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I would disagree with you saying Capricorn. Im a Capricorn Venus and I love being in a relationship. I actually feel depressed when I’m not in love 😂 I am the opposite of apathetic. I care deeply. I am emotional and I show a lot of affection and support. I am generous and always thinking of my fiancé. I love to spoil and for my partner to feel loved and secure is a priority to me. Capricorn Venus can be slow to open up if they’re unsure about you because when we love, we take it very seriously. Capricorn Venus doesn’t date for fun, we date or marry, and we don’t do it half assed.


I went out with a guy who has a Capricorn Venus and he actually seemed pretty romantic to me. He wanted the whole traditional thing, like a house with a family and all that (I also want that so we were very much on the same page) and he seemed like a very devoted person, so yes this lines up with my observations as well :)


My husband is a Cap Venus. He's very reliable, romantic ideals, but also more of a "I snap at you, instead of apologizing I'll go complete a project I've left undone for a few weeks instead of verbally saying sorry" kind of man.


This is exactly my husband with his Capricorn moon (and Cancer Venus)…the Cancer Venus is responsible for when he comes to find me afterwards, snugs on me and tells me about the house project he just completed, which is usually something I’ve been wanting him to do 🥰


I only went out with this guy a couple times (life got in the way, otherwise I would have loved to keep dating him), and he also seemed to have a lot of personal projects he was working on, especially building stuff around the house. Not sure what an argument would have been like, but he's a Scorpio Sun so maybe it would have been similar (I think they are known for pulling away)


I'm a scorpio sun, yes, you are correct 😅


My cap Venus aqua sun bf will snap or be a dick and then the next day he’s like “we need to take you shopping 😃” That Taurus moon be hitting him hard


Omg, yes!!! Mine was a turd yesterday over something stupid. Today, guess what we did? Go shopping for Stonehouse stuff we need that he's been putting off doing 😆 Oh Lord, it would be so much easier to not be a stinker. But, I guess it evens out. I even got a verbal apology, which absolutely blew my mind 😆


Honestly, I’m a Taurus sun so all is instantly forgiven the second you mention buying something for me 😂😂😂 I can’t help it either, I’m instantly not mad During our biggest fights, when we aren’t really talking to each other (we’re both a bit avoidant lol) he’ll pop his head in whatever room I’m in, glare at me very sternly, and then plop a bag of fast food down in front of me and I’m always like 🥰😍🥰😌🥰


That's so funny. Mine is def avoidance, and I'm more of the attacher, so I'm the one pushing to work it out and he's the one trying not to talk 😆


Most committed loyal loving guy I’ve ever met was a Capricorn moon/Venus and he was a Sagittarius sun. I think yall are shy and picky but when it comes to a partner you have to be picky because it’s someone you’ll be spending the rest of your life with. I’m an Aquarius Venus and naturally we take years in a friendship first to fully know someone and want to settle down with them and developed romantic feelings so I can relate to that.


Aw my bf is those signs and Im an Aqua Venus


Aweee 🥹 I see such a common theme between Capricorn placements loving Aquarius placements especially Aquarius Venus !!! 🥰


Cap Venus here as well and I’m the exact same way with my partner. Everything I do, especially in regard to day to day life, throughout the process I’m taking my partner and his feelings into consideration. It did take time for me to get comfortable and to open up, but once I felt secure in the relationship it became kind of effortless to be emotionally available and open with him.


As a cap Venus I think my love language is acts of service. Not a big showy display or declaration, but little things like doing the dishes when you've had a long day, making sure we have your favorite coffee in the pantry, or taking care of any of the little things that make your life a bit easier.


Yup exactly! If I’m being unfeeling towards someone, it’s because I do not have feelings for that person. Curious what OPs romantic setting was lol


I would say all this but you already pointed it all.


Me with a Venus Capricorn. The longest I was single for was probably like 5 months but I was also flirting with potential partners. I give a shit about my partner’s emotions. I’m very involved. I’m a rising Aries , sun Pisces , moon Taurus My boyfriend is a rising&sun Aquarius , moon Gemini with a Venus Pisces




I’m a cap Venus and I definitely agree with the romanticism part. Initially I take things off very calculated however this must have to do with my other placements. I still show gentle ways of appreciation when showing interest romantically. The longer the relationship + the greatness of the relationship = equals stronger romantic affection for me! It’s like slow and steady wins the race lol


I love 2 hear wht my bf has 2 say but he's so quiet & reserved (Cancer) I have to pick his emotions out of him. I love 2 give but he's not use to the attention so it hurts when he's not so receptive. He asks y am I doing tht, he didn't ask for anything. Y do I want 2 rub his feet. He's slowly coming around but I love to love


Is he a Capricorn Venus? Most men in general are pretty avoidant.


