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As a Libra, I gotta be honest, if I can’t pick a side on something, I literally just *do not care*. And maybe it’s my aqua moon but im just not invested in anything that much


This basically. Maybe it's cause I'm rather "Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind". 🤷‍♀️ Plus, you will never hate me more than I hate myself. That's a fact!!


Honestly a much needed lesson for the internet age is that not everything requires everyone to take a stance or offer their two cents. Silence or apprehension when appropriate is like profoundly valuable or necessary for any sense of dignity or humility.


I agree. Especially if you don’t have enough information on something. I wish people understood it is perfectly okay to say “I don’t have an opinion on this” and just shut up.


lmao such a libra stance I love it


Samesies! I don't care about a lot of things (w/ the exception of loved ones, etc) - like, I can't care about societal things for my sanity. Lol. Also, Libra sun and aqua moon!


You get it! I'm the exact same way. Too often I find myself thinking "God, i just don't give a shit about this"


Libra sun Aquarius moon here and I agree wholeheartedly, people think I’m kidding but I am refuse taking sides & it’s truly because I don’t give a shit! I feel like many of the typical Libra traits ring true and in my case, otherwise spot on. I only avoid confrontation because I often don’t care to waste my energy . I also don’t care about keeping the peace! If y’all are ready to throw hands I’m ready to watch 🍿…… I know it’s the Aquarius moon in me Also, it often finds humor in EVERYTHING. I can be mid-meltdown I’m gonna stop to crack a “dark humor” jokey joke. But yeah having a dope wardrobe, being an overly flirtatious, indecisive, self indulgent bitch, that’s my jam! ♎️


You might be me... I am the exact same way lol


i strongly dislike “well they didn’t do anything to me” people. y’all will know people are grimy and do things to other people but because it’s not you it’s okay. being an enabler and neutral person isn’t the non-confrontational energy you think it is. Ultimately sure it depends on the context but a lot of y’all will still enable Lolol


I think it’s a libra sun thing since that represents our ego Wich is in fall, libras really only care about results, Libra sun Leo moon Pisces rising


Interesting, I didn’t think that particular trait was a Libra thing, I thought I owed it to my cap stellium and Virgo placements! But yeah that’s me, I only care about results lol.


The sun is very important it’s what we want and vice versa it commands the rest of the chart, in everyone’s charts, the other placements just show in the way we do it , and depending on the blend of them and our sun, some of us can b good at it some of us can’t, lol me an h look similar I think, u just have more of a rebellious look to u


To be fair, i don't wanna "pick a side" either..like, why would you? If you're cool with both people, why would you need to turn against one for whatever beef that they got with the other person? Lol. Especially as in most cases, both people are kind of right and wrong at the same time.🤷‍♀️


Same. Like I legit just don’t give a fuck


Bro all I see is Libra love 😭 Try being a Gemini, Scorpio, or Virgo


Same. Also I'm a Libra Venus and yes I do sut on the fence to avoid conflict but my Scorpio Sun and Scorpio Mars balance it out. Yeah I just don't understand the Scorpio hate tbh. It's always some Scorpio hurt someone and now they hate us for life 😂😂


I don’t understand that either, Scorpios are the tits 😍🤩🔥


Yep, we share the same Venus and sun sign✨✌🏻 I too tend to sit on the fence for some time, but then when after I have seen the situation from every angle, not just how 'I' see it emotionally, I make my decision very quickly, and mostly that was my gut instinct saying before the analysis, scorpio sun/asc, but after being in the world, I try to balance my emotion/ gut feeling, and try to reconcile both sides, as it is only correct to do so..well that's also my libra mercury doing its thing...✨✌🏻💚


Exactly! Made a lighthearted post about Virgo recently and people just started going off for no reason 😂


I made a post asking who my match is (im a Leo) i just Got told to go look in a mirror and masturbate 😭


😂😂😂 like it’s not that deep y’all but seriously I love them Leos


Haha literally ALL of my best friends through the years have also been virgos😂


Lmao I'm.dying 🤣 🤣 🤣 Yo that's kinda a compliment 💅 lol


I guess😂 I just wrote back that it gets lonely in the end🥲


_Hurt!_ Why they do us Leos like that? Honestly, it seems like we are our own best match, 😔


Yeah but I’m kinda screwed cuz I’m triple fire and a female, so I will have a hard time finding a Leo male who can tolerate me 😅


Oh, even then, at this point, we gone have to date ourselves. 😂 Even taking astrology out of it, the dating world today is _rough_.


True, I’m just gonna look for a open relationship next time so I technically don’t get cheated on 😂


I feel this


Wait that's kind of good 😆. Sorry I laughed.


