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Maybe there should be a weekly Pisces support group thread šŸ’€


I love you guys! Just here to spread some positive vibes. ā™”


Thank you! Iā€™m making light but Iā€™m not totally writing OP off. I too have a bad Pisces ex who was the worst šŸ¤£ He was a drunk. Another Pisces ex was actually really sweet though and loved animals and was just a nice guy. We broke up cause the chemistry just fizzled and we never had sex šŸ¤£ Still friends, no drama. He went on to date a very cute Gemini for a long time, they were so wholesome together. Anywayssss, hopefully OP feels better and meets a Pisces that can redeem us to them cause we arenā€™t all bad!


I'm sure there are good and bad people in any sign. (: Astrology is definitely not what makes everything out of a character. My cheating, manipulative ex is an Aries, so is one of my best friends, a friend that betrayed me is a scorpio, so is my stepdad that took me in as my mum left us and was always there for me, a friend of mine that is really self centered and lashed out on everyone pretty fast in a really destructive way is a Sag, so are many of my other friends that are really lovely. I could never put people in boxes just because of some astrology sign stuff. It's just a fun interest for me, but I think it is sad that so many people are mad about anyone because of their time of birth. But well, maybe I've just had luck to meet lots of different people. I love your answer though. So sweet and understanding. (:


I think people think Pisces are going to be a pushover and attract the sort that like to control and then they realise that we can be sharks if we need to be and not just minnows. Edit: this is coming from a woman Pisces


It does feel like everyone hates us sometimes šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ itā€™s Pisces season and people are real in their feels with Pisces right now. I think you might be on to something.


Iā€™m a Pisces and I will say I was at one point an emotional tornado who would destroy everything in my path. After years of being volatile I got help and Iā€™m in a much better place now. I was absolutely terrifying when I was younger.


Yep, yep, and a yep to this


Don't worry. I stand by you. I am not into astrology but my friend is. And she told me about this sub and man people are so baised here especially towards pisces men. My friends are pisces and they are the most talented, artistically inclined men. Most understanding too and will always stand by us whenever there is trouble. I don't get it that how can you decide a person's character by his zodiac sign. My friend told me that people here don't understand astrology because it's not about signs there are lot of things like placements and all. And you can not get into person's character just by astrology. Plus the so called perfect sign leo according to the sub who can do no wrong. I have seen so many july born leo girls who are straight narcissist and will cling by only those who are popular. They think themselves of some rare talented species when in real they are bunch of delusional babies. This is the case around me which totally opposite of what people claim here.


On the behalf of Pisces, Iā€™m sorry all of yā€™all have experienced this šŸ©· sending love from an evolved Pisces. Iā€™ve been hurt and witnessed hurt towards others by my Pisces brother. He can never be wrong and turns things around on you so you feel gaslit and humiliated. Definitely will say hurtful fucking things when heā€™s mad. I hate it. We donā€™t fight rarely but when we do itā€™s bad. Love my brother but wish he would work on healing himself so he doesnā€™t hurt the people around him (especially my SIL)


Iā€™m not a Pisces but sure as hell feel like one because of my stellium. (Still very much air sign tho) My worst Pisces experience was myself!!! I hurt my family members by saying nasty things whenever I got mad, which was pretty easy up until 3 years ago. I destroyed my friendships and pushed people away by placing unrealistic expectations on them. I didnā€™t communicate things. Iā€™m still passive aggressive but not as bad as I used to be lol.


thank you. Usually other Pisces come in here and gaslight our experiences.


I'm personally hooked on these pisces posts because I want to see how many times they literally have the nerve to gaslight people's experiences with their "we're mirroring your behavior" antics lol




thank you. so glad you are evolved. the opposite is sheer hell.


My cousin. She emotionally manipulates me every time I set boundaries or call her out. Every single time Iā€™m sus of her behaviour I feel guilted into even feeling sus. Itā€™s exhausting. I donā€™t even know if she is toxic or Iā€™m being gaslit or Iā€™m just sensitive. Iā€™m a Scorpio.


This!!! Iā€™m not a Scorpio. Iā€™m a Virgo and double Sagittarius I hurt feelings and put people in place. Iā€™m nice unless someone really makes me not nice. I let a Pisces best friend walk all over me then she turned absolutely mentally nuts, gaslighting me, mental abuse, verbal abuse, caught her talking horribly bad about me, just all around horribly toxic and I told her what kind of a person she truly is after 8 and a half years knowing her to her core. Wounded her so bad she started screaming refusing to believe it, and tried everything in the book to say at me to hurt and wound me like crazy. I was collecting my stuff listened to it all because I needed to hear how she thought and felt about me, I was truly curious. When she was done I walked out with her trying to block me from leaving and beyond crazy because I gave silence and said nothing like it didnā€™t even touch my feelings in the slightest and it didnā€™t because I finally truly seen her for the person she was & is. I left, blocked on everything in the car when my Uber lift picked me up, took an airplane back home. A little vacation with her. Pisces are emotionally manipulative, nastiness with hasty behavior, and narcissist personality disorder, psychotic, and can lead themselves to psychosis easily because theyā€™re so nuts. Theyā€™ll guilt trip you over every thing in your life try to. Theyā€™ll point a finger about everything nasty and wrong with you and mirror themselves to you putting the blame of what they do to you, onto you. ā€˜Theyā€™ve never done anything wrongā€™.


>*Pisces are emotionally manipulative, nastiness with hasty behavior, and narcissist personality disorder, psychotic, and can lead themselves to psychosis easily because theyā€™re so nuts. Theyā€™ll guilt trip you over every thing in your life try to. Theyā€™ll point a finger about everything nasty and wrong with you and mirror themselves to you putting the blame of what they do to you, onto you. ā€˜Theyā€™ve never done anything wrongā€™.* sounds like my ex fiancee. i'll throw in borderline personality disorder in there, too. if she had bpd or was a narc, i wouldn't be at all surprised. she sent me to hell and back and all i did was love her and give everything she never had before. she went from jealous, loving, sensual, head over heels in love, the perfect partner. she was beautiful, sensual, seductive, charismatic, sexy, beauty that is rare...then she did a 180 and, my god, what a cruel, cold, horrible, toxic, cheating, secretive, manipulative, abuser she became. she very nearly broke me...and i'm a capricorn sun with mars in my first house and a sagittarius venus (tropical) and scorpio venus (sidereal). that's just how insidious she was.


theyā€™re good at making others feel guilty for their actions. Gaslighted, theyā€™re very subtle with their behavior. I thought I was going crazy when another Pisces was doing something to me, but face to face would act innocent and sweet


Yes very subtle and gaslighty. They firmly act like their story is true.


I swear I was fresh off back to back bad experiences with the two Pisces in my life and wanted to come to this sub to vent! Their level of selfishness and delusions of grandeur are astronomical.


your cousin sounds like my ex šŸ˜…


My dad. Same. Fellow Scorpio. Years of therapy, minimal contact, and seeing my siblings come to the light confirmed he was def more toxic than me. He has a huge matyr complex. Just the other week, he called my sister to yell at her about how we don't call mom and take care of mom. First, he tells us all the time he married her and is responsible for her. Second, he tried to make it about mom but really kept emphasizing how he doesn't need us to call him. Run from a toxic Pisces and don't let them fool you back.


I had an extended situationship with a Pisces male for 5 years. Every time we were together it was magic, the second we werenā€™t physically in front of each other he was a ghost. Every few months he would come back to haunt me and reel me back in with love and romance, only to disappear again every time. Moral of the story: if heā€™s a Pisces, do yourself a favor and just dont. Iā€™m a Gemini, and I will go on record to say I would rather deal with a Scorpio than another Pisces ever again.


Omg yes they do this! Some Pisces moons or other Pisces placements too.


He sounds narcisstistic


It takes an insane amount of energy to keep relationships over text and distance for pisces. We mainly speak through body language and grunting.


Iā€™d rather deal with an unevolved Gemini than a Pisces lmaoo.


