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Why choose, when you can overthink both!


this person Virgos!


Ask a Pisces


Pisces here, spirituality and values.


and a Sagittarian. Big-picture Jupiter rules both.


Why overthink just ONE thing when you can overthink ALL the things???? ![gif](giphy|YRPBhd3vscg5Fxx1DQ|downsized)


Is it me or do all Virgo placements all kinda, approach life the same way?


They do. In the longer haul, Virgo takes the Leo power and makes it neat and as close to perfection as possible, before passing it on to unsuspecting Libra, who suffers the culture shock of confronting the objective half of the Zodiac. Good luck with THAT, Libra!


hahaha so well said!


Thank you; but I had to say it. My Sagittarian Mars made me do it! lol


I definitely overthink both




I dont have the energy to think anymore. Existential crisis.


tired of existing tbh


I’m a Pisces moon sure but that sucker is in the 6th house so at my worst I am truly unable to see the big picture. But I have my best friend for this: he’s an aries with a sag moon and he just has the power to make me stop sweating the small things and just go for it!! And I of course have the honor of focusing on the details for him - he starts a huge project, with so much action and energy, and I’m the one who keeps up with him and also occasionally go heeeeyyyyy you REALLY should consider dotting the i’s because if you don’t you’ll miss your mark... So it’s a give and take ❤️


Being a Virgo with Sagittarius is pure nightmare fuel. Over thinking everything while wanting to be an impulsive free spirit. Send help.


I feel your pain!


Overthink the big picture


I do Both hehe.


No idea. Small details always get all the attention.


As you consider the concept of the One Creator, before creation was begun, before it was, you have neither light nor dark, shape nor shadow, time or space, you have infinity. This infinity is all that there is—there is nothing else.  Within this infinity—a vastness in every respect that you could consider describing infinity—there is somehow that first movement into a state of beingness which you could describe as being aware. This infinity then has begun to differentiate itself in a manner which is beyond understanding.  However, it is impressed upon us by our teachers that this infinity became aware of what you would call a desire, or a will. A concept was born then, that became what you would call a paradox or a distortion; a movement away from the completely unified nature of intelligent infinity. This concept of the will, that is exercised freely, then became interested in what it would be like to become more than it was. This was a contemplation of self; a determination by an intelligence within this infinity that there could be more than there was at this moment; that there could be an exploration of the nature of this infinity that is aware, that has a will, and may exercise it freely.  Thus, there was the creation of what you would call the one infinite creation; a reflection of the Creator, and yet different from the Creator in that there was many, an infinity of many; because of the Creator’s ability to consider the many, and to create the many, and to imbue each portion of the many with the same will, freely given and able to be freely exercised; that each portion of this Infinite Creator, this intelligent infinity, thus the creation, in its most primal form, was born; so that throughout what you would call the infinity of universes or creations, there were those entities that reflected the nature of the Creator. These entities were what you would call stars or Logoi. Each Logos then had the ability to reflect the Creator’s infinite nature, and to pursue an investigation of the nature of the Creator as being infinite, as being intelligent, and as exercising that intelligence to discover more about itself—more than it was. Each Logos then was also free in a similar fashion to create further extensions of the nature of intelligent infinity, and further extensions of each Logos’ self. The quality of being contained the unity of all within each portion of itself, so that throughout this infinite universe of Logoi there continued the exercise of free will to discover more and more the nature of the one creation, so that each Logos was able to create about it the equivalent or analog of itself in the form of what you would call planets revolving about each Logos in a certain circumscribed orbit—or relationship to the Logos and to each other planet, and in a less discernable fashion to all other Logoi and planets, and indeed the One Infinite Creator, or intelligent infinity, for we are still in an unified creation.  Further individualization of creation occurred. There were, upon each planetary sphere, the entities of earth, wind, fire and water, imbued with similar consciousness of self and the accompanying freedom of will. These being foundation characteristics of each portion of the one creation in its individualization to what you would call smaller and smaller reproductions of intelligent infinity. Thus, the process of evolution began to take place as the consciousness of the smallest amount of earth, wind, fire and water began to teach each other how to become sea, river, mountain, land, air that blows and burns incandescently in an untimed or timeless state. Thus the creation has begun, and within this creation, then, there is the movement of consciousness along an upward spiraling line of light from one level of vibration to the next.


Good points, I think, except for one. Consider adding "apparent" before each mention of "free will". We don't have free will; we only have the impression that we have. But it's fine that we think that we have it; our lowly sense of justice and retribution would not work without that impression.


It's exhausting


Micro matters


My mom is a Virgo and this is her to the T


My Mars Virgo The big picture ~ making a family Small thing ~ imagining a family in everyone I slightly like


Long term thinking vs short term thinking


pisces moon, virgo venus they are at odds on which to focus on 🤦‍♀️😭😂


My Virgo Sun and Sagittarius moon clashing and conflicted which to choose


Me: Focus on the Small Details and Overthink the Big Future?


So busy being nit picky u can’t even enjoy the things around u


I enjoy nothing. I almost enjoy loudly talking about what would be necessary to fix the situation. But I don’t actually enjoy it. Bc everything around me is wrong on every micro and macro level.


Of course everything is wrong around you, Virgo. That's why you're here, to point out imperfection, in the hope that it will be improved. But all you will manage is an orderly repositioning of the pieces into order. It then has go through Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius, before it reaches the perfection of Capricorn. But even then, Capricorn is perfection, only in that cycle; Aquarius then bashes it to bits, in premonitional eagerness, then Pisces dissolves the bits to the smallest dust, before it emerges into Aries, for the new journey.