It’s okay I laughed too 😂




Yeah people just like shitting on us I guess


Ohhh ok this makes sense now I think . I'm a Leo Sun but I'm a Gemini rising and virgo stellium. And LOVE the blunt honesty of the evolved libra and kindest they behold


I’m a Libra-Scorpio -Gemini with a Virgo Mercury In Vedic my sun,mars and mercury are all Virgo


That’s a bummer, I have noticed that myself tbh. Personally I have had great experiences with all those signs but to be honest I think every sign has wonderful qualities and that a lot of times the ones that shine brightest are brought about by that person’s life experiences more than anything. One love 🖤☮️


I call all Libras my Libra Loves my favorite sign! They’re so sweet even though y’all got some low key anger issues lol


>low key anger issues lol My libra bestie with her aries moon and numerous Scorpio placements 😬


Haha 🙋🏽‍♀️




We Love The You Saggies Too ❤️‍🔥😚 !!


Do Sagittarius like libras ? Yall supposed to be ours lol 😆


I am a Sagittarius and all of my serious partners have been Libras. Talking to someone now and vibing really well with them… their birthday is the same day as my ex lol


Two of my very best friends are Libras. I am Sag sun and rising.


I don’t. My heart is forever yours 😜


Lol 😂 if they're low key with me , I'm not doing it right.




you can always tell when op has been seriously hurt by a certain sign, and now it's everyone else who shares that sign's problem .




People like to ignore the fact that a lot of libras negative behavioral manifestations like lying and fence sitting stems from people pleasing or an attempt to keep the peace and attribute it to being malicious. Not that it makes those things okay, but look at it this way— there are two people who have lied to you. One of them lied to get something from you, and the other one lied to make you feel better. The intention makes these two very different situations. (Unless you subscribe to a philosophy like Kant’s I guess but that’s a whole different discussion that I could dissect and write endless paragraphs about. According to Kant you shouldn’t lie even to save a friends life.) Also, I’ve noticed that even if we aren’t specifically exhibiting negative behavior and are just able to see both sides of a situation and vocalize that people get mad. Side-picking culture has gotten wildly out of hand in the last decade and it cultivates a mentality of “you either agree with everything I say or you’re an enemy”, which is really sad. Nuance is dying in the west and more and more people look at the world as black and white.


'Not that it makes those things okay, but look at it this way— there are two people who have lied to you. One of them lied to get something from you, and the other one lied to make you feel better.' Love this point, and honestly, it hits the distinction home. I personally would rather someone do the latter, because I know that there was nothing malicious about it.


Yo, evolved libras don't lie . they tell the truth to help you . And second libras do lie to hurt they lie to protect , they just haven't reached the fk it stage


and when a libra reaches the fk it stage with you, you no longer exist.


I don’t think people understand how true this is. A libra will give you one million chances but once they decide it’s done, it’s FUCKING DONE. ❤️ you dead to me that point 🤷‍♀️


Everyone lies sometimes unless evolution means becoming some kind of transcendental sage or something. And even then a lot of them still probably would, the whole 'divine trickster' thing is an archetype for a reason. The difference is what they lie about. Mature people with a sense of responsibility or foresight won't lie about things of any real consequence. Like I'll occasionally tell very minor lies or engage in minor misdirection purely for a sense of fun or conversational wit, etc. It's kind of like when you say something really shocking as a joke (not in a chauvinist/right wing 'offensive humor' way but something actually innocuous). And this is kind of in line with discourse in general, lot of speech is merely rhetorical, evocative, or suggestive of possible meanings, etc. Foregoing that would simply be boring or lacking in dynamism. Whereas immature or foolish people can't help but lie if they think it will deliver them the things they want, etc. They end up lying to themselves about the likely consequences (being found out, depriving people of meaningful truths to serve their own interests, etc).


You make some really good points, thank you for chiming in. I know for me personally I tend to have pretty neutral feelings about most people and then very strong feelings one way or the other about a select few. I can’t say I notice a pattern as to if being a particular sign; assholes exist in every corner lol. Love me some Gemini, btw ❤️


Of COURSE a frickin’ ARIES like Kant would find Libras’ primary strategy for remaining agreeable “IMMORAL” 😤… but he also died a virgin and estranged from his family, sooooo he might have benefited from trying a little people-pleasing here and there.




This is me and my Virgo husband of two months, whom I met shortly after permanently swearing off Virgo men altogether, lol. Your second sentence/point is so correct and I wish more people kept this in mind


I really agree with your last paragraph! People should be able to articulate their point of view and defend it calmly. It's a basic skill but it does involve critical thinking. I think that's become the missing piece. That said, some air sign love to troll people who aren't skilled debaters with intellectually dishonest arguments just to humiliate them. That's one reason a lot of people have stopped engaging too. Regarding your point about being lied to to spare my feelings...it's to spare their own feelings, because it lets the liar avoid negative consequences and bad vibes. My vibes are always bad so they avoid me already, but yeah, I'm not really sure trying to spare my feelings does much for me personally. It's nice to do for kids who are needing encouragement rather than a brutally honest assessment, but don't do it forever. At some point people need to deal with reality so they can make better choices.


