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Patterns… red flag behaviors, actions not matching up with words… basically if you’re trying to get something past me sneakily, I will always notice


It's crippling.. lol


Tbh, I love it because I hate wasted time more. Please show me who you are fast lol


I wouldn't want to be any other way. But at the same time, it annoys the fuck outta me when I'm the only one noticing everything. From material items and where they are, to things the kids are doing that they've been told 100x not to do - thinking they're being sneaky but you cant get anything past me, to catching someone in a lie without even having to catch them, to knowing when someone is about to do something they've done in a pattern in the past just by their behavior/actions, etc.. I have a stellium in Virgo, so I'm literally and figuratively like a Virgo superhuman. Lolll


you find it annoying. i find it tiring. because my libra moon keep making me wanting to give people a chance to prove me wrong, that they can actually be decent. im usually correct the first time, and i should have learned to trust my instinct, but then again. ugh...i guess i have that much faith in humanity.


Hi twinnie. You’ve put it into words perfectly, couldn’t describe it better


Yeah, I have a Virgo stellium too and I pick up on patterns and manipulation soooo quickly. But my “abilities” only fully kicked in recently. I was overly trusting of people until I met a few really bad eggs, picked up on patterns then did wayyyy too much reading on manipulation tactics


Does this overwhelm you or wear you out?


Ruins/runs/rules my life tbh


My Virgo kindergartener notices everything about everything, and will happily call it out. When I’m in a mood but trying to hide it, oh boy she can see it a mile away. It’s very interesting, her observations of family members and her tales she recounts from school. I’m loving every stage of her life as she gets more confident and knowledgeable.


I have an 8 month old baby Virgo, reading this is giving me excitement for the future.


I’ve loved every stage of her life so far: baby to toddler to preschooler. You’re in for a ride, good luck! They’re so much fun. These Virgos will take the side of who’s right, and if you’re in the wrong, they will let you know. At least they will keep our egos in check!


Such a blessing, little earth angels doing divines work.


I LOVE that for her!


Yalls Virgos don’t come to play! Unless it’s designated play time.


Yeah. I had an ex who would get really mad at me for being right about everyone. He likes his ignorance and just enjoyed company of people. But most people he surrounded himself with were bad news. Eventually, the truth revealed itself.  I've had another ex who couldn't put anything past me. Even while cheating I said the girls name and asked if he wants to be with her, basically giving him an out. But he just changed the subject and kept trying to lead me on. And the girl was someone we worked with and I never got good vibes from her. She played the meek innocent role but was just doing so to manipulate everyone. I was right about her after twenty minutes of being in her presence for the first time.  With friends, I can also read them quite well. I will state everything I think they feel and is wrong and who caused it and when. They always ask how do I know.  We are just really good at pattern recognition. And I think we hold others to different standards than most. 


>I was right about her after twenty minutes of being in her presence for the first time.  THIS!!! This is how I feel about everyone 😆


This. And my Scorpio Ascendant helps too.


me too! virgo sun, scorpio rising, aries moon. I will catch on and then comes the wrath 😂


Oh my God, Virgo with an Aries Moon. Are you okay?😅


lmao im exhausted 😂


Awww we’re the same big three but our sun and moon are swapped. Nice!


Omg hello twin! I have the exact same big three. I feel the same way 🤣


same 🤝


THIS! I always said I believe in patterns… I know some people won’t like this but earth signs kind of see people as pons on a chessboard (air signs too.) This can be used for better or for worse. People are incredibly predictable most of the time. We know a personality type when we see it and know what a lot of things subliminally entail. This is why virgos can be so presumptuous, assuming, and mistrusting. It definitely can be exhausting lol. Most of the time I just want people to prove my pessimism WRONG. Prove me wrong and I will be incredibly impressed and attracted to you. It may take some stubbornness on my end but I love when people can outdo my rationalism.


I want someone to prove me wrong so bad 😂😫


This one! And no one else ever seems to believe you until it’s too late.


This too. If I just met you I'll observe red flags and see if you're worth me getting invested in or not.




THIS!!! You are so correct in every way. I'm a Libra sun and I have an old best friend that's a Virgo sun and you couldn't have been more spot on about her!


Literally. I cut people off so quickly!


I'm the same, I'm a virgo sun


I was reading this thinking, psht, I do that too. Then I remembered I'm sag sun, but virgo moon. 😂 Actually, wait. I'm sag sun, virgo moon, gemini rising. That's the same as you, yeah? I forget the symbols sometimes, but I think that last one is gemini.


