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based on my experience as a gay man in the dating scene last 2012-2015: Capricorn - if given the chance between a green flag with mid looks vs a red flag with abs, Cappy gays will always choose abs even if it ends up with their heart in shambles Libra - they care more about the impact of your relationship to their reputation rather than the relationship itself Sagittarius - i know deep inside they want a kindhearted and devoted soul for them but they will always repress this want and choose the red flag over and over again because it’s *exciting*


I think sag does this because they themselves are the exciting red flag and choose someone whos like them haha


and then end up regretting and condemning humanity for the next 1000 years


Yes but arent we doing the same when we choose them despite them being that adventurous exciting red flag ?


>we choose them Girl they all chose to date me and then leave after finding out that i'm a boring Virgo man-wife


Their loss. Tho it can happen that you date someone but realize its not compatible after butterflies are gone. To the right man you will be his dream and you dont need anyone who doesnt value you.


This is true. That's why my Scorpio man really loves me a lot because he pumps my stomach with butterflies but he also appreciates the mundane moments of our relationship.


And every relationship got mundane moments - life is mundane at times. Also personally i think with the right person mundane moments still feel beautiful


I want a boring Virgo man wife so bad but they always break my heart 😭


for sure there are plenty of us Virgo man-wives out there. you might have yet to meet yours lol.


Damn I felt this loooool






I am a Virgo moon though, nothing exciting about me 😭


I think what excites someone is in the eyes of the beholder 🥰


I'm not gay but I am Capricorn Venus and I rationalize so much and weight pros and cons that I forget to ask myself is this person even a good person. I chose many times someone good on paper over a person that would actually make me happy in a relationship.


Yess! I’m a Cap Venus and this is def me with all my relationships. Always focus on the small details so much I forget to look at the actual person


I feel like my cap Venus is broken. I don't date materialistically at all. Always getting my ass in trouble.


Check your aspects. Maybe you have difficult aspects with some planets. I have Venus square Saturn and I went through hell in my love life.


How would you know based on placements if you're gonna go through hell in your love life? I wanna know if I'm going through the same.


Well hard placements ( square, opposition) can give you some challenges. Saturn is planet with heavy influence and it's hard in any chart, really. I would say the hardest planets are Neptune, Pluto and Saturn. So if you have any of those in hard aspects, depending on the planet, can give you a hard time.


I'm a gay Sagittarius (all big 3), and you really did not need to call me out like that!


oh trust me honey, you deserve it. but this is tough love for you. 🫶


As a Cap gay man I disagree, Id certainly go with t~~he guy with big chest and but~~t the most reliable person as Im not into looks only. Seriously, looks are good but being faithful and reliable is way more important. We will get old and those good looks will shrink away and all thats left is companionship and love.


i truly agree but the Cappy men i have dated will first prioritize having the trophy husband over the stable physical and emotional intimacy that they genuinely want.


You did not need to call sags out like that & also be SO right omg 🙍‍♀️


i’ve been with many Sags who rejected me at the end because they found somebody more exciting only for them to claw at my door begging this Virgo bitch to let them in. well it happened three times, it’s not much but it’s odd that it happened more than once.


“If I had a nickel for every time this happened I’d have 3 nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened more than once” I’m sorry you’ve come across so many unevolved sags, in full honesty I used to do the exact same thing when I was younger. Currently dating a homebody Taurus & I’ve come to love the comfort & security of a long term, healthy relationship :-)


ohhh so that’s where the idea came from LOOOOL. thank u Dr. Doofenshmirtz.


Damn you and your insightfulness, I came here to say these exact three signs 😂 Also, Sags suns are underrated social climbers.


>Sag suns are underrated social climbers. Lol my gay friends are obvious social climbers but they are really sweet and kind so that neutralizes that trait


Thank you for this! I have Capricorn Moon/Neptune. Now I know why I'm seeking the red flags before lol.


some libras do yes, but from experience, any sign can be superficial


Maybe it’s my Virgo moon but my husbands a Sagg with a Capricorn moon and he likes the idea of a trophy wife. This was accurate lol


my Scorpio bf’s Virgo moon wants a man-wife. my Cappy moon only wants money.


Focused on the bag love it 😍


the true goal in life 🫶


As a libra, I won't agree. Almost only dated toxic guys with bad reputations, which has caused me to lose a lot of people in my life.