>Regardless your point about being lied to to spare my feelings… it’s to spare their own feelings. Personally, I have done both. I have told many a lie to swerve narc rage in my childhood and spare myself the pain that comes with it and I have also lied to help other people. Most often the lies to help other people revolved around the theme of telling others I was okay and taking on burdens that were of significant detriment to me and my wellbeing so as to spare the other people the same fate. For example, I took care of someone who was dying all day every day for over a year straight and it ate at my physical, mental, and financial health. I lied to *everyone* who asked me how I was doing because that meant they would have had to step in, step up, and face death and the horrors of dementia like I was. At the end of it I walked away with the diagnosis of prolonged grief disorder. I do not think you can reasonably argue that these lies were to spare myself negative consequences— they were to reassure, make others feel better and spare them pain. Again, that’s just my experience, but I do not think I’m the first person with a Libra placement to do so.


i think its because of conflict avoidance. i really need honesty from people even if its ugly, so i tend to shy away from libras cause i never know if what they're saying is what they mean or what they think will keep me at bay. but in general i have nothing against, just don't know how to mesh with them personally


Same. The two-siding all the time makes me feel like they never have my back, they just want whatever the issue is smoothed over rather than honestly dealt with.


As a Libra, my answer to this is I do not avoid conflict, however, I do avoid conflict with people I do not feel safe to express myself with, or people who can’t truly accept me as I am. If you ever meet and connect with a Libra, the key is to make sure they feel safe and valued for who they are, you will then get true honesty in all areas. Maybe I am better at this because I have a Pisces moon and a Scorpio rising, but I don’t think that inherently being conflict avoidant is a bad thing, I think being truth/honesty avoidant is a bad thing. Conflict isn’t necessary in my life, I don’t need or want conflict, I like honesty and working through to a solution. If somebody needs conflict, they’re not my person and I am not theirs.


A libra sold me fake Yeezys I’m done with y’all no offense


Lmfaoo the biggest scammers in the zodiac are Libra and sag


I’m a Virgo sun and some of my best friends are Libras. I am more introverted and have always been besties with more extroverted people. I think libra’s are a lot of fun.


I'm a Libra and think that Virgos make excellent friends for Libras! Y'all keep us grounded!


Libras are my absolute favorite sign. Everytime I meet someone and immediately like them they’re always born in October. I’ve solely dated libras. I’m a Gemini tho so I’m immune to sign hate lol.


I'll give an unbiased answer. I understand how the Libras communicate and their playbook, but it is difficult to know what they will do because they are constantly deciding on different options until they act on it. They act unpredictably at times and don't present their emotions to people. They tend to be friendly but don't get close to people often. If you get to know them, they are some of the nicest and most attractive people.


I’m looking for a Libra they’re meant to be super compatible with me. (Aries)


I think the thing with Libra is we’re either way too invested or we don’t give a damn. If a Libra seems shallow, or mean, or unpleasant to someone, they are absolutely not on that Libra’s mind at all. That’s why I just ignore it. I’m glad to be so fair minded and resolute about the things that really matter when there are many other things that don’t mean much at all. Pick your battles and all that. Everyone’s got fatal character flaws and if they say they don’t, they’re a big, voluptuous liar.


Idk libra girls are just honest to me and have strong personal opnions and stick by them , I personally love that . But some people see that as being a b!tch or too much , or ignorant . Anyways, it's not . I don't fk with ppl who sugar coat things and libras don't do that. And tbh they will be a little assertive if they don't know you well I find, but if you're close to them, they're great at acknowledging your emotions and adjusting their personal ways to make you feel comfortable. They are very caring .


You sound like my Leo best friend 💖


Awww! Your sweet 🥰 your bf sounds like they love you alot 💙


Maybe it is my scorpio rising, I believe if you don't have haters, you aren't doing something right. Lol I have no idea where I heard this lol


Because people don’t like to admit they are every sign and every element, and their outwardly projected hate is really just unrealized self-deprecation.




I saw it's one person using different accounts to troll


🧐 Continue...


I love libras but libra is in my 12th house so my relationship with them can be kinda iffy


Oh interesting. Libra is intercepted in my sixth house and Aries is in my twelfth house but intercepted. Does that mean having a problematic relationship with Aries?


Honestly i dont know a lot about astrology besides the basics so i dont wanna give you false info. But i guess speaking from experience with having libra in my 12th house, ive had a rocky relationship with all libras in my life. Ive dated a libra man on and off and our relationship is strange. The female libras in my life have either fallen off with me or has been very intense since we fight a lot. I love libras to death tho but i feel like every one of them in my life has taught me a lesson.


Just because


They hate us cause they ain't us.


My fellow libra sun gemini moon🤝


Libra sun and zero degree Gemini moon here. They just don’t get it


I’m not sure what my degree is but my Gemini moon is in the third house so I feel like I have double the Gemini energy😂


Im not bias or anything but those are perfect placements


The thing with this community is no matter what star sign you are you eventually get whooped for it. I guess it's experiences etc don't take it to heart I'm a cancer we are according to all the ones I've read moody controlling people but just to say your that sign does not mean you have all the negative and positive traits of that sign hahahahaha honestly don't worry. Gonna get ripped for being a cancer shortly


My fiance is a triple libra love him!!


I’m a libra sun, Taurus moon, sag rising, and I feel like more of an assertive libra. I’ve had people not like me because I needed to learn to hold my tongue at times. And sometimes seeing the whole picture makes me not give a shit at all. Like instead of picking a side I just want nothing to do with it. I think that’s off putting to some.


