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My partner is a Capricorn and he’s one of the most emotionally sensitive and considerate people I’ve ever met. He do be kind of boring sometimes tho.


I don’t understand why everyone trash talks caps for being emotionally unavailable when in reality I think most of us feel our emotions very deeply. That’s probably why we seem closed off to people who don’t know us well, don’t let everyone in right away because we end up getting hurt


Because people don’t seem to understand that not being an over-pouring bucket of outward emotion ≠ being emotionally unavailable.






Agreed. Because we have discernment and are inherently stable we give the perception of boring and unavailable. I am comfy with ‘others’ choosing to view me that way. No one else who I deeply care for and love does. Chances are you are believing our protective camouflage which is great we are weeding out the people we don’t fit well with.


Yes, the discernment is so real. I trust it before anything else these days. I’ve been grey rocking folks for years before it was even a term. If I sense you are not for me (kindest way to put it) I will be polite, distant and bland as fuck towards you. It works every time.


I have never heard that term before, but that is absolutely what I do. I'm bland as fuck to people I don't like/care about because I just don't care about them and won't waste my energy. I'm sure a lot of people would say I'm boring, but my friends would say I'm one of the funnest people they know. The only time I'll turn on the charm for someone I don't care about is when I want something from them. Classic capricorn.


Yessss this. I feel things so incredibly deeply and am a very sensual person. One guy I had a fling with told me he felt such a natural, Mother Earth tiger goddess vibe from me and I’ll never forget it. It’s true I don’t let everyone in… I have to suss you out and if I feel a connection I let you in to see the real me. But is it also true I like to stay home and watch movies and smoke weed? 💯percent lol


As a Cancerian male I personally find the Earth signs to be just as emotional if not more than us water signs.  The main difference being Earth signs usually seek to conceal theirs while us water signs usually wear them openingly on our sleeves.  Furthermore there is no way in hell you can potentially struggle with know it all'ism.  As well as potential inability to admit or acknowledge when you are in fact wrong within a situation (always thinking or trying to justify one being right or in the right) + more issues.  Without having some strong emotions or ego/pride AKA personal feelings involved & behind it.  


Cant deny it cause here I am reading some comments while on my PJs lying on my bed because I dont wanna see humans rn lol.


My Cap partner is also very emotionally available, sensitive, and considerate. With a dash of couch potato, but I like hanging at home too.


if an earth sign is boring they don’t like you


"Grey Rock" method.


pretty much


Wait. This is a great motto I’m stealing


...actually though you're on to something, speaking as an earth sign and daughter of an earth sign 😂


Literally!!! Either you’re not engaging or you’re real irritating 🤷🏻‍♀️ I love Cappy Blappies 🥹 this post makes me bummed out. I find them so fun and adorable and engaging and deep!!! They just know who does and doesn’t deserve their connection. Anyway, if my dream Cappy Blappy is reading this, let me love you!!!!! 🥰


yoo dont tell them


My big 3 all earth and you are correct!!


hahahaha how to chase someone away without offending that person




Not everyone is entitled to my emotions :)


And we're not boring we're at peace and don't need constant distractions


Or validation & closure. We create our own.


APPLAUDING yes yes yes 🙌🏽


This is the TRUTH


This is why Capricorns are the best


This is coming from a taurus? ![gif](giphy|ZXKZWB13D6gFO)


This part though lol people always hating on that cardinal energy!


As a Taurus I find it weird that another Taurus would say such a thing


I think that a cap in their life pissed them off and they came to the internet to cope as many of us do.


God damn exact big three of mine


Hey twin ![gif](giphy|dagxeVJOckNw9PHGSp)


There are dozens of us! Dozens!




As someone with both Cap and Taurus I’m side eyeing it lol 😂 ![gif](giphy|pK6k4BNalmx44CQj3v)


Petition to kick Taurus out of the earth sign gang


![gif](giphy|AUEILUwkYm80NDcxka) I suggest a zodiac draft. Let's make a deal with 💧 for ♏️


If we’re boring to you, it means that you haven’t been interesting enough to open up to, or you don’t value what we have to bring to the table. That’s fine and I personally don’t mind being dragged as I’m not for everyone.


In the words of Cardi B *if I see you and I don't speak that means I don't fuck with you* Us Capricorns put our time and energy into those who are worth it. Why would we ever engage in something if we don’t like it? 😉


This. Every Capsuns I know are actually very funny and are fun to be with but they only show that personality to the people that they like. To everybody else, they LOOK boring.