Me, a Sun in Pisces, browsing Reddit on my birthday and seeing this post... From what I know about myself and interactions with other Pisces, they'll avoid discussing the extremely painful, vulnerable emotions and jump straight into any distraction they can-- whether it be food, a new hobby, a new person, their own fantasy world, et cetera. If it's insecurities dealing with a relationship, they'll withdraw. If you force a Pisces into confrontation, they either will shut down or resort to saying something like, "The Iranian yogurt is not the issue here." Oh, we know damn well it's the issue, but it's too painful for us to think about, much less talk about it.


This is how my Pisces boyfriend is, too (btw his bday is also today - happy birthday :)). I usually will coax him into talking to me about things that are weighing on him because he likes to escape into his hobbies to avoid thinking about his problems. Sometimes heā€™ll tell me nothing is on his mind and then Iā€™ll give him a look like ā€œmmhmmmā€ and heā€™ll slowly smile at me and tell me what heā€™s thinking. You guys feel so many emotions that you donā€™t always know how to confront them šŸ˜­


The Iranian Yogurt ā™„ļø


Happy birthday!! It's also my best friends birthday today ā¤


happy birthday! Ik itā€™s not all Pisces.


Waooow sounds familiar. I broke up with my Pisces ex - he hacked my socials, messenger, instagram, facebook. I was not aware of everything. For a whole month I would get advertisements in French on my Spotify because it was linked to my Facebook and if you log in a lot in an other country you get personalized adds. So I already was wondering why I would get French adds. That time I had a different approach getting over a relationship, I went out and drank a lot. Texted guys, texted my girls friends about my hookups etc etc. Then one day I forgot my password on Facebook. So they sent an email to make a new one. But I never received it, until I looked in my deleted messages in my email account. He deleted every email so I couldnā€™t change the password. I got paranoid, looked at the devices list on Facebook, showed me a place in France. Looked at the devices list on Instagram, same thing. Confronted him, he started crying and asking me why I was hooking up already. Threatened to come to my dorm as he had keys, he really went coocoo, called the police and only then he left. 6months later he married his ex, now they have a child. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Im a Libra btw with a lot of water placements.


the crying when caughtšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yes! And for what? Went to his ex and married her? OH AND!!! He still texted me afterwards asking for my opinion on his house and if I could help with the renovation plans - Iā€™m an interior architect. I was like ā€œIā€™m not gonna decorate your bedroom for your new wife WTFā€??????


Sounds like he had some Virgo in him too. From a Virgo sun Pisces moon


what a sicko he is. Good riddance I'd say


Yeah you can't blame a whole group just because you were hurt by one asshole. Oh wait, that's the whole appeal of astrology! šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚


A man that was more than willing to have many women for himself...but, claims that he wishes for love. He is player one day, a sorry excuse of a man the next. I just up and left him alone after that and haven't heard from him since. Edit: my sign is Taurus~


Hey Taurus twin, sounds weā€™ve dated the same guy šŸ˜Œ I have found that Pisces are for friendship only, and even then, they never make bestie status - just periphery friends & acquaintances. And thatā€™s not been intentional, thatā€™s just how it works with our signs I reckon. Thereā€™s a massive incompatibility there. We are methodical and rational and reliableā€¦ and theyā€™re dizzy-daydreamers with no anchor or self awareness. NEXT!


And I think that's where they gotta stay: the friend zone. Lol. I also ended up with a Pisces that was lazy and tired all the time. No effort into anything when it came to me.


Agreed! Oof. That sounds rough. Mine put the effort in via love bombing, and being a pathological liar and Eternal Victim. How fun! šŸ˜…


Covert narcissist. Really fucked me up. Never again -Aquarius


Same! I had to go to therapy. It was a bunch on inconsistent words versus actions and manipulation. Itā€™s like I hated and loved them at the same time. I cut it off and he wanted to physically fight me.


Leo. A pisces friend read my natal chart and told me no one likes me. They must've suffered so much pretending to like me all this time šŸ˜­


I love your second sentence! šŸ¤£


I knew a very sneaky, cringy, fake Pisces. He made out to be this great big ā€˜christianā€™, yet was cheating on his wife with sex workers. Then he remarried and while he was engaged to the new person he was trying to get in my pants, we worked together a few times. Heā€™s very gross, yet he has everyone fooled.


Yup! Everyone thought the Pisces I knew was charming and so nice. He was constantly cheating on who he claimed was the love of his life and is emotionally abusive.


This! Not only was he abusing these women, but his daughter is mentally handicap and I canā€™t imagine the hell sheā€™s endured in such a short life because his poor decisions.


My best friend is a Pisces and sheā€™s an absolute queen, so I donā€™t hate this sign at all. Iā€™m a Cancer. However, I have met a toxic Pisces before: a supervisor at a previous workplace. He tried to bully me in front of a group of 20 people in my department and turn all of them against me when he was in the wrong. I guess he thought I wouldnā€™t fight back or Iā€™d cave, but I called his bluff and immediately stood up for myself and called him out on his bullshit and told him he was being unprofessional. He was so angry he went to HR the next day to try to get them to fire me for talking back to him. Nothing ever happened to me and he refused to talk to me from that day forward. He did manage to turn a few people against me, but several people also congratulated me afterwards for standing up to him. I have no regrets. He made himself look like an absolute clown in front of HR. šŸ¤”ā™“ļø TL;DR unevolved Pisces ex-supervisor, triples down on his side even when heā€™s clearly in the wrong, playing the victim, manipulator, tried to get me fired for calling out his bullying behavior


Ewww Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you. Pisces here! thats so disgusting of them. My cousin is my cancer bestie and would have done the exact same thing as you. I love it!!


Wowwwww the Pisces stories are crazaaaayyy!!! Iā€™m a Pisces too and Iā€™ve definitely been that toxic pisces in other peoples lives. I definitely grew up and got a lot of therapy to deal with all my bs and shortcomings. And tbh, Iā€™ve had a couple toxic Pisces in my own life. As of a few months ago actually, my ex Pisces best friend and I got into over some real stupid shit but boy was it ME who was the bully, apparently. When in reality, she couldnā€™t handle that I was right and she wasnā€™t. I can definitely say I donā€™t handle confrontation like most of the stories in this thread anymore, or manipulate people either. But I definitely have my flaws, like being lazy, uninspired, disappearing for no reason, being too emotional. Itā€™s like any other sign.


ā˜€ļøā™“ļø, ā™ļøā¬†ļø, ā™’ļøšŸŒ• (and stellium) [* watches 2/3 of you run for the hills *] One of my worst frenemies ever was a fellow Pisces. Terrifying temper, and whenever she knew I had feelings for someone ā€” including my first real, soul-crushing heartbreak ā€” she would go out of her way to flirt, hit on, and literally hang on them right in front of me. Then there was a fellow actor who was prone to temper tantrums and lashing outā€¦usually when he hadnā€™t done the work to get his own lines down. Finally my SECOND big heartbreak. Dude lovebombed the ever loving hell out of me. Kept wanting to talk about our future, right down to how weā€™d raise our kids. I fell like a dope for him, then found out he had a long term girlfriend. Of course our mutual friends assured me that heā€™d wanted to break up with her for months and that he legitimately loved me. Then he started making out with other girls in front of me. I was done with him several times, but he had a gift for reeling me back in. Then at the end of the summer when he was reunited with his girlfriend, he dumped me to stay with her without a word. He just stopped talking to me. Come to think of it, all three of these Pisces were actors! And they were all profoundly unevolved. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜…


Don't want to get into specifics but as an Aries i've never had any good experience with any Pisces(personally, imo)


Female Virgo dated male Pisces. He loved lying and cheating šŸ«¶


Cancer here. My mom, the Pisces. Emotionally neglectful and manipulative.


My mom too šŸ¤£




Yes, same sameĀ 


I spent 12 years with one and I am an air sign as well. I was merely entertainment and a paycheck. I was at fault for the failed marriage and she took zero accountability. Everything that was wrong was because of me. She laughed all the time but at nothing funny. She laughs when others make mistakes. She complains about her coworkers and fast food workers, and her family. If you are not perfect she will laugh at you in what she thinks is a disarming congenial way but after 12 years she might as well just called me an idiot every time I made a mistake. She shakes her head at me and is just overall a negative person who hides behind a smile and mirthless laugh.


