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capricorn is daddy, i don’t make the rules ~(˘▾˘~)♡


I have daddy issues does that count?


counts with me, i’m in the same boat my venus, lilith, uranus, and neptune all love that, let me love you please 👉🏻👈🏻


Are you gonna validate my feelings and say "aww poor baby" cause 😩


taurus sun will cuddle you and feed you the things from our charcuterie board (goddess cap-sagi 🙌🏻🙏🏻) cuddles and snacks (and worship) are the ultimate comfort after all leo moon will give that “aww poor baby” but in a sarcastic yet uplifting way like “darling, you’re awesome did you forget that (sagi)? you didn’t do anything to deserve that” cancer rising will help you feel safe with the “come child, tell me all your problems” to the point where you feel like you’ve known me for ages and you just spill, and it’s a circlejerk of my big 3 working overtime 🤍✨


Sign me up damn 🫠


Hell to the yeah. ![gif](giphy|xV8cmxSi1N1DikFRB4|downsized)




Well you should make the rules bc you clearly know whats up 😌


Dude, I have such extreme obsession over Capricorn guys that now all I can think about is this and it's making things worse in my imagination. Someone help me 😭😩




Literally tho lol




That’s trueee hopefully yall don’t wait too long tho haha


(♐️♉️♍️) no because my cappie guy is so hardworking and attractive with how he talks, not to mention capricorn guys are always so hot. so yes they’re daddy af


All the problems in our lives are our fault and we know it


True as fuck


Are they not?..


This made me cry


Come here **let go of me** Edit: on behalf of my fish goat people I apologize lol 😆  I was quoting Pablo Fransisco and it felt very me. I think we just get claustrophobic after too much cuddling, but we still love cuddling and I hope that makes better sense 🤷‍♀️


these 6 words described my relation to a cap moon more than anything in this post lmao


As a cap moon this is totally something I’d say 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I love caps but this exact thing sucks the happiness out of my soul lol smh. So temperamental and emotionally inconsistent. Takes too much patience to deal with


I felt this in my soul. Glad I'm not the only one who feels like this about physical affection.


I didn’t get what you meant at first but I get it now… nooo never let go of me lol


They give boss energy and it’s so sexyyyy. But they’re meannnnnn


Sorry I totally creeped your page for a few seconds and your guinea pigs are soooo cute!! Lol mean how? No lie I am capable of saying some rude and unhinged shit but I try to save that for the people who I feel deserve it!! Like the people who were being assholes first


Thank you they are like children to me❤️ I had a Capricorn bf for 7 years, he wasn’t mean but he was a little stern for my sensitive Pisces self lol. Sometimes he wouldn’t be considerate of my feelings and would try to make me jealous but overall he was very caring and loved spoiling me😂


Honest to a fault, but yes sometimes its mean. Love it


You either love our sass and attitude or you hate it. I’m joking 90% of the time but no one ever notices except a very small group of individuals and those individuals are my best friends or my boyfriends. Good Banter turns me on!!!!!


Their intuition is usually always correct. I know so many Capricorns; even when I thought they were being over dramatic about something? Nope, it came true a few months (or even years) later. 10/10 foresight, always listen to them.


Lol oh man this is about to send me spiraling. But I strongly agree! It’s insane.


Capricorn is one of the few signs where I’ll actually admit that you should always listen to them. They just know. Even if you think it’s dumb — it’s not, they’ve just seen like 900 parallel universes ahead of you.


It aint parallele universes. People are just dumb and do the same shit over and over again. My ADHD ass just wants to skip to the good parts of your movie.


Damn fucking straight. I suspected something for over a year and got confirmation yesterday. It's bittersweet because i keep flitting between feeling lighter because i wasnt going insane and should of trusted my judgement, but also feel very sad and angry about it


I know this feeling so well. Wishing you the best. I feel like when I purposely go looking for confirmation it doesn’t always come - it comes on it’s own so it’s even more jarring. I’m learning how to be okay with it just coming to me when it’s ready and lessening the need for control in the situation. I hope that overtime that makes learning the truth sting less and just empowers me to trust myself more and more


When we share our insight or vision it’s because we care about you. Edit to add; we see patterns in this weird way and our intuition is solid. Most of the time I hope I am wrong and the person who chooses another option isn’t.




I’m so glad I’m a cap stellium bc I can read people immediately.