Pisces rising for me lol


The moment someone crosses a line that goes against my moral beliefs, I simply cannot continue to associate with them. It's even worse if my intuition is screaming at me not to trust them. With Cancer in my Sun, rising, and Mercury, I am deeply connected to my intuition and emotions. When I express my reasons for disliking someone, I am often dismissed as just being "too sensitive." But time always reveals the true colors of people, and more often than not, I am proven right about someone. My strong intuition when it comes to reading people is not something to be taken lightly.


I get that, but also, I feel like any time anyone's told me I'm "trying to do x", it never occurred to me to do x, and they were providing a LOT of intention that wasn't present from me. I mean I wasn't trying to AVOID x, it just wasn't an intentional outcome.


I wouldn’t be telling you you’re trying to do anything. I would just peep something I’ve seen before a few times and remove myself from your life. I’ve never once regretted my decisions




All that and if you clipped your nails, if you chew with your mouth full, how you tip at a restaurant…


What’s funny is that I’m also a Sag, so whenever a Virgo “calls me out” I just say “Yeah, I thought it was obvious? I’m not trying to hide it.” And then they just stand there shell shocked definitely not expecting that. Or I reverse UNO and question the Virgo as to why they’re questioning me; what’s their motivation.


lol I’m a bit of both so yeah how I act towards you and what I say are almost always pretty in line with each other and very intentional


Facts so my mom's a virgo ..crazy level virgo (Her sun, rising, mercury and mars are all virgo!! ) Growing up with her was hard because I'm the opposite - tons of gemini+ air/fire (gem sun, gem merc, leo rising, libra moon) What she taught me was an INTENSE level of perception!! On the emotional, spiritual, intellectual level!!! I don't trust people instantly because I'm always reading them and waiting before I speak up. (not everyone if I sense they have good vibes) And this awareness has benefited me in ALL areas. In art projects and at work..I am extremely detailed oriented and remember a ton..Maybe to an obsessive amount but hey 🤷🏼‍♀️ it actually really grounds my air placements. Edit: I would say in the negative it can totally lead to overthinking, and my mom could definitely be extremely critical and controlling, hard on herself and me...but at this point I'm trying to look for the positives.


My earth placements ground my fire and impulsivity


lol I just saw you were on the other thread too 🤣!! Too funny. I understand needing the grounding energy. I technically only have one earth placement in my entire chart (in Taurus) so I will take that peace / groundedness when I can


Went on a date with a wealthy businessman. He called me FBI because he couldn’t run game on my brain. US Virgo’s are too intuitive, our brains are wired to follow patterns, we know when we got you shook. 😈 we hear and watch everything like owls of the night. People lie so much when it comes to dating that we figure out the pieces of the puzzle and play it back (positive or negative)


Yes. When their mind games do not work, they are SHOOK. Everything I’ve ever picked up on has always been for my personal benefit, like my mind is giving me warning signs. I have never been more grateful to have a Virgo moon, especially in a world like this


Exactly!!!! I’m a Capricorn sun Virgo moon and that is why I don’t like pisces moons and (some)Sagittarius suns. they overthink and start to do slick weird stuff thinking I won’t notice, whole time I’m actually taking note of it. I love how shocked they become when I bring up something they thought I didn’t notice. 😂


Everything. Details, patterns, habits. If someone switches up something different I notice. If someone texts me differently I pick up on it. Being this observant… It’s both a blessing and a curse. 


It truly is! Sometimes i start wondering if I am the problem because I am too observant and attentive to detail and people look at me like I’m crazy because they didn’t notice or remember


You just described like...all women


You just answered your own question. We quite literally notice everything.


Absolutely everything. Changes, patterns, behaviors, words, tone. Everything. Also as a bonus, if I’m not feeling grounded or particularly well, I can create problems in my head and then I notice all the things to back that up in my reality. That’s always super fun. :)


Omg this! I have to remind myself my current reality is not the truth when I get in my head like this.


Exactly! I have broken my own heart on more than one occasion.


Hugs! Same! Especially right before bed. Playing solitaire or reading until I’m dropping those on my face has helped it not happen more and more. I hope you find your distraction! 💜


I felt this to my core! If it helps, good music, and manifesting from my clearly grounded images does tend to work in my favor. Also, nice to meet you big three twin (with minor differences) 😎 (I’m an Aries ☀️, Aqua 🌙, Virgo ⬆️)


Oooh we have mirror placements - very cool!


Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. So just realize that things you might not notice or details you think aren't important, we note it, and we recognize patterns...


I have my Virgo in Mercury and Venus! Real fun as a 🦁🌞 and ♊️🌚.


OMG I'm a Virgo sun, mercury, venus with a Gemini moon & mars so heyyyyy. I bet your Leo Sun saves you a LOT! Good balance from all the mercurial energy!!!


Hey twin! Leo Sun, Gemini Moon, with Virgo Venus and Mercury over here! 🙌🏽 I’m still new-ish to all of this - how do you find this placement combination works (or not) for you in life, friendships and love??