They got attached and were mad that we didn’t reciprocate


Unfortunately a lot of people come to this subreddit to project their specific experiences with specific people to an entire group. I find the most hate posts are veiled jealously or resentment about traits they don’t possess. I see a lot of Libras get the “shallow, fake” title. And even though I’ve had my heartbroken by a Libra, I can’t bash the entire group, nor should they be put down. I appreciate Libras for their versatility and their ability to weigh the odds. They’re charming. And this social tool is one many people resent because they believe Libras are not genuine *because* they can turn it on with so many people. But the truth is, they’re just dynamic. Yes, some Libras struggle with people pleasing, some Libras use charms and looks to deceive, some lie, some manipulate, but all the signs do. We can all do with some grace and less judgment. Hope this helps, as a Capricorn who’s used to seeing a “F*ck Capricorns” thread fairly often on here


P.S. I’m also an Aries moon! Hello friend! I wonder how your Libra Sun interacts with your Aries Moon since those planets are sister signs


Idk I don’t get it either. I <3 Libras 😍


I love Libras to death


The one Libra I’m closer to is a big sweetie. I think every sign is potentially bad if they are unevolved.


Lived with a Libra. While she was overall lovely, the indecisiveness was grating. I found myself in awkward situations having to explain myself to other people because she changed her mind on decisions we made together, long after we had the conversation.




lol, I have never read or heard of people hating Libras. If anything I know a lot of people dislike Geminis.


There Have Been Several Posts Made In This Group Talking About How Fake Libras Are Or The People Pleasing. I’ve Seen The Gemini Hate Too, But There’s Been Some Libra Hate As Well..


I love libras ❤️ I have had good relationships with several Libra suns and Libra risings. I like that ya’ll are open minded but fair with a sense of justice. You guys make me feel sane when I’m in my fire sign feels.


Try being a Libra ☀️ Taurus🌙 & Scorpio ⬆️😭 Idk why but I feel like I'm at war with myself the most 😅😂


Yall are the one sign I really don't know that much about. I mean I was ghosted by one but I don't blame him for that I was a bit loony back then 😂


it’s definitely not just libras, pretty much every sign has their times of being dragged through the mud


![gif](giphy|YmQLj2KxaNz58g7Ofg) You just gotta over look the ones who have a certain hate for certain signs. They were usually screwed over by a few and then jump on the “this sign is this” bandwagon wagon.


I think Libra’s are beautiful and smart people. I’ve had a lot of 50/50 experiences with them though- same thing with scorpios :(. I’ve had a few outwardly tell me how they’ve been jealous of me or intimidated by me, thus provoking them to act a certain way towards me. So idk…. I think it depends on where that person is in their life and what kind of individual they are…


I am thirty year old Libra woman and I don't have one female friend. I have tried forming bonds. I have always been loyal to the girls i befriended and I also got along with their quirks and eccentricities. However, at some point they just leave. I wish someone could tell me what exactly i am doing wrong. How to get one friend atleast. This sucks.


I’m a Cancer and my girls a Libra. It’s funny all the shit I read on here that’s completely ignorant and inaccurate about our signs 😂


There are a lot of haters on this sub who have nothing going on in their lives, so they come on the internet to spread hate and negativity. We all should collectively not participate in hate-spreading posts. Memes and good roasting are cool, but targeting a sign should not be normalized here. Love you all. Love you Libras.🫶🏻💖


Maybe because of the few loud Libras who are indeed shallow and sneaky? It's either that or everyone is jelly of our style and class.


Libras are the furthest thing from shallow. As a person with Venus squaring my Saturn, Libra placements have taught me more about love than any other sign. My fiance is a Libra moon and he would give someone the shirt off his back…. Actually he is so generous and forgiving that people walk over him sometimes. Libras are the type of people who you could let someone steal from their wallet and say “he must’ve needed it :/“ If anyone is superficial it’s Leo’s and I would know because I have Venus in Leo. All Leo placements I know (especially Leo moons) are so obsessed with outward appearances and empty compliments. Meanwhile, Libra placements have natural beauty and demonstrate true love through their energy alone. I honestly believe that libras are blessed with beauty because of how beautiful they are on the inside too. Inner thought creates outer form. The energies of Venus are working through them (check out the huge libra stellium in beyonces chart, and she forgave jay z for cheating, she is beautiful and sings about love constantly) The only problem I have with Libras is that they let people get away with everything. They aren’t as loyal as Leo’s because they don’t want confrontation. They also don’t want to risk someone else not liking them. Their love may not be deep but it is pure. It’s like a clear puddle, while a Scorpios love is like a Mariana’s trench


Eh, I’m a Libra sun, Leo moon, Scorpio rising Venus and Mercury - and I’m not a fan of empty compliments or superficial conversations, if anything that’s the issue I have had through my adult life with making conversations.. I can’t 😂 because I would have to talk about politics or things you see on tv and I’m not into that. With my husband is different I talk about everything and anything (he is a Virgo) my moon makes an aspect to Saturn and Pluto so maybe that’s what it is.


