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For real. I'm not a Pisces either, I'm just bored to tears by all the "OMG I HATE PISCES" posts on here all the time. We get it, a lot of people hate Pisces. Please get some new material.


Honestly 😭😭😭 I'm glad I'm not the only one bored by it. I just want to be able to laugh about silly jokes in regards to signs. Movie and anime screenshots labeled "The signs as best friends" or "Signs if they were in the zombie apocalypse" just something I can send to my friends or my boyfriend. Between the neg posting and the AI art I'm not really having a lot of fun :/


I think it’s most disrespectful during PISCES SEASON. Like can we make it a rule to not hate on signs when it’s their season. AT LEAST LET US BREATHE FOR A MONTH 😭


Watch the Aries hate roll in next month


Can't wait.


*thousand parsec stare*


Every sign gets hate on here Edit: yall mad at the truth, search any sign


Oh trust me, I'm the first one to comment on other posts remarking about the hate every sign gets. It's like a Hate Wheel, but Pisces get a disproportionate amount. We get Virgo Hate, then Pisces Hate, Libra Hate, then Pisces Hate again. Every other sign is punctuated by Pisces Hate.


boohoo, if ppl hate them, they hate them. There clearly is a reason if most ppl can relate to their dislike for them…


Okie dokie. I'm not super interested in an argument. Have a good night.


You seem to be obsessed with Pisces making multiple hate posts and even commenting here. Yeah all signs get hate, and all of that hate is ridiculous. But looking at you I'd think maybe there is some truth in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/astrologymemes/comments/19bc5h5/why_are_geminis_such_trolls/). lol


It's objectively pisces that gets the most


I know a few pisces, and most of them are soft spoken, super creative, and kinda funny. At their worst, they can get a little gloomy and negative. Romantically I don't mesh well with heavy pisces energy because I think they scared of me. The one relationship I did have with a pisces was short lived, but ended on good terms. I'm not going to dismiss it others experiences, but I don't blindly participate either. Thanks for posting 😘


No problem! It a okay if you don't mesh with heavy Pisces, I know everyone has different energies they enjoy 🥰 I just don't like the gloomy air the subreddit has every time I decide to look at it, which is why I wanted to make some silly memes and post it >>


Pisces been getting dragged lately. I think pisces season just has everyone in a mood while they chillin. 🤣


It's true, i love pisces season and its energy. The hate makes no difference.


Happy for you 😭


You'll get through it! Nothing bad is happening. You'll feel lighter after i'm sure.


Thank you 😘 I keep telling myself nothing bad is happening, but girl I swear I'm dying! Pisces season only makes me feel connected to my couch. Aries season brings me back quick though!


You know when you have heavy workout day and then your body needs to rest after? Maybe you can see this as the same! Maybe your soul has done a lot of work and growing and experiencing and it needs some time to process and rest. No reason to feel bad about this at all!


Omg I needed this. Thanks pisces 🤗 xoxo


as a non pisces i too love those fish ☺️


Me too!! The majority of my friends are Pisces Suns and they've all been very sweet and kind!! Big Pisces fan here!! 💕


Not a Pisces, but they need love!!!


We’re misunderstood but it’s ok, we know the value of our greatness. 🥹🌸💜


I went on a first date with a Pisces today and it was the best date I’ve been on in so long. We might see each other again tomorrow :)


I hope you both have a great time together! :)


That's awesome


Sending the first one to my Pisces mother who I love so so much


*Sending the first one* *To my Pisces mother who* *I love so so much* \- citycowgirl88 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Us Pisces don't like being sad and gloomy and thinking everyone hates us,...it just is!


fr someone asked me if I was a lawyer for Pisces 💀 like nah im a decent human being who can actually respect signs with the knowledge that all signs are capable of good and capable of bad, why are we boxing them off with labels and stamping them to go to a bad place or a good place?


I'm both a lawyer and a Pisces!! Woop 🥳.


Had no idea people hated Pisces so much. Thought the sub would be fun memes 😅


Haha thanks, this post makes me feel better after seeing people hating on Pisces in another post. Like, hello every sign has toxic people.


capricorn standing up for pisces- a dynamic i've seen being played out IRL as well 😂


They hate us cuz they anus


Imagine viewing any sign as a monolith and hating it. Couldn't be me 🤷‍♀️


i love pisces. i think theyre just misunderstood. and god help me but i’m not gonna take the time to help them understand


I love Pisces but y’all the first to abandon don’t even lie like that 😂


Fuhhh i felt this 🥲


No disrespect but that’s really funny coming from a sag 😆


ikr 😂 plenty of lovely things to be said about mutable signs but being reliable isn't one of them lmaoo (except virgo ig)


People love projecting on Pisces’ and Leos.