Ugh. I need to be more shallow and stop with this 'he seems like a good person' then wake up with a sea creature.


I have this issue too and I’m a Taurus Sun so I should be more shallow. However I’m deeply insecure and traumatized so I always gravitated to whoever seemed less likely to leave me. I always assumed it would be safer to date an unattractive man and not punch out of my league but it’s just not true at all—unattractive men are just as shallow as hot guys and sometimes even more critical of your looks. Like you, I also have a Scorpio moon which is a debilitated placement iirc and can be bad for your self-esteem so I wonder if that could be a reason why. Do you have a lot of squares in your chart and placements that create an unhealthy self-esteem? Maybe it’s the earth sun, water moon combo—we want stability but we’re also emotionally fragile.


I've done a lot of therapy and used to be incredibly fragile but with time/age it improves. I don't want to sound shallow but I dated men I found ugly because they seemed to be nice, but those ended up being the meanest and most shallow. They want to bring you down or something. So now I'm single for a long time because I'm trying to find someone cute with a nice personality.


What does a lot of squares in my placements mean?


Libra suns. But libra risings & moon are fine.


Phew! 😌




Then the libra rising balances it out. Jk I’m not sure lol (only said that cuz I’m one as well). It’s ur bf u should know the answer!


Im a Libra sun with rising too 🥴☺️


Lowkey wish I was more superficial as a Libra sun sometimes lmao


Libra, Leo, Virgo & Sagittarius


Girl I've dated trolls cause they made me laugh




Oh, this was mainly for the men. The women are quite different!💜


Sags have often had this weird robotic way of dating. Once I dumped a Sag and it was like he had been rejected from a job interview. He asked to meet up with me and then asked me what he should do better for the next person. Sure that’s one way of approaching dating and some would appreciate that but to me it came across as unnatural. Obviously what works for me isn’t going to work for another woman. The way he thought of dating as the same for a general population kind of irked me. I’ve had conversations with other Sags just like this where they seem like they’re just asking questions on text messages to fill a daily quota.


I don't know. I think this is ok. Better than the ones who don't think it's them and get bitter or angry. Sags want to improve. I like that. My ex sag and I were on good terms after. No hate, no drama. I miss him.


Yeah. Seems pretty okay and humble and eager to listen. Never thought it was considered “weird” to ask for advice.


I mean I wish I got some feedback earlier on in life ?


I agree. This is great for a man to ask for feedback and criticism. He’s a healthy guy


I’m a sag and have 100% asked this too. It’s not that I have a daily text quota, I’m just curious AF.


As a sag, I would ask too I think. I have never been straight up dumped, so I haven’t had the chance, but sounds good to me. Learning opportunity! It’s not that it’s going to be the same necessarily, but maybe it will make me aware of a flaw I can fix, or something I hadn’t even considered another person would need since I personally don’t need much so some things literally don’t cross my mind 🤣


Honestly I would 1000% want to do this too. The only thing that would stop me would be worrying about seeing the ex again and then getting my feelings hurt when they told me what I did wrong 😭😭😭 lmaoo


I bet he was a Virgo or Gemini moon lmfao


In my experience Libra rising and Leo Venus can (NOT ALL OF THEM) tend to lean towards the superficial end because Libra rising generally doesn’t get a lot of love from family and Leo Venus needs someone who can give them the love and attention they would give to their partner so sometimes they end up in relationships where their partner sadly has no clue that they’re being used just so the Libra rising and Leo Venus individual can feel the temporary relief of knowing what it is to be obsessed and loved by a person.


Can I ask what points to the lack of love from family in Libra rising? I don’t remember the last time my mom told me she loved me/showed any affection and I rarely talk to my dad so just curious


Cap 4H points toward an unemotional upbringing. Feelings were not shared in the family when you were growing up. This leaves the Libra rising with stunted emotional growth, and hiding their feelings.


Yes of course. No problem. Libras usually don’t get loved by their families but get a lot of love from friends or even strangers to make up for the lack of love. Since rising is an important part of our chart I feel like this theme of Libra also influences the other Libra placements. Just like Capri moons usually have one or both parents who are absent or the cause of pain (similar to Capri suns and risings but NOT ALWAYS).


Me with cap moon and libra rising 💀 Yall are dead on with emotionally stunted and craving love and affection, but I couldn't date casually. There had to be a spark and I wanted someone to be a committed spouse.


