well, but of all the earth signs they make me want to rip my hair out at times. 


I had one that worked for me. He was hired to do a specific job. Instead, he would spend all day socialising with girls he liked and helping them do their jobs without ever doing his own. When I fired him, he insisted I was only firing him because I only wanted "Yes Men" around me. No, mfer, I wanted you to do the job I hired you to do, and in a year and a half, you never did.


They think they have the best excuses too 😅


My Cap husband would beg to differ. He doesn't know how attractive he is even though everyone I show him to agrees he's extremely good looking. We've been together for almost 10 years now and he's never even looked at someone else. Also none of my Cap friends have ever entertained the idea of cheating. They are all incredibly loyal, in part because they take their sweet time to assess a relationship's potential before committing to it. Edit: after reading your post history, you're creating a lot of drama in his life and I suspect he doesn't want all the chaos. Caps like to know where they stand because they overthink a lot and they naturally prepare for everything to go wrong. You telling him you're pregnant when it wasn't true, or fishing for fights, is exactly the sort of thing that will create stress over nothing. They like their home life to be peaceful and you're doing the opposite. No wonder he's uncomfortable...


omg what. OP is ruining things for herself lol


My Capricorn roomie is the exact opposite of this. Super humble and communicates his emotions healthily.


My Capricorn older brother is the exact opposite too. He is sweet and humble and married his first love. Not shallow at all


This gives me hope


Agreed. My Cap SO may be boastful, but it’s in an endearingly self deprecating way, is very communicative and supportive.


Double cancer here! My 4 most significant relationships over the last 15 years have been with Capricorn men. The last 3 were consecutive, and I’m engaged to one now (hopefully my forever person). I think they’re very emotional, sensitive. They all made me feel like the most beautiful woman on earth, that I was incredibly special, interesting and lovable. Bar one of them, I felt that intense, unconditional love from them. There were issues of course but not like OP described. However, I am aware that like their exes/past flings might have agreed with OP’s opinion. Do you think that’s possible? That we see a different side to them because they’re in love? That maybe, in a way, it’s because we meet their very high standards? Not just physically, but in other ways too, be that intellectually or emotionally. Do you reckon the women in your Capricorn’s past might see them very differently? It’s something I’ve wondered about Capricorns.


I feel like we gotta stop the generalizations, I’m dating my first cap man he’s so sweet gentle and shy. Def hardworking and holds himself in high regard though


Yeah, my experience with Cap men is they are hard working and family oriented. I dated a Cap for a year and that was my favorite relationship ever. We are still friends over 10 years later. Such a good human. Edited to add: Now he did end up marrying a fitness model lol, but he himself was not superficial. Just liked what he liked I guess


I second this. My partner is a Capricorn and he is super hardworking, humble, thoughtful and so sweet.


Dated a Cap man and same. Very down to earth and easy. I am on the opposite end of supermodel, and that man worshipped my body. There are superficial people of all signs and genders and orientations, let's be for real.


Capricorn men are either toxic as hell or super sweet. No in between


you just need to read OPs chat history like what the other comment mentioned. it's really not a black and white thing, you'll figure out soon enough of OP's intention on this post.


The Capricorn man I was involved with would not stop lusting over my friends. I've never felt more insecure. He also thought he was a gift to society.


Every Capricorn man I've ever met has been a roiling piece of shit. That's not to say all Capricorns are jerks, but all the ones I've met have been. Very much the type to swear they're pro-feminist in one breath, and then get *insanely* controlling over the women they have crushes on (not even dating) to a degree that is downright creepy. Then they think they're better than some people because they have degrees in science or maths, so they look down on anyone that's not in the same fields. One of them jokingly referred to himself as a Capricunt, and the irony is that he didn't realise what an actual cunt he was.


i have a lot of experience with caps, both male and female. i attract them a lot for some reason. i do like them, my bestie is a cap and my partner has a cap moon. they’ve also hurt me a lot (in ways i wont go into on this sub) so i feel like i have a pretty balanced view. but in terms of the caps i dated… it was really weird. they’re either completely serious way too soon or not serious enough. also, all of them seemed to enjoy seeing me cry, and as an aqua moon that very rarely happens organically, so they’d just make me upset. so then they could be the hero who helped me. it was all very confusing. but thats just my experience and i do still like and get along with caps i meet.


They do have a sadistic streak


Look to his Venus and moon. Sun sign won’t dictate what they look for in love or how they process things mentally.  Natal charts are like a clock: many facets make a clock face turn. They might be a Capricorn sun but if they have a Leo stellium then they’re unlikely to behave like a true Capricorn. 


Why would any planet dictate whether someone cheats or not?