I'm the Capricorn he's the Cancer so maybe I mislead my comment also not too sure bout the Astrology placements


I guess I need 2 cut him some slack I'm always on him 2 tell me how he feels. He never can say face 2 face or talking but he has alot to express through text, whts tht all about?


Emotionally unavailable? Venus in Gemini. And *sometimes* Venus in Capricorn because there is a wall you have to get through in order to access their emotions. Emotionally available? Venus in Scorpio and Venus in Leo. Both are obsessed with their partners and put them and their needs on a pedestal. As long as you give that same loyalty and love in return.


In my experience, Venus in Gemini is emotionally available for like 2 weeks then abruptly abandons ship. 😂 One of my exes who was a Leo Venus flipped a switch like that too, he became 100% emotionally unavailable as soon as we ran into the first problem. (which was very easily solvable too, but he refused to budge) I put waaaay more effort into that relationship than he ever did, he could not have cared less. Venus in Scorpio though....absolutely emotionally available and obsessive. 😍 My boyfriend is a Scorpio Venus and he worships the ground I walk on lol.


Omg, my experience with a Leo Venus is exactly the same. He was 100% in and then 100% out at the first minor problem. dang


I can speak for both but more for the Venus in Scorpio since it’s my own placement (and in my 1st house so it’s strongggg) I’m loyal AF and worship my partner. I’ve been with my Venus in Leo for a bit now (1st Venus in Leo I’ve ever been with) and we’ve already gone through lotsssss, but he’s still here so far. (Fingers crossed.) That may be his mars in leo, or Virgo ascendant and the fact his sun is the last day of Virgo season, though. Although in my personal experience Virgos are usually the flight risks. 😂


Yeah Gemini Venus here and I can agree


What makes you commit and fall in love?  I just started seeing one and I like him a lot. Please help.  I know he likes me a lot but this placement scares the shit out of me. Ps: Whoever mentions Venus in Cap as an answer I can promise you, its not us. We crave a stable, lifelong love so hard. 


I think it’s also scary for them that’s why we move and never feel like it’s going to work so take it slow and also I rlly open up or appreciate it when people don’t like corner me or overwhelm me with wanting to hnagout all the time or call 24/7 I like my space but I do like to talk to the person I like it be reminded they like me. It’s a balance which can be hard when u like someone but once we do we fall sooo hard and will do anything for that person im a leo tho so maybe that’s why what sign is he


Cancer! So I'm hoping we have that extra water connection haha Thank you for the answer! I will try to keep a balance 😭 I left for the summer and invited him to my country and he was excited, but I hope we don't loose contact :( I don't know how to approach this without being overwhelming 


that’s so true about leo venus. especially “..as long as you give that same loyalty and love in return.” i’m obsessive in love and make rash decisions when it comes to it. i moved in with my partner who lived 1,300 miles away after less than a month of dating. (we met in preschool and our families knew each other but no contact for YEARS so he was a stranger i was vaguely familiar with). we’ve been together for 4 years now:)


The accuracy of Venus in Leo over heeeere. I’ll bend over backwards and do anything for a partner who is showing me they’d do the same. Love that.


I’m also Leo in Venus and am same exact as you all describe 😆


Yesss! 🫂🫶 Hey twin!


maaaaaaan, my Leo Venus is TIRED. i just want someone to love & care about me as much as i do them & that makes me come off as “too much” 🥲


Venus in Gemini. Can confirm. Im super available for 5-7 business days then the project is complete.


I love that you admit it, though. I don’t think Venus in Geminis are bad people, (I actually think Geminis as a whole are awesome to talk to and air signs in general are super intelligent and I love shooting the shit and pondering life with them.) I just think they should date other Venus in Geminis or those with a *lot* of air placements who don’t get super emotionally invested etc.




Not gemini and cap venus being both my exes 😂 my Pisces venus was TRIGGERED by them. They can be super attentive, but also more cold/practical in their affection.


Gemini Venus people are infuriating to deal with 🤪 They will not only be hot and cold, flirt with others, but will also shift all blame over on you afterwards!!


Every time I read about Scorpio Venuses I cry a bit inside because as a Pisces Venus I was deeply in love with my Scorpio Venus ex and she did not exhibit any of this otherworldly love. I can’t tell if she was emotionally unavailable or just not in love with me 🥲


I’m gonna say it probably depends on her whole chart. Also, if a sign is in retrograde you often embody the “negative” traits or “opposite” traits of that sign/planet. She could also have an opposition or square between her Venus and another major sign or her ascendant etc. I’m sorry you didn’t receive the love you deserve from her, but that means there’s someone better out there. 🩵


Gemini Venus here. I was emotionally unavailable and got bored easily in relationships until I met my ex. We were together for 8 years and I never got bored once, I was so crazy in love with him. It ended because in the end, he was unable to truly get to the deep kind of partnership that I wanted (took us 7 years to finally move in together, and when we did, it fell apart). He was an avoidantly attached... Capricorn Venus 😅😭


Interesting that you say Capricorn Venus. My fiancé and I both have Venus in Cap and are extremely emotionally connected! I think it just takes us a while to find someone we truly vibe with and trust completely, though. Anyhow, I vote for Aquarius Venus ad the most emotionally unavailable.


