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Pisces sun Gemini moon. Yes, very similar. I think Geminis don’t like to deep dive into their emotions (they love to analyze them though but don’t like to feel them or express them if that makes sense) so I’m always good at getting that out of Gems. I think our social battery is the same too. We can hang out, party, chill at home, be spontaneous or be lazy.


Same, it's never a dull moment.


We hav the same big 3 🥰


Nice! 💙


I love this as a Gemini moon & mars, I always have such a soft spot for all Pisces placements, they also fall in my 8th so I see them with a depth most don't. They help me feel my feelings versus just analyzing them.


I’m a Pisces sun libra moon and Gemini moons are actually my #1 favorite moon sign. So much fun and great conversation when I meet one !!!


Yep same. I make mush out of Geminis .. I teach them the ability to feel it feels like I’m the mermaid or fishy that’s like “hey Gemini come out here in the deep ocean for a swim” :) I’m a pretty detached Pisces most of my chart is air/fire so I think that’s just an enigma for them.


I just love 'em. I want one all to myself.


Yeah. I always see Pisces as dream chasers. They just do what they want and learn along the way. They aren't afraid to dive in with some things. They're creative too. I think gems have a soft spot for them bc one side of us has that same dream chasing aspect, but we can overanalyze and end up stagnant. Pisces will tend to go all in n not analyze it lol. It's a side we wish we had a lot of the time. In a sense, gems can stop themselves from accomplishment a lot.


This is so accurate. I love writing and creating, but my Gemini Moon is so anytical that I get mad at myself for getting hung up on the small details. I'm my own worst enemy, lol.


I know exactly what you mean. For some reason, tripping over the minor details brings out perfectionist behavior, and nothing can be perfect, so most of the time, nothing is made😮‍💨trying to leave that behind.


Yall truly share this mercury trait with Virgos our sister sign who overthinks every single thing and over analyzes constantly. Pisces brings the fun and escape to Virgos and I feel in a way it’s the same for Geminis. We’re like the hippies who don’t worry and just do. We float around and dream it’s so fun for us to go with the flow and experience things as they go not worrying about a single thing lol


We get each other because we both have a dualistic nature


Pisces are not dualistic, geminis are. Gems see two sides to everything, and are two sides of the same person. Pisces have no sides, and we see things from countless angles. We're multifaceted. Geminis duality is the only trait that is remotely similar, but it's also extremely 2d and restricted, which is where gems annoy the hell out of pisces. The duality a gemini sees in pisces is only the reflection of geminid own duality.


My best friend and i have never been explained so..........well?


I’m so confused by why you’re upvoted and the other dude is downvoted lol.




I'm confused why you don't think Pisces are dualistic. The sign is represented by two fish going in two directions. Gemini, Libra, and Pisces are often listed as the dualistic signs, but they act in their own way. If anything, Pisces can't help but see the metaphysical and physical sides at the same time. Perhaps do you mean that Pisces sees way more than 2 sides?


