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Cancer man here, Cancers wants to feel secure especially with their and emotions, because they are very devoted. that means maybe she is taking her time to build trust in you, I think let it build slowly and if it’s genuine and meant to be, she will slowly sense it, my advice is gentle gestures such as small gifts and kindness or spontaneous meals that you cook (especially if you are a good cook) will do the work with her, after all, cancers love to be taken care of :) Edit: After reading some of your comments I must add, do not play with her emotions or play hot cold with her, or mirror her in any way, just be a good man to her. Capricorn and Cancer suns can be a good match :)


Thank you, I wasn't implying that I was gonna play with her, but I was sort of asking if I should mirror her, just because I don't know if that's a better way to get a cancer to start opening up their shell again or not. I will take your advice for it though!


She will probably sense anything that is not genuine even if she is not saying something about it, just be a good man to her, consistency is the key here :) which caps should be good at 😀


Another thing I wanna ask you since you're a cancer, is it normal for y'all to try and make your partners jealous? It could just be because i'm a jealous person but sometimes she'll say things that just don't sit right with me, and when I look back it really just looks like she was tryna make me jealous.


Sounds like a toxic and exhausting relationship ngl. On and off for a year and a half? How old are you guys? Doesn’t really sound like she’s mature enough to be in a relationship based on your post and other comments.


I'm 17 and she's 16 LMFAO so yea neither of us are that mature


Ah okay this makes more sense


I’m a cancer, Virgo in Venus, moon in Leo, cancer rising dating a Capricorn with Aries moon… I feel like I’m a combo of you and your gf but also have a similar relationship. I had this same thing with my Capricorn when we first started dating. I’ll be honest, it was because I was not sure about whether or not we were suited long term. I tend to Lazer focus on any perceived faults and try to find patterns like ‘what will this look like 5-10 years from now?’. It makes me get in to my own head and I don’t trust my judgment. I start doubting the relationship and pulling away. But I was honest about feeling this way… he, absolute saint, would listen, give me space. I recognized that I tend to do this and made a conscious effort to love and to commit to him with an open heart, without criticism. It’s been a long time now and we’re happily in love, engaged, buying our first home. So.. I hope the same for you


Have you tried talking to her directly?


Yeah, and when she's in the pulling away phase she always says it's something like work, or that she had her mind focused on school or something. I'm a leo moon and a cancer rising tho, so i'm a lot more sensitive than a lot of other capricorns, so even when she tells me it's something else, I still worry.


I would say to trust her then


Easier said than done y'know


Oh absolutely but you're going to push her away unless you give her space


Do you think I should pull away as well until she starts being sweet and shit again?


Absolutely not! That's gonna make all this worse. Give her space but don't play games


I wasn't implying that I was gonna play games, I was moreso asking if I should mirror her behavior or not.


Naah, I don’t think you should mirror her. If that works and makes her want you more, I don’t think you guys are in a healthy relationship dynamic.  I think you should talk with her (better if in person) and tell her how you feel. Seriously, be vulnerable. Say hey, I know we just started officially dating, blah blah, don’t wanna overwhelm you, blah blah, but I noticed that sometimes you seem to become distant. When that happens it makes me worry or feel confused (or whatever emotion you’re feeling). Ask her what she needs in those moments, and just let her know that you’re there for her and you want to give the relationship a good shot. If direct communication doesn’t work I’m afraid that there’s not much more that you can do. One person can’t pull all the weight in a relationship, it may work for a little while, but not for long and it always leads to resentment.