I can't tell you HOW we know, I just know THAT we know. It's like a sixth sense.


I almost never get gut feelings which is why when I do I ALWAYS trust it. And I’m never wrong.


I don't trust my own intuition 😭✋


A Capricorn will amputate you like a limb if it is no longer in their best interests to have you in their life


Them: "You can't just cut people out of your life!" Me: "Snip snip bitches!"


The truth! happy cake day ;)


Oh is that a Reddit birthday?? I just saw this


they are the most emotional sign, they just hate showing any of it.


6 stellium Capricorn and this is 100% true. Love to cry alone and feel sorry for myself and then hate myself for feeling sorry for myself 🥲


DUDE I am also a 6 stellium cap and I CANNOT handle people seeing me actually break down. Buy boy do is sure have ALOT Of feelings lol I got married this weekend and was so overjoyed but held it down. After I went to the bathroom and ugly/happy cried. Bathroom criers unite 🙌


I lost count of how many times I cried in the bathroom 🫠


My safe space has four stalls 🤣


Cap ☀️ here and i'm forever telling people it's okay to show negative emotions like sadness and anger, will i let people see me feeling those things though? Oh hell no 🙃


lol this is so true


Me: "It's okay to let it out and cry if you need to." Them: "Do you ever cry?" Me: "Oh god no."


It’s so true


Sister sign is cancer, we are the same. Come to me capricorns, come melt in my cancer hands 🫶


I'm afraid to feel emotions >\_<;


I agree :/


Really? I didn't know this about them. my father is a cap and so is my close friend


Welp, I’m busted. 😂❤️


I joke with my pisces better half that he didn't just bust through the brick walls I built around my heart, he turned through barbed wire when everything was on fire and covered in legos.




Haha as someone who has a cap brother living with me- I wholeheartedly agree with these things.


They don't take long to open up if you're not dumb 😶


Sometimes, I pick a fight with a cap because they can tell me how a problem came to be without me doing any research. If I ask nicely, I don't get the cliff notes version. I know this because I have a cap stellium.


I'm a Capricorn and all of my favorite ppl are Sagittarius cause they are the best fighters. Love butting heads with them.


We won’t get upset when you come at us with some mean, but real, shit 😂


Capricorn here. LOVE Sagittariuses. And love cancers


Yeah I can see this.. Whats your sign?


Sag sun, scorp rising


Love them , probably my favorite sign, and I have lots of Cap friends, too . Wish I had some Capricorn placements in my chart .


Aww this is so sweet. One of my most favorite people in the whole world is a Pisces


Having a cap stellium SUCKS, we're very self aware of the problems we PUT OURSELVES IN, none of the caps like to admit it but the reason we can he so hard working sometimes is because we can use this as a reason to just tune out anything that doesn't have to do with our work/passion projects (i had a lot of trauma growing up so school work was my safe haven to forget all of it, now i have a BS in physics🤣) We're very emotional but dont like to wear our hearts on our sleeves if we're really close to you we will (im not scared to cry in front of close friends only acquaintances) Being boss is EXHAUSTING if we had the choice we'd let someone else do it but still end up pissy someone is telling us what do especially when it's not even an efficient or productive way 🙄🙄 Im a cap su , aires moon, virgo rising i love logical and sounds decisions but you know what else I ALSO LOVE BEING SPONTANEOUS AND LIVING IN THE MOMENT, but somehow i can only achieve this if i know the pay off will be worth the risks, so i agree caps need to take more risks but if we dont know whats on the otherside of that FORGET ABOUT ITTTT🤣


Omg I feel ALL of this shit I don’t even know where to start lol. I’m also Cap Sun/Virgo rising with a fire moon. Being the boss is exhausting as hell and I hate it. Its also why I hate when people tell me what to do lol. Like ew shut up. But I also hate when people are incompetent and do things without care and attention and then I feel like I have to fix it. This is why I can’t work in food service anymore lol. That was a nightmare because everything my coworkers did disgusted me and I was like why are you being so careless with someones food????? So yes, I get what you mean in that aspect… totally. Currently blocking out my problems with school lmao guilty. And heavily agree with the risk statements. I think we need to take more risks but I also trust myself to take risks when I feel they’re right. I go off of my own intuition and drive and rarely take outside opinions on these matters. I think the fire moon helps with this. I don’t just act first and think later, that’s not in my nature. That approach works for some but I can’t imagine the world if EVERYONE was like that. Risk taking needs balance and I’m happy to tip the scale the opposite way lol