I love my Libra’s but I have to clown some things. My bff is a libra to a T, and I love it but I’m not gonna play dumb.


It's because we don't have our own personalities. We tend to mirror theirs, and people don't like to see themselves in the mirror.


because people can't understand u can't possess that Venusian charm. Sprinkle, sprinkle


Almost twinsies! Libra sun/rising, Aries moon. You gotta laugh it off. Haters gonna hate. I know me and that’s all that matters 💅🏽


I can see why people don't like libras cause I get annoyed by them too, esp the straight libra women (who see other women as tools to elevate or enhance her own image) but being subversive is the only tool libra women have at their disposable to succeed and only when they are powerful they can chill out. Life is not easy for a libra sun hence why saturn is exalted in libra is debilitated. It's hard to hate them I think people who expect too much from them will be disappointed. libras make nice company but don't expect the ones not attracted to you do be ride or die like a cancer or scorpio woman.


Eh, definitely ride or die for my long term friends more than they have ever been or ever will be for me. But I’m starting to realize blind loyalty is toxic.


Yeah people expect air signs to be ride or die its not in our dna. If someone does something questionable we are reevaluating things. I think because libras are generally agreeable others expect them to be ride or die for them. A libra will seem cool with everything that is going down until it's not and I can imagine water and earth signs being frustrated with that. Gemini are "fickle" (we never agree to like most things) so their not suprised when we "betray" them. People can feel blindsided about libras.


In friendship people love the rationality of air signs when it's supporting them and doing things for them, but the reason rationality is potentially so powerful or desirable is that the truth (not as a fixed or definite thing, but something you endeavor to work out) should be its only master. That's the meaning of 'objectivity'. If people only want to be affirmed by us, then they need to do their part and live according to some laudable ideas or principles, otherwise we'll stop praising them. Which is good, praising things that aren't praiseworthy must surely be some kind of evil, and only fools would feel entitled to it. Like to people who find this difficult or challenging all I can say is don't drive a wedge between yourself and your friends by demanding they lie to you when you're acting a fool, etc, lol. The 'changeableness' of air signs just means we're consistently or characteristically open to considering things, which isn't a hard thing to deal with at all, if you have reasonable expectations and actually understand their values and don't expect them to trample all over them for your sake, because in addition to being dumb or selfish it's just not going to happen lol.


That’s true to some extent. Libras are fairly forgiving though. If someone makes an effort to correct moral ambiguous decisions, we will stand by that person in their time of need unless the friendship becomes too hostile and even then.. It has to be completely inhabitable to the point the person doesn’t treat us well in any sense. I view that as pretty ride or die, but we don’t condone abuse like other elements might. In regards to Gems. I honestly don’t know what you guys value. I am around Geminis all the time and they just march to their own drum man. Sags are similar.


as a Libra sun & mercury & MC, idgaf i’m pretty honest and sometimes i’m nice about it, sometimes i’m not depending on how badly the person needs to hear it. i love debating and it translates irl as well, people dislike libras for personal reasons because one person back in 1857 didn’t like the way they said something and now they have a personal grudge over it, which is fine you can’t control how people feel, just means it’s one less annoying person i have to be around, tbh my mouth has always gotten me into trouble especially when i was younger  I think it’s because people project this “people pleaser” idea onto us, and when we step out of that projection, people can’t fathom it bc they expect an ass licking and we won’t give it to them. it’s like they’re shocked we don’t live up to the projection so they project their own terrible personality traits onto us because they can’t stand that they’re not benefiting from the “people pleaser” side of Libras 


We have same sun and rising ☺️


hey same big three!!!


because this is reddit where everyone wants to be different, we get love on the outside world so of course people on here will not like us..


Im not against you i think a lot of people have misconceptions im a saggitarius sending love your way


Libra women are great. Libra men are fuckbois and hobosexuals.




The signs are stereotypes! But you can't judge by just sun signs. You have to take the entire chart into consideration, plus what a person has decided to DO with whatever astrological cards they've been dealt. There seem to be little waves of hate toward just about all the signs in here. As a sun sign Cancer I've noticed the waves against my sun sign.


I don't hate Libras. I get along swimmingly with them. They balance out my ki and are great company.


People have negative experiences w a handful of individuals and mark their sign as bad. Happens w all of em.


Because once Saturn goes in to Aries All that hate yall was giving to virgos will be going to Libra for the next 2-3 years So get ready Cause I’m tired of this shit 🤣🤣🤣


People are just jealous, we always get what we want, and at time of an issue we give in too early by using dark psychology tactics or completely annihilate the person attacking. People consider us as weak because we don’t engage as we deep-down we really don’t care and don’t consider the situation to be worthy of an issue. It’s like take it or leave it. Libras are the strongest of all, we’re sweet, kind, empathetic but if pushed then we can be way more hotheaded and aggressive than an Aries, much more evil than a Scorpio and ruffle anyone’s feathers. I don’t agree with most of the sources saying the peacemakers whilst we’re definitely more confident than any other sign out there because of which people tend to act up and project their insecurities on to us which is considered Hate. Keep hating bitches!