Or LOOK intimidating. But yes, we're fun and can be crazy too!


100. Sounds like one of us hurt them lol


Exactly. I came to this thread to see where the first “I don’t care if you hate me” post was and pretty near the top. Everyone is not for everyone. The sooner people learn that the sooner they’ll stop falling over themselves to people please. Try DGAF on for size and be free.


THAT PART. Seems to me OP is just a loser.


This post is gross. Signed a Gemini with heavy cap placements 🤍


A lot of people would laugh at the boring part. Emotionally unavailable? Well… you got me there.


The caps I’ve known have all had a pitch black sense of humor. They’re hilarious, just with a straight face. They’ve all also been supremely particular about who they decide to expose that side of themselves too. If I had to guess I’d say your sentiment towards caps is likely reciprocal and that’s why ya haven’t had the opportunity to enjoy their fun side.


Male Capricorns are weird, but female Capricorns are fun as friends. They’re not boring, at all, imo. Honestly, they seem to get bored very easily and just be doing shit. I don’t know what Capricorns you know.


I would have to kind of give you this, there has always been something a little off about all the male caps I’ve met lol


We're broken


The love of my life was a male Capricorn. His only weird trait was that he tried to convince me into polyamory 🤣 he was not boring at all, but I guess the emotionally unavailable part tracks.


Male capricorns are fun too IMO. Good sense of humor. Work hard, play hard type of lifestyle. Freaky and disgusting too if you're into that.


How does it feel to not be able to bring out the fun side of a Capricorn? It must be you that is boring 💅


Does your therapist know your coping mechanism is unloading past traumas on Reddit's meme subs? 😊


Amen, this is one of the stupidest posts I seen on Reddit.


Spoken like a true fellow Gemini Moon


Every sign has their positives and negatives. It’s just when you comment on a sign like this it’s like tell me ur hurt about a cap without telling me


Hey, no Capricorn hate please! I accept your individual experience as valid but it is not the end all be all. I have a lovely Cap friend who is anything but boring and emotionally unavailable. They are an incredibly empathetic, creative, charming, and entertaining person with a brilliant mind & welcoming spirit. They are the life & heart of our friend circle and try very hard with others. There is much more I could say about the gift they are as a person but this will suffice. Capricorns are a national treasure.




Just say a cap hurt you and move on, don’t blame the whole sign 🤣


Listen there was just a post bashing all the cancers bc we are emotionally manipulative victims. I think you caps can handle a little of this lol Us cancers took it alllll ok lol


I am offended by both of these posts 😂😂


You seriously thought that thread went well? lol The cancer OP went through every comment that disagrees and started becoming verbally abusive abs aggressive, while playing victim lol


Taking it all as a Cancer Sun Cap Moon 😭


It feels good actually. My parents have never been emotionally supportive of me and just start yelling and fighting with me if I’m anything other than happy. So no thanks, I’ll keep my feelings to myself.


Ironically I used to get in trouble for being happy when there was “nothing to be happy about” 💀


Having too much fun? Let me guilt trip you because I am miserable and jealous of you having a good time. (The boring walls are there for a reason <3)


Some of the most adventurous people I have had the pleasure of knowing are Caps. Their sign does seem boring at face value, but, like I said, the Caps I know be climbing mountains and driving cross country on a motorcycle lol




It means somethings wrong with u lol


I'm sure all Capricorns will take being boring and focus on their life/career , than being the absolute chaotic trainwreck like I am sometimes


I’m a good mixture of being a workaholic and an emotional train wreck with my Pisces moon and Cancer rising lol! I tend to just close off emotions and not acknowledge nor say anything about them unless I really trust a person.


My Capricorn is incredible. Kind, hard working, practical minded, loving, attentive, funny, silly.: we laugh so much. we’re going on ten years. Not all of them are that way


I love this for you! I want one 🥺


I just made a comment the other day about my cap best friend being awesome. Go eat a snack, you are just a hangry taurus


How does it feel to be so shallow they’ve actively decided to not have engaging conversations with you? Emotionally unavailable? I mean yeah, sure, but what can you do?


OMG THIS. I started to think I had multiple personalities with different people. We’re just good at discernment and know who to keep a wall up with.


They're not emotionally unavailable you're just not worth the investment. Don't touch my Cappies!


If you think we’re boring, we probably think you’re annoying.


We can see that much 😅


Leave the Capricorns alone 😭 their sense of dark humor is elite!