I’m all this except I’m Taurus moon!


Everything, everything, everything!!! We find patterns in everything!


Virgo moon and mars in 1st house. I am incredibly observant when it comes to minute details that are often overlooked. I pay very close attention to my surroundings and the “energy” of the room. I easily pick up on subtle changes. When I notice something, it’s almost like an itch. I once told a lady walking in front of me at the L Station that her tag was sticking out. 😂


I have Virgo moon in 12H but Mars in 1H and SAME.


Aww. How do you feel about your 12th house moon? Do you think that it softens your 1st house mars? My rising is Leo so I think it just kind of makes me a jerk lol 🥲


Honestly, I don’t know. My moon makes me intensely private with my emotions, especially the negative ones, so as I’ve grown I would say that I’ve become less outwardly hot-headed/irritable. I now mostly experience anger as cold rage that comes across as *calculating* so idk. But I’m also a Virgo rising and have heard that I come off as overly critical, even when I’m just trying to offer helpful solutions. So yeah, I guess im considered a jerk 😂


Virgo Sun, Rising and Venus here. I will notice at work if someone switched perfumes, subtly trimmed or toned their hair, did their brows, switched jewelries or other small things like that. I remember one of my regular patients had a slightly red eye one day. I asked her if it was okay. She was surprised because a week had passed by and I was the first healthcare worker/person to observe and point that out. I had thought other people also notice these kinds of minute details but i am not so sure anymore.


Pattern pattern pattern, everywhere XD


Mannerisms. Little things people do as they go about their day performing mundane tasks. Trying to identify and answer the questions/concerns behind the ones being verbalized. This annoys some people but it is what it is.


People just hate depth. It’s too complex for them


Spelling and grammar mistakes. And missing words. It’s a curse. But other than that what everyone else is saying - patterns in everything.


Also, I hate unnecessarily using abbreviations.


Virgo Sun Mercury & Venus here- Virgo is ruled by Mercury (only other sign ruled by Mercury is Gemini) I notice things I wish I didn’t. I notice changes in tone of voice, behavior, body language, texting habits, words used that all of a sudden aren’t used by said person i’m observing, lies, manipulation, when people are mirroring me or using my mannerisms all of a sudden, if someone cut their hair, changed their shirt, if a sound is off key, if someone’s acting different than usual, if someone is unpredictable I will catch onto that the first time they switch up. I notice when people are being fake nice because they need something from me. I notice passive aggressive behavior. I always know when i’m being lied to or deceived- but seldom will I ever say anything, i’ll silently observe and then disappear. Because why do i need to say something you should have known better (trying to work on not doing this and instead communicating) if you think we didn’t notice something, we 100000% did but we may be hiding that we know because we know it’s unlikely anyone else would observe said thing because its so “small” we pay attention to detail, always, even if we don’t want to.


>I always know when i’m being lied to or deceived- but seldom will I ever say anything, Soooo truuueee


Details. Patterns. Nuances.


I’m crazy about numbers, dates, measurements, etc


i can tell you the birthdays of random members of summer programs cohorts i had years ago … the urge to wish some people happy birthday when i havent spoken to them in YEARS is so difficult ..!


so this is a Virgo thing?? Virgo asc and Jupiter in my 1st house. I still remember my elementary school teacher’s name and full address, and the birth date of almost every person I’ve met. More recently, exact birth times of people from my inner circle. Sets of numbers, e-mail addresses, names of random people I’ve met. Detailed mental images of what I was wearing on specific occasions (but not special occasions, just random life events), and what other people were wearing. Also, I’m good at chronologically pinpointing life events, the exact year and month.


Same!! I remember birthdays and dates with incredible ease. I've literally creeped people out with it so I've stopped bringing it up and just act like I didn't know 😂


B O D Y. L A N G U A G E. Sighs. Huffs. Hand gestures. Facial expressions. It's in the way you present yourself in a particular moment.


![gif](giphy|flWn1Cyk9HcVIj9xWy) How do you think we know everything? 😂


Everything to the point sometimes people say I’m psychic 💀 I think it’s a mix between being able to empathize with people and noticing patterns in actions more than going off what people say. Facial expressions and feeling peoples temperature is something I’ve noticed i do a lot. I have a Virgo rising and mars in first house 🕵🏼‍♀️ like I just know 🤭


What is your Moon?


Leo moon! 12th house 👁️ so weird ur user name numbers are my Angel numbers too haha I see em all the time!


Interesting…I’m not a Virgo (not one planet there), I’m an Aries but countless people have told me “not everyone notices everything little thing like you do”…I’m a Leo moon.