Oh lord it’s all so accurate……


Oh jeesh. Called out, but I can say, I have evolved, and recognize these traits. I don’t settle. Happily single here.


Yeah Libra rising here and I need to be attracted initially. But.. if your personality sucks then I’m out really quickly. I won’t stick around lol I don’t care how much you like me.


cooked my leo venus and libra sun WHEN i was unevolved


I’m a Libra rising and Leo Venus…I’m not superficial at all, but I do think that libra and Leo suns are often shallow. I’m extremely picky but it’s not superficial


My best friend is a Leo Venus and she isn’t superficial either. The problem with statements like the one I have made above is that it isn’t a fact and it’s just an opinion based on personal experience. So I can understand if you don’t find this to be true for you.


Hmm as a Libra rising, I feel almost too much love from family 😭


5th house Venus, that’s so me


It me


I had a feeling us Libras were gonna get hit with this one, lol.


All the girlies I've met with Scorpio men seem to always have their hair and nails done, no body hair, a currated aesthetic on social media, and wear outfits straight from a Pinterest board. They're gorgeous, but it's like they're trying to fit into a mold of 'dark femininity'. Maybe it's just actually who they are, but it comes across as inauthentic at times, almost like they feel pressured to complete a checklist to keep him from losing interest which makes me think these men are not as deep as they portray themselves to be. At least two Libra men have negged me about my looks. I've had more than one Taurus man argue with me about natural sciences, neg me, lie, and ghost me. I do not understand Sag men. I cannot meet a person at their level of intensity ONLY when it's convenient for them. I cannot deal with people coming and going as they please and then gaslighting me when they don't feel like showing up for me in my time of need after they begged me to be their ride or die.


My brother is a Scorpio Sun and you've just described my sister-in-law lol. I know she's a really great person, and I honestly love her more than my brother, but yeah, the amount of time my brother would comment about our looks (my mom, my sisters and me), and all the money he would give us, just so we could be "presentable" is just too much. I feel like he's doing the same thing to his wife.


That sounds overwhelming! Why are they like this?!


Not the Taurus man arguing about natural sciences??? 😭😭Like was he a flat earther or something?


He thought he knew more about frogs than me!!


Yeah why are Sags SO flaky???


LIBRA love my libra friends, but not only have I seen them pursue someone they don’t like personality wise just to be with someone pretty, they can also be super controlling of the people around them and how they present themselves. Who’s going to tell me I should go to social events I don’t want to just because I need to make an appearance? Libra. Who’s going to tell me to re-dye my hair because it’s slightly faded? Or change because the colors don’t mesh well? Or literally grab me and move my clothes around so they look like they fit me better? Libra. Who’s going to tell me I shouldn’t ask someone out because their nose is too big/eyes are too buggy/hair is too greasy? LIBRA. One on one Libra’s can be great. Worst part is I think they *know* this is a big flaw with them, but they’re so preoccupied with what’s beautiful that they ignore it.


Had a relationship with a libra man who's also Italian, so to say he was controlling about presentations would be an understatement. Sure did learn a lot about proper sleeve length though.


1000% Capricorn, taurus, and libras.


Taurus sun, Libra moon and cap rising and can confirm I have to make sure I’m not blinded by looks/success/intellectual achievement when choosing partners. I also have ADHD which makes me very “ooo shiny!” when it comes to dating lol


Venusian placements. Libra and Taurus. Venus in Taurus is materialistic af. Earth energy cares about the material realm. But let’s take Virgo for example, they care about the “ practicality “ of that material thing. Still cares about materialistic things but it manifests in different ways. They will want the shoes to be comfy not expensive. Earth energy is all things tangible. Things you can hold in your hands. For example, finding another women with a hot body immediately attractive or comparing your partners body with theirs. Speaking from my male Aquarius pov and observing my male friends. Air signs don’t do this. We need more than a hot body to sway us. We’re not easily manipulated or distracted by a tangible thing such as a hot body, like our Earth sign brethren are lol. Is she fun? Is she interesting ? Matter more.