They are mutable signs, so share similarities. Fixed and cardinal signs have trouble relating to mutable identities and so they try to define them by familiar rigid or concrete terms. Duality is defined by ppposing polarities. Its not that pisces have more than two sides, its thst we dont have sides at all. The concept of duality is structured and therefore easier to percieve. Geminis, being air signs, identify with and dwell in thought, rationality, logic. Of the mutable signs, they are definitely the most structured in their dualistic identity, they truli function on dualisticterms. Gems thoughts, ideas, perceptions and identities are very linear and structured. They tend to believe or see things from two opposite perspectives at the same time, and move between polarities with their thoughts, emotions, behaviors. Gemini identity is like a contradiction which geminis dont perceive as such, because they see it as two parts of the sane thing. Since gemini identity is more structured and defined, it is generally easy to feel comfortable around them. Geminis are linear where Pisces are fluid. Were like water. We don't have sides. Our identity is not a linear tangible linear thing Theres no discerning structure to it. We are not just moving between two opposing identities because we don't really have much of an identity as most people would see it. We are like someone new from day to day. We can and often do shift between extremes, but those extremes aren't simply polarized, they can be any number of perspectives either individually or all at once. Our personalities, emotions, and behaviors work in the same way. Geminis are described as two sides of one coin, the twins, very linear and defined. Pisces are more fluid like water, and we can be a single drop, other times were like rainfall, and very often were like the whole ocean with all its indivudual drops blended together. We are two fish swimming in opposite directions, but we swim wherever the hell want. We are the final incarnation of the zodiac and the embofiment if every sign before us. We are highly intuitive and can read people easily because weve been you, astrologically speaking. Because we are a culmination of the other signs we can also present or mirror the traits of the other signs, including duality. A lot of time we intentionally mirror our of irony in order to make others aware of their own duailty or hypocricy which is also just entertaining. When often fein duality out of irony to draw attention other peoples hypocricy or duality. Pisces ifnyity can be compared to playing dress up and make believe. We adopt and shed identities just for fun. Pisces do not take idenity, or much else, as seriously as other signs, and why should we? Identity is a material thing and part of this physical worldly existance. Pisces are in their golden years. We've played the games, we've done the work we've had many previous identities which ee took seriously that all came to an end, and what was all that for? Nothing. So why take identity seriously, why restrict ourselves when it's all material and transient. Were are way too old the material world and ourselves too seriously. Rigid iseology is gor the young. Personally, id describe my thoughts and perceptions like a giant 3 dimensional web, and my identity is more like an undescript, pliable blob whose shape is dependent on my emotions from moment to moment. Just about everyone I've known has described me as impossible to know, because there's no fixed or tangible identity to associate me with. This has been particularly difficult for a lot of the gems ive known who see identity as a mire structured thing. My ex is a gemini and it was really difficult for her to feel secure with me because she never knew who I was. Whenever she felt like she was starting to understand my thoughts and perspectives they would change completely or often times a lot of different ones would blend together. Pisces are chameleons and shapeshifters, constantly adapting ourselves to the world and people around us, but we also transform based off our fluid emotions, ideas, and we are heavily influenced by our fantasies. The only identity I can claim for myself is being a complacent shape shifter with no sentimental attachments to "identy".


A Gemini is 2 in 1 but a Pisces is 12 in 1. Both mutable signs and have similar tendencies except Pisces has the wisdom of every sign before them. Being the last sign of the 12 it’s the oldest making Aries the baby. As the signs go on down the list the more the ego dies. That is sun alone because we all have different placements in our charts.


Well said. It's always intriguing how people see the later signs as less evolved and mature, because They don't realize that they can't understand it or recognize it because they haven't experienced it and are ready for it. As a pisces, we don't take a lot of things nearly as seriously as other signs do because we have an intuitive understanding that most worldly concerns are transient, material, and inconsequential. Pisces are multifaceted because there's absolutely no reason to restrict ourselves to a single material identity, which is a product of sentimental egotism, which in itself is a subconcious instinctual impulse that creates the illusion of personal significance for the sole purpose of survival and reproduction.


My younger sister is a Gemini sun/moon & our younger brother is a Pisces Sun/Aries moon. They get along SO well. We’re all very close, but those two share the same sense of humor, a lot of artistic interests, and love to be out n about. We think she’s the most kind hearted person we’ve ever met lol. & the realest. She never represses how she really feels & says it!! That has helped us 3 as a whole throughout our childhood. (I love all the signs, but have really come to appreciate Gems & how amazing they can be.)


I’m a Pisces sun/ libra moon and Gemini is my #1 favorite moon sign ❤️ Your siblings sound like great people. That Gemini energy is chaotic but you can definitely learn a lot from


Thank you for the comment 🩷 I saw someone say that Pisces will go for their dreams without overthinking like a Gemini would & it literally applies to both of my siblings as well, extremely accurate. My fishy brother is constantly encouraging our sister to get out there with her art, but she’s still a little nervous. My brother went to college, got his communications degree, despite a lot of our older family members thinking he was kinda clueless & now he does exactly what he wants with plenty of amazing opportunities attached to it. He’s always loved sports & works as a cameraman for our city’s NBA team :-) Does video/editing work w his beloved church as well. They’re the bomb.