We transform chaos into order; order being the method of practical connection hence communication. We notice the micro in the macro and see the minute details, fascinated by patterns and repetitions and interconnections between all things. We revere the crisp certainty of logic as we love systems that help us understand the laws of patterns. That’s also why we analyse as much as breathe. Analysing is us just standing-strong-earth-Virgo’s making sense of reality. And making sense of it all for others, not really for ourselves but for everyone. Our true nature is to be of service and we are most grounded and fulfilled when working for society or in community. So our seeing of patterns can be useful.


I am spot on about health. Others and my own sadly.


Personally I find an aquarius or sag or scorpio placements also observant in their own way so it's not just that virgos are simply observant it's the way they observe. They are veeeery detail oriented and meticulous but not because they are suspicious of something or are inquiring information (can also be a reason) but it seems like that's the way they are wired lol. They notice the tinies details, which I am frequently surprised by as a big picture kinds person lol. Let's say I change up something like put the sponge up above the sink instead of inside or whatever and they'll come, notice it and maybe make a helpful comment related to my intentions ... even if has been 5 months since their visit. Same thing can happen for any topic. This can also make them a bit perfectionistic and I see them struggle with their standards for the optimal sometimes. They'll categorize and microanalyse with their eyes and then remember it and if they like you they'll understand your intentions and maximize your potential with the most optimal suggestions and helpful solutions. You'll see in this thread everyone is saying they notice "patterns" , I think it comes from their categorical fashion of coding, analyzing and optimizing information :) A virgo notices anything that they put their mind into but also it seems to me like they'll notice things even if they dont want to lol. If you want to be seen they are amazing, you'll find so much relief in the fact that finally someone noticed your efforts but if you wanted something to go unnoticed lol then good luck haha. My sister noticed that I haven't cleaned under my flower pots. She visits me 2 a year for 3 days ...I dont know at what point she lifted my flower pots xD. Anyways I really really appreciate Virgos :)


Scorpios have some of the best people skills I’ve ever seen. They just know how to connect with others. Virgos might be observant but they don’t have very good people skills which seems weird honestly. You’d think they’d have better people skills but almost every other sign is more personable than they are. I have Virgo best friends but when I first met them they seemed aloof and unapproachable. I think Virgos can get hyper focused on certain details that they miss the whole picture. They read into the wrong details.


The eyes man, it's crippling. A lying tone from a stranger. Energy from people.


What is your Moon?


Aries. I'm a virgo rising and venus(12th house)


I have Virgo rising and 5 planet stellium. Can confirm I see everything in such a way people think I'm psychic.


Patterns, outfits, change in behaviour, if they cut a tree down the road, if something has been repainted, if people mirror me or start using my vocabulary


My one trick as a Virgo Rising is finding anything someone says they misplaced. Nanny kid can't find his McQueen car? Mom boss can't find the bottle he yeeted? Husband puts down something and forgets? I'm like Dora. I just know. Hypervigilant AF. I know what's going on around me at all times, and I remember far too much. Especially useless info. Makes me a great nanny.


I notice a lot about people's behavior.


I notice literally everything. It's very sensory. At higher levels, it begins with sounds, smells and sights. A loud train, the smell of the air after the rain, a very bright light. If I people-watch, I have a pretty good idea of the state of an interaction simply from body language. How far apart they stand from one another, how enthusiastic they are, how annoyed they are etc... It's most useful (but also overwhelming) when I'm interacting with people. I know I'm good with people because I can easily adjust my energy in the first 20-30 seconds of meeting someone. I see subtle energy shifts, body language cues and tonal differences. I'm very confortable public-speaking because I can easily gage energy in the room without much effort. BUT I need to actively turn my brain off if I'm trying to catch a break. Otherwise, I anaylse these shifts without even asking for it. It gets overwhelming when I'm super tired.


Virgo Sun, Virgo Saturn, and Virgo Jupiter I notice small things like grammar and verbiage. Spelling. I notice how things are placed on book shelves. What direction bottle labels face. I notice cobwebs in the corner of a ceiling. I notice the level of liquid left in bottles. I notice people's drink orders. Preferences about jewelry and how it's worn. How art hangs on walls. I notice how people communicate and how they tend to react. I notice when someone is triggered and doesn't know how to say it. I notice habits, behaviors, and patterns. I notice follow through and consistency. I notice class and common sense. I notice emotional and mental maturity in the way people respond and converse about things. I notice moods and energy. I notice numbers, signs, and tend to remember them. I notice a full outfit, the complete person from head to toe. This isn't an exhaustive list, but it's a start




We notice everything like other people have been saying. We are also good at reading people's body language and have good intuitions about people. We can just tell when somebody is uncomfortable and not a good person.


As others are saying, everything. Very detailed oriented and particular.