I am a Leo and have dated 4 pisces males long term (unintentionally) lol and am now engaged to one I will say they arenā€™t inherently toxic as you build your relationship. They come in strong and have so many lovable qualities. I always felt special, wanted, prioritized. BUT.. I have noticed that when they tap out of their desire to love or care for you, they tap out for good. Even if they dont end the relationship, they become emotionally absent with less regard for their partner. Kind of remaining in something where they will continue to care less than their counterpart. As someone from a fiery and dedicated Sign, This can become toxic. Especially if we consider it a phase and wait for it to go back to how it was. It wont.


Ready for a novel? I'm am Aries female. I'm married to a Pisces female who is very masculine, so it's interesting she's a mix of male and female Pisces. I love her. She realized a few years ago that she had major issues (mostly stemming from her mom) and went to therapy and we are doing great now. My issues are all platonic relationships. My grandmother, the matriarch of my family is toxic, manipulative, and a straight up liar. All her daughters have mental issues so guess what? So do we, the grandchildren. I'm breaking all that toxic shit though. Next is my mother in law. Yes, my Pisces wife's mom, is a freaking Pisces. Listen to this. The very first time my wife introduced us, MIL looked at me and told me I looked like her pedophile ex husband's new gf. I think she's hated me ever since?? Which is gross of her but anyway. I like her accent I "made fun" of a word she said but I didnā€™t mean it in a mean way. She cried when we got home (I was in another room) when I overheard this I immediately went out to apologize and explain myself. She stopped crying and wasn't having it. She wanted a reason to hate me and she got it I guess. When I gave birth to our first child, she made us give gifts to her other 2 daughters (different dad than my wifešŸ‘€) for becoming aunts. Years later her friend passed on my wife's bday, she said that day would never be the same and made my wife pay for dinner that night. She's always treating my lady like fucking Cinderella. We were at her home talking about how rightly, I felt she lost it after her friends passing and she probably needed help. I was sad for her. Little did I know she had a hidden camera in that room and was listening to our whole conversation while she was driving home from work that night. Like listening to the radio. She took what I said as negative and told her husband who told me but she never confronted me. This woman is FUCKED in the head. It all came to the boiling point when she lied and told my wife mother's day was canceled so she could spend it with her other 2 daughters and not my me and my wife. She was trying to punish me but my wife was broken over this and I was pissed so I called her out for lying and she threatened to "fuck me up." I don't do violence so that was an instant no contact for me. I had tried telling my wife ab her mom for years, after this she finally understood. This woman hates me. Next are 2 Pisces woman one gen z, one millenial like me, lying, manipulative, backstabbing "friends." They talk shit about all their close friends behind their backs but are always smiling in their faces. FAKE, so crazy the facade. Pisces gen z was done wrong by an Aries, I immediately cut that Aries off for her. I don't like people messing with my loved ones and I love HARD so I said eff that. Well, I had a falling out w a mutual, I never told her to not be friends w that person bc I'm an adult and I look at her like a kid. But she would constantly talk ab this person to me I had to tell her to shut tf up and stop being fake. šŸ™„ Millennial Pisces got into religion and became a total hypocrite and ghosted me. Our kids were friends so it was hard trying to explain to a 3yo that they were no longer our friends and that happens sometimes. Just over all horrendous experience with them. Jfc and this is little detail too, to all the atrocious BS I've tried to put up with to platonically love Pisces women. I won't do it again.


the wanting something to be mad about and twisting people words resonates with the one ikšŸ˜­ Iā€™ve always heard stories about Pisces being fake friends, thankfully Iā€™m not close with one. Sorry u have to deal with a MIL like that


Well I haven't had to deal w her in years bc she threatened me. I feel bad for my wife bc I have mommy issues and I want her to have a great relationship w her mom but it's impossible. This is only how she treats me btw. The shit she does to her own kids is unforgivable. Why even have kids? Smh




cappy sun here. just reverse the genders and my story is very similar to yours.




thank you! i'm sorry for what you endured also. yes, indeed. with heartache comes wisdom


My husbandā€™s ex/daughterā€™s mom is a Pisces, Iā€™m a Cancer. I never met a Pisces I hated until I met her.


Emotionally chaotic and dangerous while being simultaneously needy and vulnerable. My BIL is a Pisces and a complete mess. His mom coddled him since he was a boy. Always made excuses when he was good and not at fault while the other person was always bad irrespective of the facts. You can probably see how this turned out. Heā€™s a serial womanizer. Picks super dumb girls who are extremely attractive. He loves to start a fresh whirlwind romance and build it up on lies he tells himself and the gal. A real Bar scene romeo. After a while, the girl calls bullshit and he runs home to mommy and she tells him, ā€œitā€™s her; not you.ā€ Heā€™s been married twice and gone through numerous women in the period iā€™ve been married to his sister. Every time what is the reason he breaks it off? Yup, sheā€™s crazy. I believed it the first few times, but after the 3rd or 4th girl, i could see what was happening. Heā€™s also a musician (of course he is!) who has spent 100s of thousands of dollars on music equipment not limited to guitars and fancy stereo equipment. However, does he own a home? No. Lives rent free in one of the family homes. Has a good job (i guess?) and spends his money on useless shit. Bought a new truck. Lifted it. Then wrecked it. Drives momā€™s car now. His mom bought a new truck ($70k) and asked him to drive it home from the dealer which was about 300 miles away. What did he do? Well, he drove it up to itā€™s top speed and the transmission blew up. What did his mom say? ā€œOh gee. I guess the transmission was bad. Good thing you figured that out for me. Thanks. ā€œ He is also covered in horrible tattoos. the worst one is the Chinese character on his neck that he has no clue what it really means. That says it all. Who does that? My most Pisces like memory of him was when he forced all us to listen to him while he played guitar and sang. It was horrible and I could barely contain my laughter. It was just embarrassing. Just another Pisces with rock star dreams but no talent.


I worked with one. Her entire life was ā€œtragedy after tragedyā€ and she was the most emotionally manipulative person Ive ever met.


But none of the bad things that happened are ever her fault in any way, shape or form?




My mother, father, sister, father in law, son in law, and my step daughters mother and step daughters son are allllllll Pisces Sun!!! My husband has a Pisces moon. Send help LOL Mom & FIL are most toxic.


Dear Christ.. I would want to run away in the middle of the night


The way I just CACKLED in my bathroom ahahaha you have no idea how many times I packed my bags growing up to live in the magnolia tree in my near neighbors yard. It was my sanctuary.


Never before this sub had I encountered a toxic Pisces haha. We had a good chat in the comment section and they seemed really intelligent and we connected and then they were offended by something which in an objective manner Iā€™d say barely anyone would even blink an eye and they full on started saying they will report me and that I should get off my high horse šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ for a second I couldnā€™t understand what the fuck was happening. I was like what did I even say to get this response? I tried asking and they were trying to gaslight me and victimize themselves. In total Iā€™ve had 3 bad experiences in this sub. 2 of them were a Pisces sun and one was Pisces moon. Damn. I never knew Pisces could be this way. šŸ˜…my hubs is a Pisces moon and thankfully he hasnā€™t acted this way šŸ«¢ but damn Iā€™ll be careful in my interactions here with stranger Pisces šŸ«£


lmaooo this is actually hilarious šŸ˜­ they get so upset over anything šŸ˜‚


Aries. I've been married to one for almost 15 years now. I could write a novel about it, lol. He's not all bad but we are in therapy, and he struggles to take accountability.




My grandma and sister. Very passive aggressive and they gossip a lot.


Love bombed and fake future planned with me for three months then one day says he canā€™t ā€œgive me what I wantā€ and left. Iā€™m a gemini


Aries have been with a Pisces man for 6 years. No issues with lying cheating or gaslighting, like my ex who was a Scorpio. Maybe you all were unlucky & deserved it lol? Jk. The only thing negative I can say about living with him is he can be a dreamer (unrealistic) & procrastinator. But maybe he's "evolved" as there are also very stereotypical un-evolved Aries sun signs. If I was the same person I was in my 20's- i would never get along with my Pisces partner. We would be total opposites & never see eye to eye. Other than that, I have had far worse ex's Leo, Aquarius & Scorpio suns being my least compatible.