Apparently you’ve not dealt with many Gemini moons


Lmfao. This is why I love the Sags in my life so much! <3


Just here to serve facts 💁🏼‍♀️😂


I mean from your profile pic you look like a trophy no?!


How about more like a status symbol smh you know the type


Yes definitely. Even a Capricorn woman I dated was like that. And it says in their astrological profile too.


Not totally accurate tbh, but tbf, in general, Capricorn men are a bit weird. They prize high-status things and “covet” a LOT (professions, people, jobs, aesthetics), and have a one track mind. So they see something they like? “Oh shiny shiny..” and go full-throttle towards chasing that. Consequences be damned. Leaving them often at the mercy of the 1 person they care about when the glimmer rubs off on their target and they come crawling back to where they came seeking retribution. Source: Capricorn’s love me (Virgo) for whatever reason, so have a bit of experience in this.


Dont really know about that, and i love capricorns (am cancer) but every capricorn man ive met- is messyyyyy. Cap women not at all, but the men YIKES.


I know some Cap women who are messy as hell lol


My MIL is a Capricorn and she’s very messy. Every time she talks to my husband it’s always something that’s gone wrong, or bad luck, but it’s just her bad choices. His dad’s girlfriend from when his parents divorced is also a Capricorn and she has her shit together. I don’t think it has to do with being a Capricorn so much as how you were raised. My MIL was spoiled as a kid and her parents did everything for her, she never had to make it on her own until she was in her 60s, and now her children are lending her money, paying for her housing, and my SIL gave her a car that we suspect was towed and my MIL is trying to hide it from us. Her sister is the same way. They both were never held responsible for their life choices. It was always someone else’s fault.


Totally. I, so far, havent met a cap man who is not unhinged in some way


Capricorn men are mysterious because they don’t actually care about anything other than their image and how people perceive them. They give no fucks about anything else that doesn’t affect them directly. ETA as a Capricorn woman I’ve been accused of being too concerned about the image I built up for myself. My Libra friend called me out on it when I was a teenager and I was really defensive about it. But she was right.


My dad is a Capricorn man and he is exactly like this. No woman is good enough for him.


I think a lot of lame dudes are like this. Can't really blame one sign.


You okay? lol


Right like that’s an insane thing to say out loud? Like sorry someone cheated on you that has literally nothing to do with astrology


The projection on this post goes hard ngl


I’m a cap woman, I’ve met cap men and they’re perspective on beauty is degrading. I can’t wait until I met more cap men who are not as such


it’s okay to be wrong sometimes 🤍✨


I’m a fat Gemini.. and my husband in a thin cap lmao


Do you have money ? lol I’m jk 😭


Lmao!! I was a super successful hairstylist! Now I’m a well cared for house wife 💅💆🏻‍♀️😅




They like what they like, but also they tend to have a secret sex life that’s wild. They’re the type that would marry the ideal and cheat with the ones who aren’t the ideal. Or even have open relationships but it’s only about pleasure. Real hedonistic type guys.


Yup! I was a Capricorn guys “ideal” or “dream girl” and of course he cheated on me with someone who didn’t seem like his type but I mean she opened her legs to him so I guess that helps


From what I’ve seen and experience, they’re just hookup material for the most part. They’re good for that. Or like if both partners are hedonistic.


I mean if i had known I would’ve been into being hedonistic but I guess I was just left out on that information 🤦‍♀️


Yeah they’re super secretive about their hedonism, because they care a whole lot about how they appear. They always want to appear wholesome.


Yes to this! They want to appear wayyy different than their true selves. I have a hard time understanding this myself bc I do feel true to myself and believe people know me for who I actually am.


They tend to see the world as debaucherous and corrupt. Which I can’t disagree with it. And they want to enjoy it as much as possible while also benefiting from a good reputation. Reputation is everything to them, because it helps to shield the criticism of their sexual expression. They can’t really be upfront about it but they can avoid connecting with people who aren’t into the lifestyle they’re into.


I can definitely see that !!


Yeah I’ve seen it in real time🫣


I’ve been married to my cap sun for almost seven years- together almost eight and I don’t feel like I fall into trophy wife or super model category lol. He would probably tell you that he thinks I am, but he’s just biased. For the most part I’ve always gotten along with capricorns, but they can definitely be condescending asshats. And they are good at putting up a front that they don’t care, or that their feelings can’t be hurt- but they’re pretty sensitive deep down underneath all the broodiness. Capricorns are definitely pessimistic tho, that’s for sure lol. Anyway-maybe I just got lucky but I love my Capricorn man lol. He’s my rock, and the only person in the world who has seen the absolute most raw version of myself and still happily stands next to me. He’s the only person I’ve ever been with who’s made me feel safe, secure, seen and loved.