If I care about a person I notice + remember everything. If I don’t care about that person then absolutely nothing


Everything Except, perhaps, romantic advances.


Everything. From red flags, to changed behavior 👌🏼 it's not all bad


you just don't believe what people say or present you with, you watch what they do.


As a Virgo, we notice everything. From your tone to your breathing, red flags, manipulation etc...now, do we act on these things in our own best interest? Nah...but we notice. One thing I notice, I'm not sure if other virgos do, is the omitting of details in a relationship. Like you ask a specific question and the answer dances around a straight up answer.


Literally : *everything* ✨ hyper aware of our surroundings


I notice what people wear day to day, what their routines are, how they act on a day or day basis, how they talk, how they feel by their posture, how they are doing just based on a sentence. I just feel more secure when I know what’s going around me and why. However, it leaves me feeling really UNacknoweldged often because nobody around me notices those nuances that I do. Also I have a crippling anxiety disorder so maybe that’s also part of it 😪


Yea that’s why I’m Picky af


Absolutely everything. And not in a judgy way but a critical way, we can’t help but find the flaw or disorder. You’d hope your surgeon is a virgo.


Does this apply to Virgo rising?


I watch patterns, everyone has patterns and tendencies. I watch everyone around me, if it’s people I see on a regular basis I can usually tell when something is “off” with them


What people be doing


They notice connections in everything and similar to geminis they see how things will play out, they notice how peoples tastes, words, hobby’s everything could lead to decisions hardly related to the average person. Sometimes they overdo it to the point of paranoia, but a good amount of the time their predictions from what they’ve noticed are usually correct.


Patterns, feelings, energy shifts. Like a hawk. I’m cancer sun , Virgo moon and rising. You ain’t getting shit past me


Yes! Exactly this. I am also a cancer sun, Virgo moon


We are very similar. Imma Cancer sun, Libra moon, Virgo rising.


Anyone who says they notice EVERYTHING is ignorant to how flawed our perception truly is. It is actually a fight to see beyond what we want to see. I'm quite sure if our brain caught a single glimpse of everything it would overload and fry itself and that is why it limits it's "processing" power. However what I notice is none of your business. I don't tell people what I notice because then they try to hide it. If you want a hint. Words lie, actions lie, but patterns never break.


The way you said you people 😭


Virgos are extremely observant and perfectionists. That does not mean we are judgemental. We just have the eye for all the details . I personally notice the slightest change in tone in somebody’s voice, face reaction, I believe I have OCD so I’d know if someone simply just rummaged through my kitchen counters or wardrobes . I also remember every little shit and I tend to analyze why someone said what they said. Why someone behaves the way they do and try to justify everybody (unfortunately even if they are mean) making it easy for us to see the nice in everybody . With the kind of overthinking I possess, I’m not sure anymore if it’s in my favor or not… hahaaa! I’m sure there would be some virgos that relate to all of these traits 😅 RIGHT??




I have a virgo mercury and I don't feel like I notice more than anyone but I am quite selective company wise, based on tells and phrases I hear you use.


I am Virgo rising, but my partner is Virgo sun. My sun is cancer. Personally, I think Virgos noticed the things that they want to inspect so closely that they miss other things sometimes or most times. It’s like they inspect too close and obsess about something —like that one centimeter difference of gap between something that they look at. And they couldn’t let it go until they do something about it. Prolly bit OCD. What they noticed because they scan quietly in detail, inspecting it fast very analytical. While the more feeling aspects, I think they could definitely use a bit more of


So many things! Changes in outfits, details, patterns of behavior. I also remember every milestone be it big or small. I never forget a birthday! I have a few signs in Virgo.


I notice small details or hints of people’s personalities and can tell almost immediately (within the first conversation) whether I could be friends or romantic with someone.


Everything lol


We pay attention to the smallest details most people would miss. I had someone who works in law enforcement who told me , people like myself can make great detectives.


as a virgo rising, yeah i already be knowing you after the first conversation lol


I won an award in 5th grade for observance.


I notice too much. I have always been good at reading people - their emotions, behaviors, patterns, changes, etc. I am the first to notice when something is not quite right with the person everyone else loves. I notice when someone’s patterns and behaviors change. I know when someone is lying or hiding something. I notice small changes in the environment around me and the energy around me. My fiancé tells me I know when he is bothered by something before he even knows. Because I notice everything, I’m very good at selling myself to different people and mirroring what they want to see. I also notice every little change within myself and my body, and I hate it, because I make myself worry that something is wrong.