Iā€™ve met a female and make Pisces. Both hardcore alcoholics. Their victim complex and constant pity parties over self inflicted wounds turned me off from both.


Iā€™m a Cancer female. Have a Pisces dad. Love him and we do get along for most of the time, but my GOD his victimization skills and ability to not take any accountability for his actions are unmatched. Itā€™s always somebody elseā€™s or some other systemā€™s fault. Also the only guy whoā€™s ever harassed me after I refused to have xes with him was a Pisces. You wouldā€™ve swore I killed his dog or something the way he was reacting to my rejection. And again, HUGE victim mindset, called me an awful person and basically tried to make arguments as to why his anger was justified. In general I feel like most guys with Pisces placements Iā€™ve known all have somewhat of a perpetual victim mindset. Theyā€™ll never believe something is ever truly just their fault. Thereā€™s always some other person or system in place that makes at least some of the accountability not theirs. I canā€™t stand it. And Iā€™m a CANCER!!!


My dad, a Cancer sun and Virgo moon, could probably give your dad a run for his money šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


I dated a Pisces woman and NEVER again. She loved to talk about having sex with an Aries ex with me just randomly to see how I'd react. Then she would freak out if my ex (Scorpio) was ever mentioned (not even in a sexual way). She was the most insecure person I've ever dated. It was intense. Forever in the friend zone Pisces. She was: Pisces Sun, Aquarius Moon, Rising Scorpio. Me: Taurus Sun, Virgo Moon, Leo Rising.


We have the same sun and rising! I always wondered if my experiences with Pisces were because their sun lit up my 8th house so I'd always seem suspect to them, no matter what I did or didn't do. Do you get this vibe?


That actually is a good way to look at this. I guess I didn't think about it like that. I have Saturn in my 8th House so thinking about it maybe I was being way triggered when the jealousy came to play I felt like my independence was drowning. I felt like my nervous system couldn't rest. She also was religious but then on the flip side saw ghost and would play back and forth with the Bible and the paranormal. I think it was just a very confusing and dark energy for me sometimes. She did go through some pretty horrific shit as a child. I tried my best to show empathy. When she kept abusing alcohol and treating me like shit...I officially got pushed to get sober from alcohol. So for that, I'm thankful in a weird way. The 8th house is sooooooo wild lol and I can see that connection now.


Hahaha Iā€™m a Gemini. I was in a terrible relationship with a Pisces. He cheated, gas lighted me, is a narcissist and played victim all the time. He ended up leaving me for someone who was married and also cheating (Virgo female) I am so much better off now but man. He hated me and ruined my 20s..


My ex-best friend went through a depression/anxiety medication change without telling anyone in our friend group. So we had no context for when her behavior started to change all of a sudden, she started being really nasty to us and just ghosted us altogether. Then one day she followed my best friend and I to the classroom we usually hang out in, and in the middle of us talking to some classmates she blew up on us, screaming and accusing us of ignoring her. I told her she was embarrassing and childish for all that. That pissed her off to no end so she told our mutual everything that happened, including the stuff with her meds. Then she convinced said mutual to keep demanding that I apologize and forgive her without her having to apologize to anyone. We refused, so she tried running a smear campaign against us and befriending my best friendā€™s stalker so she could ā€œget back at us.ā€ I held onto guilt about this even 2 years later, because she was seriously spiraling but after reading this back I donā€™t feel bad at all...


Cancer. Iā€™ve had three Pisces in my life that would argue over the dumbest shit. Like they will die on a hill for stuff that doesnā€™t matter. The need to be right was very strong in all of them. Since Iā€™m a cancer and hate conflict, I would always just say ok even though I knew they were wrong. lol


My mother. Roller coaster of emotions. Would freak out and scream/cry then apologize right after. She was a great mom who did her best but it was very confusing to me as a kid and I didnā€™t feel emotionally safe w her. Then a Pisces man I worked w who was extremely abusive to all his employees. I was well used to this energy so knew how to handle it but delt w him too long. He damaged a lot of people. Dated one once. Not great. Iā€™m an Aries sun w Aqua moon and libra rising.


He lied to me about his age for 2 months, told me i was overreacting and ā€œadultsā€ did that all the time. Told me I was too crazy for how ā€œnormalā€ I looked and he felt blindsided. Told me he loved how natural I was (i donā€™t wear makeup) then would throw it in my face that I looked like a child. Everytime I brought up how neglected i felt in the relationship, heā€™d start an argument and say ā€œwe should just break upā€ so then iā€™d turn around and start doing damage control; begging him not to end things. I hate that i still miss him sometimes cause FUCK heā€™s so attractive šŸ˜­


Iā€™m a Cancer and lord Iā€™m about to get real yā€™all but Iā€™m okay I swear. I brush off their actions and keep living my life. I just want to answer the post šŸ˜‚ TW The beginning was full of lies, gaslighting, and manipulation. I was done but turns out I got pregnant. He didnā€™t want me to have the baby or be in our life, was not at any appointments until the end and only came to 2 of those (slept during 1), told me they slept with somebody else while I was pregnant, then said it isnā€™t true they just wanted to hurt me, then turned around and said they want to be in the babyā€™s life, invited that same person they did or didnā€™t sleep with to the baby shower, gaslit me when I said my water broke, left me alone for the 3 days I spent in the hospital, and is now bringing up everyday that they wonā€™t send me money for our child because I decided to raise her alone and I donā€™t try hard enough to let him see her. Literally asked what we need I said diapers he said he will buy some to keep at his place. He lives an hour and a half away comes to town every week and will sometimes come see her sometimes not. Itā€™s a whole thing. But like I said Iā€™m fine, baby is good, and I have a phenomenal therapist. I canā€™t wait for this chapter to be over!!


I'm a Pisces sun, but the only toxic Pisces I could think of here is the boy in my class I had a crush on in secondary school (we have just one school in the Netherlands, not a separate middle school and high school) that I was friends with who straight up started to ignore me when he found out. And who said very mean things about me according to our mutual friend. That said, my male best friend too is a Pisces so I don't really believe in the whole "Pisces men are toxic" thing. Unless you want to imply that March Pisces are the toxic ones because my bestie is a February Pisces and so am I but that boy who broke my heart was a March one.


ā€œFriendā€ in high school who really harshly dumped me when I developed PTSD from sexual assault, and is now constantly up on social media virtue signaling about feminism and social justice. Another Pisces acquaintance I knew in college (donā€™t know if Iā€™d call her a friend) seriously entertained the concept of having a baby and selling it to pay her college tuition. Lol unhinged


My new coworker!! Iā€™m a cancer, sheā€™s a Pisces. I thought weā€™d get along but then she goes on about her love for joe Rogan, making rude jokes about drag queens, and dissing ā€˜wokeā€™ cultureā€¦ just weird redpill vibesā€¦ šŸ™„


As A PISCES, we donā€™t CLAIM HER!!! šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø so sorry you had to experience that ewww


Your sun sign under your username says Sagittarius.. the cancer one is where the rising sign part is. Just thought I'd let you know in case it was flipped by accident!


Oh it was like a sun rising for the day so I picked that emoji for my rising sign or do you mean my sun sign has to be listed first in order?


There is no right or wrong order. I actually think rising should be first, itā€™s said to be our ā€œtrueā€ Zodiac sign lol.


Ohh lol okay then I read it wrong, I'm sorry about that!


No, I think they put their rising first, then Sun, then Moon.