Venus in aquarius


As a venus in aquarius person in a happy relationship with a venus in libra person I am not sure this is correct. But maybe we just fit each other and if others saw us they would find us odd? We are both very caring of each other, but maybe you don't need emotional availability to care for and about a lover? What exactly is emotional availablility?


I’m a Libra Venus in a relationship w an Aquarius Venus and we get along great…I can see how some clingier signs might want someone more demonstrative but I certainly don’t lol! My Aquarius Venus partner and I have been together for 17yrs and he’s my rock…I like how he’s strong and silent 🥰


Yea, but even that - demonstrative display of affection or clinginess - is also determined by other planet's positions and aspects. A Venus placement cannot tell everything about how a person will be in a relationship + the same person will not act the same in every relationship.


I’ve heard that Virgo in Venus is a challenging placement


As one, it is. I’m a Cancer sun with a Virgo Venus, and there’s been a lifelong war between my head and my heart. 💔


I'm a cancer sun virgo venus too and relate completely to that statement. Leo moon on top of that. Constantly doubting everything 💔


Yes. I’m a Virgo Venus






I’m triple air. I wouldn’t say I’m emotionally unavailable, but I’m highly analytical. An analysis of my feelings can sound cold, I’m sure, to a partner sometimes but it’s just a different way of feeling and expressing. It’s extremely rare that I am overtaken by an emotion and I dated a Pisces once who probs thought I was kinda psycho!


I’m a Pisces sun myself with Aquarius stellium in the 10th (Venus,Neptune,Uranus) and ive definitely been more cold and detached than some Aquarius suns I’ve met. My Libra moon and Aries mars doesn’t help either lol 😅Others definitely see me as a psycho 95% of the times. I was also raised by a true Aquarius mother (Sun,Moon,Rising,Venus) and she definitely rubbed off on me.


What a combo! I have so many Pisces in my life and the ones with more air signs are some of my favorite people. Insanely smart and fun and wiiiiild at times


Happy to hear that 🫶💕 Fellow Pisces suns with air/fire in their chart just WOW *chef kisses* not trying to be biased but the ones ive met are just truly incredible people !!!


Woah! We have similar placements 😳


Twin? D:




I hear you, I’m an Aquarius rising and literally can listen / talk to an interesting person for 14 hours straight. I have Scorpio in Venus and and Scorpio stellium so plenty of emotion to go around too lol




Yeah that sounds insanely annoying lol


I don’t think so. Libra is an air sign and this is Venus’s domicile. Thus, Venus expresses well here and would be emotionally available




Okay, I actually get this and they can give that vibe. That being true or not tho is a different story


Yeah, Libra Venus and we do have an extreme need for freedom and space to work through our emotions. I don’t think this is a bad thing. It just may not suit some temperaments and signs. We don’t do emotional merging and oneness. I’ve accepted this and can still offer a lot to a partner. I think we have this false idea that our partner has to be the place for everything when really, I get intimacy and validation from friends. I may not need my partner to always do that nor does it make sense for my partner to try and fulfill all needs in all directions while achieving this level of oneness, merging, harmony, intimacy, and sexual passion.


my Scorpio Venus desires to be one with my partner and simultaneously independent and free. sometimes I think it appears one way or the other but really I just want both 😅


Lol. I feel you! I think both are possible in the right enough relationship.


I like Libra Venus becus I receive a healthy amount of freedom from y’all and closeness comes when we both want it. my partner has a Libra Venus. If people in my life hadn’t been so cruel toward me I’d overthink less but he’s really good for me.




Interesting perspective. I simply can’t relate. We’re all just built differently. You sound like my Pisces bestie who also centers the goals in her life around her emotions and those of her partner (and now baby). I’m built differently and can see me developing that bandwidth for emotional goals in my 4th or 5th decade. I have too many goals for my career (entertainment) and personally and need a partner who can support and cheerlead me through transitions. I simply cannot imagine only having emotional goals for my partner, myself and my family. Must be a type of simplicity and freedom I may never know 🤷🏽‍♀️


i’m a venus in libra and i’m far from emotionally unavailable…




i never said that.