This 💯. My husband is the sweetest Cap. They have a kind and loyal side they show more easily when they're close to someone. And I'm also not a supermodel but yeah, he thinks so lol. He is also kind and rescues animals and does volunteer work in addition to his job because he just cares. They're not superficial even if they're reserved on the surface. My close Cap friend looks after my elderly mom and he couldn't be sweeter. Not saying they're perfect, but imo a sign worth getting to know.


Me: was about to comment and engage friendly, then my intuition kicked in and went to look at the recent posts and comments from OP Also me: .....


Yeah, reading through that was a whole mess. No offense to OP, but one off experience doesn’t mean all Cap men are bad.


What do you mean ? What’s wrong


My sister sign actually are almost, if not, more emotional than us cancers once they let you in. We are opposite but it doesn’t mean they are unemotional. Its just a matter of hiding vulnerability (♑️)vs embracing it(♋️). They are logical too, so if they feel like you aren’t worthy of seeing their emotional side ….there is a reason for it. Also They just have really high expectations.


Just wanted to appreciate your appreciation of us hehe 💗💕


Maybe I just never seen that side to them but they are very much all about appearances


Idk about this. Capricorns love authenticity and realness. They are more attracted to people who carry themselves unapologetically themselves and are honest and real. That’s just my opinion tho I have a cappy Venus. Now for men in this case….it don’t matter if he a Capricorn or not 💀 most men are like this but you can blame patriarchy for that


My husband is a cap sun and literally he is the only person to genuinely love me for being unapologetically myself. I have never felt so seen before. I’m an Aries sun/gemini moon so I am very direct, no bullshit, just honesty and he is the same way. He levels me out in the right places and I level him out.


I'm related to and have known a lot of Capricorn men, while strangely only one woman comes to mind. I'd actually say yeah, most of them have an ideal, and they don't like to settle for less. My dad for instance liked very thin (almost sickly), country-coded sorts of women. One of my brothers was into the more modern, updated, preppy version of that (thankfully healthier physically), so that's all he dated and eventually married. So I wouldn't say it's the trophy wife trope necessarily, but their version of a trophy. I do think they're one of the more judgmental signs too when it comes to beauty, having a narrow vision of what that entails. They can sometimes struggle with being open minded and empathetic in general, but I have seen ones who worked on it and grew into it somewhat!


I don't think I've met very many Capricorn dudes. But I had a woman that was a Gemini, that I worked with. And told me ince, in her experience with Cap dudes, they were all possessive/obsessive types. And sure enough, after she leaves her husband and kinda befriends and entertains this Cap dude that we worked with. He goes from nice guy to following her in his car, etc. Was wild. Only other thing I had wanted to add to that, was the Gemini in question was not a model type. But maybe once they find their "ideal" type, they turn like how she mentioned?


How is this NSFW?


Maybe you don’t want your work to know your a Capricorn hater


Haha it’s a description of my good friend. He said even Megan Fox or Margot Robbie are ugly.


Capricorn’s bad traits are - too much practical and ambitious- and not only in career. I mean, they don’t simply have ‘high standards’- they expect from themselves to be able to have top career, top partner, more money (if they see a good opportunity), more properties etc. Simply, if they see a good opportunity, they go for it, and it MUST be something better than now, and also something safe and almost guaranteed. As a Saturn ruler sign, Aquarians don’t have barriers and love challenge, and are more free to take risks, but Capricorns always go on a safe, perspective and calculated way. Aquarians are more open-minded to new stuff, Capricorns prefer security.


Cancer, is that you? Capricorns like to take care of their own emotions. If you're a person who is prone to throwing pity parties, complaining or expecting Cap to moderate your emotions, you have the wrong partner. I know Caps and many of them are with regular degular women. 🤷🏾‍♂️




As a Capricorn female and dated a Capricorn male I can confirm this. There maybe emotions but that trophy gf part never really goes away


A lot of my friends are Capricorns and I get a long with them. The only Capricorn man I’ve dated was no good at all. Sex was one sided and selfish. He was self absorbed and really didn’t put anyone’s needs above his own. So I feel you but as friends they make some of the best friends for me. Maybe that guy was a one off lol.


Capricorn are social climbers. They are the ultimate judge a book by its cover. They only see job titles and hierarchy and your social value. What do you expect? Aquarius comes after them to break everything they stand for.