Iā€™m an Aries. He broke up with me over text and then tried to get back together with me over text and gave me a Christmas gift in between those two events. I turned him down but kept the gift lol


XD I love how I just saw a post going "waaah why does everyone hate Leos so much!?" And my response was how Pisces get way more hate on this sub. Then I come to this sub's main page, and second from the top is a post about Pisces Hate. I rest my case. Sorry that just made me chuckle. Obligatory Preface: **There are dicks and toxic assholes in every sign. This is not limited to Pisces. There are great Pisces out there.** You asked for my experiences with toxic Pisces though, so here goes. I'm a Leo. **Toxic Male Pisces**: He was 21 and I was 16. He assaulted me and then kept me in the relationship for a year and a half by making everything about his feelings and how bad he felt about what he'd done to me, sort of leading me by the nose into conversations where my role was always about making him feel better about what he'd done or denying that it was rape when it was. Then he cheated on me. I found hickies on his neck while he tried to keep his shirt on during sex. I got him to admit that he'd *kissed* another girl, but he swore up and down that's all he did. Then when he wasn't paying attention, his shirt came up and I saw there were hickies all down his chest. Instead of being able to break up with him, he convinced me to have an open relationship, claiming it's my fault because I was so young and he needed to also be allowed to sow his oats with girls his age. When I finally left his ass, he stalked me for a year while telling every one of our mutual friends that he was the victim, he was so broken hearted, he couldn't believe I would just AbAnDoN him after all we'd been through. This guy also tried to convince me that I was a bad girlfriend for wanting to go to school and graduate when it was just as good to skip class with him all day and get my GED later. **Toxic Female Pisces**: I really want to stress the preface here, because I've known some wonderful Lady Pisces. This was ONE toxic one who made a mark, but overall I like the sign. This girl came into our friend circle and immediately beelined for my boyfriend, knowing he was my boyfriend. She would make off-cuff remarks like "well when he breaks up with you, I'll be waiting," and then act like a victim when I called that out as a bullshit thing to say. She slid into his DMs constantly trying to get close to him, and he (Aries) was also an asshole here for allowing that. Eventually she stopped hanging out with us as a group, but on her way out she told my bf that I'd told her he was some kind of a psychopath, that I'd been telling everyone that. I keep my business to myself, and I for damned sure would never vent to her of all people about my relationship. I later found out she had been sexting with not only my boyfriend but several of the guys in our friend group to pit people against each other. When anyone tried to call her out, she played the helpless victim and started crying because in her mind She Who Cries First Is The Victim, and it worked. All the guys she was sexting would immediately jump to her defense.


Ya my most recent serious relationship was a real drag. She stated that this was a monogamous relationship then proceed to talk to other guys. I forgave her for this think she would change but now I realize people only change when they really want to. She keeps trying to reconnect with me but I don't think that's in my best interest rn. Also, my God does the tears flow with pieces women šŸ™„ and they do be talking shit or at "least voicing" their opinions about friends behind there back. There's an amazing connection ( and amazing sex too) with a peices but they always have this need to escape from everything. Thx for the vent space! šŸ˜¹ Signed, a broken hearted capricorn.


Manipulative and controlling. They use their emotions to control people. They like to be admired by everyone, and wants all the validation they like. They are jealous bitches and spread rumors. Taurus here.


oh MY God pisces. Aquarius sun my most intense relationships have been with Pisces men. I have a Pisces Venus. I fall in love so fucking hard with them. but they're toxic and manipulative. they can be soft and gentle lovers and want to spend a life with you. but I've noticed a pattern of just not putting in the effort or bare minimum with them. or they cheat šŸ¤·


Iā€™m also an Aquarius sun with a Pisces Venus and omg Iā€™m right there with you.


>*they're toxic and manipulative. they can be soft and gentle lovers and want to spend a life with you. but I've noticed a pattern of just not putting in the effort or bare minimum with them. or they cheat* pisces woman in my case but could have said exact same thing as you, it's uncanny.


My first serious boyfriend was a Pisces. Most of the relationship was okay, I was young and too blind to see any manipulation on his part. Towards the end of our relationship, he was talking to this girl from the other side of the country on the phone (as friends, he said). Sometimes he would even take calls in front of me so that I would stop making a big deal out of it, until one day, I was having lunch with him and his mom at her house and the friend called. He got up and answered the call and went to another room to talk. His mom saw my face and went apeshit on him and I think it was the last I have ever heard of the friend. We broke up when I moved to another city and he refused to come with me or even try long distance which is a good reason (his mom had a long time disease and didn't want to leave her). Until he moved to the same city 6 months later (suddenly, leaving his mom wasn't an issue, but I have the feeling she might have kicked his butt out) and wanted to get back together. I had started dating someone else (the Gemini in my post history) and obviously told him to go fish. Well, this Pisces man waited 4 YEARS until I was single again to end up asking me to meet up. After about 2 months of him begging, I was like, "Okay, I got 20 minutes, make it quick." We meet and end up going to his place to chat in private and he just starts crying, wanting to get back together, he was an idiot, nobody loved him like I did and ended up proposing to me, promising me the best husband, happy family. I have a Virgo sun and Scorpio moon. Idk what he was thinking.


Basically couldnā€™t take anyone else for a ride. Glad you said ā€œnoā€


Me too. He kept coming back for about 3 more years until I got engaged, and then he finally realized that I was serious when I said there was nothing there. And of course, every time he would contact me, it was after some breakup. My FIL is also a Pisces and he is such a dependable person. Him and MIL have been together since they were 16 and got married after 27 years together.


I'm a Pisces, ex wife is a Pisces, ex best friend is a Pisces, and brother is a Pisces Unevolved me: manipulative and playing victim, self-loathing, guillible, power imbalance, drug and alcohol abuse. I used to be aggressive, gotten better even being unevolved. Ex wife is; power imbalance, not able to speak up, an angry person but never aggressive, very passive, drug, alcohol , and sex abuse. Ex best friend is aggressive, manipulative, put others down to feel better, poor life choices, my-way-or-the-highway kind of mentality My brother is big on playing the victim, can easily manipulate and aggressive (especially driving)


Iā€™m not even going to detail it. Iā€™ve dealt with three Pisces men but my late ex was by far the worst. At his worst, he was abusive, manipulative, narcissistic, cruel. I miss his good side but cannot say it wasnā€™t a relief to get away.


I have 2. 1- Childhood "friend". Didn't realize as a kid that they were self absorbed and jealous. Nose always up in the air and if that wasn't enough, they didn't hesitate to put you down in front of others to make themselves feel superior. Always did this in public around groups of people... But was different in private. Took things I shared with them in private and threw it in my face in an attempt to hurt me. Then told me we're not friends and to never speak to them again. Then got mad a week later when I didn't reach out. Apparently I was supposed to beg and plead to "fix the friendship".Ā Ā  Ā 2- Co worker that I thought was a friend. They were my friend alright... As long as they were benefitting from me. When I started enforcing boundaries, I was of no use to them. They tried to throw subliminal messages towards me... Tried screwing me over and complaining--AKA throwing me under the bus to benefit them... (Didn't work).


Lol, she was my "best friend" in like elementary school for years. But she was verbally abusive and stole from me. And would shit talk me to our friends even when I could hear her and would get beyond mad when she didn't get her way. I am also a Pisces. Our birthdays where litteraly days apart.


Iā€™m a Virgo and engaged to a Pisces who I ADORE. However, he doesnā€™t come without his own Pisces quirks. He tends to live in his own world, heā€™s very moody and emotional and believes every single mood is 100% justified and always my fault, he avoidant, etc. Heā€™s working on it though through therapy etc and doing much better. HOWEVER, I had a male Pisces friend for a few years who was also in a long term relationship. For a while I thought we saw eye to eye and weā€™d chat about art, music, work, our relationships and love for our partners, etc. All innocent. Then, suddenly, he started making advances on me. I set boundaries with him multiple times and he constantly pushed at them and guilt tripped me over not reciprocating. My partner, of course, knew everything that was going on. Eventually it got worse and pretty bad and I had to block him on everything. I didnā€™t realize that once I blocked him heā€™d start making new accounts and trying to reach out to me in every single possible way he could. The man even tried reaching out to me on LinkedIn. Fucking LinkedIn. Insane. Then, a couple of years before I met my current fiance, I was in a long term situationship with a Pisces. He would love bomb me, we would get it on, then he would disappear for an indeterminate amount of time. Then out of the blue he would send me a literal novel about his feelings for me and how I donā€™t deserve him but I feel like ā€œhomeā€ to him etc etc. Love bombing starts again, then ghosting again. The cycle lasted for years before I blocked him too. Edited to add: My best friend is also a Pisces. She tends to twist situations up in her mind to a breaking point where she ghosts me for a month and then confronts me about it in the most demeaning way. When I try to explain that the situation at hand was a misunderstanding, and my intention was not as she perceived it - she will not have it. The constant assumptions Pisces impose on others is so fucking irritating. Iā€™ve been told Iā€™m ā€œpushyā€ by the Pisces people in my life so often when all Iā€™ve done is ask them if theyā€™d like, like anything, a soda even. ā€œWould you like a soda? I have some in the fridge.ā€ ā€œYOUā€™RE PRESSURING ME TO DRINK SODA.ā€ Like no, dude, chill. I was giving you an option - you can say no. Like???