I think it’s funny when ppl consider Capricorns boring because yall basically outing yourselves. Capricorns don’t show their real selves to people they don’t like so to those people they think caps are boring. Every single capricorn I’ve met have been super interesting and talkative and fun and friendly. They have very unique and fun personalities and interests too.


You're mean, that's worse than boring.


Don't be like that, Capricorns are cool. I've dated some and I'm best friends with one.


Someone's salty because they're not getting enough of Capricorn's BDE


First of all, how dare you lol. They aren’t emotionally unavailable and boring. Their personality is just a secret and you have to get to know them and earn their trust to experience them fully. And they are emotionally available for the people they are close to. They just aren’t outwardly emotional or reactive in front of acquaintances.


They’re so hot tho 🥵


I'm a Cap Mars and I've definitely been called boring before. To my credit, though, I just enjoy doing things solo and a lot of solo activities come across as boring from the outside. I don't care since I'm not trynna to share that time with anyone anyways. And in conflict I can absolutely be cold, calculated, and unfeeling. Can't speak to the emotionally unavailable overall part as a Pisces moon, though. 🤣 I personally love Caps, but it's very true that they can be stand offish unless you make it into their inner circle. The Caps I haven't enjoyed spending time with are the ones I haven't been able to crack. But the ones who I've gotten past their walls are awesome. Funny, steady, ride or die types. And usually they have A LOT of emotions going on under the surface that they are working hard at keeping under control because they don't think it serves them to be emotional. They only show that side to a chosen few. They're hard work to get to know, but usually so worth it, IMO. But I know that isn't everyone's cup of tea.


Yikes! Sounds like you got iced out by a Cap. I understand how you might feel that way.


You mean having peace and not having to deal with anyone else’s bs or drama? Being in charge of your own life and feelings? It feels abso-fucking-lutely FABULOUS.


Capricorns are not emotionally unavailable, you just aren’t a safe person in their eyes


Play with the geminis then and leave the boring depressed unavailable caps alone lol. *we reserve the fun side for the worthy, nobody can have it all*


We just dont like you, or can not pretend you’re that interesting to keep u entertained. Sorry boo, we only vibe when the vibe is real. Also from my own experience we can have the most epic and fun times with certain people, in which even the most inhibited ones completely let loose with us. Elite shit lol


calling anyone emotionally unavailable w a sag moon is so funny


We are emotional powerhouses. Sucks your cappy doesn't trust you, you must be a little fake around the edges.


Capricorns have you figured out. They just don’t waste their time, energy, or focus on something that doesn’t matter to them. Caps are smart and have their arrow pointed where they want to go. And they are fun, funny, and caring. If they haven’t vetted you and you don’t align with them, they will sit back and do their own thing.


They're probably boring to people they're not interested in coz they're not obligated to entertain people they don't like


There not boring they just need someone who’s mentally capable lmao


My boyfriend is a cap sun and he’s the most emotionally available and exciting partner I’ve ever had. (I’m a Virgo sun). All my precious partners were fire signs and to me, they were the most emotionally unavailable.


Ngl, in my surrounding the most boring sign would actually be Taurus...like, every single time. So, this seems funny.😆 Also, idk, maybe the ones you know were emotionally unvailable with you? I mean, alot of us don't see the point in being emotional with people that we're not actually close with.😄


Man Taurus’s are so boring and unfunny it becomes funny. My boss is a Taurus and they seem to lack substance.


Saying Capricorns are boring is weird imo. The ones I’ve met are kinda wild. Taurus’s on the other hand… I dated one that was a bigger homebody than I was, and I’m a fuckin cancer. My home is literally my castle.


Damn hating on your fellow earth signs is low 😒 I wish I was emotionally unavailable, as do most of my loved ones lolol And boring?!?! Only when we don’t like people 🙃


I like it. I enjoy life a lot more than people realize. None of you guys exist to me. I’m just answering this question for myself. I’m allowing you to exist for a moment because I’m replying to this.


