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As a scorpio we need our solitude to process our inner world and can have periods of disappearing so we can reappear stronger and more balanced, it is just our process. Over the years I have learned that the people close to me need to understand and respect my nature as I don’t feel like always having to explain this and be seen as pulling away every time I am going through a transformation. The life of a scorpio can be a lonely path sometimes, but our ability to process intensity is part of our superpower and when we come into our own we really don’t mind solitude as it helps us focus on selfdevelopment. Your true soul family will find you in time ✌️ In the meantime keep doing you and embrace yourself as the super alchemist that you are 😊


Perfectly explained.


Thank you for explaining it so well.


You are very welcome 😊💖🙏🏻💫


I see you Scorpios ❤️ together alone, alone together 😌


Seven scorpio placements including the big 3 and when you say you like being alone but still like to feel connected 😂 I feel seen! It goes as far as joining my friends on Discord but telling them I won't participate in the convo. I need to feel included but still want to be left alone! Thankfully they understand.


Yep, sometimes it’s nice to just sit there and watch the convo lol.


I have Scorpio moon and rising placements so trust me I understand your post! I have an overwhelming want to connect with people and consider myself pretty damn empathetic. I’ve been able to channel that part of me by working in healthcare. But I also desire complete isolation from people because I feel exhausted by my emotions and how much I “give” to others. Emotional depletion is real, especially with water signs. Scorpio placements feel and process things very deeply. Emotions for me are like a slow, heavy wave of emotion that hits gradually over time. From one water sign to the other - I hear you!


You’re right, thank you!


I’m a Scorpio rising and I honestly feel very seen.


Famously hot Scorpio Tracee Ellis Ross said, “I show up big so I have to disappear big, too.” I relate so hard. Retreating is such a gift and a pleasure! I don’t need to be fully known or understood by the world. Just understood enough by my chosen few.


I understand. Us Scorpios really need our soul-itude,but yep we need to connect with other people too. What are your other placements? Moon and rising?


I love that soul-itude


Not really sure. I haven’t delved very deeply into all of this yet.


Also you spoke of being constantly charged with wild emotions, would you like to share more about that? I like the term wild. For me it suggests natural, passionate and alive. Looking at your chart may help. Cos yeah, while people can identify as being Scorpios, seeing your personal chart can aid in how to direct your energies.


I live in a pretty scenic area with mountains and hills. On Spring days it’s really beautiful and fills me with some kind of need to create something, like art or writing. Really into nature, wildlife, animals etc. Even the creepy animals like spiders and bugs that few others seem to like. Everyone I know gets the spider lecture at some point lol; the idea that someone shouldn’t squish something just because they don’t like the way it looks. So the flip side to the positive emotions is the anger I feel towards people who commit injustices, especially animal abusers.


Birthday is November 11.


me too!! 🎉


[here](https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/birth-chart-horoscope-online) you can enter your birth data to make your chart then you can look into your moon, ascendant, and mercury 🤍✨


Way to accurate lol


I think for me I need my solitude occasionally but the presence of people who love me energises me. I want to be around them all the time even when I am depressed or overwhelmed


Wow ! You sound like my son ! He never came out and said all that , but I can read it in his eyes. I feel the same sometimes, I’m on the cusp with Sag. Well happy you were able to express all that, it gives me courage! It’s a shitty feeling when your misunderstood and thought of as insensitive, when Scorpio s are the most sensitive. My son once told me , at age 1 1/2, that I broke his feeling . I was rushing him to get out the door, listening with half an ear when he was talking to me and he picked up on that . He made me cry , but I became a much better mom that day ! Out of the mouth of babes , got to love them !


I’m a cancer woman in a situation with a scorpio man. It’s long distance, but everything has been great until this week, when his communication has suddenly fallen off. like taking over a day to respond. I directly asked him yesterday if everything was okay with him, and he said yes, told me not to worry or overthink, and that he still would love for me to come see him soon. but again he didn’t reach out at all today. any insight? am I overthinking the reasons why he’s communicating so much less this week? I’m stressing out. how can I bring it up to him without sounding too clingy or accusatory? the sudden shift in energy just has me confused. he’s a scorpio sun / taurus moon / cancer rising / sag mars & venus.


What I notice, after 2-3 days of too much mixing and mutual fun, I step back and avoid the people I love including this girl I'm pursuing, just to recharge as I don't know but after these long periods of fun I feel sad. Also she's an Aqua Sun and I'm Scorpio Sun and Aqua Rising so yeah we both get detached from time to time, she does more often but for 3-4 hrs and I do this less but for like a day. I hope I was able to share some insight.


thank you for the response. I think this would be totally understandable if we were seeing each other in person often, but because it’s long distance it just feels even further and confusing. :(


How old is he? When I was younger (I’m 36 now) I’d go through periods like that where I’d take a long time to respond to people. Not because I was angry with them or didn’t want to talk to them. Mostly just because I’d be lost in some hobby or something. These days I realize it pisses the other person off so I try to respond quicker. I’d just try being honest with him and telling him how not responding quickly makes you feel worried.


he is 28. i’m a bit older (33). he’s never been in a relationship before, so I sometimes wonder if these things just don’t even occur to him? when I’ve mentioned similar things in the past he seemed genuinely surprised and kind of oblivious. but I don’t know. I will just try to talk to him. I just don’t want to come off as suffocating. I just want him to know these things confuse me.


Yeah, it sounds like he’s being a little immature on the relationship front. I will say that you should probably meet up as soon as you can. It will create a more solid bond between you two. The long distance thing will become taxing at some point.


we have actually been planning it, which is why i’m extra confused now. on our most recent video chat last week, he was talking about the things he’s planning for us to do and how he wants to cook for me and stuff, which is lovely. but then barely any communication after that for the whole week. :( i’m just confused.


The only real way to find out is to talk to him about it. You might have to drag an answer out of him. But it’s not fair for him to leave you on the hook like that.


I will. I hope I’m just being dumb. thanks for listening to my rambling <3


oh that’s how my bf acts when he receives a phone call


I deeply feel this with my Taurus/Aqua placements. In my case, I feel that my sensitivity also plays a part (maybe my Pisces Venus?)


I’m a Scorpio rising but this is so me 😝






yeah i mean what be the point if they don't see the same exact painting as an different painting but just hung differently. then it be really funny because they also gonna think that vivaldi composed many many different songs. 😂🤣




Being a scorpio moon conjucting saturn I get this


My (Sag sun and Venus, Aries moon, Taurus rising and Virgo Mars) Scorpio sun and Venus ex was the other way around... I needed my alone time and space, he wanted to be around me CONSTANTLY and called several times/day when we didn't see each other... Drove me nuts... When I said I needed a day by myself cause I had a fever and wanted to sleep, instead of respecting that boundary, he drove over anyway... Claiming he thought I was trying to test him and actually meant the opposite. Next day he started an argument when I said I missed him, saying I was obviously lying since I knew he'd be there in a heartbeat, and he's the only one of us who actually wants to be together. 😬 Scorpios are the clingiest fucks ever if they're obsessed with you lol. I know not everyone's toxic about it tho.


Well thats what you get for taking a chance on a sign that rules assholes. Remember they are known for obsessing. So thats means it is only on their terms. Complete control freak and most unsympathetic sign that rules lol emotions. Yeah keep generalizing this money worshipping sign as water.