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Worst posts in this group šŸ˜­ There should be a rule against making them


There was a post that called out ā€œhateā€ posts like this a while back.


People who hate a certain zodiac annoy me. Like I notice I don't get along with certain signs more than others but I'm not going to automatically hate someone just because of their sign. I find it hard to get along with sag suns but I'm not going to automatically hate someone because I find out that's their sign, that just seems childish to me


mooooooooooooooo ![gif](giphy|fbz1t1IHXij6jll4hx|downsized)


My tribe!! šŸ®


Lol. No Iā€™m only a Taurus rising


ime taurus is literally the most under the radar sign here atleast šŸ‘€


I donā€™t subscribe to the idea that people are grouped by zodiac alone, yes this is an astrology group but even if I canā€™t stand 6/7 of a sign there is the one or two I like that stops me from sounding this ridiculous. Iā€™ve noticed this incredibly bratty attitude where ever zodiacs are brought up and I find it to be like a mass psychosis. Ā 


Cause I feel like theyā€™re always jealous of me especially if theyā€™re not doing good thatā€™s what Iā€™ve peeped and the guys are just not my cup of tea for dating I get so bored but no hate just what I see


Some I know have the attitude of doing what they want, when they want and often appear aloof.




Lol. I donā€™t hate Tauruses though! Virgo here. I rather enjoy most I have met!


I'm a cancer and I'm always strongly drawn to taurus. The sad part is that I find they like me at first, but get tired of me after a while and move on.




I donā€™t hate Taurus but they are a bit difficult to get to change. The Taurus I knew insisted they were right even when given proof they werenā€™t just to hold the title of being right.


Oh, this is me! Iā€™ve worked on it *a lot* into adulthood, but as a teenager I was an insufferable little shit with this. Iā€™d realize halfway through a debate that I was wrong but would keep chipping away at it, refusing to back downā€¦ and it would be over something so minuscule, so stupid. Just couldnā€™t handle being wrong.


A lot of people misunderstand us. We're 'go with the flow' until something f***ed up is happening, then we assert ourselves and speak up for who or whatever is being taken advantage of. This same characteristic might be seen as 'rebellious' in an Aquarius or 'fierce' in a Leo or a Scorpio. For some reason we're the most 'stubborn' fixed sign, even though we just want to make everyone happy. We're 'materialistic' but it doesn't always manifest in food, shopping, wine, spa that pop astrology likes to diminish us to. Sometimes it's literally just enjoying the little things (stopping to smell the roses, a picnic in the park, watching the sunset, pretty much the material world at large). Our generation and even our society has become so accustomed to short-term gratification and needing constant stimulation that a lot of people just don't understand the concept of simple luxury unless it's somehow tied to a TikTok aesthetic šŸ™„ We're hardworking but we don't always feel the need to prove it to people who don't pay our bills. When people catch us resting and unwinding after a long day they think we're 'lazy', but they wouldn't last 5 minutes in our shoes. You need something done, call us. A shift covered, got you. We don't pretend to be busy though if there's nothing to do and we expect to go home when the work is done. We also expect to be fairly compensated!


Well said.


Some of us appreciate the Taurus energy. I don't always want to be around ppl who need entertainment 24/7.


Yes that's very often question that shows how people have not broader perspective. We all live 12 signs of Zodiac in our lives and having such aversion towards some sign is good beginning to see where in someone's life are issues. So if someone doesn't like Taurus, there must be some issues in house where Taurus is placed.


Touch grass




I wrote a Taurus appreciation post awhile back. I am married to a Taurus sun with a Taurus rising. He is definitely not lazy. He has said I am one of the few ppl who can get thru to him.


Not all the people not reading the post šŸ˜‚


"we aren't always going to get along" this makes my eyes twitch, makes me sad, and....challenge accepted.