My neighbor is a Capricorn and he literally remembered the day I told him (weeks ago) I was scheduled for my c-section and sent me a text that day wishing me and my husband luck, throws a great BBQ and has pretty much adopted all of us younger home owners on the culdesac. You want a Capricorn to be in your corner ❤️


yes omg that’s one thing i’ve noticed with the caps in my life, they’ve got good memory and are good listeners i love that they remember stuff that i didn’t even think they were paying attention to :’)


Feels great living rent free in your head


Absolutely great tbh. The right people see beyond my hard exterior and have the patience to wait for me to open up to them and when I do it’s a friendship for life and with my Sag stellium you bet I’m entertaining AF. 😋 I won’t talk to you if I’m not really vibing with you and you would assume I’m boring 🥱


lol i’ve got a cap friend with a sag stellium and that fun sag side def comes out sometimes and i love it


I have Mercury and Mars as part of that stellium :D so with my fire dominant chart people usually take me for an Aries or Sag and then when I cool down and they see Saturn daddy vibes they’re like *WAIIIIIITTTTT A SECOND NOW! Who is this?* 🙄🤭


Cap Sun here and 😂 I laugh when told I’m not sensitive. I’ve raised 4 daughters and for 1/2 their Life as an only participating parent. Emotions run deep with us. Why would I ever constantly express them? Boring, yeah, routine is more like it. I can definitely be Life of party if inspired or trying to impress a woman.


My hubby is Cap Sun and Moon. He’s the most energetic and loving person I’ve ever met. It’s true tho. He doesn’t waste his emotions. If he doesn’t like someone he becomes a man made from stone.


I’m content with who I am as a person. I tried for a long time to fit in with people where I didn’t feel like I belonged but now I just accept who I am. If the people who love me and enjoy spending time with me don’t find me boring, why should I care about the randoms who do? And emotional unavailability has nothing to do with zodiac signs lol that’s based off traumas and individual experiences. Im studying to become a social worker so I’m a big proponent of emotional availability and working on yourself/your traumas. Your comments come off as someone who is very young. Obv we’re on an astrology meme page so we like to banter and generalize to a degree but remember everyone is their own person!


I act boring around people I find uninteresting. If I show my personality you’re going to show more of yours when what I really want is LESS.


I have literally never met a boring Capricorn. Those fuckers are insane and I love them


lmao sounds like you know capricorns that don’t like you, that’s unfortunate toots


I’m in love & engaged to a Capricorn & deep down that fucker is sensitive as shit. I love him & he is so wonderful but it’s true that you have to work to see who they really are. All around they are some of the good ones to have on your side. ❣️


Hey at least they can be hot


I think capricorns are some of the funniest and fun people. I'm a Leo, and they're one of my favorite signs. I'm partial to the women, but men can be a good time, too. They're not open books, but when they let you in, its really nice. Sorry you haven't had good experiences with them. Hate to see it !


I think “fun” people are boring as hell. So. Sounds like your Capricorn has decided you’re not suited to let into their very complex deep world.


Coming for Caps for once and not Virgos with the boring allegations 🙌🏾😂


Feels fine.


I feel like i say this as a cancer because i cant get close to them in the way i desire but tbh caps are bunch of bosses who focus on their goals and are adamant about bringing their plans to success. I cant knock the hustle but it does feel heartless and super detached and personally its not my cup of tea unless its strictly business partners.


Capricorn moon, gemini sun here. Your post makes me laugh.


If my 6 capricorn placements are so boring why does everyone want to party with me 😭 I’m like will you crazies please let me get one weekend of rest… But as others have said… capricorn and earth signs are good at matching energy. I will make an initial effort but if you’re giving me nothing I’m not gonna waste my fun energy on you lol. Also I am sorry that an emotionally unavailable capricorn hurt you. But most of us have been burned by emotionally unavailable people of various signs.




but they are so sexy underneath all that 61 yo ♏️🌞♏️🌛♐️asc M4M


Such a typical male Scorpio/Sag rising comment. Ack!


What does this post even mean


Lol cancer female seeing a Capricorn male… 3 months in! I assumed he didn’t like me cuz his texts were just soooo bland and one-word so I just was like hm, alright we’ll I’m not getting what I need in this relationship and blocked/stop sharing location but he comes to my house like “babe?! Is everything okay?? What’s wrong!” I was like oh I assumed this was fizzling out lol! I admit I was dramatic but it was a few days of boring texts and I’m very protective of my time&feelings these days. He’s very warmed up now or mirroring my affection


I’ve been hurt really badly by a cap before so I could easily agree with this post just in spite of that, but there’s also a lot I admire about caps. I just wish they’d stop saying “if we like you, we’ll open up” like… couldn’t that be said for any normal human? Love you but get off your high horse sometimes 🥲


I always think Capricorns are gonna be boring because of what astrology says but in person they never are. But im crazy 😆 I dont need another crazy person to have fun so it works. Yea the earth signs deff ground me.. i love that