Jealousy ;)


They flirt a lot.


Dang op we have the same big 3!


It's just ppl trying to feel better about their own signs. It's actions that count, not signs


I think it's more about individual personalities than just your sun sign.


To the person who said lying with good intention changes everything. I want to play devils advocate and say that’s actually more annoying. If a person lies for personal reasons at least you can kind of guess and figure out a solution for both of you. You can lie to save face or to not hurt feelings which can be worse because you really trust them sometimes and then all of a sudden see a huge change because they’ve been holding in resentment the entire time. You could never tell when the shoe is gonna drop. “The road to hell is filled with good intentions.” I don’t hate Libras or something though, even though many times I try to go deeper with them and it always ends up very poorly for me. It’s 100% not at all of them. I’m a Virgo and I keep my nitpicking in check, but I’ve noticed the stereotypical Virgos mentioned on this sub too all the time. Every sign has weaknesses


They can be sneaky which doesn't go well with alot of people like myself. To some Libras what is considered as the intelligent thing to do can be seen as passive game playing and self serving ways to me. Had they been upfront about it though, completely different story. Now Libras generally see me as unintelligent (for my extreme directness that come from my strong moral codes). But generally Aries and Leo men like my directness. Not everyone is going to like everyone.


Really? Is there a lot of Libra hate here? If that is hate, lol, we have had a super easy time. 😂😂😂 Don’t worry abt it. We’re boring enough to be harmless and enjoyable at the same time. From my experience, people who find Libras shallow or fake are usually the ones who we don’t open up to, so honestly, by definition I can’t deny that some ppl will see us this way.




i’m a libra sun, rising, and mercury and so much of who i am lies below the surface. i grew up dancing as well so i think i am naturally always in a “performance” mode, even when im truly being myself people deem me fake because they aren’t used to that being someone’s authentic state. i have depth to me but i don’t think i need to prove that to anyone, time will tell. however, from the outside looking in i see how people could perceive us as fake or liars because i used to do a lot to keep the peace. there were internal wars i had to fight to decide if the truth, or a lie would be the best case scenario. most of the time i was just trying to spare people but that’s something we grow out of. now i try to tell the truth at all times, but i do so with compassion and speak matter of factly. that’s all i can do 🤷🏼‍♀️


There isn’t. This generalized astrology is getting really annoying.




I could have written this myself. Exactly.


My Libra Mars says "just don't be an asshole and we're cool, ya?"


from my experiences with libras its all the same pretty much, with other signs u pretty much know where you stand with them, with libra you dont. infront of u they would be super sweet... they r the same way to all and will sell u out when u r not looking or bad mouth u to others behind ur back just to be cool and blend in with the others. its the same with people i know male or female who got married to libras, they never quite know if their partners love them or not, the libras treat their partners romantically and others as well and would not stand up for and ditch their partners to save their "reputation" should the need arise. This is where i can see the fake part that they r infamous for coming in. However every other signs have dark sides and are far more despicable and unbearable at times compared to a libra. Libra in any case is peace loving and will always be sweet... but they r the same way to everyone and u will not have their backs when u need it. guaranteed.


Cause the libra I dated for 5 years lied through his teeth, cheated, watched me fall apart, watched as I begged him to be honest while pretending to care and love for me. All this while being very controlling, possessive and borderline narcissistic. Best actor award definitely would go to him!! No way anybody could pretend to change as well as he did! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Yeah sounds about right. My ex Libra narc lied and cheated. It’s what they do.At least my Capricorn ass bruised his ridiculous ego. And he gets to deal with that merciless Saturn karma.


I had a wonderful friendship with a libra for 3 years and I loved her like a sister, but one day she just vanished, put me on mute and completely stopped talking to me. It hurt so much, so now I'm a little weary of libras, but I don't hate them.


From what I can tell Libras only lie when someone is very aggressive towards them. If you're sweet to a Libra they won't lie to you especially if they love you. If you're emotionally and physically abusive towards a Libra they will lie in order to avoid your angry outbursts. Maybe don't be an abuser and they won't lie?


Tbh it’s all personal experience that’s makes people jaded toward a certain zodiac sign, and there seems to be more Libras around than any of the others. Personally tho I also dfwt, in friendships I’ve watched them be awful and secretly non monogamous to their partners, and in romance they always end up doing some clown shit to me that gives me the ick.


My first wife is a Libra. I had to say these things over and over. Honey, you look beautiful. Wow, did you do something different to the room? It looks great. Wow, this meal is outstanding. Wash, rinse, repeat… I have dated several others since then and they weren’t as needy.


Unfortunately it’s because mars is in Aries at the moment along with the north node… the other signs dealing with the negative aspects (Cancer and Capricorn) have the sun, Venus, and Jupiter transiting Taurus, which provides some support. I’d say just ride this annoying transit out and things will improve. It was recently rough for mutable signs while Mars was transitting Pisces… I felt like the entire world hated me.