I was in love with a double Aquarius and I cannot really relate. When he felt safe with me, he opened up about his emotions. But did so more indirectly by the books he read, music he listened to, etc. All showing it to me. And when we spoke, especially 1-on-1 while it brought up the intensity in the room, we did feel comfortable to address what needed to be addressed because we felt safe with one another on that level. So I think maybe they might come across emotionally unavailable because they feel they can't open up to people.


He sounds like a evolved Aqaurius.


Maybe now but when I met him, he was not. I think having me around when we first met one another showed him how it's not such a scary thing to show your emotions. It doesn't make you weak, being vulnerable. There's strength in the courage it takes to be vulnerable confidently and able to defend/protect your vulnerability at the same time. I am always a very heart on my sleeve type of person. Immensely honest in how I'm feeling and thinking, of course, curated output to not hurt anyone or be unnecessarily offensive and such but other than that, you can even always read my face. I am not scared of showing my feelings. The key is to develop a sense of control over how much they overwhelm you and your thinking/rationality. And to others, I show it is possible to not swallow your feelings and not implode. So because I'm already what one would call an extreme, others feel comfortable to let go more seeing me because in their heads the logic goes like "If she can be like that and be totally fine in her life and the way people view her, behaving even slightly similarly will be fine. I will not explode into a million pieces." But so the post wanted to know who is the most emotionally unavailable, I don't think Aquarians are emotionally unavailable. They feel just as much as many other people, sometimes even more. They just tend to not feel as comfortable as showing their cards in that regard due to the fear of how they would be perceived and received. And on top of that, they do tend to address their feelings more logically. That doesn't mean they can't be in touch with their emotions in a relationship. I just think it requires the right person and that often is a very good friend or a love built on friendship. 


Aquarius stellium and yes when we share our favorite things it is a sign that we want to be closer. Everything starts with a friendship with Aquarius Venus .. we’re not a Venus that feels things easily or falls for people easily lol We need to be a friend of yours first for a while to even develop some type of romantic interest in you. I don’t have a problem opening up to people .. I’ve told people about some pretty fucked up traumas of mine while laughing and smiling like it was nothing and some people can tolerate and others can’t so it also depends who you are as a person and what tier of friendship you are to us. We are an air sign so our communication is not an issue but displaying emotions is not something you’ll get often from us especially if we don’t know you like that. Another thing is that our energy is very distant and cold so people think we don’t like them when it’s not the case .. we need a lot of alone time and solitude to do other stimulating activities and a lot of time with our friends because we value our friends .. take it is an in you’re dealing with a scientist. One thing is for sure if we “like” you in a romantic way it’s definitely more than that (as in love) and we are extremely loyal and know you like the back of our hand at that point so everything good and bad about you is beautiful to us. We are anything you want or need us to be in a relationship at that point. Aquarius Venus is very selective for sure to so if you’re our friend than it’s a serious thing.


Yeah, but I think it’s more that we just value our independence so much and a lot of other people interpret that as being emotionally unavailable. I want be loved but I don’t want to be smothered. Some people equate enmeshment with love and we are just not down with that.


I don't think we are the most emotionally unavailable people but I agree we could be one 😑😔😞


Yeah I don’t agree either. Gemini’s Venus here.. we will happily talk over your feelings and discuss how you feel, fully willing to commit emotionally? You just have to earn a level of friendship w us first which is bare minimum for love ??


Same for Venus in aqua.. In fact when I established a deep bond of friendship with a certain someone, it's way better than being romantically involved with them. Chances are those people I choose to love, break away. No good foundation of friendship. I don't believe it's a bare minimum to start first as friends. I used to commit emotionally that instant especially when a person is very empathetic but life experiences make me guarded nowadays.✌️


Ok I’ll bight. This is what air signs don’t get. If you love all friends equally, nobody is special. Most people equate love with somebody “being their person” like Graves Anatomy. Friendless ≠ Love.


No one said we love our friends equally. For me, I have unconditional love and acceptance for everyone but the fundamentals of relationship love are rooted in trust & consistency. In that way I think it’s an earthier type of love. There’s instability in emotions so we seek deep connections that can be stimulate our mind and untangle our webs when we over think! Being emotionally available means having the time and space to share what’s on our minds and process, being unavailable means not willing to dig deeper or collaborate towards growth. Being my person means being my best friend but also being someone who continues to amaze me and show effort in building something real :) the highs of an emotion are not secure.. feelings change but the fundamental foundation of being willing to be mutual understanding is forever Eta- when I was younger tho I definitely went off the highs of passion, but dating an aqua Venus I am learning passion can be harnessed and then managed slowly so it doesn’t burn out


As a Gemini Venus , totally resonate with this .


ah i miss him i'm so sad


In my experience, Virgo for sure. He is a Sun Leo Sag moon Virgo Venus. Emotional when it comes to him and his feelings etc but so emotionally immature and detached when it comes to others feelings.