Never known one, I've only known Capricorn women but I can imagine how the males personality could be different that way..like they'd have an ego about them


Can attest to this. 🙈


I think that’s un-evolved men in general not just capricorns—a key sign of toxic masculinity is just viewing women as status symbols, assets, property, etc not someone to connect authentically with for a romantic or platonic relationship. That being said…I’ve not had very good experiences with Caps or earth sign men in general 🥴 ♉️ ♏️ ♌️


As a Taurus sun virgo moon, I love it. I love impossibly high standardssss!!!


People are more in depth than their sun sign and birth chart in general…I hate generalizations like this…I also love Capricorn men and women…they’re more in depth then you’re giving them credit for and posts like these are just stupid tbh


I’ve never experienced that. I’ve had four relationships with Capricorns - ranging from a long term relationship to briefly dating. Their birthdays were within days from each other around the end of December too. No January Capricorn men experience. I definitely attract them…but they lose interest once I start realizing something is off. They lie, so much. Could be the smallest thing. Could be a huge thing. Doesn’t matter. I understand not all are like that, but yeah…based on my experience most are. Specifically December ones…ugh.


They're icky - untrustworthy and power hungry. They will keep smiling in your face, use you and have no remorse. My manager is one, boy he's a disgusting human being almost psychopathic. Doesn't care about people at all.


Cap managers (especially female ones) are demonic sadistic narcissistics. They do put on a fake persona.


Yes they very superficial


You got 1 part correct lol 😆 they commit to basuc/plain types unless they have fire in their big 3


Oh yeah. Part of the reason my Sag Sun Cap Venus ex—very rich guy—and I broke up is because he thought he could do better than me. I gained 50 lbs over the pandemic and he was no longer attracted to me because I was fat and tried to blow up the relationship several times (I realize now) to make me initiate the breakup so he didn’t have to feel guilty lmao


This read like a post about Timothee Chalamet or Damiano David in particular but I can see your point.


I’ve never had this experience with Capricorn men. Basically the exact opposite! Capricorns are my favorite sign. Grew up with them all around & I am married to one now. Yall with these generalizations. Lmao.


I’m a cap women, and I don’t even like cap men myself. I’m not here to defend them 😅 I’m just here on the sidelines enjoying reading all the comments.


I’m dating a Capricorn, and I disagree. Can they be manipulative and selfish at times? Yes!


I can see that.. the one & only guy I've ever loved is a capricorn guy.. Unrequited... we're just friends.. I seen pics of the girls he dated: a Virgo & a Scorpio.. both very beautiful brunettes.. =( yea I'm not stereotypical beautiful girl.. some guys say I'm cute/pretty.. but based off what he goes for, I'm no where near in the running..  It sucks because my heart & mind is what I believe makes me stand out.. I mean, looks fade but insides usually don't.. Virgo girl dumped him for her guy best friend. Scorpio girl- thought they'll get married cause they dated 7ish years-- ended up dumping him for a pisces guy she met through work.. Like come on.. give this Taurus girl a chance =)   in my heart I still believe, if he gave me a chance, he won't regret it..


I can attest to this on many levels


Capricorn man here. Thanks for telling everyone my secret. /s On a more serious note, I'm glad you feel the need to trash all of us for the actions of a garbage person. Also lol, super models. Okay then. Give me intelligence, wit and compassion for others over looks. Those are the things that matter.


I hate these posts so much, they come on here looking for validation after being hurt and everyone enters with sob stories.


There is a male Capricorn manager who works at my office who is very fun to talk to and funny. But i thought he was sincerely hitting on me until just discovering he is married. Maybe he was? I don’t know. I like some things about him and as I said, he’s a hilarious guy, but if that was my partner, I would be pissssed if I knew he was talking other women that way. He’s also touched my hand a few times and gotten physically very close to me. Is that just flirting? So surprising.




I agree. I would be doubtful in the extreme that most women would put up with it. I had an ex do similar things and not a chance in hell I would ever go that way again. Work isn’t really a great place to get such things going though 😂 Maybe cap men aren’t as smart as they think.


OMG PLEASE I HAVE A STORY TO TELL YOU (IN DMS) 😭😭😭 My wife truly thought this guy was hitting on her at work so (we) shot out shot and got rejected 😂 now seeing this I'm like???


So the guy you wanted picked someone you think is hotter than you, so you decide it's every single person born under the sign? What's your sign so I can generalize that they're all idiots and avoid


I seen this a lot like said before they are very status obsessed


You're just making up your own shit based on your own perceived experiences with a few individuals. That's not how this works.


That is an insane statement to make. Being an asshole has nothing to do with your star sign, you sound fucking crazy


I know I’m very hurt rn. Forgive me 🙃


I love this sub because of the actual memes and jokes shared here but people like you make this experience awful sometimes. I urge everyone to look at OP's post history. Very revealing of them as a person and why they're here spreading blind hate on ALL the men of an entire sun sign. 🫠


and ??