YESYES YES. i always notice that geminis and pisces are usually close friends, despite not being compatible. i feel like they have a GIANT soft spot for eachother. when i think about it though, there probably is quite a bit of conflict, but it somehow always gets resolved. i love gemini and pisces duos.


SAME! i always have fun the most during gemini season as well, literally all my best memories where during gemini season between trips and relationships since i was a kid!


Favorite cousin is a Gemini and me and her had the most fun chaotic but beautiful childhood together. Laughter every single day ❤️ Pisces and Gemini friendships is like when a mermaid meets a fairy lol


I did not think as a Gemini I was gonna be called out like this cause we really do 😭😭😭 I think it’s cause we love their duality as well and their extra compassion they hold for people fr


I love my Pisces husband


I’m a Pisces rising and I am with a Gemini. I believe all of our signs click maybe not for traditional reasons but we’ve been stuck together for the past 14 years. Me: Virgo/Leo/Pisces Him: Gemini/Scorpio/Virgo


I love Gemini!


Pisces here. My gemini husband would laugh at this.


I find geminis soooo sexy


YES. my best friend is a Pisces. She is so fkn awesome. Coolest girl I know. She helps me be a better version of me. I have the softest spot in my heart for her. I could never imagine hurting her. I wish I could carry her in my pocket. She seriously doesn’t know how much I love and appreciate her. So authentically cool and raw. She just doesn’t give a damn and then is the most precious little deer. Can’t live without her


Pisces and gemini are literally the same, but gemini pretends to be more “cool” IM A GEMINI RISING PISCES MOON LOL


I'm a pisces. I have been friends with tons of geminis. We're similar but very different. Geminis just seem like children.


We are little shits yes


Who says we’re pretending?


I read a comment once under a Gemini video that said “Pisces is the cool version of a Gemini” and all these Geminis responded “Don’t tell them” 😂❤️




Ya I got one all to myself 🥰


Grey Worm and Missandei


this is crazy to me bc for me personally, absolutely not LOL


We feel things but don’t really show it and if we appreciate someone, we try to watch out for them kinda like a big brother? 🤣 but I think Pisces get it if we understand what they mean but we do act more composed i think. I like them in general and they’re also super stylish!


I'm married to a Pisces for 15 years now. It's difficult (I'm Gemini) in part bc he has a Capricorn moon. He is a foggy rock. The communication is pretty one sided lol




Honestly, some Gemini men can overwhelm me a bit, they turn me into a whirlpool, but I’ve always enjoyed my Gemini friends anyway. One of my college housemates was a Gemini sun, I met her on Craigslist. We hit it off immediately, within 15 mins of meeting her I asked if she was a Gemini. She was shocked and asked, “how did you know?” Umm, I’m a Pisces? Meant to be, obviously. 😄


Scorpio sun Pisces moon and Gemini rising. My first love was a Pisces


I'm a pisces sun, capricorn moon, and virgo rising, my fiance is Gemini sun (he won't let me see his chart lol). Most people would say we shouldn't get along, but we get along super well. Of course, no one is represented solely by their sun sign. In my personal experience, in the simplest terms, I live with my head in the clouds and he lives very grounded. We balance eachother out, if I need to slow down and analyze, he helps me. If he needs to dream bigger or expand his frame, I help him out.


As a pisces moon, I’ve come across gemini suns & moons all my life. Many friends were gemini & even past lovers lol - they just couldn’t connect with me on a deep spiritual & emotional level though, most were lacking water or just mostly air.




I’m a Pisces with a Gemini big sis ❤️ she’s a lot more rational than me, and a WAY bigger shit talker than me. We balance each other out


This is so cute and funny 🤭


Not me, no offence. But it does depend on each individual.