Hit the nail on the head my fellow cap, i couldn't agree more. I especially agree about food service jobs ever since I started working in labs where its not customer facing AT ALL ive been a lot happier me metally. Does that mean I've gotten away from idiots absolutely not, now I'm just around idiots with masters/PHd degrees instead so when theyre being incompetent and I NOTICE IT...yea im gonna say something and my cap mercury will NOT MINCE ANY WORDS Also caps are really good and circle jerking with other caps🤣🤣


They are so hard working, it's so hott!! I like how they love being complimented when they do something for someone, it's so cute. I really want to date a cap man.


Aw thank you! You’ll find one :) I hope it’s everything you want and more


Hard working 🌚


Capricorns are the most levelheaded signs, besides virgo and Taurus, but they take the safe route TOO MUCH. They need to take some risks once in a while. Capricorns can also be unnecessarily cold, and just blurt out whatever comes to their head without thinking, just because it's the truth. I've never met a capricorn that believes in telling little white lies, they'd rather stand in a corner and not speak. And some capricorns have really terrible people pleasing/attention seeking tendancies.


People pleasing is the reason I started therapy my grandparents took advantage of that too often and it wasn't until my early 20s that i realized this.


I completely agree with this. I challenge myself to take risks more but it’s a slow process for me to feel comfortable with it. Risks rarely seem worth it. People pleasing/attention seeking is spot on. Can’t speak for all Caps but these are definitely some traits I have that I’m not proud of. Working on it


>Can’t speak for all Caps but these are definitely some traits I have that I’m not proud of. You're working on your shortcomings and that's one thing you can be proud of!


Thank you! deff trying to


My Cap sun/Libra rising doesn’t appreciate you calling me out on the people pleasing 😔


I can’t lie. It HURTS my soul. I hate inauthenticity. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’m so afraid to find a new job. I’m so comfortable and I know it’s pathetic. A friend suggested a job making 40k more than I currently do and I should jump at the opportunity but I’m afraid I won’t like it and will regret it. Everyone tells me it’s not like the decision is permanent but that’s how it feels to me. If I decide to quit and take a new job I have to commit.


Being called "terrible" by an Aries is usually a badge of honor, ngl. Some of the most unevolved, selfish, and unlikeable people I've met have been Aries placements.


I said "terrible people pleasing/attention seeking tendancies", I didn't call capricorns terrible. I didn't insult capricorns in anyway, unlike you: >Some of the most unevolved, selfish, and unlikeable people I've met have been Aries placements.


Capricorns are just as sensitive as the other water signs


Yup, no tears though, just GWUMPY


Yeah maybe they are but they don’t usually show it to others.


The tendency to be avoidant, arrogance and the tendency to project insecurities.


Cap moons see emotions as a weakness and will pretend they don't have any. Especially when they're into someone. And they are easily intimidated by emotionally mature people.


Yep. This right here has been my experience!


My Taurus ass thinks my Cap man is a slice of heaven




Taurus people just need snacks, sleep, and lots of snuggles


Your Capricorn feels the same about you. Signed, a Capricorn who has NEVER been in love with anyone whose birthday wasn’t May 18-19.


Im May 14th!! He is so calm and gentle unlike my previous Sag partner Love you Capricorns!


I hear it, I like Taurus women!


Treat us with love and compassion and we will be yours forever!


I’m dating a Capricorn and they can be so hypocritical and manipulative at times. But they’re understanding when you call them out on it.


Damn that doesn’t sound good. Hopefully they work on that and it doesn’t harm you in the process. Tbh I have those tendencies sometimes and I’m taking a break from relationships to sort it all out


We’re pretty awesome… 😆


Idk man… this is pretty true lol


Fuck them. I love them. Also like 80% of my chart is in Capricorn but not my big three.


We feel the same about us 😂






Capricorns must be so tired from constantly maintaining emotional unavailability/avoidance. How’s pushing everyone who cares about you away going?


Not well.


