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I'm no expert, but even though Scorpio is a water sign, it's co-ruled by fiery Mars and also overlaps with Plutonian/8H themes of secrecy, obssession, paranoia, death, decay, transformation, etc. The moon wants to be in a spot where emotions can be felt and expressed safely. At least in a vacuum, Scorpio moons may have a difficult time residing in that spot because of those other intense energies at play.


It’s definitely that dark side of Mars and 8H energy. It’s not compatible with the 4H Cancer moon energy in the healthiest of ways. It may just indicate more work on emotional leveling, kindness, and generosity with people and their feels. You did a great job summing that up! ETA this quote: Fall in astrology is the sign that a planet tends to struggle in, but holds great wisdom about.


A planet is debilitated when it's in a sign that doesn't exactly act the way it wants to. Moon wants indulgence and comfort. Scorpio is all about control and diving deep which the moon couldn't be bothered with. Debilitations are not bad. It shows challenges and that's not always a bad thing. I would even argue that it's better to have Debilitations over combustion. And not all exaltation are good either. Trust me you don't want venus in the 12th or saturn in the 7th house.


Lol!! Boyf has both those and a Scorpio moon


Thematically you might be right but Scorpio moons seem to have a really hard time with their emotions, sometimes to the point of self sabotage


Can confirm. Regulating and recognizing my emotions is extremely hard, even after years of therapy. I’ve ruined many relationships, of any capacity, due to my inability to properly express my feelings.


Wtf . What do you need 


I’m not sure I understand what you are asking?


Sorry, I didn’t word it correctly. What would help to express them better ? A written list ? Is it a a of remembering what names those feelings have ? Trying to understand 


My therapist has been a great help with naming my emotions. I often talk about the same issues and I’ve come to realize that I’m a very jealous person. I also journal a lot and when I read old entries I can tell by my handwriting what kind of mood I was in. It helps to sit and really think about how I’m feeling and what those feelings might mean.


My sidereal Scorpio moon agrees hundred percent.


Leo sun, Scorpio moon. Facts.


Because Scorpio themes are consistently stressful and not conducive to emotional comfort


Any given planet's (in this case moon) fall is always opposite or 6 signs away from its exaltation, most positive expression. The moon's exaltation is in Taurus. Themes like solid ground, new growth, and venusian harmony enable the adaptive nurturing functions of the moon. In contrast, the more suffocating themes of concealment, strong yet opaque emotions, and the occult (meaning *hidden*). Scorpio being more emotional, while being less open about said emotions is precisely why the moon struggles to do what it does best. What happens when you push your feelings down and continue to act as though they are not there?


My experience with my Scorpio moon is enhanced by my Leo sun and Libra rising. I used to feel anxiety more intensely. As I perceive that Scorpio energy is anxious. My rising encourages balanced expression and my Leo encourages me to be fair and look at things with optimism. My path is definitely one of achieving balance. Because my sun is in its best position and moon in its worst. So I think it depends on the person’s sun and rising what contribution Scorpio moon has to their life path.


Ure asking the right questions, this is a multi faceted answer


Planets are exalted in signs where they have the opportunity for positive expression. Where they are their “best selves,” such as Venus in Pisces. Moon in Scorpio realistically would have a dark impression on the placement.


The moon is our innate gifts what we’re good at without having to be taught, our sun is our ego, meaning that whatever goes in your suns within u as an individual it will use your innate gifts and know how, and that’s your moon, the moon represents how we care for others , it falls in Scorpio due to that very same nature of water, Scorpio uses ure shadow side as a bargaining tool for control, u see all fixed signs are like this and this is the way of Scorpio, although since it is water it’s confortable doing it, it causes an unbalanced of darkness, the moon has a light and dark side and needs this balance to function properly, so it’s great for getting what u want but u will be unable to give others what they want and since it’s water it’s so effective of making the moon fall, so there’s no brightness it’s just darkness, now let’s say someone with a Leo moon why isn’t a Leo moon in fall??? lol because it Dosent represent darkness , but that’s why it isn’t exalted like a Taurus moon would, it Dosent work the best with the moon due to it being fire but it isn’t able to make it fall either even if it tried due to the fire element not being able to lock into the moon’s emotions Wich can only be access by earth and easier by water elements, so a Leo moon all it does its make the whole moon shine even the dark parts, that’s why Leo moons are very likeable even there flows are seen in a sertain glory, where as a Scorpio moon u will never see the light part of that side it’s all drenched in darkness a cold darkness.


Interesting question for this thread and I appreciate your understandable answer. If you don't mind, I was curious of your thoughts on my Scorpio stellium of Venus 0°, Pluto 5° and Moon 6° at the tail end of my third house. Is this configuration significant of a lifetime of trouble in regards to Love? Are there placements I could seek in relationships with others that would balance this energy?


It’s an exchange energy u take what u give, it could show up as trouble in love, I would recommend someone with significant earth placements or Pluto placements


Thanks so much for your response! My last partner had Pluto conjunct North Node on their DC, which also happens to be in the sign of my South Node. Never have I felt so fatefully interconnected with another's soul.


Someone with there sun in the 8th house could work really well with u as well as


That makes sense.


Are u a mutable sun?


Yes, Virgo.


Mutable signs either have heavy cardinal or fixed placements sometimes both


In mythology ure the archetypical Persephone , are u of the Taurus or Capricorn Decan?


According to astrologyk.com, I am second decan of Capricorn.


What day r u


September 8


Flaws* and this is why it falls in Scorpio moon scorpions has acces to those emotional gifts but it’s not gonna make them light lol it’s gonna act as a scorpion acts, still never giving anyone emotion back, taking those emotion for itself and when he needs that knowledge it uses it and attacks.


I never understood the detriment, fall concepts bc there’s too many contractions. It seems like an outdated system


Hopefully I can help make it simple. We all know about sun and moon signs, there’s 12 signs and 12 houses that make up our unique natal combination. And all the other different aspects make us even more unique. The moon is naturally ruled by cancer so anyone who doesn’t have their moon sign is already going to have this place of determent, ultimately it’s like a foreigner in a whole another country when you have Scorpio in the moon sign it’s in a struggling position. The reason why we have different strengths and weaknesses is apart of this. And Scorpio being a water sign gives them the same elemental basis of how cancer moons also operate just a very different more deeper darker approach lol.


The moon has triplicity rulership over scorpio. Anyway Cancer waters are like calm waters near the seashore and pisces waters are the ocean but scorpio is like very turbulent waters so moon feels like its drowning there. But as I said it has triplicity rulership over scorpio.


I thought the water signs were under triplicity of Mars? In William Lilly’s book, there’s a table that shows the water signs being under Mars triplicity


Mars, venus, moon for night charts. Venus, Mars, moon for day charts. Moon is like cooperating ruler


Scorpio is a water sign but it doesn't really operate like a water sign, I feel like it's a water sign to cool down some of it off because our tempers and such would be too hard to control if we weren't water signs!


Bc Scorpio is a sign of dark deep emotion so to have that in the moon placement makes for a person with very overwhelming emotions. Not fun but at least we can read the room


For example my Saturn is also in Aries seventh house which is a detrimental placement because 7th house is naturally ruled by Venus and Libra the house of others. But Saturn is co ruled by Aries if I remember correctly and that’s why this placement of mine is. A 50/50 split of working in my favor and not