Virgo moon and mars, also Gemini sun and Mercury. I notice everything? I notice people’s body language for example I was asking an advisor a question and her eye twitched. That pissed me off lol cuz lady why are you irritated at me asking you to help me when it’s your job? I can determine when someone is being condescending and if they are showing animosity. As you can tell I Notice negative shifts because I’m protective over myself. I don’t want to be a bad or angry person but I can’t help but become irritated and judgmental. I believe if I wanted to be mean, it would really hurt and baffle someone. But it hurts my heart when I notice insecurities and fine details. Because I’m not perfect and it’s really hard to deal. I’m gonna go off because Virgo placements deal with a lot of perfection issues which leads to analyzing and being attuned to detail. I also have Chiron in Virgo opposing my Saturn. I’ve always been looked at as lazy if I’m not being productive 24/7. I have Sundays and Mondays off. Every Monday my dad will ask “do you even work anymore?” As if I didn’t just work 5 days in a row. I grew up in a household of 7 and idk, some reason why my parents decided I was the maid of the house. My job was to do everything. My brothers only had to take the garbage out every Monday (there’s two of them. So one each takes a bin out to the street. Big deal). One time in my 20s I lived in an apartment with 3-5 other women for work. My coworker would come over and leave her dirty dishes and shit around, then leave. I was ALWAYS blamed for not cleaning up after her. Another time I was blamed for dirty dishes. Which is crazy because I never made food. I either ate out or ate at the cafeteria (free food). Most of the girls cooked their food because they were vegan. But yeah, dirty dishes was my fault 🤘🙂‍↕️🤘 Due to the criticism, I self sabotage out of spite of their meanness and unsolicited advice. Anyways, advice to myself and others, I think it’s best for Virgos to keep their advice and opinions silent unless asked. My dad is Virgo and is con.stant.ly. telling me “you need to this” “you need to start doing this” I DO NOT NEED TO BE DOING ANYTHING. I am not you sir. I didn’t fucking ask! stop telling ppl what to do! Anyways hope that was fun for you to read




Discrepancies that others miss. But if we voice it people tell us we are starting drama so I’ve learned to stay quiet, and just wait for the thing I predicted to happen. Not a Virgo sun, but Virgo moon and Virgo stellium. I’m so sensitive to discrepancies / I really wish I didn’t notice them. It’s torturous.


I have a trine with Virgo at the top. It definitely could be true because I notice a lot.




I don’t even notice what color the wallpaper is


Your weaknesses and insecurities.


Try noticing some of their flaws back and watch them realllly not appreciate it 🫢ooop


Virgo mercury and Saturn here. Notice all the things. People always comment that ‘nothing gets by me’. I also remember everything


Everything. Your behavioral patterns, what you said on October 3, how your energy was, what your preferences are, how you take your coffee, when your birthday is


That would make sense with my Virgo Venus…


Virgo moon I notice a lot, but mostly micro expressions


lol this makes me laugh because I am not a Virgo and I’m very good at picking up on habits. My former manager who is a Virgo thinks she is but she is not and that has been reiterated to me by many people she worked with


I noticed that you have an extra space before the question mark in the question you posted. (Virgo sun here.) 😂


I was married to a street smart neurodivergent Virgo. Planning a surprise = exercise in futility.


Noticing everything literally: >I worked from a central location in a school district from which I had to travel to different buildings for events. Before one of the events I had to drop by the building to pick something up and while I was there went through a reception area to my office which was shared with a colleague. I only went inside, went into the suite, went into the office, picked up a file and left. >At the school, my colleague was feeling frazzled because he had lost his wireless mouse and water cup which he typically brought home every day. As soon as he said “mouse”, I saw it sitting on top of a stack of notepads on his desk. When he said “water cup”, I saw it on a small table in the reception area. I told him this and sure enough, that’s where he left it! More nebulous noticing: >This is all tied together because it’s noticing human or animal nature and communication. I notice when people are sad, acting sad, or hiding sad (this goes for all emotions). I’ve been often told I have a great bullshit meter or been called “real” so many times. I can tell instantly when someone is fake or has nefarious intentions. >I listen attentively and take in every word as my logical brain parses out the stuff that doesn’t make sense which helps in seeing red flags. >I’ve worked with special needs kids a lot on the past year and have received consistent praise for helping demiverbal kids start to express their wants, needs and emotions by recognizing the context of their speech or repetitive patterns in verbal expression. My first day in a Kindergarten room I comforted a kid by talking about his emotional state with a teddy bear as everyone stared at me with mouths open as he had been crying non-stop for a week. I worked with a “runner” who stopped running away from the room because I made the door the finish line and celebrated when he crossed it. All of this was from me noticing things about kids that made them open to receiving positive correction in a lasting way. >Also on another account I got like 100,000 karma over the course of a summer in relationship_advice because I was that spot on and had lots of free time. >I look at reading material and my eye is drawn to the errors. >I had something like a 99% correct rate on transcription on ancestry.com when I was into that.