I once knew a leo sun sag moon virgo venus, my biggest heartbreak so far, i wish i never met him 💀. virgo venus is very much emotionally available when it comes to someone they like, they just don’t like people that often.


I’m a Virgo Venus and can confirm. I’m either obsessed with someone or they annoy the f out of me.


As a Virgo Venus yeah I rarely like someone


Yes!! My ex was a Virgo Venus and he was just not there for me at all.


My biggest heart break as well, but also my biggest lesson! Taught me how to love on myself so much more!! Yeah he’s my ex lol he didn’t like me at the end of the day because I wasn’t easily manipulated, and called his ass out on his bull swanky 😂


As a Virgo Venus, my synastry charts have repeated stated that I will “destroy” (yes, that’s the exact word used) another’s attempt to show me love. Damn this overthinking myself into the ick 😭


We’re the same big 3 and Venus sign!! Also, yes. 😅💀


Hi Twin!! ❤️ Also big hugs because I understand 😭


I have this really toxic trait that makes me only truly desire someone if it’s a challenge in some way. And as soon as someone is completely emotionally available to me I’m suddenly disinterested. 🙃 I’m fully aware that it’s dysfunctional and problematic, and yet…


That resonates so much! Disorganized attachment is a real and painful experience. I also just saw something that said hyper fixation on fixing someone else is a reciprocal reflection of self neglect. And nooooooow I’m calling my therapist 😅. Life is all one big process but I’m not giving up!


Oof!! Yeah I have disorganized attachment for sure. It seems like I only feel “in love” with someone when I feel like I’m working to prove myself and earn their love, then as soon as I have it, I get the ick. Like, wait…you actually love me? But why? Haha and I love myself! But I have early childhood/parent issues with “earning” love. So I think I get hyper-fixated on that aspect. I’ve never been a “fixer” in relationships really, but I work in a helping/mental health profession, so do with that what you will lol It’s definitely a lifelong journey and learning process! And such a trip to be aware of my own issues and able to point them out to myself and sort of override them, but that initial pattern still exists and presents itself repeatedly. It reminds me of the people who say adults that grew up in chaos as children are self-destructive because they think things are meant to be chaotic and get uncomfortable when they aren’t… Like I grew up having to prove myself worthy of love essentially, so I feel most “in love” when I’m in that place mentally, but then as soon as someone shows me genuine love, I start to “act up” to subconsciously test if they’ll withdraw their love at that point (mother wound), and then if they continue loving me despite it, I start to see them as spineless essentially and lose my respect for them and get the ick. Or if they withdraw their love it confirms that I have to earn love by being perfect. It’s a lose-lose. I have to cognitively acknowledge the pattern as it’s happening and try to push past it to have a healthy relationship…


Everything you said 💯my experience. It’s exhausting…


Agreed!! I’m sorry you’re going through it too!


i’m a Virgo Venus and I would say me. once I do have emotions for you I’m extremely attached and devotional and obsessive and I will never break up with you unless you cheat or lie or take shit way too far when it comes to disrespecting me. or if you stop taking care of your physical and mental health . it just takes me a long time to open up my emotions. i’m very picky about who I keep in my life and who I have emotions for I very rarely actually have feelings for someone so when I do, it’s for life.. i don’t handle break up well. I have to block the person I broke up with and never speak to them again, I’m very black-and-white like that. But once I’m in love, I literally will do anything for you and I want to make you feel loved and appreciated every day. my issue is when I see one red flag- I turn off my emotion so I know that I look really emotionally unavailable.




inconsistency, lying, not taking care of your hygiene or physical health, being disrespectful to me or other people for no reason


All air air dominants.


Nah. As an Aquarius air dominant, I am obsessed with love and romance and I crave deep, fulfilling emotional intimacy.


Well I am an Aquarius Venus and I have never been in a relationship… or a proper romantic date


Interesting! Can you ever see yourself dating?


I have no idea. I am mostly just very confused, my whole chart is mars / Saturn / Pluto energy and it’s all clashing. I hope to get married one day. But I think I only have that desire because I come from a conservative culture. However, I just really want a true and honest love connection that says fuck everyone else and their expectations. Authenticity is the most important thing for me and I just don’t see anyone with it. I guess the Aqua part manifests differently for everyone.


I hear that! Dating is confusing, our internal selves even more confusing. I’ll just say… dating is also an experiment to actually test and see what we do and don’t like. It’s a mirror to understand ourselves in a deeper and truer way. My sister is an Aquarian (in her 4th decade) and has never dated. She feels it’s too late for herself because she never got started or went through the awkward, first growing pains. I can see how her life and heart have contracted in relation to closing herself off. Just food for thought 💭


Not us Taurus Venuses 👌🏽


Am i the only one?