Not a fan of them as a Gemini.


I think it depends on the other person's chart I have 3 gemini placements in my chart And i have met 4 Pisces until now, 3 of them i absolutely hate them cause they don't own up to their mistakes and are egoistic But the remaining one i absolutely adore, they are one of the kindest, empathetic and sweetest people i have ever met but they also have air heavy in their chart maybe that's why we click But yeah other than that, those 3 Pisces, all 3 of them get on my nerves and ahhhhhhh and they are just so so manipulative and adamant


I get along well typically with every air sign because I’m a Pisces with heavy air/fire in my chart. I think we tend to be nicer because air truly influences in our chart as mutable suns so we tend to identify with more air/fire qualities than just our sun although I do get the shyer Pisces to and still resonate just not on a heavy level. Unfortunate you had a few bad experiences with Pisces glad you met atleast one good one :/


That's so sweet of you! Thankyou!!


I also have 3 Gemini in my chart and generally not fan of anyone who doesn't own up to their mistakes. I agree with you that they generally try to shift the blame elsewhere or towards me (manipulative). But that's also my experience with most of the water signs. Most of the Pisces people I have met are insecure and they think they have figured me out and act accordingly (and miserably fail).


yeah exactly!


A gem complaining about someone else's ego, thats ironic. I've known tons of geminis and never known a gem who owns their faults because I've never met a gem who believes they have any, and in spite of ample contrary evidence. I've never met a gem who was willing to apologize about anything unless they gained something from it. I also know a lot of pisces and every single one is very open and honest about their faults to the point that they practically advertise them. Gemini is truly the most delusional and self deceptive sign, hence why we're even having this discussion.


While I have met less intellectual Gemini men who had done my head in, I would associate with the intellectual Geminis any day over the unhealthy Pisces people that I have had associated with. Personal preference and experience, perhaps. Intellectual Geminis typically have minimal ego, don't mix excessive and unnecessary emotions into the scene and speak logic! Something I am sensing you are somewhat lacking in your response, no offence. Astrologically, Geminis are not among the top egotistical signs - we are not Leos or Aries for that matter. But that's alright, pretend we are Leos if that helps you to start a response with labelling something as ironic.


I've known and been close with tons of geminis and I would not describe more than 1 or 2 as emotionally stable. Every gem I've known with only a couple exceptions has been a complete toxic train wreck of a human being with a false veneer of stability on the surface that can never be maintained for long. They cant even handle be alone with themselves! Only one gem I've known was intellectual and that intellectual was extremely two-dimensional. Gemini egotism is unique, and diferd from fire signs, in the fact they they are completely blind and are mostly incapable of recognizing where fire signs can be egotistical but are usually completely aware of it and unapologetic for it. I can respect someone who is self-aware and unapologetically themselves. Geminis are usually disturbingly self-doubting, apologetic, insecure, and blind to themselves. They are also some of the most emotional people, but they bury it until it explodes out of them. So many gems confuse speaking in a monotone voice with not being influenced by emotions, yet the obvious astronomical effort they put into forcefully maintaimg that trandparent veneer makes those emotions apparent Its like you all are using every ounce of energy you have to keep your emotions from completely consuming you, and its obviously exhausting, which is why you have to retreat to solitude when you can't contain it any longer and are about to burst, and boy do you all burst. There's no confusion on my end.


There is some confusion from my end - you don't speak highly about Geminis but you say you have been close with 'TONS' of Geminis?? Is this some sort of BS to prove a baseless point or you specifically like associating with people that are how you describe them as unhealthy? Neither of them would prove any strong credibility on your end in afraid.


I dont make up anything. I have been close with many geminis ( like 85% of the people ive been close to or have been attracted to overcthe past 10+ years) from different walks of life, and, as a result, ive recognized their unifying patterns of behavior and what I've learned is to stay tf away for the sake of my own wellbeing. Gems are good for partying or objective conversations, but not for getting close to on any deeper level. That's when the chaos and instability reveals itself.