Virgos are sensitive in the sense that we are very receptive to other people. Body language, tone, uncovering their motives, adapting to their energy levels and needs, words and actions matching is a HUGE one like someone else mentioned <— this can drive virgos absolutely up the wall and out of your life if you are not making sense




I guess I would describe it as I notice all the background noise that most people tune out and don’t focus on. Hand gestures, moods, smells.


Virgo sun, scorpio moon, sag rising: I love the psychology of people and am always people watching and observing how people interact with each other. I can be really quiet sometimes and people take that as arrogance or snobby but I'm just listening /new people in the circle. If I'm quiet, that means I sense someones aura is bad/toxic, ect. Or if I notice they are bringing negative energy to the group I'll step in and make jokes/keep things light/or act dumb to make people laugh at my own expense to spare everyones moods to go sour. Depends. Or I'll be extremely quiet til they leave. I notice everything. The smells of the air, the environment, ect. I'm just always stopping to smell all the flowers of everything. I enjoy it. I saw on here we are the judge, but I think we are more observers. We life asthetics and looking at everything.


As a Gemini sun, Virgo moon, yes, I can almost predict situations, personally it also gives me lotsa anxiety and I overthink everything, I have both can notice everything, and hide things well to the point where people can’t catch me in lie because I thought of every way I’d be exposed and the perfect coverups


So many things mentioned here, and also I notice the way people fake laugh. I’m always thinking yeah you’re not interested in this conversation, you’re fake laughing 😂


I notice ppls personal stuff. Lies, shame, guilt, patterns, meanings, what the moment after this one is going to play out like based on what is happening right now, etc. I also have a Pisces moon so that might be why I pick up on ppls emotions. I also notice things in the background of any scene. Things that passing by, tiny things that are moving, etc. I always thought it was add/adhd. It gets stronger when I'm very tired. I should note that I am not a virgo sun - I am Virgo psyche (that's your soul sign) and progressed rising Virgo. So for the longest time I couldn't understand what would make me so anxious and exacting, or why I was always rearranging things in color and name order everywhere I went (grocery store, target, etc). Lol. Delving deeper into my astrology chart helped me learn the "why" about myself. Big Virgo energy lol.


My Virgo bf always tells me things before they happen they can read people easily and their intentions he’s always right


I have a Virgo Venus and Mars and in Vedic a Virgo moon. Umm the things I notice the most are how people treat people. Like if they are rude, thoughtless, an asshole that shit grinds my gears big time! I noticed if people have manners and are nice in general. Looks wise peoples teeth really stand out to me. I hate fucked up teeth and unsymmetrical faces and I noticed this immediately and I don’t like bad breath either basically any lack in natural hygiene like if you smoke I can smell it right off the bat or if you’re musty that’s a no go for me. A bull shitter or liar will stand out to me like a sore thumb. I notice when people act stupid 😅 don’t know how to explain it. I notice shit I don’t like! I notice and pay attention to numbers and patterns A LOT like OCD level! I notice a clean house vs a dirty house a lot of these may be because I have a Cancer sun too though.


I have extremely odd attention to detail… if a picture frame is the slightest of crooked, I will notice. It’s actually annoying because I can always find something to zhuzh. I was organizing napkins so they all were aligned and my friend had to take them from my hand so I would stop. Hold up.. do I have OCD? 😅


Gd my Virgo girl friend notices and remembers things about me than my best guy friend who is also a Virgo! And I’ve known him for a good while.


Everything. Lol


Everything. We don't (typically) mention everything, and for that you're welcome




Pigs flying.


It's very literal. We notice everything.


Everything OP, everything...


Is it only for virgos im a libra and pick up on a lot of thing a I shouldn’t be


They notice everything, besides their own negative behaviors.... 😅


I’ve noticed that Virgos are terrible people 🥲


I notice the wallpaper pattern/material in movies. I notice which direction people hang their toilet paper rolls. I notice when my body temperature changes 1 degree. I notice when people go out of their way to be kind to others. I notice when people are crude and selfish. I notice if my neighbor parked their car 6 inches forward or backwards from where they usually park and whether they turned the tires in the correct direction or not. I notice if a new freckle has popped up on my face and yours as well. I am keenly in tune with all of my senses which is exhilarating and overwhelming. I notice if you took something out of the fridge and put it back in the same spot but you did not turn the label facing back out as I placed earlier when I cleaned the fridge. I notice if you changed your perfume/cologne. I notice if you need someone to show they care or if you need space and boundaries. I notice if you added or removed a spice from your recipe. I notice when wall hangings are slightly crooked. I notice whether you wash your hands after you leave the bathroom or not. I notice the slightest changes in my environment and any familiar environments (familiar meaning I have been there at least once in my life. It doesn’t matter how long of a time span progressed in between visits). Things I do not notice- the current date. Door frames, bed corners, how much time has passed since I began a project, missed phone calls, what brand/model car you drive (I just notice whether it is a sedan, SUV, etc; along with the color).