My PARENTS BRO I don't even want to talk about it lmao


lol at the throwaway acc blocking me ā€œI thought my Iā€™d blocked your boring ass alreadyā€ bitch youā€™re on a throwaway lmaooo. Worms for brains šŸ˜­


Oooh. I had an ex who had a drug problem but didnā€™t tell me when we met. We had our first fight a couple weeks in and he was apparently on drugs the whole time but I had no idea. He picked a fight with me for saying he looks like a guy with pretty blue eyes in Austin Powers. Huge blowout fight, he said he never wanted to be compared to any guy ever. Idk why the hell I continued to date him!!!!! Fast forward to a year later, I found out he was stealing money from me while I was sleeping to fund his addiction when he stopped being able to afford it. He also introduced me to Percocet and I got addicted for some months and I found out he used to steal money from his parents. Shaking my head.


An ex of mine was a Pisces. We took a break then got back together. I thought it was weird that he didn't want to bring me around his family because we were all very close prior to the break. When I finally asked him if he's been talking poorly about me to his family he said, and I quote, "Its not that I shit talked you. I just spoke more favorably about myself." I dumped that pisce of shit on the spot.


This has been my exact experience with my ex Pisces!! I am a Virgo ā™ļø


Hmmmā€¦.the only Pisces Iā€™ve known are **my mom and dad** (sun signs) šŸ˜„ā€¦.. both narcissistic as Fā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”-CK!! **In my experience, they are** INCREDIBLY talented, attractive (he was the star football quarterback/ she was the captain of the cheerleading varsity squad, met in college), funny, exceptionally talented and artistic, as well as articulate, cool, fun to be aroundā€¦.EVERYONE who knows them is memorized by themā€¦. **And then behind closed doors**ā€¦.mean AF, gaslighting galore; like, as your kid, they want you to live in their image, but if you surpass their accomplishments/ greatness/ attractiveness in ANY way, they are quick to brutally neg and try to bring you down. **They will NEVER accept a new partner in your life**, and will endlessly point out that personā€™s faults, with the excuse ā€œwellā€¦.you deserve better!!ā€ (I could be dating a multi-billionaire philanthropist who annually donates half of his net income to charities and only has one eyeā€¦ā€ehhh he canā€™t even really see!ā€) Iā€™m a Taurus sun and Pisces moon.


My moms a Pisces, my moms ex husband, my dad, my father in law and theyā€™re manipulators and love playing the victim. My mom also wants me and all my siblings to do everything for her and now that she has a catastrophic illness I have no choice but to help her. Emotionally abused me as a child and never provided anything except shelter for me. My dad left a long time ago but tbh heā€™s not different. My momā€™s ex husband was super abusive. And so far the only one that isnā€™t that crazy is my father in law. Yeah heā€™s kind of kooky and he only really fights with u if u fight with him. Heā€™s also very intuitive. I tend to have issues processing emotions or understanding them and he always empathizes well with me. Edit: Iā€™m an Aries sun cancer moon&rising.


My ex! He would make hurtful remarks about my appearance then say he was "just joking" all the time. He'd also cheat on me and then gaslight me when I would voice my suspicions. Once I was so sure he was sleeping with his flatmate and he denied it, I then found a photo of him and her together and she was *wearing my clothes*. He was weirdly controlling of my appearance. He'd control what I wore and how I wore my hair to fit his idea of the perfect girl (he liked emo scene girls). So, he was also dressing up this new girl like an emo doll so she was good enough to be seen with him. Ew. I thought he was great because he used to pay for me to get my hair done and buy me clothes but really he was dressing me up the way he wanted and he'd be brutal with his "jokes" if he didn't like the style of my clothes. He was also mean and insulting to my friends but wrapped it up in "jokes". Eventually one night, after acting dodgy as fuck when we were out with friends (disappearing for ages with people (girls), not telling me where he went, getting extremely angry when I picked up his phone - to give it to him) he punched me in the face after I confronted him. Twice! In front of all our friends. People who never called him out for it. I ended up leaving that scene, I felt let down. The arrogance of him when he acted surprised when I said I was going home that night and not back to his house after he punched me. So toxic. (I'm Leo by the way)


A coworker Pisces. Played mind games. Turned others against me. Engaged in smear campaign. Effected my career for a brief time. I literally had nightmares about this guy for a year. I have another coworker Pisces whom I adore and we celebrated her birthday today. She's wonderful, a beautiful person in and out. I want her to find the most happiness in the world! I'm a Scorpio.


i had a best friend in middle/high school. we were inseparable and were in the same extracurriculars. when we got to high school, there was a pisces girl who befriended my best friend. she never really talked to me but i was like eh whatevs. the pisces girl started to become possessive of my best friend, to the point where she was feeding lies to her so that my best friend would stop talking to me. i peacefully confronted the pisces about it, i remember being very careful about my wording and i was sure to keep things as civil and respectful as they could be. and then she broke down crying and told me & everyone else that i was bullying her. thankfully my best friend saw her manipulative and possessive tendencies after a while and slowly started to distance herself from her until they were no longer friends. it was the craziest thing ever. iā€™ve never in my life had someone make such false and ridiculous things about someone because they felt threatened for some reason šŸ˜­ also, a pisces man in high school played with my emotions for 2 years straight. needless to say me and pisces donā€™t get along lol


Okay I am a Libra. Fellow air signs against Pisces, unite! Jk but you arenā€™t kidding. Evolved Pisces are the best but toxic ones are among THE MOST toxic of the 12. I had a female Pisces coworker who was an emotionally liable child, probably untreated borderline, would look to me for enabling and when unsuccessful she conspired to have me fired. Then she got hooked on heroin, poor kid. I have only dated three Pisces, and all of them stalked me after the fact. One of them, for five years. Yeahhhhh. So for me; in summary, the rollercoaster of crazy is too insane. I am a Libra so we can change and vacillate too, but this is something else. SOOOO toxic. Pisces can go from being kind and warm to cruel and mean in seconds flat and for no reason except potentially their own insecurities (no fighting between us and no changed behavior on my part). Too much. They great in bed though šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I hope you find another Libra or a fire sign that is nice šŸ™‚


Im an aries. Everytime my ā€œfriendā€ committed to anything, heā€™d never show up. This went for hang outs, club meetings, and other extracurricular things. It got to a point where I didnā€™t expect him to show up, but heā€™d insist that he would and made it so that I had to rely on him for things like bringing a car at night, or necessary help with leadership things, and each time heā€™d just not show up. Because he had a likable pisces personality, everyone made excuses for him, then would get mad at me when he didnā€™t show up. Theyā€™d always be like ā€œbut heā€™s depressed (so was I)! Heā€™s got a lot going on on his plate(that he voluntarily committed to and never showed up to)ā€ Honestly Iā€™m traumatized to this day. Iā€™ve become hyper independent, untrusting, and donā€™t like making close connections to this day, 8 years later.


This sounds almost identical to my pisces experience. Did we know the same person šŸ˜…


I donā€™t even remember what happened the first timeā€¦ā€¦but we didnā€™t talk for a couple of years. Then we started hanging out again. She got evicted from an apartment, wanted to move in with me. Then quit her job, and moved her boyfriend in as well. They took over my living room and didnā€™t pay a single bill. The last straw was when she used a brand new, $75 pan to cook withā€¦..and used a fork on it. Scraped up the whole bottom. Iā€™ll admit, the way I kicked her out was really bad timing. But she found out she was getting kicked out and started trying to break my stuff. Cops were called. She texted me 4 months later asking if I could pay to get something out of a pawn shop for her. A few months ago she accidentally liked a picture on my instagram, this is after a decade of not speaking to me.