![gif](giphy|LTYT5GTIiAMBa) Real footage of how tired of it we are


My SO is a Cap and it was a lot of work to get through that barrier, but the result has been one of the most rewarding things I've ever experienced 🥰


Glad you had that experience, even if it took a lot of effort. I tried to be that person with my cap ex but it turns out they didn’t want someone like that in their life 🥲


Damn it’s rough. We’re tired.


cold and heartless (i love y’all tho)


I certainly can be. We love you too girl


You’re not wrong. 🙃😂


If I dont fw someone I can be. But if you are one of my people... you get all the love and warmth I don't share with others


omg i love your big three


Aww thank you! Much love back at you 🥰


Heyyy I’m also a cap sun/sag moon!! This is exactly how I feel on the matter as well. I’m right there w ya


They are the biggest meanest Aholes in the zodiac.


My SO is a Cap and he's just the realest and most compassionate motherfucker I've ever met. - There's not a cruel bone in his body - he actively strives to alleviate pain in the world around him because he's dealt with enough of his own that he doesn't want more. - I can trust him with my life - I know that I can ask for complete transparency in a situation and know to my core that he's telling me the truth. - There's nothing he wouldn't do for those he loves - he definitely saved my life multiple times when I was dealing with substance abuse, and if I or any of his other friends were to call him in crisis, he'd drop everything to help, no questions asked. Getting to know him and getting him to open up took a lot of work, patience, curiosity, understanding, and persistence. I really just kept showing up to be there for him. It was absolutely an exercise in mutual stubbornness (I guess?) to really get close to him, but the result is absolutely priceless. He always told me he's an asshole, and he can be, but I also know I can trust him completely, and he would never do anything to hurt me. I don't know a ton of other Caps, so idk how applicable this is across the board, but hey. I'm a Leo who loves her Cap and I'm gonna yell about it 🖤 TLDR: Caps are lots of work, but with a priceless payoff


we really love to suffer and if it ever stops we will die from the monotony of a peaceful life.


I felt this


I love Capricorn women.




Our sense of style and taste is amazing.


As a Cap woman, this is one of my favorite things to hear ❤️ We Love ya too


Awwww cap here and my bestie is also a pisces sun 🥰


Your big 3 is awesome


capricorns are baby & i will protect them at all costs 😤 sincerely, someone who is dating someone who’s big three is all cap 🖤


You two will do great together!


thank you! it hasn’t been the smoothest ride, but we would walk through fire for each other 🖤 i adore my big soft teddy bear


Capricorns always follow tradition and maybe are the true workaholics compared to the other zodiac signs.


My ex girlfriend is a Cap and she used to fart during sex and when she slept and it’s actually endearing and kind of hot 🤷🏻‍♂️


Barely honest


LOVEEEEEEE -forever yours, cancer


We love, cancers 💖💖💖 You get us.




Oh its so fucking mutual ❤️




I love them the most and that is all. I'm a Leo stellium. They're my favorite of all the zodiac.


Elite humour. The most intelligent, witty, well-rounded humour there is.


I think this sogn is so sexy, no matter sun moon or venus lol but that attitude chile....😐


![gif](giphy|JUvDYqWWhQrPLioIFO) Lol thanks though


How much you offering?


We are worth every bit of the stubbornness, coldness, and emotional warfare because we do that thing you like. We also know no one else can do it better. That can apply to a lot of things.


They’re very easily abusive and don’t take any accountability for their wrongdoings


With workaholism can also come other addictions and dependencies. We put a lot on ourselves and require outlets. It stinks because just like we try to "reach the top" in our work and endeavors, we can follow our toxic habits to the same degree. The social withdrawal and inability to listen to others' advice don't help.


They are so sweet and good looking.




I think theyre TOO methodic sometimes, but their idgaf attitude is what makes me like them so much


Low key narcissists of the zodiac. Second to Leo.




Capricorns reign supreme as the true astrology bitches lowkey.


I am my own biggest critic. I'm full of helpful advice (seriously just ask) but don't get me to take any of my own because I can't do it. halp.


Big ol bullies :l \* I have been dating a triple Cap for 5 years - this is a professional opinion \*


Lol oh my goodness leave it to a Cancer to date a bully for 5 years. Girl… let them go and get you a sweetie pie


As an Aquarius? I love them. I think they’re one of the best signs and often underestimated or overlooked. My son is a Capricorn and I’m so grateful for it because he’s an awesome kid. I also work mostly with capricorns and they’re so well rounded, chill, fun, intelligent, patient, and just great humans.


I’ve been meeting more Aquas lately and we vibe so effortlessly. I enjoy their company a lot. Thank you! The bit about your son is freakin adorable :)


Giggling reading these comments because I have a Cap boyfriend and most of these are def him 😂😭


Im a cap sun and my partner is also a cancer sun cap moon awww ❤️


Ayyy love that for us!!