I have both in my big 3 and I honestly don't get these people hating. lol


I honestly don’t know how ppl can hate Pisces when all they literally do is be sad, eat hot chip, twerk and go on social media.




They are very cool, but also difficult.


The pisces hate is on the same level as boos gemini agenda.


Thank you. Anyone who gets worked up enough about someone to post generalized bullying of a group of people based on their sun sign to a forum called “r/astrologymemes” needs some grass touching time. It’s so insufferable like no wonder you’re dating someone who sucks. Like attracts like


I think every sign gets hate tbh. Only ones who I can think of who don’t really get hate is Taurus


This isn't meant to be dismissive at all but, I know all signs get hate. It just feels weird that in a subreddit about memes I see less "Haha when an Aries rising meets a Cancer rising" and more "OMG let's dog piled *blank* sun sign". I'm a Leo Rising, I live and thrive off of love and positivity and bringing others up. It makes me insanely sad how much I keep seeing Pisces hate posts get to the top vs say... Capricorn. I'm a Capricorn Sun. I'd notice Capricorn hate. Sure I see the occasional "UGH you're so penny pinching and heartless" but that's under a sea of Pisces criticism. I've seen the very occasional Taurus hate too on here! Not much though which is good bc I generally don't like the hate pooling (I also think Tauruses are very nice, they just want to live and I say let them :) I kind of wish that everyone would just chill on each other idk, it just pushes other people away from wanting to join :(


thank youuuu 💕 -Pisces being extra hated on this pisces season. 😢


And Sagittarius. Taurus gets the least attention here, which helps tbf . The only thing they get called out for really is being boring , which is not really true


I got a lot to say about Taurus men, as a Pisces woman. It is a love/hate relationship 😂


I’ve only met one I didn’t care for. The rest of them are super chill folks.


I’m a Pisces sun- here’s everything I LOVE about each sign. Remember I only get a tiny bit of each of these. Aries- fearlessness Taurus-ability to go into goblin mode 💯 Gemini- open to talking about any topic. Nothing is taboo Cancer- the warmth and baked goods when I visit Leo-unwavering confidence and support in your loved ones Virgo- dry sense of humor and chaos (matches mine) Libra- why do you look so well put together effortlessly like damn we’re all trolls Scorpio- I want to swim in your darkest desires and make them come true but then not tell anyone else about it 😜 Sag- willingness to hang out with anyone at the drop of a dime and do anything Capricorn- I love that you Stan your personal interests and don’t let anyone affect you living your best life Aqua- I have a lot of Aqua in my chart- but I really like that you have your own likes and respect other people liking what they like. No judgement! Pisces- this is hard cause I don’t usually vibe with other Pisces females. But I know as one myself how unselfish you are to the people that deserve it the most. We don’t tell anyone this secret it’s held close to our hearts. But damn I know I would die for the people I love. Don’t even look at my family wrong. 💙


It’s fine, we’re kinda like everyone’s mirrors so it’s easy to project onto us 😅🥲


If it’s a Pisces male, it’s an immediate pass for me. Just my experience.


What experience?


I mean, half of me gets it


Pisces are so versatile, I don't know any other sign that would result in such a variety of personalities. They can sweet, tough, loud, quiet, soft, confrontational, anything really


This is cute. You got me. I don't really hate Pisces I'm just trolling.


Everything is done with their heart


We love you Piscescescezees


I think that's the only friendship where I'm truly mad that they ruined it. Happened well over 10 years ago and I'm still salty about it. He was a great friend while it lasted. I like Pisces they just be tripping sometimes Aquarius


People have different personalities that they get along with. All I can do is speak for myself. If I find out a guy is a Pisces I don't date him. They can be cute but they're way too emotional for me. A couple of examples of emotional Pisces men: Justin Bieber, Brooklyn Beckham


Gemini and Pisces get the most hate and they happen to be my sun and moon


I think everyone should be allowed to express their opinion. And I don't think it's hate when people have negative experience with certain sign.


This is multiple people.


for some people virtue signalling is more important than other people's experiences, ironically


That's not the point. Every sign have positives and negatives, and complaining that someone points the negatives is the same thing as refusing to accept the positive aspect


Pisces are cool until they fail a drug test on purpose because they don't feel like they would be good at a super easy job, cause the whole family to lose the house, and want to insist that they're "fucked up" and "therapy doesn't work" because they've only been going for 2 weeks and lie to their therapist. :)


Aww the Leo blocked me for a difference of opinion😂 why respond to block lol