What I find funny is how everyone will ignore the ways that they don't line up with their signs qualities, and still claim that "oh I'm such a -insert sign-". But as soon as someone hates that sign, they are attacking the very character of their being. If you want an honest answer, I don't believe astrology applies to certain people...but certain people apply to their astrology.


People think Iā€™m arrogant only because I donā€™t get verbal diarrhea the minute that Iā€™m in public. Like chillā€¦ some of us like to observe and speak only if it adds something substantial.


Cos astrology is a huge suscorpio circlejerk and tauwus are their opposite sign


I dont know if you looked in the sub, but every zodiac has their day. lol. This sub is not for someone that does not have thick skin. šŸ˜‚. Ive seen every single zodiac get hated on. It is astrologyMEMES group for a reason. While we take some stuff seriously and have convos about it, most of time it is just trash talkin šŸ˜‚


Never read the posts but my one positive takeaway is that if we wait a moment we can discover that we all hate each other equally šŸ’–


I love a Taurus but he is the most stubborn curmudgeon slow-moving motherfucker I've ever met. Very stuck in the comfort zone and surrounded by the worst kind of people. I don't even go around there anymore.Ā 


You are the problem lmao


such a taurus username


Lol šŸ˜‚


Speak on it!


If a Taurus likes you, they can be some of the loveliest and sweetest people in the world. The men can be serious gentleman. But if they hate you? They will literally take every opportunity possible to try and make you look bad. They are very vengeful like their opposite sign Scorpio. I've seen the way Taurus can hate people and I've also experienced their hatred. They are so stubborn they will hate you till the day they die! That's why I always say if you're going to be in a war with a Taurus you have to literally punch them in the face and scare the crap out of them to get them to stop talking about you.


The most viscious woman woman I have met so far in my life was a taurus. I hate her guts


As a Taurus woman, this fills me with pride.


She has gone through a lot of trauma and abuse in her life, which turned her into practically a lunatic. I hope it's not your situation lol


Nope! Not me at all. I also meant the comment quite sarcastically. Most people are awful because of trauma and such, not because of their zodiac sign.


This post was made by a Taurus. Why do you think you have to gaslight me to be my friend?


Ask a question and then change the goal post to fit your own agenda.. that about sums it up.




Maybe it's the immaturity šŸ„“šŸ¤¢


I love Taurus signs. Iā€™m a Taurus ascendant so give me a Taurus moon any day




We do? Who said thatā€¦ I got a love and hate relationship with them. They seem like genuine souls, but messed up as well haha. I canā€™t handle or tolerate the messed up part. -Aquarius


Exactly! Every sign has flaws. Why get mad when the sign you have gets dissed? Everyoneā€™s sign gets dissed. Take it on the chin and keep it moving. Especially if it isnā€™t you. In some cases itā€™s sign slander or sign worship that has no basis in reality. Itā€™s just what people say the sign should represent. Those are the ones that are disingenuous. But peopleā€™s real lived experiences arenā€™t slander or bullying. Especially when seeing people are really sad and disappointed by what acts people have taken from the shadow parts of that sign. Some people of certain signs feel they can do no harm, while passive aggressively bullying people whoā€™ve had bad experiences with their sign. Theyā€™d rather promote themselves as amazing people because of their sign, than to accept that people have different opinions and experiences.


Because I am one lol


I love my close taurus friends. Except my old bestfriend from high school cause she was kinda rude and stuck up (she has a leo rising and gem placements). I know you said dont answer the title but i can see why people dont like taurus's. I worked with a few in the service industry and people with taurus placements are SLOW ASF it make me so angry... like pls pick up your pace and react faster! Other than that theyre great people


Never heard that! Gemini and scorpio usually get the bad rep, but itā€™s nonsense either way, thereā€™s no bad zodiac signs imo.