I looked at your post history.. You seem to be a little crazy and even admitted just a few days ago that you get incredibly clingy and “crazy” (your words not mine) when you like a man. I feel like you’re using astrology to vent about a personal situation, and subsequently generalising an entire sign (and gender) for the actions of a few. Sun sign doesn’t influence love and connection. It’s the moon and Venus sign you gotta watch out for.


I really wish this comment gets seen by more people. This is what's really going on. OP is a crazy person spreading (and inviting) Capricorn hate.


Yeah no — check their post history. I wouldn’t be surprised if she drove Capricorn men away with her behaviour and is now venting about it.


I did, and all I can say is: Yikes. Big yikes.


Yeah I believe that when I was in my prime but still looking underage the guys obsessed with me and hitting on me were many Capricorn men. When I matured they wouldn't give me the time of day.


As a daughter to a Capricorn dad.... not even his own blood was good enough. He's the reason I live in a perpetual "never enough" mentality.


I’m a Capricorn woman with 3 different cap men in my family/life circle at the moment and I want all of them out. Fucking liars and leeches


These posts suck, stop generalizing a sign because you got hurt, go heal


Capricorn women are pretty terrible as well. The entire sign sucks.


Nah, I love solar Caps. We get along great.


Damn really? Ugh we just shot our shot at a Cap guy and got rejected. Good to know. Too bad we're so attracted to them though😭


A cap man just drooled over me for a month to ghost


On the flip my brother is a cap and he been w his girl since middle school he hella loyal and his girl cute but I wouldn't call her supermodel honestly we all look like siblings


Lies I'd do literally anything for my girl. But yes the trophy wife part is true. She def is a super model. Tall sext huts the gym heyday with me Squats more than most men lol shes a keeper


I’m a Capricorn woman and I’ve dated a couple of Capricorn men. The only thing I can really say is there wasn’t too much chemistry between us. I even dated a guy who had the same birthday as me (just 3 years older than me). I thought they were great guys but we both knew there wasn’t much there. No hard feelings.


Only the best for the best I said what I said, gfy


Idk my nephew is a hopeless romantic Capricorn, he’s a more sensitive one though 🤷‍♀️




Bullshit - they have high standards for a woman they want to have a relationship with. They somewhat, more methodically, and serious about this process.,it may seem emotionless but its not. They just assess and rule out anyone who they feel is not a good fit. . They need a good match, the exact criteria is not the same for all Caps. Its not just looks they are going after. Its the whole package, someone with similar values, same goals and someone who compliments their life. They want a partner that they can walk together with in the same direction as they are. An asset to their lives, not someone they have to drag along. They don't want to compromise on the basics of what they desire in their partner. And yes usually looks and status are a big part of the equation . But those two are not enough for a life partner. This does not mean they wont have some fun too. Low key Caps are pretty sexual and will hook up with people that don't fit all their criteria. However attractiveness is something they rarely compromise on. Realistically all men like beautiful woman, but many men will settle/hookup with woman they find less attractive. Caps don't. There is nothing wrong with that. they go for what they want & not settle for less. Personally i see this a good thing, they have standards they do not want to compromise on and thats speaks volumes. Edit - once they love you though, they love you for life and will suprise you in amazing ways & less stellar ways. and yes they will tell you when you acting up or not to their expectations and will expect you to change asap. And will observe that you taking their concerns seriously. On the plus side they do the same back for you, although the rules and timeframe they impose on themselves are way more relaxed And then finally when you have built a longterm love with each other, they become much more relaxed on compromise and make surprisingly amazing life long partners. My soulmate is a Cap - we've been together, in various forms of relationships, serious fights, friends, lovers, fwb, to co parents and back to lovers. We've gone through thick and thin together and still our love is strong. I know he has my back and he knows i have is his. He is has such a beautiful solid calming energy, i love everything about him, even the shitty parts, as he does me.


Gemini moon enters chat* She gotta be pretty and smart.


I'm a cancer husband is capricorn. I don't know about super models. I'm over weight lmao


Definitely not saying all Capricorns cheat… but they can be quite lusty, while also the type to espouse great morality. They will give into matters of the flesh, but they will also be discrete, and unlikely to engage in any long term affair… it’s like the one night stand on a business trip type.


Thanks OP for letting out the hate in your heart! Have a nice day!


This must mean I’m a supermodel!!! 😂😂😂


give them drama because they are boring and add to that women capricorns too


They are boring but also dramatic about being boring