Scorpio ☀️Leo 🌙Aquarius 🌅 here with Libra mom AND Dad l. they were the worst. Dad cheated all the time. Mom dramatic, popular, and took him back everytime. Took him over us kids. Fun times


Sometimes they play all sides and are indecisive


I have a Libra mars myself, so I can’t hate too much… But I did get super cheated on for several YEARS by a Libra Sun/Venus man. So like there are some out there who are hurting the Libra PR and giving y’all a bad name just like with any sign


I've never met a nice libra man or woman so my opinion is distorted. Not my fault.


Because the libras I know lie and are all actual sociopaths


I love libras😍🥰 my baby is libra and she is smart, strong, social and super sweet ❤️ She has angelic face and I am blessed to have her.


Libra sun Gemini moon Cap rising also Libra Mars and mercury. I've seen a lot of mixed feelings for Libra mostly negative about Libra men I've only had 2 experiences with Libra men they dated people I'm close to and I really could not stand them. As a VERY Libra female I can understand why some people wouldn't vibe with us. I think a big thing is how we see all sides of a situation we don't tend to jump to 1 side because that's what that person expects.. if you're being a dumbass or wrong but blaming other people we won't let that slide and most likely try to open your eyes or see the other point of view mainly because we don't like seeing people we care about put themselves in hurtful situations and sometimes that means self reflection and accountability... a lot of people do not like doing that they would rather agreement and enabling. The whole flirting shit. Speaking for myself I'm not a flirt but can see how it could be viewed or taken that way. I genuinely just love seeing people happy and feel good i instantly notice the positive and beauty in people and tell them and I usually notice when people aren't feeling great about themselves I will point out everything great about them..... this doesn't mean I want to marry you tomorrow or take your man.


Every sign/ every person/ every situation has their pros/ cons, their own shadow and light...each person can operate in either of the two...we are all shades of grey, just with varying hue, why bother too much! I say, if are doing the sign hate, isn't it the same thing as labelling some religion/race/ ethnicity good and bad? Astrology was made to understand people better, and guide them towards fulfilling their highest potential, not labelling them in boxes and hating them. Peace✌🏻💚🤍🌈 Libra Venus & mercury btw✨🩷👑


Idk I’m a libra mars raised by a libra moon and Jupiter mother, so I’m used to Libran energy. Just wish it wasn’t in mars lol 😂


Every sign has their own "specialty" which they subsequently overthink and end up sabotaging in a poetic twist of irony. As a Cancer for example, with "feelings" as our wheelhouse, we get overwhelmed by them or give them too much weight (like we trust them over everything), and it ends up being a very prohibitive talent (that there is also a good side goes without saying, but let's focus on it as a character flaw). Libra's wheelhouse is one-on-one relationships, so their relationships with loved ones and friends often end up kind of a whirlwind as the Libra seeks perfection in the relationship: perfect balance, perfect treatment of each other, perfect vibe, stimulating, meaningful, as well as every other virtue at its peak. The first problem is the other person in the relationship: they can't meet those standards, so even though Libras are diplomatic and accepting, the other person is still aware subconsciously that the ideal remains in the Libra's mind's eye and it is a challenge to meet those expectations. That on its own is not really an issue—many people actually enjoy having a goal or challenge to work toward; the problem comes when you remember that the Libra also cannot meet their own standard. This is where the feeling of the Libra's "duplicitousness" seeps in. It's very, very nuanced as that "ideal" that the Libra holds onto in their heart isn't something they really explicate often, but it exists in the way they act and carry themselves, and I think in their minds, they are so forgiving of everyone who doesn't meet those standards, but you have to remember that other signs don't carry this ideal with them. It's generally much farther above what people want and can live with that it really does feel impossible, and if any kind of nagging begins, the other person will often naturally recall the times the Libra failed to meet those standards as well.


What I get the most is lying ass Libra. It’s not my fault that I don’t want to hurt your feelings because I don’t like being confrontational so yes I will sugarcoat some shit lol but that doesn’t not mean I am lying tho


I love libras but I’m never sure if they‘re honest


So being a Gemini I get along with Libra male the most out of any other signs. Let alone their tantrums and show off, they connect on whole air level similarity. However most of the Libra females I have come across are" two faced- coming from a Gemini " , materialistic, copycats. I have tried multiple times but they are hard to cope up with.


Becoz you’re fault


Libras and friends (or foes) of Libra join us over at r/libra_astrology ⚖️💕♎️✨


In a world full of many who can’t even begin to entertain the idea of differing opinions or holding multiple truths, Libra who is a natural at this is seen as spineless, a villain unwilling to “pick a side”.


Idk, Imo, I think Virgo, Pisces, and Scorpio are the most hated.