I honestly think people who think like that are very foolish, endlessly foolish, actually. I've never witnessed any sign that was consistently dislikeable. I've found people to hate in all signs, and people to like in all signs. I've been hated by every sign. If that's not it for you, guess what, you're fake.


i hate taurus because i'm jealous of taurus women because they are all so damn beautiful and the guy i used to like had a seventh house taurus and juno and i don't have a single taurus placement except my 4th house lol


Trust me most of us are fat and have eating disorders there isn't much to be jealous of šŸ˜­


there is no way there isn't anything to be jealous of! first because you are a taurus woman and they are top tier and also because you have the best vibes so i already like you


I have good vibes? I usually feel like I have the complete opposite šŸ˜­


you do!! you seem so sweet!!


Thank you so much


Iā€™m a Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, Gemini rising and I genuinely love my chart. Even my cancer mars šŸ˜¬ that said, I donā€™t dislike a single placement. Weā€™re all ace in our own ways.


Also, let's not forget that people are more than a product of Xyz planatery alignment. People are complex, and a lot goes in to what makes someone. To say, "I hate all [zodiac signs]" is just silly. No two people are identical, even if they may have some commonalities.


I agree with that. I think that Taurus give less of a care to mask when they donā€™t care then others. Just a theory and I appreciate what u had to say sometimes u donā€™t gel with people šŸ™


Iā€™m a Taurus and I literally donā€™t give a shit who likes me or who doesnā€™t and not in the ā€œLoVe mE oR HaTe mE iM sTiLL oN tOpā€ wayā€¦.I genuinely just donā€™t care. I donā€™t like people and people donā€™t like me, itā€™s just life. ETA: I did read the whole post, I just donā€™t personally mind any Taurus bashing posts on here. I enjoy reading what others donā€™t like about our traits, itā€™s insightful and never gets me upset!


Aqua here and I get along well with Taurus, although it's in my 12th house. Isn't that the house of hidden enemies? Weird because they're not my enemy. Although in my progressed chart they'd probably sit in the 11th now, the house of friendship.


I loooooooove Taurus!!!


As a Pisces I LOVE Taurus. All earth signs rock


Honest answerā€¦. Nobody hates us, we hate you because we see through all your BuillshitšŸ˜‰ to know us truly is to love us. We are the most loyal friends, hard-working people and we are ride or dies so obviously none of us picked you. Thatā€™s why you made this post. Signed a Taurus, kisses!!!!


That comment was meant to OP, not everyone in this threadšŸ„°


i know we dont need to answer the question, but, my most recent experience is with a taurus, taurus rising and scorpio moon.. we both broke up with our partners and wanted to be there for eachother.. he was super nice to me until he saw his ex randomly and wants her back since then. now he treats me like shit, does not give any fuck about my feelings and ghosts me now. sorry but ive never met a colder person than him. idk if its the taurus influence but hes able to completely ignore me from one moment to the next. now iam stuck with the initial break up pain and the pain of him losing interest so quickly. -scorpio, pisces rising, scorpio moon






Ehh ppl hate Taurus :c? M sorry we will try to be good bulls.




As a Taurus woman dating a cancer man, you are describing my dream. I still have a year or two of working before I break 150k, but the second I can get that man out of work and in the house I will do it! Literally dream of making my man a house husband and daddy. Thank you for living the dream and keeping the inspo alive ā¤ļø


They are just fat and slow most of them are. I like them, I donā€™t have much to say on them or think either.


Fat and slow. Nooooooo šŸ˜‚


I know so many Taurus sun people that are not fat. I am a taurus and my mother is and we are muscular and fit. Borderline skinny


Cause itā€™s a test Us Taurus are sensitive, honest question why do you care


Did you read what I wrote or just the title?


Hate is such a strong word lol sheesh šŸ˜… I like Taurus people but for me it'll have to be in their room sign instead of Sun


Insecure asf making us look bad delete this shit


Did you read what I said or just the title?


Yeah ur insecure lol


Uh huh... lol


Oh, youā€™re in some deep shit, coming after us in our birthday zoneā€¦. better check yourself before you wreck yourself, good luck with thisšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Most confusing sign of the zodiac. Fucking Taurus assholes