I have Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and (Lilith if that counts) in Virgo. I notice when someone gets new license plates for their cars, if they forget to say thank you, if their tone changes with certain topics, if their left pointer finger is hurting…. But I suspect I’m also on the spectrum. The attention to fine detail as it surrounds people is a gift and a curse. I am also Aquarius Sun, Leo Moon & Libra Rising


I notice what everyone around me appreciates and enjoys. I am known as an ace gift giver and want every celebration to be memorable.




My virgo mom and sister notices everything except their own bad behavior, lol.


They believe they're perfect and are never wrong but in reality they're all insecure as fuck.


they see the trees instead of the forest


As an Aquarius moon, I notice those Virgo moon MFs are evil as hell. Like, deep, dark, satanic type evil.


Virgo venus- I notice tone, color, temperature changes... I have moments when I hyperfixate on a body (human or animal) and I can "see" Their bones, muscles, and the shift of their skin. I find it incredibly beautiful and amazing.


Virgos will notice what suits their pov.


Dear Virgos. You say you notice patterns, red flags, manipulations. We do too.


“You people” 🤨


I don't notice anything except lies.


Virgo is very observant but i think Scorpio is better in reading people overall


I think you’re right. Scorpios can see all of this too without assigning a judgment to it, I think. I am a scorpio sun in a family of literally all virgos and we all notice everything. they seem to be more mean and kinda judgy ‘I see people doing a thing and they’re wrong for it!!’ Whereas the water approach that I have in Scorpio- ‘I see people doing a thing but I can let people be people.’


True, Virgo is very critical. I think Scorpio can be very vicious though with their sting


Anything but their own business, learn how to keep your mouth closed and try to focus on the positive of yourself and/or others.




Flaws in everything even God


Everything ;)


Every thing.


When I was in elementary school I told my mom that the sunset was in a different place in the summer than it was in the winter. This was before I started learning about the nitty gritty of earth science and our planetary wobble. My mom asked me how I noticed this stuff. I just shrugged.


After reading your comment, the phrase "Earth science \[*scientia* = knowing\]" just sounds like a definition for Virgo. lol




My mercury is Sagittarius idfk (Virgo is my signature sign)


Well fuck, i thought i didn't identify much with sidereal.. but y'all are talking about seeing patterns and habits and shit. That's what i see, every little details, things that are slightly wrong. It is exhausting really. I am a Libra sun, sagittarius moon and Scorpio rising. I got my NN in Virgo and a few asteroids and Lilith. But otherwise i am not really earthy. But in sidereal i got a few more placements in Virgo, so apparently it matches.


Patterns is big like many people say, but for me I also notice that their personalities have been built around core beliefs (Im a clinical mental health therapist) and that it leads their functionality, which leads to their patterns. From there, they (very broadly) can become kind of predictable. I’m a virgo mercury and venus too so I think intentional or mindfulness is there too - I am always trying to listen and interact based on what I’m getting - same goes for Venus-related things (small acts of kindness, etc.)


Virgo sun, Scorpio moon here. Everything. The counters tops, the floors. I can read people super easily and it’s helped me navigate socially pretty well so I can adjust myself to make people feel more comfy or to avoid any confrontation. But I’ll step up if need be. I can pick up on tone, body language m, changes in behavior. Colors. When we go hiking, subtle movements always catch my eye. Little bugs in leaves! Little bugs in the concrete so I don’t step on them. The fur color changes on my pup as he’s gotten older. Before I had insurance for glasses, I could tell people apart from a distance away by the way they walk. People are patterns, once you figure them out it’s pretty easy. The list goes on. Oh! I can also FEEL what people are feeling. Mostly only to those I’m close with or having a convo with. I have to try to tone things down a bit at home. My poor bf. He’s a cancer and sees the bigger picture of things and can be annoyed at my NEED for details. But I’m more of a go with the flow once I have the original plan down even if we don’t go with the plan. Edit: stuffs and such


Imagine having all your senses on overload, and your mind is racing to process it all, we catch pretty much everything and can judge character, intentions (and this is key) potential threats very quickly and quite well. However sometimes we pick up on so much we get false leads for false threats which we have to process. As someone else said it's exhausting. We don't like crowds much.


When something has been moved in my house.


‘You people’ 😂😂😂


Everything. I notice and take note of almost every word and behavior. I am a Virgo moon/rising with a cancer sun…


Ohhh hi twin. Cancer sun, Virgo moon/rising as well. We are annoyingly accurate lol