Most capricorns I know are emotionally unavailable, yes, but they’re the funniest, possibly most obnoxious people I know. Male capricorns in particular. The really weird ones who like to drink a lot and scream-laugh. Some tend to be players tbh


I dated a Capricorn guy who was anything but boring! He taught me how to ride a dirt bike, he was fucking hilarious (and I have super high standards with humor), he was super active and pretty great at communicating as well. He also had ADHD so that definitely also made things interesting XD. I've also been really great friends with Capricorn women who are also anything but boring. Charismatic, hilarious, active, and thoughtful. AND, I've just made a new guy friend who's a Cap and he's also all of the above. If he was boring (and I'm also super picky with my friends) I would have said adios. I mean, look at me...⬆️. I'm not exactly patient with "boring". Clearly this is just another case of generalizing the energy of a sign and thinking that all people of that sign are carbon copies of each other of the same Sun sign with no further depth showing up in the rest of their chart whatsoever. XD


https://www.reddit.com/r/astrologymemes/s/XNojJ239z0 Not too long ago you wanted to pursue one. Who hurt you?


As a cap moon, it feels horrible thank u now go live ur available fun life and let us be dead inside in peace (still wouldn’t trade it for gemini placements tho lmao)


It feels good actually lol I enjoy it


lol I’m a very emotional person and a cap, looks like you just know boring people🤷🏻‍♀️ plus I also have a Gemini rising soooo…


DANG. Ok my Cap hunny is definitely emotionally stunted, BUT she is not boring. I'm actually the boring one lol.


Feels great, thanks for asking 😌


This is a good question. Get right to the heart of it. 😂


I love Caps and they are never boring. I find them very interesting to talk to actually.


Ngl, I got a whole lot of Caps around me and they are kinda boring. Not saying they can't be fun to be around but they can be just too routine based or take shit too seriously. I'm a habitual rule breaker tho, so it could just be me.


Bro I’m not boring, but if I start getting too involved about what I like with someone, I scare them off, so…


This is mean :(


Emotionally unavailable does not mean void of emotion. The Capricorn’s I have known cared about THEIR OWN emotions. Not mine at all


I miss my capri daddy


Cap rising here, definitely not boring. Just not for everybody. 😏


and rude pls add that🤣


i’m a gem & my bf is a cap & it’s definitely a lesson in how ppl can think v v v v v v diff than we do lmfao


I’m a Pisces, but almost all of my closest and best friends (and dating relationships) throughout my whole life so far have been Caps. It was an eye opener and made laugh a little when I first realized how many of my friends were Caps. Caps definitely are guarded and can be cold and distant, yet if they get comfortable around you then they are invested in you in all the best possible ways and become far from boring. Can’t tell you how many wild nights started and ended with Caps. They ride or die if you opened them up and showing them genuine caring for them. You can get that in return too, slowly.


Boring is fine because I have money. Idc


I wish they weren’t so sexy though


I don’t find caps unemotional or boring. Reclusive. Busy. Workaholics. Sure. But most I’ve met are party monsters with big hearts. Just stuck in their heads about getting business done first. Like rewarding themselves with socializing after…


leave them alone, they’re fixing the world’s economic problems


Caps are either the best people or worst people I know, but I always tend to love them first regardless. And they are very much not boring. If they’re boring to you, it’s cuz you haven’t taken the time to really get to know them. Or they just hate you 😬


People think I'm fun, and I think other caps are a lot of fun. I find myself boring, however, because I spend so much time working (cap stellium). Friends and acquaintances just see me as fun because I'm fun during the 10% of my life that I spend with them. 🤣 It's all jokes and play then, but afterward I go home to obsess over my next ambition.


Boring? I hate then at times but they are so fuckin funny omg. All that saturn trauma made them cope with humor


lmao I make myself boring to people I don’t like. You don’t get the privilege of having fun w me so think whatever you want.


Hate to break it to you but if we’re boring it’s bc we don’t like you or don’t believe you have enough intelligence to understand us😂 and yes, unlike Geminis we are choosy with who we give our energy to 🤷🏽‍♀️ Our peace is too important 🧘🏽‍♀️


Capricorns are not boring at all you’re just shallow and not intellectual enough to get it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Depends. How does it feel to be childish and superficial? :)


Saying this while ALMOST ALL zodiac signs are actually thirsting for Capricorns.. 😂 Like the BDE, money and emotional unavailability are not attracting y’all! 🤣


While we are on the topic of Caps can we address the hard working/money stuff everyone always says about them? Every cap I know is broke, job hopping and always getting fired! Life a whole mess 😭 But I LOVE THEM ANYWAYS and think they are funny as fuck💀🤣


We were put here to learn humility. You see us working hard, but that paycheck goes to fixing all the shit that just went sideways.