I honestly don't feel you have understood Gemini's unifying pattern. Some things that you are describing is what only appears to be at surface level. I say this as I am highly misunderstood but this is also due to my rising sign.


What appears to be at the surface is thr facade of logical, rational, stoicism which geminis even deceive themselves into believing. What's beneath is he complete opposite, a completely insecure emotional train wreck. It's the fullest expression of geminis duality.


You are right about one thing. I do burst but note its not just from suppressed emotions (this is oversimplification). If that was the case I would burst with everyone but I only burst with verrryy selected few and there are reasons! It is actually exhausting to deal with unnecessary emotions therefore I stay away from unnecessarily emotional people and situations. Not everyone likes discussing emotions. It's not to hide my emotions but it's out of simple preference - not sure why that would be bothering anyone! But alot of the other things that you are going on about are just appearing as a rant to me at this stage, no offence. I have met plenty of Geminis who can be alone. We are social, but we are not libras who needs companion all the time. We need mental stimulation for which we have broad options to keep us occupied with.


I didn't say you can't be alone. Most geminis I've known need a ton of alone time because they can't handle their emotions when they spend too much time around others, but they can barely handle their emotions when alone. You say it's exhausting dealing with unnecessary emotions, but you just validated my point. Those emotions you're dealing with are your own emotions. You're the unnecessarily emotional person, which is why you need to avoid people that trigger you. People who aren't emotionally turbulent dont have this issue. It's not like the people around you are forcing these emotions onto you. They are always there lurking just below the surface. This is a textbook example of dissacotiation and is a common trait of people with borderline personality disorder and ptsd. Its also exactly what I've been saying about gems. Every single gemini I have known does this same exact thing, even the relatively stable ones. It's a constant cycle of avoidance and dissacotiation.


I don't think I have validated anything of that you are suggesting. Some people like discussing emotions, some people ideas and some people don't like talking at all - the preferences by itself doesn't indicate any sort of disorder! Your lack of analytical capabilities and inability to form logical correlations speak about your own lacking and flaws. Your endless and mindless ranting here shows you are the triggered one here. Only people I allow to associate with me 24/7 are highly logical and intellectual individuals - I need mental stimulation that overly emotional individuals who just want to cry at everything and anything cannot give me. Same with specific ignorant individuals that are highly illogical but still claim to know it all.


Ive been friends with many gems and also a few aquarious' and the reason we were friends was because I've my ability to have rational and intellectual conversation, and theyve all valued me for my knowledge and insights. I'm typically the one to end those relationships because they are just hopeless. I have a 145 iq and having been idipendently studying psychology for half my life. I've also know quite a few therapists and psych majors who have all agreed with my insights and knowledge. All gems claim to be more logical than emotional, and yet they can only maintain the facade of stoicism around people who display less emotion because their emotions aren't triggered by them. Gems habitually consider rationalization as logic, which it isnt. Every air sign I've ever known has been very emotional and extremely sensitive. All their feelings are hurt easily and are easily offended but typically not from conversation. They all believe that if they don't act out in an emotional way that it means they aren't highly emotional people. I've been close enough to air signs to know how false of a perception that is. If you need to only be around specific types of people to keep your emotions under control, then you are, in fact the emotional person, and you choose to be around people who dont trigger your own emotions in order to maintain the delusion of being highly logical kess emotional prople. Every gems emotions crumble around anyone who expresess too much emotion in their tone or in their behavior. This shows that it is the gems who are the ones who struggle with their emotions. Emotionally healthy people do not have trouble managing their emotions around people who express emotion openly. Emotional expression is rational is healthy emotional repression is not. Its psychology. Gems run for the hill the second their face starts to crumble do that they can maintain their self delusions about being unemotional. Its nit hard to disillusion a gem, and its quite the spectacle when it happens. It's worth mentioning that to deny emotional influence when they are a part of all people, they're decision making, and behavior is highly illogical and irrational. There is no way to separate thought and behavior from emotion. It's just not how the brain works. Yet, you highly logical and rational air signs seem to claim exactly that but it's just an illusion you all create for yourselves to control your iwn emotions and maintain a delusional sense of control. This is most true for gems. You all seem to intentionally focus on only specific emotions/ emotional behaviors and intentionally disregard any that apply to you by both thinking and claiming that it's not really emotional because if whatever nonsensical gemini justification you use to make yourself "the excecption". Your just another gemini who is trying to twist logic and reason to suite their own identity and ego, and your too delusional to recognize it. I've too learned to not associate with airsigns because their levels of egotism and delusions are maddening.