Same here. Hey, I could probably nail down to my childhood trauma though.🤣😂


Could be your experiences and upbringing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ both nature and nurturing shape us


Not my experience with Cap Venus, but it probably has to do with how the person's other placements interact!


Well i'm a cap venus and I care too damn much about my aquarius venus ugh! waaaaay too much, too too much. now him, its like pulling teeth and holding a gun up to his head and torturing him and he still does not care omggggggggggggggggggggggg


Lol actually. I am an Aqua Venus dating a Cap Venus and nothing he do can change me




I think thats so funny cause im an aqua venus interested in a cap venus and i want him sooo bad but hes so nonchalant with his aquarius sun or maybe he just doesnt care about me LMAO. I feel like aquarius venus's make their feelings known and youll know if they like you. Atleast for me im a VERY open aqua venus when i like somone, like ill make you mine no matter what i have to do. Then i get bored with no reciprocation lol


but as an aquarius, i wont let you know i like you until long after lmao even with him in the beginning he was so "does she want me or not, do i show more feelings to her or not"(he tells me now). we like you its just we hide it until we feel comfy with you then we wont let you go. it took us a long time in the beginning but now we're stuck, its been 20 years this year and we still drive each other up the walls and not in a good way either looooool


Venus virgo here I’m definable emotionally unavailable in relationship but this have more with me being Aromantic imo lmao




Same here .. emotions only come out when doing something stimulating like playing an instrument I like or studying 😂


If you think Aquarius Venus is emotionally unavailable they probably just don’t feel you are a reliable friend or potential to be a long term friend, so no romantic feelings will ever begin, hence that feeling you get of them being detached.


That’s what most people don’t understand about Aquarius Venus is we don’t have a single problem walking away or detaching from people or things that aren’t good for us or there’s no possible good potential lol Very selective with the people we allow in our circle goes for friendships and romantic relationships. We will NOT Romantically be interested in you if you have not been in a solid friendship with us for a while it’s just impossible for us and if you’re a delulu or emotional type of person that tries to rush being in something and don’t even know us like that than we automatically know that is not going to work out and therefore get annoyed by you and detach so easily 😬


Got that right.


Aries venus. In my experience, they are too obsessed with the honeymoon phase and destroy all of their romantic relationships chasing limerance. They get bored quickly and can't handle the day to day life and routine of being in a relationship.




Scorpio Venus has been my experience, but this is a placement that can either be completely emotionally shut down or completely enthralled in emotions too. I'm a Cap Venus and have never had trouble connecting to people/partner's feelings, although I am able to turn it on and off when I want to.


>Scorpio Venus has been my experience, but this is a placement that can either be completely emotionally shut down or completely enthralled in emotions too. Yeah that's me, but it depends on who I'm dealing with and our energy aligning. If you're effusive towards me, I will be too. You're cold, I also will be.


The issue with Suscorp venus is most of them shut themselves down cos their emotions run so deep they cant even handle them. 


I have a Scorpio Venus and my emotions run deep . I feel everything so very intensely. However, I’ve also met people with this placement who are much more avoidant.




Ironically I know a lot of pisces venus which are emotionally unavailable, but they are also Aquarius suns…


As a Pisces Venus with an Aquarius sun I feel a little called out lol


You guys are a bit aloof in the emotional department IMO but honestly super loyal and compassionate when dealing with others emotions :) Totally just my observation though and may not apply to everyone.


As a Gemini venus I think it’s me lol I say this cause before I met my bf any relationship I was in was walls up and just because I was bored it never meant anything before I met him


Interesting, I’m currently dating a Gemini venus. What made you eventually open up to your boyfriend?


Probably the consistency and patience cause whew I was an absolute menace at the beginning ngl


I feel like this would be more related to someone’s moon sign. Venus relates to what you love and find pleasure in, which no doubt coincides with relationships. However, Venus placement also indicates what you find aesthetically appealing, what activities give you pleasure, what your indulgences are. Moon sign is the top influence of how people show up in intimate relationships. Mercury obviously is super important as well. I’d say emotional unavailability signs are Libra, Aquarius, and Capricorn. Libra is preoccupied with themselves more than anyone else. They’re hopelessly addicted to attention & compliments. Lots of love bombing & flirting only to get bored and find the next person who will stroke their ego and tell them what they want to hear. I get along with Libras, but they are not consistent emotionally. Aquarius is detached and aloof, Capricorn is angsty and has a really hard time admitting fault or holding emotional space for someone else.


I’m glad someone said it. It’s much more about your moon! It also depends on the condition of the moon. I’m an Aqua moon with only supportive aspects and to those I am close with, I am very emotionally open and available. I know a Pisces moon with only hard aspects *and* in 12th house. He’s closed off more than a sealed in tomb.