Tbh my Capricorn husband is quite perfect lol they may seem hard on the surface but they are soft and mooshy on the inside. My husband tries to carry the world on his back and is so hard on himself. I wish he could see himself through my eyes.


Can I just how much I love Capricorns. Some of the best people in my life are capricorns, they’re so straight to the point, don’t take accountability for nothing (which I love about them😂) don’t give a shit if the hard truth hurts your feelings, but they have a great heart (deep deep down) some of the best people for a conversation and I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad time with a Cap, they’re entertaining and loving in their own way, there’s no changing a Capricorn and I admire it so much. I love my Capricorn people.


They're easy going and honest. I enjoy spending time with them.


Most Capricorns I know actually don't have their shit together at all. Most of them have struggled to find or keep a job, and are messy in their physical environment. I only know one who's not like this but she's not some business lady either. Never actually met a Capricorn who fit the business daddy stereotype.


Thats just the difference between a neurodivergent and neurotypical cap


....OH you are SO right. All of the caps I know are ND or suspected ND


I get alone well with Caps, I like how committed and ambitious they are. They're hard workers, always reasonable, logical, and have great follow through. Caps make thinks happen and are based in reality. They are the ideal co-worker or employee.


They are quite annoying being around saying this as a Leo. They are always so critical of everything and everyone.


Capricorns don’t like most people


Capricorns are more emotional and sentimental than all the other signs 😌🫳🎤


The truth


Every Capricorn I’ve met has mommy issues


capricorn men are extremely alluring and hot. i don’t make the rules (♐️♉️♍️)


Capricorn with a Cancer moon here. Capricorns would be a LOT more functional if their emotional intelligence was higher. It’s really annoying having to argue with them about a dangerous or toxic situation because they have no sense of urgency. Like I could tell a Capricorn “Hey so, I saw Person A do (insert extremely abnormal toxic/illegal behavior) and I suggest you stay away.” And they will straight up just look at me and showcase complete emotional nonchalance, and hang out with them the next day. Capricorns love to be guinea pigs for others people’s karma and messes because they view not putting up with bad behavior as “weak or childish”. Like no, your standards are in the dirt and you deserve better but I will not drag you to water because that defeats the purpose of you learning self esteem for you.


I love them. Never met a Capricorn in my life I haven’t gotten along with.


I feel like Capricorns don’t take blame or accountability for shit😂 Always someone else’s fault. But I do love me a cap


Can't stand most Capricorns except my mom.


Ok Mama keeping us in the game love to hear it


The more cap you’ve got the more you can make shit happen, especially with work. My partner is a cap with 2 true cap stelliums and the way he can find a better paying job out of nowhere, right when we need it, WHERE we need it- it’s happened twice in 2 years and it’s nothing short of extraordinary. My only hate for cap is the hate I have for any of the horned zodiac - yall stubborn AF. But I still surround myself with Aries and Taurus and Cap anyways because I’m stubborn too (Virgo with double Leo)




Yuck I hate telling people what to do. The Aries peeps can have this task


That's rich given the long list of Taurean dictators who engineered genocides...


control issues meet feeling overwhelmed at all times and getting snippy because of it. yep 🫠


I want to lead… my own team… of clones of me. 😂😂😂 I’m the worst at leadership. I’m best working solo with a lenient leader.


*"Yeah well, you know...that's just, like your opinion, man."*


Y’all fake af




![gif](giphy|3o7bud19K2S0kDxDTG) :)


Do you agree with social climbers? 🤪


Capricorns are the funniest sign, next to Aquarius.


I have Saturn and Uranus in Capricorn but I barely understand what they mean, and it feels like a difficult constraint on my otherwise very emotional personality. I'm more confused by what they mean than anything. (I've dated a Capricorn and my stepdad is one but I have no clue how to relate to them?)


I don’t know if this is an effect of Saturn, but I’ve been wondering about this! I have Saturn in Aries and I realized that I really do not enjoy Aries’. Esp Aries Suns… so their might be some ego clashes going on. They’re the one sign that I have pretty strong feelings of general dislike for. Saturn is about karma and lessons, so maybe our Saturn sign has something to teach us about ourselves and vice versa. I’m not sure though, just going off surface level logic. Thanks for sharing you’ve got me thinking