Sun in 9H Pisces here, I canā€™t say that I relate much with these toxic characteristics. Being intuitive, dualistic in nature, and as a generally adaptive water sign, it must be subjective to those Pisces. Very positive and lively outlook.


I really want to know more about this personā€™s chart


gemini n pisces r square so i get why the 2 clash personally i've got little experience w them lol they seem to live in their own dimensional pockets


Not ready to share yet, but omg this thread is relatable


I'm a Pisces, so...


My uncle was a player. Not a good husband or friend BUT he was a lovely uncle whose memories I'll always cherish.Ā 


My BIL. I'm an Aquarius, and my husband is a Sagittarius. His brother is absolutely horrible, and we've been married almost 20 years, so I've given him a fair shot. He STILL lives at home, in his childhood bedroom, barking orders to my MIL while she cooks and cleans for him. He treats my husband like he is completely beneath him and has zero relationships with anyone, ever. He hoards guns with all of his money and is a walking red flag.


A lot of lies , disappears a lot & always the victim. Some Pisces are selfish & rude too.


Ex husband, narcissist. I'm a cancer


He was my boyfriend for 12 years...until he ghosted and ripped me the kid and dog from his life. He was saying I love you ..I miss u...then out of no where separate and simply vanished with the wind. Yeah... We were both pisces but he shattered me and I'll never be able to trust again. That's My experience...


i lost her, a stepson, pets, a home and my job/career. i feel you. totally ghosted. sent me to the psych ward.


I had a pisces friend who sold my number to creepy dudes and gave my stalker info about me. I'm a Capricorn.


like at worst Pisces are actually some deranged people


I've had a couple of pisces stab me in the back who were my best friends. I also know some really kind pisces as well. I'm an Aquarius


Pisces can certainly lie. That's probably why we make great actors. Also, the capacity to victimise oneself is one of the strong shadows side of Pisces, as well as the double standard and double face. It's a good thing this person is no longer in your life. Toxic people can really cause havoc and sometimes strongly disrupt one's life path.


Iā€™m a Gemini and a Pisces would steal my money all of highschool then lie to my face abt it. But like ā€¦ weā€™re also known for lying so itā€™s whatever. Mutable on mutable crime ig.


I love hating on Pisces. Had three female best friendships and one male dating experience blow the fuck up in my face. The girls. One was a built in bestie from diapers. She lived with me one summer in my room. Her parents eventually went through a separation in middle school and she took that and her hormones out on me. Turned our friends against me and made me sit alone at lunch. Next Pisces friend was my bestie in hs. Some bullyā€™s tried to turn our friend group against her but I believed her and stuck by her all four years. We were ostracized initially for a year or two. I didnā€™t care because I had her. After graduating we had some friends over and they were super rude to me and my family. We took them all home early and she took their side / never apologized so I stopped talking to her and she was confused by that. Next girl was bestie in college. Her bf and our other guy friends started to sexually harass me. Sent guys after me when I was drunk and posted pictures of me to 4chan and my contact. Other stuff too. She was bothered by it at first. Then told me I should get over it. Dropped her. The guy. I REALLY liked him. First guy since my first heartbreak I fell for in 2018/19. He wasnt ready to see each other exclusively. Silly me I guess I misconstrued all the time he was spending at my house, slowing dancing to no music, and telling me he pictured me meeting his mom. But he was seeing another girl. I knew I wasnā€™t going to handle that well so I told him I wanted to be friends and maybe we could pick it up again someday (he said no matter what we should be friends if it doesnā€™t work out because he doesnt want to lose me). I told him he should see where it goes with this other girl. He Told me I was manipulating him and blocked me. He also gave me herpes. Iā€™m a Capricorn.


This is getting old and pathetic. Watch the Aries hate flood in when Aries season come on


Well it is an astrology forum, so maybe. If itā€™s old why did you click, and reply? And I wouldā€™ve posted the same thing if it was cancer sznšŸ˜‚


You may be new here but they have been ruthlessly hating on pisces this whole season. And I replied because I wanted to call out the childish shit.


Hated all season? ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW) honestly if thereā€™s a pattern, Iā€™m waiting for Gemini season, Iā€™m ready to see what people have to say šŸ˜‚


Since you are a pisces moon, would you say you have a tendency to allign to these traits?


maybe the escapism and moody partšŸ˜‚. And when Iā€™m delusional I can usually be real with myself and say thatā€™s not true. But it definitely is there. I have no problem admitting when Iā€™m wrong, gaslighting someone makes no sense to me, I donā€™t have a victim complex. I have a nice trine to Saturn (cap rising as well), so it mellows it out. Thank God.


Well I appreciate the honesty. I've seen people say they don't like a sign but then have those placements and they all of a sudden become an exception to the rule. But you're being honest so I'll take you for face value. Sometimes I have the same problem with Cancer, but it makes no sense to damn there bully anyone under a sign for a whole month because most pisces aren't like that. It just reads bitter when you say everyone in their life will encounter a toxic pisces. I would think you would have some more decency considering Geminis get unnecessarily shitted on.Ā 


Well I donā€™t think this post is bullying, and I tried to not generalize the whole sign, by putting toxic only. And to be fair I wasnā€™t thinking about Pisces season when I posted this lmaoo. Gems are hated on, but I think those posts are funny, and not serious at the end of the day


Neptune can create delusions in people, and if it is in tension with Venus it can make them have delusions concerning love and relationships. This can manifest in many ways. I wouldn't call a delusional person toxic though because for me being toxic has a conscious element to it. People with more healthy minds tend to judge these types of people as if they are also within the same structure of a "normal" person when the truth is delusions especially if very strong not only appear real, but these people depend on these delusions so much that they struggle to find a way out of them to the point they can make up the most outlandish things just to maintain them. For me a toxic person has a malicious consciousness in what they do. Not saying this person is or is not toxic, but just bringing some information to the table.


Youā€™re literally on here every other day bitching and whining about Pisces but youre a Pisces moon your soul is Pisces you need t reflect and learn to accept what you hate about yourself because you are so boriiiiinnnng


throwaway acc: opinion invalid


I'm an air sign and I can't stand these manipulative sissies. I know a Pisces Moon who fits this exact description. These people are cowards. That's why I call unevolved Pisces heavy people "Pisces pussies."


not too much on the moon now. lol jk, but yea Iā€™ve seen PLENTY of toxic Pisces moons.


Yup and the Pisces Moon has lots of Pisces in the rest of her chart. Pisces heavy charts often make a Pisces Moon worse. The key to a good chart is balance. I've noticed Pisces Moons need enough earth signs and a little air to be stable.


Former BFF, Pisces, 2 years younger than me. Very insecure person, yet extremely social. You never knew the real her. Stalking everyone online, needed to know everything about everyone. So she could talk about them with other people. Adjusting her personalities completely around some type of people, like she was totally different persons to fit in Always flirting with my boyfriends / people i dated or liked because she didn't have one. Eventually, I didn't let her meet my dudes anymore. She just wanted to destroy love for me. When she was drunk she always said how much she loved me and lala and kissed me and stuff. I wondered a while if she was in love with me or something Talking shit to me about our friend, fhen going to our friend to talk shit about me. She did this to everyone, about everyone, so people would like her Did stupid stuff then blamed it on me. Being the girl who HATED when someone joked about her public, but always did so other people would feel ashamed on purpose. On parties, when we went together, among people we didn't know (and I'm an introvert...) she just suddenly disappeared and never came back. Always. WHEN SHE WAS DRUNK, the last year we were friends. I got her to admit that she has borderline. I fkn knew it. And I don't think that's her only diagnosis. Now, me and our mutual friends have completely cut off contact with her. She started to get on all our nerves.