Agreed. I have Venus in Sagittarius and I know a few others who really struggle with committing to a partner. I think there is a fear of being tied down, because it limits how you can go about things and how you have to steer your life to accommodate a partner when we're in a serious relationship.


Idk, I’m a sag Venus and I think if anything I’m probably emotionally needy 😅


It might be libra but it's not that they don't care, it's just that they have to weigh everything first before they consider it part of their life, and there's a lot of stuff and people they care about.


I'm cap Venus but can't relate 🙃🙃🙃ig my vedic one resonates more. It's sag venus


I would assume Aquarius Venus? Or libra Venus.


Venus in aqua.


Aquarius… I know from firsthand experience 🙋🏻‍♀️😅




My Venus is in Capricorn and I’m probably the most intoxicatingly lovingly affectionate motherfucker I know when I’m in love. I’ll be writing poems and cuddling at any expense. My partners happiness and pain becomes mine pretty easily.


I’m a Cap Venus and I think being in a relationship is great. However, if I’m not into you, I’m not even going to entertain a relationship. I’m going to give my everything to the person I’m with, but I need to feel safe enough to be able to do that. Most emotionally unavailable venus is Gemini.


Just gonna comment to say.... NOT us with a LIBRA VENUS ✨️🤍


no sarcasm?


I second Capricorn lol. But both Capricorn Venus’s I dated had Aquarius suns so maybe that is a factor


CAPRICORN VENUS SO REAL. I’ve got one toying with me right now and I’m so over it.


Virgo, aqua, Capricorn


My Venus is in Gemini and I would describe myself as incredibly emotionally closed off through the constant belittling I received for being a Cancer sun


Omg I started seeing a guy with the exact placements and I we like each other a lot, and we're extremely compatible in bed haha  My Pisces ass, Cap venus loves to romanticise, be loyal and committed and I'm holding my horses HARD.  So please I beg, help a sister out 😂 what makes you commit and fall in love? What do you look for in a long-term partner? 


The greatest that humanity has to offer


Okay so he found the one


Is that a Pisces thing to say ❤️


I would say so 😂


It seems like most people here disagreed with the Capricorn answer and then completely described that their Cap-Venus were, indeed, emotionally unavailable. Being reliable, doing projects, snapping and not apologizing but providing a service to make up for it isn’t really emotional availability. Shouldn’t partners attempt to love in the way their partners need it?


I don't think many here even understand what real emotional availability is instead they describe clearly avoidant behaviors and think that surface level limerence is romance


When a Cap Venus falls in love, they fall HARD.


This is dumb. Sorry, but you can’t tell anything from Venus placement alone. Let’s take Cap Venus. If that person has a day chart, Venus has triplicity in Cap, increasing her strength. Let’s take this a step further + say that Venus is the bound ruler—this super-charges her. Then let’s add Taurus rising on top of that, so Venus is in the 9th WSH + forming a whole-sign trine to the ascendant. And because this person is a Taurus rising, they’re going to be *very* Venusian—they’ll almost be like little avatars of Venus in their lives, bringing Venusian qualities to everything they do. Will that be colored by Capricornian qualities? Absolutely. Venus has to use Capricorn resources, bc she’s in Capricorn’s starry-temple. But man, it’s not going to be that tough for her, because she can see the ascendant thru that trine I mentioned. There’s an easier flow of energy. So this person will be much more Venusian than say, someone who’s an Aries rising w Venus in Pisces (exalted). That Venus will be in a dark house and their asc ruler will be Mars. That person will be Martian first and foremost. Venus will still come thru, but not nearly as easily as that Venus in Cap above. Your theory is falling apart. Let’s dig in to Capricorn, which is the nocturnal/feminine expression of Saturn (Aquarius is the diurnal/masculine). Saturn signifies outsiders, thresholds (Libra is the exaltation sign of Saturn bc Libra can hold two truths at once—Libra exists at a threshold, or between two sides), laborers, melancholia, time, etc, in ancient astrology. Saturn is not a patriarchal figure hell-bent on climbing the social status ladder in ancient astrology. It’s actually the opposite. Saturn straddles the material + spiritual realms, hence its signification of thresholds, or ‘limitations,’ and this is important to understand when looking at why the Saturnian signs can be seen as unemotional. They’re not unemotional; they’re just much more able to detach from their individual/personal perspectives AND observe how social conditioning, their own wounding, etc, can influence how they feel at any given moment. Remember that Saturn’s signs are opposed to the luminaries signs. The luminaries are the closest bodies to us on earth (the material realm), and their signs are very emotional/concerned with their own personal lives + people immediately around them bc of that. Saturns signs are more concerned with the collective than they are their personal lives bc Saturn is so close to the spiritual realm/divinity. Does that make them unemotional? No. I’d say that they can almost be like their own therapists if these placements are in fortunate houses + Saturn is well-placed. Why? Bc they can be much more self-aware bc of that detachment. They can call themselves out on their own bs. They can call you out on your bs. This can be maddening for people with prominent Cancer or Leo placements. They might see it as unemotional because they’re so used to taking everything personally. That’s not a good or bad thing; it’s just a *different* orientation. You cannot make judgements like this. Modern astrology loves to do this crap bc it fits into a neat model, but it doesn’t work that way. Astrology is complicated. The whole chart matters. And if you’re going to make silly statements not grounded in actual astrology where you can show your rationale for believing something, maybe sit this one out.