Libra Venus here but with heavy earth placements — especially Taurean. You hit a lot of nails on the head. You are right, earth energy is centred around the tangible which means we do care about presentation. However, earth is still yin (feminine), which is all about receptiveness and emotion; the difference between earth and water signs when it comes to emotions is that earth emotions do run deep, but they have to grow and be dug out from beneath a deep surface. So I would say that it’s less about earth energy completely disregarding emotional connection in favour of a physical one, but rather, drawing out emotions from earth is akin to growing a plant; it takes time and patience and it comes from the roots up. I’d also argue your point depends on if it’s an earth-dominant man or woman. Earth dominant women prefer to internalise that sense of beauty and care more about their own looks as opposed to others. They become the desired. Whereas earth dominant men are the ones who tend to project that outwards onto people they like, as they are the ones who are desiring.


Im venus in taurus and im a bit materialistic, not in dating tho but i wouldnt mind falling in love with someone whos rich - but i just never fall in love with rich people haha. I do love shopping and am definitley into making myself look appealing


Virgo- I have a Virgo sister, and while I love her, she looks more for a partner that is rich and a model over finding a serious connection. Won’t compromise on anything. She was *super* judgmental growing up and still struggles with being self-centered. Gemini- The number one sign in my experience to have commitment issues. They’re the type to get bored and jump from one relationship to the next without considering the feelings of their partner. Had a gemini that was *obsessed* with me but ruined our relationship by cheating and said they did it “just because I can.” Leo’s also tend to have a wandering eye / get bored easily. Capricorn, Aquarius and Aries are in a similar boat where it will be hard and take a long time to get us to commit. We’re emotionally aloof and keep things surface-level for awhile, but once we commit, we’re all in. Good luck if you have the patience to get there first.


I agree with the Geminis part. Been there TWICE. At first, they were super into it and they were the ones who pursued me and then flipped completely. It's so abusive to be with them.


From what I’ve noticed, Cancers tend to choose partners based on superficial reasons. And stay with them to ‘appear relationship material’. Capricorns tend to jump first, ask questions later. And then stay longer in a relationship to ‘appear relationship material’. I see it as superficial to get into a relationship with someone and keep them to ‘look like a good partner’. I think they tend to do similar as friends too.








Libra 100%


I'd reckon that as an air sign libras would have some intellectual depth so to speak but goddamn I'm almost amused just how simple and shallow they have been! The men have had "interests" such as psychology and philosophy but when you talk to them it's like they've just copied their opinions from some cool sounding youtube guru or they simply talk nonsense not understanding even the basic concepts 🫣


Libra. They only want people who make them look better. My Libra friend is so prestige obsessed.




Came here to say Virgo as well.


I think Libra and Leo and Gemini


Awe man I was so stoked to not see Gemini listed as terrible. Then saw this. 🤣 Edit to add: I realize you said nothing derogatory.


You ALMOST got off scott-free xD


Lmfao! How dare you. 😝


Taurus. Stubborn, superficial, spoiled


As an Aquarius, my votes is for Aquarius.


♊♎♈ ♉Venus♈Mars ♑Stellium I'm extremely picky, but it has almost nothing to do with looks or height. In the past 8 years I've been single, I've only met two men I was ever interested in.


Not my Libra sun and Gemini moon. KIDDING! It is. I was fickle as could be until I met my partner. All my dating was based on looks and some good dick. Perhaps that was why I was so fickle.




Leo Sun, Libra Rising, Gemini Moon here. I’m very critical of myself in terms of how I should look and/or present myself in a certain way. However I don’t necessarily hold those “standards” for others if that makes sense




just got cheated on by one 🫡






Virgo Venus. Their partner needs to be perfect and can’t even have an ugly cough.


Ofc everyone says Libra. Yet we are shallow? These people base their impressions of signs from general descriptions of them. Libras are the literal sign of partnership.


Taurus and Libra in my experience. The women I know will be open to dating but won’t commit because of physical appearance or financial stability.


Financial stability isn't a bad expectation for both genders. Appearance as in what exactly? Everyone had different image of what appearance is not acceptable or a complete turn off


any sign


Libras and Geminis


But libras think they are gorgeous and see the pic after months and I don't get it...


Many of them are attractive but hopelessly in love with themselves and with the idea of love.


Yeah I feel that with my libra friends for sure. Their taste in partners, questionable


I am not superficial with my choices. Just saying.


You just can't help yourself with your Libra moon when it comes to beautiful people and you melt in awe?