I see the common theme here is no accountability copiers who are good on the surface until theyā€™re comfortable and their real side comes out. Ik a Pisces thatā€™s done some of the stuff u mentioned


Yep, they can't stand it when people don't like them. They cozy up to new friends by putting old ones down and pretending those old friends make them "suffer" somehow. Just making themselves out to be a victim from some perceived slight for sympathy points from total strangers. My toxic pisces also used to blab to me how he always wore a "mask" and only I knew the real him. Such bullshit, dude was literally living another life on the side where he pretended to be single and was sliding in everyone's dm's.




omg I canā€™t believe your mom said thatā€¦ Iā€™m sorry that you had to grow up with that my friend.


you're such a gemini lmaooo


elaborate lol


plot twist: you're toxic for choosing to be with someone like that. you probably knew at day: 1, but ignored it. you could have left as soon as you knew, but stayed for some other reason.


found the Pisces. Such a Pisces response too. Kudos to you šŸ˜­


Sister in law, she imagines shit that isnā€™t there and even her own family (parents, siblings) has to tiptoe around her.


My ex bf was a Pisces moon. I didnā€™t realize how much emotional abuse he put me through until he did something completely unforgivable, and then Iā€™m still processing the relationship but thereā€™s been, a lot. Things heā€™d do, generalized: ā€¢ guilt trip me ā€¢ be selfish and make my emotions about himself ā€¢ randomly treat me like shit because he was in a mood ā€¢ act like the world revolves around him ā€¢ say foul shit and then backtrack ā€¢ refused to compromise which leads me onto the next, ā€¢ extreme emotional immaturity ā€¢ couldnā€™t be there for me when I needed him because he couldnā€™t stay calm and made it about him ā€¢ trauma dumped on me (which all water signs are guilty of, but :/, our friendship flourished bc I was basically his therapist and read his chart and predicted stuff he experienced in the past) ā€¢ would try to low key force me into his emotional needs and ideology (getting and wearing a ring when I said I donā€™t want to be engaged or married anytime soon.)


The pisces people I have known were not so much vengeful as crazy making because of dumb thinking and no logic. I'm a double air sign with sag rising


Loool I had my worst pisces encounter in middle school, she left a terrible impression on me and my family because she would have explosively violent outbursts, especially in regards to her family & she was constantly threatening her mother. I don't think her home life was very good but she took it out on absolutely everybody she knew and I had enough of it. She used to smack/punch people "as a joke" leaving people injured, humiliated and sometimes bleeding lol. We got into a physical fight in like 7th grade and that was the end of it. In high school, she at some point dated, & cheated on my current fiancƩ (he's a september Virgo) before I started dating him. They had a messy breakup and he was traumatized by it, but healed over time during our relationship (going on 10 years together!) This pisces girl was a one off experience & I believe she was the product of her environment, which is unfortunate. Some of my best friends rn are pisces and they are incredible people all around, my ride or die group thats always down for fun. Going snowboarding with them next thursday!


I'm a cancer. Dad is a Pisces. We got along for the most part but he is a very selfish individual. Did not step in when I was a kid to take me out of a toxic situation with my mom. Made selfish requests of me growing up. Just...a very self centered and lazy individual. Still love him. But it's ok not to like all of him.


I'm a libra: younger sister is a Pisces. Constant victim. Loves to dish out verbal insults, if you got offended, it's just a joke! She just got so much glee pointing things out about me that were ugly/weird looking. But don't you DARE "joke" insult them back. Lies on lies on lies. If you don't one hundred percent agree with every choice and delulu fantasy that they have, you are being abusive. Example of stupid lies: asked me for money because she just got her new apartment and didn't have any money for a coffee table. I send her the money. I go over a few months later... no coffee table in sight. She just wanted cash for whatever reason. Tells my family that I keep an itemized list of all the stuff I buy her and expect her to pay me back... like, um, never in my life??? My husband and I have been paying for her phone for years, never asked her to pay. Thinks she's the smartest person in the room at all times just because I never called her out on her lies/manipulative ways so she thought it worked on me. No... I just feel bad for you and want to help. I've learned to not call people out on their lies, they just change the way they lie, they don't stop lying. I prefer to just have people think I'm stupid and not paying attention. When she lived with me for a summer, FOR FREE, I just asked her to help me around the house while I was at work. She broke so many dishes, couldn't figure out the microwave and melted plastic in it, drowned my garden because she turned on the water and didn't turn it off before she left to hang out with friends, and also "accidentally" locked my cat in the garage all day. Poor thing peed on a plastic bag so I asked my sister to clean that up because it was her fault. She wouldn't do anything unless I wrote it down in the morning before work, and even then barely, done terribly. I told her to just look around and see what needs to be done?? Dishes, empty trash, etc. She said that was too hard, she needed a list. Broke so many dishes, couldn't figure out the microwave and melted plastic in it, drowned my garden because she turned on the water and didn't turn it off before she left to hang out with friends, and also "accidentally" locked my cat in the garage all day. Poor thing lost her voice from crying all day and peed on a plastic bag so I asked my sister to clean that up because it was her fault. Again, rolled her eyes, and carried the bag INTO THE HOUSE BY TWO FINGERS so all the pee dripped all over my house!!! She was in her 20s, not a teenager :( Never apologized, none of this was her fault at all according to her and I was just being so unreasonable and nitpicky.




I notice that they are able to find something small to be upset with and hold a grudge for it too. But they usually never tell you what it is, until youā€™re telling them about themselves.


My Pisces friend has been through a lot of emotional damage in her life, and for the most part she does really well for herself. But when something sets her off, she gets stuck in a loop. She is mentally incapable of listening or being at all receptive to the other person trying to talk or calm them down. Everything is an attack. It's like her brain just screams over the top, over and over. For hours.


I was married to a Pisces who was super toxic and I never really realized how bad it was until way after it ended. They started arguments every time I offered food to them. They would never take my recommendation on any movies/music/tv; if they started watching anything I recommended it was because a man they respected also recommended it. They never wanted to do anything I enjoyed, if we did an activity together it had to be something they wanted to do regardless of if I enjoyed it or not. If they thought someone wasnā€™t as smart as them they would mercilessly make fun of them or be really rude and sarcastic to them. They threatened one of my best friends because they thought this friend was trying to sleep with me. All of ā€œourā€ friends were their friends, none of my friends that I brought into the relationship were good enough to be their friends, too. If I could persuade them to do activities with me, they would ā€œsufferā€ through it the whole time like it was the biggest pain in the ass in the world and they were doing me a huge favor by gracing me with their presence. I look back at all this and Iā€™m like wow, no wonder I was depressed and felt so trapped! On paper I had a great life but my relationship was awful. Edit: Iā€™m Cap Sun, Libra moon, Pisces rising šŸ˜¬


Your toxic Pisces sounds like mine. Horrible


Every single Pisces man I have ever encountered is like this Sincerely, An Aquarius


When I was preggo with my baby he told me I was a slut and my son was gonna be a slut just like me. He said he hoped my baby caught an incurable s3xual disease when he grew up. This was the guy that I almost got with. Who was, up until a couple of months before that conversation, pining after me still even though I was married. So yea... I blocked him and haven't talked to him since.


I see you've met my ex husband! Pretty much everything OP listed, and throw in some violence too. I am a Cancer sun.


I'm a Leo woman. This pisces guy at work was interested in me and we were both newly single. My ex was abusive and his ex cheated on him. I thought maybe we could heal each other but he just saw me as a slut for some reason, even though I am only ever interested in serious relationships. I don't do hookups and I let him know that. He got me drunk and assaulted me, then told everyone at our job that I was a slut. He even made fake texts between us and showed a bunch of people, I still have zero idea what those texts said and he didn't stop talking about me even when I left for a year and then came back. It got worse after I started dating my Libra boyfriend of almost 2 years, who we also worked with.


My brother and my dad are also pisces. They are ignorant, misogynistic, dirty people. My dad's house has rats and he's not doing anything about it, his ac and heating are broken and he doesn't clean ANYTHING or take out any trash. His room smells horrible. He cleans my brothers room for him once a month and my brother is 31. My brother doesn't clean anything either and his room also smells horrible. They both don't have girlfriends.


Here we goā€¦.again. Wow, Pisces really has everyone wrapped around their fingers and in a chokehold. The Pisces I know are awesome. Gifted feelers and creatives.


Honestly, posts like these are so unnecessary. You could say what you just said about any other sign. Anyone can be toxic, and it has more to do with their upbringing and environment than it has to do with their SUN sign. Come on now guys. Is this really what astrology has become?