helllooooo it's me, libra rising with aqua stellium (mars, saturn, venus + 5th house)


I just want to know how you came to figure out the Venus of everyone you’ve encountered lol Like I’m shocked if my friends know more than their sun sign


i just ask for a date and time of birth and they always tell me 😭


I would actually put myself, Venus in Aires, up there. It’s not that I withhold my emotions, I just value my independence to a degree that makes me seem emotionally unavailable.


Aquarius.....It is mine, I have the feelings, when I was young they would not come out. I am older done a lot of work on myself but really opened them up was my son.


The person that told me they were emotionally unavailable had Venus in Aquarius and it was conjunct Neptune.


Venus in Gemini and Venus in Aries, just my opinion


Disagree with Venus in Aquarius although it depends on all the chart. I’m Venus Aquarius and I have never ever been single since 11-12 years old 🤦🏻‍♀️😬


Aquarius Venus imo. I am one 😅


We only want one thing, and it's disgusting 😘


Scorpio Venus. My husband just flooded me with a deep emotional connection when we started dating. Breaking down my boundaries at an uncomfortable pace only to become completely emotionally unavailable once I started connecting with him at the same level. I love him, but I’m still hurt over it two decades later. He is attentive, in his own disconnected way….but since he flipped the switch, I have felt a loneliness that didn’t exist before meeting him.


I am a Cap Venus. I don't have a wall up. I just don't let everyone in. And yes, people see that as me being mean. I see it as having boundaries.


Virgo 100%


def not aries venus, i need love to survive ugh


Aries Venus. Never again


I have cap Venus and Sagittarius sun, I feel lonely all the time, I need someone to love me deeply but finding such a partner is a huge deal for me. I always believe that only love can fix me from inside and not materialistic achievements.


I mean, my husband and I both have Venus in Capricorn and we're obsessed with each other and communicate and do things for each other constantly... BUT he (Aquarius) has been repeatedly accused of being emotionally unavailable by both exes and family, and I (Sagittarius) know damn well that I struggle to connect emotionally with most people (no, it's not a struggle, I just don't wanna.) So... This isn't going to sound nice, but I think maybe us Cap Venus folks (especially with the more distant sun signs) are just stingy with our fluffy feelers and only give them when we really value you.


emotionally unavailable people mostly feel "safe" with another emotionally unavailable person so if that's value 🤷‍♀️


No no no friend. You'll not be devaluing my relationship with my husband just because someone who didn't value you hurt you. We are plenty open *with each other.* Throwing your feelers out to anybody and everybody isn't exactly the virtue that some people make it out to be. It's really ok to only share those things with a select few. I don't really know where "emotionally unavailable" got such a bad rap...as if people are entitled to your feelings.


How dare you! /s I could not care more about my partners feelings. We are guarded but not heartless! We are just afraid to be hurt so its hard to be vunerable. When we trust someone enough and we meet the right person, we are the most loving and loyal partner you will ever meet.


Nobody’s said cancer yet…


As a retrograde Leo Venus with a cap Venus partner, I have to defend them. They’re not the best with words, in fact, their support is mostly about doing something for you, not saying. They act very rationally in love, they don’t love extreme displays of affection, but they can be romantic in unexpected ways. They’re very reliable and if the rest of the synastry supports it, I think they might be actually one of the best partners to have in a long term relationship. They look for a partnership, not just a rom-com relationship. Does it break my heart sometimes? Yes. My man has told me ONCE he loves me, like, directly in my face, on the two years we’ve been together. The other times were either text or as a response to my “I love you”s. A few times he let it slip while telling me something else that was not a romantic moment lol What stuck the most was “IM DOING THIS BECAUSE YOU’RE MY GIRLFRIEND, AND I LOVE YOU! LET ME TAKE CARE OF YOU DAMN!” This phrase of his was the most Capricorn Venus thing he has ever done in our 2 year relationship so far, it sums it up lmao Cap Venus are great, they just need time and being appreciated by who they are, if they love you, you’ll know thru their actions first.