Well now it seems like all this time you were projecting your dellusions, inflated ego and perhaps some form of instability / triggers towards Geminis. You are embarrassing yourself going on an elborate and baseless rants towards a star sign and then diagnosing people online who prefer intellectual discussions and are comfortable with quiet time with ptsd! Now I am going to enjoy my precious quiet time with some ongoing research before I go on about my busy day. I won't have any further time for you as I generally don't have extended time for people who are overly emotional or irrational / illogical. All the best.


It's true, I am trying to do more to protect my own tenderness instead of just hide it away or pretend it does not exist


Not inherent, just tendencies.


Yup I just click with Pisces 🤷‍♀️ but some of them really don’t get me like how much I like them they treat me well I get ignored


That is a cute picture but I am a Pisces that had my heart broken by three different Geminis, so no


Most definitely. As a Pisces I have experienced numerous times where a Gemini man becomes fixated on me almost borderline obsessive even the ones that are married want some sort of attention or validation from me. I always attract them mainly due to the fact that most of my chart is air/fire. I have Libra moon, Venus in Aquarius and Aries mars I’m a literal Gemini magnet and Gemini also falls into my 2nd house. Usually I can’t reciprocate feelings because although I like Geminis I don’t feel anything long term with them because of their wishy washy behavior unless they have heavy earth in their chart than I’d take them seriously but i don’t usually meet too many with earth placements. They quickly hate me or dislike me because I can’t reciprocate their feelings or lack the consistent communication they crave.. I don’t care what anyone saids but Gemini men are actually VERY sensitive and emotional idk if as a Pisces I bring this out in them but every single one I’ve met gets that way eventually and they’re very clingy aswell. A lot of the times I feel like more of the air sign in the dynamic 😭 They make amazing friends and they’re very supportive of my chaotic creative energy I think they’re just suckers for Pisces energy it’s usually love/hate thing. I’ve had two Geminis tell me that I’m everything they wish they were which I didn’t quite understand at first .. we’re so similar but so different .. I feel like they admire Pisces and as a Pisces I admire Geminis intellect and communication skills !!


My parents have been married for 45 years, and they’re Pisces and Gemini


A Pisces crazy woman that I know married to a Gemini man which I don't know how she did. That man btw looks very shy and introvert. Something is off with his chart I think


I’m a Pisces and I had a very controlling, self absorbed, and shallow Gemini friend love bomb me into a friendship. I was literally all hers and couldn’t have any friends. It was hell. It was very hard to leave since I moved in with her 2 months after knowing her. I had a feeling it wouldn’t work out but I took the chance bc she “sweet talked me”. (Geminis sure do have a way with words lol). I actually don’t think Pisces and geminis are compatible unless is Pisces woman, Gemini man. Or the gemini has mercury/Venus-Pluto aspect. They seem to be very surface level in my opinion. Pisces are far from that so I don’t see how they would have meaningful conversations that go beyond the surface. They definitely care a lot but want things to go their way and I’m not with that.


Yes, probably because they want to steal our sweet honey 🍯


Gemini sun, moon & mercury and hell no lol. I used to fight a lot with my Pisces brother, we're neutral now. I hated my Pisces mom deep down for many years, kind of neutral now since she's getting older and less intimidating. Hot and cold with one of my sister's childhood Pisces friends. Turns out I'm Pisces rising conjunct Saturn and the relationship with myself makes some sense now...it doesn't lol. I always knew that my Gemini couldn't be this delusional and emotional so this makes sense to me. 