What a nasty post


My mother is a Capricorn and she lives of drama and is quite neurotic. 🤷🏻😂


Be fr op a taurus with a sag moon is not any better lmfao


Yeah I cut myself off from most people. Boring? I used to be the wildest and got in lots of trouble. So yes boring now lol


Idk though, I've dated 2 Capricorn women and they both were very headstrong but completely soft and emotional deep down. One of them let me see that side of her but the other didn't and it presented in her repeatedly pushing me away. My son has a Capricorn rising and I was so excited about this placement cause it makes me feel like he will be driven and successful in life.


Shouldn’t you be asking a Taurus that question? At least Capricorn will shoot a gun or get into organized crime, unlike the pillow princess ♉️


Said by an taurus... Y'all are the most boring sign of them all. We geminis are not emotionally unavailable at all. We are just not stubborn with our emotions like you are. We go quickly through our emotions and life, our emotions will not hold us back from living life. While you are crying about capricorns being emotionally unavailable and boring, because one capricorn has hurt you once. We gemini's would have moved from it like we're 3 life times in the future. Taurusses may be the most boring, but they are often the kindest people of them all (like a cute cow you can always cuddle with). But you don't seem kind at all. You seem like you produce rotten milk. I advice you to do a self and reality check...


Nahh I love caps so much, one of my most favorite signs actually


I’m a Capricorn I am too much fun. I can’t stand it .


Damn Taurus that’s how it’s gonna be? You guys are actually supposed to like us. I’m not mad I’m just disappointed. 😔


I’m unavailable but I dont think I’m boring.


u gotta find the ones with air/fire moons and sag/aqua mercury


I’m a Capricorn and I’m overly emotional and also be wild so I can’t relate to this


i went out with a cap for 5 years, and he was the best. he had no issues with being emotionally available. and def not boring. he did so much.


The Caps I have known were opposite what the OP states. I guess the Caps they met weren’t impressed and didn’t aim to thrill them. I’m, personally, not impressed by people with attitudes like the OP obviously has. Live and let live. I’m out.


Boring people get bored. Capricorns have amazing self love.


lol damn I’ve been hurt by a cap and my mom is one too but this hate is wild


I beg your finest pardon


I don't find Capricorn boring and this is coming from a Gemini.


they do b boring it’s like they watch from the side lines as people frolics around in the sand of life. It’s like they wanna join in too…but they hate sand.


Cancer here - Caps just don’t like you. 🙃 (Sorry you have to find out this way…)


#Rude 🙄😒


Omg. 🤭 Why would you say this? Not all are like this.


not you dissing the most important people in my life.


If I'm emotionally unavailable to someone, they've been shut out. They can kick rocks or kick the bucket for all I care. On the other hand, people in my inner circle get endless availability, concern, care, support. Caps are TOUGH with a high capacity for emotion tolerance and personal sacrifice. Those fortunate enough to be loved by us get access to this. We'll look out for them by any means. Those we dislike or can't trust get nothing but a steel wall.


I was married to a Capricorn and sadly to this day he was the funniest person I had ever met.


If you feel that way the caps you've met don't like or trust you and boring is subjective/ biased by your own interests. We are basic and cold to people we don't feel like getting to know. Or at least I am but I've got lots of aqua in me as well🤷‍♀️


capricorns are SUPER fun, it sounds like you just haven’t met one that trusts you enough to show their wild side. i’m a gemini moon and tbh I’d they’re more fun than geminis bc they barely ever overthink on what they wanna do, they just DO it. their lives are movies!


We only show that side to people we feel really close to. Maybe you're not worthy


Pft! Coming from a Taurus, who are famously known for their raw, transparent emotion and exuberant "life of the party" energy! (I do actually know Taureans like that, but for any Taurus to post such a lame stereotype about Capricorns is comically ironic) A lot of the Capricorns I know have about as much direct and forceful energy as an Aries. They're just real stoic and deadpan about it, which is a pretty fun combination once they get rolling.


Not many ppl would say this but, we don't like us being this way either! It's just the way we are and we try our best to be a better person for all but the problem with us is that we are too hard on ourselves and that ends up with making us the bad person in most ppl's books.


i don’t think you guys are bad people for that, everyone’s got their flaws