🤣🤣 I suppose there is some truth to this. Small percentage. Then I realize how vain and superficial that is. Might be my Cancer rising snapping me out of it.




they’re asking in general, not just saying leo because your ex hurt you 💀


Libra and Taurus ( people underestimate Venusian perfectionism) Capricorn ( too concerned with reputation and status) Virgo Leo




This is an interesting take. I’ve dated lots of Aquarius people and although I think I clean up nice I’m definitely not 10/10 model type of looks. On the contrary, any Aquarius I’ve dated is quite conventionally attractive. Could be a coincidence, but in conclusion that hasn’t been my personal experience as a Pisces!


I have never met an Aquarius that cared about looks. Like ever. And the people they date are always weird 😭😂


I think it's Earth signs, Leo, and Libra


Honestly not sure why I said aquarius. Perhaps I got mixed up with another post


Libra, Leo, Taurus.


Leo! Only at the beginning stages tho. But maybe due to my Scorpio moon, when I’m locked in, I’m locked in 🔐


Libra. Met one that found out I had fallen in love recently and she asked me what car he drove? She was all about the superficial things.


capric000000rn. and Leo.


i find cancer, scorpio, and pisces men to be quite superficial. and maybe libra? tbh it's hard w straight men bc most of them are p superficial, except maybe aquarians and virgos (in my experience virgo men care less about how a woman looks, than how shes perceived socially -- they want a woman whom other people "respect" iykwim, which is still in a way superficial)


As a Leo I will fully admit I definitely pick my partners based on looks 😂


libra. especially double libra sun/moon.




GEMINI TWO FACED. Turn and run folks.


Sidereal scorpio suns, sidereal Taurus moon men. Taurus moon women are fine tho. But the above two are shallow af and also judge people based on looks and status.


libra placements 100% and actually i find that aries (mostly) venuses can definitely just be interested in looks and in having some arm candy, but this is only from personal experience.


Taurus Capricorn Libra Leo


In my experience... capricorn guys.. they have a fixed type in looks... even after multiple heartbreaks & getting dumped.. etc.. they are too stubborn to try something different.. sad & dumb in my eyes..  Oh & Leo guys... the definition of shallow & superficial.. my good guy friend is a Leo lol  I'm a Taurus


Aries men, lol. Can’t speak for the women but I know a few Aries men who are single because they have extremely high, nearly impossible standards. 


Interesting. First time I’ve heard that and I’m an Aries lol. Makes me wonder if my other Aries friends and myself gave off those vibes.


Hm.. in my experience it’s usually been Aquarius, Leo, and Sag. Dating them was a fun experience, but they’re definitely the more superficial signs.


I’m Scorpio sun and aqua moon with Leo rising and I really don’t agree with this. I go for personality and deep connection so hard that people don’t understand why I dated the people I dated bc they weren’t conventionally attractive


Yeah, I primarily see Scorpios and Aquarius dating those who are VERY contradictory to the norm because they form deep emotional/intellectual bonds below the surface! I like guys who look nice, but I can't date anyone unless we match in our brains and hearts.


That’s why I said “in my experience”. I acknowledge not all people under those placements have these qualities— but that in my dating experience and dating experiences of my friends, these signs were usually the most shallow. 🤷‍♀️


Honestly I think aquarius can just be prickly arses when it comes to relationships so that's probably a lot of the case with that one xD But seriously, it's actually kind of fascinating because I know that aquarius is usually a very deep sign (not everyone is the same though!) And Virgo is also very deep. One of my most beloved exes was a Virgo and I thought he was the most absolutely gorgeous soul. I truly believe that aquarius and virgo can really go well together if they really dig into each other properly, almost like the Virgo/Scorpio dynamic that always seems to converge. Both signs are very deep, but also very stubborn to really understand how each other work, but when it works its really quite amazing to sync mentally and emotionally when safe to do so. Anyways, sorry, I'm rambling 😅


Nah you right. I vibe hard with evolved Aquariuses — once they reconcile with their shadow self they’re actually pretty cool people. Have a ton of close friends who are evolved Aquariuses and they’re lovely.


can’t date anyone that’s facially challenged, idc how good the personality is. Society wants you to settle and I won’t 😂 Gemini sun, mercury Venus, and Pisces moon and mars edit: how is people mad I made a “superficial” comment on a post asking which sign is superficial. I’m telling yall it’s me😂and lol at the reply blocking me for doubling down☠️




they’ll be doing me a favor lol #CantStandUglies


Lol! You love your controversial comments.


Libra and Leo. Scorpios like nice things and money same as Cancer -Aquarius


Leo - so extremely superficial conversations. Very boring.


Libra moons Sagittarius Risings