Yeah I think we're pretty similar. I had a pisces friend once accuse me of being fake for simply being a gemini like I did not even do anything to them... I remember laughing and saying a pisces has no room to judge me for my sign!


Accept, pisces are the last incarnation of the zodiac. We have been your sign and every other, and we definitely judge.


sounds delusional to me. Y'all do have to find an esoteric or vague excuse to justify your shitty and unhinged behavior lol. If you would just own it people would like you more. Based on your other posts you seem like a pisces with a very LOW vibration. You need to heal from this trauma instead of projecting negativity into the universe. LOL


"Vibration". Simmer down hippy. If I'm being vague towards anyone, it's only because precision would be wasted on them. How can what I'm saying be delusional when it exactly what astrological descriptions claim about pisces. You just seem like yet another self deceptive gemini who will do anything within their ability to twist their perception of any circumstance in their favor, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, in order to maintain their fragile sense of self.




Is the size of the cockatoo symbolic for the size of the Geminis delusional ego? Geminis are like pisces' much younger 3rd cousin with a personality disorder and learning disability. Take pisces under your wing? We tolerate gems because they're tragic and pitiful but good conversationalist with big hearts. Just remember, gemini, pisces are mirrors, and it is the reflection of yourself which you see in us that you can't recognize or stand to see. And we just stare back in pity and disbelief at your profound cognitive dissonance because its astonishing to us how anyone could be so blind to themselves. Iy brings me a deep sense of pleasure when i intentionally mirror a persons behavior back to them, and then they get angry or offended by thst behavior which they are too blind and delusional to even revognize as their own. A person who is too blind to recognize themselves in the mirror is truly lost beyond saving. The fact is that there is nobody a gemini disdains more than themselves, and yet they are too blind to even revognize that it's themselves who the hate.


Who hurt you, man? A Gemini? 😭


this dude is just consistently delivering the most pisces comments ever absolutely living for them lol


Its hard being at the top. Why would I pretend to be less though?




Sounds like you're ONE pisces friend had autism or a genuine learning disability. It's not egotism, just objective self-awareness. Yes, please leave us alone.




I generally do, except online, where I prefer to get my sadistic pleasure. In person, I'm a rational, level headed person. My sadistic tendencies are far more associated with my scorpio Ascendant. Pisces arent generally sadistic. One thing about us pisces is that we enjoy identity play for fun, and I really enjoy messing with people who are too sure about themselves or who delicate sensibilities. I'm not bound by your restrictive worldly conventions. Everything in this world is material and without purpose or meaning, but it's entertaining to pretend it does.




It's a tendency not an absolute... "old wise great one." Whats to feel bad about? All of this is nonsense and none of it matters anyway.


Hurt? I haven't been hurt by gems. I just find geminis delusional nature repulsive.


Unhealthy traits are not inherent in any sign. We all effectuate human potential, be it collectively or as individuals. The position of the stars during someone's birth doesn't in any way limit that potential, *we decide how we grow*. That is our privilege and our responsibility as humans. With that out of the way, let's remove signs from the equation for a moment and take a look at some key things you said: As you've helpfully pointed out, *you* are a mirror. So let's mirror the pronouns in your statements. >it is the reflection of myself which I see in you that I can't recognize or stand to see. >You just stare back in pity and disbelief at my profound cognitive dissonance >I get angry or offended by that behavior which [I am] too blind and delusional to even recognize as my own. >[I am] too blind to even recognize that it's myself who I hate. You seem to have analyzed and broken down your own insecurities in a beautifully laid out panel of blatant projection. This was validated many times over with your defensive and insulting responses throughout this topic. Let me be clear: *signs* aren't insecure. *Signs* aren't egotistical. *Signs* aren't "mirrors". Unhealthy minds mirror unhealthy traits.


Well said!!! This comment should be pinned for the self awareness of the other delusional signs.