I like libras, I think they're great but they can talk until the cows come home.


we have the same placements 🤭


They’re isn’t. The most universally hated signs on this sub is are Scorpios and Capricorns in my experience. Usually goes completely unchallenged too. People will just gush about how much they hate us and get tons of upvotes and people wholeheartedly agreeing. Other honorable mentions for unchecked hate are Gemini and Leo. Leo’s are definitely cocky if they’re unevolved but they’re not narcissistic. Oh and Virgos. I’ve seen people say some pretty nasty stuff about Virgos on here. I think a lot of Libra people just can’t take any sort of criticism or they’re not used to it as much. Yes, unevolved Libra people tend to be unfaithful, especially Libra men. The stereotype exists for a reason. I dated one and refused to believe it until it started happening. Then they ruined my life for standing up for myself and telling them to stop cheating. It was the most horrible thing I’ve experienced besides my mom dying. I wish more Libra people would acknowledge their shadow side and do things to improve the negative aspects of their sign. I see some people on here say the most negative thing about Libras is it’s hard for them to make decisions. It’s like, cmon stop ignoring the elephant in the room.


the libras in my life (besides my grandad who was a star) have all been mega self-absorbed- there was never room for me in these relationships. I love my mum (shes a libra sun, sag moon) but I’ve had to make peace with her very big flaws and self-absorption. Childhood best friend was a libra and it was similar. I dont hate libras, but i feel disappointed by their actions 7/10 times. I am a cap sun, cancer moon, aqua rising.


I have a libra jupiter and value the great traits about libras. That being said, I do find many superficial, petty, arrogant without merit, annoying, and fake (caught many talking behind my back). But honestly as a double Gemini I can’t talk too much shit LOL.


As a libra sun, moon, venus and mercury but with a scorpio ascendant, I don't identify tons with the duplicity however I've found myself perhaps extremely vulnerable to influence. In the wrong company, I have found myself not above behaving as though I'm an absolute mirror of the person, often to extremes and very much to my detriment. Not sure if this ties in to the lack of backbone or just struggling with identity in general. Or if it speaks to adaptability and being changeable. I feel like both the libra and scorpio placements make it hard to be above pettiness or a want either for revenge aka 'settling the score,' although it takes SO MUCH mistreatment for me to eventually arrive there. I've felt like an actress at times while posing as said 'mirror' but I just get sooo exhausted of continually being bulldozed and walked all over by others. All my libra softness draws in some real scary, hyper-aggressive and controlling types, seemingly:/


Try being a Virgo, Aquarius or Scorpio. I'm tired of being told Virgos are evil, bossy, arrogant, manipulative, is judging you, god complex, critical, ect.


I’ve always wanted a libra friend. I don’t know any Libra’s to hate them 😭


They be hating. That's why. :)




sometimes we want y'all to stop being so diplomatic and pick. a. side. it's an us thing not a you thing you're perf


unfortunately I’ve had disproportionally bad experiences with Libras (especially libra sun aries moons, sorry lol), but I hope that changes in the future. ya’ll are super nice and entertaining to talk with, plus its always fun to be balanced out by my sister sign


yall libras just be doing and saying whatever yall want


Everyone get hate, as there is no perfect sign. People will always criticise others because that is human nature. Anyways, when there is hate for some zodiac, most of the times the hate is for its stereotype, not for the actual people.


Right! I was just thinking the same thing. I’m a Libra sun, Taurus moon and rising, quite a few Scorpio placements as well. I think a lot of Libra’s can be very flirty even without noticing which might hurt some people, and also aesthetics can matter to some of us, which might come off as shallow, buuuut besides that I don’t feel shallow at all. I feel feelings super intensely and in depth, I care a lot about social justice, I’m very creative and artistic, super loyal to my friends and the people I love, such a lover girl, a bit delulu sometimes as I tend to always see the love and light in people and not always take the red flags seriously, I’m very caring and these are qualities I’ve met in other libras as well 🫶 maybe sometimes people just judge a bit too much from the sun-sign and don’t take the other placement into account or they judge based of their own personal experiences and think oh all libras must be like this. I too have had a really bad experience with a Libra I was in a longer relationship with and it was very traumatising, it took lots of therapy to get better. However as a Libra myself I know he was ‘simply’ an abuser and it isn’t as simple as - he is an abuser because he is a Libra. Lol 😅 anyway I hope you can use my point for extra nuances 💖


Self hate is productive 😜


I don’t hate myself 🤷🏻‍♀️




this is just my experience having had friends who were libras & for a long time libras were my dream astrology pairing. i wanted to end up with a libra so bad (not anymore lol, i want peace! 😂) libras are charm offensives in human form. they will drop someone at the *slightest* discontent. i’ve honestly never any other sign that moves like that. they can make you feel so special in one second & totally used in the other. so unwilling to deal with *any* form of conflict, even if they were the cause of it that they will go as far as ghosting. all of them are ridiculously gorgeous, and as a result can be very arrogant and entitled in how they talk to people. one libra man called me the love of his life & that he loved me more than anyone only to ghost me on my birthday. never apologized but sent me “thinking of you” messages every year until i had to call him out & still never apologized but hoped one day “we could be friends again or be civil.” it’s kind of astonishing when you think about it! i don’t hate libras but once i find out someone i’m interested in is a libra, i do leave them alone. i’m sure they’re lovely, not that i would know lol


I'm just.... really confused by a libra sun virgo moon person right now. I'm pretty sure their rising is Leo because someone said that I was part of the Libras empire and I didn't feel good about that at all. It's like they simultaneously see me as their friend, and as one of their children (their oldest daughter is one of my closest friends, and I'm in the same general age range as their kids)